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This investigation explains the situation in the Bangsamoro. The peace agreement, which has resulted in the cessation of hostilities between the Muslim rebels (MILF) and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), has achieved what the Bangsamoro desired: wealth redistribution and autonomy. It is argued that the present condition can be described as a state of negative peace. Now, in order to sustain the peacebuilding process, there is a need to reform the institutions in the Bangsamoro. A truly inclusive system will require the integration of Lumads, Muslims, and Christians into a societal culture of a diverse region. This integral type of peace requires the sense of belongingness and the shared future among diverse groups. If the Bangsamoro must succeed, people should co-exist sans their prejudice against each other in establishing a just and equal socio-political order.
Computational Complexity, 2012
H ow is it possible that a whole ancient civilization disappeared? Was this caused by climate changes? What type of recruitment strategy among social insects is best adapted to their particular environment? How much time does it take to evacuate an airport if people have limited perception caused by smoke as well as restricted mobility? What if many of these people travel in groups or families? How long does it take for commuters to reach their destinations if an important arterial in the Los Angeles area is closed? These are the kind of questions that can be and are answered by agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS). In this paradigm, simulated human beings or animals are modeled as agents, interacting with some of their peers as well as with their environment. The environment, as in many multiagent systems, plays a key role and must therefore be carefully taken into account. For instance, passengers seeking to leave the airport just mentioned try to find the shortest way to an exit, which may be partially hindered by debris. These are only some examples of scenarios-also characterized as complex adaptive systems-that can be investigated using ABMS. The core idea here is to use simulated agents for producing a phenomenon that shall be analyzed, reproduced, or predicted. This generative, bottom-up nature of modeling and simulation provides great potential for dealing with problems in which conventional modeling and simulation paradigms have difficulties capturing the core features of the original system. In what follows, this particular modeling and simulation paradigm, its concept, properties, and application are introduced Articles
La componente naturalistica o realistica che dir si voglia, individuabile nei “meriti di sostanza, di materia, di aria, di luce e di tono”, rappresenta una prerogativa della scuola pittorica bresciana del Rinascimento e un antefatto fondamentale per comprendere l’esperienza intrapresa più tardi da Michelangelo Merisi detto Caravaggio. Un nesso che, come rilevato per primo da Roberto Longhi e poi da una robusta tradizione critica che in parte discende dagli studi di Mina Gregori, si giustifica in virtù del lungo periodo di formazione in Lombardia di Merisi, che gli consentì di entrare in contatto con le opere di Alessandro Bonvicino detto Moretto, di Girolamo Romanino e di Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo, oltre che con quelle di Vincenzo Foppa. Si tratta di un argomento molto battuto dalla storiografia e che dunque non necessita di aggiunte, perlomeno in questa sede. Qui si intende piuttosto assestare la prospettiva sulle possibili relazioni tra il contesto storico e culturale bresciano della prima metà del XVI secolo – che costituisce l’argomento cardine di questa mostra – e la vicenda di Moretto, Romanino e Savoldo, cercando soprattutto di comprendere come si declini la loro “naturale predisposizione a tradurre in immagine le istanze ‘realistiche’ della sensibilità religiosa del tempo”, provando al contempo a verificare quanto la resa del dato di realtà fosse apprezzata in funzione delle aspettative dei committenti. Sono interrogativi di ampia portata che richiederebbero risposte di altrettanto impegno, come del resto avvenuto in occasione di ricerche anche recenti: in questa circostanza ci si limiterà a riflettere su alcuni snodi emblematici per inquadrare la questione.
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