An Ontology for State Analysis:
Formalizing the Mapping to SysML
David A. Wagner
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
[email protected]
Matthew B. Bennett
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
[email protected]
Robert Karban
European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschildstr. 2
85748 Garching, Germany
[email protected]
Nicolas Rouquette
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
[email protected]
Steven Jenkins
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
[email protected]
Michel Ingham
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109
[email protected]
Abstract— State Analysis is a methodology developed over the
last decade for architecting, designing and documenting
complex control systems. Although it was originally conceived
for designing robotic spacecraft, recent applications include
the design of control systems for large ground-based
telescopes. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) began
a project to design the European Extremely Large Telescope
(E-ELT), which will require coordinated control of over a
thousand articulated mirror segments. The designers are using
State Analysis as a methodology and the Systems Modeling
Language (SysML) as a modeling and documentation language
in this task. To effectively apply the State Analysis
methodology in this context it became necessary to provide
ontological definitions of the concepts and relations in State
Analysis and greater flexibility through a mapping of State
Analysis into a practical extension of SysML. The ontology
provides the formal basis for verifying compliance with State
Analysis semantics including architectural constraints. The
SysML extension provides the practical basis for applying the
State Analysis methodology with SysML tools. This paper will
discuss the method used to develop these formalisms (the
ontology), the formalisms themselves, the mapping to SysML
and approach to using these formalisms to specify a control
system and enforce architectural constraints in a SysML
1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................1
2. STATE ANALYSIS ..............................................2
3. EARLIER MODELING EFFORTS ........................3
4. ONTOLOGY DEVELOPMENT .............................5
5. ONTOLOGY SUMMARY .....................................5
6. MAPPING TO SYSML ........................................8
7. APPLYING THE PROFILE .................................10
8. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ...............13
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .........................................14
REFERENCES .......................................................14
978-1-4577-0557-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE
Analysis is a formal methodology that
extends basic concepts from control theory and
software architecture to aid in the design of
complex control applications. Over the last ten
years as we have been elaborating and formalizing
this methodology we have also been searching for
modeling frameworks and tools that might help to
transition this from a collection of ad-hoc methods
into a more integrated process that more cleanly
bridges the gap we see between system analysis
and control software specification. The goal of
this process is to make it easier for system
engineers to precisely express design intent in a
tool that actively helps to ensure consistency.
Over this period significant progress has been
made in the field of model based system
engineering (MBSE), which shares similar goals
in a somewhat broader engineering perspective.
Much effort has focused on the development and
application of the Unified Modeling Language
(UML), its derivative the Systems Modeling
Language (SysML), and tools that support these
languages. While these languages and tools help
significantly to formalize the expression,
exchange, and graphical representation of system
models, they remain ambiguous and in need of
extension to capture the specific semantics of a
given engineering domain. In the same way that
English or another human language requires the
creation and definition of new words to enable the
precise discussion of new concepts, modeling
requires the formal definition of concepts and
relations that are unique to a given domain so that
models elements can have precise meanings.
Then, in order to express these concepts in a
formal modeling language like SysML, a mapping
is required between the domain concepts and
relations and those of the language.
not always explicitly specified. This gap opens up
the possibility for misinterpretation of the systems
engineer's intent, which lead to preventable
implementation and operational errors
State Analysis [1] addresses the above challenges
by asserting the following basic principles:
- Control subsumes all aspects of system
operation. It can be understood and exercised
intelligently only through models of the system
under control. Therefore, a clear distinction must
be made between the control system and the
system under control.
In this paper we will first present a review of the
architectural principles and methodology of State
Analysis and summarize some earlier efforts in
order to set the stage for describing our current
work. We will then describe our current ontology,
its mapping to SysML, the process used to
develop and validate it, and an example system
analysis to demonstrate how the concepts are
applied to the analysis of a real system. We will
conclude by describing some of the limitations
discovered during this effort and future work we
have identified to resolve them. We begin with a
discussion of the relevant architectural principles
that guide our modeling approach.
- Models of the system under control must be
explicitly identified and used in a way that assures
consensus among systems engineers.
Spacecraft design is reaching a threshold of
complexity where customary methods of control
are no longer affordable or sufficiently reliable.
At the heart of this problem are the conventional
approaches to systems and software engineering
decomposition, which fail to scale in the tangled
web of interactions typically encountered in
complex spacecraft designs. A straightforward
extrapolation of past methods has neither the
conceptual reach nor the analytical depth to
address the challenges associated with future
space exploration objectives.
