During the last century the concept of " liminality " has gained increasing attention in many disciplines, from psychology to anthropology, from philosophy to literary and cultural studies. But the state that the word defines is much older than the word itself. Suffice it to think of the myths, heroes and gods related to the katabasis and other forms of passage in ancient Greek and Latin cultures, to get a hint of the historical depth of such a concept. From an etymological point of view, the term comes from the latin word limen – " threshold " – which shares the same root with another word, limes – " limit " , " border " , " boundary ". If, on the one hand, the spellings' almost-identity reveals the communal idea of something (a stone or a piece of wood) placed crosswise to mark the end and/or the beginning of a space, on the other hand, the slight orthographic difference mirrors their functional and ontological differences. Indeed, if the limen signals the limit of a building or a room, its relation with the act of " passage " is clearly antithetical to the limes's one. As Mircea Eliade pointed out (The Sacred and the Profane, Harcourt, 1987, p. 25), the threshold is the paradoxical place which connects the very two spaces it separates: under precise rules and rituals, it allows the passage and almost calls for it. The function of the limes, on the contrary, is to assure the impermeability of the two spaces. The aim of the present international conference is to stimulate a reflection upon this third, literally ambiguous, space that defies all binary logic inside/outside (as well as above/below, before/after etc.). Given the extent of the topic, this first meeting, that will hopefully be followed by others with wider scopes, will focus on the multifarious manifestations of the " threshold " in literature and the arts.

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THRESHOLDS IN LITERATURE AND THE ARTS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Centre for Classical Studies – Centre for Comparative Studies School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon (Portugal) June 2018, 7-8 During the last century the concept of “liminality” has gained increasing attention in many disciplines, from psychology to anthropology, from philosophy to literary and cultural studies. But the state that the word defines is much older than the word itself. Suffice it to think of the myths, heroes and gods related to the katabasis and other forms of passage in ancient Greek and Latin cultures, to get a hint of the historical depth of such a concept. From an etymological point of view, the term comes from the latin word limen – “threshold” – which shares the same root with another word, limes – “limit”, “border”, “boundary”. If, on the one hand, the spellings’ almost-identity reveals the communal idea of something (a stone or a piece of wood) placed crosswise to mark the end and/or the beginning of a space, on the other hand, the slight orthographic difference mirrors their functional and ontological differences. Indeed, if the limen signals the limit of a building or a room, its relation with the act of “passage” is clearly antithetical to the limes’s one. As Mircea Eliade pointed out (The Sacred and the Profane, Harcourt, 1987, p. 25), the threshold is the paradoxical place which connects the very two spaces it separates: under precise rules and rituals, it allows the passage and almost calls for it. The function of the limes, on the contrary, is to assure the impermeability of the two spaces. The aim of the present international conference is to stimulate a reflection upon this third, literally ambiguous, space that defies all binary logic inside/outside (as well as above/below, before/after etc.). Given the extent of the topic, this first meeting, that will hopefully be followed by others with wider scopes, will focus on the multifarious manifestations of the “threshold” in literature and the arts. Topics for this conference include but are not limited to: Threshold concepts Thresholds, space and/or time Thresholds and myth Threshold crossings, transgressions Thresholds and identity: inclusion, exclusion, ambiguity Threshold and gender Threshold and racism All paper proposals should be submitted in doc format, not later than January 31, 2018, to the following e-mail address: [email protected] They must include:     Name of the author Institutional affiliation Title of the proposal Abstract (300 words) All proposals will undergo a peer-reviewing process. Authors of accepted papers will be notified no later than 01/03/2018. Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes. Languages: English, French, Portuguese Registration fees: 90€ (Students: 60€) Calendar 31/01/2018: Deadline 01/03/2018: Acceptance notification 15/04/2018: Registration 07-08/06/2018: Conference Organizing committee: Centre for Classical Studies and Centre for Comparative Studies, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon.