China and Latin America: strategic partners or competitors?
Juan Manuel Gil Barragán1
Universidad EAN
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Andrés Aguilera Castillo2
Universidad EAN
Correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Fecha de recepción: 04 de mayo de 2016
Fecha de aprobación: 28 de julio de 2016
This document has as main objective to discuss the dual role that China is playing in Latin America, on one
hand, a strategic trade partner in Asia, source of foreign direct investment (FDI) and key ally in the
international arena, on the other hand, China is a formidable competitor particularly in the manufacturing
sector. To reach the main objective, we make a brief description of the international trade relation between
China and Latin America for the last 15 years, also, a review of the investment flows in different economic
sectors, and lastly, a description of the political and diplomatic relation between Latin America and China.
From this, it can be inferred that the bilateral relation is prominently framed by the trade of commodities from
Latin America to China and the Chinese investment in the sourcing of natural resources.
Key Words: China, Latin America, trade, investment, relations, commodities.
China y América Latina: ¿socios estratégicos o competidores?
Este documento tiene como objetivo principal discutir el rol dual de China en la región latinoamericana, por
un lado, como socio comercial estratégico en el continente asiático, origen de inversión extranjera directa
(IED) y aliado en el escenario internacional, por el otro lado, como competidor formidable particularmente
en manufacturas. Para alcanzar este objetivo se hace una descripción de las relaciones comerciales en los
últimos 15 años, una revisión de los flujos de inversión en diversos sectores, y por último, una descripción
de las más recientes relaciones políticas y diplomáticas forjadas entre América Latina y China. Se puede
observar que la relación se ha caracterizado por la transacción de bienes primarios de la región a China y
la inversión China en el aprovisionamiento de recursos naturales.
Palabras claves: China, América Latina, Comercio, Inversión, Relación, Productos Básicos.
1Estudiante de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de empresas de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (España). Master
en Relaciones Internacionales (Universtity of Bristol - Reino Unido). Especialista en Comercio Internacional (Universidad Sergio
Arboleda y Georgetown University). Profesional en Finanzas y Comercio Exterior. ORCID:
2Master of Arts in International Commerce (Korea University). Profesional en Ciencias políticas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Cómo citar este artículo: Gil, J. M. & Aguilera, A. (2017). China and Latin America: strategic partners or competitors? Revista EAN,
La Chine et l'Amérique latine: partenaires stratégiques ou concurrents?
Ce document a pour objectif principal d'analyser le rôle ambivalent de la Chine en Amérique latine, qui est
en même temps un partenaire commercial et stratégique à l'origine d'investissements directs étrangers
(IDE) et allié sur la scène internationale, mais aussi un redoutable concurrent pour l'industrie des produits
manufacturés. Nous réaliserons une description des relations commerciales des quinze dernières années,
une analyse des flux d'investissement de différents secteurs d'activité et nous décrirons finalement les
relations politiques et diplomatiques récentes qui existent entre l'Amérique latine et la Chine.
Enfin nous montrerons que cette relation se caractérise par des exportations de ressources naturelles
d'Amérique latine vers la Chine et des investissements chinois dans les secteurs d'approvisionnement
desdites ressources en Amérique latine.
Mots clés: Chine, Amérique latine, Commerce, Investissement, Relation, Produits.
China e América Latina: sócios estratégicos ou competidores?
Este documento tem como objetivo principal discutir o papel dual da China na região latino-americana, por
um lado, como sócio comercial estratégico do continente asiático, origem do investimento estrangeiro direto
(IED) e aliado no palco internacional, e por outro lado, como competidor formidável especialmente em
manufaturas. Para atingir este objetivo, faz-se uma descrição das relações comerciais nos últimos 15 anos,
uma revisão dos fluxos de investimento em diversos setores e, por último, uma descrição das mais recentes
relações políticas e diplomáticas desenvolvidas entre América Latina e China. Pode-se observar que a
relação se caracterizou pela transação de bens primários da região à China e o investimento Chinês no
fornecimento de recursos naturais.
Palavras chave: China, América Latina, Comércio, Investimento, Relação, Produtos.