Figure 1 State-Based Control Architecture
- Understanding state is fundamental to successful
modeling. Everything we need to know and
everything we want to do can be expressed in
terms of the states of the system under control
because ultimately those are the things we wish to
Furthermore, there is a fundamental gap between
the requirements on software specified by systems
engineers and the implementation of these
requirements by software engineers. Software
engineers must perform the translation of
requirements into software code, hoping to
capture accurately the systems engineer's
understanding of the system behavior, which is
- The manner in which models inform software
design and operation should be direct, requiring
minimal translation.
State Analysis improves on the current state-ofthe-practice by producing requirements on system
and software design in the form of explicit models
of system behavior, and by defining a state-based
architecture for the control system. It provides a
common language for systems and software
engineers to communicate, and thus bridges the
traditional gap between software requirements and
software implementation.
control and estimation, and are responsible for
translating and managing raw hardware input and
- Models are ubiquitous throughout the
architecture: Models are used for both execution
(estimating and controlling state) and higher-level
planning (e.g., resource management). State
Analysis requires that the models be documented
explicitly, in whatever form is most convenient
for the given application.
State Analysis provides a uniform, methodical,
and rigorous approach for:
- Discovering, characterizing, representing, and
documenting the states of a system;
- The architecture emphasizes goal-directed
closed-loop operation: Instead of specifying
desired behavior in terms of low-level open-loop
commands, State Analysis uses goals, which are
constraints on state variables over a time interval.
- Modeling the behavior of state variables and
relationships among them, including information
about hardware interfaces and operation;
- Capturing the mission objectives in detailed
scenarios motivated by operator intent;
- The architecture provides a straightforward
mapping into software: The control diamond
elements can be mapped directly into
implementation artifacts in a modular software
- Keeping track of system constraints and
operating rules; and
- Describing the methods by which objectives will
be achieved.
In summary, the State Analysis methodology is
based on a control architecture that is inherently
model-based and has the notion of state at its core.
In the following section, we describe our early
efforts at capturing the products of State Analysis.
For each of these design aspects, there is a simple
but strict structure within which it is defined: the
state-based control architecture (also known as the
"Control Diamond", see Figure 1).
The architecture has the following key features:
- State estimation is separate from state control:
Estimation and control are coupled only through
state variables. Keeping these two functions
separate promotes objective assessment of system
state, ensures consistent use of state across the
system, simplifies the design, promotes
modularity, and facilitates implementation in
From its earliest stages State Analysis has
developed graphical notations to concisely
express its concepts and relations. As in many
other fields we quickly discovered the limitations
of trying to do engineering with simple drawing
tools such as PowerPoint and Visio. Although
they could create pretty pictures, these tools had
no representation of what the boxes and lines
meant, and so could not enforce any kind of
consistency with the rules of State Analysis or
even the implied semantic conventions (e.g., color
coding) in an individual diagram. Thus began our
search for tools to enable more formal modeling.
- Hardware adapters provide the sole interface
between the hardware in the system under control
and the control system: They form the boundary
of our state architecture, provide all the
measurement and command abstractions used for
The first prototype for a State Analysis database
was built in 2003 with a fairly simple entityrelation schema. It supported multi-user webbased sharing through a browser form interface
built using a simple web interface over a file-
- State is explicit: The full knowledge of the state
of the system under control is represented in a
collection of state variables.
based data manager. This development was
seminal in that it could be used to specify a
control system architecture in terms of State
Analysis concepts. However, the schema was
manually encoded in the source code of the tool,
making it difficult to analyze and update.
database was the repository for requirements and
models. The database was hosted using a
commercial database manager. Communication
with clients and other tools was through SQL
queries and other industry standard mechanisms
so that the database could be easily re-hosted on a
variety of systems. The database could be
accessed through the internet using the HTTP
protocol – a database web server serviced HTTP
database requests from clients and tools.
The second prototype was built using Common
Lisp and the LOOPS object oriented database
framework. Again, a web-based form user
interface was provided to allow users to capture
State Analysis artifacts.
We designed the database schema to reflect the
formal State Analysis process. Each of the kinds
of architectural elements that could be modeled or
specified in State Analysis had a corresponding
table in the database. Relationships between
architectural elements were captured as references
to related elements in tables, or through the use of
linking tables between tables. The design was
guided by the nature of each kind of relationship
and the desire for the schema to enforce
architectural rules where possible and reasonable,
rather than having to rely completely on external
consistency checking scripts.
A formal description of the ontology was initiated
to guide the design of the database in this second
prototype. The ontology was described in terms of
an object-oriented design, with object types for
each of the State Analysis elements, each having
properties, and typed links to describe
relationships between the State Analysis element
‘objects’. This tool performed better than the
earlier one, but it still suffered in terms of
usability and maintainability because the ontology
was manually encoded in the tool implementation.
