European Journal of Turkish
3 (2005)
Being a MP in contemporary Turkey
Gilles Dorronsoro and Elise Massicard
Being a Member of Parliament in
contemporary Turkey
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Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey
Gilles Dorronsoro
Elise Massicard
The MP’s position in the Turkish political system: central, but dominated
Since the end of the Ottoman Empire, MPs stand as the most important political figures in
Turkey. Unlike the United States, there are neither governors nor a President elected by universal
suffrage. Party leaders usually are MPs, including the Prime Minister and the Ministers, even if the
later are not necessarily MPs according to the constitution. Therefore, the Turkish political elite is
primarily composed of MPs and former ones. First of all, let us consider the influence of the
Parliament and then the one of the MPs in the institutional system1.
The Parliament within the institutional framework
[2] Today, the TBMM (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, Turkish Grand National Assembly)2 can
be described as a dominated actor within the institutional framework. Since the beginning of the
We express our gratitude to the different colleagues who have been kind enough to comment on our paper,
in particular Prof. Dr. Kalaycıoğlu and Daniel Gaxie.
2 Parliament: a nation’s legislative body, made up of elected and sometimes non-elected representatives.
Others scholars would rather use the term National Assembly.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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Republic, the institutional system has gone through many changes. The many institutional breaks, in
general coups d’état, have weakened the position of the Parliament in the mind of the population and
of the politicians themselves. Besides, the general trend has tended towards a ‘rationalised
parliamentarianism’, which spread over Europe after WW2. Indeed, organisations controlling - directly
or indirectly - the Parliament have increased in the last decades.
[3] Since the multiparty system (1946), the Parliament is an institution with a limited
autonomy. After the first competitive elections, the Parliament became the centre of the political life
during several decades, in spite of the coups d’état in 1960 and 1971. The 1961 constitution set up
institutions to counterbalance the weight of the National Assembly, notably the MGK (Milli Güvenlik
Kurumu) and even more so the Senate, part of the Senators being installed to oversee that the
civilian politicians abided by the constitution. The system remained bicameral until the 1971 coup
[4] The 1982 constitution introduced a kind of ‘rationalised parliamentarianism’ in a
securitarian regime with the MGK functioning as a parallel government (İnsel 2004, Dorronsoro
2005). For instance, until very recently, the military budget remained de facto outside the control of
the Parliament even if the TBMM’s Defence Committee discussed the military budget with the
Ministry of Defence. Questions related to the ‘national security’ (defined in a very extensive way)
were largely decided by the MGK. Moreover, the relation between the executive and the legislative
branch shows a strong and increasing influence of the President, who has the right to veto any
passed law and to appeal to the Constitutional Court (Tachau 1980, Heper 1996). This evolution
depends of course on the balance of powers. For example, Demirel had less influence than Özal, and
the weight of Sezer is linked to the support of the military apparatus.
The MPs
[5] A weakened Parliament does not necessarily mean that MPs are not individually
recognized. It is known that in some circumstances, members of the Parliament benefit from the
antiparliamentarianism of the electorate. Polls indicate an important difference between popularity
ratings of the Parliament and of the MPs themselves in the United States. However, according to the
reports of the European Commission (European Commission 2002: 29), there appears to be a bad
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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image both of the Turkish Parliament (47% tending to trust), of the MPs, and even more so of the
parties (16% tending to trust). It is true that the trust rate in the Italian, Spanish, Danish, and the
British Parliaments are even lower, but in a 2001 TESEV survey, to be a MP is ranked as the most
dishonest job by a large percentage of the population (Pérouse 2005: 226).
[6] The MPs themselves are aware that their political career could be short. Firstly, it is
interesting to note the cyclical trend in the ratio of re-election during the last decades. The number of
re-elected MPs is very low after brutal changes in the political offer (1950, 1960, 1980, 2002), but
grows afterwards up to more or less 50% (Massicard 2003: 33, table 8). Secondly, the duration of
their mandate is precarious, since it depends not only on political reversals but also on the electoral
rhythm. In this respect, we should point out that early elections are usual in Turkey: since the
beginning of the multiparty system in 1946, ten out of fifteen legislative elections were early ones.
Despite the fact that the article 77 of the 1982 constitution brings the term of legislature from four
years - as it was since the Ottoman Empire - to five years, all elections have been early ones since
then. Thirdly, the volatility of the electorate is amplified since the 1990’s by important swings in the
election results, showing the rejection of the parties in power. In the aftermath of the 1982
constitution and the ban on the old political parties, party identification sharply diminished and the
coalition governments in the 1990’s have been generally unpopular. On the whole, when the turnover
is high, as it is the case since the 1990’s, very few MPs are assured of being re-elected, and the
threat of a removal by the electorate, by the party, or that their party doesn’t reach the 10% threshold,
is very present.
[7] Nevertheless, MPs are an important component in the relation between the electorate and
the central power. They are able to pass on demands from the population to the centre, even if the
impossibility to assume several (local and national) mandates at the same time limits in practice their
influence. They also mediate between different interest groups and the centre. However, powerful
lobbies such as industrialists or unions can deal directly with the government. Besides, MPs do not
control much resources compared to other political actors. Indeed, the Istanbul mayors, as early as
the 1960’s, starting with Faruk Ilgaz and Haşim İşçan, got considerable resources form their position
in local and national politics. Since metropolitan municipalities were established in 1984, their mayors
detain considerable resources. Decentralisation projects might accentuate this trend and largesse out
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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of their city resources that every mayor can distribute, while most MPs fail to control significant
Sources and state of the question
[8] Primary qualitative sources about MPs and parliamentarianism are relatively numerous, in
contrast to the weakness of statistical and quantitative data. Besides minutes of debates in plenary
sessions (which have hardly been exploited), primary sources are made up of publications from
TBMM, official bulletins as well as the series of Turkey in Statistics. There are also lots of
autobiographies or memoirs (Kirişçioğlu 1968, Ağaoğlu 1969, Burçak 1976, Perin 1990, Kocaoğlu
2003). Finally, we find many biographies of famous politicians - mostly party leaders - written by
journalists, but which generally do not concentrate on the Parliament.
[9] On the statistical level, biographical data are unsatisfactory. About the Ottoman Empire,
the work of Devereux (1963) gives a distribution by religion, ethnic group and occupation of the MPs
of the 1877 Parliament (elected by a very limited college), but there is no more precise information.
About the second constitutional period, from 1908 to 19183, some works also analyse the distribution
of MPs by religious and ethnic groups (Tunaya 1998, Turhan 1991: 98). Afterwards, we have various
statistical works, the major empirical study being Frey’s (1965), which was used in numerous studies,
though never actualized in a systematic way. It gives a set of biographical information about MPs,
essentially about their professional background.
[10] Otherwise, it is noticeable that many political scientists have lost interest in the
functioning of the Parliament and the office of MP. For instance, Sarıbay’s work of political sociology
(1994) doesn’t address the political elite or activities of politicians which reflects both the objectively
weak position of the institution and new trends in Turkish political science. However, we can still rely
on the works of Gençkaya, Hazama, Kalaycıoğlu, Özbudun and Turan (see bibliography). Turan
(1985) and Kalaycıoğlu (1988, 1995, 1999) addressed the behaviour of the MPs in the TBMM, the
time spent on ‘case work’ as well as the committee activities of the MPs in the 1980s and the 1990s.
Furthermore, there are some local studies, sometimes of great quality, describing the notables –
some of them being MPs – in a more anthropological way (Unbehaun 1994).
Elections of 1908, 1912, 1914, and 1919.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[11] Since this thematic issue focuses on relations between the MPs’ social background and
their way to fulfil their parliamentary roles (see infra), we would like to address what has been a
significant part of the literature about MPs: the relation between the political field and the society. This
issue has mostly been addressed in the 1960’s and 1970’s by studies producing and analysing
statistics about the social characteristics - mostly the professional background - of MPs. The two
dominant paradigms in those studies, Marxism and developmentalism, share the same
methodological presuppositions and, most of the time, their results are compatible.
[12] The study of Ünsal (1982) on the profile of the 1977 MPs falls within the scope of a
critical Marxist sociology. Through the analysis of the social background of the MPs, the author notes
a difference between the social composition of the TBMM and the society at large, notably the underrepresentation of the working class within the TBMM. The underlying idea is the denunciation of the
confiscation of political power by the elite (Kızır 2002).
[13] Other authors have tried to show the gradual diversification of the political elite since the
beginning of the Republic, in a developmentalist – thus fundamentally diachronic – way: ‘Stages of
political development, if not actual distributions of power, may be marked by regularities in the
differential participation in formal politics of distinctive social groups’ (Frey 1965: 180). They are
based on the hypothesis of a relation between macro-social changes and the sociological profile of
the MPs. By using statistical data on the social status of MPs (essentially their occupation, education,
sex), researchers explain political developments like the institutionalisation of the political field, the
professionalisation of the political elite, or the increasing pluralism among the social groups
represented in the Parliament (Tachau 1980). Those results can be summed up in two statements:
the diversification of the elite, and the opposition between the statist elite and those coming from
other social groups.
[14] Starting from the relation between social profiles and party membership, several authors
(Tachau 1980, Heper et al. 1996) notice an opposition between a group of bureaucrats and a political
elite coming from the middle-class. Both social groups, through ‘their’ parties, fight for state
resources. The (implicit) scheme is often that the bureaucracy might represent long-term interests of
the country and has a stabilizing influence on the political system. Then, ‘general interest’ is
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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considered to be objective more than constructed, and bureaucrats as its best advocates, because
they are preserved from ‘populist pressure’.
[15] The second statement is the diversification of the elite. Ünsal starts from the hypothesis
of an opposition between a provincial and a national elite. According to Tachau (1980: 220), the
Demokrat Parti (DP) represents the interests of provincial middle-classes in the 1950’s, and ‘localism’
– which he defines after Frey as birth in the represented district - is increasing. Later, the rise of new
social groups (engineers, etc.) and the diversification of the political elite have been stressed upon.
After the 1980 coup d’état, a significant proportion of religious figures - imams or graduated from
imam-hatip schools - are to be found in the different parties run by Erbakan. Starting from that
statement, some works, drawing on the theory of social coalitions (Tarrow 1977), assume that a
political party comes to power when it manages to build an ‘inter-class coalition’, to pose as the
representative of one or several social groups.
