Revista Ingeniería de Construcción RIC
Vol 33 Nº1 2018
ENGLISH VERSION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Characterization of blast furnace slag for road projects
Caracterización de una escoria de alto horno para proyectos
H. Rondón 1*, W. Fernández *, D. Patiño *, J. Ruge **, H. Vacca ***, F. Reyes ***
* Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá. COLOMBIA
** Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá. COLOMBIA
*** Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. COLOMBIA
Fecha de Recepción: 07/09/2017
Fecha de Aceptación: 09/03/2018
PAG 83-92
The present study evaluated the potential use of Blast Furnace Slag (BFS) as forming material of untreated granular layers in pavement (e.g. base, subbase and subgrade),
and as stone aggregate in the manufacture of asphalt mixtures. For that purpose, tests of characterization, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and
imaging in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were executed on the BFS. As a general conclusion is reported that the BFS can be used in the formation of unbound
granular layers of subbase. As granular base material, its use would be recommended on roads with low traffic volumes or with thick asphalt layers and as a selected
material, in tertiary roads that support light traffic. In the case of HMA is not recommended to use the coarse fraction of the BFS as a stone aggregate. However, the
obtained results indicate that the fine fraction shows good characteristics to be used in the production of the mastic of such mixtures.
Keywords: Blast furnace slag, BFS, granular material, road construction, pavements
El presente estudio evaluó el potencial de uso de una escoria de alto horno (BFS) como material de conformación de capas granulares no tratadas en pavimentos (base,
subbase y afirmado), y como agregado pétreo en la fabricación de mezclas asfálticas. Para tal fin, fueron ejecutados sobre la BFS, ensayos de caracterización,
difractometría de rayos X (DRX), fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX) e imagenología en un microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB). Como conclusión general se reporta
que la BFS puede ser utilizada en la conformación de capas granulares no tratadas de subbase. Como material para base granular se recomendaría su uso en vías con
bajos volúmenes de tráfico o con capas asfálticas gruesas, y como material de afirmado, en vías terciarias que soporten tráfico liviano. Para el caso de mezclas asfálticas
no se recomienda utilizar como agregado pétreo la fracción gruesa de la BFS. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos indican que la fracción fina presenta buenas
características para ser utilizado en la producción del mastic de dichas mezclas.
Palabras clave: Escoria de alto horno, BFS, material granular, construcción vial, pavimentos
1. Introduction
In construction, maintenance and road rehabilitation
projects, large quantities of natural granular materials (NGM)
are used. This results in a negative environmental impact. In
the last two decades, the interest in replacing NGM with
alternative materials has been growing in order to conserve
natural resources, reduce the space they occupy in the dumps
at the end of their useful life and prevent the deterioration of
the landscape (Pasetto and Baldo, 2010). However, with
regard to the use of alternative materials, various concerns
related to the assessment of technical and environmental
performance in road projects still exist. These concerns have
not been answered in a satisfactory manner (Nouvion et al.,
One of the alternative materials that can be used as
NGM substitutes is the Blast Furnace Slag (BFS). This material
is formed when iron ore, coke and a flux (either limestone or
dolomite) are fused together in a blast furnace (FHWA, 2008;
Marriaga and Claisse, 2011). Significant quantities of this
material are generated as waste on a daily basis in iron
industries. According to Okumura (1993), Proctor et al. (2000)
Corresponding author:
and Airey et al. (2004), the annual production of BSF in the
USA, Japan and the UK is 13, 24.3 and 4 million tons
respectively. According to Proctor et al. (2000), and Das et al.
(2007), for every ton of produced steel, a quantity between
220-370 kg and 340-421 kg of blast furnace slag is produced
respectively. The conventional method of eliminating slag is to
transport it and deposit it in dumps. This causes an
environmental problem since is occupies spaces in the landfills,
thus wasting a material that can be reused. According to
Nouvion et al. (2009), using blast furnace slag could reduce
the energy consumption during the process of NGM extraction,
thus reducing the release of pollutants into the air, water and
Some uses of the BFS include fertilizers (Geiseler,
1996), road construction (Houben et al., 2010), soil recovery
and preparation of materials such as glass-ceramics, silica gel,
bricks, etc. (Das et al., 2007). However, perhaps its broader
use is the production of cement (Shi, 2004; Das et al., 2007;
Abu-Eishah et al., 2012; Sorlini et al., 2012).
