Elites in the UK
New approaches to contemporary class divisions
Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
his paper relects on the wider implications of Mike Savage’s arguments about the
relationship between class analysis and the emerging sociology of elites1. We believe
that in the current social and political context this project is of central importance
across the globe. Elites are increasingly salient and visible social actors, and are ever
more the subject of various grievances associated with populist politics. he task of
sociologically rendering elites, removing them from the orbit of political science, and
construing their relationship to social class, is of critical importance. his involves
recognising the speciicity of the British context in this work, as a means of prising
out what might be of relevance in other political contexts.
We begin by clarifying how Savage identiies the signiicance of elites in his
past research on the uk, before discussing the development of “new elites” in the
context of neoliberal inancialisation. he third section reviews the ways in which
analyses of the elite relates to the arguments of the Great British Class Survey,
1. Before we begin, we need to explain the authorship of this paper. his arises from wider collaborations
between the three authors, Ana Paula Hey and Anna Grimaldi-Christensen, who took the initiative in
formulating the synthesis presented here, and the later assistance of Mike Savage, who takes full joint
responsibility for the arguments delivered. Nonetheless, in order to ensure clarity of exposition, Savage’s
previous research is referred to in the third party throughout this text. hanks also to Georgia Nichols
for her assistance with editing.
Elites in the UK, pp. 161-179
examining in greater detail the sociological elements of the elites as discussed by
Savage. Finally, the fourth section assesses the wider implications of this work for
the study of elites in other political contexts, particularly Brazil where this article
is being published.
social space: classes and elites
Over the past thirty years, British sociology – like that of many nations – has experienced a separation between research dedicated to social classes and that of the elites
(see the discussion in Savage e Williams, 2008). Such a shit needs to be challenged
given the fundamental dynamic of a classed society in a period of new capitalist
forms, generated by shits occurring in the late 1970s and particularly in the 1980s.
his phase is characterized by “the most rapid and dramatic shit of income, assets
and resources in favour of the very rich that has ever taken place in human history”
(Savage e Williams, 2008, p. 1). he so-called “super rich” gain visibility in the old
capitalist countries, such as the uk and the usa, and spread on a global scale, parallel to the consolidation of neoliberalism as a form of economic, political and social
organization. Besides being new in the ield of sociology (see Froud et al., 2006;
Savage e Williams, 2008; Savage, 2015), bringing the elite into view requires a new
tone in epistemological and methodological approaches shrouded in the concrete
class divisions of contemporary capitalism.
Exploring elites in times of neoliberalism also requires de-veiling the mechanisms
of social composition, distribution and the use of power and privilege, echoing
Boltanski (2013):
It is true that since the 2000s, there has developed an excellent philosophical and sociological
critique of neoliberalism. he problem, very concretely, is that it hasn’t been taken on in the
ield of politics, of course on the right, but also on the let. his forces us to wonder what
the social order in which we are immersed might be, that is to say, a form of domination
in which criticism can be expressed freely, but without producing the slightest efect. his
should prompt us, as sociologists, to look not only at the poorest, or the dominated, whose
condition disgusts us, but also, or above all, the “elites”, the “leaders” who occupy positions
of power, as well as to the devices that enable them both to implement this power and to
conceal it. We need, therefore, to better understand new mechanisms of power within a
national and global framework, and in particular how they are supported less by ideologies
aimed at formatting the desires of subjects than on the argument of necessity: “Whether
you want it or not, there is only one way”. his new phenomenon could be seen in Bourdieu
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Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
in 1976, that is, in his early days, when we published an article on “the production of the
dominant ideology”2.
Essentially, the argument developed in this section is that we must contest
the recent distinction we ind created between traditional class and stratiication
theory, and a dedicated elite theory. his will require the typical economic analytics used to deine the elite to cross-fertilise with the more sociological approach
being applied to class analysis in innovative ways. he objective is, therefore, for
research that can demonstrate a social structure which embodies class divisions but
which simultaneously considers the properties that characterize society as a whole,
analytically bringing to light a “distinct” portion with extreme levels of power and
wealth. Inspired by the construction of social classes framed by Pierre Bourdieu,
particularly in La distinction (1979), Savage sees classes as composed through three
types of capital: the economic (wealth and income), the cultural (tastes, interests
and activities) and the social, (social networks, friendships and associations). his
approach took shape in a wide collective project associated with the Cultural Capital
and Social Exclusion Project and developed together with the Centre for Research
on Socio-Cultural Change3 (see respectively: Savage et al., 2015c; Savage, 2015;
Silva, 2015). First, the project used nationally representative survey data that could
demonstrate the various forms of capital and the power that such capitals assume
in their distribution across social space. Applying multiple correspondence analysis
(mca) to the data culminated in the work organized by Tony Bennett, “Culture,
class, distinction”, published in 2009.
