Introduction to
Marc Lavoie
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Also by Marc Lavoie
MACROÉCONOMIE: Théories et controverses post-Keynésiennes
MILTON FRIEDMAN ET SON ŒUVRE (co-edited with Mario Seccareccia)
AVANTAGE NUMÉRIQUE: l’argent et la Ligue nationale de hockey
DÉSAVANTAGE NUMÉRIQUE: les francophones dans la LNH
(co-edited with Mario Seccareccia)
Introduction to
Marc Lavoie
© Marc Lavoie 2006
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List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Boxes
Preface to the English Edition
1 Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy
1.1. Who are the post-Keynesians?
1.2. The characteristics of heterodox economics
1.3. The essential characteristics of post-Keynesian
1.4. The various strands of post-Keynesian theory
2 Heterodox Microeconomics
2.1. Consumer choice theory
2.2. Oligopolistic markets and the objectives of firms
2.3. The shape of cost curves
2.4. Price setting
2.5. The determinants of the costing margin
2.6. Consequences for macroeconomic theory
3 A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit
3.1. Main characteristics of post-Keynesian monetary
3.2. The relationship between commercial banks and
the central bank
3.3. The relationship between banks and firms
3.4. A systemic view of the monetary economy
4 The Short Period: Effective Demand and the
Labour Market
4.1. Effective demand and its components
4.2. The Kaleckian model
4.3. Further developments of the Kaleckian model
vi Contents
5 The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models
5.1. The old post-Keynesian growth models
5.2. The new Kaleckian models
5.3. Extensions and criticism of the Kaleckian model
6 General Conclusion
List of Figures
1.1 Schools of thought in macroeconomics
2.1 Contingency value assessment with choices of a
lexicographic nature
2.2 Finance and expansion frontiers of a single firm
2.3 The shape of post-Keynesian cost curves
2.4 The setting of normal prices
3.1 Simplified balance sheets: the central bank and the
banking system
3.2 The reaction function of the central bank: a series of
horizontal money supply curves
3.3 Kalecki’s principle of increasing risk
3.4 Credit rationing: notional and effective demand
4.1 The Kaleckian labour market
4.2 Multiple equilibria in a Kaleckian model with a
backward-bending labour supply curve
4.3 The effect of an increase in productivity on the effective
labour demand curve
5.1 The old post-Keynesian growth model and the paradox
of thrift
5.2 The Kaleckian growth model and its paradoxes
5.3 The flat-range post-Keynesian Phillips curve
List of Tables
1.1 Presuppositions of the neoclassical and heterodox
research programmes
1.2 Main features of post-Keynesian economics, beyond the
presuppositions of heterodox economics
2.1 The seven principles of the post-Keynesian theory
of choice
2.2 Different approaches to pricing and markets
2.3 The various determinants of the target rate of return
or of the normal profit rate
3.1 Characteristics of money in Post-Keynesian and
neoclassical economics
3.2 The transactions-flow matrix in a closed economy
without government
List of Boxes
Post-Keynesians in England
A post-Keynesian Nobel laureate?
Post-Keynesians or new Keynesians?
Post-Keynesians and ordering of a lexicographic nature
René Roy: first advocate of the post-Keynesian theory
of consumer choice
Jean Anouilh: a fine connoisseur of lexicographic choices
Choices of a lexicographic nature within environmental
Direct costs, overhead costs and unit costs
Questions regarding capacity utilization
The formalization of cost-plus pricing procedures
A post-Keynesian view of credit rationing
A rejection of the crowding-out effect
A more formalized profit equation
The aggregate demand equation
An alternative profit equation
The formalization of the Kaleckian model
The paradoxes of costs and thrift with the
Cambridge equation
Technological unemployment, price setting, and
autonomous real demand
Work-sharing, hourly labour productivity and effective
The decomposition of the profit rate
A formalized version of the Kaleckian growth model
The role of financial markets
A horizontal Phillips curve
Preface to the English Edition
This book is a slightly modified version of the work that first appeared
in French as L’Économie postkeynésienne (Paris: La Découverte
(Repères), 2004). Besides a few updates and additional references here
and there, changes are mainly to be found at the end of the last three
chapters, where I have extended the discussions of work sharing programmes, inflation control, and policies against unemployment.
I am very grateful to my fellow post-Keynesian colleague Basil
Moore for having forcefully encouraged me to submit a translation
proposal to Palgrave Macmillan. Mrs Delphine Ribouchon, from La
Découverte, was also highly helpful in arranging for the translation
rights. I am thankful to my research assistant, Jung Hoon Kim, who
compiled the index. Finally I would like to thank my Canadian
colleague Louis-Philippe Rochon, who translated the manuscript,
graciously forgoing his own research for a while, as well as his
Christmas vacations.
The idea of writing a synthesis of post-Keynesian theory first came to
me during one of my brief visits to France. While in Paris, I visited
bookstores in the Latin Quarter, near the Sorbonne, and, to my surprise,
discovered that they all contained a number of economics books
that condemned what the French call ‘la pensée unique’ (the single
thought), or what the English-speaking world knows as ‘There Is No
Alternative’ (TINA). The various authors were all indignant at the economic policies adopted by governments, central banks and the large
international institutions, such as the IMF and the World Bank.
According to their advocates, the austerity measures put in
place, which include deregulation and privatization, aim to limit
the problems of inflation, preserve the exchange rate, increase the
rate of growth of productivity and create permanent jobs. While
the objectives are certainly not controversial, the ways in which
they are pursued raise suspicion. Stemming from a free-market ideology which includes the so-called Washington Consensus, these
economic means have become today’s conventional wisdom –
which is just as controversial as the conventional wisdom that
John Kenneth Galbraith (1958) was ridiculing more than four
decades ago. Free-market advocates propose a long list of policies,
including an independent central bank that is free to set high
interest rates (as was the case with the European Central Bank),
weak unions, greater labour market flexibility, wage restrictions,
and reductions in both public services and tax rates. They also propose balanced budget amendments, or the quasi-elimination of
fiscal deficits, as in the Treaty of Maastricht and the Stability Pact,
which gave birth to the New Europe and that still constrain the
public expenditures of member countries. Finally, one could add
to this exhaustive list the privatization of large public companies
and the dismantling of many market regulations. The objective is
quite simple: to make markets as flexible as possible, which, the
proponents argue, will benefit society in the end.
The failings of the Washington Consensus have been well documented by its opponents. Yet, I have often found the various
xii Introduction
critiques of the Consensus unconvincing. While virtually all of the
dissenting research is quite good in showing the shortcomings of
neoclassical theory, it falls short of proposing any serious alternative.
Even some neoclassical economists, such as Joseph Stiglitz (2002,
2003), categorically reject many of the free-market policies that were
adopted during the 1980s and 1990s, readily admitting that such
policies rest on an oversimplified neoclassical theory and that
better developed neoclassical models convincingly demonstrate the
limitations of such policies.
A new alternative theory
I do not believe that offering a tortuous critique of the dominant view
is the best strategy. Many critics of free-market economic policies start
with the neoclassical economic model and its tenuous theoretical
foundations, onto which they superimpose some assumptions taken
from the real world. Yet, this approach only yields models that are
increasingly difficult to grasp.
This book uses a very different approach. My objective is quite
clear: to present a true alternative to the dominant school of economic thought which contradicts and rejects the main tenets of freemarket advocates. This alternative is post-Keynesian theory.
Mainstream textbooks, those that are imposed on first-year economics students nearly everywhere, do not usually discuss postKeynesian economics. Students often stumble upon it in courses in
the history of economic thought, or in classes dealing with theories
of growth and fluctuations, in large part due to the Cambridge
models of growth and distribution suggested by Joan Robinson,
Nicholas Kaldor and Luigi Pasinetti. Economists or students of political economy may also come across post-Keynesian theory when
discussing the famous ‘capital controversies’, which date back to
the 1960s. It is usually within this context that post-Keynesian economics is associated with Sraffian or neo-Ricardian economics.
Moreover, post-Keynesian theory is often portrayed as negative,
restricted to demonstrating the limitations and deficiencies of the
neoclassical production function or of other theoretical constructs
such as total factor productivity growth.
Yet, since the 1970s, great strides have been made. There is now a
large body of research, covering many different fields, based on post-
Introduction xiii
Keynesian economics. This body of work shows that post-Keynesian
economics, besides having disproved key neoclassical theoretical
constructs, has developed key ideas of its own, on the theoretical, empirical and policy fronts. Several post-Keynesian surveys
or books have been published that underline this positive contribution. Some academic journals, such as the Cambridge Journal of
Economics (created in 1977), the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
(1978) and the Review of Political Economy (1989), have exclusive
or substantial post-Keynesian content, while many others, such
as the Review of Radical and Political Economics, often include postKeynesian articles.
There are also organizations, such as the Post Keynesian Study Group
in the United Kingdom or the Association des Études Keynésiennes in
France, that are devoted to post-Keynesian studies and that organize
or sponsor regular workshops or conferences. And there are also
economics departments that run graduate programmes devoted to
post-Keynesian economics and other heterodox views, such as the
New School University, the University of Missouri in Kansas City,
the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, or the University of Utah.
Finally, there has been a regular Post-Keynesian summer school, which
allows students from all over the world to meet post-Keynesian
An antidote to TINA
Post-Keynesian economics is an effective antidote to TINA – the
belief that mainstream economics and its free-market solutions are
the only way to understand and solve economic problems. It offers a
strong theoretical foundation which can serve as a basis for criticism
of mainstream theory and its austerity policies, as well as supporting
the proposition of feasible alternative policies.
While post-Keynesian theory, like neoclassical theory, has microeconomic foundations, its theoretical foundation is different and, in
many ways, more realist. Moreover, the macroeconomic policies
stemming from these microeconomic foundations are radically
different to those founded in neoclassical theory.
In the following chapters, we will concentrate on debunking a
number of myths that arise from an elementary application of neoclassical theory (see Keen, 2001). Consider the following counter
xiv Introduction
claims, which will be demonstrated in this book: a rise in demand
does not necessarily increase prices; a rise in the minimum wage or
in the real wage does not lead to an increase in unemployment; an
increase in the real wage does not lead to a fall in profits; a decline in
the saving rate leads neither to a fall in investment nor to a slowdown in the growth rate of the economy; a flexible price system does
not bring the economy back to the equilibrium (or optimum) level
of output; and finally, budget deficits lead neither to inflation nor to
a rise in the rate of interest.
Many label economics the ‘dismal science’ because of the assumption made by mainstream theorists that society must suffer under
austere policies, and that unrestrained competition must be championed in order to achieve economic nirvana. In contrast, postKeynesian theory offers a radically different message – in my view a
more positive and more exciting message: cooperation, rather than
competition or conflict, will lead to better results. Scarcity is in fact a
mere intellectual construct that can be cast aside (Ventelou, 2001).
In favour of a post-autistic economics
In the year 2000, a number of students from various universities in
France took a stand against the way in which economics was being
taught, thereby leading to a movement that has since spread to other
countries as well (Fullbrook, 2003). This movement has inspired the
creation of a network and a newsletter – the Post-Autistic Economics
Review (found at – that has over 8000
subscribers in more than 150 countries.
Students criticized the dogmatism of their teaching and the
irrelevance of formalized models that seemed to relate to some
imaginary world rather than to the real world. Hence, they referred
to these teachings as ‘autistic’. They demanded courses that would
better teach them the limitations and shortcomings of neoclassical
theory. They also requested more pluralism, and the inclusion of
some heterodox teachings that would reflect the real world.
This book is dedicated to these students and their followers. Its
objective is to contribute to their struggle.
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy
1.1 Who are the post-Keynesians?
Post-Keynesian economics is only one of many heterodox schools of
thought. Within this heterodox label, of which most members
are clearly opposed to neoclassical economics, we find Marxists,
Sraffians (also called the neo-Ricardians), neo-Structuralists (on
development issues), Institutionalists, the French Regulation School,
Humanistic or Social economists, Behaviourists, Schumpeterians
(also called Evolutionists), Feminist economists, and more.
Heterodox economics is subjected to two opposite forces. First,
heterodox schools suffer the general implosion of science, and of
economics in particular. Each heterodox approach has tended to
emphasize particular questions in an effort to distinguish itself from
other approaches. While heterodox schools are all rivals, they are
nonetheless complementary, by targeting a particular aspect of the
Second, there is also a counter-tendency toward unity among
heterodox schools, perhaps as a result of their status of minorities
in peril. Indeed, many heterodox scholars look for interactions and
unity between the approaches. This is particularly true of American
post-Keynesians and neo-radicals (Marxists), who work in macroeconomics and monetary theory. In fact, one particular organization, the International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism
in Economics (ICAPE) plays host to all heterodoxies as well as their
institutions and journals. As such, the contours of the different
approaches are to some degree arbitrary.
2 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
As their name indicates, post-Keynesians find their principal
inspiration in the work of John Maynard Keynes, the famous British
economist at the University of Cambridge. In fact, many claim that
his 1936 book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,
gave birth to macroeconomic theory.
And yet the book led to a number of conflicting interpretations.
Post-Keynesians, for instance, have an interpretation that is different from that of economists like Paul Samuelson and James Tobin,
and the rest of the so-called ‘neoclassical synthesis’ Keynesians. It
also is quite different from the interpretation given by the ‘new
Keynesians’, such as Gregory Mankiw, Alan Blinder and Joseph
Stiglitz (see Figure 1.1).
Modern post-Keynesians, however, do not limit themselves to
Keynes. They are also inspired by the work of those who were close
to Keynes at the time he wrote the General Theory at Cambridge –
such as Roy Harrod and Joan Robinson – and by those who were
instrumental in creating the Cambridge School in the 1950s and
1960s. Among these economists, we have Nicholas Kaldor, Michal
Kalecki and Piero Sraffa. The views of post-Keynesians, like those of
several authors of the French Regulation School (Boyer, 1990), are
closely tied to the work of Institutionalists, especially those inspired
by the ideas developed by Thorstein Veblen and John Kenneth
Galbraith. In this sense, they continue the work started in 1936 by
the Oxford Economists’ Research Group. But, like Keynes, postKeynesian economists are generally concerned with macroeconomic
1.2 The characteristics of heterodox economics
Before we begin describing the main features of post-Keynesian economics, it is important to discuss what makes heterodox economics
different from neoclassical economics. Listing the defining features
of neoclassical theory is not, however, an easy task. Indeed, what is
the glue that unites those who study neo-Walrasian general equilibrium models with those who use game theory or even those who are
neoclassical synthesis Keynesians?
Neoclassical economists themselves often refer to the principle of
constrained maximization as a unifying theme, and it is no doubt a
central component of the approach. Until recently, we could even
Smith, Ricardo,
Say, J.S. Mill
D. Gordon
Veblen, J.K. Galbraith, Chandler
of the Third
Chicago school
M. Friedman
H.G. Johnson
Weak New
Real Business
J. Taylor
Schools of thought in macroeconomics
Figure 1.1:
J.R. Hicks
4 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 1.1: Post-Keynesians in England
The Cambridge School
Harrod, Kalecki, Sraffa, Robinson, Kahn, Kaldor, Pasinetti: all
these economists are affiliated with the Cambridge School, even
though the first two never worked at Cambridge but were instead
at Oxford University.
The Cambridge school of thought was considered very influential
around the world and was held in high esteem by heterodox economists, especially before the collapse of the British Empire and the
subsequent rise to dominance of the American universities. Today
in Cambridge only the colleges and the Judge Business School (the
department of applied economics having recently been closed
down) maintain a degree of heterodoxy. The economics department is completely neoclassical, a fact which caused the PhD
students there to sign a petition not unlike the one signed by
French students, demanding greater pluralism in the lectures that
were offered to them (Fullbrook, 2003, p. 36).
A brief look at the founding economists
Roy Harrod holds the distinction of being the first biographer of
Keynes. Just like Richard Kahn, who would later become a close
collaborator of Joan Robinson, Harrod commented on every
chapter of the General Theory as Keynes was writing it. Harrod
was known for his innovative work in economic dynamics.
Starting in 1939, he pioneered the concept of technical progress,
which we would later find in Robinson, Kaldor and Kalecki, as
well as in many post-Keynesian authors. Harrod also participated
in the Oxford studies on the behaviour of firms, which eventually led to the rejection of the dominant microeconomic theory.
Joan Robinson first became known for her work on imperfect
competition, which appeared in 1933. The book was acclaimed
by neoclassical economists, although she would later disavow it
completely. A very prolific author, her most important book was
The Accumulation of Capital, which is certainly on a par with the
General Theory, and a great classic. Although the book is at times
quite difficult to read, it deals primarily with the choices of techniques of production, monetary questions, issues of distribution,
and the problems concerning a constant rate of growth without
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 5
Box 1.1: Post-Keynesians in England – cont’d
Robinson, along with Sraffa, was one of the principal architects
behind the ‘Cambridge controversies’, which questioned the
neoclassical concept of capital and the dominant theory of
distribution (Cohen and Harcourt, 2003).
Nicholas Kaldor, was also at the heart of the Cambridge
revolution. Of Hungarian descent, Kaldor arrived in England
in 1927. His ideas were constantly evolving, and he contributed
to innovations in a number of important fields. For instance, he
offered innovative theories on speculation, multiple equilibria
and virtuous circles. He also contributed significantly to theories
of growth and development, as well as to questions concerning
monetary policies and public finance. While he never attempted
to synthesize his own work, many authors today still find inspiration in his theoretical and empirical work.
Michal Kalecki, a Polish economist, lived in England between
1936 and 1946, where he developed a close friendship with Joan
Robinson. Many economists claim that he is the father of the
principle of effective demand. Moreover, and contrary to Keynes,
Kalecki’s macroeconomic theories did not rest on Marshallian
microeconomic foundations. Kalecki was foremost an econometrician, and his work focused on business cycles. In fact, many
early econometric Keynesian studies were inspired by his work.
Piero Sraffa was born in Italy but arrived in England in 1927.
Sraffa was known for his early critique of Marshallian economics,
especially the theory of supply in a purely competitive environment. Not a great teacher, he soon embarked on editing the complete works of David Ricardo. In doing so, he began trying to
resolve some of the problems raised by Ricardo (which is the
reason why Sraffian economics is often referred to as neoRicardian economics), in particular the famous problem of the
measurement of value, linked to the determination of relative
prices in a world where the production of commodities is the
result of a circular process. His work would culminate with the
publication of The Production of Commodities by Means of
Commodities (1960), which Sraffa sees as a prelude to a criticism
of neoclassical theory. Many Italian economists converged on
Cambridge under Sraffa’s supervision, the most influential ones
6 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 1.1: Post-Keynesians in England – cont’d
being Pierangelo Garegnani (1990) and Luigi Pasinetti (1981,
1993), whose work dealt, respectively, with the theory of capital
and uneven sectoral growth. Such was the influence of these
three authors that for a while the post-Keynesian school was
known as the Anglo-Italian school. Pasinetti (2005) now speaks
of ‘the Cambridge School of Keynesian Economics’.
Information on other post-Keynesian authors can be found in
the biographies edited by Arestis and Sawyer (2002). In his book
on the history of post-Keynesian economics, King (2002) carefully traces the history of post-Keynesian authors up to today,
and offers, in King (1995b), an exhaustive bibliography.
In addition to the book edited by Holt and Pressman (2001)
and the various post-Keynesian dictionaries (see for instance
King, 2003; and Arestis and Sawyer, 1994), there exist a number
of general textbooks on post-Keynesian economics. Consider the
following, in order of difficulty: Reynolds (1987), Arestis (1992),
Lavoie (1992a), Eichner (1987) and Palley (1996). Finally, there
is a complete survey of post-Keynesian monetary economics
(Arestis and Sawyer, 2006).
claim that the principle of diminishing returns, so enshrined in
microeconomic teachings, was a central element of neoclassical economics. Yet, the new neoclassical models of endogenous growth
assume away decreasing returns.
If we wish to compare the neoclassical school with the heterodox
schools, we need a more global approach. In fact, we must step
back a little. About 30 years ago, a well-known economist, Axel
Leijonhufvud (1976), suggested studying what he called ‘presuppositions’. These are the essential elements of a given school
of thought, which cannot be formalized or modelled, and in fact
pre-date the various hypotheses and theories that derive from them.
Some methodologists claim that presuppositions are the sum of the
metaphysical beliefs that constitute a paradigm (a research programme). In the next section, we will try to identify these so-called
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 7
We can differentiate the neoclassical approach from heterodox
approaches – including post-Keynesian theory – by referring to four
methodological categories, to which we will add a political element
(see Table 1.1). Among the presuppositions of neoclassical theory,
we find an instrumentalist epistemology, methodological individualism, unbounded (substantive) rationality, and an exchange
economy based on the scarcity of goods.
Heterodox economics, however, emphasizes realism, organicism
(holism), procedural rationality and a production economy. These
differences are far from being arbitrary. In fact, we find them in
almost identical forms in the descriptions of various methodologists
and heterodox authors (Lavoie, 1992b; Setterfield, 2003). The political presupposition will be discussed later.
Realism vs instrumentalism
Instrumentalism is the dominant epistemology (the science of learning) of neoclassical economics. For instrumentalists, a hypothesis is
sound for two reasons: it is acceptable, first, provided it allows for
accurate predictions, and, second, as long as it can help to calculate
the value of a new equilibrium position. The realism of any particular hypothesis is not of concern. Theories are mere tools or
instruments of analysis, largely regardless of their ability to explain
the real workings of the economy.
This is precisely the epistemology defended by Milton Friedman,
among others, and endorsed by the vast majority of neoclassical
Table 1.1: Presuppositions of the neoclassical and heterodox research
Heterodox approaches
Neoclassical approach
Focus of analysis
Political core
Procedural rationality
Production, growth
State intervention
Substantive rationality
Exchange, scarcity
Free markets
8 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
On the other hand, most heterodox authors consider the realism
of the hypotheses as extremely relevant to economics. The objective
of economics is to be able to tell a relevant story and to explain
the way the economy actually works in the real world. To do this,
we have no choice but to begin with reality and its various stylized
facts, rather than starting from a hypothetical idealistic position.
And while all theories are to some degree abstractions of the real
world, which means that they are in a way imperfect and simple,
they must nonetheless be descriptive; they must depict the real
world, and not some imaginary one.
In fact, there is no doubt that the most common criticism of neoclassical theory is that it is not a realist or realistic depiction of the
real world. To be fair, there are hints of realism embedded within
neoclassical theory. But these tend to be auxiliary hypotheses
removed from the theoretical foundation of neoclassical theory
that depicts a non-existent ideal world. Heterodox economists, on
the other hand, consider this approach as misleading and far
removed from the real world: it rests on an imaginary view of the
Organicism and methodological individualism
At the heart of neoclassical theory is the individual – the economic
agent. While this was obvious in the Walrasian general equilibrium
theory, it is even more obvious under the guise of the new macroeconomic reconstruction of neoclassical theory, which requires
microeconomic foundations resting on the representative agent,
who is simultaneously consumer and producer, and who maximizes
whatever function under some constraints. Moreover, institutions
such as banks or firms only hide the true intentions and preferences
of individuals. This is a world of atomized agents – the world of
methodological individualism.
The heterodox approach, on the other hand, is worlds apart.
Individuals are viewed as social beings, under the influence of their
environment, including their culture and social class, as underlined
by Marxist authors. Moreover, the microeconomic decisions of individuals can give way to macroeconomic paradoxes, such as the wellknown paradox of thrift.
As for institutions, they have a life of their own. They are not the
mere reflection of the various desires of the individuals within
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 9
them. They also have their own objectives. The old adage is true:
the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Organicism, or holism, at least a moderate version of it, is the
cornerstone of the heterodox approach. In fact, the new mathematics associated with chaotic dynamics, based on non-linearity and
strange attractors, breathed new life into this conception of science,
since the analysis of chaotic dynamics requires a global approach.
Note as well that institutions are not perceived as imperfections or
impediments to the market system. On the contrary, institutions
bring stability to the economic system as a whole. Power relationships and asymmetries come to the fore. These then encourage the
study of income distribution among the various social classes, or
among the various institutions that hold power within society, such
as banks and large corporations. They also encourage us to look
more closely at the relationships between economic sectors and the
constraints that they impose upon each other.
Procedural and substantive rationality
In neoclassical theory, economic agents possess an absolute or substantive rationality. In many ways, we could argue that this is a
rather unreasonable presupposition, since agents apparently possess
quasi-unlimited knowledge and ability to calculate economic outcomes. The introduction of a lack of perfect information in certain
neoclassical models only serves to reinforce this unreasonable
ability of agents to calculate and optimize information. This hyperrationality is akin to the concept of rational expectations that we
find in ‘new classical’ or new Keynesian models.
For heterodox economists, however, rationality is bounded or
procedural, in the sense used by Herbert Simon (1976). Individuals
and institutions face severe limitations in their ability to acquire
and process information. This inability goes beyond the existence of
imperfect information, as we find it in neoclassical economics where
agents are also able to factor in the time spent searching for the
optimal quantity of information. For heterodox economists, however, the information is often insufficient or indeed non-existent,
which forces individuals and firms to postpone crucial decisions. In
fact, these decisions are particularly difficult to make, given that
they depend on expectations of the future, which itself depends on
the decisions and actions taken today.
10 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Given this state of affairs, individuals and firms often settle on a
‘satisficing’ outcome, since no one knows, or can know, the optimal
solution. In such a world, or rather to deal with these situations,
individuals give themselves norms to follow; they rely on conventions, customs, rules of behaviour and rules of thumb, or imitate
actions taken by neighbours or individuals who are in the limelight,
whose behaviour they imagine to be better informed; or else they
create institutions to reduce the detrimental consequences of
uncertainty. Rules of thumb are not ad hoc; rather they are a
rational response to an uncertain and often complex environment.
Production and scarcity
Following Lionel Robbins, the most common definition of economics is the efficient allocation of scarce resources. This definition,
however, only applies to neoclassical theory, where indeed the
scarcity of goods dictates economic behaviour; anything that has
value must be scarce and hence confronted to an opportunity cost.
Prices only reflect scarcity.
The concept of exchange dominates neoclassical theory. The auxiliary hypotheses that we find in more sophisticated models of
production simply reinforce once again the conditions and implications of a pure exchange economy. Producers follow the laws of
arbitrage and operate within an otherwise glorified exchange
By contrast, for heterodox economists, production supersedes
exchange. As is the case in the works of classical authors such as
Adam Smith or Karl Marx, heterodox economists are primarily interested in the need to create the necessary resources that will contribute to greater production and wealth. At the heart of this
analysis is the existence of a surplus, and the causes of growth in
employment, production and technical progress, which will then
contribute to an increase in the quality of life. To be fair, these
issues are also discussed at times by neoclassical economists and
their models of endogenous growth. But in heterodox economics,
since full employment of resources is not assumed, the discussion of
their efficient allocation is not a major issue.
Rather, what is emphasized among post-Keynesian economists is
the degree to which these resources are utilized. In this sense, the
economy usually operates within the boundaries of the production
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 11
possibility frontier, which is itself quite flexible. As a result, there are
always opportunities for a free lunch. Furthermore, even if one
assumes that full employment is reached, heterodox authors argue
that a number of innovations will most likely push back this natural
frontier. Economists therefore should not focus on the allocation of
scarce resources; rather they should concentrate on going beyond
scarcity, when, and if ever, scarcity arises.
The political presupposition: the view on markets
The above list of presuppositions would not be complete if we did
not include a discussion over the relative attitudes of neoclassical
and heterodox economists towards markets. While heterodox
authors recognize that ideology drives economic research and even
data-gathering activities, neoclassical authors pretend that their
theories are free of any ideology.
The majority of neoclassical economists favour free enterprise and
laissez-faire, having faith in the ability of market mechanisms – the
so-called invisible hand – to drive the economy to optimal results.
While this is a general statement, it must be recognized of course
that some neoclassical economists do build models that show that
capitalist economies based on a price system can lead to instability
and sub-optimal results. But these models are viewed as anomalies.
In fact, all neoclassical economists believe that if it were possible to
rid markets of the various imperfections that limit competition and
the availability of perfect information, flexible prices would bring
back the economy to a perfect equilibrium.
Neoclassical economists often present their argument in the
following way: in the short run, because of the presence of some
imperfections or externalities, state intervention may be needed.
In the long run, however, markets are perfectly flexible, being
able to guarantee equilibrium on their own, and hence a minimal
level of state intervention is optimal since the state is a source of
inefficiencies in the long run.
While neoclassical economists place their faith in market mechanisms and the invisible hand, heterodox economists question the
wisdom of relying blindly on markets. To various degrees, they
question both the efficiency and fairness of market mechanisms,
as well as their assumed existence. The inequity of markets is particularly emphasized by social and humanist economists. Moreover,
12 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
it is impossible to have ‘free’ markets since they cannot regulate
themselves. This was made evident in 2002 with the massive financial frauds of corporations such as Enron and Worldcom. This leads
heterodox economists to argue overwhelmingly that markets – especially financial markets – must be regulated by the state, just as
private property – which is the foundation of capitalism – must be
protected by the state.
As a result, heterodox economists see pure competition, which is
beneficial to all, as simply a transitory situation. Soon enough, competition will lead to oligopolies and monopolies. Governments must
intervene or position themselves within the sphere of private
markets, otherwise instability will set in, which would lead to the
squandering of resources. The state must regulate markets, and at
the macroeconomic level, it must regulate aggregate demand.
1.3 The essential characteristics of post-Keynesian
All heterodox approaches share the presuppositions presented
above. If this is the case, what then distinguishes post-Keynesian
economics in particular from other heterodox schools?
If we rely on the surveys written by some of its most prolific
writers (Eichner and Kregel, 1975; Arestis, 1996; Palley, 1996;
Pasinetti, 2005), seven characteristics of post-Keynesian economics
can be brought to light.