The study group identified as possible uses of BFS for
the substitution of MGN in road projects, the formation of
granular layers of subgrade, subbase and base, and as stone
aggregates for the manufacture of asphalt mixtures. Therefore,
in the present study, an experimental phase was performed in
order to assess these possible uses. For this purpose, the typical
tests conducted on the coarse and fine fractions of NGM for
Facultad del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Distrital
Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia.
[email protected]
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
their characterization were carried out on the BFS. In contrast
to other studies carried out on the BFS, in the present study the
mineralogical, chemical and microstructural composition was
measured through X-ray diffractometry (XRD), X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) and visual recognition techniques in a
scanning electron microscope (SEM).
2. Methodology
The BFS used was the type of Air-Cooled Blast Furnace
Slag - ACBFS (once the slag is out of the blast furnace, it is
slowly cooled in the open air; NSA, 2016), from the company
Acerías Paz del Río (Nobsa – Boyacá, Colombia). Figure 1
shows the coarse and fine fractions of the analyzed BFS.
Figure 1. Slag particles (coarse and fine)
2.1 Visual characterization
A phase of visual characterization was initially made to
help to identify the groups of representative samples that would
be tested in XRD, XRF and SEM. This is because the BFS is a
highly heterogeneous material (shapes and sizes of particles,
chemical constitution, texture, specific gravity, degradation
resistance and porosity, etc.) that develops complex
characteristics and properties (Akbarnejad et al., 2014). The
two types of coarse particles that predominate in the BFS used
in the present study are shown in figure 2. The particles of the
image on the left are those present in larger quantities within
the BFS (on average, approximately 65% with regard to the
number of particles), their surface color is shiny black, and
when they are ground they internally develop a grayish color.
In addition, they have a rigid and hard consistency and a mass
similar to the natural stone aggregates (NGM), even though
they are much more porous. On the contrary, the particles of
the image on the right are easy to degrade through abrasion
(even with the hands); they are lightweight, light green and can
float in water.
Figure 2. Slag particles (size between ¾” and 1” in diameter)
2.2 Typical characterization by specifications
The same tests specified to the NGM were carried out
on the BFS in the construction of untreated granular layers in
pavements (base, subbase, subgrade, etc.) and the
manufacture of asphalt mixtures such as: specific gravity and
absorption (AASHTO T 84-00, AASHTO T 85-91), degradation
of Los Angeles machine (AASHTO T 96 – 02), Micro-Deval
(AASHTO T327-05), 10% of fines (DNER-ME 096-98),
impurity content (UNE 14613:2000), plasticity index (ASTM
D 4318-00), flat and elongated indices (NLT 354-91), sand
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
equivalent (AASHTO T 176-02) and CBR (AASHTO T 19399). Every test was conducted five times and no high dispersion
was generated in the results. To conduct the CBR test, the
grading presented in Table 1 were used (BG, SBG and A refer
to the base, subbase and subgrade, respectively). Prior to this
test, the samples were compacted through the Proctor test
(AASHTO T 180), obtaining maximum dry unit weights and
optimum water contents of 16 kN/m3 and 6%, 16.6 kN/m3
and 7.1%, and 16.2 kN/m3 and 7.7% for BG, SBG and A,
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción RIC
Vol 33 Nº1 2018
ENGLISH VERSION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Table 1. Granulometry used for compaction tests and CBR (INVIAS, 2013)
Percentage that passes (%)
1 ½”
37.5 mm
25 mm
19 mm
9.5 mm
No. 4
4.75 mm
No. 40
2.0 mm
No. 80
0.425 mm
No. 200
0.075 mm
2.3 Mineralogical characterization
For the mineralogical characterization of the BFS, an
analysis based on X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) was carried out. In the XRD test, the
preparation of the sample began with a pulverizing and sieving
phase in order to guarantee a particle size smaller than 75µm.