his study “airms that ‘the most powerful dimension of cultural diference…
relects what Bourdieu called ‘total volume of capital’, holdings of cultural and economic assets, which form the basis of social class structure’ (Bennett et al., 2009,
2. In the original: “C’est vrai qu’à partir des années 2000, s’est développée une excellente critique philosophique et sociologique du néolibéralisme. Le problème, bien concret, est qu’elle n’a pas eu prise sur le
champ politique, bien sûr à droite, mais aussi à gauche. Cela nous oblige à nous demander ce que peut
bien être l’ordre social dans lequel nous sommes plongés, c’est-à-dire une forme de domination dans
laquelle la critique peut s’exprimer librement, mais pourtant sans produire le moindre efet./Cela devrait
nous inciter, en tant que sociologues, à nous intéresser non seulement aux plus pauvres ou aux dominés,
dont la condition nous indigne, mais aussi, ou surtout, aux ‘elites’, aux ‘responsables’, qui occupent les
positions de pouvoir, et aux dispositifs qui leur permettent à la fois de mettre en œuvre ce pouvoir et de le
dissimuler. Il nous faut donc mieux comprendre les nouveaux dispositifs de pouvoir, dans un cadre national et dans un cadre global et, notamment, la façon dont ils prennent appui, moins sur des idéologies
visant à formater les désirs des sujets que sur l’argument de la nécessité : ‘Que vous le vouliez ou non, il
n’y a qu’une seule voie’. Ce phénomène nouveau, nous l’avions entrevu avec Bourdieu dès 1976, c’està-dire à ses débuts, lorsque nous avons publié un article sur ‘la production de l’idéologie dominante’”.
3. Team of key researchers composed of Tony Bennett, Mike Savage, Elizabeth Silva and Alan Warde.
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p. 251). […] hese two indicators – occupation and education – correlate strongly
because the distribution of economic capital (the key asset for class position) forms
the basis for the distribution of the other forms of capital: cultural and social” (Silva,
2015, p. 378).
For the Brazilian and wider Latin American public, such research allows an interface with the elaboration of methodological mechanisms, potentially useful from
the comparative point of view, and which involve familiar theoretical constructs. In
particular, we refer here to the fertile dialogue with Bourdieu (1966; 1979; 1985)
on constructing classes inductively, rather than through scholastic and deductive
schema. Here we depart from the notion that their expression resides, efectively,
in the: “belonging to a social structure, as a system of positions and oppositions
endowed with meaning, which confer properties of class, thus diferentiating class
condition (inherent properties) from class position (the speciicity of which is assumed given the location in a position diferent to other classes)” (Hey e Catani,
2013, p. 33). At the same time, we also refer to an essential aspect relative to how
cultural classiication systems are rooted in the class system, in which elements such
as schooling, sociocultural practices, preferences and tastes are amalgamated in a
structurally unequal distribution across agents in the social world.
his view was elaborated in analysis of data produced by the largest survey ever to
take place in the uk, the Great British Class Survey 2011 (gbcs), directed by Mike
Savage (lse) and Fiona Devine (University of Manchester)4. Developed through
collaborations between academics, the bbc Lab uk and bbc Current Afairs5, the
survey attracted responses from over 161,000 people, encompassing questions on
assets and income, cultural activities and social ties, which were then used to discern seven “new” social classes. he survey was complemented with a further 1,026
respondents, using face to face surveys conducted by the market-research irm gfk
(see Savage et al., 2015b). Asking identical questions to those in the gbcs, this data
4. his survey required an extensive and thorough elaboration by Savage and his colleagues within sociology, as it questioned the very limits of the deinition of class, not only by professional occupation, traditionally used in national census surveys, but by the conjugation of resources of material and symbolic
order (see Froud et al., 2006; Savage e Williams, 2008; Savage, 2015).
5. Segments of the publicly funded bbc (British Broadcasting Corporation). bbc Lab uk is a website that
hosted the survey. he platform to explore social class was proposed by Trippenbach, an interactive
producer at the bbc (See Devine e Snee, 2015). he web survey required twenty minutes from each
respondent to answer questions on their leisure interests, cultural tastes, social networks and economic
situation. Following the success of this stage, an interactive Class Calculator was also created by bbc
Lab uk, which takes less than a minute to ask about income, savings and house value, cultural interests
and social networks. In just a few seconds, the calculator reveals the “new” class that the respondent
belongs to. By the end of 2014, approximately 9 million people had used the Class Calculator (take the
test at http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22000973).