The first two characteristics – effective demand and historical
time, which are to be found in virtually all accounts of postKeynesian economics – are probably the most essential. The remaining five elements are more auxiliary in nature, and are the result of
either the first two essential characteristics or of the presuppositions
discussed above. Consequently, not all post-Keynesians consider
them as equal in importance; and other schools also adopt some of
these elements.
The principle of effective demand
According to the principle of effective demand, the production of
goods adjusts itself to the demand for goods. This principle is at the
heart of all post-Keynesian approaches. The economy is therefore
demand-determined, and not constrained by supply or given
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 13
endowments. This means that investment is essentially independent
of saving; investment and capital accumulation are not tied to
the intertemporal consumption decisions of households (Shapiro,
Of course, many other economists also share this view, although
only with regard to the short period. Marxists and new Keynesian
economists in particular readily admit that in the short run output
and national income are governed by changes in aggregate demand.
In the long run, however, both Marxists and neoclassical economists claim that the economy is strictly under the constraints
imposed by supply conditions.
In the neoclassical aggregate demand/aggregate supply model,
this is depicted by a vertical aggregate supply curve in the long run.
This implies, of course, that the economy cannot, in the long run,
produce at higher levels of output, regardless of prices. In the
context of the Phillips curve, this same reasoning is depicted by a
vertical Phillips curve at a given natural rate of unemployment or at
the prevailing NAIRU (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment). This natural rate is unique and independent of any actual
level of unemployment, past or present.
Moreover, if we consider the Solow growth model, long-run
growth is limited only by the growth rate of the active population
and the rate of technical progress, assumed to be exogenous. In a
similar fashion, the long-run rate of growth in Marxist models of
accumulation is limited by the rate of saving on profits as well as
the normal profit rate, both being supply-side determined variables.
What sets post-Keynesians apart is their refusal to accept the
notion that the long run is in any way constrained by supply.
Hence, for post-Keynesians, the principle of effective demand is
always relevant, both in the short and in the long run. Investment
always causes saving, rather than the reverse. In this sense, there are
a number of possible long-run positions, which depend on the constraints imposed by effective demand and the existing institutions.
It is the supply side that will finally adjust to the demand side.
Dynamic historical time
Inspired by Joan Robinson (1980), post-Keynesians often emphasize
the difference between historical and logical time. In the case of the
latter, economists hardly ever ask how the economy transits from
14 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
one equilibrium position to another. Some parameter of the system
is modified, demand or supply curves are moved around. It is
assumed that the move from one position to another occurs almost
instantaneously. Once at the new intersection – the so-called equilibrium – economists proceed to compare the properties of the new
position with the old one, and draw from that analysis all sorts of
conclusions. When the parameter is modified back to its previous
value, the economy returns to where it was, as if time was not a
factor. Logical time has no depth.
Historical time is quite different. Time is irreversible: once a decision is made and implemented, it cannot be reversed, except
perhaps at a great cost. This is particularly the case with fixed costs,
such as investment in a new plant. If there is a true scarce resource,
it is surely time.
From this, we can only conclude that any given long-run position
is not independent of the short run: it is simply the result of a series
of short-period positions (Kalecki, 1971, p. 165). Hence according to
post-Keynesians, the path taken by an economy during the transition, following any given shock, is extremely important. As Halevi
and Kriesler (1991, p. 86) claim, long-period analysis in logical time
is only relevant when ‘some coherent dynamic adjustment process
is specified which can describe the “traverse” from one equilibrium
position to another, without the traverse itself influencing the final
equilibrium position, that is, without the equilibrium being path
determined’. In general, therefore, post-Keynesians believe that the
long period does not exist independently of the path taken during
the transition from one equilibrium position to another.
This leads quite naturally into the need, advocated by postKeynesians, for developing dynamic models of the economy which
emphasize the evolution through time of the stocks of physical
assets and financial wealth. These models also need to explain the
changes in the productive structure of the economy. This is the very
essence of dynamic time.
To be sure, the notion that the equilibrium position is not independent of the path of the economy is not a new idea. In fact,
Keynes, and a number of post-Keynesians, such as Kaldor and
Hyman Minsky, advocated these views a long time ago. Interestingly enough, whereas these ideas were once thought to be difficult
to formalize, today they are at the heart of more recent develop-
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 15
ments in non-linear mathematics, based on the notions of hysteresis,
path-dependency, irreversibility and lock-in effects (such as the adoption of QWERTY or AZERTY keyboards). Of course, this all amounts to
the possibility of multiple equilibrium positions. And while postKeynesians are not the only economists to hold these views, these
ideas are intrinsically tied to their vision of the economic process.
In addition to the heterodox presuppositions discussed above, consider the key features of post-Keynesian theory outlined in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2: Main features of post-Keynesian economics, beyond the
presuppositions of heterodox economics
Essential features
Effective demand
The economy is demand-determined both in the short
run and the long run; supply adapts to demand. At all
times, it is investment that determines saving, rather
than the converse.
Historical and
dynamic time
We must always consider the transition from one
position to another, and recognize that the conditions
under which this transition occurs may affect the final
position of equilibrium.
Auxiliary features
The possible
negative impact
of flexible prices
Because of income effects, price flexibility may worsen
the situation that it was meant to correct.
The monetary
Models must recognize that contracts are denominated
in money; that firms have debts and households have
assets that may impose considerable financial
The future is necessarily different from the past. The
future is unknown and unknowable since decisions
taken today will alter the way the future looks.
Relevant and
Post-Keynesian microeconomics rests on decisions of a
lexicographic nature and on inversed L-shaped cost
curves (see Chapter 2).
Pluralism of
theories and
Reality can take several forms. As such, there are a
number of different methods as well as economic
theories that may appear to rival one another.
16 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
The auxiliary post-Keynesian features
In addition to the two essential characteristics just discussed, postKeynesians often refer to additional specific features when describing their approach. There are five such features and they are the
possible destabilizing effects of price flexibility; the existence of a
monetary production economy; fundamental uncertainty; relevant
microeconomics; and a pluralistic approach to theorizing. The
microeconomic foundations will be discussed in the next chapter.
Post-Keynesians reject the tenet of the virtues of flexible prices
that is at the heart of neoclassical theory. They tend to downplay
the importance of substitution effects – where consumer and producer choices are tied to changes in relative prices – favouring
instead the consideration of income effects, where these same
choices are primarily determined by changes in income and
technical progress.
In fact, post-Keynesians argue that flexible prices can be destabilizing. For instance, while neoclassical economists believe that a
decrease in nominal and real wages will bring the economy back to
full employment, post-Keynesians think that such actions will only
make matters worse. This is because a reduction in either nominal
or real wages will impact negatively on effective demand by reducing the purchasing power of workers, thereby increasing the debt
burden of firms.
These debts are unavoidable in a monetary production economy.
Contemporary economies rest on the existence of contracts denominated in money, in dollars or pounds sterling, for instance. They
are not measured in terms of output. Households do not directly
own the physical assets of large corporations. Rather they own
financial assets, and their desire to part with the less liquid of these
can trigger a financial crisis.
At the heart of the post-Keynesian economy is investment, decisions on which are taken by entrepreneurs and firms, independently
of the level of saving in the economy. In this sense, the role of
banks is of great importance, since they advance to firms the funds
needed to begin the production process. Post-Keynesians argue that
banks advance the necessary funds to firms as long as they are
deemed creditworthy – an assessment which in turn depends on the
debt load of firms. This is Kalecki’s principle of increasing risk,
which is of crucial importance in capitalist economies. Funds
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 17
advanced to firms – as well as the rate of interest charged on loans –
will depend largely on whether the economy is or is not expanding.
This is related to the liquidity preference of banks.
Fundamental uncertainty
Liquidity preference is often tied in with fundamental uncertainty,
which is usually associated with the writings of Keynes and Frank
Knight. Fundamental uncertainty is very different from probabilistic
risk, which we find in the neoclassical literature. Under a situation
of fundamental uncertainty, it is impossible to calculate either the
probabilities of an event occurring or possible outcomes. The future
is unknown and unpredictable. What matters then is the agents’
confidence – their ‘animal spirits’, as defined by Keynes.
The notion of fundamental uncertainty is linked to two other
important concepts in post-Keynesian theory: historical time and
bounded rationality, implying only limited knowledge of the world.
In historical time, the future is – or can be – different from the past
or the present. In language borrowed from physics, the world is
non-ergodic, meaning that the averages and the fluctuations
observed in the past will not necessarily be observed in different
time periods (Davidson, 1988). Every crucial decision, as defined by
G.L.S. Shackle, destroys ergodic processes which may have existed at
the moment these decisions were taken.
Non-ergodicity therefore casts doubt on any conclusions or predictions we may make based on statistical analyses or econometric
studies. It is less than likely that events we observe today will
reproduce themselves in the future.
The most fundamentalist post-Keynesians, such as Davidson
and Minsky, believe that the existence of fundamental uncertainty
completely destroys the foundations of neoclassical theory. While
fundamental uncertainty is certainly pervasive in the real world,
neoclassical authors assume away its existence, and they continue to
use probability density functions. In fact, Nobel laureate Robert
Lucas (1981, p. 224) claimed that ‘in cases of uncertainty, economic
reasoning would be of no value’, meaning here the reasoning of
neoclassical theory. It is in this context that Davidson (1984, p. 574)
writes that the guiding motto of post-Keynesian economists is: ‘it
is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong’. It is better to
18 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
describe the real world with some rough accuracy than to describe
an imaginary world with great precision.
Some authors believe that introducing fundamental uncertainty
leads to nihilism. This argument rests on the notion that if indeed
fundamental uncertainty is pervasive, with the future unknown and
unknowable, then it is ultimately impossible to know whether any
given economic policy would have its desired effects.
But such an argument can easily be countered. Except in periods
of crisis, uncertainty tends instead to create a degree of continuity.
Agents and institutions are disinclined to alter their behaviour substantially when faced with news and surprises of all sorts (Heiner,
1983). People will hesitate to act on account of the lack of proper
1.4 The various strands of post-Keynesian theory
Pluralism of methods and ideas
Reality can take several forms, which in itself explains why heterodox economists adopt a variety of methods and theories. This is the
inevitable result of adopting a realist epistemology, which according
to Dow (2001), is particularly the case with post-Keynesians. Yet,
this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, since it often
gives the impression that post-Keynesian theory lacks coherence.
This was, for instance, the criticism made by Walters and Young
The last characteristic of post-Keynesian theory is pluralism – that
is, pluralism of ideas and methods. Post-Keynesians welcome the
contributions of other approaches and schools. For instance, postKeynesians are open to the ideas of humanist economists on
consumer theory, or those of the institutionalist economists on the
theory of the firm.
Like economists belonging to the French Regulation school or to
the French Conventions school, post-Keynesians derive inspiration
from a variety of sources: from economists such as Marx, Keynes,
Kalecki, Kaldor, Leontief, Sraffa, Veblen, Galbraith, Andrews,
Georgescu-Roegen, Hicks or Tobin, or from other disciplines (sociology, history, political science, psychology and anthropology). The
unifying theme is that truth can take several forms. All methods,
formal or literary, are acceptable.
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 19
Box 1.2: A Post-Keynesian Nobel laureate?
Many economists believe that Joan Robinson and Nicholas
Kaldor should have been awarded the Bank of Sweden Nobel
Prize for economics before their deaths in 1983 and 1986 respectively. But a post-Keynesian economist, William Vickrey, an
American born in Canada, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1996
for his work on the role of information. He died only three days
after the announcement.
The members of the Academy would surely have been surprised to hear his acceptance speech. In the last 12 years or so of
his life, Vickrey had been participating in all of the conferences
and seminars organized by a well-known post-Keynesian – Paul
Davidson, the founder (with Sidney Weintraub, his former
teacher) of the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. In fact, Vickrey
(1997) believed that the biggest problem in contemporary
economies was a structural lack of aggregate demand. As a result,
full employment required substantial fiscal deficits. Vickrey was
vehemently opposed to restrictions placed on fiscal deficits, such
as is the case with the Treaty of Maastricht.
Fundamentalists, Sraffians and Kaleckians
Post-Keynesian theory is far from being a homogeneous approach.
In fact, three separate strands can be found: the fundamentalists,
the Kaleckians and the Sraffians (Hamouda and Harcourt, 1988).
Fundamentalists, such as Davidson (1972) and Minsky (1976),
draw their main inspiration from Keynes. They emphasize fundamental uncertainty, money, liquidity preference, financial instability
and methodological questions. These authors, who are sometimes
referred to as American post-Keynesians, argue that post-Keynesian
theory is more general than neoclassical theory. In order to prove
this point, they are ready to entertain certain dubious neoclassical
assertions, such as the ‘law’ of decreasing returns.
Sraffians, of course, are inspired by the work of Pierro Sraffa, as
well as Marx, although indirectly. They are mainly concerned with
relative prices, the choices of techniques and the interdependence
inherent in the existence of a multisectoral production system, as in
input–output analysis. Sraffian theory is also labelled as the ‘surplus
20 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
approach’ since their models also assess the surplus from intermediate production.
Sraffian work has also emphasized joint production (for instance
meat and lambswool), the measure of fixed capital and the choice
of an invariable anchor of value. These highly technical questions
nevertheless generated a substantial amount of interest among
heterodox economists and even the lay public (at least in Europe) in
the 1970s, and this for two reasons. First, Sraffian theory invalidates
the neoclassical theory of distribution (Garegnani, 1990; Pasinetti,
1977). Second, it casts doubt on a simplified Marxist theory of
labour value (Steedman, 1977). Sraffian theory, as it can be found in
Pasinetti (1981, 1993), may nonetheless be viewed as a last-ditch
attempt to preserve some version of the labour theory of value,
albeit a more coherent and sophisticated one.
Finally, the third strand in post-Keynesian economics is the
Kaleckian approach (Sawyer, 1989). While they are inspired primarily by Kalecki, Kaleckians are also indirectly influenced by Marx
(especially that part in Marx that deals with the problem of the
realization of profits), and more directly by Kaldor and the Institutionalists. Kaleckians are very eclectic (King, 2002, p. 219). They
are as interested in microeconomics, for instance the pricing process, as they are in macroeconomic aggregates and mesoeconomic
financial relations.
In contrast to fundamentalist post-Keynesians, however, Kaleckians
do not see their approach as more general than neoclassical theory,
but simply as more realistic and relevant to a greater number of
circumstances and industries.
While many post-Keynesian authors will claim allegiance to a
given approach, some will certainly admit to being influenced by
all three post-Keynesian strands. Among the more eclectic postKeynesians, we find Alfred Eichner (1987) and Edward Nell (1998).
The greatest differences between post-Keynesians arise when we
compare the views of Sraffians with those of fundamentalists
(Arena, 1992), in particular when contrasting the reasons underpinning their criticisms of neoclassical theory. For fundamentalists,
neoclassical theory is wrong because it does not incorporate fundamental uncertainty, the lack of ergodicity, and the features associated with a monetized economy of production. For Sraffians,
however, neoclassical theory ought to be rejected because the ‘real’
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 21
side of the theory is incorrect, since neoclassical theory rests on an
adjustment mechanism that relies on flexible factor prices (real
wages, real interest rates), which is presumed to reflect relative
scarcities – a claim that Sraffians have proved to be mistaken.
The Sraffian critique, as Robinson (1980) observed, is often lost
on fundamentalists and Kaleckians since it represents an internal
critique of neoclassical theory, and does not incorporate some
essential post-Keynesian features, such as historical time.
Should we exclude some approaches or emphasize others?
Some fundamentalist post-Keynesians believe that it is a strategic mistake to attempt to integrate all three strands of postKeynesianism (Davidson, 2005). Also, recent attempts at summarizing post-Keynesian theory (see for instance Holt and Pressman,
2001) tend to exclude the contributions of Sraffians because their
methods and the themes they cover are considered distant from
those of other post-Keynesians. Although I do not specifically
address here most of the core themes of the Sraffian school, I
nonetheless prefer to include them in my own definition of postKeynesianism, and this for two reasons. First, there are strong historical and personal ties between a number of post-Keynesians
and Sraffians. Second, and perhaps more importantly, whenever
Sraffians discuss macroeconomic issues, they adopt models that are
similar to those proposed by post-Keynesians.
When we go beyond the realm of criticism and discuss the positive contributions of each approach, we realize in fact that there
exists a strong consensus among all approaches, particularly with
respect to the importance of the principle of effective demand
(King, 1995a, pp. 244–5). For instance, the employment model used
by the Sraffian Gary Mongiovi (1991), based on effective demand,
gives us results that are similar to those obtained from Kaleckian
models (see Chapter 4). Moreover, Sraffian economist Heinz Kurz
(1994) uses a growth model with effective demand that is a variation of the Kaleckian model of growth (see Chapter 5). Dutt and
Amadeo (1990) in their analysis of the links between all three
approaches refer in fact to ‘neo-Ricardian Keynesians’.
There are also other points of convergence. When discussing the
shape of cost curves (compare for instance the work of Sraffian
economists Roncaglia (1995) and Schefold (1997, ch. 17) with the
22 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 1.3: Post-Keynesians or new Keynesians?
In the last few decades, there has emerged within neoclassical
theory a ‘new Keynesian’ approach that has adopted, in many
respects, a rather critical tone towards ‘new classical’ economics
and unrestricted free-market advocates. What then are the links
between new Keynesians and post-Keynesians? This is certainly
not an easy question to answer (see Rotheim, 1996). At first
glance, we may conclude that new Keynesians are neoclassical
authors since they use the same tools of analysis as their
new classical adversaries. Yet, like the post-Keynesians, new
Keynesians do not constitute a unified approach.
We can identify three main strands within the new Keynesian
school. The first two strands are sometimes called weak new
Keynesianism, as in Figure 1.1. The first strand tries to explain
the stickiness of certain nominal variables, which are believed to
be imperfections that amplify economic fluctuations. In this sense,
the economic policy proposals of the new Keynesians of the first
kind are very similar to those of their new classical cousins.
The second new Keynesian strand, within which Stiglitz would
be found, attempts to explain the stickiness of real variables,
usually by advocating the presence of asymmetric and imperfect
information. For the new Keynesians of the second kind, in
the short run the flexibility of wages and prices is unhelpful in
recovering the optimal properties of the economic system.
Finally, one can encounter new Keynesianism of the third
kind, also called post-Walrasian economics by Colander (2003).
In this strand, authors build models with multiple equilibria,
which are usually attributed to problems of coordination. While
this latter approach is influenced by general equilibrium theory
and often relies on rational expectations, it is nonetheless closest
to post-Keynesian theory since it ends up questioning the existence of a natural rate of unemployment or of a unique natural
rate of growth (Van Ees and Garretsen, 1993). Indeed, since these
models generate complex and chaotic dynamics, one could
argue, as does Rosser (1998, p. 293), that they are self-destructive
because they demonstrate the ‘unlikeliness of rational expectations actually obtaining in the real world’, and that they provide
clear foundations for fundamental uncertainty.
Post-Keynesian Heterodoxy 23
Box 1.3: Post-Keynesians or new Keynesians? – cont’d
A certain amount of convergence also exists with respect
to empirical work, in particular when it comes to dealing with
monetary policy and investment functions. In fact, these two
fields now incorporate liquidity constraints, largely influenced by
Kalecki. One of the leading advocates of this approach, Steven
Fazzari, who is known as a new Keynesian empirical author by
his mainstream colleagues, is in reality a Kaleckian economist!
Nonetheless, it is clear that new Keynesians and postKeynesians differ significantly when we consider the role played
by constrained optimization and by effective demand in their
respective models (Dutt, 2003). For post-Keynesians, effective
demand is both dominant and crucial, whereas for new Keynesians
aggregate demand is usually exogenous; constraints mainly
appear from the supply side.
content of Chapter 2) or the workings of monetary economies, we
can see that there are close affinities between Sraffians and postKeynesians. Indeed, some Sraffians, such as Carlo Panico (1988),
adopt an endogenous money framework and believe that the central
bank can only control the short-term rate of interest – two themes
that are central to fundamentalists and Kaleckians (see Chapter 3).
Moreover, Sraffians like Roncaglia (2003) offer an analysis of the
prices of natural resources, in particular the price of oil, which
does not rest on any notion of scarcity. In fact, it rests on radical
uncertainty and a given rate of technical progress, again concepts
that are key in post-Keynesian theory.
A warning is in order. The following chapters tend to favour the
Kaleckian rather than the fundamentalist strand of post-Keynesian
economics. There are several reasons for this. First, the Kaleckian
approach offers a clear, realistic and coherent view of effective
demand. Second, the degree of formalization required to understand
this approach is ideal for the readers of this book. As such, the
Kaleckian approach represents the perfect antidote to TINA. Third,
the Kaleckian model is extremely flexible. It has proved common
ground for many heterodox economists (Marxists, Sraffians, structuralists and regulationists) who have modified it to build their own
24 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
version. Fourth, the Kaleckian model is well-suited for empirical and
econometric research, having been derived, as already pointed out,
from an author – Kalecki – who was himself an econometrician.
Finally, just like Kaleckians, I will try to be eclectic and discuss
themes that are of interest to all post-Keynesians.
Heterodox Microeconomics
Neoclassical microeconomic theory is closely tied to two important
concepts in economics: marginalism and decreasing marginal
utility, suggesting that the more we acquire of a given good, the less
additional utility we derive from it. Accordingly, if the importance
we assign to any good is directly related to its total utility, the price
of that good is related to the additional utility we receive from
it – marginal utility. This is marginalism.
The first neoclassical economists modelled production theory on
consumer theory. The principle of diminishing returns is the carbon
copy of the principle of decreasing marginal utility. Yet, while students are often in awe of the similarities between the laws governing
consumers and firms, these are not the result of any natural process;
rather they are an artificial construct that arises from the fancy for
symmetry of the first neoclassical authors.
Post-Keynesian theory rejects indifference curves as well as neoclassical convex isoquants with their famous U-shaped cost curves.
Moreover, the rules and behaviour that govern entrepreneurs and
consumers are quite different from those we find in neoclassical
2.1 Consumer choice theory
To develop their theory of consumer choice, post-Keynesians turn to
a number of sources, including the work of psychologists, socioeconomists, institutionalists, marketing specialists and the work of
such economists as Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1966) or Herbert
26 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Simon and the behaviorist school. In fact, Drakopoulos (1992) has
shown that Keynes himself could be associated with this alternative
consumer theory, which does not rest on an axiomatic approach,
relying instead on observed behaviour. Indeed, Fontana and Gerrard
(2004) argue that the results of recent experimental studies by economists and psychologists on decision-making under uncertainty
are clearly supportive of the post-Keynesian approach.
Before discussing the post-Keynesian theory of consumer choice,
however, it is important to distinguish clearly between wants and
needs. Modern neoclassical economists are often confused when it
comes to distinguishing between the two concepts, which was ironically not the case of their predecessors, such as Alfred Marshall
and Carl Menger. Quite simply, needs can always be ranked and
prioritized – there is a hierarchic ranking of needs – whereas wants
evolve from needs and constitute ‘the various preferences within a
common category or level of need’ (Lutz and Lux, 1979, p. 21). This
distinction can be best represented with the following analogy:
while thirst is a need, the choice between Coke and Pepsi is purely
the result of the desire for one cola over the other.
Seven principles of consumer choice
As Table 2.1 describes, there are seven principles underlying the
post-Keynesian theory of consumer choice. Procedural rationality
was discussed at length earlier. It is one of the presuppositions of
heterodox economics. The great majority of consumer decisions are
spontaneous and are the result of routine and habits, or based only
on a few criteria. For instance, in choosing, say, a chair, colour preference may be insignificant in comparison to the quality of the
leather that consumers demand. Households may not consider all
possible options, except perhaps in the case of more important purchases. Indeed, non-compensatory decision criteria allow consumers
to take quick decisions.
Moreover, consumers often entertain thresholds; this is the principle of the satiation of needs. Beyond a threshold, purchasing additional units of a given good brings no satisfaction. While this may
resemble the neoclassical principle of decreasing marginal utility
(the neoclassical non-saturation principle), it is actually very different. Indeed, the post-Keynesian principle of satiation exists at a
positive price and finite income.
Heterodox Microeconomics 27
Table 2.1:
The seven principles of the post-Keynesian theory of choice
Procedural rationality
Consumers will tend to follow habits, find
shortcuts, use non-compensatory rules, satisfice
(instead of maximize).
Satiable wants
Beyond a given threshold, the need is met, and
more of one good will bring no additional
Separation of needs
The consumer subdivides needs or expenditures
into many categories, only loosely tied to one
Subordination of needs
Needs are often hierarchized, one need being
subordinated to another.
Growth of needs
and Pasinetti)
Time and increases in income allow movement
from one need to another within the hierarchy of
Needs are influenced by publicity, fashion, heroes,
culture, family, friends …
Heredity (GeorgescuRoegen)
Curent choices depend on the choices made in
the past.
The separability of needs. The next two principles are certainly the
most important since they can have considerable repercussions.
According to the principle of the separability of needs, needs or
categories of consumer expenditures can be clearly distinguished
from one another.
It would be an almost impossible task accurately to allocate our
income to various consumer goods while taking into account the
relative prices of all goods under consideration. Rather, to offset this
complexity, consumers take a series of decisions that simplify and
subdivide their task. For instance, they allocate specific budgets to
various components, such as food, clothing, services, leisure, housing and transportation. Within each of these categories, they then
evaluate various sub-categories or subgroups, independently of the
others. Consequently, we can imagine a number of expenditure
streams, each with a multitude of possibilities, each of which
represents a subgroup of expenditures.
Changes in relative prices within a subgroup will not affect
decisions relative to goods and services in another subgroup.
28 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Changes in relative prices will only affect decisions regarding goods
within the same subgroup. For instance, a decrease in the price of,
say, shirts may affect the demand for trousers, but will not affect the
demand for services or computers. Only a global or general increase
in the price of all goods within a subgroup may then have an impact
on monies allocated to other subgroups. For instance, an overall
increase in the price of clothing may have an affect on expenditures
on food.
In fact, empirical studies clearly show that the price elasticities for
major subgroups are extremely weak (between –0.003 and –0.072
according to one such study) and cross-price elasticities close to
zero (in fact, inferior to 0.02, 30 out of 36 times; see Eichner, 1987,
ch. 7). In other words, substitution effects between subgroups
are virtually nil. In fact, substitution effects, which are so central
to neoclassical theory, are confirmed only when goods are similar to
one another (fruit juices and sodas, for instance).
The subordination of needs. Substitution effects can be weakened still
further if we consider another important principle: the subordination
of needs. This principle is in fact often associated with the pyramid of
needs suggested by Abraham Maslow and his humanistic school of
psychology (in order, physiological needs, then material, luxury, social
and moral needs). The allocation of budgets is done on a hierarchical
order: essential needs are first financed until they are satiated. If any
income is left, then discretionary spending is allocated to other
subgroups, in order of priority. It is in this sense that choices are
considered to be lexicographic.
According to this principle, utility cannot be represented by a
unique value; if utility exists, it should be considered rather as a
vector where each component is linked to a need. This is what
Georgescu-Roegen (1966) calls the principle of irreducibility, which
we can also call the principle of incommensurability.
There is no possible arbitrage between goods that belong to different subgroups. There is no longer any possible substitution between
these expenditure categories. Archimedes’ axioms and the notion of
gross substitution, so essential to neoclassical theory, no longer
hold. The postulates that ‘everything has a price’ and that ‘any good
can be substituted for another’, are unsubstantiated. The only
possible substitution occurs within a subgroup.
Heterodox Microeconomics 29
Box 2.1: Post-Keynesians and ordering of a lexicographic nature
While post-Keynesians have never really developed their views
on consumer choice in any systematic way, we can nonetheless
find some interesting and coherent insights from a number
of the better-known and more prolific post-Keynesians, such as
Joan Robinson (1956), Luigi Pasinetti (1981, ch. 4), Edward Nell
(1992, ch. 17), Alfred Eichner (1987, ch. 9) and Philip Arestis
(1992, ch. 5). But the most interesting work to date has been
carried out by Peter Earl (1983). In Lavoie (1992a, ch. 2), we can
find a discussion of five of the seven principles described here,
and we can also find a formal presentation of orderings of a
lexicographic nature in Drakopoulos (1994).
If we had to formalize the principles of separability and subordination of needs, many post-Keynesians would be tempted to
adopt Kevin Lancaster’s (1971) analysis of the characteristics of
According to Lancaster, consumers are interested in the characteristics of a particular good, not the good itself. Each good offers
a vector of characteristics; hence all goods taken together can be
represented by a matrix of consumption. When the matrix is
decomposable, it implies that a specific need can be attributed to
each group of characteristics. This is the principle of separability,
which is accepted even by some neoclassical authors.
From here, if we want to discuss the principle of subordination, we need to introduce orderings of a lexicographic nature,
which suggest that we order and prioritize groups of characteristics. Lancaster (1971, p. 154) follows this approach, which
he calls ‘dominance’, but he does not put much faith in it,
whereas Ironmonger (1972), who proposed this approach concurrently, is much in favour of it.
Growth, dependence and heredity. Admitting that there does indeed
exist a hierarchy of needs, how is this hierarchy organized? And
how do we move from one need to another? The principles of
growth, dependence and heredity help to explain these questions.
The principle of growth stipulates that households will make their
way up the pyramid of needs as their income grows. Income effects
30 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 2.2: René Roy: first advocate of the post-Keynesian theory of
consumer choice
In 1943, René Roy, professor at l’École des Ponts et Chaussées, and
a colleague of Maurice Allais, published a remarkable article in
Econometrica, entitled ‘La hiérarchie des besoins et la notion de
groupe en économie des choix’ [‘The hierarchy of needs and the
concept of groups in consumer choice theory’], which he had submitted in 1940. In this paper, Roy develops many aspects of this
alternative consumer theory, in particular the principles of satiation,
separability and subordination, as the following extract shows.