After that, the sample was poured on an aluminum sample
holder and with the help of a spatula the excess was removed,
thus creating a flat surface on which the analysis was carried
out (please refer to the details of the procedure in Moore and
Reynolds, 1997; Chipera and Bish, 2001; Zhang et al., 2003
and Reed, 2005).
In the case of the XRF test (Beckhoff et al., 2006), the
samples were dried at 105°C for a 12-hour period. Since the
grain size of the sample was too coarse and its grading was well
graded (heterogeneous), this was reduced in an agate ball mill.
The samples were homogenized by agitation and were
prepared in the shape of meltedpearls with a sample: flux ratio
of 1:10. A mixture of lithium tetraborate and lithium
metaborate was used as a flux and lithium iodide was added in
order to prevent the samples from sticking. After that, the
samples were taken to an induction furnace. In doing so, glass
disks of 37 mm in diameter were obtained to be measured in a
semi-quantitative or quantitative application. The quantitative
analysis was carried out through the SemiQ software, with
which 11 scannings were performed in order to detect all the
elements present in the sample (H, C, Li, Be, B, N, O are
excluded as well as the transuranic elements).
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
2.4 Microstructure
The microstructure of any material that is a component
of a system that will work mechanically, governs part of its
operation, especially if this microstructure is susceptible to be
invaded by a fluid that conditions its mechanic and hydraulic
response. The preparation of the slag samples for an imaging
test was conducted through the first selection of different grains
in order to obtain a statistically reliable result. The chosen
grains were five green grains, three black grains and one white
grain. This last grain was scarce in the delivered population;
therefore, a single sample was selected. The assembly of the
sample consisted in the use of resin and hardener to obtain a
sample containing all the grains chosen. After that, the surface
of interest was mirror polished (abrasives in disks and cloths)
and then a conductive layer was deposited on the surface. The
final result of the previous metallization is shown in Figure 3.
Finally, the sample was studied by using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) and several photographs were taken of
every individual grain at different zooms to be subsequently
analyzed. In order to compare the results obtained on the BFS,
this test was also conducted on an NGM sample used as a
stone aggregate of asphalt mixtures and that has been
extensively studied and characterized by the research group
(Figure 4).
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Figure 3. Sample assembled with selected grains of BFS
Figure 4. Sample assembled with selected grains of NGM
3. Results
3.1 Typical characterization by specifications
The results of the characterization tests conducted on
the BFS are detailed in Table 2.
It is shown in Table 2 that by decreasing the size of the
BFS particles, the specific gravity increases and the absorption
decreases. This is perhaps due to the fact that during the
process of mechanical fracturing performed on the coarse
particles to obtain fine particles the latter lose part of their
porosity. In addition, the above is an indicator of an increase
in porosity with the increase in the size of the particle. Based
on the degradation results in Micro-Deval and 10% of fines,
the BFS is reported to present a good resistance to abrasion
degradation by friction between particles and to the fracturing
under monotonic loading, respectively. However, as reported
in the reference literature (e.g., Airey et al., 2004; FHWA,
2008), the BFS is a material that experiences low resistance to
abrasion degradation by impact in Los Angeles machine. In
addition, it can be observed that this material presents particles
with ideal shapes (rounded with angular and cracked sides
with very little content of elongated and flat particles) to
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
develop a good granular skeleton that helps in the compaction
processes, as well as resisting static, dynamic or impact
loading. The fine particles do not present any content of clay,
organic matter or dust. The CBRs obtained (at 100% of
maximum dry density and four-day immersion in water) were
95.3%, 88.7% and 76.1% for BG, SBG and A, respectively.
These dimensions are high and, together with the results
previously reported in Table 2 and the minimum quality
requirements required for BG, SBG and A (Table 3) indicate
that the BFS can be used as stone aggregate for the formation
of granular layers of subbase, subgrade of pavements. We
could even think of its use as material for the granular base of
roads with low traffic volumes or with thick asphalt layers,
since only it does not comply with the required maximum
resistance of 35% of degradation in Los Angeles machine.