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Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
was used to benchmark the biases observed in the initial results, and included ity
interviews geared to rendering more qualitative evidence concerning what people
thought about class in their own words. he (big) data generated by gbcs project6
could be, and has been, interpreted in a number of ways, but what interests us here
is demonstrating those results which allow a discussion about the top of the social
structure. It is not our intention to discuss how the seven speciic classes developed
in the Great British Class Survey were elaborated by Savage and his colleagues
through the linking of forms of capital (economic, cultural and social). his would
consist of a long and ample discussion in the ield of sociology, which has already
taken place in many journals7. Furthermore, a focus on the seven classes as opposed
to the rationale behind them, as will be demonstrated in the inal section, has seen
a series of criticisms. Instead, we focus on how a very wealthy elite at the apex of the
class structure stands out, and how they form a strong and distinctive social class
in large part due to wealth, but also because they are culturally engaged and well
connected. In doing so we highlight the centrality of accumulation and therefore
the discreet categorical distinctions which deine the elite, in ways which reshape
wider class analysis and the relationship between the two.
Elites and “new elites”
In the book Social class in the 21st century, Savage et al. (2015c) focus in particular
on the very wealthy, who have exclusive social circles and enjoy similar pursuits,
oten attending the same elite universities and collecting in speciic urban locations:
“London and other major cities are becoming key venues for this elite formation”
(Savage, 2016, p. 478). Appearing nothing like the classic “old boys club”, aristocratic
land-owning stereotype of the past, the current uk elite have largely disappeared
from view, both in the public eye as well as in academic research, due largely to
poorly adapted research tools.
Conventional classiications no longer serve to locate and describe the “elite” of
British society to a satisfactory degree. hese “hegemonic social science methods”
allow the elite to slip from view (Savage e Williams, 2008, p. 7). Classic survey and
interview methods, basing results on inancial and economic data analysis, as well as
occupation and education, theoretically stem from the ideas which only recognize
6. he data can be accessed via the uk data archive (https://discover.ukdataservice.ac.uk/catalogue/?sn=
7. See, in particular, the special issues dedicated to the presentation of this research and its results, as well
as to the criticisms raised in: Sociological Review, 63 (2), 2015; Sociology, 47 (2), 2013; 48 (3), 2014; 49
(6), 2015.
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two forms of interaction or inluence between the so-called elite class and wider
society: either as key (active) agents for social change, or as (passive) instruments
which perpetuate and support existing structures. In either case, the elite is traditionally seen as some form of “establishment” that is controlled by the same group
holding inancial power. Yet according to Savage et al. (2015c), although the power
of economic capital is vital, this “establishment” is not a helpful sociological concept
because it implies greater closure and categorical separation from a wider wealthy
sector of the population than their research has indicated.
he authors contend that since the 1980s, increasing inancialisation of the
market, as well as public services, has boosted the number of higher-paid intermediary inancial elites, and “apparently diminishe[d] the role of previously dominant
managerial elites”. his “new” elite, embedded further and more subtly into society,
has a diferent role to its predecessor, which was only, as suggested, interactive with
the rest of society in its active or passive interactive roles, either as agents or instruments of social change. heir “role is not the executive management of ‘men and
things’ within corporate hierarchies but the switching or servicing of the lows of
money through market trading and corporate deals whose proits greatly increase
the numbers of working rich” (Savage e Williams, 2008, p. 10).
he structure and processes of this modern-day capitalism also function under a diferent pace in relation to the new elites – “whereas giant irms were once
long-lived survivors, they now typically have short lives, oten involving changes of
ownership” (Savage e Williams, 2008, p. 13). Increased membership coupled with
the temporality of companies’ hold on power means those at the top are required
to group, disperse, and regroup around capital, sometimes with opposing interests,
at a pace which no longer requires homogeneity:
None of this requires a unitary elite, nor any kind of ‘executive committee of the bourgeoisie’,
to reconcile sectionalism. […] Financial power thus works through the social and cultural
imaginary with unpredictable and variable efects which oten include disappointment about
the gap between promise and outcome. (Savage e Williams, 2008, pp. 13-14)
Considering these elements, Savage et al. argue that we need to overcome the
crystallized notion that elites are traditional “upper class” status groups representing reactionary survival and an opposition to the project of modernization.
Drawing on Bourdieu, the contemporary ield of power is “a scene of internal
contestation and dispute between the most powerful and well-resourced agents
from diferent sectors and professions, such as the inancial, political, legal and
journalistic elements” (Savage et al., 2015c, p. 309). he fractures, solidarities,
Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 29, n. 3
Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
and links between those at the top, seen as dialectically cohesive and dispersed,
now become relevant.
In this sense, the contemporary elite class is very diferent to the idea of a traditional ‘upper class’ as well as ‘the establishment’: an “aristocratic, landed and gentlemanly class which held sway in Britain until the later twentieth century” (Idem, p.
