Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and th... more Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets @IELTS.Council
Testing Importance of testing Everyone is somehow involved in testing How well or how much ... more Testing Importance of testing Everyone is somehow involved in testing How well or how much students have learned , to find out about students' levels When we have no tests it means we have no standards To make decisions on the tests, to go to next level of education The conceptual preliminaries 1) Assessment: is an ongoing process that encompasses a wide range of methodological techniques 2) Tests are subset of assessment, a genre of assessment techniques. They are prepared administrative procedures that occur at identifiable times in a curriculum when learners muster all their faculties to offer peak performance, knowing that their responses are being measured and evaluated a test is a method of measuring a persons' ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain.
If the teacher is a facilitator or consultant, the teacher doesn't control the class, rather mana... more If the teacher is a facilitator or consultant, the teacher doesn't control the class, rather manages the class, the teacher doesn't make all the decision about content, activity, about interaction patterns, about the sources rather negotiate with learners give them advice, based on interest and the needs of the learners and their ideas, decides actually the teacher co-decide along the learners about the course design, and material and whatever, and sometimes in this role if the teacher is facilitator or consultant, the teacher asks the students to suggest materials and to bring materials and books for the class and this is the role that ESP teacher might play in ESP class, so in ESP class sometimes teachers are provider of information and control the class, making goal decisions about activities about content, about grouping patterns, and sometimes ESP teachers plays the role of facilitator or consultant and are managers negotiators, do not make all decisions and involve learners in decision making and this is when the language teacher has no or limited knowledge of subject matter, about the scientific course he or she is teaching, so the teachers feel an equal with the learners and teachers need the scientific advice of the learners, and playing this role is kind of difficult for an inexperience and novice teacher because wouldn't feel secure in the class, if the teacher doesn't make all the decisions, has to change with the learners all the time, has to learn from the learners, so the role of ESP teacher as consultant is not kind of easy and secure for inexperience teachers, the question is which role should the ESP teacher play in the ESP class? The provider of information or the consultant? The answer is the teacher sometimes can play the extreme role of providing information that's good when the teacher has information about the language or skills or subject matter, when he or she can be provider of input provider of information, and some of other times the teacher of ESP class plays the role of facilitator or consultant, so the teacher role in ESP class, move along the continuum at the
What is discussed under this heading needs analysis is that needs analysis is not unique to ESP c... more What is discussed under this heading needs analysis is that needs analysis is not unique to ESP courses, we have needs analysis in all language teaching courses and language assessment courses even. What makes it unique in ESP is the point that needs analysis is the corner stone of ESP. The initial definitions for needs analysis came into being started to come into existence in 1960s and 1970s in a group of ELT teachers for the first time who were assigned to teach ESP students in different science disciplines. Ok, they were language teachers, they had knowledge and grammar of vocabulary, general knowledge and grammar of vocabulary but when it came to teach English to science students, they didn't know what to teach and how to teach. They had little knowledge of what and how to teach ESP. So, they started collecting data regarding the needs of their science ESP learners. The most complete work for needs analysis is Mumby's model 1978. His model of needs analysis is the most complete model of needs analysis proposed so far. It is called communicative syllabus design, in his model, Mumby discusses a set of language functions and language syllabus design. There are some criticisms raised against his model. In his model in spite of the fact he discusses functions and situations, he doesn't discuss how these functions and situations should be prioritized and he doesn't pay any attention or any focus on learners' effective emotional factors. When beginner ESP teachers want to start the process of needs analysis, it would be very good idea to review the related literature before going to the learners before going to the colleagues in order to start the process of needs analysis. Reviewing the literature is a privilege here because as discussed on page 123, there are four actually points and four benefits to such literature review before starting the process of needs analysis. As indicated by four bullets when we review the literature we can understand the ideas and experiences of others and we would know what to ask, the second bullet says this way we wouldn't waste our clients' or student's time by asking irrelevant questions, the thirds one says we would appear more professional if we have knowledge of literature and then start the process of needs analysis and the fourth bullet says if we review the literature before starting the needs analysis process we would know how to analyze the data and what to do with the data actually. The point is, it doesn't …….. just to go and collect the data from our learner's about their needs from our colleagues about their students' needs, the other as important thing is to know what to do with the data to know how to analyze the data, to know what to exactly look for in the data. What is meant by needs? As discussed under this heading, needs are described as subjective or objective, as proposed by Brindly 1989. Perceived versus felt as proposed by Berwick 1989, target situations or goals oriented versus learning oriented we have on the other hand process oriented versus product-oriented needs also as discussed by Brindly 1989 and in spite of all these different types of needs we have the categories necessities wants and lacks. Let's see what each of this category of needs actually stands for. So, fist we start with objective and subjective needs. Objective needs or perceived needs are the needs as they are observed and seen and defined by outsiders and experts. So, if ESP teachers, and ESP experts and course designers define some set of needs for ESP learners to achieve, those needs would be referred to as objective or perceived needs. The opposite point would be subjective or felt needs. Subjective or felt