The last prototype, the State Analysis Database
[2], was implemented using a commercial
backend relational database that was formally
specified using XML and Entity-Relationship
diagrams. The structure of the State Analysis
Database schema was developed to enable
enforcement of the correct relationships between
different model elements, between different
software specification elements, and between
models and the corresponding software
specifications. Thus, the schema prevented a class
of architectural engineering errors, and provided a
guide for doing a complete and consistent
engineering analysis. The front end of the
database was a standalone web-client application.
The client application could create html reports
desired by users. For example, a prototype
command dictionary report generator was
implemented. In addition to the form-based user
interface, a graphical interface was developed in
the client to draw some of the diagrams specified
by State Analysis
Although we learned much about modeling, and
refined our concepts at each step, none of these
earlier tools gained much traction with the system
engineering community for doing real system
analysis because they just weren’t very easy to
use, and they required significant effort to
implement and maintain. The desire for a more
user-friendly graphical modeling interface based
on customizable tooling led us to the approach
described in this paper. The current approach is to
leverage existing graphical interfaces provided by
commercial system modeling tools, which are
founded on the industry-standard modeling
languages UML and SysML. SysML is created as
a UML profile1, i.e. it extends the UML metamodel using the stereotype mechanism.
Murray [3] first prototyped a UML customization
for State Analysis using the MagicDraw modeling
tool. The profile, consisting of UML stereotypes,
was manually created in MagicDraw[13],
The State Analysis Database had a client-server
distributed system design. A single central
A UML Profile is a collection of definitions for stereotypes, tags and
constraints that customize UML for a domain, redefining the semantics of
the modeling language by extension.
demonstrating for the first time the viability of
this general approach.
The mapping of the State Analysis ontology into a
profile extension of SysML is defined as a
mapping ontology that relates concepts from the
domain ontology onto SyML elements that will be
used to represent them in SysML models. This
integration of OWL2 and SysML facilitates using
OWL2 as a language and formalism for
representing heterogenous conceptual domains,
for reasoning about properties of the domains, and
transformation workflow required for projecting
information from one domain into another
[10,11]. Not only does this process allow us to
cleanly separate the ontology from the semantics
of SysML, it also allows us more flexibility to
change the mapping of domain concepts (as
stereotypes) into SysML entities or relations
without affecting the concepts themselves. This is
important as the SysML standard continues to
evolve. The mapping flexibility allows us to
maximize the usability of a State Analysis
extension of SysML given the evolving
constraints and limitations of the SysML abstract
syntax language and of the SysML concrete
syntax diagrams.
Karban [4] is leading a team using State Analysis
in the design of the control system for the
European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), a
highly complex hardware/software system.
Because of their need to specify hardware,
allocations, and other non-software properties,
SysML is a more appropriate modeling language
choice than UML. They have developed a
handmade profile for MagicDraw that defines
many of the basic concepts and relations from
State Analysis.
In both Murray’s and Karban’s efforts,
customized stereotypes were used to apply
domain-specific meanings to model entities
(Classes or Blocks) in order to help reduce
ambiguity. In the current version of UML/SysML,
stereotypes are the only way to specify a domainspecific meta-model that can be readily mapped to
model entities and their relationships.
Although these approaches have significantly
improved the ability of graphical models to
express design intent, and have made it much
easier to integrate control analysis into system
models, they have only limited ability to verify
model consistency with the underlying semantic
meaning of the applied stereotypes and relations.
To achieve that it became clear that we needed to
more precisely formalize the concepts of State
Analysis, and then map those concepts to SysML.
The State Analysis ontology described here is
constructed on top of a set of related ontologies
describing the organizational and engineering
context in which State Analysis is performed.
Ultimately, the product of State Analysis is a
specification for a deliverable control system
product. It is beyond the scope of this paper to
describe them here, but these base ontologies
describe and relate the concepts of project,
mission (that is, the mission the system is
components. Building upon these common base
concepts makes it easier in the long run to relate
discipline-specific models built using the State
Analysis ontology with models from other
domains such as software, electrical, or
mechanical design that share the base concepts.
Our aim in this effort has been to provide a
modeling framework for future applications of
State Analysis. that enables us to leverage recent
advances in graphical modeling tools, while also
enabling us to perform formal analyses of
consistency and correctness with respect to State
Analysis domain relationships and constraints.
Ontology is the study or analysis of the
fundamental concepts and relationships in a
domain. Here, the domain is that of softwareintensive control systems. The State Analysis
domain is defined as an ontology in OWL2 [6]
using the open-source Protégé ontology tool [7].