303), evoking images of private schools and stately homes. Events across the 1970s
and 1980s point to a decline of this reality, where the “de-industrialization of the
old manufacturing heartlands” coupled with taxation of highest earners broke down
the strong relations between this landed class and the establishment. he decline
of this system was relected in real-life contentions, such as Lady Diana Spencer’s
embodiment of “a new ladylike aesthetic which positioned itself against the heart
of the Establishment” (Idem, p. 305). Another manifestation of this shit can be
witnessed in consumer culture: throughout the 1980s this image of landed gentry
as a cultural motif acted as a goal for those intending to move up the social ladder,
representing a “vulgarization of poshness” (Idem, p. 307).
While an “establishment” is still held through those same cultural and social
mechanisms today, it no longer necessarily stems from a class characterized by land
and property ownership in the old heartlands of Great Britain. Here we once again
understand the signiicance of deconstructing traditional images and looking into
the iner details in order to relocate and characterize the aesthetic and systematic
elements of elites today.
Elites in the UK: social mobility, education, location and the “right to speak”
Having introduced Savage et al.’s interest in new elites, it is useful to relate this idea
to the indings of the gbcs (Savage et al., 2015b; 2015c). Certainly, the elite were
not the sole interest of the project, but an understanding of their new appearance
and interaction with capital, as those at the top, is vital to the main methodology
of the research in question. In light of growing inequalities, and the failures of
meritocracy and social mobility, it is necessary to understand the new class order
of British society in a way that might facilitate new dealings with social problems.
Recalling the heterogeneous nature of values which classify this new elite, Savage
and his team understood that class cannot be measured solely by economic capital,
but must also consider cultural and social capitals. Economic capital refers to accumulated wealth and income, while cultural capital focuses on tastes, interests and
activities, and social capital considers relationships, networks and associations. hese
in mind, the gbcs pulled together a composite measure which could “illuminate the
wider cultural and political signiicance of class” (Savage et al. 2015c, p. 4). At the
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same time, it is important to note that this approach understands class in the sense
of “class for itself ”, as a way of understanding how classes are formed, maintained,
and passed on through generations.
Savage et al. (Idem) argue that the augmentation of economic capital leads to “a
more complex and elaborate hierarchy of economic positions in the middle ranges
of society”. While the top and bottom of the spectrum form coherent opposing
images when it comes to the combination of income, savings and relationships to
property, the middle sections appear more less clearly delineated. Here, occupation, for example, no longer associates with income quite so straight-forwardly,
and accumulation as a long-term process plays a much more important role than
previously understood.
he implications of this form of class analysis are considerable. Classes are not
usefully seen as clearly bounded categorical groups, deined by some unitary criteria (such as occupation). Classes exist – if they exist at all – as social formations,
crystallising particular combinations of capitals. Following Bourdieu (1979; 2000),
this rescues class analysis from the “scholastic point of view” and insists on class as
only meaningful historically, and as actual social agents with the potential to drive
social and political change.
Here we can note the shit in the analysis of the gbcs from the initial 2013 paper
to that portrayed in the 2015 book. In the former paper, seven classes were deined
using latent class analysis of measures of economic, social and cultural capital from
the nationally representative GfK survey. However, this mode of presentation tended
to reify these seven classes and led to considerable criticism (e.g. Mills, 2015). he
2015 book adapted the subtly diferent emphasis that heuristically the gbcs analysis
deined an elite at the top and a precariat at the bottom, but that the other classes
in the middle ranges were rather more nebulous and their precise deinition would
be afected by measurement issues. his argument was analytically very important:
rather than ixating on the relationship between the middle and working classes
which has been the staple focus of class analysis, here it is the boundaries at the top
levels of the class structure which are crucial.
In light of this work, the uk elite have been repainted. Precisely because there
was a sample skew in the gbcs by geographical region (towards London and the
South East), income (towards the wealthy), occupation (towards professionals and
managers) and level of education (towards those with university qualiications), this
led to a proportionately exaggerated amount of data on “those at the top”, a very
unusual outcome in the British context. his fact has been used to an advantage,
building an in-depth picture of the elite and the new evidence of mechanisms which
keep them at such a position.
Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 29, n. 3
Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
One of Savage’s main analytical points, (partly following Piketty, 2013) is that
it is necessary to move away from a focus on the super-rich, or the top 1% “superwealthy” to include a rather larger portion of British society (the elite were deined
as 6% of the population in Savage et al., 2013). Occupationally they are characterized
in frequency in descending order: chief executive oicers (a large majority); it and
telecommunications directors; marketing and sales directors; functional managers
and directors; barristers and judges; inancial managers; dental practitioners; advertising and public relations directors. hese occupations are associated with levels
of economic capital which set them well apart from any other social group, with
household income (ater tax and other deductions) around £89k, almost double
that of the next highest class, and an average house price of £325k, by far the highest
compared to any other class. In addition, their average savings are particularly high,
well over double that of any other class.
