Polyphonic Sound Event Detection
by using Capsule Neural Networks
Fabio Vesperini, Leonardo Gabrielli, Emanuele Principi∗ , and Stefano Squartini, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Artificial sound event detection (SED) has the aim
to mimic the human ability to perceive and understand what
is happening in the surroundings. Nowadays, deep learning
offers valuable techniques for this goal such as convolutional
neural networks (CNNs). The capsule neural network (CapsNet)
architecture has been recently introduced in the image processing
field with the intent to overcome some of the known limitations
of CNNs, specifically regarding the scarce robustness to affine
transformations (i.e., perspective, size, orientation) and the detection of overlapped images. This motivated the authors to employ
CapsNets to deal with the polyphonic SED task, in which multiple
sound events occur simultaneously. Specifically, we propose to
exploit the capsule units to represent a set of distinctive properties
for each individual sound event. Capsule units are connected
through a so-called dynamic routing that encourages learning
part-whole relationships and improves the detection performance
in a polyphonic context. This paper reports extensive evaluations
carried out on three publicly available datasets, showing how the
CapsNet-based algorithm not only outperforms standard CNNs
but also allows to achieve the best results with respect to the
state-of-the-art algorithms.
Index Terms—Capsule Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural
Network, Polyphonic Sound Event Detection, DCASE, Computational Audio Processing
UMAN cognition relies on the ability to sense, process,
and understand the surrounding environment and its
sounds. Although the skill of listening and understanding their
origin is so natural for living beings, it still results in a very
challenging task for computers.
Sound event detection (SED), or acoustic event detection,
has the aim to mimic this cognitive feature by means of
artificial systems. Basically, a SED algorithm is designed
to detect the onset and offset times for a variety of sound
events captured in an audio recording and associate a textual
descriptor, i.e., a label for each of these events.
In recent years, SED has received significant interest from
the computational auditory scene analysis community [1], due
to its potential in several engineering applications. Indeed,
the automatic recognition of sound events and scenes can
have a considerable impact in a wide range of applications
where sound or sound sensing is advantageous with respect
to other modalities. This is the case of acoustic surveillance
[2], healthcare monitoring [3], [4] or urban sound analysis
[5], where the short duration of certain events (i.e., a human
fall, a gunshot or a glass breaking) or the personal privacy
∗ Corresponding
The authors are with the A3lab, Department of Information Engineering,
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (Italy), E-mail:
[email protected], {l.gabrielli,e.principi,s.squartini}@univpm.it
motivate the exploitation of audio information rather than,
e.g., image processing. In addition, audio processing is often
less computationally demanding compared to other multimedia
domains, thus embedded devices can be easily equipped with
microphones and sufficient computational capacity to locally
process the signal captured. These could be smart home
devices for home automation purposes or sensors for wildlife
and biodiversity monitoring (i.e., bird calls detection [6]).
SED algorithms in a real-life scenario face many challenges. These include the presence of simultaneous events,
environmental noise and events of the same class produced by
different sources [7]. Since multiple events are very likely to
overlap, a polyphonic SED algorithm, i.e., an algorithm able
to detect multiple simultaneous events, needs to be designed.
Finally, the effects of noise and intra-class variability represent
further challenges for SED in real-life situations.
Traditionally, polyphonic acoustic event analysis has been
approached with statistical modelling methods, including hidden Markov models (HMM) [8], Gaussian mixture models
(GMM) [9], non-negative matrix Factorization (NMF) [10]
and support vector machines (SVM) [11]. In the recent era of
“deep learning”, different neural network architectures have
been successfully used for sound event detection and classification tasks, including feed-forward neural networks (FNN)
[12], deep belief networks [13], convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) [14] and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) [15]. In
addition, these architectures laid the foundation for end-to-end
systems [16], [17], in which the feature representation of the
audio input is automatically learnt from the raw audio signal
A. Related Works
The use of deep learning models has been motivated by the
increased availability of datasets and computational resources
and resulted in significant performance improvements.
The methods based on CNNs and RNNs have established
the new state-of-the-art performance on the SED task, thanks
to the capabilities to learn the non-linear relationship between
time-frequency features of the audio signal and a target vector
representing sound events. In [18], the authors show how
“local” patterns can be learned by a CNN and can be exploited
to improve the performance of detection and classification of
non-speech acoustic events occurring in conversation scenes,
in particular compared to a FNN-based system which processes multiple resolution spectrograms in parallel.
The combination of the CNN structure with recurrent units
has increased the detection performance by taking advantage
of the characteristics of each architecture. This is the case of
convolutional recurrent neural networks (CRNNs) [19], which
provided state-of-the-art performance especially in the case
of polyphonic SED. CRNNs consolidate the CNN property
of local shift invariance with the capability to model shortand long-term temporal dependencies provided by the RNN
layers. This architecture has been also employed in almost
all of the most performing algorithms proposed in the recent
editions of research challenges such as the IEEE Audio and
Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) Challenge on Detection
and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE)
[20]. On the other hand, if the datasets are not sufficiently
large, problems such as overfitting can be encountered with
these models, which typically are composed of a considerable
number of free-parameters (i.e., more than 1M).
Encouraging polyphonic SED performance has been obtained using CapsNets in preliminary experiments conducted
on the Bird Audio Detection task in occasion of the DCASE
2018 challenge [21], confirmed by the results reported in [22].
The CapsNet [23] is a recently proposed architecture for image
classification and it is based on the grouping of activation
units into novel structures introduced in [24], named capsules,
along with a procedure called dynamic routing. The capsule
has been designed to represent a set of properties for an entity
of interest, while dynamic routing is included to allow the
network to implicitly learn global coherence and to identify
part-whole relationships between capsules.
The authors of [23] show that CapsNets outperform stateof-the-art approaches based on CNNs for digit recognition in
the MNIST dataset case study. They designed the CapsNet
to learn how to assign the suited partial information to the
entities that the neural network has to predict in the final
classification. This property should overcome the limitations of
solutions such as max-pooling, currently employed in CNNs to
provide local translation invariance, but often reported to cause
an excessive information loss. Theoretically, the introduction
of the dynamic routing can supply invariances for any property
captured by a capsule, allowing also to adequately train
the model without requiring extensive data augmentation or
dedicated domain adaptation procedures.
B. Contribution
The proposed system is a fully data-driven approach based
on the CapsNet deep neural architecture presented by Sabour
et al. [23]. This architecture has shown promising results
on the classification of highly overlapped digit images. In
the audio field, a similar condition can be found in the
detection of multiple concomitant sound events from acoustic
spectral representations, thereby we propose to employ the
CapsNet for polyphonic SED in real-life recordings. The novel
computational structure based on capsules, combined with
the routing mechanism, allows to be invariant to intra-class
affine transformations and to identify part-whole relationships
between data features. In the SED case study, it is hypothesized that this characteristic confers to CapsNet the ability to
effectively select most representative spectral features of each
individual sound event and separate them from overlapped
descriptions of the other sounds in the mixture.
This hypothesis is supported by previously mentioned related works. Specifically, in [21], the CapsNet is exploited in
order to obtain the prediction of the presence of heterogeneous
polyphonic sounds (i.e., bird calls) on unseen audio files
recorded in various conditions. In [22], the authors proposed a
CapsNet for sound event detection that uses gated convolutions
in the initial layers of the network, and an attention layer that
operates in parallel with the final capsule layer. The outputs
of the two layers are merged and used to obtain the final
prediction. The algorithm is evaluated on the weakly-labeled
dataset of the DCASE 2017 challenge [25] with promising
results. In [26], capsule networks have been applied to a
speech command recognition task, and the authors obtained
a significant performance improvement with respect to CNNs.
In this paper, we present an extensive analysis of SED
conducted on real-life audio datasets and compare the results
with state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we propose a variant
of the dynamic routing procedure which takes into account
the temporal dependence of adjacent frames. The proposed
method outperforms previous SED approaches in terms of
detection error rate in the case of polyphonic SED, while it
has comparable performance with respect to CNNs in the case
of monophonic SED.
The whole system is composed of a feature extraction stage
and a detection stage. The feature extraction stage transforms
the audio signal into acoustic spectral features, while the second stage processes these features to detect the onset and offset
times of specific sound events. In this latter stage we include
the capsule units. The network parameters are obtained by
supervised learning using annotations of sound events activity
as target vectors. We have evaluated the proposed method
against three datasets of real-life recordings and we have
compared its performance both with the results of experiments
with a traditional CNN architecture, and with the performance
of well-established algorithms which have been assessed on
the same datasets.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II
the task of polyphonic SED is formally described and the
stages of the approach we propose are detailed, including
a presentation of the CapsNet architecture characteristics. In
Section III, we present the evaluation set-up used to accomplish the performance of the algorithm we propose and the
comparative methods. In Section IV the results of experiments
are discussed and compared with baseline methods. Section V
finally presents our conclusions for this work.
The aim of polyphonic SED is to find and classify the
sound events present in an audio signal. The algorithm we
propose is composed of two main stages: sound representation
and polyphonic detection. In the sound representation stage,
the audio signal is transformed in a two-dimensional timefrequency representation to obtain, for each frame t of the
audio signal, a feature vector xt ∈ RF , where F represents
the number of frequency bands.
Sound events possess temporal characteristics that can be
exploited for SED, thus certain events can be efficiently
distinguished by their time evolution. Impulsive sounds are
extremely compact in time (e.g., gunshot, object impact),
while other sound events have indefinite length (i.e., wind
blowing, people walking). Other events can be distinguished
from their spectral evolution (e.g., bird singing, car passing
by). Long-term time domain information is very beneficial for
SED and motivates for the use of a temporal context allowing
the algorithm to extract information from a chronological
sequence of input features. Consequently, these are presented
as a context window matrix Xt:t+T −1 ∈ RT ×F ×C , where
T ∈ N is the number of frames that defines the sequence length
of the temporal context, F ∈ N is the number of frequency
bands and C is the number of audio channels. Differently, the
target output matrix is defined as Yt:t+T −1 ∈ NT ×K , where
K is the number of sound event classes.
In the SED stage, the task is to estimate the probabilities
p(Yt:t+T −1 |Xt:t+T −1 , θ) ∈ RT ×K , where θ denotes the parameters of the neural network. The network outputs, i.e., the
event activity probabilities, are then compared to a threshold in
order to obtain event activity predictions Ŷt:t+T −1 ∈ NT ×K .
The parameters θ are trained by supervised learning, using
the frame-based annotation of the sound event class as target
output, thus, if class k is active during frame t, Y (t, k) is equal
to 1, and is set to 0 otherwise. The case of polyphonic SED
implies that this target output matrix can have multiple nonzero elements K in the same frame t, since several classes
can be simultaneously present.
Indeed, polyphonic SED can be formulated as a multi-label
classification problem in which the sound event classes are detected by multi-label annotations over consecutive time frames.
The onset and offset time for each sound event are obtained
by combining the classification results over consequent time
frames. The trained model will then be used to predict the
activity of the sound event classes in an audio stream without
any further post-processing operations and prior knowledge on
the events locations.
channel C = {1, 2}, thus the resulting feature tensor is
Xt:t+T −1 ∈ R256×F ×C , where F is equal to 513 for the STFT
and equal to 40 for the LogMels. The range of feature values
is then normalized according to the mean and the standard
deviation computed on the training sets of the neural networks.
B. Background on capsule networks
Capsules have been introduced to overcome some limitations of CNNs, in particular the loss of information caused by
the max-pooling operator used for obtaining translational invariance [23], [24]. The main idea behind capsules is to replace
conventional neurons with local units that produce a vector
output (capsules) incorporating all the information detected
in the input. Moreover, lower-level capsules are connected to
higher-level ones with a set of weights determined during
inference by using a dynamic routing mechanism. These
two aspects represent the main differences from conventional
neural networks, where neurons output a single scalar value,
and connection weights are determined in the training phase
by using back-propagation [23], [24].
Recalling the original formulation in [23], [24], a layer of
a capsule network is divided in multiple computational units
named capsules. Considering capsule j, its total input sj is
calculated as:
αij ûj|i ,
αij Wij ui =
sj =
A. Feature Extraction
where αij are coupling coefficients between capsule i and
capsule j in the lower-level layer, ui is the output of capsule
i, Wij are transformation matrices, and ûj|i are prediction
vectors. The vector output of capsule j is calculated by
applying a non-linear squashing function that makes the length
of short vectors close to zero and the length of long vectors
close to 1:
ksj k2
vj =
1 + ksj k ksj k
For our purpose, we use two acoustic spectral representation, the magnitude of the Short Time Fourier Transform
(STFT) and LogMel coefficients, obtained from all the audio
channels and extensively used for other SED algorithms.
Except where differently stated, we study the performance of
binaural audio features and compare it with those extracted
from a single channel audio signal. In all cases, we operate
with audio signals sampled at 16 kHz and we calculate the
STFT with a frame size equal to 40 ms and a frame step equal
to 20 ms. Furthermore, the audio signals are normalized to the
range [−1, 1] in order to have the same dynamic range for all
the recordings.
The STFT is computed on 1024 points for each frame,
while LogMel coefficients are obtained by filtering the STFT
magnitude spectrum with a filter-bank composed of 40 triangular filters evenly spaced in the mel frequency scale [27].
In both cases, the logarithm of the energy of each frequency
band is computed. The input matrix Xt:t+T −1 concatenates
T = 256 consequent STFT or LogMel vectors for each
Using the squashing function of Eq. (2) allows to interpret
the magnitude of the vector as a probability, in particular the
probability that the entity represented by the capsule is present
in the input [23].
Coefficients αij measure how likely capsule i may activate
capsule j. Thus, the value of αij should be relatively high
if the properties of capsule i coincide with the properties
of capsule j in the layer above. As shown in detail in
the next section, this is obtained by using the notion of
agreement between capsules in two consecutive layers. The
coupling coefficients are calculated by the iterative process
of dynamic routing, and capsules in the higher layers should
include capsules in the layer below in terms of the entity
they identify. Dynamic routing iteratively attempts to find
these associations and supports capsules to learn features that
ensure these connections. The new “routing-by-agreement”
algorithm introduced in [23] represents an evolution of the
simpler routing mechanism intrinsic in max-pooling and will
be described in the next section.
procedure ROUTING(ûij , r, l)
∀ capsule i in layer l and capsule j in layer (l + 1):
βij ← 0.
for r iterations do
exp(βij )
∀ capsule i in layer l: αij ← P exp(β
k P ik )
∀ capsule j in layer (l + 1): sj ← i αij ûj|i
ksj k2
∀ capsule j in layer (l + 1): vj ← 1+ks
j k ksj k
∀ capsule i in layer l and capsule j in layer (l +1):
βij ← βij + ûj|i · vj
end for
return vj
end procedure
Input Features
Convolutional Layers
Fig. 1. The dynamic routing algorithm proposed in [23].
Primary Capsules
1) Dynamic Routing: After giving a qualitative description
of the routing mechanism, we describe in detail the algorithm
used in [23] to compute the coupling coefficients.
The “routing-by-agreement” algorithm operates as shown
in Fig. 1. The algorithm is executed for each layer l of the
network and for r iterations, and it outputs vectors vj of layer
(l+1). In essence, the algorithm represents the forward pass of
the network. As shown in line 4, coupling coefficients αij are
determined by applying the softmax function to coefficients
βij :
exp(βij )
αij = P
k exp(βik )
The softmax function ensures that αij ∈ (0, 1), thus making
αij the probability that capsule i in the lower-level layer
sends its output to capsule j in the upper-level layer. The
coefficients βij are initialized to zero so that the coupling
coefficients αij have all the same initial value. After this step,
the βij coefficients are updated by using an iterative algorithm
which uses the agreement between the output of capsule j, vj ,
and the prediction of capsule i, ûij , in the layer below. The
agreement is measured by the scalar product ûj|i · vj , and
it provides a measure of how similar the directions (i.e., the
properties of the entity they represent) of capsules i and j are.
2) Margin loss function: The length of the vector vj is used
to represent the probability that the entity represented by the
capsule j exists. The CapsNet have to be trained to produce
long instantiation vector at the corresponding kth capsule if the
event that it represents is present in the input audio sequence.
A separate margin loss is defined for each target class k as:
Lk = Tk max(0, m+ − kvj k)2 +
λ(1 − Tk ) max(0, kvj k − m− )2 ,
where Tk = 1 if an event of class k is present, while λ is
a down-weighting factor of the loss for absent sound event
classes. m+ , m− and λ are respectively set equal to 0.9, 0.1
and 0.5 as suggested in [23]. The total loss is simply the sum
of the losses of all the output capsules.
C. CapsNet for Polyphonic Sound Event Detection
The architecture of the neural network is shown in Fig. 2.
The first stages of the model are traditional CNN blocks which
Dynamic Routing
Detection Capsules
Euclidean Norm
Fig. 2. Flow chart of the capsule neural network architecture used for
polyphonic sound event detection.
act as feature extractors on the input Xt:t+T −1 . The input
of each CNN block is zero-padded in order to preserve its
dimension, and, after each block, max-pooling [28] is used to
halve the dimensions only on the frequency axis. Thus, the
output of the first CNN layers has dimension T × F ′ × Q,
where F ′ < F is the number of elements in the frequency
axis after max-pooling, and Q is the number of kernels in
the final CNN block. This tensor is then used as input for
the Primary Capsule Layer that represents the lowest level
of multi-dimensional entities. The processing stages occurring
after the CNN blocks are depicted in Fig. 3. Basically, the
Primary Capsule Layer is a convolutional layer with J · M
filters, i.e., it contains M convolutional capsules with J kernels
each. The output tensor of this layer has dimension T × F ′ ×
J · M , and it is then reshaped in order to obtain a T × F ′ ·
J × M tensor. Capsule vectors ui are represented by the M dimensional T · F ′ · J vectors of this tensor obtained after
applying the squashing operation of Eq. (2). The final layer, or
Detection Capsule Layer, is a time-distributed layer composed
of K densely connected capsule units with G elements. With
“time-distributed”, we mean that the same weights are applied
for each time-index. For each t, thus, the Detection Capsule
Layer outputs K vectors vi composed of G elements. This
differs from the architecture proposed in [26], where all the
capsule vectors from the Primary Capsule Layer are processed
as a whole. Since the previous layer is also a capsule layer, the
dynamic routing algorithm is used to compute the output. The
background class was included in the set of K target events,
in order to represent its instance with a dedicated capsule unit
and train the system to recognize the absence of events. In the
evaluation, however, we consider only the outputs relative to
the target sound events. The model predictions are obtained by
computing the Euclidean norm of the output of each Detection
Capsule. These values represent the probabilities that one of
the target events is active in a frame t of the input feature
matrix Xt:t+T −1 , thus we consider them as the network output
In [23], the authors propose a series of densely connected
neuron layers stacked at the bottom of the CapsNet, with
the aim to regularize the weights training by reconstructing
the input image. Here, this technique entails an excessive
complexity of the model to train, due to the higher number
of units needed to reconstruct Xt:t+T −1 ∈ RT ×F ×C , yielding
poor performance in our preliminary experiments. We decided,
thus, to use dropout [29] and L2 weight normalization [30] as
regularization techniques, as done in [22].
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
method, we performed a series of experiments on three
datasets provided to the participants of different editions of
the DCASE challenge [25], [31]. We evaluated the results by
comparing the system based on the Capsule architecture with
the traditional CNN. The hyperparameters of each network
have been optimized with a random search strategy [32].
Furthermore, we reported the baselines and the best state-ofthe-art performance provided by the challenge organizers.
A. Dataset
We assessed the proposed method on three datasets, two
containing stereo recordings from real-life environments and
one artificially generated monophonic mixtures of isolated
sound events and real background audio.
In order to evaluate the proposed method in polyphonic reallife conditions, we used the TUT Sound Events 2016 & 2017
datasets, which were included in the corresponding editions of
the DCASE Challenge. For the monophonic SED case study,
we used the TUT Rare Sound Events 2017 which represents
the task 2 of the DCASE 2017 Challenge.
1) TUT Sound Events 2016: The TUT Sound events 2016
(TUT-SED 2016)1 dataset consists of recordings from two
acoustic scenes, respectively “Home” (indoor) and “Residential area” (outdoor) which we considered as two separate subsets. These acoustic scenes were selected from the
challenge organizers to represent common environments of
interest in applications for safety and surveillance (outside
home) and human activity monitoring or home surveillance
[31]. The dataset was collected in Finland by the Tampere
University of Technology from different locations by means
of a binaural recording system. A total amount of around 54
and 59 minutes of audio are provided respectively for “Home”
1 http://www.cs.tut.fi/sgn/arg/dcase2016/
and “Residential area” scenarios. Sound events present in each
recording were manually annotated without any further crossverification, due to the high level of subjectivity inherent to the
problem. For the “Home” scenario a total of 11 classes were
defined, while for the “Residential Area” scenario 7 classes
were annotated.
Each scenario of the TUT-SED 2016 has been divided into
two subsets: Development dataset and Evaluation dataset. The
split was done based on the number of examples available
for each sound event class. In addition, for the Development
dataset a cross-validation setup is provided in order to easily
compare the results of different approaches on this dataset.
The setup consists of 4 folds, so that each recording is used
exactly once as test data. More in detail, the “Residential
area” set consists of 5 recordings in the Evaluation set and
12 recordings in the Development set, while the “Home” set
consists of 5 recordings in the Evaluation set and 10 recordings
in turn divided into 4 folds as training and validation subsets.
2) TUT Sound Events 2017: The TUT Sound Events 2017
(TUT-SED 2017)2 dataset consists of recordings of street
acoustic scenes with various levels of traffic and other activities, for a total of 121 minutes of audio. The scene was selected
as representing an environment of interest for detection of
sound events related to human activities and hazard situations.
It is a subset of the TUT Acoustic scenes 2016 dataset [31],
from which also TUT-SED 2016 dataset was taken. Thus,
the recording setup, the annotation procedure, the dataset
splitting, and the cross-validation setup is the same described
above. They share also some audio contents, in particular the
“Residential area” scenario. The 6 target sound event classes
were selected to represent common sounds related to human
presence and traffic, and they include brakes squeaking, car,
children, large vehicle, people speaking, people walking. The
Evaluation set of the TUT-SED 2017 consists of 29 minutes
of audio, whereas the Development set is composed of 92
minutes of audio which are employed in the cross-validation
3) TUT Rare Sound Events 2017: The TUT Rare Sound
Events 2017 (TUT-Rare 2017)2 [25] consists of isolated
sounds of three different target event classes (respectively,
baby crying, glass breaking and gunshot) and 30-second long
recordings of everyday acoustic scenes to serve as background,
such as park, home, street, cafe, train, etc. [31]. In this case
we consider a monophonic-SED, since the sound events are
artificially mixed with the background sequences without overlap. In addition, the event potentially present in each test file is
known a-priori thus it is possible to train different models, each
one specialized for a sound event. In the Development set, we
used a number of sequences equal to 750, 750 and 1250 for
training respectively of the baby cry, glass-break and gunshot
models, while we used 100 sequences as validation set and
500 sequences as test set for all of them. In the Evaluation
set, the training and test sequences of the Development set
are combined into a single training set, while the validation
set is the same used in the Development dataset. The system
is evaluated against an “unseen” set of 1500 samples (500 for
2 http://www.cs.tut.fi/sgn/arg/dcase2017/
F 0 ¢J
Primary Capsule
Detection Capsule
Fig. 3. Details of the processing stages that occur after the initial CNN layers. The dimension of vectors ui is 1 × 1 × M , the dimension of vectors vj is
1 × 1 × G. The decision stage after the Euclidean norm calculation is not shown for simplicity.
each target class) with a sound event presence probability for
each class equal to 0.5.