The State Analysis ontology is divided into two
layers, one for the fundamental concepts of
physical system modeling, and a second layer
defining the fundamental concepts of control
system modeling. This layering enables modeling
of the physical system (the “plant” in control
system terminology, or “system under control” in
State Analysis) to be independent of any
influences of the control system design, enforcing
the methodological emphasis on completing the
analysis of the physical system before beginning
control system design. As described in the
previous section, these mapping to SysML is then
defined in another separate layer in order to help
decouple the semantics of the State Analysis
ontologies from those of SysML, and allow the
mappings to evolve with the SysML standard. In
this section we will discuss key concepts in both
layers. Note that the diagrams presented in this
section were generated from the OWL2 model
and a documentation generation transformation.
identifying that they are all part of the same
Figure 3 Affector Concept
The state effect relation is reflected in the named
filled-in arrow (representing an OWL2 property)
in Figures 2 and 3. The square brackets indicate
the multiplicity of the relationship. In this case it
says that an Affector can affect zero or more
Affected elements.
Physical System Modeling Concepts
The StateVariableGroup entity is a modeling
concept intended merely as a container for an
arbitrary group of state variables, measurements,
or commands in a diagram so that the model need
not express every single state effect in a single
diagram. This allows diagrams to express effects
between groups that can then be detailed in
separate diagrams for each group. In large
complex systems this enables a more
understandable and incremental presentation of
the model details.
Figure 2 Affected Concept
A fundamental concept in State Analysis is the
modeling of state effects, or physical (causal)
relationships between state variables of the system
under control, the commands, and the
measurements of the system. To model this
relationship we used the abstract entities Affector
and Affected. A StateVariable of the system under
control can be both the source and target of an
effect, and so derives from both. A Measurement
can only be affected, and a Command can only
cause an effect as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
The base concept Thing is simply an anonymous
abstract container used as an OWL convention to
keep our model distinct from other ontology
models in the same system of models. Thus, there
is one base Thing from which all of the State
Analysis concepts derive, for the sole purpose of
Control System Modeling Concepts
In State Analysis, the control system is specified
in terms of estimators and controllers that are
associated with the state variables of the system.
Estimators and Controllers are the main “active”
elements that the ontology represents in the
abstract concept ControlSystemComponent (see
Figure 5). A ControlSystemComponent can be
hardware or software that actively performs a
function (i.e., in software this would be a function
that is scheduled to execute). An Achiever can
actively perform the function of achieving a goal.
A Controller achieves control goals (goals that
constrain state variables of the physical system),
whereas an Estimator achieves knowledge goals
Figure 4 Implementation State Variable Types
that specify constraints on the quality of state
knowledge (level of acceptable uncertainty in the
estimated values of state variables) needed to
achieve given control goals.
Figure 6 Basis State Variable
Figure 5 Achiever
Note that a functional state variable can perform
both of these roles. That is, a given
implementation state variable can be both
controllable (representing a controllable state
variable of the system under control, and having
an associated controller to effect control), and
basis (having an associated estimator to provide
A FunctionalStateVariable is a control system
artifact responsible for representing the value of a
state variable from the system under control. As
depicted in Figure 4, there are several kinds
reflecting distinct relationships with other
elements in the control system2. Two we will
describe here are ControllableStateVariable and
BasisStateVariable. As laid out in Figure 6, a
BasisStateVariable has a relation with one
Estimator (i.e., it provides the knowledge basis
for control), and a ControllableStateVariable
(Figure 7) has a relation with one Controller.
Figure 7 Goal Associations
In the process of developing this ontology and its
associated mapping to SysML, a few refinements
to basic concepts were added as a result of the
Functional state variables are also described as software state variables in
previous work. The new name recognizes that they do not have to be
implemented in code; for instance they could alternatively be implemented
as switches in hardware or registers on an FPGA board.
need to remove ambiguities or overloaded
meanings of certain concepts. One in particular
had to do with the concept of a Goal. As shown in
Figure 4, the concept of a Goal was divided into
separate concepts for scheduled and unscheduled
goals. ScheduledActivities3 are those that have
been coordinated on a timeline with all of the
other goals and sub-goals needed to accomplish a
plan, whereas Goals more abstractly specify intent
through elaboration dependencies on other goals
Engineering [10] team, the SysML profiles can
now be generated automatically from the OWL2
ontologies, and validated in the process against a
set of consistency assertions derived from the
semantic relationships defined in the ontologies.
Furthermore, similar transformations, in the
inverse direction, can then be applied to the
SysML models to verify that any models that use
these stereotypes conform to the semantics
expressed in the ontologies, and thus conform to
the rules of the architecture that they express.
One of the key challenges in this entire effort was
finding appropriate mappings of the domain
concepts defined in our ontology concepts onto
SysML modeling entities (Block, Port, etc.).