[16] We might call into question this paradigm through two main critics. First, data processing
seems questionable. On the one hand, the construction of long statistical series while the political
system has been disrupted several times, is methodologically problematic, but sometimes not even
commented. In some cases, data concerning non-competitive and competitive periods are used as if
they were homogenous, although continuity can hardly be established between the one-party system
and the multi-party period. Moreover, the coherence of categories used to establish biographies is
not called into question. For instance, the status of a profession can change in a significant way in the
course of several decades, and the stable presence of a certain amount of MPs coming from one
professional sector can hide changing social dynamics. On the other hand, data are insufficient, and
some pieces of information are not reliable: for example, the plurality of professional experiences is
rarely mentioned, most of the time because of the sources used – the TBMM albums only mention
one profession. In the same way, simplified socio-professional data are favoured to the detriment of
those linked to practical experiences and social skills. Finally, the selection of relevant elements in
biographies is very simplified, because it does not describe personal trajectories but static social
positions. Therefore, the evolution of the MP during his mandate is not taken into account, whereas
fame and personal enrichment for example can alter his social position during his mandate.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[17] These statistical constructions are a consequence of the general hypothesis concerning
the political and social fields. Developmentalist and Marxist paradigms tend to postulate simple
relations between social groups and political representatives. The political system appears as a
(relatively) transparent mechanism dealing with the demands of social groups. Even when
addressing issues like professionalisation or institutionalisation, the autonomy of the political field and
its capacity to transform social resources are put in brackets. It appears that the opposition between
the bureaucratic elite and the one coming from the middle-class can be deceptive. The election of
bureaucrats can be the result of their bigger capacity to mobilise state resources and to build a
clientele in this way, which qualifies the idea that bureaucrats are immune to ‘populist’ drifts. In
another way, local elites (provincial notables) are constituted in relation to the state (Meeker 2002).
Besides, this duality does not work anymore in the 1970’s, since there is an extreme politicisation
within the institutions themselves. As a consequence, the hypothesis of a diversification of the elite
led by the political development in Turkey has to be questioned. All those elements challenge the
idea of a transparency between society and politics.
Resources and roles
[18] Choosing MPs as the object of study opens different options. We have decided to focus
on the articulation between two paradigms, the mobilization of resources and role perspective. First,
we address the issue of the mobilization of resources in the political field. The resources are defined
here as what is efficiently mobilized in the political field to win election, a position of power inside a
party, etc. Hence, we do not consider the social profile of the MPs per se, but the actualisation of
resources in the political field. For example, it is not directly the professional background that is
pertinent as such but the way the practice of a profession gives some means to enter politics. So, we
have to describe the concrete mobilization of resources, for example in an electoral competition. In
this perspective, the analysis of the trajectory of politicians highlights the readjustment of personal
resources which permits to enter the political field (Best et al. 2000). We make the hypothesis that for
the elections, the value of these resources is to be considered on a local level, since the level of
electoral competition is the province. Hence, it is difficult to use data built exclusively on a national
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[19] Second, the concern for the effective conditions of the practice of a political mandate
leads to an analysis in terms of ‘social roles’ and to stress the learning of behaviours according to
norms considered as legitimate (Briquet 1994: 17-18; Müller et al. 1997). In his everyday practice, a
MP is constantly compelled to signify his conformity to a set of norms that define his role. Entering
the role implicates having the practical knowledge of what is convenient to do when one has to fit into
successive interactions. These ascriptions of roles are multiple and heterogeneous since roles are
defined by formal and informal ascriptions from different actors, juridical norms, etc. Elected people
are interacting in different social spaces, which are not necessarily structured by specifically political
principles. The ascriptions of roles are contextual: they depend on the characteristics of the publics to
which one is confronted. As such, they are not necessarily homogeneous at the national level.
Behaviours expected from a MP are a product of a particular, sometimes localized, configuration, and
might appear weird in other parts of the country. ‘The concept of ‘role-set’ is to be distinguished from
the concept of ‘multiple roles’, which are associated not with a single social status but with the
various statuses in which individual operates’ (Saafeld 1997: 39-40).
[20] Our endeavour is to link the question of resources with that of roles. In the same
perspective, Turan (1985) linked the practise of transfers from one party to another with the
resources of the MPs. In a first step, we see how the political field is characterised by mechanisms of
selection and transformation of resources. The analysis of the trajectories of MPs, through their initial
resources (before their election), the accumulation of specific resources during the mandate, and
then their possible retaining afterwards, is intended to test the hypothesis of the ‘autonomisation’ of
the political field. In a second step, we deal with the complex role-set of MPs, which can be analysed
through three loci: within the party, within the Parliament, within the constituency. From this, we will
question the relation between the resources of MPs and the way they interpret and fulfil their roles.
Because of the many institutional breakdowns, the temporal scope of the core analysis begins after
1980, even if a broader historical perspective is taken in account in some papers. Let us first present
the resources perspective, then the role perspective, keeping in mind that this distinction is only
analytical, and does not imply any determinist causal relation.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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I The resources and their transformation
[21] Since we take into account the transformation of resources as a dynamic and temporal
phenomenon, we address first the resources of the MPs before the election and their local value,
then the trajectories of MPs during and after their mandate. On this basis, we shall then question the
professionalisation of MPs.