Additionally, in the case of subgrade, caution is required since
this material would be susceptible to fracture (according to the
obtained values of degradation in Los Angeles machine and the
high porosity of coarse particles) because these layers are
subjected to the direct action of traffic in tertiary roads.
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción RIC
Vol 33 Nº1 2018
ENGLISH VERSION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Table 2. BFS characterization
Specific gravity/absorption (¾”)
Specific gravity/absorption (3/8”)
Specific gravity/absorption (No. 4)
AASHTO T 84-00
Specific gravity/absorption (No. 40)
AASHTO T 85-91
Specific gravity/absorption (No. 80)
Specific gravity/absorption (No. 200)
Resistance of Los Angeles machine, 500 revolutions
AASHTO T 96 – 02
AASHTO T327-05
10% of fines (dry)
DNER-ME 096-98
123 kN
Cracked sides: 1 side
Cracked sides: 2 sides
ASTM D 5821-01
Flat and elongated particles
Sand equivalent
AASHTO T 176-02
Impurity content
UNE 14613 : 2000
ASTM D 4318-00
Non plastic
Plasticity index
Flattening index
NLT 354-91
Elongated index
As coarse stone aggregate in the case of asphalt
concrete mixtures (DHM – dense hot mix) the high adsorption
reported in Table 2 shows the need to require higher contents
of asphalt, thus resulting in an increase in cost. Despite the
above, in some cases, this higher cost could be compensated
with higher performance (volume per mass) of BFS as an
aggregate due to the lower unit weight of the mixture. Since
this is a porous material in comparison with conventional
aggregates, it could be necessary a longer drying period in
asphalt mixture production plants. In addition, since the BFS
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
does not comply with most of the minimum quality
requirements for DHM (Table 3), the BFS will be more prone
to abrasion degradation and particle fracturing since the
vehicles are driven directly on the asphalt layer in the
pavement. However, the BFS is observed to have desirable
properties for being used as an aggregate that can substitute
the fine fraction of the stone aggregate (high sand equivalent,
non-plastic filler, zero impurity content and adsorption
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Table 3. Minimum quality requirements of stone aggregates for subgrade (A), subbases (SBG), bases (BG) and asphalt
mixtures (DHM) according to INVIAS (2013). High-traffic volume roads
AASHTO T 96-02
50% máx.
50% máx.
35% máx.
25% max.
AASHTO T327-05
30% máx.
30% máx.
20% max.
10% of fines (dry)
DNER-ME 096-98
90 kN mín.
110 kN min.
Plasticity index
ASTM D 4318-00
6% máx.
Sand equivalent
AASHTO T 176-02
25% mín.
30% mín.
50% min.
Impurity content
UNE 14613 : 2000
2% máx.
2% máx.
2% máx.
0.5% max.
Cracked sides: 1 side
ASTM D 5821-01
100% mín.
85% min.
Cracked sides: 2 sides
ASTM D 5821-01
70% mín.
70% min.
Flattening index
NLT 354-91
35% máx.
10% max.
Elongated index
NLT 354-91
35% máx.
10% max.
INV. E-148
15% mín.
30% mín.
95% mín.
Degradation Los Angeles (500
revolutions), dry
CBR (at 100% of maximum dry
density and four-day immersion in
NA: Not applicable
3.2 Mineralogical Characterization – XRD and XRF
In Figure 5, the diffractogram (powder sample)
obtained from the XRD is shown. The counts ordinate axis can
be observed. This corresponds to the intensities of each
diffracted mineral peak and the abscissas show the 2theta
angle according to the Bragg law (Equation 1).
nλ=2d sen θ
Where, n is a positive integer, λ is the wavelength of the
incident wave, d is the interplanar spacing, and θ is the
diffraction angle. Bragg (1910) showed that there is a ratio
between the interplanar spacing d in the crystal structure of a
mineral or minerals and the sine of the θ angle. The intensity of
the peak height in the y axis depends on the crystal structure
and the quantity of each mineral present in the sample
In other words, the different peaks detected are the
plane reflections in each mineral phase, which are compared
with a data basis (Brucker). The quantification is carried out
with specialized software, which operates under the RIR
method. This particular method consists of making a ratio
between relative intensities. The function modeling the
diffractogram takes into account the scale parameters, which
described the background and the shapes of the peaks,
instrument contributions and preferred orientations. In Table 4
it is possible to observe the minerals found in the analyzed BFS
Figure 5. Powder BFS diffractogram
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción RIC
Vol 33 Nº1 2018
ENGLISH VERSION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Table 4. Mineral percentages in the sample
It can be observed that the predominant minerals
(77%) are quartz (silica - SiO2) and cristobalite (hightemperature cubic phase of silica - SiO2). The silica is one of
the most abundant oxide materials in nature, where it can exist
in an amorphous manner as glass silica or in a wide variety of
crystal shapes. This material has good resistance to abrasion
(high hardness), high thermal stability and generally
acceptable mechanical properties (Table 5), as reported by
Muniandy et al. (2013). The presence of silica in all its shapes
in BFS samples can possibly generate high interlocking levels,
either between its own particles or working in combination
with NGM due to its rough texture and compression. The
results in XRD are consistent with those reported in the XRF test
(Table 6), where the predominant chemical component is
silica (SiO2) in the shape of Quartz and Cristobalite. In
addition, the analyzed BFS is reported to be comprised mainly
of silica, calcium oxide (CaO) and aluminum oxide (86.76%).
In the case of asphalt mixtures, the Al2O3 together with
CaO can be used as adhesion improves (Muniandy et al.,
2013; Modarres and Rahmanzadeh, 2014; Nassar et al.,
2016). Additionally, the SiO2 and Al2O3 are pozzolanic
compounds, which in sizes of very fine particles can develop
self-cementing properties (Misra et al., 2005). All of the above
could result in beneficial effects on the resistance to rutting,
moisture damage and stripping.
Table 5. Physical properties of quartz
Density (g/cm3)
Tensile Strength
Strength (MPa)
Elasticity Modulus
Table 6. XRF results for the sample analyzed in dry base
Weight %
of the
3.3 Microstructure
The difference between the three colors chosen from
the beginning in the BFS effectively showed three different
populations. Initially, the porosity of the samples was
calculated in order to obtain the results shown in Table 7. The
green grains have a significant dispersion, but they tend to
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
present dimensions above other populations with regard to
porosity. In white grains, the porosity is high, but it is less than
in the case of the green population. Finally, the black
population stands out for its reduced porosity and minor
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Table 7. Porosity values calculated for different grain populations
Porosity (%)
Error (%)
Green Grains
Black Grains
White Grain
In order to visually understand the results, it was
necessary to conduct SEM tests. Figures 6, 7 and 8 show
specific and representative cases of each grain sample chosen.
It is possible to demonstrate the difference between the black
grain samples and the other types of grains. In the images
shown it can be analyzed that the most frequent grain
populations in the sample (green and white) have a similar
porosity (63% and 50%), revealed by the presence of coarser
grains. In contrast, the black grain has a lower porosity as
shown in Figure 7. The quantitative values of the pore throats
of each population are consistent with the porosity obtained
since the lower the percentage of voids content in the sample,
the fewer opportunities of interconnection among them. In
addition, in the case of black grains, it can be demonstrated
that the low porosity present in the sample is translated into a
lower value in the proportion and size of the throats (Table 8).
The distribution of the pore throats of the black grain
population is not well defined due to the low porosity observed
in the image, largely controlled by the size of the grain that
tends to be smaller than in the other populations. On the other
hand, both green and white grains show a distribution that can
be visually defined with ease in the images since the
connectivity between the pores is clearly shown. Table 8 shows
the statistical summary for each population. Again, the
variation in the results of green grains is evident by means of a
significant deviation. However, it reveals a higher average in
the pore throat in comparison with the other grains.
Statistically, it can be determined that for green, black and
white grains, the pore throat average is 82.6 µm, 27.5 µm and
30.3 µm, respectively.