These groups are conceived and could seemingly be established on the basis of the fact that, before consuming goods
tied to the high end of the hierarchy of needs, all individuals
first allocate their income to goods or services that are essential for survival in conditions imposed by their physical
nature, the climate, the specific characteristics of their residence and social constraints. It is therefore possible to classify
all goods and services in groups and to state that all consumers do not access a group of a given level until they have
fully satisfied the needs that the groups at lower levels are
meant to fulfill …
In the final analysis, and with particular reference to consumer phenomena, we think that the concept of urgency in
satisfying human needs tends to create a ranking scale of consumer goods such that they can be classified into groups,
whereas the concept of taste is expressed within each group in
terms of individual consumers’ choice of articles meeting their
personal preferences …
Only within each group do relative prices, combined with
individual tastes, have any effect on the demand for specific
commodities, through the mechanism of substitution.
(Roy, 2005, pp. 50, 51, 54)
explain the evolution within the pyramid of needs. We assume that
the top of the pyramid is characterized by moral needs, which
includes environmental issues.
Heterodox Microeconomics 31
Moreover, how do we come to have the needs that we have? How
do we know the needs we require? Choices and the evolution of needs
are influenced by the society in which we live, by fashion trends and
marketing campaigns. This is what Galbraith (1958) calls the dependence effect: consumers observe other members of society – the more
notorious ones or those that they wish to emulate – and they try to
imitate their consumption behaviour. The principle of the dependence
of needs, also sometimes called the principle of non-independence, is
also closely linked to conspicuous consumption. It emphasizes the
fact that individuals often consume more to satisfy others than for
themselves, as was demonstrated by Veblen, Bourdieu and others.
But there exists yet another kind of dependence effect, a more
intrinsic one, which has been called the heredity principle. It is one of
the better proven facts in experimental psychology. It explains that
choices are not independent of the order in which they were made.
Georgescu-Roegen argued that choices made out of habit are subject to
this principle of heredity. The satisfaction that one derives from a particular experience depends, for instance, on past experiences, on the
time in between these events, but also on the duration and intensity of
past experiences. The heredity principle is the equivalent of historical
time as applied to consumer choice theory: past choices will influence
future choices. It is a kind of hysteresis effect: the current situation
depends on the path taken in the past. The initial choice of, say, an
X-Box, will eliminate the need to purchase a DVD player in the future.
Implications for economic theory and policy
The principle of irreducibility, which is the combination of the principles of separability and subordination, implies that goods cannot
be treated in an identical fashion. In other words, there exists an
asymmetry with respect to the impact of price changes on quantity
demanded. For instance, any change in the price of a good belonging to a discretionary group (gadgets of some sort) will have no
impact on the quantities demanded for a good associated with an
essential need (such as bread). However, any change in the price of
an essential good will have an effect on the quantity demanded for
luxury goods or those deemed less essential.
The irreducibility principle in fact justifies certain state interventions, in particular controlling and subsidizing the prices of
necessary goods that satisfy the essential needs of the population.
32 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
We could say the same about such policies as rent control or social
housing. By lowering the price of these essential goods, more
individuals are able to satisfy their priority needs.
Implications for environmental studies
Post-Keynesian consumption theory allows us to explain a frequently observed phenomenon in environmental studies. Authors
using contingent valuation models try to estimate the amount of
money that consumers would be willing to pay or to accept in compensation for a better or worse environment or conservation of
wildlife. These authors have for years observed an incredible
number of answers – bids – that are inconsistent with neoclassical
theory and its indifference curves.
Many individuals answer that they would accept no compensation, while elsewhere in the questionnaire, they readily
admit that they are concerned with environmental issues. Other
respondents give answers involving ludicrously large amounts
of money.
Yet, these answers make sense provided we accept that these consumers consider the environment to be a primary need, subject to a
minimal income constraint. No possible amount of money is
sufficient to compensate them for the deterioration of the environment; yet to express their feelings on the issue, they either go
for zero bids or they bid for an almost infinite amount. These are
protest bids (Spash and Hanley, 1995).
2.2 Oligopolistic markets and the objectives of firms
Characteristics of the post-Keynesian firm
The neoclassical theory of the firm is essentially pure fiction: it
assumes a small firm facing diminishing returns, which maximizes
profits in the short run in a perfectly competitive environment, producing a level of output where market price is equal to marginal
cost. The firm remains afloat as long as the price is above the
average variable cost. If demand increases, so do prices.
The post-Keynesian firm is of a rather different nature. It operates
in the context of imperfect competition, more specifically in oligopolistic markets, where a few large firms, the megacorps, dominate a
series of smaller firms.
Heterodox Microeconomics 33
Box 2.3: Jean Anouilh: a fine connoisseur of lexicographic
Jean Anouilh, author of a number of plays, is by any definition
an accomplished analyst of human behaviour. In the following
excerpt, he describes the discussion between Messerchmann, a
rich industrialist, and Isabelle, a young, dazzling but poor dancer
whom Mr Messerchmann would very much like to bribe so she
can leave the castle, since she offends his daughter who is in love
with the lord of the manor. Consider the following passage:
How much do you want to leave without seeing him
I: Nothing, Sir. I did not intend to see him again.
M: Miss, I don’t like it when things are free.
I: Do free things worry you?
M: They seem priceless to me … I find you very likeable and
I am willing to be very generous to you. How much do
you want?
I: Nothing, Sir.
M: It’s too dear.
(Jean Anouilh (1972) [1951], L’invitation au château,
Paris: Éditions de la Table Ronde (Folio), Paris, Act IV, pp. 325–8)
The text is an excellent example of lexicographic ordering. When
Messerchmann asks Isabelle how much money she would be
willing to accept to leave the castle, she says ‘nothing’. This is a
protest bid. Her departure cannot be bought, or if it could, the
required amount of money would be infinite. Her preferences are
lexicographic. Messerchmann is not fooled and understands
this only too well. That is why when Isabelle answers that her
willingness-to-accept price is zero – nothing – he interjects: ‘It is
too dear’!
Firms are also interdependent, since the decisions taken by one
firm have consequences for other firms. This suggests that firms
must take into consideration rival firms, including firms that may
eventually enter the market. As such, strategy is a substantial com-
34 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 2.4: Choices of a lexicographic nature within environmental
Assume individuals who must choose between the quality (or size)
of forests and their own private consumption, f and y. We will
assume that as long as their income is below y*, they will prefer the
bundle with the highest net income (their maximum consumption), irrespective of the size of the forest. However, for an equal
net income, the individual prefers the bundle that has the biggest
forest. We would then say that private consumption is the individual’s first choice while the forest is his secondary choice. This is
depicted in Figure 2.1 with horizontal quasi-indifference curves
with an arrow. The higher the curve, the higher the level of
satisfaction. But on any given horizontal curve, any rightward
movement represents even more satisfaction.
But, for a net income equal or higher than y*, the primary
concern is the size of the forest, and the net income becomes the
secondary concern. The quasi-indifference curves are now vertical. The more individuals find themselves to the right, the
happier they are. They have become ‘green’ consumers. Hence,
according to Figure 2.1, they would prefer the following situations: A > C > B > D > E > G.
Figure 2.1: Contingency value assessment with choices of a
lexicographic nature
Heterodox Microeconomics 35
Box 2.4: Choices of a lexicographic nature within environmental
economics – cont’d
Let us assume that an individual is at point A, surrounded by a
forest of given size f0, with an income ya. Under these conditions
what would this person be ready to pay to prevent the reduction
of the forest? This amount is obviously ya – y*, since below y* net
income would become the primary concern. But this amount
greatly underestimates the true value of the forest. If the forest
was greatly reduced and green consumers now found themselves
at point B, their satisfaction would be much less than if they
were at point C. Moreover, what amount of money would sufficiently compensate each of them for allowing the disappearance of part of the forest? In fact, this amount would be
indeterminate or infinite.
Consequently, in the case of those individuals for whom the
forest has become the primary criterion for their lexicographic
ordering, contingency evaluations do not adequately reflect a
freely-agreed exchange, as should be the case in any market, even
a hypothetical one. Rather, the proposed transaction resembles
a ransom more than anything else. Yet, in any ransom situation, a
person can never be indifferent between the value of the ransom
paid and the value of the ransomed item or human. Neoclassical
welfare theory is thus invalidated. Irrespective of the size by which
the forest is reduced, the individual can only contribute ya – y*.
ponent of business: firms must plan ahead and adopt a strategy with
an eye on the long term. This is particularly true of decisions regarding pricing, as is shown in Table 2.2, where various post-Keynesian
taxonomies of pricing and market structures are outlined.
In this sense, prices are not determined by ‘market forces’ or by a
fictitious and omniscient auctioneer. Prices are set by firms. If they
are price takers, they will simply imitate the pricing policies of the
leading firms in the industry. The latter then are the price leaders.
These dominant or barometric firms must decide on the price that
they will charge, and this price becomes the benchmark for the rest
of the market. One thing is certain: prices do not clear markets; they
are not set in an attempt to equalize supply and demand.
36 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Table 2.2:
Different approaches to pricing and markets
Post-Keynesian theory
Neoclassical theory
Kalecki (1971)
Cost-determined prices
Means (1936)
Inflexible prices
Administered prices
Flexible prices
Market-clearing prices
Sawyer (1995)
Firm-determined prices
Long-term strategic prices
Market-determined prices
Short-term prices
Okun (1981)
Price maker
Price-tag markets
Price taker
Auction-market prices
Hicks (1974)
Fix-price markets
Flex-price markets
Chandler (1977)
Visible hand of
Invisible hand of markets
Some post-Keynesians, such as Galbraith (1967), emphasize the
divorce between owners and managers as one of the characteristics of
the post-Keynesian firm. But like Robinson (1956, ch. 7), we assume
rather that both owners and managers share the same goal: the longrun survival of the firm (except in abnormal circumstances, as was the
case during the financial market euphoria of the 1990s). To achieve
this, they will develop a number of strategies and objectives
One of the characteristics of the megacorp is their ownership of
several factories or plants, which offer a variety of goods and services. Their average variable costs are roughly constant, as we will
discuss below.
Power and growth
Many studies have shown that management has in fact multiple
objectives. But to survive, firms must acquire the means to control
their economic environment, for instance, by preventing the entry
of new and rival firms in the industry, by developing their R&D,
and by exercising control over suppliers, financiers, the future of the
industry and government legislation. To exercise control, the firm
must have power, which is the means by which its survival is guaranteed. Power also ensures that corporate management occupies a
high place in the social hierarchy and retains the respect of peers.
Heterodox Microeconomics 37
But because power is a vague and many-sided concept, studies have
shown that firms have multiple explicit intermediary objectives.
But how do megacorps obtain power? A firm with impressive sales
figures and a large market share has more power. Power is therefore
linked to the size of the firm and to the share of the market it commands. To gain power and market share, firms must grow. Hence,
growth is the means by which a firm acquires additional power. This
implies that if we are to argue that firms actually do maximize
something, we must conclude that they seek to maximize growth.
Among post-Keynesians, growth has always played an essential
role. According to Robinson (1962, p. 38), ‘the central mechanism
of accumulation is the urge of firms to survive and to grow’. This is
true for all time periods in capitalist societies, whether now, in
Veblen’s time 100 years ago, or in Galbraith’s time 50 years ago.
For post-Keynesians, there is neither an optimal size of the firm,
nor diminishing returns. Firms are constrained by their rates of
growth, not by their absolute size.
Kalecki’s principle of increasing risk
What can we say about profits then? What is their role in capitalism? The simple answer is that profits allow firms to grow by
enabling them to borrow from both the financial markets and the
banks. Moreover, undistributed profits (also called retained earnings) allow firms to finance a large part of their capital expenditures
as well as internal research and development.
According to neoclassical theory, any entrepreneur can find funds
to expand a business. All that is required is to demonstrate the
seriousness and the future expected profitability of the projected
investment. This sounds very much like the ‘new economy’ craze,
with its internet and software start-ups, which lasted for a few years,
becoming quickly overshadowed by the reality of lost illusions.
In the real world, however, firms face important financial constraints. The post-Keynesian theory of the firm rests firmly on
Kalecki’s (1971, ch. 9) principle of increasing risk, which is linked to
the notion of fundamental uncertainty. The maximum amount of
funds a firm can secure either from a bank or from financial markets
depends on the sales of the firm, more specifically on its retained
earnings, since lenders wish to limit their own risks. Hence, the
funds lent to the firm will be a multiple of its current level of
38 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
retained earnings. Moreover, genuine entrepreneurs (as opposed
to crooks) will also want to limit the proportion of the borrowed
funds, fearing the possibility of placing themselves in an illiquid or
defaulting situation that may threaten the survival of the firm. This
is the borrower’s risk.
Profits thus enable firms to increase their capital, to ensure a healthy
financial position, and to have access to bank credit or the commercial
paper market. Profits are the solution to the financial requirements
that constrain the growth-maximizing objective of the firm.
The expansion frontier
What is then the relationship between the profit rate and the
growth rate pursued by a firm? Post-Keynesians, following Wood
(1975), believe firms face essentially two constraints. On the one
hand, there is a finance frontier, which combines each growth rate
pursued by firms with the minimum profit rate required to finance
this expansion, subject to Kalecki’s principle of increasing risk. On
the other hand, there is the expansion frontier, which for each
growth rate relates the maximum profit rate firms can hope to
reach. These frontiers must be thought of as constraints operating
on firms and their long-term prospects.
The bell-shaped expansion frontier, as shown in Figure 2.2 below,
suggests that the growth of an institution can carry both positive
Profit rate
Figure 2.2:
Growth rate
Finance and expansion frontiers of a single firm
Heterodox Microeconomics 39
and negative effects. We assume that when rates of growth are weak,
positive effects outweigh the negative effects. When firms invest a
lot, they are better able to integrate the latest technologies and
therefore reduce their costs of production and increase their profit
rate. However, with ever faster growth, it becomes more difficult to
familiarize employees with the philosophy and the management
techniques of the firm. This is what we call the Penrose effect, so
named after Edith Penrose (1959), a friend of Joan Robinson.
Moreover, rapid growth often implies diversifying towards less
familiar lines of products, engaging in important marketing
expenses, or reducing profit margins. All of these are bound to
reduce the maximum attainable profit rate, thus explaining the
downward-sloping part of the expansion frontier.
The finance frontier
The finance frontier explains the internal and external financing
opportunities of the firm. Investment can be financed internally
(self-financed) or externally, through debt, either by borrowing from
banks or turning to financial markets by issuing shares. We assume
borrowed funds are a multiple, ρ, of retained earnings. Hence,
assuming that firms make profits, P, and that i is the average rate of
interest and dividend payments on capital, K, the following equation depicts the maximum value of investment:
I = (P – iK) + ρ(P – iK)
If we divide each side by K, we get I/K, the growth rate of the capital
stock, g, and P/K, which is the profit rate on capital. Rearranging, we
get the finance frontier (Marris, 1964; Sylos Labini, 1971), which
defines the minimum profit rate, r, that a firm must get in order to
grow at g, when the interest and the dividend rate are equal to i. All
three variables can be expressed in nominal or in real terms, when
deflated by the inflation rate. After some manipulation, the finance
frontier is given by the following equation:
r = i + g/(1+ ρ)
When the two frontiers meet each other …
The expansion and the finance frontiers are depicted in Figure 2.2.
The intersection of these two frontiers, at point G, yields the
40 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
maximum growth rate of the firm, as constrained by its competitive
and financial environment. This point is different from R, which
corresponds to the neoclassical solution and the maximization of
the profit rate. Firms that suffer from X-inefficiencies, to use Harvey
Leibenstein’s (1978) expression, would be somewhere in between
these two frontiers, which is the only attainable zone besides the
frontier lines themselves.
If managers wish the firm to grow at a faster rate, that is, to displace point G to the right, there are two possibilities. First, management can try to push the expansion frontier upwards by cutting the
costs of the firm relative to those of its competitors, or by developing new products that would give it a definitive advantage (a temporary monopoly) over its competitors. Second, firm management can
hope for a downward displacement of the finance frontier, arising
from a decrease in the interest and dividend rates, or resulting from
the adoption of more relaxed debt and borrowing norms.
2.3 The shape of cost curves
Post-Keynesians generally adopt Leontief-type technologies of
production. Coefficients of production, which are the link between
the number of machines used and the number of workers, on the
one hand, and the output of the firm, on the other, are fixed technical coefficients, as long as the firm produces below its practical
capacity (defined below). Hence, post-Keynesians reject the traditional neoclassical production function (such as the Cobb-Douglas
function), with its assumed substitutability between capital and
Each firm usually has a number of physical plants, which are generally divided into a number of segments or assembly lines. The
level of practical capacity is defined as the production capacity of a
plant or plant segment, as measured by engineers, the so-called
engineer-rated capacity (Eichner, 1976, p. 62). Each segment is
designed to operate with a given number of workers and for a given
number of hours. For instance, only a single employee works on a
single computer at any one time. Even if some flexibility is possible,
bureaucratic rules and regulations, such as collective bargaining
agreements, as well as customs and habits, dictate the number of
employees on each machine. Fixed technical coefficients are the
Heterodox Microeconomics 41
best description of the likely production conditions in the short
Stylized facts
We can draw from the above the following four stylized facts, which
are at the core of the post-Keynesian theory of the firm (Eichner and
Kregel, 1975):
• The unit direct costs and marginal costs of a plant are approximately constant, up to practical capacity as defined by engineers.
• The unit cost of a product is generally decreasing until the firm
reaches its practical capacity (see Box 2.5 below).
• It is possible to produce beyond practical capacity, but at increasing marginal costs.
• The sum of all practical or engineer-rated capacities is what we
call the full capacity of a firm (qfc); firms usually operate below
their full capacity. In this sense, firms will operate, except under
exceptional cases, where average production costs are constant.
When historical time and technical progress are taken into account, it
must then be conceded that the unit direct cost is higher in an old
plant than in a more recent plant producing an identical product. In
this sense, it is impossible to claim that the unit direct cost across all
plants of a single firm is absolutely constant. We will, however, ignore
this complication and assume that a firm will often spread the production of its products across all plants, by considering not only the
production cost but also the costs of transportation and delivery.
Excess capacity
Firms generally operate below the level of full capacity, qfc, as shown
in Figure 2.3. In fact, firms usually operate at anywhere from 70 per
cent to 85 per cent of capacity. This stylized fact has been confirmed
by numerous studies undertaken by statistical agencies or forecasting firms, as well as by researchers and specialists who found that
firms consider ‘normal’ or ‘standard’ capacity utilization rates to be
around 80 per cent. But why don’t firms attempt to produce nearer
to full capacity rates, that is at 100 per cent? After all, this is where
unit costs would be at their lowest, as can be seen from Figure 2.3.
Why do they prefer producing with some capacity reserves?
42 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 2.5: Direct costs, overhead costs and unit costs
British authors often refer to direct costs or prime costs, and hence
to a unit direct cost which we can write as UDC. These include
wages, the cost of raw materials and intermediate goods directly
linked to the making of the product. As long as they are constant, unit direct costs and marginal costs are equal. In fact, we
can claim that unit direct costs are nearly identical to the average
variable costs found in traditional microeconomics.
To get the unit cost, denoted UC, we need to take into account
the general shop and enterprise expenditures. These are often called
the overhead costs or indirect costs. They include costs linked to the
supervision of the production process, as well as administrative and
other possible costs related to the manufacturing of the product,
such as the costs incurred to bring the product to its purchasers.
The unit cost is thus the sum of the unit direct cost and the unit
overhead cost. It decreases up to full capacity (Andrews, 1949).
The unit cost is similar to the average total cost that is found in
traditional microeconomics (which is the sum of the average variable cost and the average fixed cost). Yet, contrary to average total
cost, the unit cost does not include normal profits per unit produced, which are supposed to cover at the very least the amortization of fixed capital.
Figure 2.3:
The shape of post-Keynesian cost curves
Heterodox Microeconomics 43
Apart from a possible explanation based on the concept of indivisibility (an optimal plant may be too large for the existing market),
fundamental uncertainty once again offers us the best possible
explanation. Planned excess capacity for firms plays a role which
resembles that of monetary liquidity for individual agents. Households hold money balances or have access to credit lines so that
they can absorb any unexpected fluctuation in their cash flows; similarly firms cannot predict with certainty what demand will be in
the future. Firms must give themselves some production elbowroom to meet any unexpected change in demand or in its composition. Hence, having temporarily inoperative plants or segments of
plants allows firms to adapt supply to changing demand conditions
much more easily (Steindl, 1952, ch. 1).
This flexibility is also acquired through inventories. The problem,
however, is that inventories can only be used once, as a response to
an unforeseen boost in demand. Other sources of flexibility are
overtime work, paid at a higher wage, and the addition of another
work shift. Both of these will bring production beyond practical
capacity, up to the level of theoretical capacity, qth. But under such
conditions, machines are subject to more frequent breakdowns –
which can be costly; this will interrupt production and ultimately
result in the firm losing some of its customers.
If demand is systematically greater than expected, and if it grows
more rapidly and continuously, firms might be unable to keep pace
with it in the medium run. The construction of additional plants
and factories, as well as that of the required machines and equipment, takes time. Without planned excess capacity, increased
demand may be met by foreign firms or by firms producing closelyrelated merchandise. Reserve capacity is thus part of the overall
strategy of the firm in preventing rival firms from entering the
Firms therefore prefer to produce with excess capacity, enabling
better response to spurts in demand for specific products and allowing them better to meet their clients’ needs. Firms know that their
customers, in capitalist countries, have no patience for delivery lags
and delays. If customers cannot buy a specific product now, they
will probably buy a slightly different product manufactured by a
rival firm. Yet, firms want to preserve their market share; it is a fundamental objective of any firm that wishes to survive. This is why
44 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
firms prefer to hold reserve capacity, even if it seems, at first glance,
somewhat inefficient.
Box 2.6: Questions regarding capacity utilization
Statistics Canada, the Canadian national statistical agency,
carries out an annual survey (the Capital and Repair Expenditures
Survey) in which they ask 7000 companies questions regarding
their capacity utilization rates (there is a similar annual survey
done through the US Census Bureau, entitled Survey of Plant
Capacity Utilization). In surveying these firms, they ask the following question: ‘For [2006], this plant has been operating at
which percentage of its capacity?’ The survey specifies that
‘Capacity is defined as maximum production attainable under
normal conditions’, by taking into account regular holidays.
Statistics Canada offers two examples.
Plant ‘A’ normally operates one shift a day, five days a week
and given this operation pattern, capacity production is
150 units of product for the month. In that month, actual
production was 125 units. The capacity use rate for plant ‘A’ is
(125/150) * 100 = 83%.
Now suppose that plant ‘A’ had to open for a shift on
Saturdays to satisfy an abnormal surge in demand for its
product. Given this plant’s normal operation schedule,
capacity production remains at 150 units. Actual production
has grown to 160 units, so capacity use would be (160/150)
* 100 = 107%.
2.4 Price setting
All post-Keynesian models rely on cost-plus pricing. In order to arrive
at a specific price, the office in charge of setting prices begins by
determining a unit cost, to which it adds a costing margin (the
expression ‘profit’ margin should best be kept to measure the actual,
realized, or ex post margin, which in the real world may turn out to
Heterodox Microeconomics 45
be different from the ex ante costing margin). This price is always
determined in advance, well before products hit their market
(Brunner, 1975). We can therefore say that the price is ‘administered’, as Means (1936) would put it. Of course there is interdependence between the products. The price of intermediate goods
sold by one firm to other firms in a different sector becomes a cost
for these firms (this interdependence is a crucial element in Sraffian
Mark-up pricing
The simplest post-Keynesian theory of price formation is the
Kaleckian theory of mark-up pricing. It is in fact the oldest pricesetting method, which is still used today by a number of small and
medium enterprises, since it involves very little accounting expertise. Given its simplicity, it is also the version most frequently used
in post-Keynesian macroeconomic models.
According to this approach, prices depend on unit direct costs.
A gross costing margin – covering all general costs and other
salaries, as well as anticipated profits – is then added to the unit
direct cost, thus arriving at the price of the product.
Since unit direct costs are roughly constant, whatever the level of
production (as long as it is below full capacity), it follows that the
accounting involved in this method of determining prices does not
need to be sophisticated.
Normal-cost pricing
The method that seems the most realistic and the one most
commonly found among large firms is what is called normal pricing
or normal-cost pricing. This approach takes into consideration
recent developments in accounting practices, which allow firms
easily to assign a part of the general costs of production to each
manufactured product. According to Frederic Lee (1998), large
firms have been using normal-cost pricing, as opposed to simple
mark-up approaches, since at least the 1920s. Normal-cost methods
are also known as full-cost pricing and were first explored by Hall
and Hitch (1939) in their Oxford study on the behaviour of
Under normal-cost pricing, firms must first calculate a normal unit
cost to which they then add a net costing margin covering profits.
46 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Normal unit costs include all direct and indirect (overhead) costs,
which can be attributed to the product in question, but they are calculated for a normal or standard level of production, which is not
the same as the estimated or expected level of production for that
period. Rather the normal level is a conventional level of production, fixed by the firm following standards and norms of the corporation or those of the industry, given its habits or the industry’s
or manufacturers’ conventions. The normal level of production is
usually the product of full capacity and of the normal (or standard)
rate of capacity utilization.
The advantage of this approach is that firms do not need to know
their unit costs for all levels of production. Rather, they only need
to know their unit cost for a single level of production, that corresponding to the normal rate of capacity utilization. This is normalcost pricing. This normal unit cost is independent of changes in
Target-return pricing
Numerous studies have confirmed that both large and medium-sized
firms now prefer to use a method where they target a rate of return.
As discussed by Lanzillotti (1958) in his Brookings Institution
studies, target-return pricing is a more specific version of normalcost pricing. As in the case of normal costs, a net costing margin is
added to normal unit costs. This net margin includes a target rate of
return on the capital of the firm, when sales are just equal to the
production resulting from a normal level of capacity utilization.
This method is surely the most sophisticated of all cost-plus pricing
methods, because accountants must have a proper assessment of the
value of the capital used by the firm.
Target-return pricing is very close to the Sraffian theory of
prices of production used in multisectoral models. In fact, the
targeted rate of return is equivalent to the normal profit rate
used in the theory of prices of production. In Sraffian models, the
normal profit rate is the same in all industries or sectors, as is
the wage rate of labour. With target-return pricing, however, the
profit rate and the wage rate may be different from one sector
to another. We can thus conclude that the Sraffian model is the
idealized version of a multisectoral model based on target-return
Heterodox Microeconomics 47
Box 2.7: The formalization of cost-plus pricing procedures
Figure 2.4:
The setting of normal prices
We can formalize the various cost-plus pricing procedures in the
following way:
Mark-up pricing
p = (1+θ)(UDC)
UDC is unit direct costs (average variable costs), θ is the gross
costing margin.
Normal-cost pricing
p = (1 + Θ)(NUC)
Θ is the net costing margin, whereas NUC is the normal unit cost
(the normal average total cost), calculated at a standard or
normal level of production, qn = unqfc , where un is the standard or
normal rate of utilization of full capacity, qfc.
Target-return pricing
The equation is the same as normal-cost pricing, but the value of
the net costing margin, Θ, is specifically defined to be:
Θ = rnν/ (un – rnν)
48 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 2.7: The formalization of cost-plus pricing
procedures – cont’d
where un is as defined above; rn is the targeted rate of return; and
ν is a technological ratio, that is the ratio between the capital
value of the firm and the value of its output at full capacity, qfc.
Prices of production
The Sraffian prices of production (see Pasinetti, 1977), excluding
intermediate goods, are given by the following equation. It says
that the value of a product is the sum of the costs in terms of
wages and profits on capital:
p = wn + rMp
where p is a column-vector of prices, w is the wage rate, n and M
are a vector and a matrix of technical coefficients representing
respectively labour per unit of output and the amounts of each
kind of machines per unit of output. Finally, r is the uniform
profit rate.
We can re-write the above equation:
p = wn [I – rM]–1
This equation is very similar to target-return pricing in the case
of the simple firm. By integrating the value of Θ in the normalcost pricing equation, and assuming that direct costs are wages
per unit of production, we get:
p = unwn (un – rnν)–1
The last two equations are essentially identical, once we note
that Sraffians assume that the standard rate of capacity utilization, un, is unity. In addition the Sraffian uniform profit rate
r is what Sraffians also call the normal profit rate, which is no
different from the target rate of return rn of the normal-cost
pricing procedures.
Heterodox Microeconomics 49
Box 2.7: The formalization of cost-plus pricing
procedures – cont’d
The remaining question now is to explain how – and indeed
if – these prices of production ever come about (with or without
a unique rate of return). This is the issue of the gravitation
around prices of production or that of the convergence towards
prices of production.
Two dominant approaches have been proposed. One is based
on the so-called cross-dual dynamics, where prices react to discrepancies between quantities supplied and demanded, as advocated by most Sraffians and Marxists (Duménil and Lévy, 1993).
The second approach relies on some kind of normal-cost pricing
procedure, where cost changes get translated into price changes.
This last approach is proposed by other Sraffians, such as Boggio
(1980), and is closer to the Kaleckian stream.
2.5 The determinants of the costing margin
Are cost-based prices entirely realistic?
Some economists have questioned the validity of cost-plus pricing,
perhaps because it seems to undermine the virtues of capitalism and
its underlying faith in competition between firms. After all, it seems
difficult to believe that all firms can always simply decide to change
their prices whenever their unit costs change.
