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Desarrollo: Para iniciar operaciones de la nueva planta de producción en Barranquilla es importante considerar los siguientes aspectos y definir todo el plan de puesta en marcha, estabilización y crecimiento de la compañía en pro del cumplimiento de la estrategia global del inversionista.
Administrador de operaciones. Es el área de la administración de empresas dedicada tanto a la investigación como a la ejecución de todas aquellas acciones tendientes a generar el mayor valor agregado mediante la planificación, organización, dirección y control en la producción tanto de bienes como de servicios, destinado todo ello a aumentar la calidad, productividad, mejorar la satisfacción de los clientes, y disminuir los costes. A nivel estratégico el objetivo de la Administración de Operaciones es participar en la búsqueda de una ventaja competitiva sustentable para la empresa.
El Universal, 2024
Los abusos que cometen las grandes compañías de tecnología -big techs- son recurrentes. En Estados Unidos, tanto presidentes demócratas -como Biden-, o republicanos -como Trump-, han amagado aplicarles leyes antimonopolio para contener los excesos de los gigantes tecnológicos. A pesar de frecuentes advertencias y amagos, las grandes firmas tecnológicas no parecen dispuestas a rectificar. La administración del presidente Biden ha decidido proceder con autoridad frente a TikTok, exigiendo a ByteDance, propietario de TikTok, el corporativo dueño de TikTok, concretar la venta de la referida red sociodigital en menos de un año, o será prohibida en Estados Unidos.
Following a brief overview of the diagnostic crite- ria and epidemiology of major depressive disorder (MDD), we describe the current major empirically su pported theories of depression and the therapies based on them. We begin the discussion of the assess- ment by describing diagnostic assessment tools. Next, we discu ss us ing the general theories and therapies of depression described in the % rst part of the chap- ter to create a conceptualization and treatment plan for a particular patient. We conclude with a review of assessment tools and strategies for monitoring the pro- cess and outcome of therapy, and a brief discussion of some future directions of assessment of depression. We focus this review on MDD, both because space is limited and because the empirical support for the tools we describe is strongest for MDD. However, many other mood disorders (including dysthymic disorder, adju stment disorder with depressed mood, schizoaf- fective disorder, bipolar disorder, and cycloth...
Diss. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004
outlines the intention of his Avicenna and the Visionary Recital in a manner that provides a useful entry point into discussion of symbolic education and its relationship with good/bad medicine. 1 The goal of the text is to "…elucidate the structure and inner progression that make Avicenna's mystical recitals an organic and consistent whole… in which the thinker recaptures his spiritual autobiography in the form of symbols…" (Corbin 1960, p. xi) The question, then, is why an individual's spiritual biography is to be recaptured through symbols. What is the nature of a symbol, and what is it about this nature of symbols that allows us to comprehend the spiritual dimension of self? We should probably begin with the hermetic dictum-'as above, so below'. (Scott 1993) The same eternal forms structure all levels of reality (unless we are talking about an 'evil' context that has been deprived of its capacity to reflect eternal form), which means for example that the form of life, death and rebirth that we observe in the land/ our nonhuman kin is the same 1 "Up to the end of the sixteenth century, resemblance played a constructive role in the knowledge of Western culture. It was resemblance that largely guided exegesis and the interpretation of texts; it was resemblance that organized the play of symbols, made possible knowledge of things visible and invisible, and controlled the art of representing them. The universe was folded in upon itself: the earth echoing the sky, faces seeing themselves reflected in the stars, and plants holding within their stems the secrets that were of use to man. Painting imitated space. And representation -whether in the service of pleasure or of knowledge -was posited as a form of repetition: the theatre of life or the mirror of nature, that was the claim made by all language, its manner of declaring its existence and of formulating its right of speech." 1 (Foucault 1994, p. 17)
Como concepto previo la prueba tiene como fin producir certeza al juez acerca de los hechos introducidos por las partes. Por otro lado en la realidad se demuestra que no siempre los medios probatorios le son suficientes al juez (cayendo en la incertidumbre) para pronunciarse en la sentencia, aquí es donde se configura la carga de la prueba.
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The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2016
Journal of World Prehistory, 2015
Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik, 2017
Violence Elsewhere 1: Imagining Distant Violence in Germany 1945-2001, 2024
IntechOpen eBooks, 2020
African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2013
Journal of Hypertension, 2001
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2022
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