In more speciic terms, they can be categorized as follows:
he elite have close to the highest number of social contacts, though partly for this reason
their mean status score is not the highest of all the classes, but the second highest (since if
one knows a large number of people, this makes it more likely for them to know both high
and low status people). hey also score the highest on “highbrow” cultural capital, though
by a less marked margin than for their economic capital, and they have moderately high
scores on emerging cultural capital – so it would be unwise to just see them as highbrow. […]
hey have the lowest proportion of ethnic minorities, the highest proportion of graduates,
and over half come from families where the main earner was in senior management or the
professions. hey are clearly a relatively exclusive grouping, with restricted upward mobility
into its ranks. […] Graduates of elite universities are over-represented amongst their ranks,
especially from Oxford, City, Kings College London, lse, Cambridge, Bristol, London South
Bank, Imperial College and Trinity College Dublin. Strikingly, six of these universities are
located in London, only Trinity is from outside the south of England. Geographically, their
residences are all over-represented in the south east of England, and especially in areas close
to London in the aluent Home Counties (Savage et al., 2013, pp. 233-234).
A number of further aspects deserve closer observation, such as those linked to
social mobility, education, location and political participation. Using the analogy
of climbing a steep mountain, Savage et al. (2015c, pp. 188-189) demonstrate the
huge economic diferences between those at the top and bottom. With inequalities
well above what they were for previous generations, these mountains “now rise[ing]
much further above the valley than they did three decades ago” (Idem, p. 188). he
skills required to climb these mountains – that is, to get ahead of others – appear
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to be based on “itness, talent, determination and endeavour” (Idem, p. 188), but
also require the mobilisation of capitals by parents and individuals.
In this light, and despite the hope and belief in the possibility of upward mobility, the gbcs data has revealed that the higher class you are, to follow the metaphor,
the higher up the mountain you were to begin with. For example, “51% of those in
our elite class had parents who were in class 1 (senior managerial and professional)
compared to only 11% who had parents who were in the precariat” (Idem, p. 193).
What further data shows is that while it is possible to move up, it is extremely likely
you will remain in an economic, social or cultural camp similar to that of your parents, and though rising is hard, falling is less likely.
While many of these results may seem to prove what many sociologists have long
argued regarding the problematic of social mobility, this unique insight on cultural
and social capital reveals a further layer of complexity to the argument. Evidence
points to a link between the type of profession and the likelihood of entry for individuals of a diferent background. If technical emerging professions are accepting of
the upwardly mobile, the more traditional professions in law, business and medicine
rely on “the more opaque and hard-to-acquire resources of cultural and social capital
that the privileged tend to inherit from their parents” (Idem, p. 197).
Considering the cultural conidence and perceived political power held most
highly by those of elite status, it holds that the three capitals are interdependent in
maintaining these particular types of professions in similar hands. Further to this,
the gbcs revealed that even when upward mobility occurs, there exists a very real
“social class background pay gap”, in which the salary for the same career and position
vary according to the employee’s background. For example, the ceos, directors and
presidents whose parents were either senior managers or in the traditional professions currently earn a salary of around £100k per year, while those whose parents
were manual labourers or never worked have an average wage of around £83k. In
addition, they will continue to have accumulated less cultural and social capital
than those from more advantaged backgrounds (Idem, p. 216; see also Laurison e
Friedman, 2016).
he exclusivity of the elite continues to hold true when it comes to education.
he results of the gbcs drew fascinating lines between particular institutions and
high levels of capitals, showing that, today, entry to the elite is disproportionately
linked to speciic universities. his research showed that it is not whether you go to
university or not, but which university that matters more. While we have come a
long way in terms of opening university doors to people of all kinds of backgrounds
(the igure currently standing at about half of all under thirty-year-olds in Great
Britain), “expansion has not, unfortunately, led to greater equality among young
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Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
people” (Savage et al., 2015c, p. 224). Firstly, this is because the number of “disadvantaged” attending university has grown, but so also have the numbers for those
already in the elite, thus when we look at the gap between the two, the evidence of
improvement is marginal. he overall efect of increasing university attendance has
actually seen a “tightening association between graduate status and membership of
the most advantaged groups in British society” (Idem, p. 229).
here are currently over 150 universities in the uk, with considerable variations
in status, determined largely by the age, size, character of the faculties and social
recruitment of students. he older universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, are
based on a system of colleges, with many traditional features and famed reputations
for their research, who generally receive students from the most favoured classes (the
elite and established middle class). At the same time, the system loodgates other
institutions, classiied by Savage et al. (Idem, p. 233) as follows: redbrick universities, such as Birmingham, Manchester and Sheield; plateglass universities, such as
Sussex, Warwick and York, and; newer, post-1992 institutions, converted en masse
to university status this year, which tend to have more varied social groups in their
student body.
