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The essay explores the evolution of narrative from oral traditions in ancient Mesopotamia to the development of the novel, emphasizing the transition brought about by literacy and printing. It discusses the decline of storytelling as a communal experience and reflects on the significance of archaeological findings in understanding early cultural practices and the narratives that emerged from them.

A cidade e a escrita na Mesopotâmia. Podcast disponível em: Aqui está um programa para você… Mesopotâmia: História e Arqueologia no Antigo Oriente Próximo Episódio de História Antiga no Brasil SYnsEWDmTPQ Listen to Mesopotâmia by Pedro Paulo A Funari #np on #SoundCloud Leituras: 1. BOTTERO, Jean. Cultura, pensamento e escrita. São Paulo: Editora Ática, 1995. (1 Capítulo) 2. CHILDE, Vere Gordon. A revolução urbana na Mesopotâmia. In: O que aconteceu na História. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Jorge Zahar, 1977. p.94117. 3. Leitura e análise de documento: Ele que o abismo viu – Gilgamesh: Tradução de Jacyntho Lins Brandão. Disponível em: viewFile/8268/7122 Roteiro 1 1. Por quê o estudo da Mesopotâmia (Assiriologia) Antiga foi precoce e continua tão importante? No Brasil, uma área de potencial. O estudo da Mesopotâmia Antiga, desde o século XIX, ligou-se ao interesse pelas raízes orientais de Hebreus e do Cristianismo, assim como de diversos aspectos da cultura grega. A Arqueologia tem sido fundamental, ao revelar uma imensa e crescente cultura material (estruturas arquitetônicas, estatuária, vasos cerâmicos) e preciosos documentos escritos. Mostram tanto a antiguidade de atividades (culto, educação, guerra) e narrativas mitológicas e literárias, como suas especificidades, reveladas pelos conceitos usados. No Brasil, faltam especialistas no ensino superior. 2. Os textos indicados Estudo de referência (Bottero) sobre língua, escrita e especificidade da cultura, em contexto de uso da escrita, em particular na Mesopotâmia. Filologia na base da formação do historiador, mas também de outros estudiosos, como filósofos, sociólogos e antropólogos. O clássico (Childe) trata da construção da interpretação histórica, a partir das descobertas da Arqueologia. Indicações Kátia Pozzer RELATOS_DE_PESQUISA_DO_LEAO_ORIENTAL_ANTIQUITY_IN_BRAZIL_ LEAO_RESEARCH_REPORTS @inproceedings{Goody2006JACKGF, title={JACK GOODY From Oral to Written : An Anthropological Breakthrough in year={2006} } PDF 2 Storytelling}, author={Jack Goody}, The telling of tales is often thought to be characteristic of all human dis course, and it is fashionable to speak of narrative as a universal form of ex pression, one that is applied both to the life experiences of individuals and to the dramas of social interaction. Storytelling in oral cultures in turn is seen as the foundation on which the novel is built in literate ones, and the activity is regarded as the focus of much creativity. Blind Homer was the model, putting all his nonliterate imagination into the epic. In discussing storytelling we are clearly leading into the topics of fiction and the novel. But not all storytelling is fictional; it can also involve personal narratives. However, although typically it is associated with oral cultures, with “the singer [or teller] of tales,”1 in his article on the subject, Walter Benjamin sees the storyteller disappearing with the arrival of the novel, whose dissemina tion he associates with the advent of printing, and no longer directly linked with experience in the same way as before.2 The timing of the appearance of the novel is subject to discussion. Mikhail Baktin uses the term novel (or “novelness”) in a much more extended sense. But in dealing with origins more concretely, he traces three types: the novel of “adventure time” back to the Greek romances of the second century C.E., the novel of everyday time in the story of The Golden Ass of Apuleius, and the “chronotope” centered on biographical time, although this does not produce any novels at this period. All three forms are harbingers of the modern novel.3 That is basically a product of the arrival of printing in the late fifteenth century, but as we see from these early examples, the nature of story telling had already radically changed with the coming of writing. Indeed, I want to argue that, contrary to much received opinion, narrative (already in 1566, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, used for “an account, nar ration, a tale, recital”) is not so much a universal feature of the human situa tion as one that is promoted by literacy and subsequently by printing Marcelo Rede 3 ica_entre_os_primitivos_e_os_modernos_._Pho%C3%AEnix_v._2_1996_p._109134 Samuel Noah Kramer, A História começa na Suméria. Lisboa, Editora Europa América, 1963. Podcasts e vídeos Katia Maria Paim Pozzer: Relendo a Torre de Babel na Arte Moderna, 30 minutos Jacynto Lins Brandão, Gilgámesh, sobre a obra, 7 minutos BBC 4, In our time podcasts, Mesopotamian, 50 minutos cada: Persepolis Epic of Gilgamesh Babylon The Library of Nineveh The alphabet Zoroastrianism Archaeology and Imperlism 4 Jean Bottero (1914-2007) 5 6 Kátia Pozzer – UFRGS Marcelo Rede - USP 7 8