A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d i... more A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d in the 1960s in England which led to focus on busines s in English. This is the developme n t s in the world economy in 1950s and 1960s. Actually, it was the first original flowering in the ESP moveme nt. So, ESP is a kind of newly born in the area of inquiry. The first focus should be on the definition of regist e r analysis which refer s to the study how frequent ly gramma t ic al structur e s are used in texts. 2.3Tr ends in Engl i sh for academi c purpo s e s. We mentioned for trends which are 2.3. 1Re g i s t e r analys i sIt is the product of 1960s which focuses on scientific and technic al gramma r in English. and-it manifes t ed in the lexico s t a t i s t i c s approa c h defined by Swales (1988) according to focus on using semi-or sub-technic al vocabula ry which are applied const ant ly, such as 'contain', 'consist of' and 'enable'.-The first example of textbooks, relating to the registe r analysis, is published by J. Hebe r t (1965) called The struc tur e of techni c a l Engl i sh. The book consist ed of rathe r long especially technic al reading texts with technic al topics and a numbe r of exercise s focusing mainly on gramma r and semi technic al vocabula ry. In this book there is no attention to the skill of reading and the compr eh e n s ion.-Actually based on Swales (1988) rema rke d in that book: The main advant ag e is that cover s the semi technical vocabula ry well designed manne r. This is to be admir ed, privilege but the nega tive point s on that book were the passage s were too long and the lack of authent ici ty and the diagr am followed in the passage s were not related to the passage s. There were not suppor tive of the mate r ial s discus s ed in the passage s and the exercise are more repeti tive. Thus, it was a pret ty difficult book actually. The othe r negative point is mainly focused on gramma r rathe r than use or communic a t ion. Due to these problems mentioned above, the first trend left outside and subs titut ed with second trend.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and th... more Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets @IELTS.Council
Testing Importance of testing Everyone is somehow involved in testing How well or how much ... more Testing Importance of testing Everyone is somehow involved in testing How well or how much students have learned , to find out about students' levels When we have no tests it means we have no standards To make decisions on the tests, to go to next level of education The conceptual preliminaries 1) Assessment: is an ongoing process that encompasses a wide range of methodological techniques 2) Tests are subset of assessment, a genre of assessment techniques. They are prepared administrative procedures that occur at identifiable times in a curriculum when learners muster all their faculties to offer peak performance, knowing that their responses are being measured and evaluated a test is a method of measuring a persons' ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain.
If the teacher is a facilitator or consultant, the teacher doesn't control the class, rather mana... more If the teacher is a facilitator or consultant, the teacher doesn't control the class, rather manages the class, the teacher doesn't make all the decision about content, activity, about interaction patterns, about the sources rather negotiate with learners give them advice, based on interest and the needs of the learners and their ideas, decides actually the teacher co-decide along the learners about the course design, and material and whatever, and sometimes in this role if the teacher is facilitator or consultant, the teacher asks the students to suggest materials and to bring materials and books for the class and this is the role that ESP teacher might play in ESP class, so in ESP class sometimes teachers are provider of information and control the class, making goal decisions about activities about content, about grouping patterns, and sometimes ESP teachers plays the role of facilitator or consultant and are managers negotiators, do not make all decisions and involve learners in decision making and this is when the language teacher has no or limited knowledge of subject matter, about the scientific course he or she is teaching, so the teachers feel an equal with the learners and teachers need the scientific advice of the learners, and playing this role is kind of difficult for an inexperience and novice teacher because wouldn't feel secure in the class, if the teacher doesn't make all the decisions, has to change with the learners all the time, has to learn from the learners, so the role of ESP teacher as consultant is not kind of easy and secure for inexperience teachers, the question is which role should the ESP teacher play in the ESP class? The provider of information or the consultant? The answer is the teacher sometimes can play the extreme role of providing information that's good when the teacher has information about the language or skills or subject matter, when he or she can be provider of input provider of information, and some of other times the teacher of ESP class plays the role of facilitator or consultant, so the teacher role in ESP class, move along the continuum at the