Non-political resources
[22] Non-political resources mobilized in the political field can be listed in a non-exhaustive
way as economic capital, proximity to state institutions, professional skills, activism, social capital,
local roots, religious charisma, and family membership. In that sense, available data are often
insufficient to give a clear view of these resources, and their reduction to the very profession would
be deceptive. These resources work in different ways according to periods and places; some can be
illegitimate for some time. For instance, if we exclude the first Parliament, it was very exceptional for
a man whose main profession involved religious matters, to become an MP (Koçak in this issue). The
religious charismatic resource has been de facto forbidden for a candidate before 1946 and after the
different coup d’état, but favoured in the 1980’s and 1990’s by the centre-right parties like ANAP,
DYP, and Islamist parties such as RF and FP (Dorronsoro in this issue). In a diachronic perspective,
we can also ask why certain kinds of capital are more easily transferable in the political field
according to socio-economical situations. For instance, the presence of engineers is probably linked,
more than to a questionable rise of the middle-class, to a change in the organisation of this
profession and to the emergence of a technicist discourse in politics (Göle 1990).
[23] During the single-party period, professional profiles like high rank army members and
bureaucrats who had reached the higher echelons in state administration could be rewarded after
their retirement by being made MPs. These civil servants formed the most crowded group in
Parliament. According to Frey’s study (1965: 114-122), the rate of this group in the Parliaments of the
single-party period ranged from 23% to 57%. The number of parliamentarians who were selfemployed, as well as tradesmen and industrialists from the ‘private enterprise’, were much lower
(Koçak in this issue). Another resource which was valorised was regime loyalty for the country’s
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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forthcoming artists, writers, poets and journalists. They were often made MPs, but were also
supposed to be foremost spokesmen of the regime (Günay in this issue).
[24] How are the professional resources used in the political field? According to the results of
Frey (1965), completed by later studies, three professional groups are over-represented within the
Turkish Parliament: bureaucrats and lawyers in the early Republic, and engineers since the 1970’s.
As we have seen, the number of civil servants is important during the one-party period before
decreasing regularly, whereas liberal professions experience a parallel rise, notably just before the
multi-party system (Frey 1965, Tachau 1980: 207). Within this group, lawyers are the most
numerous, except in 1957.
[25] Frey explains the importance of the lawyers by the capacity to resume one’s initial job
and a ‘natural’ link between the occupations of lawyer and of MP (Frey 1965: 111-112). We can
challenge these explanations by questioning instead social dispositions and professional habitus
gained through accomplishing a profession, and their later use in the political field. So, we can
analyse how specific resources linked to the profession of lawyer are reinvested in the political field.
In Turkey, the presence of lawyers can be interpreted in different ways according to the period. Until
the 1960’s, the lawyer is seen as a notable. Hence, his election as a MP is linked to his local status.
After the 1970’s, we can emphasis the role of the professional chambers as a locus of politicisation
(Bora 2000, Dorronsoro in this issue).
[26] In some cases, the initial profession is the gate to enter politics, but at the same time
renders the day-to-day MP’s occupation difficult, since the two professional habitus are deeply
contradictory. Günay in her essay underlines that some writers co-opted to the one-party Parliament
as prestigious intellectuals or, in later periods, as ordinary competitors in the election process have
often disturbed the power holders either as MPs in their parliamentary activities, or as writers in their
literary work, and sometimes as both.
The value of resources
[27] The value of the resources is to be defined in relation to the local political field. The
characterization of the local political field is complex; thus, when Tachau underlines the differentiated
profile of the MPs according to the level of development of their constituency (1980), the choice of
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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this unique criterion is problematic. Here comes the question of the varying political value of
resources in different contexts. For instance, inherited charismatic religious capital is largely confined
to some regional (mainly, but not only, South-Eastern) and social (rural or little cities) contexts, while
other resources seem really national. In a mostly Kurdish-populated province like Diyarbakır, militants
without any notoriety or social capital can be elected to a major city on the list of a Kurdist party in
municipal elections (Dorronsoro in this volume). Belonging to a mezhep (Alevi or Sunnite) can
constitute a major resource as well in contexts of differentiation or tension like in the late 1970’s
(Cumhuriyet 1977). Thus, resources have a specific value depending on the local political field.
[28] According to Tachau (1980), MPs are increasingly oriented towards ‘localism’, because
they are more and more born in the constituency where they are elected. However, this fact is difficult
to interpret, because it postulates a natural relation between place of birth and the ability to mobilize
local resources. Instead, it seems relevant to reflect upon the local use of national resources and
vice-versa. In other words, the ‘local’ can be constituted as a resource in different ways: first, the
‘local’ can be constructed as a legitimising category in political discourses and media; second, party
apparatus can establish hemşehri associations, or links can be formed between both (Schüler 1998,
Kurtoğlu 2004, ejts 2005). In that way, a pitchforked candidate can take benefit from a strong local
presence, if he enjoys the support of a local party apparatus.
