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PEMERINTAHAN Joko Widodo seperti panik menghadapi melambatnya ekonomi dunia yang mulai terasa di dalam negeri. Untuk mengatasinya, pemerintah akan mengajak DPR untuk menerbitkan dua undang-undang besar: Cipta Lapangan Kerja dan Pemberdayaan Usaha Kecil Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah. Masing-masing undang-undang tersebut akan menjadi omnibus law, yaitu satu undang-undang sekaligus merevisi beberapa undang-undang. Sekitar 70 undang-undang akan "digerogoti" demi lancarnya dua agenda prioritas itu. Perubahan yang akan terjadi dikelompokkan dalam 11 klaster isu. Salah satunya soal pengadaan lahan-satu isu pokok yang acap dituding sebagai penghalang investasi-tanpa diperiksa lebih jauh problem pokok dari mandeknya modal masuk ke dalam negeri. Sebab persoalan tanah selalu terkait dengan konflik agraria, yang di dalamnya melibatkan komunitas-komunitas adat. Akankah omnibus law menyelesaikan konflik itu atau malah memperburuknya? Saat ini momentum tepat melihat kembali salah satu cita-cita reformasi, sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam Ketetapan MPR RI Nomor IX Tahun 2001 tentang Pembaruan Agraria dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam. Pada Pasal 4 ditegaskan, antara lain, pembaruan agraria dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam harus dilaksanakan dengan menghormati dan menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia; menyejahterakan rakyat, terutama melalui peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia; mewujudkan keadilan termasuk kesetaraan gender dalam penguasaan, pemilikan, penggunaan, pemanfaatan, dan pemeliharaan sumber daya agraria/sumber daya alam; melaksanakan fungsi sosial, kelestarian, dan fungsi ekologis sesuai dengan kondisi sosial budaya setempat; dan mengakui, menghormati, dan melindungi hak masyarakat hukum adat dan keragaman budaya bangsa atas sumber daya agraria/sumber daya alam. Pasal 5 menegaskan pula bahwa pemerintah perlu mengkaji ulang berbagai aturan yang berkaitan dengan agraria dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam dalam rangka sinkronisasi kebijakan antarsektor; menyelesaikan konflik-konflik pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang timbul selama ini sekaligus dapat mengantisipasi potensi konflik di masa mendatang guna menjamin terlaksananya penegakan hukum, termasuk pengadaan lembaga dan biaya untuk mengurusnya; serta menyusun strategi pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang didasarkan pada optimalisasi manfaat dengan memperhatikan potensi, kontribusi, kepentingan masyarakat dan kondisi daerah maupun 1 Dimuat dalam Rubrik Opini Majalah TEMPO, Edisi 7 Desember 2019.
Politica: Jurnal Hukum Tata Negara dan Politik Islam, 2021
This article examines the drafting of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill, the original purpose of which was to facilitate investment or accelerate the economy. Starting from the disharmony of several overlapping regulations, out of sync between one law and another in the investment sector, a universal sweeping law that contains thousands of articles is needed. This study uses the theory of the formation of laws and regulations and the perspective of legal politics, with juridical analysis, to explain how a process of drafting a law, the principles of formation, and the political dynamics that gave birth to it. This paper emphasizes that the process and politics of the Omnibus Law legislation on the Job Creation Bill has minimal public participation and is not transparent. So the legal product of the Job Creation Law is formally flawed, and materially contains articles that are capitalist in content, opening up investment for investors but on the other hand harming the people. ...
Ajudikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
The Omnibus Law is often discussed and debated, especially in its implementation in Indonesia. Omnibus Law is considered as a solution to make legislation more efficient, Omnibus Law is something new in the formation of legislation in Indonesia. Previously, the Omnibus Law was often used in the common law legal system, and several civil law countries have also implemented the Omnibus Law. In this study, the authors examine the United States and the Philippines. The concept of the Omnibus Law is not only used for one type of law but has penetrated into other sectoral laws. In the Philippines, since 2003 the Omnibus Law has been enacted as a method for forming legislation. It is different from the United States, which has implemented the Omnibus Law since 1850. This research refers to a comparison of the Omnibus Law in the Philippines because the Philippines is a country in the Southeast Asia region just like Indonesia and adheres to a legal system that combines common law and civil l...
Merancang Omnibus Law sebagai Politik Hukum Ekonomi dalam Memberikan Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen di Era Ekonomi Digital Revolusi Industri 4.0
Gagasan konsep omnibus law sebagai metode dalam penyusuanan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia, telah menjadi perbincangan dikalangan pengemban hukum, baik pengemban hukum teoritis maupun pengemban hukum praktis. Berdasarkan kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedudukan omnibus law dalam sistem perundang-undangan Indonesia termasuk ke dalam undang-undang dan mempunyai derajat yang sama dengan undang-undang, yang dibuat, dibentuk, dan diterapkan oleh badan yang menjalankan fungsi legislasi (DPR bersama Presiden), sehingga dapat diuji oleh mahkamah konstitusi, baik diuji secara materil maupun diuji secara formil.
The method for the formation of laws and regulations that has become the public spotlight recently is the Omnibus Law method which of course cannot only be applied in the formation of laws alone. It can also be applied in the formation of regional regulations. However, this is not yet an issue that is discussed nationally. The purpose of this study is to answer legal problems related to the application of the omnibus law in the formation of regional regulations so that there is a common viewpoint and become input for stakeholders. The research method used is normative juridical. The results show that the formation of local legislation using the omnibus law method can minimize disharmony of local legislation both vertically and horizontally with PUU.
One crucial aspect that becomes the focus in supporting the stability of the Indonesian economy is maximizing the source of state revenue through the tax sector. The approach used is a conceptual approach that is harmonized with the statute approach. The results show that the characteristics of the Indonesian legal system that adhere to the Civil Law state make the existence of Omnibus Law in Indonesia a natural thing to question. The mechanism was born from countries that apply the common law legal system. Adjustments to the procedures and characteristics of the Indonesian legal system are the basic guidelines for determining the position of Omnibus Law in Indonesia. Materially, several content materials need to be criticized in this law. The existence of material gives legitimacy to Government Regulations to regulate the tax rates charged to taxes that fall into the category of taxpayers; hence the purpose of this law does not reflect the existence of the law.
Géotechnique, 2021
Religion, State and Society: Exploration of Southeast Asia, 2017
Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 2021
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations
The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula, 2020
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Revista LinguíStica/Lingüística, 2023
Pedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2022
Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 2020
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1995
The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019
Langmuir, 2014
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Teknik, 2010
Natural Products and Bioprospecting, 2013
Revista Agropecuária Catarinense, 2011