B. Evaluation Metrics
In this work we used the Error Rate (ER) as primary
evaluation metric to ensure comparability with the reference
systems. In particular, for the evaluations on the TUT-SED
2016 and 2017 datasets we consider a segment-based ER with
a one-second segment length, while for the TUT-Rare 2017
the evaluation metric is event-based error rate calculated using
onset-only condition with a collar of 500 ms. In the segmentbased ER the ground truth and system output are compared in
a fixed time grid, thus sound events are marked as active or
inactive in each segment. For the event-based ER the ground
truth and system output are compared at event instance level.
ER score is calculated in a single time frame of one
second length from intermediate statistics, i.e., the number of
substitutions (S(t1 )), insertions (I(t1 )), deletions (D(t1 )) and
active sound events from annotations (N (t1 )) for a segment
t1 . Specifically:
1) Substitutions S(t1 ) are the number of ground truth
events for which we have a false positive and one false
negative in the same segment;
2) Insertions I(t1 ) are events in system output that are not
present in the ground truth, thus the false positives which
cannot be counted as substitutions;
3) Deletions D(t1 ) are events in ground truth that are not
correctly detected by the system, thus the false negatives
which cannot be counted as substitutions.
These intermediate statistics are accumulated over the segments of the whole test set to compute the evaluation metric
ER. Thus, the total error rate is calculated as:
t1 =1 S(t1 ) +
t1 =1 I(t1 ) +
t1 =1 D(t1 )
, (5)
ER =
t1 =1 N (t1 )
where T is the total number of segments t1 .
If there are multiple scenes in the dataset, such as in the
TUT-SED 2016, evaluation metrics are calculated for each
scene separately and then the results are presented as the average across the scenes. A detailed and visualized explanation
of segment-based ER score in multi label setting can be found
in [33].
C. Comparative Algorithms
Since the datasets we used were employed to develop and
evaluate the algorithms proposed from the participants of the
DCASE challenges, we can compare our results with the most
recent approaches in the state-of-the-art. In addition, each
challenge task came along with a baseline method that consists
in a basic approach for the SED. It represents a reference for
the participants of the challenges while they were developing
their systems.
1) TUT-SED 2016: The baseline system is based on melfrequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) acoustic features and
multiple GMM-based classifiers. In detail, for each event
class, a binary classifier is trained using the audio segments
annotated as belonging to the model representing the event
class, and the rest of the audio to the model which represents
the negative class. The decision is based on likelihood ratio
between the positive and negative models for each individual
class, with a sliding window of one second. To the best of
our knowledge, the most performing method for this dataset
is an algorithm we proposed [34] in 2017, based on binaural
MFCC features and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural
network used as classifier. The detection task is performed
by an adaptive energy Voice Activity Detector (VAD) which
precedes the MLP and determines the starting and ending point
of an event-active audio sequence.
2) TUT-SED 2017: In this case the baseline method relies
on an MLP architecture using 40 LogMels as audio representation [25]. The network is fed with a feature vector
comprehending 5-frame as temporal context. The neural network is composed of two dense layers of 50 hidden units
per layer with the 20% of dropout, while the network output
layer contains K sigmoid units (where K is the number of
classes) that can be active at the same time and represent
the network prediction of event activity for each context
window. The state-of-the-art algorithm is based on the CRNN
architecture [35]. The authors compared both monaural and
binaural acoustic features, observing that binaural features in
general have similar performance as single channel features
on the Development dataset although the best result on the
Evaluation dataset is obtained using monaural LogMels as
network inputs. According to the authors, this can suggest that
the dataset was possibly not large enough to train the CRNN
fed with this kind of features.
3) TUT-Rare 2017: The baseline [31] and the state-of-theart methods of the DCASE 2017 challenge (Rare-SED) were
based on a very similar architectures to that employed for the
TUT-SED 2016 and described above. For the baseline method,
the only difference relies in the output layer, which in this
case is composed of a single sigmoid unit. The first classified
algorithm [36] takes 128 LogMels as input and process them
Batch Normalization
[yes - no]
random choice
CNN layers Nr.
CNN kernels Nr.
CNN kernels dim.
Pooling dim.
CNN activation
CNN dropout
[1 - 4]
[4 - 64]
[3×3 - 8×8]
[1×1 - 2×5]
[tanh - ReLU]
[0 - 0.5]
[yes - no]
random choice
random choice
Primary Capsules Nr. M
Primary Capsules kernels dim.
Primary Capsules dimension J
Detection Capsules dimension G
Capsules dropout
Routing iterations
[2 - 8]
[3×3 - 5×5]
[2 - 16]
[2 - 16]
[0 - 0.5]
[1 - 5]
On TUT-SED 2016 and 2017 datasets, the event activity
probabilities are simply thresholded at a fixed value equal
to 0.5, in order to obtain the binary activity matrix used to
compute the reference metric. On the TUT-Rare 2017 the
network output signal is processed as proposed in [42], thus
it is convolved with an exponential decay window then it is
processed with a sliding median filter with a local window-size
and finally a threshold is applied.
In this section, we present the results for all the datasets
and experiments described in Section III. The evaluation of
Capsule and CNNs based methods have been conducted on
the Development sets of each examined dataset using random
combinations of hyperparameters given in Table I.
A. TUT-SED 2016
frame-wise by means of a CRNN with 1D filters on the first
D. Neural Network configuration
We performed a hyperparameter search by running a series
of experiments over predetermined ranges. We selected the
configuration that leads, for each network architecture, to
the best results from the cross-validation procedure on the
Development dataset of each task and used this architecture to
compute the results on the corresponding Evaluation dataset.
The number and shape of convolutional layers, the nonlinear activation function, the regularizers in addition to the
capsules dimensions and the maximum number of routing iterations have been varied for a total of 100 configurations. Details of searched hyperparameters and their ranges are reported
in Table I. The neural networks training was accomplished by
the AdaDelta stochastic gradient-based optimization algorithm
[37] for a maximum of 100 epochs and batch size equal to 20
on the margin loss function. The optimizer hyperparameters
were set according to [37] (i.e., initial learning rate lr = 1.0,
ρ = 0.95, ǫ = 10−6 ). The trainable weights were initialized
according to the Glorot-uniform scheme [38] and an early
stopping strategy was employed during the training in order
to avoid overfitting. If the validation ER did not decrease
for 20 consecutive epochs, the training was stopped, and the
last saved model was selected as the final model. In addition,
dropout and L2 weight normalization (with λ = 0.01) have
been used as weights regularization techniques [29]. The
algorithm has been implemented in the Python language using
Keras [39] and Tensorflow [40] as deep learning libraries,
while Librosa [41] has been used for feature extraction3 .
For the CNN models, we performed a similar random hyperparameters search procedure for each dataset, considering
only the first two blocks of the Table I and by replacing the
capsule layers with feedforward layers with sigmoid activation
3 Source code available at the following address: https://gitlab.com/
Results on TUT-SET 2016 dataset are shown in Table III,
while Table II reports the configurations which yielded the
best performance on the Evaluation dataset. All the found
models have ReLU as non-linear activation function and use
dropout technique as weight regularization, while the batchnormalization applied after each convolutional layer seems to
be effective only for the CapsNet. Table III reports the results
considering each combination of architecture and features
we evaluated. The best performing setups are highlighted
with bold face. The use of STFT as acoustic representation
is beneficial for both the architectures with respect to the
LogMels. In particular, the CapsNet obtains the lowest ER on
the cross-validation performed on Development dataset when
is fed by the binaural version of such features. On the two
scenarios of the Evaluation dataset, a model based on CapsNet
and binaural STFT obtains an averaged ER equal to 0.69,
which is largely below both the challenge baseline [31] (0.19) and the best score reported in literature [34] (-0.10).
The comparative method based on CNNs seems not to fit at
all when LogMels are used as input, while the performance is
aligned with the challenge baseline based on GMM classifiers
when the models are fed by monaural STFT. This discrepancy
can be motivated by the enhanced ability of CapsNet to exploit
small training datasets, in particular due to the effect of the
routing mechanism on the weight training. In fact, the TUTSED 2016 is composed of a small amount of audio and the
sounds events occur sparsely (i.e., only 49 minutes of the total
audio contain at least one event active), thus, the overall results
of the comparative methods (CNNs, Baseline, and State-ofthe-art) on this dataset are quite low compared to the other
Another CapsNet property that is worth to highlight is the
lower number of free parameters that compose the models
compared to evaluated CNNs. As shown in Table II, the
considered architectures have 267 K and 252 K free parameters
respectively for the “Home” and the “Residential area” scenario. It is a relatively low number of parameters to be trained
(e.g., a popular deep architecture for image classification such
as AlexNet [43] is composed of 60 M parameters), and the
best performing CapsNets of each considered scenario have
Fig. 4. STFT Spectrogram of the input sequence (a), ground truth (b) and
event activity probabilities for CapsNet (c) and CNN (d) from a sequence of
test examples from TUT-SED 2016 dataset.
even less parameters with respect to the CNNs (-22% and 64% respectively for the “Home” and the “Residential area”
scenario). Thus, the high performance of CapsNet can be
explained with the architectural advantage rather than the
model complexity. In addition, there can be a significant
performance shift for the same type of networks with the
same number of parameters, which means that a suitable
hyperparameters search action (e.g., number of filters on the
convolutional layers, dimension of the capsule units) is crucial
in finding the best performing network structure.
1) Closer Look at Network Outputs: A comparative example on the neural network outputs, which are regarded as
event activity probabilities is presented in Fig. 4. The monaural
STFT from a 40 seconds sequence of the “Residential area”
dataset is shown along with event annotations and the network
outputs of the CapsNet and the CNN best performing models.
For this example, we chose the monaural STFT as input
feature because generally it yields the best results over all
the considered datasets. Fig. 4 shows a bird singing event
lasting for the whole sequence and correctly detected by both
the architectures. When the car passing by event overlaps the
bird singing, the CapsNet detects more clearly its presence.
The people speaking event is slightly detected by both the
models, while the object banging activates the relative Capsule
exactly only in correspondence of the event annotation. It must
Fig. 5. STFT Spectrogram of the input sequence (a), ground truth (b) and
event activity probabilities for CapsNet (c) and CNN (d) from a sequence of
test examples from TUT-SED 2017 dataset.
be noted that the dataset is composed of unverified manually
labelled real-life recordings, that may present a degree of
subjectivity, thus, affecting the training. Nevertheless, the
CapsNet exhibits remarkable detection capability especially in
the condition of overlapping events, while the CNN outputs
are definitely more “blurred” and the event people walking is
wrongly detected in this sequence.
B. TUT-SED 2017
The bottom of Table III reports the results obtained with the
TUT-SED 2017. As in the TUT-SED 2016, the best performing
models on the Development dataset are those fed by the
Binaural STFT of the input signal. In this case, we can also
observe interesting performance obtained by the CNNs, which
on the Evaluation dataset obtain a lower ER (i.e., equal to
0.65) with respect to the state-of-the-art algorithm [35], based
on CRNNs. CapsNet confirms its effectiveness and it obtains
lowest ER equal to 0.58 with LogMel features, although with
a slight margin with respect to the other inputs (i.e., -0.03
compared to the STFT features, -0.06 compared to both the
binaural version of LogMels and STFT spectrograms).
It is worth highlighting that in the Development crossvalidation, the CapsNet models yielded significantly better
performance with respect to the other reported approaches,
TUT-SED 2016
TUT-SED 2017
CNN kernels Nr.
CNN kernels dim.
Pooling dim. (F axis)
MLP layers dim.
[32, 32, 8]
[4, 3, 2]
[64, 64, 16, 64]
[2, 2, 2, 2]
[85, 65]
[4, 16, 32, 4]
[2, 2, 2, 2]
[42, 54, 66, 139]
[4, 16, 32, 4]
[2, 2, 2, 2]
[64, 64, 16, 64]
[2, 2, 2, 2]
[85, 65]
Primary Capsules Nr. M
Primary Capsules kernels dim.
Primary Capsules dimension J
Detection Capsules dimension G
Routing iterations
# Params
267 K
343 K
252 K
709 K
342 K
TUT-SED 2016 - Home
Binaural LogMels
Binaural STFT
Binaural LogMels
Binaural STFT
TUT-SED 2016 - Residential Area
Binaural LogMels
Binaural STFT
Binaural LogMels
Binaural STFT
TUT-SED 2016 - Averaged
Baseline [31]
State-of-the-art [34]
TUT-SED 2017
Binaural LogMels
Binaural STFT
Binaural LogMels
Binaural STFT
Baseline [25]
State-of-the-art [35]
while the CNNs have decidedly worse performance. On the
Evaluation dataset, however, the ER scores of the CapsNets
suffer more relative deterioration with respect to the CNNs
ones. This is related to the fact that the CapsNet are subject to
larger random fluctuations of the ER from epoch to epoch. In
absence of ground truth labels and, thus, of the early stopping
strategy, the model taken after a fixed number of training
epochs is sub-optimal, and, with CapsNet, more prone to large
errors than with CNN.
Notwithstanding this weakness, the absolute performance
obtained both with monaural and binaural spectral features
is consistent and improves the state-of-the-art result, with a
reduction of the ER of up to 0.21 in the best case. This is
particularly evident in Fig. 5, that shows the output of the
two best performing systems for a sequence of approximately
20 seconds length which contains highly overlapping sounds.
The event classes “people walking” and “large vehicle” are
overlapped for almost all the sequence duration and they are
well detected by the CapsNet, although they are of different
nature: the “large vehicle” has a typical timber and is almost
stationary, while the class “people walking” comprehend impulsive and desultory sounds. The CNN does not seem to
be able to distinguish between the “large vehicle” and the
“car” classes, detecting confidently only the latter, while the
activation corresponding “people walking” class is modest.
The presence of the “brakes squeaking” class, which has a
specific spectral profile mostly located in the highest frequency
bands (as shown in the spectrogram), is detected only by
the CapsNet. We can assume this as a concrete experimental
validation of the routing effectiveness.
The number of free parameters amounts to 223 K for the
best configuration shown in Table II and it is similar to those
found for the TUT-SED 2016, which consists also in this case
in a reduction equal to 35% with respect to the best CNN
C. TUT-Rare SED 2017
The advantage provided by the routing procedure to the
CapsNet is particularly effective in the case of polyphonic
SED. The results on the monophonic SED task have been
obtained by using the TUT-Rare SED 2017 dataset and they
are shown in Table V. In this case, the evaluation metric is
the event-based ER calculated using onset-only condition. We
performed a separate random-search for each of the three
sound event classes both for CapsNets and CNNs and we
report the averaged score over the three classes. The setups
that obtained the best performance on the Evaluation dataset
are shown in Table IV. This is the largest dataset we evaluated,
and its characteristic is the high unbalance between the amount
of background sounds versus the target sound events.
From the analysis of the results of the individual classes
on the Evaluation set (not included here for the sake of
conciseness), we notice that both architectures achieve the
best performance on the glass break class (0.25 and 0.24
respectively for CNNs and CapsNet with LogMels features),
due to its clear spectral fingerprint compared to the background sound. The worst performing class is the gunshot (ER
equal to 0.58 for the CapsNet), although the noise produced
by different instances of this class involves similar spectral
components. The low performance is probably due to the fast
decay of this sound, which means that in this case the routing
procedure is not sufficient to avoid confusing the gunshot
with other background noises, especially in the case of dataset
unbalancing and low event-to-background ratio. A solution to
this issue can be found in the combination of CapsNet with
RNN units, as proposed in [19] for the CNNs which yields
an efficient modelling of the gunshot by CRNN and improves
the detection abilities even in polyphonic conditions. The baby
cry class consists of short, harmonic sounds, and it is detected
with almost the same accuracy by the two architectures.
Finally, the CNN shows better generalization performance
with respect to the CapsNet, although the ER score is far from
state-of-the-art that use the aforementioned CRNNs [36] or a
hierarchical framework [42]. In addition, in this case the CNN
models have a reduced number of trainable parameters (36%)
compared to the CapsNets, except for the “gunshot” case but,
as mentioned, it is also the configuration that gets the worst
D. Alternative Dynamic Routing for SED
We observed that the original routing procedure implies
the initialization of the coefficients βij to zero each time
the procedure is restarted, i.e., after each input sample has
been processed. This is reasonable in the case of image
classification, for which the CapsNet has been originally
proposed. In the case of audio task, we clearly expect a higher
correlation between samples belonging to adjacent temporal
frames X. We thus investigated the chance to initialize the
coefficients βij to zero only at the very first iteration, while
for subsequent X to assign them the last values they had at
the end of the previous iterative procedure. We experimented
this variant considering the best performing models of the
analyzed scenarios for polyphonic SED, taking into account
only the systems fed with the monaural STFT. As shown in
Table VI, the modification we propose in the routing procedure
is effective in particular on the Evaluation datasets, conferring
improved generalization properties to the models we tested
even without accomplishing a specific hyperparameters optimization.
In this work, we proposed to apply a novel neural network
architecture, the CapsNet, to the polyphonic SED task. The
architecture is based on both convolutional and capsule layers.