[29] During the single-party period, the ‘local’ was sometimes valorised as a political
resource, sometimes not. Some parliamentarians had never ever been to the region they were
elected from, and, possibly, were never ever to visit this region as MPs, either. It was not uncommon
for those who were to become MPs to hear about this either through the dailies or through radio
news. It would be very hard to state that these parliamentarians really did represent ‘their’ regions.
From time to time some of them were re-elected from entirely different regions. By contrast, there
were also parliamentarians who were born in and had grown up in the region from which they were
elected. These had a certain kind of relationship to the region, for they were the ‘wealthy’ of the
region. Especially in areas of the country where a feudal agricultural structure prevailed, wealthy
landowners were constantly in Parliament as MPs. In particular, the notables, who had positive and
close relations with party headquarters, easily entered and were able to remain in Parliament.
Therefore, local ties were sometimes valorised by the Kemalist regime (Koçak in this issue),
depending however on the political situation in the region. For example, during the military
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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administration of the South-East, most of the Diyarbakır MPs were civil servants with no local ties; but
all MPs elected in 1946 – at the beginning of the multiparty period - were local notables (Dorronsoro
in this issue).
The accumulation of specific resources during the mandate
[30] The MP mandate is only a moment in a personal trajectory. How do MPs take advantage
of the resources accumulated during mandate afterwards? In a dynamic perspective, the mandate especially the first of a MP - is a period when the MP social status is changing. From an anecdotic
point of view, former MPs’ visiting cards almost always mention their former position, which indicates
a willingness to put to the fore the social capital associated with it. Investing in politics represents a
risk; resources can increase or, in some cases, decrease. For instance, a notable - with an important
initial social capital - whose passage in politics is marked by scandals can lose part of his
respectability. As they expose publicly their political preferences during their mandate, professionals
can alienate some of their former clients (Massicard in this issue).
[31] Resources accumulated during the mandate may vary depending on how the roles have
been fulfilled. In general, we can assume an accumulation of social capital, because the role of the
MP puts in contact individuals and institutions. The MP benefits from a modest wage and numerous
advantages in nature (even if the accommodations were recently withdrawn). But, more important,
economical capital can be acquired irregularly, for example through public contracts (ihale), a
possibility which may not be accessible for all MPs, but only MPs from the party in power or with
good connections to decision-making bodies. Indirectly, the relations created with bureaucrats and
politicians as an MP can be useful and possibly help to increase one’s economic capital during or
after the mandate.
[32] For the 1920-1946 period, Koçak suggests that some parliamentarians would quit
Parliament in order to become ambassador or governor. Those who worked in the public service in
deep loyalty to the regime could return to their former duties, if they wished. Being a deputy was just
another way of being in the public service. The MPs, who additionally became Ministers, formed an
even narrower group, as the turnover was quite low. For the multiparty period, Dorronsoro underlines
that a significant part of Diyarbakır MPs tend to settle in Istanbul or Ankara after their mandate, a fact
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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which can be interpreted as a part of the formation of a national elite and the professionalisation of
Professionalisation and autonomy of the political field
[33] The existence of a specialized political field leads to consider the professionalisation of
political agents through a set of questions. The professionalisation of politicians and the
rationalization of this occupation should be distinguished. Whereas professionalisation is generally
linked to the central rule of parties, notably in Germany (Saafeld 1997), rationalisation as an expertise
– the mobilisation of specific techniques requiring important resources showing through notably
during election campaigns, political marketing, etc. - may not be necessarily linked to parties. In some
cases, candidates benefiting from enough resources can display the same level of rationalization
than candidates supported by a party, relying for example on lobbies.
[34] In this respect, the contributions of this issue point in two directions. First, political parties
are more and more necessary to enter politics in Turkey; however, this does not imply a strong
tendency to the professionalisation of the MPs. The independent MPs, that is to say the ones who do
not belong to a party, are rare and show a contrario the importance of the parties4. In the case of
Diyarbakır, political resources are decisive in the political competition (Dorronsoro in this issue). At
the same time, a large part of the MPs have no long political experience. The point here is the
functioning of the political parties in Turkey and the very centralized way in which the candidate are
designated. In most cases, the leader and his close cronies choose the MPs, often on the base of
personal loyalty.
[35] Second, the level of autonomy of the political field is varying, as well as its ability to
influence other social fields (for the relations between the political and the literary field, see Günay in
this issue). Periods of crisis and periods of routine should be distinguished, since they affect the
autonomy of the political field. Crisis of the political system (declining objectivisation of social roles,
institutional breakdowns, etc.) permit a ‘dedifferentiation’ of the fields. In other words, in spite of the
To be elected as independent, a candidate has to get 20% of the votes of the constituency in which he runs.
Deputies elected as independents had disappeared from the Assembly after 1980, but they reappeared in
1999 with three deputies. In 2002, nine independents were elected out of 260 independent candidates in
whole Turkey (Sarıdoğan 2003).
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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tendency toward a professionalisation of political elites, the inverse mechanism can be observed
during periods of crisis, with the opening of the field to outsiders. The 2002 legislative elections, with
the multiplication of parties, an important turnover of MPs, and the strong presence of MPs without
political experience (Massicard in this issue), can be an example. Thus, we might find an important
opening of the field in those contexts: the investment of resources in the political field is then
facilitated, the entrance ticket is low, even for the creation of parties, and non-political attributes are
valorised. Logically, we find a correlation between periods of crisis and a growing presence of nonpolitical capitals (Dorronsoro in this issue).