While elite status association with top universities in Great Britain is no surprise,
the particular data of the gbcs provided new further layers of detail. Proving more
concentrated than previously expected, the elitist circles of exclusivity within universities is manifest. he elite exceptionality is tighter packed within a smaller number
of universities than in the traditionally classed “Oxbridge” (Oxford and Cambridge
universities) and “Russell Group” members (a cluster of the best 24 universities in the
uk) (see Wakeling e Savage, 2015). he hierarchy between students from diferent
universities is very visible. Even within the same city of Bristol, for example, with its
University of Bristol (widely considered “for Oxbridge rejects” and more middleclass or “posh”), and the University of the West of England (seen as more working
class) the “students associate the two diferent universities with young people from
diferent social classes who are distinguished by diferent behaviour, clothes, and so
on – what Bourdieu would label as diferent ‘habitus’” (Savage et al., 2015c, p. 237).
Here we reach another distinguishing feature within the gbcs’s view of class:
location. Rather than separating the social and spatial, Savage emphasises how these
are inter-related: classes form in speciic locations which are central to their being. A
form of hierarchical geography favouring particular capital accumulations ran across
a number of dimensions, mostly urban-rural, north-south, and the metropolitan
capital of London versus Greater London. Location is also shown to correspond
with other pockets of economic, cultural and social capital, such as house prices,
school quality and job opportunities, making accumulation an even easier task for
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those who are already higher up the “mountain”. Additionally, new spatial factors
also help us to understand the changing shape of the elite and new structures of
capital: “he old aristocratic class with roots in the land, at the apex of the class
structure, has given way to a more fundamentally urbanized class” (Idem, p. 297).
London, a historically rich centre in terms of all forms of capital, is the home
for most of the elite as deined by the gbcs’s categorization. Arguing against the
stance that London is characterized by transnational “placeless” elites, the survey
demonstrates “distinctive forms of elite territoriality at work” both in the centre
of London and the South East of England. his is seen through higher levels of
household income, property value, household savings, concentration of higher-status
social networks, both highbrow and emerging cultural capital, and opportunities
for higher-paid employment (see Cunningham e Savage, 2015, pp. 334-337 for a
visual presentation of these distributions).
Using a further unit of analysis on the elite only, the Local Indicator of Spatial
Association allows us to understand how the elite is spread across a given space.
Applying a local regression methodology (Anselin, 1995; O’Sullivan e Unwin,
2003), Cunningham and Savage (2015) consider capitals surrounding a given area
in relation to it, giving measures of high elite areas close to other elite areas, low
elite areas close to other low elite areas, but also high elite areas close to low elite
locations, and the inverse. Having utilized this, it becomes obvious that the London
and South East elite form “distinctive patterns of cultural engagement”. Not only do
they ind that all forms of capital are most highly clustered in these areas, but that
they correspond with occupation, painting a picture of an even more concentrated
presence of business, cultural and legal elites all centred around London. he most
advantaged is perhaps the London business elite because of the “economic power
within this group is exclusively clustered in the south-east of England, where property
values in addition to higher average income levels act to mark out a sub-group of
elevated inancial advantage” (Cunningham e Savage, 2015, p. 341).
his contrasts with the elite in areas such as Lancashire (North West England)
and North Wales, where high income is generally coupled with low property value.
hus, London is a distinctive place where high levels of capital correlate and reproduce each other, further breeding and accentuating the advantages of this elite.
he inal aspect of exclusive privilege to be discussed is that of political participation or political conidence. Earlier, this rather abstract form of privilege,
conidence, was mentioned in the context of cultural capital, where one of the main
markers in elite or higher class cultural capital was a sense of conidence and ability
to manoeuvre through a wide range of topics pertaining to the “emerging” cultural
capital, coupled with a negative judgement of those who could not. Additionally,
Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 29, n. 3
Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
the elite are notably more aware of this form of privilege they have over others. As
pointed out by surveys, the elite are the most likely to see themselves as being “at
the top” and “have a distinctive sense of their own privileged class identity” (Savage
et al., 2015c, p. 371). his in mind, it is worth considering aspects of politicization
and power as further characteristics of the elite. Returning to Bourdieu’s notion of a
“right to speak”, Laurison (2015, p. 351) has used the rich data of the gbcs to better
understand these aspects. In his view, the well of and well educated demonstrate
greater participation in politics and also have at their disposal the economic capital
to perform “other forms of persuasion” (Idem, p. 349) which in general correlate
with “dominant or elite culture, practices and positions” (Idem, p. 351).
