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2017, Archaeologies of the Near East
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The ASWA VI meeting was held at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, from 30th August-1st September 2002, timetabled to follow on the heels of the ICAZ meeting in Durham, UK. Over 55 participants attended the meeting, travelling from 13 countries, bringing the latest research results from our field. As usual, it was a pleasure to see so many doctoral students presenting their research–a sign for a very healthy future for zooarchaeology in south west Asia. It is still unfortunate, however, that colleagues from ...
Community structure changes through time: 'Ubeidiya as a case study Rivka Rabinovich Man versus carnivores in the Middle-Upper Paleolithic of the southern Levant Guy Bar-Oz and Tamar Dayan Taphonomic analysis of the faunal remains from Nahal Hadera V (1973 season
A preliminary analysis is provided of the vertebrate faunal remains from a newly discovered ‘Ubaid settlement located on the island of Dalma in the United Arab Emirates. The site dates to the early 5 millennium BC. Fishing and hunting were of great importance although animal husbandry was also practiced, a small amount of bones of domestic sheep/goat being present at the site. Gazelle were sometimes hunted, and marine turtle, dugong and dolphin only appear to have been occasionally exploited. Other marine resources utilised included crabs and marine mollusca. Fish bones however form the most significant component of the assemblage. Ongoing analysis of the fish remains suggests that a wide range of species are present, including inshore as well as pelagic species. Major groups include the subclass Elasmobranchii (cartilaginous sharks and rays) as well as the following families amongst the Osteichthyes (bony fishes): Belonidae (needlefish), Serranidae (groupers), Sparidae (seabreams) ...
The two volumes include 142 selected lectures presented at the “12th International Congress on the Archeology of the Ancient Near East” (ICAANE) at the University of Bologna in April 2021. This congress takes place every other year and is the platform for all archaeologists worldwide to present the current results of their research in and on the Near East. The timeframe extends from the Neolithic through the Bronze and Iron ages down to the Achaemenid, Seleuco-Parthian and up to the Islamic period. The geographical frame spans the area from the eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia, and from the Black Sea to the Arabian peninsula. Researchers coming from 43 countries have summarized their latest discoveries mostly in English: Volume 1, edited by N Marchetti, M Campeggi, F Cavaliere, C D'Orazio, G Giacosa, E Mariani, comprises 73 contributions related to the conference themes of Environmental Archaeology; hammering the material world; cognitive archaeology; modeling the past; networked archaeology; Endangered cultural heritage.
US president Donald J. Trump's recognition of Jerusalem potentially sets the stage for a controversial American effort to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict backed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
HARI INI SAYA MENCOBA POSTING SKRIPSI EKONOMI AKUNTANSI TERBARU TAHUN 2012, DENGAN JUDUL NALISIS PENGARUH KECERDASAN INTELEKTUAL DAN KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL TERHADAP IPK MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI PADA FAKULTAS EKONOMI UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN (STUDI EMPIRIS) BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah - Skripsi Ekonomi Akuntansi Pada era globalisasi saat ini, persaingan dalam dunia kerja semakin berat dan sangat menuntut profesionalisme dari masing-masing setiap individu yang hendak melangkah ke jenjang tersebut. Tidak jarang dalam dunia kerja terkadang dengan pendidikan yang tinggi saja orang itu tidak bisa sukses atau gagal dalam mencapai karirnya karena begitu banyaknya pesaing-pesaing yang handal dalam lingkungan kerja tersebut, apabila kita tidak bisa mengikuti persaingan tersebut maka bersiap- siaplah untuk kita tertinggal dengan yang lainnya atau pesaing kita. Oleh karena itu fakultas ekonomi program studi akuntansi untuk semua universitas saat ini dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam pemahaman ilmu akuntansi, sehingga memiliki nilai tambah dalam dunia kerja. Oleh karena itu dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan, para stakeholders atau pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap jalannya lembaga pendidikan, memegang peranan penting bagi pencapaian tujuan-tujuan organisasi yang bersangkutan. Sumberdaya manusia dalam suatu organisasi adalah asset penting yang menentukan bagi tumbuh dan berkembangnya suatu organisasi. Mahasiswa sebagai stakeholders dalam pendidikan tinggi merupakan aset penting yang menentukan dan mencerminkan kinerja perguruan tinggi yang bersangkutan.Skripsi Ekonomi Akuntansi Terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan atau indeks prestasi kumulatif (IPK) seorang mahasiswa dalam di perguruan tinggi. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain adalah kecerdasan intelektual, kecerdasan emosional, kondisi sosial ekonomi mahasiswa yang bersangkutan, minat dan kemauan belajar mahasiswa, serta masih banyak faktor lainnya. Namun dalam penelitian ini penulis memilih dua faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan prestasi mahasiswa yaitu kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan emosional mahasiswa yang bersangkutan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kecerdasan intelektual merupakan kemampuan umum yang membedakan kualitas orang yang satu dengan orang yang lain (Joseph, 1998, hal.8). Kecerdasan intelektual atau Inteligensi adalah kemampuan kognitif yang dimiliki seseorang untuk menyesuaikan diri secara efektif pada lingkungan yang kompleks dan selalu berubah serta dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik (Galton, dalam Joseph, 1998, hal.20). Raven memberikan pengertian yang lain, Ia mendefinisikan inteligensi sebagai kapasitas umum individu yang nampak dalam kemampuan individu untuk menghadapi tuntutan kehidupan secara rasional (dalam Suryabrata, 1998, hal. 66). Intelligensi lebih difokuskan kepada kemampuannya dalam berpikir. Skripsi Ekonomi Akuntansi
O artigo é um dos produtos técnicos da pesquisa de tese doutoral intitulada “A regularização fundiária urbana e o acesso à justiça ambiental: a mediação na regularização fundiária urbana e ambiental no estado do Pará”. O objetivo foi construir o estudo de diagnóstico aplicando a metodologia proposta pela pesquisa ação, inserida na abordagem territorial do desenvolvimento. Utilizar de mediação técnica especializada para construir um diagnóstico de requalificação territorial, relacionando a Reurb e a prevenção dos desastres. O diagnóstico como ferramenta de gestão de uma obra complexa inserida no desafio da requalificação territorial. O antropoceno será apresentado na perspectiva temporal inclusive enquanto ferramenta metodológica. O recorte territorial é o Cemitério da Nossa Senhora da Soledade em Belém do Pará – patrimônio histórico tombado pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. Por fim são apresentados alguns resultados da dinâmica de acompanhamento da execução da obra de requalificação territorial com ênfase na salvaguarda do patrimônio histórico e arqueológico, abordando as duas vulnerabilidades em desastras ambientais, os alagamentos e o abandono de animais. Nas considerações finais são apresentadas algumas propostas para a construção de um plano de gestão.
Cadernos Nietzsche
Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as cartas de Nietzsche, questionando se podemos legitimamente considerá-las como veículo de compreensão e interpretação de sua obra. Embora as cartas sejam inevitavelmente contaminadas por seu contexto, agora é geralmente aceito que elas não podem ser consideradas “parasitas” nas obras de seus autores, mas são “parte integrante de sua máquina de escrever ou expressar” (Deleuze-Guattari). Não se trata de interpolar ou interpretar a gênese e o conteúdo das obras a partir da pressão dos elementos biográficos, mas sim de utilizar as cartas como uma espécie de esquema hermenêutico, para melhor compreender a representação de si mesmo de um autor, as intenções subjacentes de suas obras, e captar seus elementos estilísticos e recursos argumentativos, que as obras inevitavelmente transformam.
Educational Administration Quarterly, 2018
Purpose: This article explores the effects of sensemaking interventions on a group of educators' race-conscious problem analysis of racial discipline disparities. Research Method: I conducted this research in a predominantly White diversifying suburban high school that served roughly1,600 students. To understand how sensemaking interventions shaped teachers' racial ways of knowing, I conducted an ethnographic content analysis of 14 transcribed teacher focus group and data retreat exchanges to identify conversational patterns related to their problem framings. Findings: I found that providing diverse data types reflecting a range of racial perspectives offered cues that enabled organizational members to notice and (partially) disrupt the personal and organizational racism and race-evasive tendencies that drive the reproduction of racial inequities in school discipline. Implications for Research and Practice: Offering teachers sensemaking opportunities that prompt collective racial awareness and critical self-reflection can instigate shifts in racial ways of knowing that are critical to understanding and addressing discipline culture and climate problems in racially diversifying schools.
Pallas. Revue d'Études Antiques, 2018
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Proceedings of Fringe 2015: Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR Workshop, 2015
Clinical Infectious Diseases
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