Based exclusively on the imaging and the pore throat
analysis, it is evident that the population of green grains
governs the behavior of the whole sample since its grains
present matches near 72% of the total population. This result
is contrary to that obtained in the visual characterization of
coarse particles, where a greater quantity of black and grayish
grains was reported. This is perhaps because, during the
process of mechanical fracturing to obtain fine particles, the
coarse green particles of the BFS are easier to degrade and
fracture. The green grains of the BFS present high porosity,
which makes us assume a priori that if this material is part of
an asphalt mixture, the binding material will adhere more easily
to them.
Seven types of grain were selected to conduct the test
on the NGM, which represented different lithological
characteristics, they did not have shared characteristics, and
they were classified according to the size, color and sphericity
of the grain. The average porosity and pore throat of the
selected grains were 7% and 12 µm, respectively. These
average porosity and pore throat dimensions are low in
comparison with those previously reported in the BFS.
Figure 6. Representative grain of the green grain population
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción RIC
Vol 33 Nº1 2018
ENGLISH VERSION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Figure 7. Representative grain of the black grain population
Figure 8. Representative grain of the white grain population
Table 8. Statistical data for each grain population
Green Grains
Black Grains
White Grains
Average (µm)
Deviation (µm)
Median (µm)
Range (µm)
Maximum (µm)
Minimum (µm)
4. Conclusions
Based on the results obtained in the case of the use of
BFS as a material in the formation of granular layers, we can
conclude the following:
Since the analyzed BFS is mainly comprised of Quartz
(silica), which is a high hardness material, it shows good
resistance to abrasion degradation by friction and fracturing
under monotonic loading. In addition, it has other
characteristics that are desirable in road projects, such as i)
particles predominantly rounded with angular and cracked
sides and very little content of elongated and flat particles
(indicators of a more compact granular skeleton which is less
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
deformable under mechanical loading). ii) high sand
equivalent (an indicator of a material that will not have an
excess of fines), iii) the fine particles do not present any content
of clay or organic material (these two materials tend to
decrease the mechanical response of granular materials in road
projects), iv) high shear resistance under controlled humidity
and density conditions. However, the high porosity of the
particles can lead to fracturing under a mechanical loading. As
a result of the aforementioned properties, the BFS can be used
with confidence in the formation of subbase granular layers in
pavements (since the traffic efforts have dissipated when they
act on this layer), as granular base material of roads with low
traffic volumes or with thick asphalt layers, and as a subgrade
in tertiary roads supporting light traffic (it is not recommended
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018
for heavy traffic since this layer in tertiary roads generally
support traffic directly).
In the case of asphalt mixtures, we can come to the
conclusion that the coarse fraction of the BFS cannot be used
since this does not meet the minimum quality requirements for
the manufacture of these materials according to technical
specifications. In addition, the coarse particles present high
porosity and thus high adsorption. The latter is an indicator of
i) probability of particle fracturing by impact or under the
action of heavy traffic and cyclic loading, ii) need of higher
contents of asphalt, resulting in cost increase, iii) higher
requirements of drying times of BFS particles in the mixture
production plants. Despite the above, the fine fraction reports
good characteristics to be used in the production of asphalt mix
mastic: i) high sand equivalent, ii) zero content of clay or
organic material, iii) since the fine fraction is mainly comprised
of pozzolanic materials, CaO y Al2O3 it can develop selfcementing properties thus increasing the resistance to moisture
damage and stripping, improving the superficial asphaltsubgrade adhesion, the inner unity of the mastic, and the
resistance of the mixture to rutting, iv) the high content of
quartz identified reveals that a high mechanical resistance and
interlocking can be developed in the skeleton of the collection
of materials.
5. References
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FHWA (2008), Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology. Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation
Innovations. User Guidelines for Waste and Byproduct Materials in Pavement Construction. Report Publication Number: FHWA-RD-97-148.
Geiseler J. (1996),. Use of steelworks slag in Europe. Waste Management, 16(1-3):59-63. doi:10.1016/S0956-053X(96)00070-0.
Houben L. J. M., Akbarnejad S., Molenaar A. A. A. (2010), (3-5 of June). Performance of pavements with blast furnace base courses. In
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Revista Ingeniería de Construcción
Vol 33 Nº1
Abril de 2018