"Latin American Digital Poetics" Dossier Call for Papers

Perífrasis opens the call for papers for the "Latin American Digital Poetics" dossier. Articles, in Spanich or English, will only be received throught the site for online manuscript submission and review in ScholarOne: Timeline and editorial process as well as papers presentation parameters are the same of the twentieth call for papers that opens on October 22, 2018 and closes on January 28, 2019.

Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica #20 Dossier LATIN AMERICAN DIGITAL POETICS GUEST EDITOR: ANAHÍ ALEJANDRA RÉ, CIECS-CONICET y UNC / FCS-UNC / FAD-FES UPC / litElat. Poetic experimentation using technical means that are unique to a particular historical moment propitiates a new catalogue of aesthetic, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and sensory experiences, and suggests different universes in meaning, which make it possible to create different reading codes or covenants. These codes, proposed under certain epochal conditions, create ways to read and ways to relate to literature, which could be considered alien to their field of studies when seen from a traditional understanding. However, these practices create tension, dynamize, and destabilize the statute of the literary in a complex manner. This calls for a continuous redefinition and reelaboration of the categories cherished by the disciplines involved in their study, as well as cross-cutting views that contribute to an increasingly complex capture and understanding of the object. In Latin America, the field of creation and criticism of digital poetry is still under configuration. Thus, this dossier seeks to gather works that reflect on the specificities of Latin American digital poetry with a historical and geographically-based vision. Writing poetry entails subverting language. Reading it entails being sensitive to its variations. Now that digital devices have become increasingly involved in our practices regarding reading, writing, imagination, projection, and the production of knowledge, we are making a call to highlight and consider poetics revealing an experiment with/in digital language that transcends the juxtaposition of multimedia stimuli and does not lose sight of the po/ethical potential of the programming language. On the one hand, this implies that no writing instances constituting the specificity of digital works should fall out of sight, whether it is writing in the surface dimension (the one that is phenomenologically observable in works) or writing in the background dimension (the one containing the code behind all digital works). On the other hand, it also implies bearing in mind that digital writing (i.e. software programming) is nowadays the dominant form of writing that runs through all social instances and has specific ways to produce meaning. If language structures thinking, and with it, subjectivities, it is also worth wondering how literate we are in this type of writing, and how digital poetics are positioned with regard to it, in order to understand the effects and implications entailed by their modes of existence. Para conocer las normas para los autores ver documento adjunto / [email protected] / Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación. Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964. Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia. Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica Therefore, the following works will be received: • Reflections on experimental digital works and poetics • Reflections on categories of literary theory put into tension by digital poetics (reading, writing, author, work, etc.) • Conceptualizations, problematizations, and analyses of digital language in Latin American works • Metacriticism of digital art and poetry • Studies on code poetry and the poetic possibilities of different programming languages • Policies on digital issues, reflections on the possibilities or limitations of digital po/ethics in digital literacy Articles will be received in Spanish and English. Papers submitted to the journal’s call for papers must not be under evaluation by any other publication and will only be received throught the site for online manuscript submission and review in ScholarOne: https://mc04. The editorial process and comunication between its actors will take place throught the e-mail system of ScholarOne. Timeline and editorial process as well as papers presentation parameters are the same of the twentieth call for papers that opens on October 22, 2018 and closes on January 28, 2019. Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación. Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964. Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.