Of course, this is not the case. We must understand that prices are
a function of normal unit costs. While in the medium run normal
unit costs are closely linked to realized unit costs, in the short run
they may diverge significantly, irrespective of the causes behind the
changes in the realized unit costs. When costs change, the chances
are that these changes will imply a modification of the costing
margin rather than a change in the price. It all depends on the kind
of strategies being pursued by the firm at any point in time. In fact,
studies done by Coutts et al. (1978) and by Sylos Labini (1971) show
that firms only gradually recover increases in their unit costs.
The same phenomenon occurs within the context of contemporary global markets. In industries where competition is
50 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
particularly fierce, or in markets where imported products are only a
small component, foreign firms fix their prices on the basis of
domestic prices. These companies either absorb losses or post windfall profits when exchange rates fluctuate. On the other hand, in
industries where foreign firms dominate, the latter tend to pass over
to foreign customers their domestic cost increases as well as the
effects of changes in exchange rates – the so-called passthrough
effects (Bloch and Olive, 1995).
Price leaders and price takers
This whole discussion leads us to distinguish between the price
leader, which sets prices, and the price taker, which follows the lead
of the price leader. The cost-plus approach explains how prices
depend essentially on direct unit costs or normal unit costs, both
assumed to be constant in the short run, whatever the changes in
demand. But, as Kalecki (1971) argued, firms set their prices on the
basis of some measure of unit cost, but they also take into account
the prices set by other firms. In fact, in both competitive and oligopolistic surroundings, all firms will tend to set the same price for a
given product.
Mark-up and normal-cost pricing procedures explain how price
leaders – those firms that either dominate the market or serve as
leader – set their own prices. Smaller firms, or those considered to be
price takers, may well adopt the same procedures, but they also have
to consider the prices set by their price leaders. This helps to explain
why foreign firms may or may not pass over higher costs, depending
on whether they are price leaders or price takers on foreign markets.
Less efficient firms face higher unit costs. As such, they will be
unable to set costing margins in ways that will generate a normal
target rate of return. They will have to put forward competitive
prices, similar to those of their rivals. In the short run, they will
thus be able to maintain their market share and respond to any
sudden increase in demand. But in the medium and long run,
market forces will take their toll, unless the firm is somehow able to
modify its product and reduce its unit costs. Only then will the less
efficient price taker be able to impose normal costing margins.
Otherwise, competition will impose financial constraints on
inefficient firms by limiting their ability to pursue investments in
their productive capacity or in research and development (Steindl,
Heterodox Microeconomics 51
1952; Kaldor, 1985, p. 47). The intersection of the expansion frontier and of the financial constraint will force those high-cost firms to
reduce their growth rate, thus diminishing their market share and,
ultimately, leading to their disappearance.
Target-return pricing and its determinants
What determines the net costing margin? Its determinants were
identified earlier in Box 2.7 dealing with the formalization of costplus pricing methods: net costing margins are inversely proportional
to the standard rate of capacity utilization, and proportional to the
target rate of return and the capital to capacity ratio (or to the incremental capital to capacity ratio, if management is only concerned
with the profitability of the most recent investments). But if we
assume that the standard utilization rate depends on corporate or
industry norms, and that the capital to capacity ratio depends on
issues related to engineering, then ultimately the net costing margin
depends on the target rate of return. But then what are the determinants of the target rate of return? In other words, what determines the normal profit rate? Four determinants may be identified
(Table 2.3).
According to the Marxist tradition, the normal profit rate depends on
class struggle, and on the entrepreneurs’ bargaining power relative
to that of workers (labour laws, the unemployment rate and so on).
According to Kaleckians, however, in addition to class struggle, the
gross costing margin, and thus the normal profit rate, will depend on
the degree of monopoly of the firm, in particular the degree of concentration and the ability of firms to prevent the entry of new competitors.
In the post-Keynesian tradition, especially in the old growth
models of Robinson (1956) and Kaldor (1956), there is a proportional relationship between the growth rate of the economy and the
macroeconomic profit rate. The same relationship is to be found in
the works of Pasinetti (1981, 1993), based on the concept of a
‘natural’ economy, which assigns to each vertically integrated sector
a profit rate equal to the growth rate of the sector.
Following Steindl (1952, p. 51) and Lanzillotti (1958), numerous
post-Keynesians, such as Eichner (1987) and Wood (1975), have
argued in favour of a similar relationship, establishing a microeconomic link between the trend growth rate of a firm and its target
rate of return or net costing margin.
52 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Table 2.3: The various determinants of the target rate of return or of the
normal profit rate
Class struggle
The degree of concentration and the ability to prevent
the entry of potential rivals
The growth rate of capital
The rate of interest set by the central bank
More recently, Sraffian authors have offered a fourth possibility:
the normal profit rate depends on the trend rate of interest, historically realized or expected in the future (Pivetti, 1985; Panico,
1988). In other words, during a period of high real interest rates
imposed by the central bank, there exists a higher real target rate
of return. By the way, some post-Keynesians, such as Kaldor and
Harrod, have endorsed such a view. For these authors, interest payments should be considered on the same level as all other costs, and
firms will try to pass these on to consumers.
Are these various determinants compatible?
Given the various determinants discussed above, which explanation
of the target rate of return is the right one? The answer, I think, is
that all these approaches offer some valid suggestions. In fact, they
can all be shown to be consistent with the analysis of the expansion
and finance frontiers presented earlier. For instance, a decrease in
the monopoly power of a firm or a decrease in the bargaining power
of entrepreneurs relative to that of workers can be represented by a
downward shift of the expansion frontier, and hence by a fall in the
normal profit rate, for a given growth rate.
For those firms that attempt to maximize their growth rate, the
target rate of return that is incorporated in their prices is the one
that is determined by the intersection of both frontiers. The finance
frontier may thus be rewritten as:
rn = in + gs/(1+ρ)
Heterodox Microeconomics 53
The target rate of return, rn, will be high whenever the trend rate
of interest, in, and the trend growth rate – the secular growth rate
gs – of the firm or the industry are high.
As we can see, the use of the finance and expansion frontiers
allows us to bridge the various heterodox approaches. As such, a
cyclical increase in demand could provoke an increase in the costing
margin if it gets translated into an increase in the target rate of
return. Otherwise, changes in demand should not lead to changes
in the costing margin, as has been shown in numerous studies.
2.6 Consequences for macroeconomic theory
The above discussion carries obvious implications for the theory of
inflation. Whereas neoclassical economists believe that increases in
aggregate demand necessarily lead to increases in costs and prices, as
a result of diminishing returns, post-Keynesians reject this approach
outright. With the exception of a few sectors, such as agriculture
and raw materials, an increase in demand will neither lead to an
increase in unit costs nor to an increase in prices. This explains
why post-Keynesians advocate the use of raw material buffer
stocks (Kaldor, 1976). As a result, inflation would not be a ‘natural’
phenomenon, but would depend rather on institutional and sociological factors, which could be managed.
A Macroeconomic Monetary
A necessary first step in understanding macroeconomics is a full
discussion of monetary and financial issues. The principle of effective
demand which is one of the two essential features of post-Keynesian
economics – that is, the causality that runs from investment to
saving – is best understood within the context of a macroeconomic
explanation of the monetary circuit. This is why it is preferable to start
with the monetary dimension of macroeconomics before we proceed
to an explanation of employment and growth.
Post-Keynesian monetary theory has a long tradition going back
to the writings of classical authors such as John Fullarton and
Thomas Tooke in the 1830s and 1840s – the so-called ‘banking
school’ (Panico, 1988; Wray, 1990). These authors objected to the
currency school and the quantity theory of money upon which
monetarism and textbook neoclassical macroeconomics are based.
The banking school presented alternative views, among which was
the concept of money endogeneity. Ironically, the endogenous view
of money, which contrasts with the exogenous view of the quantity
theory of money, was pursued in the early twentieth century by
authors from the Austrian tradition, among them Ludwig von
Mises, Joseph Schumpeter and Friedrich Hayek, as well as their
predecessor, Swedish author Knut Wicksell (Bellofiore, 2005).
Some famous post-Keynesian Cambridge authors, notably Kaldor
and Kahn, who did develop an alternative monetary theory, were
exposed early on to these heterodox views, the former having
met Hayek when he was a student at LSE and the latter having
been the translator of Wicksell.
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 55
The rejection of the quantity theory of money and the adoption of
money endogeneity were always very strong in continental Europe,
most notably in France, Italy and Germany, even in the heyday of
monetarism. From here emerged a monetary school of thought,
known as the theory of the circuit and monetary circulation – inspired
by Keynes’s Treatise on Money (1930) rather than his General Theory
(1936) – which turned out to have very close links with post-Keynesian
theory, as shown in two books emphasizing these linkages (Deleplace
and Nell, 1996; Rochon and Rossi, 2003).
The most obvious point of differentiation between the modern
exponents of the quantity theory of money and their opponents
is expressed in the following quote, taken from an article, first
published in 1962, by an early leader of the circuit school:
There are two opposing viewpoints concerning the relationship
between the supply of and the demand for money. On the one
hand – for the Quantity theorists and Keynes – the quantity of
money is believed to be fixed independently by the banking
system … The opposing view – held by the Banking school and
Wicksell – is that the banks set not a quantity but a price. The
banking system fixes a rate (or a set of rates) for the money
market and then lends however much borrowers ask for,
provided that they can offer satisfactory collaterals.
(Le Bourva, 1992, p. 449)
The ‘new consensus’ and post-Keynesian theory
In the late 1950s, just when circuit theorists claimed that the
banking school view was about to take over and the quantity theory
of money was no longer tenable, the popularity of the latter soared
to incredible heights with the advent of Friedman’s monetarism.
Only recently have we witnessed a reverse trend, with some postKeynesian monetary views slowly being incorporated into the
more recent incarnation of the new Keynesian approach, the
so-called ‘new monetary consensus’ that is advocated by most
central bankers. In fact, in the United States, there are examples
of a few textbooks where Wicksellian views are making their way
(J.B. Taylor, 2004; Cecchetti, 2006).
One of the more fundamental differences between the ‘new consensus’ and the post-Keynesian vision is that post-Keynesians
56 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
categorically reject the Wicksellian theory of loanable funds which
is still accepted by most new Keynesian economists. According to
this theory, the rate of interest, in a moneyless world, is the price
that equates loanable funds and real investment, that is, the rate
that makes consistent preferences for the present and the productivity of capital. This is the natural rate of interest. The role of the
central bank then is simply to ensure the equality between the monetary rate of interest prevailing on markets and the real rate of
interest that would exist in a fictional world without money – the
natural rate of interest. When market rates (in real terms) are set
below the natural rate, inflation ensues. Post-Keynesians, however,
strongly reject the existence of this natural rate (Rogers, 1989;
Smithin, 2003).
But there exists yet another difference between the ‘new consensus’ and post-Keynesian theory. While the majority of new
Table 3.1: Characteristics of money in post-Keynesian and neoclassical
Post-Keynesian approach
Neoclassical approach
Money …
must have a counterpart
falls from a helicopter
Money is …
a flow and a stock
a stock
Money enters
the economy …
through production
with exchange
The supply
of money is …
Credits create deposits
Reserves create deposits
Interest rates …
are distributive variables
are the result of market
The base rate
of interest …
is set by the central bank
is influenced by markets
A restrictive
has negative effects in both
monetary policy … the short and the long run
only has negative effects
in the short run
The natural rate
of interest …
has multiple values or
does not exist
is unique
Credit rationing
is due to …
a lack of confidence
asymmetric information
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 57
Keynesians believe that restrictive monetary policies, the aim of
which is to reduce inflation to its target level, have no long-run
effect on economic growth, post-Keynesians beg to differ. In fact,
post-Keynesians believe that restrictive monetary policies have a
negative impact on output, both in the short and the long run
(see Table 3.1).
3.1 Main characteristics of post-Keynesian monetary
Reverse causation
The cornerstone of post-Keynesian monetary analysis is its theory
of endogenous money, where the supply of money cannot be set
arbitrarily by the central bank: it is determined by the demand
for bank credit (loans) and the public’s preferences. For postKeynesians, the supply of money is not independent of the needs of
the economy: ‘loans create deposits’.
Accordingly, the causality between loans and deposits is reversed.
There is no need for banks to have access to prior deposits in order
to extend loans. The creation of loans, and hence of monetary
deposits (money), is done ex nihilo, without any previous need for
gold or reserves. All that is required, as pointed out by Le Bourva
(above), is a credible borrower, with appropriate collateral (Heinsohn
and Steiger, 2000).
Moreover, the creation of this credit-money is not the result of
excess reserves held by private banks. In this case, causality is also
reversed. For post-Keynesians, banks first extend loans, creating
deposits in the process. Then, if bank customers request bank notes
(cash or currency), banks can get them directly from the central
bank. Banks also obtain their required reserves, dictated by law,
from the central bank (Moore, 1988).
High-powered money (reserves and currency), just like bank
money (money deposits), is endogenous and demand-determined. It
cannot be imposed arbitrarily by the central bank. In fact, the
volume of high-powered money is directly related to the supply of
bank loans and bank money through the credit divisor. Bank money
is not a multiple of high-powered money, as claimed by neoclassical
theorists; rather high-powered money is a quotient of the quantity
of bank money.
58 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
The reversed causation suggested here is also at the root of two
additional reversed causalities in post-Keynesian theory, which are
particularly important. First, as already pointed out, it is investment
undertaken by firms that creates saving. Investment requires neither
prior saving nor a source of prior deposits. As long as the resources
of a national economy are not fully utilized, the financing of economic activity depends only on the credibility of the borrower and
on existing financial norms. The scarcity of finance is purely based
on a norm – a convention (Parguez, 2001).
Second, inflation is not caused by an excessive rate of growth in
the money supply. If anything, the causality is also reversed. The
growth rate of prices and output instead cause the stock of money
to increase. The inflation rate is explained through other causes.
Overdraft and asset-based economies
When discussing monetary theory, it is important to keep in mind
the relevant institutional context. Indeed there are some important
differences between Anglo-Saxon financial systems and those of
the rest of the world, most notably in continental Europe and
Asia, although it may be claimed that some of these differences
are vanishing with the advent of globalization. Indeed these differences help to explain why monetarism with its exogenous stock of
money never really took hold of monetary textbooks in continental
The most crucial differences may be associated with what Hicks
(1974) has called ‘overdraft economies’ – which concern continental
Europe and Asia – and ‘auto-economies’, although it might be best
to refer to the latter as ‘asset-based’ financial systems – which would
pertain to the Anglo-Saxon world.
In overdraft economies money is said to be endogenous, and commercial banks are indebted towards the central bank. In the case of
asset-based economies, however, it is often argued that money is
exogenous and under the control of the central bank. While this
dichotomy may adequately reflect different institutional characteristics of central banks in various countries, it has no theoretical consequences. In other words, the distinction carries little relevance as
to whether money is endogenous or not. Post-Keynesians believe
that money is endogenous regardless of the specific institutional
make-up. This suggests therefore that all modern financial systems
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 59
operate under a similar context: that of the reversed causation
discussed above. While the relevance of reversed causation may
be more obvious in the context of overdraft financial systems, it is
no less valid within asset-based economies.
Exogenous interest rates
In a modern economy, there exist a number of financial assets, each
with its own rate of return. For post-Keynesians, at least one of these
rates is under the direct control of the central bank and represents
a reference point for financial markets around which all other rates,
at least other short-run rates, will tend to gravitate. While there are
a number of expressions for this rate – such as the key rate, official
rate, the key policy rate or the operating target – I prefer to call it
the ‘benchmark rate’ since it is effectively a benchmark for other
interest rates on the short-term money market.
At one time, the benchmark rate was the rate at which the central
bank lent to commercial banks (the ‘bank rate’ in Canada, for
instance, or the ‘discount window rate’ in the USA). At other times,
especially in countries where open market operations were an
important component of monetary policy, the benchmark rate was
the yield rate on short-term government securities (one to three
month Treasury bills, for example). However, today, in most countries, the benchmark rate is related to the interbank (or overnight)
rate – the rate at which commercial banks lend and borrow funds to
and from one another in the overnight market, also called the
federal funds rate in the USA.
The benchmark rate is the target overnight rate – the overnight
rate that the central bank would like to see being realized. In
Canada, this is the ‘target for the overnight rate’; in the USA, it is
the ‘target for the federal funds rate’; in the UK, the ‘two-week repo
rate’ set by the Bank of England; and in euroland, it is ‘the main
refinancing operations minimum bid rate’, as set by the European
Central Bank.
Under normal circumstances, a central bank that targets its
benchmark rate at, say, 3 per cent, will be able to hit that target on a
daily basis with very little error: the benchmark rate may end up at
2.99 per cent or at 3.01 per cent, for instance, deviating only very
slightly from the target. This is the case notably in Canada and in
Australia. In other cases, however, the central bank may not hit its
60 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
target with as much accuracy, owing in part to the fact that the central
bank cannot know with perfect certainty the exact amount of reserves
that are in the system. In addition, the demand for reserves by commercial banks may change from one day to another. This is particularly the case of the European and American monetary systems.
Nevertheless, the average spread between the benchmark rate (the
target) and the actual federal funds rate in the USA is only 7 basis
As stated above, the interbank or overnight rate is the rate at
which banks lend or borrow high-powered money to and from one
another (over say, one, two, or even seven days). This rate is
obviously very close to the repo rate, that is the rate at which banks
and other financial market participants, including the central bank,
borrow and lend Treasury bills (or other claims) from and to one
another (for one, two or seven days). In the USA, the Federal Reserve
intervenes on the repo market to either add or withdraw reserves in
order to hit the target federal funds rate.
This mechanism is a powerful one: the central bank can always,
with more or less accuracy, push overnight rates towards its target
benchmark rate. Of course, markets are well aware of the ability of
the central banks to hit their target rate. Hence, when the central
bank decides to change its benchmark rate (for example, when it
decides to raise it by 25 basis points), it does not even have to intervene and modify the supply of liquid balances: the central bank
need only announce a new target and all other short-term interest
rates immediately adjust. This is the best example of the exogeneity
of the rate of interest.
3.2 The relationship between commercial banks and the
central bank
High-powered money consists of banknotes supplied by the central
bank, as well as bank deposits held by commercial banks at the
central bank – the reserves and the clearing or settlement balances
of commercial banks. For many post-Keynesians, at least for those
that we call ‘horizontalists’, such as Kaldor (1982), Basil Moore
(1988) and Louis-Philippe Rochon (1999), the central bank always
stands ready to supply high-powered money on demand to the
commercial banking system. High-powered money is perfectly
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 61
endogenous, and can be depicted as a horizontal supply curve of
money in a diagram with the interest rate on the vertical axis.
With respect to banknotes, it is clear that their supply cannot
be anything but endogenous. It is certainly difficult to imagine
consumers unable to withdraw money from their bank accounts
or from ATMs. Of course, this could perhaps happen under very
stringent conditions, as was the case in Argentina in 2002, but it
remains clearly a rare exception to the rule. This being said, discussion over the endogenous nature of high-powered money must
therefore concentrate on the role of reserves.
The case of overdraft economies
The endogenous nature of high-powered money appears nearly
obvious within the context of overdraft economies. In such economies,
commercial banks face no constraints in borrowing banknotes or
reserves from the central bank, as needs arise. This was particularly the
case in France, and is still the case under the current euro system.
This situation is illustrated in Figure 3.1, which represents the
balance sheet of the central bank and that of the banking system as
a whole. The cardinal rule of balance sheets is that they must always
be in equilibrium. This means, for instance, that if the reserves of
the banking system increase, this change must be compensated by
either a reduction in another asset of the banking system, or an
increase in its liabilities. Similarly, if commercial banks increase
their reserves with the central bank, thereby increasing the liabilities
of the central bank, then the central bank must either decrease
another of its liabilities by the same amount, or increase its
In the case of an overdraft economy, commercial banks hold
virtually no government securities. As a result, commercial banks can
only obtain additional reserves by borrowing them from the central
bank. We can conclude by saying that in an overdraft economy, an
increase in reserves that arises from an increase in bank loans and
bank deposits is made good by the necessary willingness of the central
bank to provide advances to the commercial banking system.
Asset-based economies
Given the above, can we draw the same conclusions for Anglo-Saxon
countries, which operate under a different institutional setting?
62 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
bank Liabilities
to banks
Private deposits
Own funds
Figure 3.1:
Advances from
central bank
Simplified balance sheets: the central bank and the banking
In these asset-based economies, one of the more striking differences is that commercial banks appear to borrow very little – and in
some cases not at all – from the central bank. How can we reconcile
this with the statement made in section 3.1 of this chapter, where
we claimed that the institutional setting of the financial system does
not matter for our discussion of endogenous money?
Two answers can be given, both depicted in Figure 3.1. First, we
can argue that commercial banks sell Treasury bills directly to the
central bank in order to obtain reserves. This is the well-known case
of ‘open-market operations’, illustrated in many textbooks.
Today, such operations take the form of repos or reverse repos,
where the central bank does not buy securities outright, holding on
to them for an indefinite period of time. Rather, the central bank
agrees to purchase claims only on the condition that banks will repurchase them on the next day or in the very near future. Yet, once
we consider the nature of these transactions, repo operations turn
out to be a small variant of standard central bank advances within
an overdraft financial system. With repos, central banks agree to
lend reserves for a day, with Treasury bills or other claims acting as
The second answer to our puzzle is that the central bank may
decide to move the government bank deposits between the central
bank and the commercial banks – which is also practised in overdraft economies. When the central bank decides to move govern-
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 63
ment deposits to a commercial bank, it credits the account of that
bank. In effect, the central bank creates reserves.
This practice is increasingly used by central banks. It gives great
flexibility in neutralizing any movement in reserves resulting from
government expenditures or the payment of taxes. For instance,
when the government spends, it essentially draws down its account
at the central bank and transfers high-powered money to the
account of the recipient at a commercial bank. Reserves are created
in the process. The same happens, although in reverse, when households pay their taxes (with a cheque). In this case, money balances
are transferred from a household’s banking account to the account
of the government at the central bank. Hence, bank reserves are
reduced. In both of these situations, the central bank can effectively
neutralize the effects on reserves by moving government deposits in
the opposite direction.
The endogenous nature of reserves is obvious in countries that have
eliminated reserve requirements, as is the case in Canada, but also in
the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, to name a few.
Here, the central bank acts as a clearing house and ensures that deficit
banks exactly compensate surplus banks. In this case, any overnight
rate can ensure clearing. It is then quite clear that the interbank
rate, targeted and announced by the central bank, will dominate
and act as a benchmark in all negotiations between the banks.
What about open economies?
Up to now, we have ignored a very important component of the
central bank’s assets: its stock of foreign currencies. In the traditional mainstream open-economy model, the so-called MundellFleming model with fixed exchange rates, any balance of payment
surplus would generate an injection of high-powered money resulting from the inflow of foreign currency into commercial bank
accounts. This occurs because banks exchange their foreign currency
holdings for domestic currency supplied by the central bank. Subsequently, so the story goes, the increase in bank reserves would
allow banks to increase lending, which would also increase the
supply of money through the standard money multiplier process.
The inevitable conclusion, according to neoclassical economists,
is that money is endogenous in an open economy with fixed
exchange rates.
64 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Is this consistent with the post-Keynesian endogenous version of
the story? It is not. One important difference is that in the neoclassical model, the increase in the supply of money is not generated by a prior demand for credit from economic agents: in fact,
this increase is completely independent from it.
Therefore it comes as no surprise that post-Keynesians reject
this analysis. In its stead, they offer an alternative explanation
of what is at work: this is the compensation principle (Lavoie,
In a monetary production economy, banks are always willing
to extend credit to all those who demand it, as long as they are
deemed creditworthy. Banks are never required to have excess
reserves before doing so. As for foreign currencies, these will be
used, in an overdraft system, to reimburse banks’ existing debt
toward the central bank. With respect to the balance sheet of the
central bank, the increase in foreign currency, which in effect
is a loan to agents abroad, will be exactly compensated by the
decrease in advances to the private banks (loans to the domestic
economy). As a result, there will be no change in reserves or the
money stock.
A similar mechanism exists in asset-based economies, although in
this case, the central bank will initiate the compensation effect,
which we can also call an endogenous ‘sterilization’ effect. To be
clear, however, this sterilization is automatic: central banks will
willingly absorb the excess reserves while banks are more than
happy to get rid of them. In exchange for the reserves, the central
bank can offer Treasury bills or repos to the banks, which the latter
prefer since they carry a higher return. The central bank can also
decide to reduce government deposits held by banks. Either way, all
reserves will be absorbed by the end of the day (Godley and Lavoie,
A central bank reaction function
The main conclusion from this analysis is that the central bank
can control neither the supply of money nor the supply of highpowered money. In fact, the central bank must always supply the
necessary amount of high-powered money required by the banking
system. In Canada, for instance, the central bank possesses the
ability to calculate rather precisely the exact amount of clearing
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 65
balances (called settlement balances) required by the banking
system as a whole to compensate for the inflows or outflows. For
this reason, the Bank of Canada is able to hit its target benchmark
rate with extreme precision. In the USA, the situation is a bit different. Because of some minor differences in the the way it operates,
the Federal Reserve must rely on an estimate, rather than the exact
number, of the amount of reserves required by the banking system.
As a result, the federal funds rate will only gravitate around the
target rate – the benchmark rate. But this in no way alters the fact
that the short-term interest rate may be viewed as an exogenous
The benchmark rate is an administered rate of interest. It is set
by the central bank for a given period of time, say a month, or
until the central bank decides to change its monetary (interest rate)
policy. Hence, while monetary policy remains unchanged, the rate
is exogenous for that period of time, irrespective of disturbances in
the economy, or the stock of money in existence. Graphically, we
can represent this approach by drawing the money supply curve as a
horizontal line at the existing benchmark rate.
As just stated, the central bank will change its benchmark in
accordance with its specific economic objectives. For instance, the
central bank will usually raise the benchmark rate whenever the
economy is booming, that is, whenever capacity utilization is high
and on the rise or unemployment is low and falling. It will also
increase rates whenever inflation is rising relative to the target rate
of inflation (or whenever there are expectations that inflation is on
the rise). In otherwise tranquil situations, the central bank may also
decide to increase the benchmark rate when housing prices or stock
market prices are overly high and rising. The benchmark may also
be tied to foreign benchmark rates. The central bank benchmark
rate may fall whenever the opposite situations occur.
These actions describe what we call the central bank reaction
function, the best-known example of which is the so-called Taylor
Rule. It should be noted that the rate of interest can no longer be
seen as a truly exogenous rate since it depends on other variables
of the system. The supply of money must now be described as a
series of horizontal curves shifting through time, thereby possibly
reinstating a dotted upward-sloping money supply curve, as shown
in Figure 3.2, with the HS curve.
66 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Benchmark rate
Hs t+3
Hs t+2
Hs t+1
Supply of
high-powered money
Figure 3.2: The reaction function of the central bank: a series of horizontal
money supply curves
This analysis notwithstanding, post-Keynesians still argue that the
benchmark rate is an exogenous rate: the money supply curve is still
seen as horizontal at each time period. Whereas it is true that the
central bank may want to change the benchmark rate based on
events ocurring in the economy, both domestically and abroad, this
does not mean that the rate of interest is an endogenous variable.
Far from it, since the decision remains very much at the discretion
of the central bank. The benchmark interest rate is not a market
phenomenon. The central bank can always decline to raise the
benchmark, and as a result all short-term interest rates, when
economic activity is on the rise.
3.3 The relationship between banks and firms
Initial and final finance
Banks and firms interact in many ways. For instance, firms hold
banking deposits and a number of financial assets. Yet, the most
important relationship between banks and firms is the debt relationship that exists whenever a bank agrees to grant bank credit (a loan)
to fund the production activities of non-financial firms.
The key argument here is time: with the exception of some
services, the production of goods and services takes time, and firms
must in some way be able to remunerate their employees and pay
their suppliers in advance of sales receipts. We could assume of
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 67
course that firms have some savings from which they can meet their
monetary obligations. But in most cases, firms will have to rely on
bank loans before production even begins. This initial finance is
required irrespective of what is being produced. Indeed all firms,
whether they produce consumption goods in advance of demand
or whether they produce investment goods to order, must rely
on loans. Furthermore, this logic applies equally to growing and
stationary economies, since banks must always agree to renew a
firm’s access to finance. In other words, the banks must agree to
roll-over debt.
Post-Keynesian economists, along with some proponents of the
monetary circuit, such as Graziani (2003), make an important distinction between the initial finance of production, which, as just
described, arises whenever a firm borrows funds from the bank, and
the final finance of investment, which usually takes place on
financial markets. Davidson (1982) refers to ‘construction finance’
and ‘investment funding’ respectively to distinguish between these
two different steps of the financing process.
Firms that purchase capital goods must also be able to finance
them. Besides their own finance – their retained earnings – firms
must capture the saving of households, either directly or indirectly
through the banking system or other financial institutions such as
mutual funds or insurance companies. This final finance phase of
the production process closes the circuit of production.
Lines of credit
Lines of credit, which are a contract between a bank and a borrower,
play an important role in the initial financing of production, since
they provide a flexible access to finance. By agreeing to a credit line,
firms enter into a contractual agreement with the bank that specifies
the maximum amount that can be borrowed when needed, the conditions under which access to the line is given, as well as the rate
of interest on the amount being drawn down (Wolfson, 1996). The
rate may be fixed, in which case the borrower pays some fee to guarantee the fixed rate; or the rate may vary, in which case its level will
be set as a mark-up over some market rate, say the Treasury bill rate.
This mark-up is a risk premium imposed by banks to cover default
risks as well as administrative costs. As a result, the interest rate on
credit lines tends to follow the general evolution of market rates.