II Roles and resources
[36] Who defines the role of MP? First, there is a juridical definition of the role of MP. Legal
norms define institutional roles (regulations of parties about the designation of candidates, poll
systems, degree of ‘rationalization’ of the parliamentarian system, etc).
[37] Second, the parties have very strong role prescriptions concerning MPs. These role
prescriptions are even more important since the MPs highly depend on their party for re-election (see
[38] Third, the ascription of roles also comes from the representations concerning the MPs.
What are they in contemporary Turkey? First, there are representations of politics by those who
practice it, elected representatives themselves, through their discourses in terms of moral obligation
or their believing in legitimacy given by election. But there are also representations among the
electorate about efficiency, the place given to service (hizmet), about what is licit and what is illicit.
The construction by journalists of the occupation of MP is of great importance in the formation of the
ascription of roles, even if representatives themselves are far from being passive. Turkish MPs are
relatively absent in the media, except party leaders and when some incidents like scuffles occur in
Parliament. Parliamentary debates are broadcast on TRT, but they rarely appear in newspapers.
Violence – verbal, but also physical - occurs from time to time, leading to scandals: it is perceived as
such a transgression of the proper behaviour of a MP that it is then broadcast in the news bulletin
(Günay and Aslan-Akman in this issue). Through those performances, representations of elected
members do constrain their behaviour.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
To quote a passage, use paragraph (§).
[39] The main tasks recognized to MPs are first, legislative activities which are constituted as
follow: work in parliamentary committees; parliamentary debates (when and how do MPs intervene in
the proceedings?), and speeches from the desk (written and oral questions to the government)
(Bakırcı 2000). Besides the legislative activities, another task recognised to MPs consists of
transmitting individual requests - in general, but not exclusively, from their electorate - and answering
them. This role is both legitimate (a MP has to be at the service of the people and accessible to its
requests) and illegitimate (as far as these practices are often disparaged as being particularistic,
flouting the public good and the general interest) (Güneş-Ayata 1994: 62). Despite of this ambiguity, it
is quasi institutionalised, since parliamentary sessions start at 15 pm, and mornings are devoted to
visits. One may observe queues of unequal size, but sometimes really impressive, in front of MPs’
office. This role of resort is all the more marked since MPs are often seen as being very powerful,
although themselves are quite aware of the limits of their power.
[40] MPs learn on the job (Kocaoğlu 2003); thus, the learning process varies from one
individual to another: it depends on the conditions of access to deputation, according to whether they
have been active in a party and assumed responsibilities in it, whether they have involved in the
associative or trade-union work, or whether their good fortune is due to supports outside the political
field. Thus, the apprenticeship of the roles also depends on the social properties of the candidates,
because they predispose them more or less to assume the prescribed rules. Meetings – sometimes
informal - of elected representatives and what happens behind the scene permit the circulation of
practical know-how, warnings and advices. Information and knowledge necessary to fulfil obligations
linked to the roles are thus transmitted.
[41] The process of learning to be a MP is comparable to the apprenticeship of know-how
and of knowledge constituting roles, which catch MPs with variable intensity and different kinds of
obligations according whether they subscribe to it with conviction, reason or duty. Therefore,
ascriptions of roles are constraints for MPs, their personal history having prepared them more or less
to accept. There seem to be no strong standardization of role learning in Turkey, neither through the
main ways of transmission of political roles (party and elected offices) nor through the
professionalisation of legislative activity (Massicard in this issue). The conditions in which MPs learn
the political occupation show that the socialisation can only be limited and that habitus are only
marginally modified.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[42] The political occupation leads to interact in several social worlds (Lagroye 1994). Being
a representative implicates being able to play different roles, which may also appear to be
contradictory (Briquet 1994, Müller et al. 1997). Empirical evidence suggests that the problem of
disturbances in role-sets is a very real one for modern Members of Parliament.’ (Saalfeld 1997: 40).
These contradictory role ascriptions are perceived as such by the MPs, even if interiorized differently
(Massicard in this issue). Whatever the MP’s dominant characteristic (a grassroots candidate or a
candidate supported by a party), the role he is said to incarnate or the one he is favouring, he has to
take into account the plurality of his roles. One may observe them through the succession of
behaviours and ways of being in everyday practices of MPs, obliging them to resort to different
legitimacy registers. Thus, MPs use different know-how, practices and beliefs, which they cannot
forget without taking the risk to offend one of the publics they are in relation with. In some cases,
behaviours of MPs within the Parliament can interfere with the voters’ requests and their
responsibilities in their party. Sometimes, parliamentary sessions start late or are cancelled because
of the absence of quorum, or because MPs, busy with some other tasks, are not available.