Although the basic entities in SysML are defined
with very abstract semantics, so that they can be
specialized to model a wide variety of systems (by
specializing the SysML stereotypes or
specializing UML meta-classes), one must be
aware of these meanings and relationships in
order to avoid using them with domain semantics
that conflict with the SysML abstract semantics.
This is not something SysML itself would or
could enforce, but is something that could cause
problems for semantic reasoners attempting to
apply formal methods to verify model correctness.
Keeping the mappings to SysML distinct from the
domain ontology makes it easier to refine the
mappings or to define alternate mappings without
affecting the domain semantics.
In general, our strategy for mapping the
ontologies into SysML is to define the ontological
concepts and relationships as SysML stereotypes
that can be applied to appropriate modeling
entities: concepts to blocks, and relationships to
semantically compatible SysML relationships. In
a SysML tool such as MagicDraw, this can be
accomplished by creating a profile module to
define the stereotypes and any associated diagram
and tooling customizations. In other attempts
[3,4] the translation from ontology to profile had
to be performed by hand, which is not only
tedious, but also prone to error because they were
not based on a semantically verifiable ontology.
Context diagram
A concept that came to State Analysis through
SysML is that of a modeling context. State
Analysis establishes the need to formally
distinguish between the control system being
designed and the plant, or system under control,
that it will interact with. SysML convention
further requires that the combination of control
system and plant be defined in a containing
context in order to establish the extent of what is
being modeled using an internal block diagram.
We model the context in SysML as a block
stereotyped as a modeling context (see Figure 11),
which will then contain the models for control
system and system under control. The diagram
depicting this relationship is called the context
Figure 8 Controllable State Variable
Thanks to some advanced model transformations
developed by JPL’s Integrated Model-Centric
Also called executable goals, or XGoals in earlier papers.
diagram. The line between control system and
plant is depicted in the context diagram through
the containment of model elements into either
control system or plant parts of the model. The
plant model can then be further decomposed, for
example into a physical system and an
environment, or into multiple elements of a
distributed physical system.
defined abstractly so that the time domain, and
often the specific constraint, is expressed
parametrically as a goal type rather than as a
specific goal instance. This concept of a goal type
can readily be expressed in SysML as a
stereotyped block. We have also tried modeling
goal types as use cases, with distinct properties
and diagrams. The use case “includes” relation,
where one use case depends on another is
semantically quite similar to the SA “elaborates”
relation (see Figure 9). Thus, applying the SA
stereotypes to these SysML elements makes it
possible to express certain aspects of goal
elaboration directly in use case diagrams (those
stereotypes extend the SysML UseCase MetaClass).
State Effects Diagram as ibd
The SA concept of a state effects diagram (SED)
is implemented in SysML using an internal block
diagram (ibd) associated with the modeling
context block (see example in Figure 12). Using
an ibd associated with the modeling context
allows the model to express relations between
specific state variables contained within the
context. Different modeling context blocks can be
created if it is necessary to consider different
effect models for the same physical model (e.g.,
models of different fidelity might be used at
different times in a development process), or
different configurations of the system as is likely
to be the case during concept studies. A block
definition diagram (bdd) would only express
relations between state variable types, and
although one can define very context-specific
types, it seems more appropriate to express
relations between specific instances defined
within a context.
Figure 9 Simple Goal Elaboration
The main drawback of this approach is that use
case diagrams have no notion of time. Goal
elaboration diagrams must indicate the temporal
dependencies between elaborated sub-goals and
their parent goals. Our solution to this was to add
stereotyped dependency relations between goals
to express a few simple temporal relations
including “concurrent,” and “prerequisite.” In the
State Analysis theory such relations are expressed
in the form of a mini temporal constraint network
(TCN). SysML use case diagrams have no such
notion of time. This problem could be addressed
by using parametric diagrams and SysML
Constraint Blocks to express temporal constraints
in such networks.
State Effects Models as Parametrics
The use of an ibd to represent state effects is
basically just an abstraction of SysML’s concept
of parametrics. The state effect relation is
modeled as a stereotyped dependency arrow that
indicates a causal effect. The behaviors behind
these relations can then be specified in SysML
parametric (par) diagrams (or possibly state charts
or activity diagrams, depending on the nature of
the behaviors) to document the details of the
relations in the form of mathematical formulae or
Goal Elaborations
Use case diagrams also permit the use of
generalization to model goals that have alternate
tactics as shown in Figure 10. This clearly
expresses the notion that there are two ways the
In State Analysis, goals express user intent as
explicit constraints on state variables of the
system under control over time. Goals are usually
parent goal can be achieved, but does not provide
a simple way to formally express the selection
criteria, or specification of which tactic to choose
in a given set of conditions.
described in the previous section. Our system
consists of a controllable valve in a pipeline.
Figure 11 depicts the context diagram for this
system. We have defined a Physical System State
Analysis block and a separate Control System
block, both contained in an Analysis Context
block (those stereotypes specialize the SysML
<<Block>> stereotype).
Figure 10 Representing Alternate Tactics
Architectural Diagrams
Goal-oriented control systems are constructed
using Estimator and Controller components that
associate with state variables to achieve
knowledge and control goals. The functional
architecture of the system can be modeled in
SysML using block definition diagrams (bdd) to
FunctionalStateVariable types as parts of the
Control System context block, and then using ibds
to model the internal connections between them
(see example in Figure 16). The stereotypes for
these entities defined in our ontology constrain the
kinds of information flow relations they can have
with each other. For example, an Estimator can
have an update relation with a State Variable, but
a controller cannot. A Controller can issue
commands to a hardware adapter, but an
Estimator cannot.
Figure 11 System Context Diagram
The Analysis Context block provides a context in
which we can model relations between the control
system and the system under control it interacts
with. The diagram indicates that the system under
control is a characterization of the actual physical
system and its environment, using a stereotyped
dependency relationship (alternatively this could
be expressed with a realization or specialization
relationship). Similarly, the control system
context characterizes the actual software
implementation. This separation between an
analysis context and the thing being analyzed can
be important in a larger modeling environment in
which there may be multiple characterizations of
the same physical thing. Note that the order of
creation may be different in these two cases.
Whereas the physical system may exist prior to its
characterization, the software implementation
may be created after conceiving the State Analysis
functional architecture.
SA defines the concept of Hardware Adapter as
an interface between the control system and
system under control. In SysML we can model
hardware adapters as interface blocks and nested
ports. Ports are all that is necessary to document
simple interfaces; aggregating several of them
into an interface block allows the model to
express a little more design intent, or detail about
how the system constrains the interfaces.
The System Under Control block is shown
containing a number of State Variable part
properties. The types of these State Variable part
For the purpose of exposition we define a simple
system we can model using the concepts
properties are defined in separate diagrams (not
shown), and stereotyped as State Variables.
Figure 14 elaborates the measurement model for
the TapPressure measurement. This diagram
preserves the abstract Affects relationship from the
State Effects Diagram in order to show how this
abstract relation is realized in a parametric model.
The next step in the State Analysis process is to
define abstract state effects. Figure 12 shows how
this is done using an ibd. State effects are
indicated using dependency arrows stereotyped
with the Affects stereotype. Also shown are the
TapPressure measurement, and SetValvePos
command that have been defined to enable
communication between the physical and control
systems. State effect relationships identified in
this diagram must subsequently be elaborated into
detailed state effect models, or measurement
models using parametric diagrams or other
behavior representations.
The measurement model constraint block details
how actual pressure in the pipe, as represented by
the Pressure state variable, causes a particular
measurement value to be produced. In State
Analysis, measurement models are important
because they document factors such as sensor
sensitivity and range, noise, and latency that must
be compensated for in the estimation process.
Figure 14 Measurement Model as Parametric
Once the system under control has been
sufficiently modeled, the design of the control
system can begin. In this system we define
functional state variables to represent each of the
state variables identified in the state analysis (see
Figure 15). Stereotyped dependencies indicate
that each functional state variable implements one
or more state variables in the system under control
(the control system design can opt to aggregate
closely-related state variables into a single data
structure, particularly if they are all updated at the
same time). Estimator components are defined for
each state variable, and a controller is defined for
the Valve Position (similar relations are defined
for the Flow state variable, not shown). All of
these elements are defined as part properties in the
control software context block described above.
Figure 12 State Effects Diagram
Parametric diagrams provide a good way to
document state effect and measurement models as
shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14. The constraint
function inside of the constraint block can be in
the form of a mathematical relationship, or
pseudo-code logic (SysML does not currently
specify the details of constraints).
Figure 13 State Effects Model as Parametric
flow properties). Measurements always flow from
the system under control into the control system.
Commands normally flow from the control
system to the system under control, but we define
our hardware adapter so that it can buffer one or
more previously sent commands for reference by
the control system. In our very simple example,
the valve position estimator has no direct sensing
of the valve position (see Figure 13), so it uses the
last sent command to infer the valve position.