Creating a dialogue between gbcs/GfK data on the elite and research carried
out by Clark and Acock (1989), Laurison examines responses to two main questions: “Can I inluence British decisions?” and “Would I contact a uk government
oicial or Member of Parliament?” Next, he experiments with variables of education, income, occupation and age to better understand the main factors in play. he
picture of those elite with the greatest “right to speak” is clear: political participation
is more likely if you are a university graduate earning over £200k. Additionally, there
is a positive correlation between a sense of “the right to speak” and age, up until the
age of 66 when this begins to decline (Laurison, 2015, p. 357). Furthermore, he
notes diferences in the iner details that demonstrate a trajectory, where attending
a fee paying secondary school and later attending Oxbridge puts you in the best
‘position’ sociopolitically. his may suggest that paying for schooling is enough to
give your children the political conidence they need to do well in life, yet further
data demonstrates how this trajectory even begins well before schooling takes
place: even if you are now in the elite, your parents’ origins matter when it comes
to political engagement: “Growing up in a family with a main earner in a higherstatus occupation (and thus likely with a high income and greater educational and
cultural capital) is positively associated with greater political engagement among
gbcs respondents” (Idem, p. 361).
Thinking elites: limits and possibilities
he construction of classes as expressed in the work of Savage and his colleagues
required that the data had to be approached both epistemologically as well as empirically. Previous ways of conceiving class had to be rethought so that class analysis is
it for the analytical challenges of the 21st century. Work of such a nature involves
academic polemics in itself, as well as arising amongst a long tradition of debates on
class. Generally, the critics which have addressed work stemming from the gbcs can
Dezembro 2017
Elites in the UK, pp. 161-179
be categorized in these two ways. First, there are critics who dispute the idea that
classes are not only determined economically, a notion empirically rooted in the
strong tradition of basing surveys on income and professional categorization; and
second, how to measure and deploy types of capital which tend to be understood as
non-determinant amongst social diferences, those relating to culture and social ties.
An attempt to substantiate these elements has led to multiple debates, such as
Collin Mills’ (2015) critique of the collection and use of data, May’s disappointment
in its descriptive nature which fell short of the practicality and ‘human betterment’
(May, 2015) hoped for by readers, or Skeggs’ (2015) disagreement with the survey’s
terminology of choice. However, for the purposes of this article, which focuses on
the topic of the elite, we distance ourselves from the extensive debate on methodology and refer interested readers to the now considerable literature so they can make
up their own minds.
Next, we turn to the critiques which found fault in Savage’s deinition of class8.
In the main, this was picked up by Marxist based understandings of class relations.
For Alberto Toscano and Jamie Woodcock, an understanding of the elite based on
its relation to other classes, i.e, through exploitation, cannot be ignored. hey argue
that capital accumulation could be used to explain inancialisation such as via the
housing market (Toscano e Woodcock, 2015, p. 518), but would also render the
survey conscious and applicable to more global structures. For Beverley Skeggs,
on the other hand, the problem lies in a confused conlation of the terms “class”
and “stratiication”: “he gbcs claims to be a relational analysis but it is more a
gradational mapping of status, as Harriet Bradley (2014) notes” (Skeggs, 2015, p.
212). For her, it is the additional element of legitimating symbolic power that allows
gradual stratiications to be understood as class. In other words, recognizing and
self-identifying with the “symbolic mechanisms that uphold class power” (Idem,
p. 213) such as exploitation, domination, dispossession and devaluation is vital to
understanding class. Yet, Savage himself stated that: “the fundamental argument of
the cars [capitals, assets, and resources] perspective is that class is not to be conlated
with the division of labour, or with concepts such as exploitation, which also become
loaded and moralistic” (Savage et al., 2015c, p. 47). he problem raised by these
criticisms is that they appear to return class analysis to a theoretical discussion of
irst principles (is class seen “relationally”, how is class related to “exploitation” etc.),
rather than used for actual analysis of real world situations. Here, it is incumbent on
critics of the gbcs to show that their perspectives make sense of the current political
situation better. his is not a step which has been taken so far.
8. See also Latimer e Munro (2015) and Tyler (2015) for further discussions on class.
Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 29, n. 3
Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
he applicability to the gbcs for contexts other than the uk is another source
of criticism. For Tai-Lok Lui (2015), for example, structural diferences in China,
where institutions oten play a vital role in class formation and reproduction means
that consumption as seen by Savage would not be so appropriate. Savage’s work
therefore lacked the transferable quality which would give it extra credit, a fact
which is addressed in the book itself:
We do not claim that the British experience is typical or that it lays down a course which
other nations will follow. Far from it. However, we do think that the issues discussed here
are unlikely to be conined to this country alone and will have resonances around the planet,
even while we fully acknowledge that as one of the wealthier nations in the world, the relationship between wealth elites and poorer classes will be very diferent in other countries
(Savage et al., 2015c, p. 18).
he gbcs is not a template to be applied to diferent nations, but an encouragement to relect on how economic, social and cultural capital may crystallise in various contexts. his having been said, taking elites seriously is something which may
have wide resonance across the globe given economic trends towards the growing
fortunes of the wealthy. Taking Savage’s advice, we consider the possibilities of such
a project in the case of Brazil, where this article is being produced and where inding
and measuring the key factors in perpetuating massive inequality might beneit from
considering the approach and scale of the gbcs. While it goes without saying that
the self-labelled experiment cannot be transferred without irst working on methodological adjustments and a consideration of Brazil’s unique capital structures, the
particular combination of data and the scale of the project could ofer new insights.
