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Between Research and …, 2005
Fundamental changes in how scientific, social and cultural knowledge is produced, suggest the emergence of a new mode of knowledge production-for lack of a better term called Mode 2which is thoroughly reforming established institutions, disciplines, practices and policies. Despite its lack of a genuine research tradition, architecture too seems to show several symptoms of this reform. Particularly illustrative in this respect is Building Stories, a methodology that engages teams of architecture students, architectural interns and seasoned professionals into exploring the experience embodied by the best practices of significant design firms. Key to the methodology is the telling of 'stories' about active cases, i.e. building projects that are in the process of being designed and built. Stories result from interaction between the participants and procedures that guide the process behind these projects. The aim of this paper is to highlight similarities and correspondences between Building Stories and a number of attributes associated with Mode 2. From this one initiative it will be clear that some architecture schools and design firms are already a long way along the path of change towards Mode 2 knowledge production, as is manifested in the complex collaborations they enter. A challenge that remains largely unaddressed, however, is the question of what criteria are appropriate to assess the quality of work and the teams that operate in this new mode.
La reconsideracion de la educacion arquitectonica a la luz de una nueva realidad que surge de los rapidos cambios que se producen en nuestros entornos sociales, culturales y fisicos es ahora imperativa. Para conocer las incompatibilidades de las estructuras educativas existentes con la dinamica actual del cambio, se examinan tres aspectos principales de nuestra educacion arquitectonica contemporanea: el sistema de estudios, los contenidos de los estudios y la pedagogia del diseno arquitectonico implementado por las Escuelas de Arquitectura.En cuanto al sistema de estudios, entre otras cuestiones, especulamos sobre la agilidad limitada del sistema para albergar innovaciones, sus concepciones dominantes sobre el perfil del profesor, su forma poco clara de definir el perfil del graduado y la oscura relacion entre la academia arquitectonica y la practica profesional. En cuanto al contenido de los estudios, entre otras cuestiones, especulamos sobre el empobrecimiento de las humanidades e...
EAAE Annual Conference Proceedings
The European Association of Architectural Education’s annual conference of 2019 was held at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb from August 28th to 31st. Titled ‘The Hidden School’, it aimed to open a discussion on the substance and quality of architectural education, an architecture school’s true character, the traits which – however explicitly or implicitly manifested – embody the school’s culture and identity. The conference explored the subliminal quality of architectural education less apparent just by reading the curricula or following evaluation procedures, yet which represent a substantial quality or the culture of a school, quite clearly legible to those engaging in it. The invitation to explore this topic proposed five aspects of a school as triggers, focusing on tacit meanings situated between the lines of the syllabus, the spirit generated by students contributing to it or the educators personifying it, informal learning modalities, spaces it inhabits: the Educator, th...
This essay draws together an account of pedagogic experiments in architectural education that took place at the Polytechnic of the South Bank School of Architecture, Postgraduate Diploma (RIBA Part 2) between 1987 and 1991. Revisiting this period of holacratic autonomy and student-led collaborative education, the essay aims to shed some light on the value of manifesting transformative creative educational models in the contemporary context of design education. Charting an extraordinary period of student agency, the work considers how the notion of social and individual political resistance, manifested as creative action, can inform a transformative and liberating feminist methodology. Thirty years after these events, amidst the march of the privatisation and commodification of architectural education, the increasing homogenisation of a skills-based, profession-led curriculum, may be a moment to reconsider the potential embedded in an alternative, rebellious, feminist design studio and practice.
This is not academic research conducted within a classroom setting, nor is it an exhaustive literature review. I have read extensively in order to expand my language and understanding of current conceptualizations of creative thinking and to provide a theoretical context for my own 25 years of teaching practice. The discussion you are about to enter wrestles with the definition of creativity within the context of a technical architectural education. It will not be about defining “art” (architecture) versus “craft” (construction) or whether one of these is more creative than the other. It is hoped that after reading the included essay “BIG “C” Creative and little “c” creative”, you will agree that creativity is not so hierarchical. This document takes the position that an architect can be agent of change in the collective process of building cities (social, cultural and urban infrastructure) by impacting a city one building at a time. It situates the educator within this process as a catalyst in the exploration of shared values and group action…one student at a time. Most educators today know that there are different types of intelligence and different ways of knowing. Elbert Hubbard famously said that “Art is not a thing; it is a way”. Art making is a way of conceptualizing, of knowing, of being in the world.
the research here tries to expose the less desired habit and attitude patterns and believes promoted by the studio culture, developed mainly to keep up with the stressful and demanding workload. The resulted figures reflect the negative impact it has on the students’ health and wellbeing. The research also provides insights into the current students’ flow pattern, revealing the occurrence likelihood of the most stimulating, relieving and enduring mental state that might help maintain positive engagement with the act of creation emotionally, psychological; and physically. A qualitative research is carried out in the context of the faculty of architecture, design and built environment, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon. In this study, the literature about the studio culture, hidden curriculum and the flow aided drafting the outline of a survey conducted among a sample of 303 undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 24 attending the same faculty. factual information about the st...
Proceedings DESIGNTRAIN Congress: Trailer 1, Amsterdam, 10-12.05.2007., 2007
Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle
Cristian Alejandro Bejarano Ordoñez, 2024
Discover Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Neto, G. A. A. & Rolla, G. (Eds). Ciência e Conhecimento. Teresinha: EDUFPI, 2020
Revue des Études Juives, 2019
Insignia: Journal of International Relations, 2021
IEEE Access, 2020
Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship, 2022
Plant Breeding Reviews: Volume 38, 2014
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2006
International journal of physical sciences
American Journal of Public Health, 2014
Energy Policy, 2014
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2020