The profiles for MagicDraw are constructed so
that the stereotype menus will only offer those
stereotypes that apply to the selected SysML
entities or relations. For example, to create the
state effect relations in Figure 12, the part blocks
(whose types are already stereotyped as <<stateanalysis.StateVariable>>) are automatically added
when the diagram is created. An effect is modeled
by drawing a dependency arrow from the
affecting state variable block to the affected state
variable block, and then applying the <<stateanalysis.Affects>> stereotype. If an effect arrow
had been drawn from a measurement to a state
variable the stereotype would not have been
offered as an option because this is an invalid
relation according to the ontology. In this way the
semantics of the ontology inform the modeling
tool to help enforce model consistency with the
rules of the domain. Similarly, these underlying
constraints are available to MagicDraw’s built-in
validation tool, or to external tools that can parse
the model and assess consistency of relations.
This improves significantly the usability for the
modeler, and the ability to validate models during
Figure 15 Control Component Definitions
Finally, we can describe the architecture of the
control system in terms of its information flow
using another ibd (Figure 16). Note that the
interface between the elements inside the control
software context (the content of the diagram) and
the system under control is depicted using an
interface block described as a HardwareAdapter.
This block is defined elsewhere in the model
containing typed ports for each of the command
and measurement types that the control system
will exchange with the system under control.
Command and Measurement elements are
modeled in SysML as signals that flow through
flow ports. The flow ports indicate the direction of
the flow (in SysML 1.3 this will be modeled with
Figure 16 Functional Architecture
have yet to be modeled and mapped, and we
continue to refine others as our technique evolves
(several concepts evolved significantly over the
course of writing this paper). Because this
remains a work in progress we have only
described the modeling and mapping of a few key
concepts from SA. In particular, we have yet to
find entirely satisfactory representations for
intent, including goals and goal networks in
SysML. Consequently, our current effort is
focused on formalizing the modeling concepts
related to intent and behavior, including goals,
scheduled activities, temporal constraints, and the
ways these concepts associate with state variables
and the flow of time. The modeling of behaviors
is the focus of significant effort in the modeling
community and at JPL [5, 12]. While much of the
standards-focused effort focuses on descriptive
modeling of behaviors, our work also intends to
model the relationships between intent (goals) and
behavior that explains, through State Analysis,
how the behaviors satisfy the specified intent.
Applying stereotyped relations in models allows
the model to be analyzed to compare the
semantics and constraints expressed in the
stereotype definitions with the details of the
model, in order to verify that the model conforms
to the semantics of the domain expressed in the
ontology. This work has demonstrated that it is
possible to define meaningful domain-specific
stereotypes using a model transformation from
OWL2, apply them in a SysML modeling tool,
and then use those stereotypes to verify
correctness properties in the model. When
complete, the State Analysis ontology and SysML
profile should enable control system engineers to
model system behaviors, specify control
behaviors and intent, and have the model enforce
semantic consistency rules established by the
principles of State Analysis.
This work improves on previous efforts to enable
the use of SysML to perform State Analysis by
providing a set of tool-specific customizations and
modeling patterns that achieve much of the intent
of State Analysis. However, some SA concepts
We have experimented with using activity
diagrams (stereotyping activities as “scheduled
goals”), and using fork-join relations to represent
time points. This is problematic in that activity
diagrams cannot easily express temporal
constraints on the activities, and because the
token-passing semantics expressed in the SysML
standard are inconsistent with those of goal
networks. More recently we have begun
developing a separate timeline ontology [5] and
applying its concepts as stereotypes to these
activity diagrams, to express temporal semantics
distinct from those of SysML This is a focus of
current work.
[1] Ingham, M., Moncada, A., Bennett, M.,
Embedded Systems with State Analysis and
the Mission Data System, AIAA Journal of
Aerospace Computing, Information, and
Communication, Vol. 2, No. 12, December
[2] Bennett, M., Rasmussen, R., Ingham, M., A
Model-Based Requirements Database Tool for
Complex Embedded Systems, International
Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
International Symposium, Washington D.C.,
Considerable work remains to formalize the graph
state variable concept [8] in SA. Graph state
variables relate position, orientation, or other
relative states within frames of reference.
Describing these relations formally requires
defining frames of reference, coordinate systems,
and the mathematical structures for representing
multidimensional quantities. Since those concepts
are meaningful outside the domain of SA it seems
best to define those in a separate ontology and
reference them in the SA ontology. As of this
writing that work remains incomplete.
[3] Murray, A., Rasmussen, R., A UML Profile for
State Analysis, IEEE Aerospace Conference,
Big Sky, MT., 2011.
[4] Karban, R., Kornweibel, N., Dvorak, D.,
Ingham, M., Wagner, D., Towards a State
Based Control Architecture for Large
Telescopes: Laying a Foundation at the VLT,
13th International Conference on Accelerator
and Large Experimental Physics Control
Systems (ICALEPCS), Grenoble, France, Oct.