68 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Lending rate
Money market
Risk premium
of prime borrower
Debt ratio of the borrower
Figure 3.3:
Kalecki’s principle of increasing risk
Figure 3.3 shows the rate of interest that would be imposed on
firms with different debt loads. With otherwise identical firms,
banks will necessarily impose a higher interest rate on those firms
burdened by a heavier debt load, due to the perceived higher risk.
The same kind of rating will occur when firms issue commercial
paper on the financial markets. Figure 3.3 illustrates Kalecki’s principle of increasing risk (Kalecki, 1971, ch. 9), first outlined in 1937.
Credit rationing
The endogeneity of money is a central component of postKeynesian economics. It applies to many dimensions of a monetary
economy. First, as discussed above, bank reserves and currency are
supplied endogenously by the central bank in response to prior
demand. Second, whenever households wish to hold part of their
wealth in the form of bank deposits, the latter are also created at
households’ request. Yet, what can we say about money that agents,
households or firms, wish to hold only temporarily, intending to
spend it in the near future. In other words, what can we say about
credit money? Is bank credit not also endogenous?
On the one hand, post-Keynesians claim that the supply of
credit is endogenous, implying that banks always agree to meet
the demand from firms passively, while on the other hand they
claim that there will always be a ‘fringe of unsatisfied customers’,
to use Keynes’s (1930, vol. 2, p. 364) well-known expression. In
other words, post-Keynesians recognize that there will be some
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 69
credit rationing. Are these two arguments consistent? And do they
question the endogenous nature of credit money?
In fact, the answer is simple: banks always agree to meet the
demand arising from those who are deemed to be creditworthy.
Borrowers that do not meet the banks’ criteria simply do not receive
credit. As long as borrowers are credible – that is, perceived as being
able to reimburse their debt – banks will agree to lend to them.
Hence, the loans that banks grant are only limited by the availability of good or creditworthy borrowers.
Of course, the obvious question is whether banks can tell who is
creditworthy and who is not and banks have developed a number
of sophisticated ways of doing this. For instance, borrowers can
be assigned to various risk categories, determination of which will
be based on the borrowers’ history, their past relationship with the
bank, the kind of project to be financed, and a number of debt and
liquidity ratios, among which will be the borrowers’ cash flow relative to the estimated interest burden. Those borrowers who do not
meet the required criteria or who decline to fulfil the collateral
requirements will be turned down. Of course, individuals or firms
meeting all conditions will be given access to a line of credit that
will cover their normal financial needs, thereby allowing the
production process to begin.
The liquidity preference of banks
The notion of liquidity preference is a central theme of postKeynesian economics, yet many post-Keynesian believe that it must
be understood more broadly (Dow and Dow, 1989). Indeed, while
the concept is usually associated with household portfolio decisions
regarding choices between holding money and other financial
assets, it can nevertheless be extended to include the behaviour of
firms and of banks.
In the case of firms, their liquidity preference decisions revolve
around whether to purchase financial assets or physical (capital)
goods. As for banks, liquidity preference involves their desire to
extend bank loans. For instance, banks with high liquidity preference are reluctant to increase loans or to take on new customers.
Hence, we can use the concept of liquidity preference in the
banking industry to measure the willingness of banks to extend
70 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 3.1: A post-Keynesian view of credit rationing
We can distinguish two types of demand for credit. The total
demand for credit, which includes the demand from those who
are creditworthy and those who are not, can be labelled the
‘notional demand’ for credit. Yet, since banks only consider
those who meet their creditworthiness criteria, for all purposes
the only relevant demand is the ‘effective demand’ for credit,
which includes only the borrowers that are creditworthy (Lavoie,
1992a, p. 177; Wolfson, 1996, 2003). If we assume an average
lending rate, i1, credit rationing is depicted by the distance AB.
If the rate increases, say to i2, then fewer firms and fewer households will want to borrow, given the higher costs of borrowing.
This is reflected by the negatively-sloped notional demand
curve in Figure 3.4. Yet, at the same time, a greater number of
borrowers will not meet the borrowing criteria of the banks.
In other words, fewer borrowers will be creditworthy. As a
result, a greater number of borrowers will be turned down. As
interest rates increase, a widening gap arises between the
notional and the effective demand curves, as depicted in
Figure 3.4.
Lending rate
•A •B
Figure 3.4:
Credit rationing: notional and effective demand
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 71
Box 3.1: A post-Keynesian view of credit rationing – cont’d
As to the rate of interest on loans, we can divide it into two
components. There will be a component ib reflecting the benchmark rate of the central bank and hence the prevailing money
market rates (such as the Treasury bill rate or the overnight rate),
while the second component will reflect the risk premium, σ.
Hence we can write the following:
il = ib + σ
We thus see that see that increases in interest rates on loans
can arise from two potential sources. First, since lending rates
are essentially based on the benchmark interest rate set by the
central bank, any increase in the benchmark rate will lead to an
increase in lending rates. Moreover, banks may decide to increase
the spread between the lending and the benchmark rate, by
increasing the risk premium, σ. The effective demand for loans is
drawn for a given risk premium. Hence, when banks decide to
increase the risk premium, they are in effect strengthening the
criteria needed to get a loan. This translates into a leftward shift
of the effective demand curve, as depicted by the shift towards
the dotted curve in Figure 3.4. Hence, for every risk premium
there exists a specific effective demand curve.
credit to potential borrowers. It represents the confidence that banks
have over the uncertain future.
Of course, if this is the case, how then can we measure the liquidity of banks? This is certainly not an easy question to answer.
Nevertheless, there are a few ways of approaching this issue. For
instance, in asset-based systems, where banks hold government
securities, we can measure liquidity by considering the risk-free
securities to loans ratio. In overdraft economies, we could calculate
the bank capital to loans ratio. In fact, this is precisely how the Bank
for International Settlements (BIS) calculates the solvency of banks,
with the help of the so-called capital adequacy ratios.
There are other ways of measuring the liquidity preference of
banks. For instance, when banks become more pessimistic about the
72 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
future – that is, about the future ability of firms to repay their debt –
they will tend to raise their lending criteria. As a result, some firms
will no longer qualify to receive a bank loan. Banks will require
firms to have lower debt loads, better cash flows, or higher collateral
Hence, we can say that in times of uncertainty, liquidity preference increases, carrying with it two important consequences. First,
lending rates will be higher. Indeed, since banks expect more
defaults on loans, they will want to protect their own rate of return
by increasing the risk premium to compensate for the increased risk.
Second, given the more stringent criteria, a number of borrowers
will now be denied a loan: they simply are no longer considered
Note, moreover, that this same kind of behaviour rules financial
markets. When markets are worried, the spread between yields on
government securities and junk bonds increases, which serves as a
good leading indicator of the state of the economy.
Financial fragility and the paradox of tranquillity
While banks may use a variety of approaches to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers, it remains nonetheless true that these
decisions are highly subjective. They are a matter of confidence.
Hyman Minsky (1976, 1981) is a post-Keynesian whose pioneering
work about the behaviour of banks and their borrowers has helped
to show the instability that may result from such interactions.
Minsky, whose work has become highly popular among both
post-Keynesian and radical economists, has developed a Wall Street
view of the economy known as either the financial instability
hypothesis (FIH) or the financial fragility hypothesis (FFH). In contrast to some other finance specialists, such as Gordon (1997), who
believe that more wealthy entrepreneurs will become more prudent,
Minsky asserts that households, firms and banks are willing to adopt
more risky behaviour and strategies in periods of economic boom or
after a long period of high growth. Minsky argues that in such situations banks ease their risk premia as well as their lending criteria,
accepting higher debt loads (higher ρ parameters, as represented
in Chapter 2). In addition, all agents – that is households, firms
and banks – will willingly hold smaller proportions of less liquid
assets. This is the paradox of tranquillity: stability breeds instability.
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 73
A period of relative stability and high economic activity will eventually lead to more fragile financial conditions.
More speculative behaviour will also accompany greater financial
fragility. Indeed, firms and banks will compete against one another
using debt as a lever; households will soon follow suit, thereby generating rising stock market prices and rising real estate values.
Eventually, the central bank will weigh in and impose credit constraints or – as is probably more the case today – it will raise the
benchmark rate.
Given the higher debt loads, higher rates of interest will further
erode the fragility of the system making it more difficult to meet the
interest payments on existing debt. At this point, banks will surely
change their behaviour by tightening both their risk premia and
their lending criteria. All this may translate into a stock market
crash, unless governments stand ready to support aggregate demand
and the economy by engaging in large deficit spending (see the
numerous papers in Bellofiore and Ferri, 2001).
Minsky’s financial fragility hypothesis serves to show quite well
how a cyclical series of virtuous and vicious circles may have
nothing to do with the real economy. In fact, Minsky ties economic
fluctuations to unstable financial conventions and the greedy
behaviour of all economic agents. He also emphasizes the insufficient
power of regulatory bodies to monitor this behaviour.
3.4 A systemic view of the monetary economy
While the discussion above has served us well, it is time to consider
money and the monetary circuit from a more systematic point of
view. The French circuit writers have always advocated a mesoeconomic approach, that is the study of structural – or macroeconomic – laws, independent of the behaviour of agents.
Mesoeconomics is found halfway between the macroeconomic
emphasis on effective demand and the microeconomic analysis of
agents. With respect to technical conditions and relative prices,
Leontief’s and Sraffa’s input–output models are an integral component of mesoeconomic analysis.
To enable a better understanding of the monetary circuit, mesoeconomic analysis rests on monetary relations, more specifically on
the interactions of sector-based balance sheets and financial flows.
74 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
The principles of a systemic monetary analysis
In the last few years, a number of post-Keynesians have adopted the
use of matrices better to explore mesoeconomic relations. Inspired
largely by the work of Wynne Godley (1999) and Lance Taylor
(2004), but also by that of Eichner (1987), I believe that such an
approach constitutes an important new way of uniting heterodox
macroeconomists, helping to replace and dismiss the neoclassical
concept of constrained maximization. This new approach also
shares many points of interest with the macroeconomic work of
James Tobin (1982), himself a neoclassical synthesis Keynesian. In
fact, in his Bank of Sweden Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Tobin
explained why his approach is different from that of the standard
neoclassical model. According to Tobin, a proper macroeconomics
must entertain four important characteristics:
• Stocks and flows must be fully integrated into the analysis, and
their accounting must be done in a fully coherent manner.
• All models should include a multitude of sectors and of assets,
each with its own rate of return.
• It is important to incorporate all monetary and financial operations, and thus integrate the central bank and commercial
• There cannot be any ‘black holes’. All flows must inevitably have
an origin and a destination. All budget and portfolio adding-up
constraints must be respected. This holds both for behavioural
relations and for the actual values of the variables.
Tobin was working at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut,
and this approach is often referred to as the New Haven school. At
the same time, in the 1970s, a closely related methodology and
approach were independently developed and advocated by Godley
and his colleagues in the Department of Applied Economics at the
University of Cambridge, leading to the creation of the so-called
‘new Cambridge’ model (Godley and Cripps, 1983).
While neoclassical economists have rejected Tobin’s approach
and have fallen back on the unrealistic ‘representative agent’,
where consumers and producers are one and the same, some postKeynesians have embraced Tobin’s approach, incorporating it into a
monetary production economy where the supply of money is
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 75
endogenous and where behavioural equations respond to Kaleckian
or Keynesian precepts rather than neoclassical ones.
What Godley’s and Tobin’s analyses emphasize is the need
for a coherent macroeconomic framework that links the flow
dimension of macroeconomics with the stock dimension of real
capital, financial assets and debts and their corresponding rates
of return.
Sectoral balance sheets and financial flows
Tobin’s and Godley’s systemic approach rests on two matrices: a
balance-sheet matrix and a transactions-flow matrix. Balance sheets
deal with stocks, both tangible and financial ones. Tangible stocks
include machines and buildings (the fixed capital of firms), as well
as the value of real estate held by households. Tangible stocks also
include durable goods such as cars still in circulation. We may also
wish to include the inventory stocks of firms (S) – goods which are
produced but have yet to be sold. These tangible stocks have no
counterpart in the balance sheet.
Financial assets, on the other hand, do have a counterpart, which
is debt and which appears on the asset side of another agent’s or
sector’s balance sheet (household, producing firms, banks, the government or the central bank). For instance, loans made by banks are
an asset for the bank, but a liability for the borrower.
Where do these stocks come from? The answer is that they are
either the result of flows, which are added to the existing stocks; or
they result from the re-evaluation of certain assets, an exercise that
is excluded from the transactions-flow matrix.
Each stock is then associated with a given flow through a dynamic
equation, which links the past and the present. For instance, the
value of all shares held by households at the end of a given
year, E, is equal by definition to the stock of shares held at a
given time, e, and the price of the shares, pe. This value can be
said to arise from three distinct sources: the value of the shares held
at the end of the previous year (that is at the beginning of the
current year); the value of the new shares issued by firms and purchased by households at market prices during the current year; and
the capital gain resulting from the increase in the price of the shares
that were held at the beginning of the year over the course of that
same year.
76 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
The integration of national account flows with financial flows
The transactions-flow matrix is an interesting tool because it can link
all the important aggregates of the National Income and Product
Accounts (NIPA) to the financial flows that impact balance sheets. The
matrix describes a vertically-integrated production economy, dealing
with value-added only, as in NIPA, abstracting from the maze of
interdependencies associated with intermediate production.
Table 3.2 presents the essential elements of this approach,
although we excluded, for purposes of simplification only, the
central bank as well as the state. In that sense, it is a pure
Wicksellian model.
To simplify further, we also assume that banks do not make
profits (we set the rate of interest on loans, il, equal to the rate of
interest on money deposits, im), that households do not borrow
from banks, and that firms do not hold money balances.
One of the advantages of using accounting matrices is that they
guarantee that nothing gets lost in the discussion: as stated above,
all flows must come from somewhere and must end up somewhere.
This explains why each line and column add to zero: the matrix is
perfectly balanced.
Horizontally, each flow has an equivalent counterpart. Overall,
the rows describe the nominal amounts that are being exchanged
from one sector to another. The equality between the inflow and
the outflow arises for one of the following three reasons. First,
supply may always adjust itself to demand, either because production adjusts or through changes in inventory stocks; second,
demand may be rationed (as in the case of credit rationing); third,
market prices may provide for an instantaneous adjustment between
supply and demand (as in financial markets). This explains why it is
easier to work within a closed economy; otherwise, in an open
economy, the matrix would obviously have to consider the rest of
the world.
Vertically, each transaction must be financed. The columns sum
to zero and represent the budget constraints that each of the sectors
must respect. Let us begin by considering households, which face an
obvious budget constraint: they receive interest payments (+ im D(–1) ),
dividends (FD) and wages (wN), with which they can consume (C),
increase their bank deposits (ΔD), or purchase newly-issued shares
on the financial market (pe Δe).
Table 3.2:
The transactions-flow matrix in a closed economy without government
inventory stocks
+ ΔS
– ΔS
Net profits
+ PD
– (PND + PD)
–il L(–1)
+ im D(–1)
+ il L(–1)
– im D(–1)
+ ΔLf
in loans
– ΔDm
Shares on financial markets
– pe Δe
– wN
in deposits
+ wN
Interest on deposits
Interest on loans
– ΔLb
+ ΔDb
+ pe Δe
78 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
With respect to firms, their situation is slightly more complicated.
While they sell consumption goods (C) to households, they also sell
investment goods (I) to each other, as well as finished goods not yet
sold to customers, ΔS.
The income generated from these sales, either realized or based on
an accounting entry, must always equal the wage and interest payments, plus the net profits from the private sector. These profits can
be further divided into two components: dividends PD to households, and retained earnings, PND, which are a component of the
final financing of fixed capital and inventory stocks.
The sources and uses of funds
In the flow matrix, all components with a positive sign represent
a source of funds. For instance, wages, given by wN, which is the
product of nominal wages, w, and employment, N, is a source of
funds for households. Yet, they also represent a use of funds from
the point of view of the production sector, and so carry a negative
sign when entered in the column of the firms.
The bottom of the matrix represents changes in claims and liabilities. Inasmuch as households increase either their holdings of
equities (a quantity of shares e times the price of the shares pe) or
of bank deposits, ΔD, this implies a use of funds and therefore a
negative sign. But when a firm gets a new bank loan, ΔL, which
increases its stock of debt, it becomes a source of funds for the
production sector, meaning that it should carry a positive sign.
Readers should note that the terminology ‘source and use of
funds’ may lead to some confusion when discussing the role of
banks. When a bank lends and, in doing so, increases the stock
of outstanding loans, the additional loans are assigned a negative
sign in the transactions-flow matrix. The corresponding deposits
that are being created as a result carry a positive sign. In this sense,
we can claim that from the point of view of the banking sector,
deposits are a ‘source’ of funds whereas loans are the ‘use’ of funds.
A note of caution is here required: this may give the impression that
deposits are therefore required to make a loan, but this would be a
misleading inference. Rather, as post-Keynesians argue, loans make
deposits. In other words, while the increase in deposits may be seen
as a source of funds from a financial perspective, the causal element
remains nevertheless the loans initially granted by banks. These
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 79
loans are created ex nihilo at the request of firms who are considered
creditworthy by banks (Lavoie, 2003).
The creation of money
We have now established the main elements of post-Keynesian monetary theory. In section 3.3, for instance, we discussed the crucial distinction between initial and final finance. In this context, therefore,
how can we explain the monetary circuit? We can answer this question by referring to the transactions-flow matrix developed above and
illustrated in Table 3.2; in doing so, we can provide a better explanation of the crucial difference between initial and final finance.
The production sector of the transactions-flow matrix is further
subdivided into a capital account and a current account. Both
accounts must sum to zero. The capital account column describes
the components of final finance. In this simple model, the accumulation of fixed capital or the increase in inventories of firms at the
end of the period, say a quarter or even a year, is financed by only
three possible sources: new share issues, new borrowing from banks,
or undistributed profits (retained earnings).
By contrast, the shaded cells in the matrix represent initial
finance. At the beginning of the production process, as the monetary circuit begins, firms must borrow the funds needed to pay
wages to employees, and begin the production of new goods,
ΔS (recall that we assume a closed vertically integrated production
economy, where the only costs are wage costs). The amount borrowed is exactly equal to total wages in the current period. It is the
first stage of the circuit. It does not matter whether loans are taken
for the production of consumption or investment goods: both in
fact require initial finance.
At the very beginning of the circuit, therefore, firms have a debt
towards banks but also a claim in the form of a bank deposit. This
first stage is in fact very short: firms will draw on their line of credit
only when they need to pay wages and begin production. This
is done either through cheques or through electronic transfers,
as is usually the case nowadays. But as soon as wages are paid,
they become an income for households and workers. At the very
moment they are paid, and hence before households begin consuming the newly received income, these funds simultaneously become
household savings, ΔDm. The shaded cells depict this second stage.
80 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
The third stage – final finance – as already pointed out, is represented by the capital account of the production sector, when firms
collect back funds from households.
Accounting principles and quadruple accounting
Using matrices allows us in fact to fall back on some useful accounting principles, especially when considering the operations of firms.
As goods are produced but remain unsold, they become an additional component of inventory stocks, ΔS. Consistent with the best
accounting practices, it is important that inventory goods be valued
at their current production costs or at least at their replacement cost
(and not at their expected sale price).
In our vertically integrated economy, the cost of production of
these stocks is exactly equal to the wages paid to households within
this period. In this sense, the value of the increase in inventories,
ΔS, is exactly equal to wN, which is what is emphasized by the
shaded cells in the current account column of the firms.
The use of flow matrices also makes the ‘quadruple accounting’
principle more evident (Copeland, 1949). This is because since each
column and each row must sum to zero at all times, any transaction
requires at least four recorded changes for the matrix to balance out.
For instance, if a bank decides to grant a loan ΔL to the production
sector, it must also create, as a counterpart, deposits ΔD of an equal
amount. The capital account column of the banking sector then
sums to zero. Moreover, the new loan must also be recorded
as an additional liability in the capital account of the producing
sector. This ensures that the row of loans sums to 0. But a fourth
entry must be changed to take into account the fact that the
producing sector now holds an additional amount of bank deposits,
which allows the row of deposits to sum to zero as well. As a
result, we have a minimum of four accounting records for each
Models and the role of the flow matrices
Alongside sector-based balance-sheet matrices, sectoral transactionsflow matrices provide the core relationships of monetary production
economies. To these, along with the dynamic equations that link
stocks and flows, we should add behavioural equations pertaining to
each sector of the economy.
A Macroeconomic Monetary Circuit 81
Any model offers specific behavioural equations that provide
the closure of the model and account for its particular results
and derived conclusions. Nevertheless, post-Keynesians like Godley
believe that the core accounting equations and the dynamic stockflow equations actually constitute a framework that constrains the
range of possible results. In other words, certain configurations or
dynamics are just plain impossible, because they would contradict
the accounting core. As pointed out by Taylor (2004, p. 2), stockflow consistent macro modelling and the core accounting equations
‘remove many degrees of freedom from possible configurations of
patterns of payments at the macro level’.
According to Godley, any fully-coherent model that adequately
represents a monetary economy of production will necessarily give
some medium and long-term results that are essentially identical,
irrespective of the values given to the various parameters. Such a
model must be able to provide a linkage between all stocks and
flows, while taking all transaction flows into account, including the
budget constraints. In addition, stock constraints, such as portfolio
constraints and asset adding-up constraints, must be accounted for.
Economic agents target certain ratios that will guarantee the
confluence of both stocks and flows, for instance, desired sales to
inventory stocks ratio in the case of firms. In fact, this may arise
without the express knowledge of agents. For example, when households consume each year a given ratio of their income and wealth,
they implicitly define a long-term steady relationship between
wealth (a stock) and disposable income (a flow).
What can we learn from a systemic approach?
Post-Keynesian models that follow the principles presented in this
section allow us to verify the main characteristics developed earlier
in section 3.1. While the supply of and the demand for money are
subject to different and independent constraints (the supply of
money is constrained by the balance sheets of central banks and
commercial banks; whereas the demand for money is constrained
by households’ portfolio choices), they are necessarily equal in any
fully coherent model, even if there are no specific equations that
explicitly force their equality.
This should help us understand the irrelevance of the neoclassical
argument suggesting that excess money is the underlying cause of
82 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
inflation. For post-Keynesians, inflation can never be caused by an
excess supply of money.
We can also show how the central bank and the Treasury can
directly set interest rates. Yet, whereas central banks can always
control the short-term interest rate, they can also control the longterm interest rate if they so desire. If this were the case, the central
bank would have to accept large variations in the composition of its
liabilities, that is the proportion of short-term and long-term securities. Otherwise, the long-term rate would fluctuate wildly relative to
the short-term rate, even if arbitrage forces would slowly but eventually ensure that long-term rates approximate the expected future
short-term rates. These expected rates are to a large extent determined by recently observed short-term rates that themselves converge towards the benchmark rate, as long as the central bank is
willing to enforce it with sufficient determination and persistence.
Systemic analysis also shows us how, in an open economy, external disequilibria in no way undermine the ability of the central
bank to set the benchmark interest rate of its choice. The only true
constraint, in a fixed exchange rate regime, is that external disequilibria do not automatically resolve themselves, so much so that
the eventual lack of exchange reserves will force the state to pursue
restrictive fiscal and monetary policies.
As we will see in Chapter 5, there thus exists a deflationary bias in
an open economy framework. Countries with an external surplus
are never constrained into pursuing the expansionary policies that
would compensate for the restrictive economic policies put in place
by countries with external deficits.
The Short Period: Effective
Demand and the Labour Market
The main objective of this chapter is to examine the role of effective
demand and its impact on the labour market. As stated in Chapter 1,
the claim that economies are demand-led is a crucial argument of
post-Keynesian economics. In fact, effective demand is a key factor
of the theory of employment. Contrary to neoclassical theory, as we
shall see, a decrease in real wages does not increase the demand for
labour. Rather, the opposite is true: an increase in real wages leads
to an increase in consumption, which in turn increases the demand
for labour and decreases unemployment. As a result, an increase in
the minimum wage and in the average wage will have beneficial
effects on employment and the overall economy – a conclusion that
stands in contrast to what is assumed by those who defend TINA.
The analysis in this chapter will limit itself to the short period.
Any and all elements of long-period analysis are left to the next
Short and long periods
Before proceeding any further, it is important to clarify the difference between short and long-period analysis. There are in fact
two possible interpretations.
The first distinction is the one we often find in neoclassical
textbooks. There the long period is defined as a state of fully
realized expectations, most often those related to prices and
inflation. The short period is associated, therefore, with either frustrated price expectations or expectations that have not been fully
84 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
The second distinction between short and long periods is more
formally a distinction between actual periods of time. Indeed, the
short period treats the stock of capital goods as given, whereas
the long period allows investment flows to alter the existing capital
stock. The long period therefore depicts either a stationary economy, where households’ real wealth is constant and where net
investment (net of capital depreciation) is nil, or a growing economy where capital stock and household wealth are growing
A short-period analysis based on this second definition is necessarily limited. Indeed, as we discussed in the previous chapter, a
fully coherent analysis must link all stocks and flows. By postulating
that the stocks of capital and household wealth are constant, even
though firms invest and households save, we omit some of the most
important consequences of their decisions. As such, any discussion
under these terms can only be a snapshot of the economy in which
periods are linked to one another in time. A good example of
this mistreatment of time, as Tobin (1979, ch. 4) reminds us, is the
IS-LM model of the neoclassical synthesis, which determines positive saving and investment without ever taking into consideration
their impact on wealth and productive capacity.
Short-period analysis as defined in this chapter will ignore the
effects of investment on the capital stock (the second definition).
We will, however, assume that expectations are realized by assuming that the goods market is in equilibrium, supply having had time
to adapt itself to the demand for goods (in contrast to the first
4.1 Effective demand and its components
Autonomous and induced expenditures
In standard neoclassical models, aggregate demand depends essentially on two components: fiscal policy and the supply of money.
Yet, since the supply of money is an endogenous variable in postKeynesian models, it cannot be a causal element in determining
effective demand. As for fiscal policy, we will put it aside by adopting a simplified model: we will assume a closed economy with no
government. In such a simplified model, what then are the determinants of aggregate demand?
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 85
In the General Theory, Keynes (1936, ch. 3) distinguishes between
autonomous and induced expenditures as components of effective
demand. By induced expenditures, we mean the components of
current aggregate demand that are dependent upon the current level
of income. In contrast, autonomous expenditures are independent of
current output. In a closed economy with no government, the only
remaining components of aggregate demand are consumption and
For Keynes, investment is basically an independent variable which
depends on the long-run expectations of entrepreneurs. Consumption,
however, is partially induced. In fact, this approach is largely consistent
with that of Kalecki (1971, ch. 8), who considers investment to be independent of current output, and who divides consumption into two
components: consumption out of wages (workers) and consumption
out of profits (capitalists). Whereas the former is induced, the second is
an autonomous variable since it depends on lagged realized profits.
A macroeconomic determination of profits
In Kalecki (1971, ch. 7), the equations explaining macroeconomic
profits are fairly simple. Anchoring his analysis in national accounting, Kalecki’s equations are consistent with the transactions-flow
matrix developed in the previous chapter, specifically the current
account column of producing firms. We may approach the national
product from two different angles: an incomes approach or an
expenditure approach. Nominal income Y is defined as follows:
Y = Wages + Profits = Consumption + Investment
Given the subdivision of consumption discussed above, we may
write the following:
Wages + Profits = Consumption out of wages
+ Consumption out of profits + Investment
We can further assume, as do Kalecki and most classical authors
before him, especially Marx, that workers spend all their income,
that is they have no saving. Hence, we can write:
Consumption out of wages = Wages
86 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Plugging this into the previous equation yields Kalecki’s famous
profit equation, which he first outlined in Polish in 1933:
Profits = Consumption out of profits + Investment
One of the main conclusions we can draw from this insight is that
in a closed economy without government, where workers do not
save, macroeconomic profits are exactly equal to the investment of
the private sector plus capitalists’ consumption out of profits.
The causality in Kalecki’s equation
But what is the exact meaning of this equation, and what can we
say about the causality implied by the equation? How can we interpret its conclusions? This is a question that Kalecki asked, and to
which he provided the following answer:
What is the significance of this equation? Does it mean that
profits in a given period determine capitalists’ consumption and
investment, or the reverse of this? The answer to this question
depends on which of these items is directly subject to the decisions of capitalists. Now it is clear that capitalists can decide to
consume and to invest more in a given period than in the preceding one, but they cannot decide to earn more. It is, therefore,
their investment and consumption decisions which determine
profits, and not vice versa.
(Kalecki, 1971, pp. 78–9)
We can summarize this macroeconomic theory by referring to an
aphorism made famous by Kaldor (1956, p. 96), although often
wrongly attributed to Kalecki: ‘Capitalists earn what they spend, and
workers spend what they earn.’ This statement highlights an important asymmetry: capitalists and entrepreneurs can always decide to
spend more (provided banks accept to finance them), whereas workers
cannot decide to earn more, since this depends essentially on the
employment they are being offered by entrepreneurs.
4.2 The Kaleckian model
Keynes or Kalecki?
In The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, largely
inspired by the work of his teacher Alfred Marshall, Keynes (1936)
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 87
Box 4.1: A rejection of the crowding-out effect
Those who defend the virtues of TINA often argue that expansionary fiscal policies designed to support aggregate demand are
doomed to fail. They argue that, with deficit spending, governments use resources that could be put to better use by the private
sector for investment purposes. This is the so-called crowding-out
effect, also called the ‘Treasury view’ when Keynes was objecting
to it in the 1930s. According to the Treasury view, increases in
government deficits crowd out private investment and lead to
rising interest rates.
Post-Keynesians reject this approach altogether, and this for
several reasons. First, as stated in the previous chapter, market
interest rates essentially depend on the benchmark interest rate
set by the central bank. Second, we can easily show, using a
generalized version of Kalecki’s equation, that fiscal deficits
actually enhance the profits of the private sector. In fact, it could
be argued that there is a reversed crowding-out effect, sometimes called a crowding-in effect. We can show this by rewriting
Kalecki’s equation and including the government sector. Following Kalecki (1971, p. 82), we get:
Profits net of taxes = Consumption out of profits + Investment +
Budget deficits
accepts without hesitation some fundamental postulates of
neoclassical theory. For instance, he assumes that the stock
of money is a given, and he accepts the assumption that firms
maximize their profits under the constraint of diminishing
returns, hypotheses that we specifically rejected in chapters 2
and 3.
Keynes kept these neoclassical features because he wanted to show
his contemporaries that his was a more general theory. In his effort
to get a fair hearing and to get his message across, Keynes endeavoured to make sure that his arguments would look familiar and
would be understood by his colleagues. Unfortunately, Keynes’s
strategy carries certain shortcomings, which have repercussions
up to this day. For instance, fundamentalist post-Keynesians, such
as Davidson and Weintraub, insist on following Keynes’s method.
88 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 4.2: A more formalized profit equation
In order to continue our discussion of effective demand, it is
perhaps best to develop more formally Kalecki’s profit equation.
Using notations from the previous chapter, let us consider
national accounting identities. Accordingly, we can define the
national product as follows:
Y = wN + P = C + I
C = pac = pacc + pacw
I = pai
income is the sum of the wage bill, wN, and profits, P, these
being inclusive of interest payments. C and I are respectively
nominal consumption and investment expenditures, whereas
ac and ai are consumption and investment in real terms; p is
price. Finally, acc and acw are the real consumption expenditures
of capitalists and workers respectively.
Assuming once again that workers do not save, we obtain the
following profit equation:
P = pacc + pai
According to Kalecki, macroeconomic profits are predetermined
since they depend on realized investment, the decisions on
which were taken in the past. As for capitalists’ consumption, it
depends on the amount of profits that were also realized in the
past (or on capital gains on financial markets).
In real terms, both capitalist investment and consumption in any
given period are thus autonomous variables. Given that investment
is a controversial topic in economics, taking it as an exogenous
variable is perhaps the best strategy within a short-period analysis.
Macroeconomic profits therefore depend on real autonomous
expenditures, a = acc + ai. We can thus rewrite the previous equation as:
P = pa
Whatever firms do with respect to unit labour costs and real
wages, overall (real) profits within the period are here entirely
determined by overall real autonomous expenditures.
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 89
Box 4.3: The aggregate demand equation
At the macroeconomic level, at least in our simplified model of
a closed economy with no government, demand depends on
only two components: the induced consumption of workers
(their wages), and the autonomous expenditures, which include
capitalists’ consumption and investment. We can thus write
aggregate demand in the following way:
AD = wN + pa
If we divide AD by p, we obtain aggregate demand in real terms:
RAD = (w/p)N + a
Thus, in contrast to neoclassical theory, where aggregate demand
depends on the supply of money, aggregate demand in postKeynesian models depends on the wage bill and real autonomous
expenditures – that is, on the consumption and investment
decisions of capitalists.
As a result, their own version of post-Keynesian theory is rooted
in aggregate supply analysis with diminishing returns, and thus
shows some similarities with the analysis developed by disequilibrium Keynesians, such as Malinvaud and Bénassy, or Barro and
Kalecki, however, was schooled in Marx, not Marshall. As such, in
his first articles on the business cycles and effective demand, Kalecki
finds no room for neoclassical assumptions. In particular, he readily
accepts the notion that production can be increased at constant
unit costs. The Kaleckian approach to effective demand is often considered a superior or better approach than Keynes’s. This was the
conclusion reached in particular by Robinson (1973, p. 97) and
Kaldor (1983, p. 15). Indeed, to bring out the radical content of
Keynesian economics, one must learn ‘from Kalecki rather than
from Keynes’ (Bhaduri, 1986, p. ix). For some heterodox economists,
it is therefore best to speak of Kaleckian economics, rather than
post-Keynesian economics (Dostaler, 1988, p. 134).
90 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 4.4: An alternative profit equation
Several post-Keynesians have slightly modified Kalecki’s profit
equation by omitting any reference to time lags. In many of
their models, the consumption of capitalists simply depends
on the amount of profits realized during the current period.
Assuming that capitalists save a portion sc of their profits, their
consumption is equal to:
pacc = (1 – sc)P
By substituting this in the profit equation, we get:
P = p(ai/sc) = I/sc
This is the so-called Cambridge short-period profit equation
found in Kaldor (1956, p. 96), who ties this equation to Kalecki’s
profit equations and to Keynes’s (1930) ‘widow’s cruse’ analogy.
Keynes was then making a reference to the Old Testament story
in the First Book of Kings (17), whereby a widow was assured
that her barrel of meat and jar of oil would never get depleted.
Keynes (1930, p. 139) argued that ‘however much of their profits
entrepreneurs spend on consumption, the increment of wealth
belonging to entrepreneurs remains the same as before. Thus
profits, as a source of capital increment for entrepreneurs, are a
widow’s cruse which remains undepleted however much of them
may be devoted to riotous living.’ As Kaldor points out, the same
can be said about the investment of entrepreneurs.
In post-Keynesian economics, macroeconomic profits are proportional to investment expenditures and inversely proportional
to the capitalists’ propensity to save out of profits. In the next
chapter, we will make use of a dynamic version of this relation.
For now, however, let us keep Kalecki’s version.
The post-Keynesian utilization function
The Kaleckian aggregate supply curve is based on the theory of the
modern firm developed in Chapter 2. The Kaleckian model assumes
a more modern version of the production function, which post-
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 91
Keynesians call a utilization function (Nell, 1988, p. 106), and which
assumes no decreasing returns, as long as capacity utilization is
below 100 per cent. Constant returns prevail. First proposed by Joan
Robinson in 1964, the utilization function implies that firms can
hire more or less labour with a given capital equipment, which is
utilized at different intensity levels.
Regarding labour, Kaleckian models, like Kalecki himself, generally consider two types of labour: variable (blue-collar or direct)
labour and fixed (overhead or indirect) labour (Asimakopulos,
1975). Variable labour is directly related to the production of goods
and services; hence it is a variable factor of production. Variable
labour wages are a component of the direct costs of firms. Fixed or
overhead labour, on the other hand, is not related to production,
and consists of so-called white-collar employees and other administrative staff.
While this is an important distinction, which in particular allows
us to understand certain fluctuations in average wages through the
cycle (Lavoie, 1996–97), we will disregard it for the purpose of our
analysis. Yet, despite this simplification, we will still be able to show
some of the more fundamental conclusions of the Kaleckian model.
In particular, we will see how employment is positively related to
real wages.
The Kaleckian paradox of costs
The Kaleckian labour demand curve, as shown in Figure 4.1, illustrates that for a given level of real autonomous expenditures,
a, there is a positive relationship between the real wage and the
overall level of employment. An increase in the real wage w/p translates into a movement along the effective labour demand curve, and
hence to a higher level of employment. This is a complete reversal
of the neoclassical theory of employment and of the claims made by
TINA advocates.
At first glance, this conclusion may appear paradoxical. Yet it
clarifies an important fallacy of composition: what may be good for
an individual firm is unhealthy for the economy as a whole if all
firms act in the same way.
While it is true that each individual firm could increase its profits
by lowering its unit wage costs – if it acted alone – overall profits
will not in the end be any higher. Once all firms have lowered
92 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 4.5: The formalization of the Kaleckian model
The Kaleckian labour-market model is fairly simple. We begin
with the real aggregate demand function developed earlier:
RAD = (w/p)N + a
We then replace the neoclassical production function with the
post-Keynesian utilization function, which is directly proportional to the quantity of labour used in production. We have the
following equation:
q = TN
where T, a constant, represents output per worker. In other
words, it measures workers’ productivity (T = 1/n; it is the inverse
of the technical coefficient n, the amount of work per unit of
output, discussed in Chapter 2). It is an aggregate measure of the
degree of advancement of technology, which explains why we
are using the letter T to explain this productivity.
By equating supply and demand in real terms, that is q = RAD,
we get either one of the following equations describing the
effective labour demand curve (also called the employment curve):
NDeff = a/[T–(w/p)]
(w/p)eff = T – a/N
Either of these two equations represents the locus of all points
where the goods market is in equilibrium, that is, where saving
and investment are equal. In other words, for every real
wage–employment combination on this effective labour demand
curve, all produced goods are sold at the price set by firms, as
shown in Figure 4.1 below. The area below the curve represents a
situation of aggregate excess supply in the goods market, while
the area above the curve depicts a situation where aggregate
demand is greater than aggregate supply (investment exceeds
saving). As long as firms react to a situation of excess supply
(demand) by reducing (increasing) production, the economy will
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 93
Box 4.5: The formalization of the Kaleckian model – cont’d
move towards the locus of equilibria, that is towards the effective
labour demand curve. In other words, the model exhibits
stability under these conditions. This is precisely what we shall
assume for the rest of this chapter. For simplicity therefore, we
presume that the economy is always on the effective labour
demand curve.
Note, as well, that in our model, the effective labour demand
curve has a positive slope, in contrast to the labour demand
curve of neoclassical theory. The Kaleckian labour demand curve
is asymptotic to the horizontal line representing productivity per
worker, at T. As such, the real wage can never exceed the productivity of blue-collar workers, otherwise firms would make losses.
At the macroeconomic level, therefore, modern firms face only
one constraint: effective demand. Each firm would prefer producing and selling more since it knows that higher production does
not lead to rising unit costs, at least until full capacity is reached.
Firms, however, are constrained by their share of the market.
Figure 4.1:
The Kaleckian labour market
94 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
wages and, by keeping prices constant, increased their mark-ups,
they will end up selling fewer goods. As Kalecki (1971, p. 26)
reminds us, ‘one of the main features of the capitalist system is the
fact that what is to the advantage of a single entrepreneur does not
necessarily benefit all entrepreneurs as a class’. This is the Kaleckian
paradox of costs, which is not dissimilar from the Keynesian
paradox of thrift.
According to the paradox of thrift, a well-known concept of principles of macroeconomics, an increase in the marginal propensity to
save of households in no way increases aggregate saving and
national income. In fact, as long as investment is given and hence
autonomous, an increase in the propensity to save cannot have
an effect on aggregate saving. The attempt to save more will only
translate itself into a reduction in national income, in sales, and in
aggregate employment.
Similarly, within the context of the paradox of costs, for any
given level of real autonomous expenditures, a decrease in real
wages will have no impact on aggregate profits since they only
depend on the level of real aggregate expenditures (or on real investment expenditures and the propensity to save out of profits in
Kalecki’s formula). While the lower real wages are associated with
higher profit margins per unit sold (an increase in the θ or Θ costing
margin parameter in Chapter 2), national income, sales and employment fall, leaving the overall amount of macroeconomic profits
The decrease in aggregate demand is the culprit behind this
phenomenon. The fall in aggregate demand arises from the change
in income distribution that makes workers worse-off; since their
propensity to consume is higher than that of profit recipients,
aggregate demand falls.
The impact of an increase in real autonomous expenditures
While it is clear that an increase in real wages leads to an increase in
real aggregate demand, and thereby an increase in production and
employment, may there not be another way of increasing production and reaching full employment?
Kalecki’s – and Keynes’s – analysis leaves us with very little
choice: the only other solution is to increase autonomous expenditures, a. Whenever there is an increase in autonomous expenditures,
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 95
the effective labour demand curve shifts downwards. Hence, to
maintain the same level of real aggregate demand, real wages
would need to be lowered. Yet, if real wages stay the same, any
increase in autonomous expenditures will generate an increase
in employment, as it would in the standard Keynesian model.
To show this, consider the dotted curve in Figure 4.1: for a
given real wage (w/p)1, an increase in real autonomous expenditures
from a1 to a2 leads to an increase in employment from N1 to
Of course, we need to ask why autonomous expenditures
would increase in the first place. Remember that there are
two components to autonomous expenditures: consumption out
of profits and investment expenditures. Keynes (1936) argues
that a decrease in interest rates initiated by the central bank
should lead to an increase in these expenditures, although he
believes that their effect might be insufficient even when
interest rates are brought down to their lowest levels. This is
why Keynes relies on public expenditures to decrease persistent
Keynes’s contemporaries, however, such as Pigou, as well as
some neoclassical economists like Don Patinkin, have argued
that public expenditures were not necessary to re-establish full
employment. They claimed that unemployment will eventually lead
to a decrease in nominal wages and prices, provided of course
that they are sufficiently flexible. As a result, private autonomous
expenditures will increase on their own, because of the greater
purchasing power provided by the money balances held by households. According to this neoclassical view, market forces will
eventually eliminate unemployment. This argument is known
as the real balance effect or the wealth effect.
Post-Keynesians, however, have no faith in the self-adjusting
wisdom of markets. First, such a mechanism cannot exist in a
world where both money and wealth are endogenous variables,
as we saw in Chapter 3. Second, as Keynes (1936, ch. 19) and
Tobin (1979, ch. 1) remind us, falling prices can have perverse
effects on the firm and on the economy. For instance, they can
increase the real burden of debt, thereby triggering bankruptcies
and chaos, which would exacerbate the existing stagnation or
96 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 4.6: The paradoxes of cost and thrift with the Cambridge
In the simple Keynesian textbook model, saving is always in a
simple relation, s, to income. As such, consumption can be
defined simply as a proportion (1 – s) of income. Given equilibrium conditions in the goods market, the equality between
saving and investment suggests the following relationship
between output and real investment:
q = ai / s
with of course the well-known Keynesian multiplier, 1/s.
If we consider the Cambridge equation, where workers do not
save and capitalists save a proportion sc out of profits, as was
suggested earlier, the equality between saving and investment
implies the following equation:
q = aiT/{sc(T – w/p)}
This equation allows us quickly to verify the validity of both the
paradox of thrift and the paradox of costs. For any given real
investment ai, an increase in the propensity to save out of profits
sc will lead to a fall in output – as will a decrease in real wages
w/p, for any given level of productivity T. Of course, whenever
there is an increase in real investment ai, output increases.
With respect to the multiplier, its value is now more complex,
and given by (sc{1–(w/p)/T})–1. The multiplier now depends on
the marginal propensity to save out of profits sc, but also on the
distribution of income, posited by the relationship between real
wages and the productivity of workers.
As to employment, it is now given by:
N = ai/{sc(T – w/p)}
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 97
4.3 Further developments of the Kaleckian model
Multiple equilibria
Until now, we never really questioned the shape of the labour
supply curve. In fact, we simply assumed it was a vertical line.
Yet, many labour economists assume that the curve is backwardbending. At low wages, substitution effects dominate income effects,
as rising wages induce individuals to join the labour force or to put
in more hours of work. This portion of the curve has a positive
slope, as would be the case in less industrialized economies. On the
other hand, when wages are relatively high, income effects dominate, and this other portion of the curve has a negative slope.
With a positively-sloped or backward-bending labour supply
curve, the short-period Kaleckian model suggests the existence of
two possible full employment equilibrium positions (Seccareccia,
1991). For instance, in Figure 4.2, at the wage (w/p)L, the labour
market is in equilibrium at point L. The amounts of labour being
demanded and supplied are equal at NfeL; in other words there is
a full employment equilibrium, but this full employment occurs
at very low levels of real wages and output. By contrast, there is a
Figure 4.2: Multiple equilibria in a Kaleckian model with a backwardbending labour supply curve
98 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
second full employment equilibrium H, which corresponds to a
higher real wage (w/p)H, with a higher output and employment NfeH.
Given these two possibilities, which of the two equilibrium positions, L or H, has the highest probability of being realized? To
answer this, let us consider an initial arbitrary real wage, (w/p)0,
which is half-way between the two full employment real wage rates.
At this initial real wage, the amount of labour supplied is N0S,
whereas the amount of labour demanded is N0D, that is as long as
we still assume that within the short period the economy is always
on the locus of points where investment equals saving (on the
effective labour demand curve).
At (w/p)0, the goods market is thus in equilibrium, but there is
unemployment, since the labour supplied is greater than the labour
demanded. For post-Keynesians, this situation could very well
persist, because entrepreneurs’ expectations about sales are realized
and they have therefore no incentives to alter their labour hiring
decisions (indeed this is the first definition of the short period). As
for the real wage, provided there are sufficient institutional rigidities, it has no tendency to change as long as unemployment
remains relatively stable.
This said, if the labour market were deprived of conventions,
rules, regulations or institutional anchors, the nominal wage, w,
would trend downwards. By contrast, the prices of goods would
tend to remain stable since aggregate demand and supply are equalized, provided of course the economy is still on its effective labour
demand curve. Hence, in such a flex-price economy, with falling
nominal wages and stable prices, the real wage would tend to fall,
until it reaches (w/p)L, which corresponds to the low full employment equilibrium.
The perverse effects of market forces
Given the analysis presented above, we can conclude that if left
to themselves, market forces will tend to generate a full employment equilibrium with low levels of real wages, output and employment – point L in Figure 4.2. For a given population level, this
suggests that living standards would be much lower than would
otherwise be the case if the economy were at point H, where high
levels of real wages (w/p)H, output and employment NfeH can be
enjoyed by all.
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 99
Our analysis shows that the ‘high’ equilibrium is unstable, whereas
the ‘low’ equilibrium is stable. In a world devoid of rigidities, market
forces will push the economy away from the high equilibrium
towards the low equilibrium, as indicated by the arrows in Figure 4.2.
In other words, market forces will push the economy towards the
sub-optimal equilibrium.
So, in contrast to what TINA advocates pretend, market forces and
price flexibility need not generate the best of possible solutions. In
this context, in times of unemployment, by preventing real wages
from falling, powerful unions have beneficial effects on overall
employment, production and living standards.
Since the high full-employment equilibrium is unstable, only
sustained state intervention can succeed in maintaining the
economy near that level of employment. In fact, the state must
intervene in order to keep real wages high, even in times of rising
unemployment. This could be done through minimum wage laws
or living wage ordinances (as in American cities, see Pollin, 2003),
with higher minimum wages pushing the entire wage structure
upwards. The state can also increase wages in the public service
and pass laws that encourage stronger unions that provide a
countervailing force to the power of megacorporations (as in
Galbraith, 1967).
While the Kaleckian multiple-equilibrium model shows that
market forces can push the economy towards a low equilibrium
with low levels of wages, output and employment, it also shows that
adequate legislation and institutions can push the economy towards
higher levels of employment, higher real wages, and higher living
Technological unemployment
After having discussed a number of issues, we must address one
of the oldest and most controversial issues in economics: the
role played by technical progress and its impact on the level of
employment. In fact, while writing his Principles in 1817,
David Ricardo was particularly tormented by this question. While
he had initially argued that technical progress would not have
any permanent negative effects, he later changed his mind,
as evidenced in the third edition of his book, specifically in its
chapter 31.
100 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Neoclassical authors are unanimous in arguing that technical
progress can only have positive effects on employment, or at
least that negative effects are only sector-specific. In fact, they
ridicule those economists who warn about the potential dangers
of robotics and computers on employment levels. These economists
warn that technical progress can have negative effects on employment, not only on specific sectors, but at the macroeconomic
level as well. Since this fear is also shared by a large number
of workers, it is important that we devote some space to this
issue and consider the implications of technical progress. So,
the question is whether technical progress can lead to higher
unemployment. Can technological unemployment be a macroeconomic issue?
In fact, the Kaleckian model is particularly well-suited to answering these questions. In part due to its simplicity, both in terms of
graphs and equations, but also because it pays careful attention to
all effects on aggregate demand.
The impact of productivity increases on the effective labour
demand curve
How does an increase in productivity translate itself in a Kaleckian
model? For a given real wage, any increase in labour productivity
changes the distribution of income in favour of profit recipients.
Without an increase in real wages, any increase in productivity
translates into an increase in the costing margins of firms, θ or
Θ as we called them in Chapter 2. As a result, aggregate demand
falls, and hence the demand for labour also decreases. As such, the
effective demand for labour curve shifts to the left, as shown by
the dotted curve in Figure 4.3, where a single level of full employment has been assumed once again.
Let us start by supposing that the economy is at full employment,
Nfe, with a given real autonomous expenditure a, productivity T1
and real wage (w/p)fe1. Let us now assume that productivity increases,
to T2. This will in fact shift the effective labour demand curve
upwards. If this happens, full employment can be maintained, but
only if real wages increase to (w/p)fe2. However, if real wages do not
change, employment necessarily falls to N2.
Thus whenever there is an increase in productivity, there has to
be some increase in real wages to keep employment from falling –
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 101
Figure 4.3: The effect of an increase in productivity on the effective labour
demand curve
that is as long as the level of real autonomous expenditures is constant, as we assumed in this model. To maintain current employment levels, the difference between productivity per worker and
real wages has to be kept constant. Otherwise, real autonomous
expenditures need to rise. Indeed, even when the real wage to
productivity per worker ratio remains constant, meaning that real
wages and productivity increase at the same rate, which would
be the most probable scenario, we would still need an increase in
real autonomous expenditures to keep employment at a constant
In the context of a Kaleckian model, therefore, technological
unemployment is a real possibility. To avoid such an occurrence,
the increase in productivity must usually be compensated by an
increase in both real wages and real autonomous expenditures.
Business cycles and productivity
Which of the two following situations is most likely: real wages
rising along with productivity or real wages remaining insensitive to
changes in productivity? The answer to this question may depend
on the stage of the business cycle.
102 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Let us first discuss the conditions under which increases in productivity are more likely to have favourable effects on employment.
If increases in productivity arise when the economy is in an expansion, and when unemployment is low, it is probable that they will
not induce negative effects on labour employment, since workers
will be in a favourable situation and will most likely succeed in
negotiating higher real wages. Moreover, the increased economic
activity is bound to encourage firms to increase their investment
expenditures, whereas households might well begin to increase
discretionary spending.
When increases in productivity, however, are the result of the
cost-cutting efforts of firms, either because the economy is in
recession or because firms or their shareholders do not think they
are making enough profit, it is more than likely that these
increases in productivity will have negative effects on employment. Since in this case the managers’ primary objective is to
increase their profit margins, it is highly unlikely that they would
be willing to share productivity increases with workers. As a
result, wages will not tend to increase, and firms will hesitate to
These are in fact perfect examples of vicious and virtuous
circles. When the economy is growing, increases in productivity
resulting from economies of scale and the growing scarcity of
available workers will not have any negative effects on employment. When the economy is in a recession or is stagnating,
however, each firm, quite justifiably, will try to reduce its unit
costs, although this will have pernicious effects on macroeconomic employment. This vicious circle of technological unemployment is similar to what occurred in continental Europe,
during the 1980s and 1990s. According to post-Keynesian observers,
the rising or high rates of unemployment that have been experienced in these countries cannot be attributed to the rigidity of
labour markets; rather, the culprit might well be the lack of effective demand generated by restrictive macroeconomic policies
designed to maintain economies within the European monetary
system and then to fulfil the Maastricht criteria for entry into the
eurozone (Irvin, 2005).
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 103
Box 4.7: Technological unemployment, price setting, and
autonomous real demand
It is quite easy to show that even a proportional increase in real
wages relative to productivity will not be sufficient to maintain
existing levels of employment (Nell, 1988, p. 124). Assume
that firms set prices according to the simple following mark-up
p = (1 + θ)(DUC)
In our simple Kaleckian vertically-integrated model, direct unit
costs (DUC) are simply wage costs per unit of output. At the
aggregate level, therefore, the mark-up price equation becomes:
p = (1 + θ)wn = (1 + θ)(w/T)
By rearranging, we get the following real wage equation:
w/p = T/(1 + θ)
As we can see, the real wages of workers, and therefore their purchasing power, are directly related to productivity, T. They also
depend inversely on the costing margin, θ. If firms do not seek to
increase their costing margin when they reduce their unit costs,
θ remains constant and the real wage w/p moves in proportion to
productivity T. So for instance, if productivity increases, say, by
5 per cent, so do real wages.
Inserting the real-wage equation above into the effective
labour demand equation defined earlier – that is into NDeff =
a/{T–(w/p)} – we obtain the following:
NDeff = a(1+ θ) /T θ
Even if we assume proportional increases in real wages and productivity, the effective labour demand will decrease whenever
T increases. To keep the effective demand for labour constant,
104 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 4.7: Technological unemployment, price setting, and
autonomous real demand – cont’d
we need in addition a proportional increase in real autonomous
expenditures, a. Hence, if the ratio a/T remains constant, for a
given costing margin θ, the effective demand for labour is
constant and the economy will then avoid technological
unemployment. These are nonetheless stringent conditions.
Thus technological unemployment cannot simply be rejected
out of hand, by invoking Say’s Law or one’s faith in the ability
of free markets to align real wages to the marginal productivity
of labour, as neoclassical economists do.
Work sharing
The high levels of unemployment over the last 20 years in France
and other European countries have encouraged left-of-centre and
social economists to propose some innovative policies aimed at
reducing unemployment. One such policy is work-sharing, whereby
workers reduce their hours of work with the objective of increasing
overall employment – a policy incidentally considered by Keynes
(1936, ch. 22.V) with little enthusiasm.
Work-sharing rests on the hypothesis that firms require a certain
number of work-hours in order to meet their production goals. It
presumes that if workers reduce the length of their working day or
working week, firms will have no choice but to hire additional
Yet, work-sharing has important consequences for the hourly
productivity of workers, besides its impact on employment and on
weekly or monthly wage income. Many firms claim that the adoption of a four-day working week, as an alternative to a five-day
week, has led to an increase in hourly productivity. In the best of
circumstances, workers are able to achieve in four days what they
would otherwise do in five.
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 105
If this is indeed so, and assuming further that workers have
accepted a 20 per cent reduction in their weekly or monthly pay,
since they have reduced their work week by one day, it implies
that unit labour costs are being reduced by 20 per cent while hourly
productivity is rising by a similar percentage.
The reduction of the number of working hours per week, as part
of a work-sharing programme, can probably also lead to increases in
productivity rates. But as we have seen in previous sections of this
chapter, any increase in productivity is bound to have negative
effects on employment unless it is compensated by an increase in
real wages. In the extreme case of the four-day week considered
above, where workers do in four days what they used to do in
five days, there would be no effect whatsoever on the number of
employed workers, if effective demand could remain the same. But
effective demand will fall, since hourly productivity rises while the
hourly real wage does not.
Work-sharing, or the four-day working week, can only have
favourable effects on employment if hourly wages w/p are increased,
at least in proportion with productivity gains. Otherwise, if such
policies are accompanied by a reduction in weekly or monthly
wages, because workers are working a lesser number of hours at
the same pay rate, then they will have no beneficial effect on the
demand for labour.
To be successful, a work-sharing policy must therefore be accompanied by an increase in hourly real wages, so that the annual purchasing power of each worker is maintained, thus also sustaining
aggregate demand. Otherwise, the increase in hourly productivity
which is likely to arise from such programmes will lead to a decrease
in effective labour demand.
The best way to achieve this increase in the hourly wage is to preserve the existing weekly (or monthly) wage, despite the reduction
in the official number of hours on the job. Post-Keynesians only
endorse work-sharing programmes and their reduced working week
when they are accompanied by an increase in the hourly real wage,
that is, when the weekly wage is kept constant despite the reduction
in the working week
106 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 4.8: Work-sharing, hourly labour productivity and effective
In our previous labour demand equations, since all variables
were expressed as flows per year (for example, output per year),
T stood for the output per worker per year, that is annual labour
productivity, while w/p stood for the annual real wage income of
a worker.
Since we now consider changes in the number of hours of
work per week or per year, we must now redefine these two variables to take into account changes in the length of the working
week. Let us then define:
T = T hh
w/p = ωhh
where h is the average annual number of hours worked per
worker, Th is hourly labour productivity and ωh is the hourly real
The effective labour demand equation:
NDeff = a/[T– (w/p)]
can now be rewritten as:
NDeff = a/[Th – ωh]h
Let us consider two extreme cases. If there is a reduction in the
working week, that is a reduction in the annual number of hours
worked per worker, h, with no change in both hourly productivity Th and the hourly real wage ωh, this will obviously lead to an
increase in the overall level of employment N, and such a worksharing programme will succeed in achieving its intended results.
The Short Period: Effective Demand and the Labour Market 107
Box 4.8: Work-sharing, hourly labour productivity and effective
demand – cont’d
Suppose however, as was the case of our four-day week
example, that the reduction in the length of the working week is
entirely compensated by an increase in hourly productivity, so
that there is no change in annual productivity T. Also, suppose,
as we did with that example, that the hourly real wage ωh is kept
constant. This implies that the annual wage income of each
worker (w/p) = ωhh, is now lower than before (h, the average
number of annual hours of work, used to be, say, 2000 hours, at
40 hours per week for 50 weeks, whereas with the new four-day
week it is 1600 hours, at 32 hours per week for 50 weeks).
Looking at the NDeff = a/[T – (w/p)] equation, it is then obvious
that employment will fall. If the annual wage income of each
worker had been kept at its initial level, employment would have
neither increased nor decreased.
When entrepreneurs keep costing margins θ constant despite
productivity increases, that is, when hourly real wage increases
are proportional to the hourly productivity gains, the effective
labour demand equation becomes:
NDeff = a(1 + θ) /(θThh)
so that employment increases whenever annual productivity
decreases, that is, whenever workers cannot accomplish in the
shortened working week all the work that they used to do with
longer hours.
