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Abstrak. The research was made on the campus of Universitas Atma Jaya, Makassar. Makassar city is the eastern city of Indonesia, but often experience flood in the rainy season, consequently many roads damaged by puddles, like the example that occurred on the path of Atma Jaya Makassar campus there are puddles, holes that can be dangerous for road users who pass through. There is significant rainfall in most months of the year. The dry season has little impact on the climate as a whole. The climate here is classified as Am based on the Köppen-Geiger system. The average temperature in Makassar is 26.2 ° C. Precipitation here averages 2875 mm. In the experiment test is done with several press tests using a compression test tool. It consists of 3 samples of 3%, 4% and 5% asphalt, which from the results of the research can be concluded that the higher level of pith high compressive strength of the asphalt.
The porous asphalt mixture is a new generation of flexible pavement that is able to pass water in the upper layer (wearing course) both vertically and horizontally. The porous asphalt layer effectively provides more safety, especially when it rains to avoid aquaplaning which causes roughness of the surface to be more rough. Therefore, at this time there are many studies on the use of alternative materials to replace the limited natural materials with materials that can be utilized. The results showed that porous asphalt mixture with used tire crumb as a fine aggregate mixture had an increase in flow value of 6.32% with a decrease in stability value by 27.52% and a decrease Marshall Quotient value at 31.82%. The testing of roughness is increased by 17.71% and Mu-Meter 24.14%. This research is effective in overcoming environmental problems which include processing tire waste of 3.03 tons for 1 km of road pavement construction work.
Istanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 2008
Yayına Geliş (Recieved): 25.06.08, Yayına Kabul (Accepted): 29.01.09 ÖZ: Elastisite modülü (Ei) tünel ve madencilik kazıları ile kaya şev stabilitesi analizi gibi pek çok mühendislik projesinin tasarımında kullanılan önemli bir parametredir. Elastisite modülünün doğrudan belirlenebilmesi güç olup, deney için yüksek kalitede karotlar gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle elastisite modülünün tayini için dolaylı yollara da başvurulmaktadır. Literatürde değişik istatistiksel yöntemleri kullanarak elastisite modülünün kestirimini amaçlayan bu yöntemlerin en önemli eksikliği az sayıda veriye dayanmalarıdır. Bu çalışmada, İstanbul'daki metro kazıları kapsamında yapılan sondajlardan alınan karotlardan elde edilen 441 adet veri kullanılarak değişik litolojilerdeki kayaçların tek eksenli basınç dayanımları (UCS) ile elastisite modülü arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Sonuçta, tek eksenli basınç dayanımı ile elastisite modülü arasında kuvvetli bir ilişki olduğu ve bu ilişkiye dayanılarak elastisite modülünün yaklaşık olarak tahmin edilebileceği görülmüştür.
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2015
The temperature in the asphalt pavement layer varies which is influenced by climatic environment factors, such as air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and the reflection of the pavement surface. Indonesia has a specific tropical climate characteristics and a temperature observation station was placed on the national road segment of Singaraja - Amlapura (Km 81 + 100 - Km 95 + 00) which is located in Karangasem regency in the eastern of Bali Region, Indonesia, to monitor air temperature, humidity and temperature of asphalt pavements at depths of 00 mm, 20 mm and 70 mm. It is obtained that, there was a positive linear relationship between the air temperature and asphalt pavement temperature. Based on the statistical analysis and test models, it can be concluded that both variables have a high correlation, and most of the asphalt pavement temperature variation can be explained by those two independent variables.
Procedia Engineering, 2015
The temperature within the asphalt pavement layers varies due to the influence ofenvironmental factors including air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and the reflectance of pavement surface. The temperature distribution on the cross section of asphalt pavement layer is considerably important in connection with the strength characteristics of various asphalt pavement designs. This study develops model of asphalt pavement temperature for tropical climate conditions in Indonesia which has a specific climate characteristics. Indonesia is located on a narrow range of latitudes (6 0 North-11 0 South) and is crossed by the equator. Indonesia has a tropical climate and experiences lots of sunlight, rainfalls and high humidity throughout the year. The national road of Denpasar-Gilimanuk (Km 102) segment, Negara regency in the western of Bali is selected as a case study area. Thermocouples sensors equipped with data loggers were installed in various depths. Based on the SAGA Technology program, the temperatures were recorded every 30 minutes. About 336 observational data were recorded which include hourly variations of temperature and humidity as well as pavement temperature in various depth. It was found that there was a strong positive linear correlation (r > 0.8) between the air temperature and the temperature of the asphalt pavement. On the other hand, a strong negative linear correlation (r >-0.8) between the humidity and temperature of the pavement was found. Linear regression models were developed to predict the temperature of the asphalt pavement by using temperature and humidity as independent variables. The results indicated that the model has a good estimation accuracy.