1. Introduction
The contemporary resurgence of China as a political, economic and diplomatic superpower in the
international arena is of growing academic interest and pivotal in understanding the unfolding
consequences of this major geopolitical shift. China as an ascending power is projecting its
influence on regions that are out of its traditional sphere, namely East and South Asia, to new
regions like Africa or in this case, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
This document aims at discussing the dual role that China is playing in Latin America; on one
hand, a strategic trade partner in Asia, source of foreign direct investment (FDI) and key ally in
the international arena, and on the other hand, China is a formidable competitor, particularly in the
manufacturing sector. In order to accomplish the main objective, we make a brief description of
the international trade relation, a review of the investment flows, and lastly, a description of the
political and diplomatic relation between Latin America and China.
China’s increasing demand for commodities like oil, iron, ore and some agricultural products, and
its massive currency reserves (which peaked at almost $4 trillion USD in July 2014), might explain
why China has strengthened its diplomatic and commercial ties with Latin American countries
(Barboza, 2009; Ellis, 2005; Ferchen, 2011; Gallagher, 2016 & Wise, 2016) from investing in
infrastructure projects, SWAP agreements and as the most recent Asian member of the InterAmerican Development Bank since 2009 (Russo, 2014).
The ties between China and Latin America had been weak in the past due to a vast geographical
distance between the two regions; but that gap has been bridged in recent years through growing
international trade, capital flows, more efficient means of transportation and communication,
basically, the ongoing process of globalization. China is engaging in the world aggressively.
In November 2008, China issued its first policy paper regarding Latin America and the Caribbean,
giving a framework for the current developments in trade, cooperation and investments (Chinese
State Council, 2008). One of the greatest improvements in the implementation for this policy has
been the creation of a China – CELAC Forum with the aim of promoting trade and investment
between China and CELAC countries3 (CEPAL b, 2015).
To bridge the Pacific Ocean is both a challenge and an opportunity that most likely will shape the
fate of the 21st Century relations between China and Latin America. Understanding the
implications and possible outcomes of the recent diplomatic, political, economic and commercial
engagement of China in Latin America is not only an interesting intellectual and academic pursuit,
but it has got practical implications due to the policy making process and the business strategy of
all the interested parties.
2. Literature Review
This brief literature review is an attempt to identify major themes and debates regarding the
evolving relation between China and LAC. The criteria that were used to make this list are
relevance, novelty and a digital search of keywords.
The new economic and political ties between China and LAC have captured the attention of
different scholars and political leaders. Among them, Ferchen (2011); Ellis (2014), Gallagher
Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) member countries are: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas,
Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana,
Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, San Kitts & Nevis, Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.
(2016) and Wise (2016) argue that the relationship between China and LAC has been driven by
the Chinese increasing
commodities such as oil, iron, ore and some agricultural products,
business ventures and diplomatic necessity for initiatives with friendly regimes in the region.
Indeed, Barbosa and Guimarães (2010) and CEPAL (2010) suggested that the export of Latin
American commodities to China had helped the region during the global financial crisis. Likewise,
Gallagher and Porzecanski (2010) pointed out that the import of commodities from China had also
helped to restore the economic growth of the region. However, Lederman, Olarreaga & Perry
(2009) and Cordeiro, Santillan and Valenzuela (2015) argued that the trade relation with China
has turned Latin America into an importer of industrial goods and a commodity exporter. Likewise,
Rosales (2010) stated that China has intensified the concentration of Latin America´s commodity
Another theme in the literature is the Chinese foreign policy. In 2008, the Chinese government
published its first policy paper regarding the region and a clear intention of its engagement, and a
blueprint for the development of stronger ties between the two. The document covers some
historical milestones, the scope of the cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and social
fields. It is worth to highlight the intention of China to negotiate free trade agreements with regional
countries (Chinese State Council, 2008).
The role of China in international political and economic institutions led to tinker with the idea of
“The Beijing Consensus”, coined by Cooper (2004) as an economic and political model that
challenges the established “Washington Consensus”, which questions and challenges the
legitimacy and relevance of the West and its political and economic practices in our contemporary
world. Similarly, Gallagher (2016) states that China has helped Latin America to overcome the
slow growth and financial instability generated under two decades of the Washington Consensus.