The Long Period: Old and
New Growth Models
5.1 The old post-Keynesian growth models
The Cambridge model
As stated in Chapter 1, post-Keynesians are usually known for
their models of growth and distribution, developed in 1956 by
such Cambridge economists as Robinson and Kaldor. The main
purpose of these early models was to explain the distribution of
income, more specifically the profit rate, for a given growth rate,
without falling back on the standard neoclassical theory of marginal
To explain the profit rate, these old post-Keynesian models begin
from a dynamic version of Kalecki’s profit equation, P = I/sc, developed in the previous chapter. By dividing each side by the stock of
capital, K, we get the profit rate, r = P/K and the growth rate g = I/K.
Hence, from the profit equation, we get the following relationship:
r = g/sc
which is the so-called Cambridge equation, according to which the
macroeconomic profit rate is proportional to the growth rate of the
economy, but inversely proportional to the propensity to save out
of profits (we still assume that workers do not save).
We can of course interpret this equation as a saving function,
which is exactly what we will do here. Total saving is the product of
profits by the propensity to save out of profits. From this saving perspective, therefore, the growth rate of the capital stock is given by
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 109
the product of two terms – the propensity to save out of profits and
the profit rate. We can therefore rewrite the Cambridge equation as
gs = scr.
The banana diagram
Knowing what determines the profit rate, what then determines
the growth rate of the economy? According to Robinson (1962), the
rate of accumulation of the economy, that is the growth rate of
the capital stock decided by entrepreneurs, depends on the entrepreneurs’ expected or estimated profit rate, which we call ra. Written as
a linear function, her dynamic investment function can be written as
gi = ΔK/K = I/K = α + βra
Robinson herself, however, assumes that the relationship between the
rate of accumulation and the expected profit rate is a non-linear one:
any given increase in the rate of accumulation requires ever larger
increases in the expected profit rate (the β coefficient becomes weaker).
By combining the entrepreneurs’ investment function with the
saving function, we get the two bold curves of Figure 5.1. This is the
banana diagram, since the two curves depict an object that has the
shape of a banana. Given the non-linearity of the investment function, however, the diagram yields two possible equilibrium positions; that is, there are two sets of values for which the expected
profit rate is equal the realized profit rate. These two equilibria are
both long-period positions.
L, which stands for the low equilibrium, is associated with low
rates of profit and accumulation, and is in fact unstable. In contrast,
the high equilibrium, H, is stable and reflects both a high profit rate
and a high rate of accumulation. From anywhere to the right of L,
the economy will eventually end up at H.
The crucial question, of course, is what makes H a stable equilibrium? To answer this question, let us assume that entrepreneurs
anticipate a profit rate ra, which is about half-way between the two
possible equilibrium positions. Based on this expected profit rate, on
the basis of their investment function, gi, entrepreneurs will increase
110 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Figure 5.1:
The old post-Keynesian growth model and the paradox of thrift
their stock of capital at a rate g0; this will generate, given the
Cambridge equation above, a realized profit rate of r0. But notice
that r0 is greater than ra, resulting in more optimistic expected profit
rates in the next period (with adaptative expectations, as long as the
past is some indicator about the future). Gradually, the expected
profit rate will increase until it is equal to the realized profit rate, at
rh*, at H. The rate of accumulation will then be gh*.
The paradox of thrift revisited
One of the objectives of the early post-Keynesian growth models
was to extend to the long period some of Keynes’s insights from
short-period analysis. In other words, the earlier post-Keynesians
wished to provide a dynamic analogue of Keynes’s static analysis.
Perhaps the most important of Keynes’s results was the paradox of
thrift, which we outlined in the previous chapter. Let us consider it
here in its dynamic form.
Before we do so, it is important to remember that in the neoclassical growth models, à la Solow, a fall in the propensity to save
has no effect on the growth rate of the economy, although it does
lead to a decrease in output per capita. In contrast, however, in the
new neoclassical growth models (the so-called endogenous growth
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 111
models), a decrease in the propensity to save leads to a decrease in
the growth rate of the economy. This is consistent with the ideology
shared by those who defend TINA: long-term gains require shortterm pain.
But what do post-Keynesian growth models have to say about
decreases in the propensity to save? Will they also lead to negative
effects on output and growth, or is there a dynamic version of the
paradox of thrift?
Figure 5.1 above allows us to verify that indeed the paradox of
thrift is preserved in the post-Keynesian growth model. Consider a
fall in the propensity to save, to sc2. As a result, the saving curve, gs,
rotates downwards, as shown by the broken line of the gs curve.
Starting from the initial long-period equilibrium at H, with growth
rate gh*, there will now be a realized profit rate that will be greater
than the expected profit rate rh*. This is because, at the new lower
saving rate, aggregate demand is now greater than expected.
Entrepreneurs will react to this by adjusting their expected profit
rate upwards and hence increasing the rate of capital accumulation.
Eventually, the economy will reach the new stable equilibrium H ′,
which is associated with a higher profit rate and a higher rate of
accumulation. The paradox of thrift still holds: a lower propensity
to save leads to a higher growth rate of the economy. This conclusion of course goes against one of the more fundamental tenets
of TINA, according to which higher growth is only possible if households increase their saving rate. In a post-Keynesian context, however, thriftiness only results in a slowdown of the economy and
lower profit rates.
A growth barrier
The old post-Keynesian growth models, however, have one feature
which is questioned by Kaleckian and Sraffian economists alike.
What is at stake is the necessary positive relationship between the
profit rate and the gross costing margin which can be found in
Kaldor’s and Robinson’s growth models. In their model, the increase
in the profit rate that accompanies higher growth rates, arises only
because of the long-period flexibility of the gross costing margin,
θ or Θ as we called them in Chapter 2.
According to the early post-Keynesians, an increase in the gross
costing margin is caused by long-run competitive forces. In the
112 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
1970s, post-Keynesians such as Eichner (1987) and Wood (1975)
justified the existence of these forces by claiming that the leading
firms in an oligopolistic market would increase their gross costing
margins whenever they perceived a higher trend growth rate, as
could be deduced from the description of the finance frontier in
Chapter 2.
If we accept the existence of these forces, then we must also
accept that for a given productivity level, an increase in the growth
rate must be associated with a fall in real wages. This constitutes a
barrier to growth, since workers may resist diminishing real wages
by asking for higher nominal wages, thus precipitating a wage-price
spiral, which Robinson (1956, p. 48) dubbed the inflation barrier. It is
precisely this necessary negative relationship between real wages
and economic growth that is rejected by contemporary Kaleckians
and Sraffians.
The apparent inconsistency between Keynes and attempts at
extending the General Theory to the long period was first discussed
by Paul Davidson (1972, ch. 5). In the short period, Keynes (and
Kalecki) argued that an increase in demand brings about an increase
in production, and therefore an increase in the rate of capacity
utilization. But in both Kaldor’s and Robinson’s growth models, it
is explicitly assumed that the rate of utilization will return to its
normal level. Any adjustment between the supply and demand
for goods in the long period, or between saving and investment, is
therefore done through prices and gross costing margins.
The old post-Keynesian growth models thus cannot be considered
a generalization of Keynes’s General Theory and of Kalecki’s models
since the transition of these growth models towards equilibrium
does not involve quantity adjustments. This oversight has led to the
development of new post-Keynesian growth models, which in fact
are often referred to as Kaleckian growth models.
5.2 The new Kaleckian models
The new Kaleckian growth models were developed at Cambridge by
Robert Rowthorn (1982) and at MIT by Amitava Dutt (1990) and
Lance Taylor (1991), although the very first such model was published by Alfredo Del Monte (1975). All these models are inspired by
the work of Joseph Steindl (1952), himself a student of Kalecki.
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 113
Box 5.1: The decomposition of the profit rate
One way of explaining the differences between the old and the
new post-Keynesian growth models is to refer to an equation that
splits the profit rate into several components. The realized profit
rate, r is the ratio of realized or actual profits to the value of the
stock of capital. We can rewrite it as follows:
r = P/K = (P/Y)(Y/Yfc)(Yfc/K) = πu/ν
Realized profit rates are thus the product of three components.
These are, in order: the profit share in income (π = P/Y); the rate
of capacity utilization (u = Y/Yfc); and the inverse of the technical
coefficient ν, which is the ratio of the capital stock K, and full
capacity income Yfc.
Assuming for simplicity that ν is a constant, an increase in the
profit rate, r, results from either an increase in the profit share, π,
or an increase in capacity utilization, u. The advocates of the old
post-Keynesian growth models assumed that the rate of capacity
utilization remains constant at its normal level (u = un), as discussed in Chapter 2. An increase in the profit rate, r, therefore, is
only possible if the share of profit, π, increases, which is only
possible if the gross costing margin θ increases. As seen in the
previous chapter, this occurs when there is a decrease in the real
wage w/p for any given level of productivity, T.
In contrast to the old Keynesian growth models, the profit margin
of firms is a given in the new Kaleckian growth models: it is not an
endogenous variable. This implies quite naturally that for a given
technology, real wages are also a constant, and not taken as an
endogenous variable.
The entire model is founded on the principle of effective demand,
and all adjustments are done through quantities. Let us start from a
short-period situation where investment is given. Now assume there
is an increase in aggregate income, arising either from a decrease
in the marginal propensity to save (or an increase in autonomous
consumption) or from an increase in real wages. As we saw in the
114 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
previous chapter, such an increase in aggregate demand will lead to
an increase in production and capacity utilization.
In these Kaleckian models, such a reduction in spare capacity will
encourage firms to increase their fixed capital investments; in other
words, increases in capacity utilization lead to increases in the
rate of accumulation (the growth rate of capital). Any increase in
effective demand will lead, in the long run, to an accelerated growth
rate of the economy. This is a variation on the accelerator principle,
often discussed by early Keynesians such as Hicks and Samuelson.
Yet, in contrast to the early post-Keynesian models, a higher rate
of accumulation will be associated with a higher rate of utilization
of productive capacity. While it is true that a firm acting individually could succeed in maintaining its rate of capacity utilization
around its normal level (un) over the long run, if all firms act in a
similar way macroeconomic forces will bring about paradoxical
results, with firms overall ending up producing at utilization levels
either higher or lower than normal. In general, the actual rate of
capacity utilization over the long run will be different from its
normal rate, despite the best efforts of firms to bring back capacity
to its normal degree of utilization.
A graphical representation of the Kaleckian model
As is the case with the old post-Keynesian model of growth, the
Kaleckian model can be represented quite simply with only two
functions: a saving and an investment function (gi and gs). As
long as the stability condition holds, market forces will push the
economy towards the intersection of these two functions.
Let us assume that workers, either through negotiations or by
legislation, obtain a higher real wage despite constant productivity.
This implies that the gross costing margin, θ, as well as the profit
share, π, will be reduced. What will be the impact of these changes
on the rate of accumulation and the profit rate in the long run?
We already know the answer to one of these questions. Indeed,
the rate of accumulation will be increased. This can be seen in the
upper part of Figure 5.2. The reduction in the profit share π reduces
the propensity to save of the economy as a whole (s = scπ), thereby
rotating the saving function gs downwards, as shown by the dotted
gs curve in Figure 5.2. As a first stage, at the initial accumulation rate
g0*, sales resulting from the new distribution of income as well as
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 115
Box 5.2: A formalized version of the Kaleckian growth
Let us consider an abridged version of the Kaleckian model
presented by Edward Amadeo (1986). There are three components to this model. The first is an investment function,
which is similar to Robinson’s linear function, although
now it depends on capacity utilization rates, and no
longer (only) on the profit rate. Hence, we can write the
g = α + β(u – un)
We can interpret α as the trend growth rate of sales expected
by firms. When the actual rate of utilization is equal to the
normal rate of utilization u n, firms want to increase their
productive capacity at the same rate as the expected growth
rate of sales, and thus we have g = α. When the actual rate of
utilization, however, is less than the normal rate, that is when
u – u n < 0, firms believe that they have excess capacity, and
they will want to rectify the situation by allowing their capital
stock to grow at a lesser rate, that is at a rate which is less than
the expected growth rate of sales: g < α. The opposite holds
true whenever the rate of utilization is above the normal rate:
firms now believe that they have an insufficient amount of
spare capacity, and they will attempt to achieve normal rates
of capacity utilization in the future by increasing their rate
of accumulation above the expected growth rate of sales,
hoping that they will now return to a more normal rate. The
investment function does reflect the belief that, taken individually, each firm strives to return to normal rates of capacity
The other two equations in the Kaleckian growth model are in
fact quite well known by now. The second equation is the
Cambridge saving equation:
g = s cr
116 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 5.2: A formalized version of the Kaleckian growth
model – cont’d
As for the third equation, we need to refer to the decomposition
of the profit rate, as done in Box 5.1. This is an accounting profit
rate, seen from the cost side (profit cost, PC). For this reason we
label it r .
= πu/ν
In this equation, the profit share, π, is taken as an exogenous
variable, directly proportional to the costing margin, θ or Θ
in the post-Keynesian cost-plus pricing equations. In this
simplified model, with no overhead labour and constant
productivity, real wages and the profit share π move inversely
to one another.
By combining equations (5.1) and (5.2), we obtain the effective
demand constraint, which represents the locus of all equilibria
where saving equals investment. This implies that all goods produced are sold. We therefore obtain the effective demand profit
rate, r . Hence, we can write:
= (α – βun + βu)/sc
Moreover, by combining equations (5.2) and (5.3) we get
a saving equation as a function of the rate of capacity
g = scπ u/ν
We can now draw the curves representing these equations, as is
done in Figure 5.2 below, with equations (5.1) and (5.5) – the
investment and saving equations – appearing in the upper half
of the figure, while equations (5.3) and (5.4) – the profit cost
curve PC and the effective demand curve ED – are shown in the
lower half.
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 117
Box 5.2: A formalized version of the Kaleckian growth
model – cont’d
As in the old post-Keynesian growth models, the model is stable
provided the saving function is more sensitive to changes in
endogenous variables (such as the rate of utilization) than is the
investment function. The following condition must therefore
sc π/ν > β
By combining either equations (5.1) and (5.5), or (5.3) and (5.4),
we get the equilibrium rate of utilization:
u* = (α – βun)/( scπ/ν – β)
from the higher demand for consumption goods will correspond to
the rate of utilization u1.
These higher sales will now lead firms to anticipate higher rates
of utilization, which will induce them to raise their rate of accumulation, up until the economy gets to reach g1*, a higher rate of
accumulation, at a higher rate of utilization u1*. At this point, sales
will exactly offset production, and a new long-period equilibrium
will have been attained. The new equilibrium illustrates the paradox
of thrift: the reduction in the profit share, and therefore of the
aggregate propensity to save, leads to an increase in the long-period
rates of accumulation and capacity utilization.
The paradox of costs
But there exists a second effect, just as important and equally surprising, which is the dynamic version of the paradox of costs, which
we discussed in the previous chapter. A higher real wage, and therefore higher costs of production, leads to a higher long-period profit
rate. In other words, a reduction in the gross costing margin of each
individual firm ultimately leads to a higher profit rate for the
economy as a whole.
We can better understand this paradox with the help of the lower
part of Figure 5.2. The increase in real wages and the reduction in
118 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Figure 5.2:
The Kaleckian growth model and its paradoxes
the profit share π can be depicted as a downward rotation in the PC
curve, which represents the accounting profit rate for every rate of
capacity utilization. If the rate of utilization were to remain at u0*, the
profit rate would fall to rmic, in line with the assumed lower costing
margins of firms, as would be depicted by a microeconomic partial
equilibrium analysis. But the actual degree of capacity does not remain
at its initial level when we take into account the macroeconomic
implications of the assumed change. The rate of utilization corresponding to actual sales increases to u1, so that the short-run profit rate
remains at its initial level r0*, despite the fall in costing margins.
In the long run, the accelerator effects spring into action. The
higher rate of utilization leads to an increase in the rate of accumulation, with this latter increase feeding back into a higher profit
rate. The economy eventually moves up to profit rate r1*, where the
PC and ED curves intersect once again.
This example shows that the paradox of costs is a macroeconomic
phenomenon. If a single firm raises real wages and reduces its gross
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 119
costing margin, everything else being equal, it will obviously make
less profit and it will face a reduction in its profit rate (unless the
increase in real wages leads to an increase in productivity, as in
theories of wage efficiency). But, if all firms reduce their gross
costing margins, this will generate a greater rate of capacity utilization for the whole economy, and hence a higher macroeconomic
profit rate.
As a result of this analysis, we may conclude the following: while
it may be beneficial to an individual firm acting alone to reduce its
costs of production and to increase its profit margins by reducing
real wages or shedding employment (as long as this does not affect
negatively the productivity of the remaining workers), the profit
rate at the aggregate level could be greater if all firms agreed to
reduce their gross costing margins.
The paradox of costs and the paradox of thrift are both key features of the canonical Kaleckian growth model. A reduction in the
propensity to save leads to a higher rate of accumulation, while a
rise in real wages gets translated into a higher profit rate at the
macroeconomic level. Both results are in direct conflict with neoclassical theory and TINA. In fact, these two paradoxes are very
good examples of what happens when one does not assume
full employment of labour and capacity as the starting point of
economic analysis. These paradoxes emphasize the importance of
effective demand and that of real-world adjustments through quantities instead of prices. Most importantly, they underline the shortcomings of an analysis that would rely solely on individual behaviour
within microeconomic markets, while ignoring their macroeconomic
consequences. Fallacies of composition are always lurking when
unintended consequences due to macroeconomic forces are not
taken into account.
5.3 Extensions and criticism of the Kaleckian model
The natural growth rate and effective demand
The Kaleckian growth model presented here only takes into consideration arguments pertaining to the demand side. As such, it
leaves no room for supply considerations. Yet, supply conditions
should be given some weight as they also play a role. In this section,
we consider some of these implications.
120 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Let us begin with the issue of the natural growth rate, which is the
sum of the rate of technical progress and the growth rate of the labour
force. If the natural growth rate diverges from the actual growth rate,
as defined for instance in the Kaleckian model, then the unemployment rate will either continuously increase or decrease, depending on
the circumstances. If this were the case, then the Kaleckian model
would appear to be under-determined: indeed, such disequilibrium
states can only occur in the short run, otherwise actual rates of
unemployment would either fall to zero or be incredibly high.
There are two ways to respond to this criticism. The first is to
assume that labour’s negotiating power, and hence the costing
margin of firms, responds to the spread between the growth rate of
the economy and its natural growth rate. In other words, they
respond to changes in the unemployment rate. Under certain conditions, the endogeneity of the profit margins may in fact push the
growth rate of the economy towards its natural level. Yet, effective
demand is still playing an important role since stronger autonomous demand will lead to a lower unemployment rate in the
long run (Stockhammer, 2004)
The second Kaleckian response to this criticism is perhaps more
radical. It suggests that while supply conditions are important,
it is the natural growth rate that adjusts to the actual growth rate.
In other words, supply adjusts to changes in effective demand
(León-Ledesma and Thirlwall, 2002). This suggests that the natural
growth rate is itself an endogenous variable.
Endogenous technical progress
Assuming this suggestion is correct, then how can we justify it?
There are several mechanisms that explain the endogenous nature
of the natural rate. For instance, when the economy is expanding
quickly, the supply of labour tends to follow suit, due to such
factors as an augmentation in the number of hours worked per
employee, an increase in the population’s participation rate (especially among women), or increases in foreign labour immigration.
But there are also other factors, which contribute to faster rates
of technical progress: labour may tend to shift towards more productive sectors, economies of scale may arise, some dynamic mechanisms tied to knowledge (learning by doing) may kick in, and
innovations may be adopted more quickly.
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 121
All of these factors combined suggest that the natural growth
rate is an endogenous variable, adjusting to changes occurring on
the demand side of the economy. The endogeneity of the natural
growth rate can be interpreted as an instance of hysteresis, whereby
actual aggregate demand growth produces a multiplicity of natural
growth rates. The economy becomes path-dependent.
While one might be tempted to believe that these ideas are relatively novel, having been brought about by the new literature on
non-linear dynamics, hysteresis and lock-in effects, earlier postKeynesians also entertained the possibility of multiple natural
growth rates, as the following quotes demonstrate.
Technical progress is therefore likely to be greatest in those
societies where the desired rate of expansion of productive capacity (in itself the result of innumerable decisions taken by entrepreneurs) tends to exceed most the expansion of the labour force
(which, as we have seen, is itself stimulated, though only up to
certain limits, by the growth in production).
(Kaldor, 1960, p. 237)
But at the same time technical progress is being speeded up to keep
up with accumulation. The rate of technical progress is not a natural
phenomenon that falls like the gentle rain from heaven. When
there is an economic motive for raising output per man the entrepreneurs seek out inventions and improvements. Even more important than speeding up discoveries is the speeding up of the rate at
which innovations are diffused. When entrepreneurs find themselves in a situation where potential markets are expanding but
labour hard to find, they have every motive to increase productivity.
(Robinson, 1956, p. 96)
Verdoorn’s Law
The positive relationship between the growth rate of the economy
and the rate of technical progress that has just been outlined, which
Kaldor (1957) called the technical progress function, has been
verified for a number of economies. It is known as Verdoorn’s Law
(McCombie and Thirlwall, 1994).
Combining Verdoorn’s Law with the Kaleckian growth model
yields surprising implications. Indeed, let us assume a decrease in
122 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
the gross costing margin such that, everything else being equal, real
wages increase. According to the Kaleckian model, this leads to an
increase in effective demand and therefore an accelerated growth
rate. But now, given Verdoorn’s Law, this higher growth rate will
lead to an increase in technical progress, that is a faster growth rate
for parameter T, which represents labour productivity as defined in
Chapter 4. Since real wages, for a given gross costing margin,
depend on T, this suggests a higher growth rate of real wages
(Lavoie, 1992a, p. 327).
Verdoorn’s Law thus reinforces the paradox of costs within the
Kaleckian model. A decrease in the gross costing margin and the
subsequent increase in real wages will have beneficial effects, not
only on the profit rate of firms, but also on the long-run rate of
technical progress, the growth rate of real wages and that of the purchasing power for the population at large. Once again, we can see
that the conclusions we draw from the Kaleckian model stand in
stark contrast to the ideas defended by those who believe in TINA,
for whom there is no gain without pain.
Variants of the investment function and social antagonisms
The Kaleckian model, as presented, carries important socioeconomic and political implications. In particular, it demonstrates
that the antagonism between workers and capitalists is not a prerequisite of capitalist economies. Contrary to neoclassical theory,
and contrary in fact to what many Marxists and classical economists
claim, there is no necessary inverse relationship between real
wages and profit rates. Indeed, the Kaleckian model shows that cooperation between workers and entrepreneurs can have beneficial
effects for the overall economy. Wage increases lead to increased
profits. Accumulation is wage-led.
Many Marxist and Sraffian economists, however, question some
of the conclusions of the Kaleckian model. They in fact propose
slightly modified versions of the model, two of which are rather
interesting and will be explored here. The first variant is based on
the work of Bhaduri and Marglin (1990) and that of Kurz (1990).
These authors accept all the assumptions of the Kaleckian model,
but they introduce a modified investment function. They argue that
the rate of accumulation gi not only depends on the rate of utilization, but also on the profit share, π (Bhaduri and Marglin), or on the
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 123
normal profit rate, rn, as appraised by firms (Kurz). While this change
may at first appear to be fairly harmless, it has considerable implications for the paradox of costs, even though the paradox of thrift is
left unscathed.
Let us then consider the impact of an increase in real wages,
which then results in a smaller profit share and a lower normal
profit rate. The positive impact of an increase in real wages on the
consumption component of aggregate demand is now, at least partially, neutralized by the negative effects of wage increases on the
investment component of aggregate demand. For some parameter
values the negative effects dominate, implying that an increase in
real wages leads to a decrease in the rate of accumulation, the profit
rate and the rate of utilization. Accumulation is then said to be
profit-led. With the modified investment function, the paradox of
costs is no longer inevitable; it is merely a possibility.
Given these differences, the consensus among post-Keynesian and
radical authors now seems to be the following (see Blecker, 2002): in
practice, the negative influence of a decrease in the normal profit
rate is somehow compensated by the positive impact of increased
sales and producers’ cash-flows. Indeed, many empirical studies
seem to confirm that investment decisions are very sensitive to
changes in the cash-flow of firms (Fazzari et al., 1988); and we know
that higher cash-flows are closely associated with higher rates of
capacity utilization.
Ultimately, it seems that saving out of wages and salaries, as
well as the taxation of labour income, could eliminate the positive
effects on growth of a decrease in the gross costing margin. Moreover, in an open economy, an increase in real wages (achieved
through an increase in nominal wages) would reduce the competitiveness of domestic firms relative to foreign firms, and hence
it would reduce the demand arising from the rest of the world.
Empirical studies yield different results for different countries and
different time periods, thus confirming that the paradox of costs
only holds for some parameter values.
The balance of payment constraint
Given the discussion above, it is now time to relax one of the most
obvious constraints imposed on the Kaleckian model so far and
discuss the importance of foreign aggregate demand. In doing so, we
124 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 5.3: The role of financial markets
For simplicity, all models presented so far have neglected the
discussion of financial markets. What would happen if interest
payments and financial markets were included within the postKeynesian approach? Chapter 2 offered some glimpses into this
question with the discussion of the finance frontier, according to
which an increase in the real rate of interest (accompanied by an
increase in the dividend rate) forces firms either to increase their
profit margin or to reduce their ability to self-finance. In the
standard Kaleckian model, both of these changes will carry negative consequences: the first will reduce workers’ consumption,
whereas the second will reduce investment.
But this is not the end of the story. Indeed, things may get more
complicated if we adopt a variant of the investment functions proposed by Marglin and Bhaduri or by Kurz. With high returns on
financial assets (and therefore large capital gains on financial
markets), rentiers’ consumption can rise to the point where the
overall effect of higher real interest rates may be positive. This has
been verified by Epstein (1994) and Hein and Ochsen (2003).
Finally, some authors of the French regulation school, such as
Boyer (2000) and Plihon (2002), analyse the ways in which other
macroeconomic paradoxes may arise when consumption out of
stock-market wealth is taken into account, and when financial
investors attempt to impose benchmarks on financial returns to the
productive sector, such as 15 per cent returns on equity norms, in
their attempt to force managers to maximize shareholder value.
The systemic monetary framework discussed in Chapter 3 is
particularly well-suited to answer these questions, since it allows
us to consider the debt burden of firms and the changes in
households’ preferences for holding different kinds of financial
assets, notably stock-market equities (Lavoie and Godley, 2001–02;
Taylor, 2004, ch. 8).
need to begin our analysis with the balance of payments. According
to some post-Keynesian authors, who find Harrod’s work on the
open economy multiplier in an open economy setting quite inspiring – not to mention contributions by Kaldor in the 1970s – many
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 125
countries could grow at a much faster rate if only they were not
constrained by their balance of payments.
Indeed, according to authors like McCombie and Thirlwall (1994),
most governments impose severe constraints on growth as a
response to external disequilibria arising from the overly rapid
growth of imports. These countries have the means and the
resources to grow rapidly, and they generate a domestic aggregate
demand that is actually more than sufficient to justify a strong
capital accumulation. Yet, these countries are constrained by a
negative current account.
It is true that a surplus in the capital account, arising from the
influx of foreign capital, can easily compensate for the negative
current account. But such a situation can only be a temporary one
for countries other than the USA, since its currency serves as an
international reserve asset. Indeed, countries cannot tolerate such
current account deficits for too long because of the interest and
dividends that must be paid on the accumulated external debt and
foreign investments. In the long run, therefore, the current account
must be balanced and imports must, at most, be equal to exports.
If we suppose that domestic exports depend on the growth rate
of foreign income, and that imports depend simply on domestic
income and the domestic propensity to import, then, according to
post-Keynesians, the maximum growth rate of an open economy in
the long run (except the USA), is given by the following equation,
known as Thirlwall’s Law:
gBP = εz/η
where gBP is the maximum growth rate of an economy facing a
balance of payments constraint.
This maximum growth rate is proportional to the growth rate
of foreign income, z, and to ε, which is the elasticity of foreign
demand for domestic goods; gBP is also inversely proportional to
the elasticity of demand for imports, η (elasticity is defined here as
the ratio of the percentage increase in demand for a given percentage
increase in income).
Many empirical studies have in fact validated this simple formula
for both advanced and developing economies. In fact, among
advanced economies, during the period 1960–90, the rule has
126 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
applied to all countries except the USA and Japan. The USA has
had growth rates far above those predicted by gBP, partly due to the
very large current account deficit that their trading partners agree to
finance by buying US government securities. As for Japan, it has had
growth rates inferior to gBP, as a result of accumulated current account
surpluses. One would suspect that the same situation has arisen in
China since 2000, with its large accumulation of foreign reserves.
The USA notwithstanding, this balance of payment constraint
carries important implications because it forces countries with high
growth rates to curtail domestic demand, just as recommended by
bureaucrats at the IMF and the World Bank. As a result, there is a
strong downward pressure on global aggregate demand.
In response to such pressures, Davidson (1982) has proposed the
adoption of international mechanisms that would force ‘creditor
nations’ to adjust their behaviour. In other words, the IMF or some
other international monetary institution, should force countries
with a current account surplus to increase their aggregate demand,
which would then prevent countries with strong economic growth
and current account deficits from imposing restrictive monetary and
fiscal policies.
What about inflation?
In addition to the external constraint just discussed, there exists
another constraint that merits our attention, and that could in
fact undermine the conclusions drawn from the Kaleckian growth
model: this constraint is inflation. Marxist economists Gérard
Duménil and Dominique Lévy (1999) have proposed another
variant of the Kaleckian model, which undermines its canonical
long-run results – specifically the paradox of thrift and the paradox
of costs.
