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2013, City City magazine
7 pages
1 file
A discussion of the cities of the past, present and future.
Cities over the world face complex and rapidly evolving challenges. Ranging from climate, to poverty, economic downturns and demographic shifts, cities now need to confront an unprecedented array of issues. Addressing them requires ingenuity and versatility, whether in policymaking, investment decisions or everyday livelihoods. Future of Cities, seek to re-think the city, in theory and practice to confront these challenges. The dissertation carried out here is on future of cities, which tries to identify some of the challenges which a city will face. Challenges faced by city are enormous, only few challenges are studied in this dissertation. These challenges include demographic, challenges of urbanization, emission challenges, rising sea level and socio-economic challenges. As we know future of cities is vast distinct subjects the study tries to identify solutions to the emerging problems by understanding the characteristics of cities and also the learning process for cities by taking case studies from around the world. Apart from the case studies innovative initiatives to address the growing Challenge and governance role. In the final part of the study under the topic “Lessons for Indian cities” the work suggests what India cities focus on apart from the concepts and initiatives discussed in the earlier chapters. In conclusions the complexity of understanding a city established and so as the design of the city.
Walking in a great city inspires wonder. Passing the Tower of London and crossing the bridge toward our offices on the South Bank of the Thames, you breathe the nature of a modern city. London rises over, amid, and around itself in a marvelous tangle of tradition and change, ambition, and imagination from futuristic, new skyscrapers to other walkers drawn, like you, to the city from all over the world. Other cities in the study are striking in different ways, but each reflects the great scale of modern urban challenges as well as the potential.
EUR (Luxembourg. Online), 2019
Perspectives: open questions The resilient city Urban governance Tech and the city Climate action Cities as innovation hubs Challenges: work ahead Environmental footprint Social segregation Urban health PART 3: PERSPECTIVES p. 67 p. 83 p. 105 p. 128 p. 117 p. 59 p. 73 p. 88 p. 99 p. 123 Concluding considerations p. 130 The citizen's city p. 113
Cities of tomorrow. Challenges, visions, ways forward, 2011
Cities are key to the sustainable development of the European Union ● Europe is one of the most urbanised continents in the world. Today, more than two thirds of the European population lives in urban areas and this share continues to grow. The development of our cities will determine the future economic, social and territorial development of the European Union. ● Cities play a crucial role as engines of the economy, as places of connectivity, creativity and innovation, and as centres of services for their surrounding areas. Due to their density, cities offer a huge potential for energy savings and a move towards a carbon-neutral economy. Cities are, however, also places where problems such as unemployment, segregation and poverty are concentrated. Cities are, therefore, essential for the successful implementation of Europe 2020. ● The administrative boundaries of cities no longer reflect the physical, social, economic, cultural or environmental reality of urban development and new forms of flexible governance are needed. ● In terms of aims, objectives and values, there is a shared vision of the European city of tomorrow as: ● a place of advanced social progress with a high degree of social cohesion, socially-balanced housing as well as social, health and 'education for all' services; ● a platform for democracy, cultural dialogue and diversity; ● a place of green, ecological or environmental regeneration; ● a place of attraction and an engine of economic growth. ● Cities play a key role in Europe’s territorial development. There is a consensus on the key principles of future European urban and territorial development which should: ● be based on balanced economic growth and territorial organisation of activities, with a polycentric urban structure; ● build on strong metropolitan regions and other urban areas that can provide good accessibility to services of general economic interest; ● be characterised by a compact settlement structure with limited urban sprawl; ● enjoy a high level of environmental protection and quality in and around cities.
Faraday Discuss., 2016
opened a general discussion of the paper by Spyros Pandis: from your presentation together with recent source apportionment studies such as e.g. Crippa et al. for Europe, 1 the relative importance of other emissions from the residential heating and cooking sector, especially wood combustion, becomes more and more evident. Despite this, big efforts are still being made to clean up emissions from the transport sector. Do you think this is still relevant, or should we focus our attention differently, and what do you think is currently hindering us from tackling the heating sector?
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Cities of the Future Jacobs's critique of urban planning and her suggestions for improving cities flow from an analytical framework based on a set of coherent socioeconomic insights. These are, namely, that a city is an institution indispensable for peacefully coordinating the plans of myriad, self-interested strangers with imperfect knowledge; that a city is a natural unit of economic analysis, the principal locus of innovation, a system of organized complexity, and a spontaneous order; that locals tend to know better than outsiders about the problems and opportunities, large and small, in their own urban milieu; and that with limited outside guidance ordinary people can cooperatively and effectively address them with intelligence, resourcefulness, and creativity. In the last chapter we examined the limits of urban micro-interventions from this framework. Here I would like to address a different but related set of questions: To what extent is it feasible to consciously plan for "urban vitality," i.e., to promote or foster the experimentation and creativity essential for a real, living city? How much political authority do we need to accomplish this? How workable are some of the recent, imaginative proposals for city planning and rebuilding when we view it through a Jacobs-cum-market-process or Market Urbanist lens?
Great Cities - a seminar + lecture notes. In this course, we will investigate the rich history of great cities and urban design; as we collectively seek answers to the following questions: What is the city? How are individual and community values generated and materialized within the city? How do political, social, economic and technological changes affect the city? What are the essential urban design elements of a city? How do citizens, designers, architects, developers, planners, and politicians effectively plan and change their city’s future? And, How do local, regional, national and international networks affect one specific city within our ever-changing contemporary global community? including: Great Cities introduction Greek City Roman City Medieval City Renaissance City Baroque City Enlightenment City Industrial Revolution City City Beautiful Garden City Modern City New Urbanism Combinatory Urbanism Landscape Urbanism Ecological Urbanism
submitted to Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, 2022
Remote Sensing, 2020
Asean Social Work Journal, 2022
Screens and Scenes, 2018
Revista Española de Sociología , 2021
Organometallics, 2019
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2012
BioMed research international, 2014
International Journal of Agriculture System, 2015
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 1995
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2009