[43] How do individuals take prescribed roles up? The ways to fulfil these roles depend
notably on the resources of MPs, leading them for example to attend or to escape public meetings, to
engage more or less in legislative work, etc. (Massicard in this issue). For example, MPs without
political experience, put on the list by a party mainly because of their extra-political skills which can
be useful for parliamentary activities, will mostly engage more in legislative work than, say, MPs
elected with strong personal social support, and who depend less on their party’s backing (Massicard
in this issue). Therefore, new social profiles among MPs can lead to changes in the ways to practice
this occupation (Norton 1997).
The centrality of the party
[44] To understand the MPs occupation in the Parliament, the relations between MPs and
their parties are central. All the essays in this issue (Aslan-Akman, Günay, Koçak, Massicard)
underline the central role of the parties in the day-to-day activities of the MP in the TBMM. It is not
supposed here that every party is organised in the same way, the importance of elected members is
obviously different for instance in ANAP and MHP and may evolve in every party.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[45] The centrality of the parties derives both from institutional regulations and political
rationality. Firstly, the 1982 constitution and the Rules of Procedure adopted in 1996 aimed to
increase the efficiency of the Parliament, thereby limiting the autonomy of the individual MPs,
reinforce the place of the party group (Gençkaya 1999). Secondly, the great majority of
representatives are in a state of dependence vis-à-vis the parties for their re-election. Because of the
electoral system, the major step for the MP is his nomination by the party on an eligible position in the
list more than the electoral campaign itself. The fact that the parties determine a candidate’s election
more than his personal resources affects the MPs’ behaviour within the Parliament, for example in
relation to party discipline.
[46] In this respect, the centrality of the parties has increased since the 1980s. Turkish
electoral history contains multiple experiences regarding how candidates move from the status of
‘candidate to the candidature’ - which requires only fulfilling some forms and paying some amount of
money - to that of ‘candidate to MP’, designated by a party. In particular, a procedure in which the
electorate was able to express his preference for one candidate was in force during the 1961, 1973,
1977 and 1991 legislative elections5, and was then abolished. After 1961, the electoral law compelled
the parties to organize primaries to designate the candidates, and only exceptionally allowed
nomination by the direction of the parties - in case of lack of local candidates or deficiency of the local
organisation. Nevertheless, since 1986, this obligation has been abolished. Now, every party can
designate candidates either directly or by internal elections. However, internal elections are
nowadays an exception, which paves the way to party oligarchy. Despite of sporadic protestations,
directions of parties remain almost omnipotent in this domain, which may explain the fact that lots of
candidates are pitchforked and that directors of local branches of parties are often bypassed
concerning the nomination of candidates. Even if mechanisms of negotiation between parties and
candidates to the candidature during pre-electoral periods should be analysed more thoroughly, the
eventual re-election of MPs is submitted to the approbation of their candidature by the direction of the
party, which is not automatic.
In the 1991 legislative elections, it was possible for the voters to register a voice for a specific candidate, who
by getting an endorsement from a minimum of 15% of the voters could be moved up to the top of the list
(Kalaycıoğlu 1995: 46).
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[47] Many clues indicate that parties constrain MPs’ behaviour, at least concerning the
discipline of vote. We shall now see in details the weight of party in the organization of the MPs’ work
and then their level of autonomy. Is the legislative activity of a MP correlated to his place in the party?
The first point here is that the party group decides upon the attribution of the different parliamentary
positions, i.e. member or chair of a committee etc., which in turn highly constraints the MPs’ roleorientation (Massicard in this issue).
[48] The second point is that the political configuration can define the MP as an opposition
MP with a specific role. Aslan-Akman focuses on CHP MPs with a strong position in the party in the
precise context of the 22nd Assembly characterized by a high level of polarization between the two
parties. In her essay, she shows that the behaviour of MPs of the main opposition party is both
strongly constraint by rules of procedure and defined by the party, may be leading to the ‘existence of
an opposition MP role’.
[49] A way for MPs to escape party pressure is to change party, a common practice of
transfers since the beginnings of multiparty politics. Historically, there have been high levels of interparty mobility in the Turkish Parliament. The elected representatives are able to move quite easily
from a party to another, for instance if they think that they are not positioned at an eligible level on the
list, or that their party won’t go through the 10% threshold (Massicard 2003). At least before 1980,
party changing appears to improve career prospects (Turan 1985). In his first account of the specific
profile of the party changers, Turan (1985) showed that, in the case of individual transfers, party
changers tended to come more from small and least developed constituencies.
[50] As political contexts influence party changing decisions by individual deputies and
factions, Turan’s paper in this issue examines the developments of inter-party mobility since the
1980s (Turan et al.). Feeling that party changing not only encouraged political instability and was
unethical, and fearing that it might undermine the two-party system they were trying to build, the
military makers of the 1982 constitution introduced measures to prevent it. These failed to stop the
mobility of deputies who found many ways to circumvent restrictions to move between parties.
However, an interesting difference with the period before 1980 is that individual party changers and
non-changers do not appear any more to have different attributes. It would be interesting to
investigate further if changers and non-changers show differences in terms of resources. Is party-
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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changing correlated to some special way to behave as a MP, for example constituency-service
MPs and their constituencies
[51] Another important dimension of the MP’s occupation is his relation to his constituency. It
is the service and allocational aspects of responsiveness that compose the most frequent demands
of constituents to parliamentarians in Turkey. In terms of daily activities, parliamentarians spend for
constituency service the largest part of their time at their own disposal (Hazama in this issue). What
do we know about the interactions about MPs and their constituents? Localised studies like those of
Güneş-Ayata (1990), and Unbehaun (1994), without focusing on the local role of MPs, set on MPs in
a context of interaction among bureaucrats, local politicians and notables. By doing so, they give
sometimes sketchy, but interesting indications concerning the role of MPs in their constituency.