According to Duménil and Lévy, when the degree of capacity
utilization exceeds its normal level, there are inflationary pressures
in the economy. This is a typical instance of demand-driven inflation. When demand is strong relative to supply at normal rates of
utilization, then there is inflation. In fact, in Duménil and Lévy’s
model, the level of inflation is proportional to the discrepancy
between the actual rate of utilization and its normal level.
According to these authors, central banks adopt increasingly
austere policies as long as inflation persists. Thus, for instance,
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 127
central banks will push up (real) rates of interest as long as inflation
is not brought back to zero, that is as long as the actual rate of
capacity utilization exceeds its normal rate. The economy will thus
face increasingly high real rates of interest. These high interest rates
will eventually take their toll on the expected trend growth rate
of sales (the α parameter in the investment function). High real
interest rates could also slow down accumulation because firms
would be denied access to bank credit, on account of their deemed
overly heavy financial burden.
Keynesian in the short run, classical in the long run?
If this version is adopted, then monetary policy becomes the discretionary mechanism by which paradoxical macroeconomic forces
will be countered. Incidentally, this mechanism has some similarities with the new consensus models portrayed by central banks.
Monetary policies aimed at targeting inflation, for instance, will
force back capacity utilization rates to their normal levels. The
implications for the Kaleckian model are significant.
Indeed, as Duménil and Lévy claim, adopting such an approach
to monetary policy allows them to be Kaleckian (or Keynesian)
when analysing short-period fluctuations, while remaining purely
classical with respect to long-run growth analysis. With their modified Kaleckian model, a decrease in the propensity to save (or an
increase in real wages), despite its positive short-run effects, ultimately leads to a fall in the long-period value of the rate of accumulation and an increase in real interest rates. Duménil and Lévy
manage to resurrect the views of the old classical authors, according
to whom accumulation requires abstinence and frugality and a
supply of loanable funds. The teachings of the ‘dismal science’ are
Post-Keynesians, however, disagree with this classical variant of
the Kaleckian growth model. They believe that higher rates of utilization do not necessarily lead to rising unit costs. This view of the
inflationary process is consistent with the analysis presented in
Chapter 2, where the marginal and average variable cost curves of
firms were described as being horizontal as long as rates of utilization remain well below full capacity. Moreover, if, in line with
Verdoorn’s Law, rapid growth generates productivity gains that
compensate at least in part for the higher wages induced by falling
128 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Box 5.4: A horizontal Phillips curve
The Phillips curve is probably one of the best-known relationships in economics. Traditionally, it links the rate of unemployment to the rate of price inflation or to the rate of wage inflation.
More recently, its meaning has been extended to imply a positive
relationship between the rate of capacity utilization and the rate
of inflation. In Duménil and Lévy’s (1999) model, such a positive
relationship is assumed to hold in the long run. Neoclassical
authors usually assume that the positive relationship only holds
up in the short run, assuming the existence of a vertical long-run
Phillips curve at the normal rate of utilization (which more or
less corresponds to the natural rate of unemployment or to the
non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment – the NAIRU).
Most post-Keynesians reject the concept of a NAIRU, believing
that, if it exists, it is not uniquely supply-determined and impervious to aggregate demand; indeed post-Keynesians even show
some uneasiness with the usual short-run Phillips curve, as the
following quote illustrates:
Indeed if it is true that there is a unique NAIRU, that really is
the end of discussion of macroeconomic policy. At present
I happen not to believe it and there is no evidence of it.
And I am prepared to express the value judgment that moderately higher inflation rates are an acceptable price to pay for
lower unemployment. But I do not accept that it is a foregone
conclusion that inflation will be higher if unemployment is lower.
(Godley, 1983, p. 170)
A continuously increasing number of empirical studies now
show that the short-run Phillips curve is non-linear, with a flat
segment for mid-range growth rates, unemployment rates or
rates of capacity utilization, as illustrated in Figure 5.3 (Eisner,
1996; Filardo, 1998). This flat range where inflation tends to
remain constant, in addition to the hysteresis literature and
the idea that the NAIRU is attracted towards the actual level
of unemployment, as determined by aggregate demand – a
conclusion also supported by a meta-analysis of empirical work
(Stanley, 2004) – implies that there is a lot of room for demand
The Long Period: Old and New Growth Models 129
Box 5.4: A horizontal Phillips curve – cont’d
management and full employment policies. Whereas most
present day central banks, notably the European Central Bank,
target the economy to run around utilization rate um, believing
that this is the only non-inflationary utilization rate, central
banks should venture to test the waters, as did the Federal
Reserve for a while, and push the economy closer to the ufc rate
shown in Figure 5.3.
Inflation rate
Figure 5.3:
Utilization rate
The flat-range post-Keynesian Phillips curve
unemployment rates, inflationary pressures will be subdued. This is
precisely what happened in the USA in the late 1990s, when strong
growth rates and precipitous reductions in employment rates were
not accompanied by any inflationary pressures.
According to post-Keynesians, inflation is primarily a result of
conflicts between social classes over the proper distribution of income,
that is between rentiers, workers and entrepreneurs (Taylor, 1991,
ch. 4; Cassetti, 2003). High rates of utilization lead to high profit
rates, which encourage workers and their unions to make greater
wage demands (Kaldor, 1985, p. 39). This is particularly the case
when these high profit rates are accompanied by high growth rates
and low unemployment rates. But with adequate wage bargaining
130 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
institutions, there does not need to be any positive relationship
between high output growth and high inflation rates (Hein, 2002).
Moreover, the higher cost of raw materials induced by a world-wide
boom can be dampened with the help of supranational buffer stocks.
Inflation is far from being inevitable; it is the unfortunate result of
inefficient institutions.
General Conclusion
Inspired by Keynes, post-Keynesians see capitalism as a system that
encourages initiative and innovation. It can be an efficient economic
system, provided it is buttressed by the state and democratic institutions capable of addressing its shortcomings and its excesses, in
particular when it comes to income distribution and the provision of
public services and public infrastructures to all strata of society.
One of the underlying themes running throughout this book is
that, if left to itself, capitalism leads to destructive competition and
waste. Without state intervention, capitalism generates instability
and business cycles, and on its own can guarantee neither the full
employment of labour nor a sufficient level of aggregate demand.
In contrast to neoclassical economists, post-Keynesians see this
instability neither as a result of a lack of competitive forces or mechanisms, nor as a consequence of price inflexibility. On the contrary,
post-Keynesians believe that price administration, conventions and
legislation (such as restrictions of the free circulation of capital)
actually enhance the stability of the economic system.
Post-Keynesians believe that austerity policies, the objective of
which is to restrain aggregate demand in the short run (to reduce
inflation, foreign deficits or the public debt, for instance) carry
negative long-run effects since they decrease the productive capacity
of the economy. Given the arguments presented in this book, it
is necessary to reconsider the relevance of these destructive policies.
It is time to reverse the priorities of most governments and central
banks, by making full employment – instead of inflation – the main
132 Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
To maintain full employment, while still containing inflationary pressures, some post-Keynesians favour permanent incomes
policies – which would include capital income (Davidson 1972,
ch. 14). Other post-Keynesians favour an employment buffer-stock
approach – called a ‘job guarantee programme’, ‘employer of last
resort’, or ‘public service employment’ – whereby central government, sometimes through the intermediary of local authorities,
would offer public jobs at a set wage rate to anyone willing to work
and unable to find employment in the private sector (Forstater,
1998; Juniper and Mitchell, 2005). This would alleviate to some
extent the terrible waste and mischief associated with involuntary
labour unemployment. The advantage of this scheme, compared to
the usual aggregate demand policies, is that the job guarantee programme focuses government spending where it is most needed, that
is, in the regions and among the social classes where unemployment
is high, thus allowing the economy to reach lower unemployment
rates at steady rates of inflation.
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Money Approach (Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, USA: Edward Elgar).
accelerator effects, 114, 118
AD-AS model, 13
aggregate demand equation, 89, 92
aggregate supply curve, see
utilization function
Amadeo, E.J., 21, 115
Andrews, P.W.S., 18, 42
animal spirits, 17
Anouilh, J., 35
Arena, R., 20
Arestis, P., 6, 12, 29
Asimakopulos, A., 91
asset adding-up constraints, 81
asset-based economy, 62–3, 64, 71
vs. overdraft economy, 58–9
austerity policies, xi, 56, 57 131
Austrian economics, 3
auto-economy, see asset-based
autonomous expenditures, 84–5, 88,
89, 91, 94, 101, 103, 113
economic impacts of, 94–5
Barro, R.J., 89
Behaviourists, 1, 26
Bellofiore, R., 54, 73
Bénassy, J.-P., 89
benchmark interest rate, 59–60,
65–6, 73, 82, 87
see also federal funds rate;
overnight rate
Bhaduri, A., 89, 122, 124
Blecker, R., 123
Blinder, A., 2, 3
Bloch, H., 50
Boggio, L., 49
borrower’s risk, 37
see also principle of increasing risk
bounded rationality, see rationality,
Bourdieu, P., 31
Boyer, R., 2, 3, 124
Brunner, E., 45
business cycle, and productivity,
balance of payment constraint,
balance-sheet matrix, 75
bank money, 57
bank rate, 59
banking school, 54, 55
banknotes, 60, 61
and central bank, 57, 58, 59, 60–6
and firms, 16–17, 66–73
liquidity preference of, 17, 69–72
role of, 16–17
bargaining power, 51, 52
and employment, 98–9
and unemployment rate, 120
see also income distribution;
wages, and costing margin
Cambridge controversies, see capital
Cambridge equation
in growth model, 108–9, 110,
short-period, 90, 96
see also saving function
Cambridge School, 2, 3, 4–6, 52, 108
excess, 41–4, 115
full, 41, 42, 46, 93
and market share, 43–4, 93
practical, 40, 41, 43
theoretical, 43
capacity utilization rate
actual and normal rates, 114,
115–17, 126–7
Index 143
and growth rate, 114–17
and inflation, 126–7
and investment, 114
non-inflationary rate, 129
normal rate, 41, 46, 47, 48, 51,
112, 114
and profit rate, 113
survey of, 44
and wages, 118–19
capital accumulation rate, see
growth rate
capital controversies, xii, 5
Cassetti, M., 129
Cecchetti, S.G., 55
central bank
and commercial banks, 57, 58,
59, 60–6
interest rate policy of, 59–60,
64–6, 82
reaction function of, 64–6,
role as a clearing house, 63
Chandler, A.D., 3, 36
chaotic dynamics, 9, 22
circuit school, 73
see also monetary circuit
class struggle, 51, 52
see also bargaining power
Cohen, A., 5
Colander, D., 22
commercial banks, see banks
compensation principle, 64
imperfect, see oligopolies
perfect, 12, 32
consumer choice theory, 25–32
contingent valuation model, 32
Copeland, M.A., 80
cost curves, 15, 21, 25, 36, 40–4
costing margin, 44–5, 46, 47, 112,
113, 116, 120
determinants of, 49–53
and employment, 100, 103–4, 106
and growth rate, 114–19, 122–3
and profit margin, 44
and profit rate, 111–12, 113
and wages, 100–7
see also paradox of costs; profit
cost-plus pricing, see pricing
indirect, 42, 46
marginal, 41, 42
normal unit, 45–6, 47, 49, 50
overhead, 42, 46
unit, 41, 42, 46, 49, 50, 53, 89, 93,
102, 103, 127
unit direct, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50,
88, 91, 103
see also pricing
Coutts, K., 49
credit divisor, 57
credit line, 67–8, 79
credit money, 57, 68
endogeneity of, 68–9
see also money, endogenous
credit rationing, 56, 68–9
creditworthiness, 16, 55, 57, 58, 64,
69, 72, 79
Cripps, F., 74
cross-dual dynamics, 49
crowding-in effect, 87
crowding-out effect, 87
currency school, 54, 55
Davidson, P., 17, 19, 21, 67, 87, 112,
126, 132
deflationary bias, 82
Del Monte, A., 112
Deleplace, G., 55
dependence effect, 31
see also needs, dependency of
causation of loans and, 57, 71–9
creation of, 57
government transfer of, 62–3
deregulation, xi
diminishing returns, 6, 19, 25, 53,
87, 89
discount window rate, 59
Dostaler, G., 89
Dow, A.C., 69
Dow, S.C., 18, 69
Drakopoulos, S.A., 26, 29
144 Index
Duménil, G., 49, 126, 127, 128
Dutt, A.K., 21, 23, 112
Earl, P.E., 29
effective demand
components of, 84–6
and income distribution, 94, 96
and inflation, xiv, 126
Kaleckian model, ch.4
principle of, 5, 12–13, 15, 21, 23,
54, 113
Eichner, A.S., 6, 12, 20, 28, 29, 40,
41, 51, 74, 112
Eisner, R., 128
employer of last resort, 132
and bargaining power, 98–9
and costing margin, 100, 103–4,
and market forces, 98–9
and productivity, 99–104
theory of, ch.4
and wages, xiv, 83, 91–4, 97–101
see also labour demand curve;
labour supply curve; paradox
of costs; paradox of thrift
endogenous money, see money,
environmental economics, 32, 33–4
Epstein, G.A., 124
equilibrium, multiple, 22–3
in growth models, 110
in labour markets, 97–9
expansion frontier, 38–40, 51
and monopoly power, 52–3
Fazzari, S.M., 23, 123
federal funds rate, 59, 60, 65
see also benchmark interest rate
Feminist economics, 1
Ferri, P., 73
Filardo, A.J., 128
finance, initial and final 66–7, 79–80
financial constraints, 15, 50
see also financial frontier
financial fragility, 72–3
see also principle of increasing risk
financial frontier, 38, 39–40, 51,
52–3, 112, 124
financial instability hypothesis, 72
financial market, role of, 124
and banks, 16–17, 66–73
characteristics of, 32–6
liquidity preference of, 69
objectives of, 36–7
profit rate and growth rate of,
fiscal policy, xiv, 98, 95
Fontana, G., 26
Forstater, M.,132
free-market ideology, xi–xii, xiii, 7,
11–12, 104
Friedman, M., 3, 7, 55
Fullarton, J., 54
Fullbrook, E., xiv, 4
full-cost pricing, see pricing
fundamental uncertainty, 15,
17–18, 19, 22, 23
and excess capacity, 43
see also fundamentalist postKeynesians; historical time;
rationality, procedural
fundamentalist post-Keynesians,
19–23, 87
funds, sources and uses of, 78–9
Galbraith, J.K., xi, 2, 3, 18, 27, 31,
36, 37, 99
Garegnani, P., 6, 20
Garretsen, H., 22
Georgescu-Roegen, N., 18, 25, 27,
28, 31
Gerrard, B., 26
Godley, W., 64, 74, 75, 81, 124, 128
Gordon, M.J., 72
government intervention, see state
Graziani, A., 67
Grossman, S.J., 89
growth, demand-determined, 12–13
growth barrier, 111–12
growth model
Cambridge model, 108–12
Index 145
Kaleckian model, 112–30
neoclassical model, 110–11
profit-led, 123
stability condition, 110, 117
wage-led, 122
growth rate
and capacity utilization rate,
and costing margin, 114–19,
and interest rate, 124, 127
natural rate, 22, 119–21
in open economy, 123–6
and profit rate, 51, 108–10
and propensity to save, 110–11
and technical progress, 121–2
and wages, 112, 114–19, 122–3
see also investment function
Halevi, J., 14
Hall, R.L., 45
Hamouda, O., 19
Hanley, N., 32
Harcourt, G.C., 5, 19
Harrod multiplier, 124
Harrod, R., 2, 3, 4, 52, 124
Hayek, F., 3, 54
Hein, E., 130
Heiner, R.A., 18
Heinsohn, G., 57
heterodox economics
characteristics of, 2–12
schools, 1, 3
Hicks, J., 3, 18, 36, 58, 114
high-powered money, 63
creation of, 57, 60–1, 64
historical time, 13–15, 17, 21, 31, 41
see also fundamental uncertainty;
Hitch, C.J., 45
holism, see organicism
Holt, R.P.F., 6, 21
horizontalist, 60–1
Humanist economics, 1, 18
hypothesis, validity of, 7–8
hysteresis, 15, 31, 121, 128
see also path-dependency
income distribution
and effective demand, 94, 96
and growth, 111–12, 114–19, 122–3
and inflation, 129–30
and productivity, 100
see also wages, and costing margin
income effect, 16, 29, 97
incommensurability principle, see
irreducibility principle
induced expenditures, 84–5, 89
see also autonomous expenditures
and capacity utilization rate,
conflicting-claims theory, 129–30
demand-driven, 126
and income distribution, 129–30
and institutions, 129–30
and interest rate, 65, 126–7
and money supply, 58, 81–2
and pricing, 53
Wicksellian theory, 56
see also Phillips curve
inflation barrier, 112
inflation targeting, 127
Institutionalists, 1, 2, 3, 18, 20, 25
institutions, role of, 10, 129–30
instrumentalism, 7–8
interest rate
endogenous, 56
exogenous, 23, 55, 56, 59–60,
65–6, 82
and growth rate, 124, 127
and inflation, 65, 126–7
and investment, 95
mark-up, 67
natural rate, 56
and normal profit rate, 52
short-term and long-term rates, 82
see also central bank, reaction
function; monetary policy
and capacity utilization rate, 114
decision of, 16
independence of, 85, 94
and interest rate, 95
and saving, xiv, 13, 16, 54, 58
146 Index
investment function, 109–11,
114–17, 118
variants of, 122–3, 124
invisible hand, 11
see also free-market ideology
Ironmonger, D.S., 29
irreducibility principle, 28, 31
Irvin, G., 102
IS-LM model, 84
Juniper, J., 132
Kahn, R., 4, 54
Kaldor, N., xii, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 18, 19,
20, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 86, 89,
90, 108, 111, 112, 121, 124, 129
Kalecki, M., 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 18, 20,
23, 24, 36, 37, 38, 50, 68, 85,
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 112
Kaleckian, 20–4, 49, 52, 75
effective demand model, ch. 4
growth model, 112–30
Keen, S., xiii
Keynes, J.M., 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 17, 18,
19, 26, 55, 68, 85, 86, 87, 89,
90, 94, 95, 104, 110, 112
Keynesian multiplier, 96
King, J.E., 6, 20, 21, 90
Knight, F., 17
Kregel, J.A., 12, 41
Kriesler, P., 14
Kurz, H., 21, 122, 123, 124
labour demand curve, 91, 92–3,
97–101, 103, 105–6
labour supply curve, 97–8
labour supply, endogenous, 120
labour theory of value, 20
laissez-faire, 11
see also free-market ideology
Lancaster, K., 27, 29
Lanzillotti, R.F., 46, 51
Lavoie, M., 6, 7, 29, 64, 70, 79, 91,
122, 124
Le Bourva, J., 55, 57
learning-by-doing, 120
Lee, F., 45
Leibenstein, H., 40
Leijonhufvud, A., 6
lender’s risk, 37
see also principle of increasing risk
León-Ledesma, M.A., 120
Leontief, W., 18, 73
Lévy, D., 49, 126, 127, 128
lexicographic nature, 15, 28, 29–35
and environmental economics,
32, 33–4
see also needs, subordination of
liquidity preference, 17, 19
of banks, 17, 69–72
of firms, 69
of households, 69
loanable funds theory, 56
loans, creation of, 57
causation of deposits and, 57,
lock-in effects, 15, 121
logical time, 13–14
see also historical time
Lucas, R., 3, 17
Lutz, M.A., 26
Lux, K., 26
mainstream economics, see
Malinvaud, E., 89
Mankiw, G., 2, 3
marginal utility, 25, 26
marginalism, 25
Marglin, S., 122, 124
market share
and excess capacity, 43–4, 93
and objectives of firms, 37
and pricing, 50–1
mark-up pricing, see pricing
Marris, R., 39
Marshall, A., 3, 26, 86, 89
Marx, K., 3, 10, 18, 19, 20, 85, 89
Marxists, 1, 3, 13, 23, 49, 51, 52,
122, 126
and Sraffians, 19–20
Maslow, A., 28
McCombie, J.S.L., 121, 125
Means, G., 36, 45
Index 147
megacorps, 32, 36, 37, 99
see also oligopolies
Menger, C., 26
mesoeconomics, 73
methodological individualism, 7,
Mill, J.S., 3
Minsky, H.P., 14, 19, 72, 73
Mises, L., 54
Mitchell, B., 132
monetarism, 54, 55, 58
Monetarists, 3
monetary circuit, 54, 57, 58, 79–80
monetary policy
austerity, 56, 57
and inflation, 126–7
open market operation, 56, 62
sterilization, 64
see also central bank
monetary production economy, 15,
16, 64, 73–82
creation of, 79–80
endogenous, 22, ch.3, 84, 95
exogenous, 54, 56, 58
and real balance effect, 95
see also high-powered money
money supply curve, 65–6
Mongiovi, G., 21
monopolies, 12
see also oligopolies
monopoly power, 52–3
Moore, B.J., 57, 60
Mundell-Fleming model, 63–4
NAIRU (non-accelerating inflation
rate of unemployment), 13, 128
see also Phillips curve
natural rate of unemployment, 13,
22, 128
see also Phillips curve
dependency of, 27, 29, 31
heredity of, 27, 29, 31
hierarchy of, see needs,
subordination of
growth of, 27, 29–30
pyramid of, 29–31
satiation of, 26, 27, 30
separability of, 27–8, 29, 30, 31
subordination of, 27, 28, 29, 30,
vs. wants, 26
Nell, E.J., 20, 29, 55, 91, 103
characteristics, 2–12
growth model, 110–11
vs. post-Keynesian monetary
theory, 56, 63–4
pricing, 36
strands 3
see also TINA
neoclassical synthesis, 2, 3, 84
neo-Ricardians, see Sraffian
new classical economists, 3
new consensus, vs. post-Keynesian,
new economy, 37
new Keynesians, 2, 3, 13, 55, 56
vs. post-Keynesians, 22–3
see also new consensus
non-ergodicity, 17
see also fundamental
normal-cost pricing, see pricing
Ochsen, K., 124
Okun, A.M., 36
oligopolies, 12
oligopolistic markets, 32–40, 50,
see also megacorps
Olive, M., 50,
open market operation, 56, 62
organicism, 7, 8–9
overdraft economy, 61–2, 64, 71
vs. asset-based economy, 58–9
overnight rate, 59, 60, 63
see also benchmark interest rate
Oxford Economists’ Research
Group, 2, 4, 45
Palley, T., 6, 12
Panico, C., 23, 52, 54
148 Index
paradox of costs, 91–4, 96, 117–19,
122, 123, 126
paradox of thrift, 8, 94, 96, 110–11,
117, 118, 123, 126
paradox of tranquillity, 72
Parguez, A., 58
Pasinetti, L.L., xii, 4, 6, 12, 20, 27,
29, 51
pass-through effect, 50
path-dependency, 9, 14–15, 121
see also historical time;
Patinkin, D., 95
Penrose effect, 39
Penrose, E., 39
periods, short and long, 83–4
Phillips curve
horizontal, 128–9
vertical, 13, 128
Pigou, A.C., 95
Pivetti, M., 52
Plihon, D., 124
pluralism, xiv, 15, 18
Pollin, R., 99
portfolio decisions, 69, 81
post-autistic economics, xiv
characteristics, essential, 12–18
characteristics of monetary
theory, 57–60
fundamentalists, 19–23, 87
Kaleckians see Kaleckian
vs. neoclassical monetary theory,
56, 63–4
vs. new Keynesian, 22–3
Sraffians see Sraffian
strands, 18–23
Pressman, S., 6, 21
presuppositions 6
heterodox vs. neoclassical, 7–12
price elasticity, 28
price flexibility, negative impact of,
15, 16
price, leaders and takers, 34–5, 50–1
cost-plus pricing, 44–53, 116
dependence of firms, 50–1
full-cost pricing, see pricing,
normal-cost pricing
in global markets, 49–50
and market share, 50–1
mark-up pricing, 45, 47, 50,
normal-cost pricing, 45–6, 47,
48–9, 50
post-Keynesian vs. neoclassical,
target-return pricing, 46, 47, 51–2
and theory of prices of
production, 46, 48–9
principle of effective demand, see
effective demand
principle of increasing risk, 16,
37–8, 68
procedural rationality, see
production, normal level of, 46, 47
production possibility frontier,
see also capacity utilization rate,
normal rate
productivity of labour, 92, 93, 96,
and business cycle, 101–2
and employment, 100–1
and income distribution, 100
and work-sharing, 102–7
see also technical progress
profit equation, 85–91, 108
see also Cambridge equation
profit margin
and costing margin 44
endogenous, 120
and profit share, 113
and wages, 94, 102
see also costing margin; paradox
of costs
profit rate
and capacity utilization rate, 113
and costing margin, 111–12, 113
cost-side function, 116, 118
decomposition of, 113, 116
effective demand-side function,
116, 118
Index 149
expected, 109, 110, 111
and growth rate, 51, 108–10
and growth rate of firms 38–40
normal rate, 46, 48, 51, 52, 123
uniform rate, 46, 48–9
and wages, xiv, 94, 117–19, 122
see also paradox of costs; target
rate of return
profit share, 113, 114, 116, 117–18,
and profit margin, 113
see also income distribution
consumption out of, 85–6, 95
Kalecki’s equation, 85–91, 108
macroeconomic determination of,
normal, 42
and objectives of firms, 37–8
propensity to consume, 94
see also paradox of thrift
propensity to import, 125
propensity to save, 90, 96
and growth, xiv, 108–11, 113–14,
119, 127
and national income, 94
see also paradox of thrift
quadruple accounting principle, 80
quantity theory of money, 54, 55
procedural, 7, 9–10, 17, 26
substantive, 7, 9–10
real balance effect, 95
realism, 7–8
and pluralism, 18
Regulation School, 1, 2, 3, 18, 23,
repo operation 62
repo rate, 59, 60
creation of, 61–3
demand for, 60
excess, 57
in open economy, 63–4
retained earnings, 37–8, 67, 79
Reynolds, P.J., 6
Ricardo, D., 3, 5, 99
risk premium, 67, 72, 73
Robbins, L., 10
Robinson, J., xii, 2, 3, 4, 13, 19, 21,
29, 36, 37, 39, 51, 89, 91, 108,
109, 111, 112, 115, 121
Rochon, L.P., 55, 60
Rogers, C., 56
Roncaglia, A., 21, 23
Rosser, J.B., 22
Rossi, S., 55
Rotheim, R.J., 22
Rowthorn, B., 112
Roy, R., 30
rules of thumb, 10
Samuelson, P., 2, 3, 114
saving, see investment
saving function, 108–9, 110, 111,
114–17, 118
Sawyer, M., 6, 20, 36
Say, J.-B., 3
Say’s Law, 104
scarcity, and production, 7, 10–11
Schefold, B., 21
Schumpeter, J., 54
Schumpeterian, 1
Seccareccia, M., 97
Setterfield, M., 7
settlement balances, 60, 65
Shackle, G.L.S., 17
Shapiro, N., 13
Simon, H.A., 9, 26, 27
Smith, A., 3, 10
Smithin, J., 56
Social economics, 1, 25
Solow, R., 3, 110
Spash, C.L., 32
Sraffa, P., 2, 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 73
Sraffian, xii, 1, 5, 19–23, 52, 111,
112, 122
theory of prices of production, 46,
see also post-Keynesian, strands
Stanley, T.D., 128
state intervention, 7, 11–12, 99
150 Index
Steedman, I., 20
Steiger, O., 57
Steindl, J., 43, 50, 51, 112
sterilization, 64
Stiglitz, J.E., xii, 2, 3, 22
stock-flow coherent framework, see
systemic monetary framework
Stockhammer, E., 120
Structuralist, 1, 23
substitution effect, 16, 28, 97
surplus approach, see Sraffian
Sylos Labini, P., 39, 49
systemic monetary framework,
73–82, 124
target rate of return, 46, 48, 50
determinants of, 51–3
see also pricing, target-return
target-return pricing, see pricing
Taylor, J.B., 3, 55
Taylor, L., 74, 81, 112, 129
Taylor rule, 65
technical coefficients, 40, 48, 92,
technical progress, 11, 41
and employment, 99–104
endogenous, 120–1
and growth rate, 121–2
see also productivity of labour
technology, Leontief-type, 40
theory of prices of production, see
Thirlwall, A.P., 120, 121, 125
TINA (There Is No Alternative), xi,
xii, 23, 83, 87, 91, 99, 111, 119,
see also neoclassical
Tobin, J., 2, 3, 18, 74, 75, 84, 95
Tooke, T., 54
transaction-flow matrix, 75–81, 85
uncertainty, see fundamental
and bargaining power, 120
institutional impacts on, 98, 99
technological, 99–101, 102, 103–4
and working-sharing, 102–7
see also employment
utilization function, 90–1, 92
Van Ees, H., 22
Veblen, T., 2, 3, 18, 31, 37
Ventelou, B., xiv
Verdoorn’s Law, 121–2, 127
Vickrey, W., 19
wage-price spiral, 112
and capacity utilization rate,
consumption out of, 85
and costing margin, 100–7
and employment, xiv, 83, 91–4,
and growth rate, 112, 114–19, 122
minimum wage laws, 99
and profit rate, xiv, 94, 117–19,
see also labour demand curve;
labour supply curve; paradox
of costs
Walras, L., 3
Walrasian general equilibrium
theory, 2, 8, 22
Walters, B., 18
wants, vs. needs, 26
Washington Consensus, xi–xii
wealth effect, 95
Weintraub, S., 3, 19, 87
Wicksell, K., 3, 54, 55
Wolfson, M.H., 67, 70
Wood, A., 38, 51, 112
work-sharing programme, 104–7
Wray, L.R., 54
Young, D., 18