The convolutional layers extract high-level time-frequency
feature maps from input matrices which provide an acoustic
spectral representation with long temporal context. The obtained feature maps are then used as input to the Primary
Capsule layer which is connected to the Detection Capsule
layer that extracts the event activity probabilities. These last
two layers are involved in the iterative routing-by-agreement
procedure, which computes the outputs based on a measure
of likelihood between a capsule and its parent capsules. This
architecture combines, thus, the ability of convolutional layers
to learn local translation invariant filters with the ability of
capsules to learn part-whole relations by using the routing
Part of the novelty of this work resides in the adaptation
of the CapsNet architecture for the audio event detection task,
with a special care on the input data, the layers interconnection
and the regularization techniques. The routing procedure is
also modified to account for an assumed temporal correlation
within the data, with a further average performance improvement of 6% among the polyphonic SED tasks.
An extensive evaluation of the algorithm is proposed with
comparison to recent state-of-the-art methods on three different datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that
the use of dynamic routing procedure is effective, and it
provides significant performance improvement in the case of
overlapping sound events compared to traditional CNNs, and
other established methods in polyphonic SED. Interestingly,
the CNN based method obtained the best performance in the
monophonic SED case study, thus emphasizing the suitability of the CapsNet architecture in dealing with overlapping
sounds. We showed that this model is particularly effective
with small sized datasets, such as TUT-SED 2016 which
contains a total 78 minutes of audio for the development of the
models of which one third is background noise. Furthermore,
the network trainable parameters are reduced with respect to
other deep learning architectures, confirming the architectural
advantage given by the introduced features also in the task of
polyphonic SED.
The results we observed in this work are consistent with
many other classification tasks in various domains [44]–[46]
TUT-Rare SED 2017 Monophonic SED
Baby cry
Glass break
CNN kernels Nr.
CNN kernels dim.
Pooling dim. (F axis)
MLP layers dim.
[16, 64, 32]
[4, 3, 2]
[16, 32, 8, 16]
[3, 3, 2, 2]
[212, 67]
[16, 64, 32]
[4, 3, 2]
[16, 32, 8, 16]
[3, 3, 2, 2]
[212, 67]
[16, 16]
[5, 2]
[16, 64, 32, 32]
[5, 4, 2, 1]
112, 51
Primary Capsules Nr. M
Primary Capsules kernels dim.
Primary Capsules dimension J
Detection Capsules dimension G
Routing iterations
# Params
131 K
84 K
131 K
84 K
30 K
211 K
TUT-RareSED 2017 - Monophonic SED
Baseline [31]
Hierarchic CNNs [42]
State-of-the-art [36]
channel audio signals. Moreover, regularization methods can
be investigated to overcome the lack of generalization which
seems to affect the CapsNets. Furthermore, regarding the SED
task the addition of recurrent units may be explored to enhance
the detection of particular (i.e., impulsive) sound events in reallife audio and the recently-proposed variant of routing, based
on the Expectation Maximization algorithm (EM) [47], can be
investigated in this context.
This research has been partly supported by the Italian
University and Research Consortium CINECA. We acknowledge them for the availability of high-performance computing
resources and support.
TUT-SED 2016 - Home
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Fabio Vesperini was born in San Benedetto del
Tronto, Italy, on May 1989. He received his M.Sc.
degree (cum laude) in electronic engineering in
2015 from Università Politecnica delle Marche (UnivPM). In 2014 he was at the Technische Universtität
München as visiting student for 7 months, where
he carried out his master thesis project on acoustic
novelty detection. He is currently a PhD student
at the Department of Information Engineering, at
UnivPM. His research interests are in the fields of
digital signal processing and machine learning for
intelligent audio analysis.
Leonardo Gabrielli got his M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Electronics Engineering from Università
Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, respectively in 2011
and 2015. His main research topics are related to
audio signal processing and machine learning with
application to sound synthesis, Computational Sound
Design, Networked Music Performance, Music Information Retrieval and audio classification. He has
been co-founder of DowSee srl, and holds several
industrial patents. He is coauthor of more than 30
scientific papers.
Emanuele Principi was born in Senigallia (Ancona), Italy, on January 1978. He received the M.S.
degree in electronic engineering (with honors) from
Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) in 2004.
He received his Ph.D. degree in 2009 in the same
university under the supervision of Prof. Francesco
Piazza. In November 2006 he joined the 3MediaLabs research group coordinated by Prof. Francesco
Piazza at Università Politecnica delle Marche where
he collaborated to several regional and european
projects on audio signal processing. Dr. Principi is
author and coauthor of several international scientific peer-reviewed articles
in the area of speech enhancement for robust speech and speaker recognition
and intelligent audio analysis. He is member of the IEEE CIS Task Force
on Computational Audio Processing, and is reviewer for several international
journals. His current research interests are in the area of machine learning
and digital signal processing for the smart grid (energy task scheduling, nonintrusive load monitoring, computational Intelligence for vehicle to grid) and
intelligent audio analysis (multi-room voice activity detection and speaker
localization, acoustic event detection, fall detection).
Stefano Squartini (IEEE Senior Member, IEEE
CIS Member) was born in Ancona, Italy, on March
1976. He got the Italian Laurea with honors in
electronic engineering from University of Ancona
(now Polytechnic University of Marche, UnivPM),
Italy, in 2002. He obtained his PhD at the same
university (November 2005). He worked also as
post-doctoral researcher at UnivPM from June 2006
to November 2007, when he joined the DII (Department of Information Engineering) as Assistant
Professor in Circuit Theory. He is now Associate
Professor at UnivPM since November 2014. His current research interests
are in the area of computational intelligence and digital signal processing,
with special focus on speech/audio/music processing and energy management.
He is author and coauthor of more than 190 international scientific peerreviewed articles. He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, and
also member of Cognitive Computation, Big Data Analytics and Artificial
Intelligence Reviews Editorial Boards. He joined the Organizing and the
Technical Program Committees of more than 70 International Conferences
and Workshops in the recent past. He is the Organizing Chair of the IEEE
CIS Task Force on Computational Audio Processing.