However, almost all these case studies deal with rural Turkey or small towns. But in a widely
urbanised society, it is risky to generalise clientelist relations, which are by definition encompassing
and undifferentiated. Modalities of exchange are probably different in urban contexts. Attempts to
grasp them there in a more precise way (Erder 1996, Schüler 1998, Kurtoğlu 2004) have not really
dealt with MPs and their role in the relation between electors and parties.
[52] It is then important to clarify the different dimensions of the relation between MPs and
their constituents. The term constituency service includes different kinds of activities: mainly personal
services to the citizens, activities encouraging infrastructural services or job-creating investments in
the constituency or more generally collective goods, which are often related to collective actors like
local lobbies. Personal services is what legislative studies usually call ‘case work’ and what is often
called in Turkish hizmet: Kalaycıoğlu (1995) asserts that constituents approach MPs for three main
reasons: to find jobs, to get promotion or transfers at a certain job, and to seek health care. One also
expects MPs to help to go through the bureaucracy.
[53] Why are MPs doing hizmet? In a proportional representational system, Turkey’s
province-size constituencies generate a significant size of personal votes for a candidate, though
nominated in the party list. On the base of a questionnaire on the XIXth Assembly - an Assembly
elected with preference system and, for some parties, primaries - Hazama explores how and to what
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
To quote a passage, use paragraph (§).
extent parliamentarians are responding to demands from constituents and why they do so. Second,
for the purpose of re-election, parliamentarians consider their individual activities to be almost as
important as the party popularity. Those activities are publicized through the local media, including
the press, the most important of which, however, being the constituents that they meet in person.
[54] Do the characteristics of the constituency orientate the role of the MP toward
constituency service? According to Hazama, the demand for and supply of constituency service
depend on different politico-economic structures of the constituency (Hazama in this issue). The
smaller the constituency size, the larger will be the demand for and the supply of constituency
service. This is because in small constituencies parliamentarians are more recognizable by their
constituents and the weight of personal votes is larger than in large constituencies. Thus, even under
proportional representation, relatively small constituencies in Turkey make constituency service
important for parliamentarians seeking re-election. In addition, since the Turkish parliamentarian’s
turnover rate is very high, even re-elected parliamentarians have to take constituency service
seriously. The statistical test showed no significant difference in the practices of constituency service
between newly elected and re-elected parliamentarians. Massicard suggests that MPs from big cities
are faced with less direct representative duties. But the downside is that these MPs have a much
harder time than their colleagues from smaller constituencies to get their names and pictures into the
newspapers on a regular basis or to answer the demands in a way that can bring sizeable social
support. In a constituency like Istanbul, it is very difficult to construct a local base (Massicard in this
[55] Which kind of MPs tries to increase their local resources, or to take the role of local
representatives? Massicard suggests that MPs elected without strong local support hardly entertain
any kind of localism, probably because social support is an insecure resource, and enhancing it may
appear more time and energy-consuming than, say, demonstrating loyalty to the party. It seems that
social support is a resource which is invested by MPs as a secondary choice or as a complement to
other resources. However, having a social strategy for a MP is not necessarily outside the party,
since some parties tend to encourage their MPs to do constituency service.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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[56] There is a theoretical profit in displacing the analysis from the MPs’ biographies to the
resources they mobilize. The downside is that new data have to be produced, since the exiting ones
are not tailored to this approach. In order to understand the resources mobilized both in political
campaigns and during the MP mandate, more attention should be drawn to the activities in the
constituencies. This in turn implies working at the constituency level, which is where electoral
competition takes place and the relative value of resources can best be understood. Working on
resources also constitutes an empirical way to address the autonomy of the political field which, in
the Turkish case, varies heavily as shown by the strong and punctual increase of non-political
resources mobilized by MPs in times of crisis.
[57] There is a relation between the resources mobilized by the MPs and the way they fulfil
their roles. This issue indicates that the parties are central not only in the administrative functioning of
the Parliament and for the MPs’ career, but also in the very definition of individual MPs’ roleorientation. The centrality of the relation to the party in role-orientation, however, does not necessarily
imply increasing professionalisation. As a matter of fact, non-partisan and non-political resources –
especially professional ones - can strongly impact the role-orientation, but also be decisive in the very
selection of MPs by parties. As a consequence, strong contradictions between previously acquired
non-political professional habitus and values, and the MP role-set, are likely to appear, resulting on
role-conflict. Finally, constituency service appears to be less central in defining role-orientation than
the party, even if it is spectacular and often time-absorbing for the MPs.
Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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General studies
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European Journal of Turkish Studies, Thematic Issue N°3, Being a MP in contemporary Turkey, URL:
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Citation: Dorronsoro, Gilles and Massicard, Elise (2005) 'Being a Member of Parliament in contemporary Turkey',
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