What is discussed under this heading needs analysis is that needs analysis is not unique to ESP c... more What is discussed under this heading needs analysis is that needs analysis is not unique to ESP courses, we have needs analysis in all language teaching courses and language assessment courses even. What makes it unique in ESP is the point that needs analysis is the corner stone of ESP. The initial definitions for needs analysis came into being started to come into existence in 1960s and 1970s in a group of ELT teachers for the first time who were assigned to teach ESP students in different science disciplines. Ok, they were language teachers, they had knowledge and grammar of vocabulary, general knowledge and grammar of vocabulary but when it came to teach English to science students, they didn't know what to teach and how to teach. They had little knowledge of what and how to teach ESP. So, they started collecting data regarding the needs of their science ESP learners. The most complete work for needs analysis is Mumby's model 1978. His model of needs analysis is the most complete model of needs analysis proposed so far. It is called communicative syllabus design, in his model, Mumby discusses a set of language functions and language syllabus design. There are some criticisms raised against his model. In his model in spite of the fact he discusses functions and situations, he doesn't discuss how these functions and situations should be prioritized and he doesn't pay any attention or any focus on learners' effective emotional factors. When beginner ESP teachers want to start the process of needs analysis, it would be very good idea to review the related literature before going to the learners before going to the colleagues in order to start the process of needs analysis. Reviewing the literature is a privilege here because as discussed on page 123, there are four actually points and four benefits to such literature review before starting the process of needs analysis. As indicated by four bullets when we review the literature we can understand the ideas and experiences of others and we would know what to ask, the second bullet says this way we wouldn't waste our clients' or student's time by asking irrelevant questions, the thirds one says we would appear more professional if we have knowledge of literature and then start the process of needs analysis and the fourth bullet says if we review the literature before starting the needs analysis process we would know how to analyze the data and what to do with the data actually. The point is, it doesn't …….. just to go and collect the data from our learner's about their needs from our colleagues about their students' needs, the other as important thing is to know what to do with the data to know how to analyze the data, to know what to exactly look for in the data. What is meant by needs? As discussed under this heading, needs are described as subjective or objective, as proposed by Brindly 1989. Perceived versus felt as proposed by Berwick 1989, target situations or goals oriented versus learning oriented we have on the other hand process oriented versus product-oriented needs also as discussed by Brindly 1989 and in spite of all these different types of needs we have the categories necessities wants and lacks. Let's see what each of this category of needs actually stands for. So, fist we start with objective and subjective needs. Objective needs or perceived needs are the needs as they are observed and seen and defined by outsiders and experts. So, if ESP teachers, and ESP experts and course designers define some set of needs for ESP learners to achieve, those needs would be referred to as objective or perceived needs. The opposite point would be subjective or felt needs. Subjective or felt
A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d i... more A his tor i c al perspe c t iv e on ESP 1.Aims The author claimed that the need of ESP arouse d in the 1960s in England which led to focus on busines s in English. This is the developme n t s in the world economy in 1950s and 1960s. Actually, it was the first original flowering in the ESP moveme nt. So, ESP is a kind of newly born in the area of inquiry. The first focus should be on the definition of regist e r analysis which refer s to the study how frequent ly gramma t ic al structur e s are used in texts. 2.3Tr ends in Engl i sh for academi c purpo s e s. We mentioned for trends which are 2.3. 1Re g i s t e r analys i sIt is the product of 1960s which focuses on scientific and technic al gramma r in English. and-it manifes t ed in the lexico s t a t i s t i c s approa c h defined by Swales (1988) according to focus on using semi-or sub-technic al vocabula ry which are applied const ant ly, such as 'contain', 'consist of' and 'enable'.-The first example of textbooks, relating to the registe r analysis, is published by J. Hebe r t (1965) called The struc tur e of techni c a l Engl i sh. The book consist ed of rathe r long especially technic al reading texts with technic al topics and a numbe r of exercise s focusing mainly on gramma r and semi technic al vocabula ry. In this book there is no attention to the skill of reading and the compr eh e n s ion.-Actually based on Swales (1988) rema rke d in that book: The main advant ag e is that cover s the semi technical vocabula ry well designed manne r. This is to be admir ed, privilege but the nega tive point s on that book were the passage s were too long and the lack of authent ici ty and the diagr am followed in the passage s were not related to the passage s. There were not suppor tive of the mate r ial s discus s ed in the passage s and the exercise are more repeti tive. Thus, it was a pret ty difficult book actually. The othe r negative point is mainly focused on gramma r rathe r than use or communic a t ion. Due to these problems mentioned above, the first trend left outside and subs titut ed with second trend.
Drafts by Mehdi Sufi