The aim of this study is to recharge ground water to underplaying aquifers and reduce risk of flood condition. Porous asphalt pavement is an alternative technology that differs from traditional asphalt pavement designs, that the pavement permits fluid to pass freely through it. Porous asphalt pavement also reduces and control surface runoff of surrounding area. This technique also can be used as additional way of storm water management. The past few studies suggests that, porous asphalt pavement intended to be used for parking lots, storm water management, water quality treatment, peak flow reduction and noise control. The research has focused on improving quality and quantity of ground water. This study includes model making and checking performance of that constructed pavement model. Study investigates performance of aggregates and porous asphalt used in projects, such as properties of aggregates like impact value, crushing value, specific gravity, abrasion test. Tests performance...
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 2022
Current pavement design methods do not allow for the reduction of early deformation of the surface layers of bituminous pavements in the city of Ouagadougou. Weather conditions combined with traffic, particularly during heat waves, are factors. The temperature at the surface of the bituminous pavement can reach 62˚C but the complex modulus associated with this temperature is not taken into account in the design, hence the interest in proposing laws of dependence of the complex moduli is taken into account in the maximum temperatures of the pavement surface. The objective of this paper is to propose an experimental method to determine the temperature dependence of the complex moduli of asphalt mixes for temperatures between 40˚C and 70˚C. This experimental method consists of performing axial compression tests on cylindrical asphalt specimens. It was applied to three different formulas of bituminous mixes, intended for the wearing course, obtained from mixes of crushed granites, granular classes 6/10, 4/6 and 0/4, pure bitumens of grade 50/70, 35/50 and modified bitumen of grade 10/65. The comparative study of the experimental results obtained with the results of a semiempirical methodology revealed a root mean square deviation from the mean of between 6.58% and 14.8% of the norms of the complex moduli (modulus of rigidity) of the asphalt mixes for a fixed frequency of solicitations of 10 Hz. The consistency of these results with data from the literature led to the initial conclusion that asphalt mixes formulated with 35/50 and 10/65 bitumen would have better compressive strength than those formulated with 50/70 bitumen, for exposure temperatures between 40˚C and 70˚C.
This study represents the experimental work related to porous pavement feasibility at Khokhra circle. Nowadays porous pavement is a new concept introduced worldwide. In India and other countries research is going in positive direction. There are many advantages of porous pavement. Porous pavements allow storm water runoff to filter through surface voids into an underlying stone reservoir where it is temporarily stored and/or infiltrated. For this study khokhra area of Ahmedabad city has been selected with the specific road network from the Laxminarayan society to Khokhra circle, Madrasi mandir to Anupam cinema and Haripur housing to Hatkeshwar circle. The above road network has the history of the accumulation of water in the area during the monsoon season for long duration. To study the above objective, the rainfall data for the area during the different day, month is collected. The volume data is the other important aspect for identifying the low volume road. The quality of soil sub grade is the other data, which is collected for determining the thickness of porous asphalt concrete at this road network. The soil quality is also useful in order to identify suitability of disposal of the seepage ground water nearby to the stream/artificial drainage link.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan di DAS Garang Jawa Tengah Tahun 1994, 2001 dan 2008 terhadap retensi potensial maksimum air oleh tanah pada kejadian hujan sesaat (storm rainfall). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode SCS yang dikembangkan oleh The Soil Conservation Services. Data yang digunakan adalah data penggunaan lahan yang diekstrak dari citra Tahun 1994, citra 2001 dan citra 2008 menggunakan software ENVI dan peta tanah DAS Garang skala semi detail. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa retensi potensial maksimum air oleh tanah pada kejadian hujan sesaat di DAS Garang semakin menurun. Hal ini disebabkan semakin luasnya lahan terbangun dan semakin sempitnya lahan non-terbangun. Kondisi ini akan menyebabkan imbuhan terhadap airtanah di DAS Garang semakin kecil dan debit puncak banjir akan semakin besar.
