A Select Bibliography

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This work presents a bibliographic overview of significant contributions to the study of Swahili literature and culture, focusing on the transmission of African cultural heritage through linguistic and literary frameworks. It includes references and analyses of key publications, essays, and presentations that highlight the evolution of Swahili prose and its social implications, offering a succinct pathway for further academic exploration in the field.

1 A Select Bibliography African Literature to 2019 Jack D. Rollins 2 Books: A History of Swahili Prose, Part One: From Earliest Times to the End of the Nineteenth Century. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1984 Since its publication, this book can be found in 141 libraries worldwide and has been reissued as an E-book on Amazon. It has been cited 1,553 times in subsequent studies of Swahili Literature, some of which follow below. Selected Published Reviews of A History of Swahili Prose Allen, J. W. T. “A History of Swahili Prose: from the Earliest Times to the End of the Nineteenth Century. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1983.” International Journal of African Historical Studies. Vol 18. No 3 (1985): 519-523. 1985 Dammann, Ernst Karl ”Rezension von Jack D. Rollins: A History of Swahili Prose.” Afrika und Ubersee. Band 68 Heft 2. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer 1985 Knappert, Jan. “Jack D. Rollins. A History of Swahili Prose: From Earliest Times to the End of the Nineteenth Century. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1985. Research in African Literatures. Vol.16. No.4 (Winter), 1985): 630-633 [F. C.} “Rollins, Jack D. A History of Swahili Prose (Part One: From Earliest Times to the End of the Nineteenth Century—Lieden: E. J. Brill, 1983.” Chronique Bibliographique 1985 Ibrahim Noor Shariff. “Jack D. Rollins. A History of Swahili Prose. Br. 1 From earliest times to the End of the Nineteenth Century. Nommo 2, 1 1985 Books in Preparation Three-thousand Years of the Transmission of an African Culture The Wonder of Swahili Bakari, Mtoro “The Customs of the Swahili People. The Desturi za Waswahili of Mtoro bin Mwinyi Bakari and Other Swahili Persons.” Research in African Literatures 15. A review. 1984 “The East African Experience: Essays on English and Swahili.” 2nd Janheinz Jahn Symposium. Research in African Literatures. 12. A review. 1981 3 Papers in Edited Books Arabic, Swahili and Sheng: the Power off Orthographic Code Switching. New Haven: Yale University Press Noronha, Lourenco. “Istilahi ya Fasihi Facchbegriffe fur die Swahili-Literatur.” Stand Institut fur Afrikawissenschaften der Universitat Wien (Vienna) “Le Dévelopment des Literatures Nationals Swahilies.” L’Emergence de Littératures Nationales en Afrique. Paris: Société Française de Littérature Général et Comparée, 1985. 65-78. Given at Université de Limoges on 15 September “Early 20th Century Swahili Prose narrative Structure and Some Aspects of Swahili Ethnicity.” Towards African Authenticity: Language and Literary Form.” Bayreuth African Studies Series 2, 49-68 2012 2009 1988 1987 “Towards African Authencity: Language and Literary Form. Research in African Literatures. Vol.18. No. 1. Special Issue (Spring, 1987): 93-95 1986 “Literary Theory in Africa: A Rapprochement between Linguistics and Literary History: The Case of the Swahili Hadithi.” Interdisciplinary Approaches to African Literature: Washington, DC: Three Continents Press, 130-49 1982 “Swahili.” New York Times. June 20, 1982 “A Note on the Arabic Etymology of Nabokov.” The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter. Spring. Vol.6 1981 “Varieties of Gnomic Literature: The Arabian Hikma and the Islamic Ethos of Shaaban Robert’s Neno la Hekima.” Research in African Literatures, Spring, 1-15 1979 Selected Presentations at Scholarly Convocations: “The Influence of the Oriental Seminar at Berlin on Early Swahili Prose Translations in German.” Faculty of the African Studies Program. Indiana University, Bloomington. November 2003 “Language Choice and Social Identity amongst Asians in Kenya” Aspects of Asia: Permanence and Change in China and India Conference. “Indiana State University.” April 1989 4 “The Nations of Swahili in Kenya.” African Literature Association Annual Meeting. Cornell University. April 1987 “Early 20th Century Published Swahili Prose Texts and the Europeanization of Swahili Prose Genres.” Universitä Bayreuth. February 1984 “A Grammar of Gene: Ethnic Identities and the Boundaries of Swahili Literature.” Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California. April.” 1983 “Literary Theory in Africa: A Rapprochement between Linguistics and Literary History: The Case of the Swahili Hadithi.” Interdisciplinary Approaches to African Literature: Washington, 1982 “Kipeo cha Macho in Early Swahili Prose”: presented at African Studies Association: 1981 Bloomington Encyclopedia Articles “Mission Schools.” Cultural Sociology Encyclopedia. Ed. Orlando Patterson (Harvard). New York: A SAGE Reference Book (2011 in Press) 2011 “Videos in Africa.” Cultural Sociology Encyclopedia. Ed. Orlando Patterson (Harvard). New York: A SAGE Reference Book (2011 in Press) 2011 Significant Citations in Other Works Bertoncini Zubokova, Elena, Mikhail D. Gromov, Said A. M. Khamis & Kyallo Wadi Wamitila. Outline of Swahili Literature, Prose Fiction and Drama. Second Edition, Extensively Revised and Enlardged. Leiden: E. J. Brill 2010 O’Fahey, R.S. Islam. Language and Ethnicity in Eastern Africa. York University, Toronto. 2008 Mazrui, Alamin. Swahili Beyond the Boundaries: Literature, Language, and Identity Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Research in International Studies (8) 2007 Hunwick, John. Arabic Literature of Africa Project and Publication ; “Early 20th Century Swahili Prose Narrative Structure and some Aspects of Swahili Ethnicity. Northwestern University Working Paper Series. Evanston: Northwestern University 2005 Ricard Alain. African-Language Writing Trenton: Africa World Press 2004 5 Geider, T. Alfu Lela Ulela: The Thousand and One Nights in Swahili-speaking East Africa. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2004 Swahili Forum 10 Eds. Rose Marie Beck, Lutz Diegner, Thomas Gieider, Uta ReusterJahn. Mainz: Johannes Guteenberg University Press 2003 Pouwels, Randal. “Bibliography of Primary Sources of the Pre-nineteenth Century East Africa.” History in Africa 29 2002 Harneit-Sievers, Axel. A Place in the World: New Local Historiographies from Africa and South Asia.Leiden: Brill 2002 _ . “The Paper Memory of East Africa: Ethnohistories and Biographies Written in Swahili.”'A Place in the World. Ed. Axel Harneit Sievers. Leiden: Brill 2002 Irele, Abiola and Simon Gikandi. The Cambridge History of African and Caribbean Literature. Two. Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2001 France, Peter. The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford: OUP 2000 Allen, James de vere. Swahili Origins: Swahili Culture & the Shungwaya Phenomenon. Athens: Ohio University Press 2000 Topan, Farouk “Biography Writing in Swahili.” History in Africa 24 1997 Knappert,J. Four Centuries of Swahili Verse: A Literary History. Leiden: E. J. Brill 1997 Shakespeare in Africa: English and Swahili Literature. Research in African Literatures 27 1996 Tolmacheva, Marina The Pate Chronicle. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press 1993 Yusuf, Imtiyaz An Analysis of Swahili Exegesis of SURat Al-Shams in Shaykh Abdullah Saleh Al-Farsy's Qurani. Journal of Religion in Africa 22 1992 Pouwels, R. L. Swahili Literature and History in the Post-Structuralist Era' International Journal of African Historical Studies 25 1992 Oliver ,Roland The African Experience. New York: Harper Collins International Journal of African Historical Studies 25 1992 1992 Shariff, Ibrahim Islam and Secularity in Swahili Literature: An Overview. Ed Kenneth Harrow. Faces of Islam in African Literature. London: James Currey 1991 6 Ohly , R The Zanzibarian Challenge: Swahili Prose in the Years 1975-1981. Windhook: The Academy, African Studies Academy 1990 Bertoncini Elena Z. Outline of Swahili Literature, Prose Fiction and Drama. Journal of Religion in Africa 18 1988 Nurse, Derek and Thomas Spear. The Swahili: Reconstructing the History and Language of an African Society, 800-1500 (The Ethnohistory Series). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1985