We continue to reconcile and refine our JPL
ontology and SysML mappings with ones
developed separately by our colleagues at the
European Southern Observatory. While the
concepts and relations defined in our separate
ontologies are mostly consistent, small differences
remain to be resolved. Most of the refinements at
this point involve deep relations within base
ontologies that will help to relate concepts across
modeling domains.
[5] Chung, S., Delp, C., Fosse, E., Sarrel, M.,
Bindschadler, D., Representing Information
using Timelines for System Design to System
Operations, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big
Sky, MT., March 2012.
Special thanks to Robert Rasmussen, Daniel
Dvorak, and Seung Chung who also contributed
to the ontology development and review.
This research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
under a contract with the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration and at the European
Southern Observatory.
Bennett, M., R. Rasmussen, Modeling
Relationships Using Graph State Variables,
IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT.,
March 2003.
accelerator control systems.
[10] Bayer, T.J., Bennett, M., Delp, C.L., Dvorak,
D., Jenkins, J.S., Mandutianu, S., Update –
Concept of Operations for Integrated ModelCentric Engineering at JPL, IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, MT., March 2011.
Nicolas Rouquette is a Principal
Engineer in the Systems and
Software Division at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory. Nicolas
generation of flight/ground software
from high level systems engineering
specifications for the Deep Space One mission. As a
leading expert in modeling and model transformation, he
represents NASA's interests at the Object Management
Group (OMG) where he recently chaired the 2.4 revision
of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and produced
the last two versions of the Systems Modeling Language
(SysML). Dr. Rouquette received his M.S and Ph.D. in
Computer Science from USC.
[11] Rouquette, N., Jenkins, S., Transforming
OWL2 Ontologies into Profiles Extending
SysML,12th NASA-EST Workshop on Product
Data Exchange, Oslo, Norway, May 2010.
[12] Conrad Bock, James Odell, “Ontological
Behavior Modeling”, Journal of Object
Technology, Volume 10, (2011), pp. 3:1-36,
Steven Jenkins is a Principal
Engineer in the Systems and Software
Division at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, currently supporting
Engineering Initiative. His interests
include application of semantic and
modeling technologies to systems
engineering. Dr. Jenkins holds a B.S.
in Mathematics from Millsaps College, an M.S. In
Applied Mathematics from Southern Methodist
University, and a Ph.D. In Electrical Engineering
(Control Systems) from UCLA.
David Wagner is a software system
engineer and architect in the System
Architectures and Behaviors group at
JPL and was a principal developer of
the Mission Data System in 20002006. Since then he has continued to
apply MDS technology and State
Analysis in several applications. He is
currently a member of the project
system engineering team on the Europa Habitability
Mission formulation project. He has a BS in Aerospace
Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, and MS in
Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern
Matthew Bennett is a Senior
Software Systems Engineer in the
Systems Engineering section at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory. His research
interests include model based
engineering, software architecture,
fault protection, and spacecraft
architectures, software and technologies for humanrobotic interaction, model-based engineering, fault
protection, autonomous planning and scheduling, control
systems, data visualization, guidance and control,
performance analysis, and simulation. He holds an MS
from the University of Washington in Computer Science,
and a BS from the University of California at San Diego
in Computer Engineering.
Robert Karban is a Software
Southern Observatory (ESO),
developing highly distributed realtime control systems for telescopes
since 1996. His current main task
is the modeling and development of interdisciplinary
systems, in particular the control system of the E-ELT, as
its system architect. His roles have varied from project
manager to developer, including mentoring, and devising
development standards. Robert has also been leading
INCOSE’s Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
Challenge team on Telescope Modeling since 2007,
providing practical applications of SysML in the
astronomy domain. He is a certified OMG Systems
Modeling Professional - Advanced. Robert Karban
received his M.S. in computer science in 1990 from the
Technical University of Vienna, Austria. Afterwards he
worked several years in the Medical Engineering
industry, and developed in the European Organization for
Nuclear Research (CERN) embedded software for
Dr. Michel Ingham is the supervisor of
the System Architectures and Behaviors
group, in the Systems Engineering
section at the NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory. His research interests
include model-based methods for
systems and software engineering,
software architectures, and spacecraft
autonomy. He is a core contributor to JPL’s Integrated
Model-Centric Engineering initiative, and model-based
systems and software engineering efforts across the
Laboratory. He has played an important role in the
development and formalization of the model-based systems
engineering methodology called State Analysis, and its
application to the design and implementation of state-based
flight and ground software architectures. Dr. Ingham
received his Sc.D. and S.M. degrees from MIT's Department
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and his B.Eng. in Honours
Mechanical Engineering from McGill University.