The test Indirect Tensile Strength for asphalt quality 3%, 4%, 5% are 0.0673, 0.325, 0.2370 subsequently. Cantabro test, loss weight for asphalt quality 3%, 4%, 5% are 77.10, 14.56, 9.70 subsequently. Coefficient vertical test permeability 0.1795 for asphalt 3%, 0.2029 for asphalt 4%, and 0.1596 for asphalt 5%, Unconfined Compressive Strength, Modulus elasticity 146.543 and ratio poisson 0.095831 for asphalt 3%, Modulus elasticity 91.450 and Ratio poisson 0.206009 for asphalt 4%, and, Modulus elasticity 32.119 and radio poisson 0.778059 for asphalt 5%, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) results of EverStressFE analysis for multilayer soil-rigid are vertical deflection 0.5 mm, vertical microstrain (εz) + 0 s/d 200 on deepness 150 mm, and for m ultilayer soil-rigid-asphalt results vertical deflection (Uz) + 0.64 mm on the surface and + 0.4 mm on the deepness of 50 mm, and vertical microstrain vertical (εz) +-6400 s/d-7200 on the surface, +-4800 s/d-5600 on the deepness of 150 mm. As the result of laboratory test soil-rigid are vertical deflection each point 1.535 mm, 1.535 mm, 4.505 mm, 2.45 mm, 4.19 mm, dan 3.61 mm, and microstrain C1 to C4 0.36,-37.68, 44.44, 43.48, and the results of test Multilayer soil-rigid-asphalt are vertical deflection each point 1.576 mm, 0.075 mm, 3.7 mm, 1.985 mm, 2.48 mm, 0.986 mm, and the value of asphalt course microstrain is 655.
Geomorphology of the study area consists of rolling hills with slopes relief of moderate to rough. Slope toward south and southeast. The landfill site of Sarimukti are on steep hillsides, 16-25% slope, flanked by a ridge and ridge Sarimukti Margaluyu. What the study is about 100-400 meters from the highway west Rajamandala-Bojongmekar, Cipatat, West Bandung. Drainage pattern in this area is dendritoparallel. Volcanic sediments underlying the landfill site of Sarimukti is lapili-tuff lithologies of Cibeureum Formation. This rock unit has a thickness of up to approximately 28 meters, consists of sandy tuff rockgravelly (lapilli) and results of its wheatering, ie clayey-silt. Mixing the components in the form of lapili fragments. Based on hydrogeology, Sarimukti landfill and surrounding area has two aquifer systems, which are composed by rock aquifer sandy tuff, clayey-silt soils at the top of the unsaturated zone (aquifer was depressed / free) and aquifer half depressed / half-free, which has silty clay layer on the top of which belong to the layer aquitard. In this area the clayey silt soil hydraulic conductivity value is 10-3 cm / sec, while the sandy tuff rock layers at the bottom has a hydraulic conductivity of 10-2 cm / sec. Based on the topographic contour map and analysis estimated that the flow of groundwater in the area of landfill site Sarimukti and surrounding consists of four flow direction, the direction relative to the southeastern slope (hydraulic gradient) + 20-40%, towards the east with a slope of +10%, relative southwestern direction with a slope of + 10-20%, and the south with a slope of + 10%. Groundwater contamination that occurred in Sarimukti trend indicated by a pattern of chloride and bicarbonate ion plume to the southeast. The pattern of the spread of contamination is influenced by the direction of the slope of the tuff rock layers beneath the landfill and groundwater flow direction is affected, as well as the content of clay minerals in the bedrock around the landfill site (in the example of rock / soil only reach 54%, so the conservative anions such as chloride can still be move freely). Therefore, the selection of the location of landfills in the area Sarimukti is not good enough if it is not offset by the implementation of the system and monitoring the landfill
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