Firstly, we have seen how the data has highlighted the importance of cultural and
social capital in determining divisions and maintaining class boundaries, especially
across time. Secondly, the data collected has allowed for an extremely in-depth view
of where other more particular forms of inequality are present, namely when looking at education and location, and therefore where they can begin to be dealt with.
Location and education are of particular interest in the Brazilian context, of which
we are informed via an abundance of research on inequality which considers variables
of economic and cultural capital. his includes studies on territorial occupation in
the big cities as a class inlection, as well as the perverse situation of the schooling
process, which sees heightened disparities related to institutional quality, access
and permanence of privileged social groups, and exclusion of less favoured classes.
In this light, the applicability of the gbcs to elites in a country like Brazil can
be measured much more by the inquiries that the study itself has been provoking
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Elites in the UK, pp. 161-179
in terms of similarities and diferences. If, on the one hand, questions of current
inequality can bring two contexts together, the historical mechanisms of production of these disparities assume irreducible particularities. But if we think of the
inequalities from the coniguration of the new inancial capitalism and the political
changes brought about by neoliberalism, would we have conluences in the formation of the “new elites”? Is there a new rearrangement of transnational classes that
could be more visible in countries like Brazil, not only in relation to those belonging
to the universe of the richest 1%?
he framework of British society demonstrated in the work of Savage presents
speciic cleavages, but the methodological elements which seek to deine the structure of distribution for diferent types of capital is an important contribution to
elite studies in the country. In this light, what is the dividing structure of classes
stemming from the three types of capital (economic, cultural and social)? What are
the characteristics of the cars (capitals, assets, and resources) that mobilize for the
elite and in which spaces do they guarantee them power? Would the Brazilian elite
also be fractioned from a more traditional nucleus, composed of an urban-industrial
aristocracy as well as a landed gentry, and a further urban-inancial group concretized
by inancial intermediaries? Where do we situate the professional-liberals and the
body of high state bureaucracy, marked by retaining distinctive types of capital in
the country?
In sum, the gbcs’s research on the elite is an important means to think about
investigating other social structures that are strongly polarized by the unequal distribution of various types of capital. Absorbing the wealth of material made available by
the gbcs in the logic of the British society in question has already posed a challenge
to sociological research, but linking this analysis to other empirical contexts is what
would enable, perhaps, valued feedback to this endeavour.
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Elites in the uk: new approaches to contemporary class divisions
he aim of this article is to demonstrate the “new” elites emerging in the uk amidst the economic,
political and social context of neoliberalism. To do this, we examine the works of Mike Savage
regarding what elite studies have meant for contemporary forms of social division. Using data
from the Great British Class Survey, the author underlines sociological elements that are central
to the composition of this inancialised elite. We describe cleavages in terms of social mobility,
education, location and politicization that are generated through the concentration of distinct
types of capital (economic, social and cultural). Departing from the speciic context of Great
Britain, we intend to contribute to the development of a sociology of elites, through a discussion of both new perspectives and the limits and possibilities of treating diferent geographic,
political and social contexts.
Keywords: New elites; Elites in the uk; Financialised elite; Elites and social divisions.
Tempo Social, revista de sociologia da USP, v. 29, n. 3
Ana Paula Hey, Anna Grimaldi-Christensen and Mike Savage
Elites no Reino Unido: novas abordagens para divisões de classe contemporâneas
O objetivo do artigo é demonstrar as “novas” elites que emergem no Reino Unido no contexto
econômico, político e social do neoliberalismo. Para tal, utilizam-se os amplos trabalhos de Mike
Savage acerca do signiicado do estudo de elites para as formas contemporâneas das divisões sociais.
Os dados do Great British Class Survey servem de base para este autor delinear os elementos
sociológicos centrais da composição destas elites da inanceirização. Descrevem-se as clivagens
em termos de mobilidade social, educação, localização e politização geradas pela concentração
de distintos tipos de capital (econômico, social e cultural). A partir da especiicidade britânica,
pretende-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento da sociologia das elites tanto na discussão de
novas perspectivas quanto nos limites e possibilidades da abordagem em diferentes contextos
geográicos, políticos e sociais.
Palavras-chave: Novas elites; Elites no Reino Unido; Elites da inanceirização; Elites e divisões
Texto recebido em 1/2/2017 e aprovado em 4/7/2017. doi: 10.11606/0103-2070.
ana paula hey is associated professor of sociology at University of São Paulo, Brazil.
anna grimaldi-christensen is PhD Candidate King’s College London and visiting PhD
student at University of Sao Paulo.
mike savage is professor of sociology and co-director of International Inequalities Institute of
London School of Economics, uk.
Dezembro 2017