Medeiros (2009) discusses the international behavior of China in different parts of the world; in
this publication, there is a chapter that is dedicated to Chinese political and business ventures out
of Asia, namely Africa and Latin America. According to Medeiros, there are four major forces that
drive Chinese endeavors in these regions: 1) to diversify access to natural resources, 2) to expand
access to markets for consumer goods, cars and conventional weapons, 3) to promote
multilateralism, and 4) to diplomatically isolate Taiwan from Africa, Latin America and the
Caribbean where most of the support for Taiwan still exist.
Erikson and Chen (2007) addressed the issue of China, Taiwan and Latin America in the following
“[…] Latin America has emerged as the crucial battleground where a dozen struggling nations,
mainly in Central America and the Caribbean, have become ensnared in the cross-strait
dispute. […] officials in Washington have yet to fully consider the possible implications for U.S.
policy of this intensifying competition in their own backyard.” (pp. 69-70)
A monograph by Ellis (2005) is probably one of the earliest works linking China and the region.
This document presents a strategic-competitive approach to the relation between Latin America,
China and the United States regarding strategic resources, investment and political alliances. In
this work, the author suggests that the aim of China’s investment in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile is
to construct a vertical integration with the region in order to guarantee access to critical
The Chinese involvement in the region has made some influential think tanks call the U.S.
government to introduce bolder policies towards Latin America in order to balance the increasing
influence of China (Johnson, 2005). Additionally, Yu (2015) argued that China’s aim in Latin
America is not only to increase trade and investment flows but also to create a “sphere of
influence” in the region. Roett and Paz (2008) debate the implications of developments in foreign
policy for both regions; they cover some issues on Chinese foreign policy, geopolitical tensions,
energy and investments overseas. Additionally, they formulate a question on what Latin America
can learn from the economic progress of China and close with some remarks on the “trilateral”
relation between China, the U.S. and Latin America.
Security is one of the major themes that appear in specialized literature. The United States
National Intelligence Council (NIC) has published a series of reports called Global Trends 2010
(1997), Global Trends 2015 (2000), Mapping the Global Future 2020 (2004), Global Trends 2025
(2008) and the most recent, Alternative Worlds 2030 (2012). These reports, mostly based on
military and security assumptions, demographics, and strategic factors and forecasting
techniques, outline the ascent of new international players (mainly China), as contenders of the
United States in Latin America and other parts of the world.
3. Trade
The economic growth in China, still strong in recent years despite the global financial crisis and
its aftermath, incited the “Middle Kingdom” to explore beyond its traditional trading partners, and
take a look at new places like Africa and Latin America, both for suppliers and new markets for its
products. China’s growing demand for commodities (oil, iron ore, copper, aluminum and others)
and abundant foreign reserves allowed China to secure (sometimes at fire-sale prices) some of
these strategic assets in something that the international media dubbed as the Chinese “shopping
spree” (Barboza, 2009). These strategies are consistent with China’s involvement in other
developing countries (Zhao, 2014).
Figure 1 depicts the trade flows between Latin America and China for the last 15 years. As the
data shows, it has been growing fast since 2001, when the region exported $5.2 billion USD to
China and imported $10.4 billion USD. In 2014, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) exports
to China peaked at $97.5 billion USD, declining in 2015 to $82.5 billion. As for imports from China,
it also peaked in 2014 at $179.5 billion USD, closing 2015 at $176.3 billion. During the last 15
years bilateral trade increased by a factor of sixteen, from $15 billion in 2001 to almost $259 billion
in 2015. Among the factors that influenced this growth was the Chinese accession to the WTO4 in
2001, and the 2004 and 2008 visits of the Chinese president Hu Jintao to the APEC5 forum and
to different countries in Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil and Mexico (Ellis, 2014).
World Trade Organization
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Figure 1. Bilateral trade between Latin America and China, 2001 – 2015.
Source. Prepared by the authors with data from the International Trade Centre.
Most of Latin American exports are commodities, highly concentrated in few products. While
China’s exports to the region are diversified. As table 1 shows, the top five export products are
commodities that represent around 70% of the total exports to China. While the top five exporting
products from China represent less than 23% of the total. CEPAL (2015 a) exhibits that the
composition of Latin American exports to China are less sophisticated than the composition of the
exports that go to the rest of the world. For instance in 2013, commodities represented 73% of the
total of the exports to China and manufacture represented only 6%. In contrast, 41% of the exports
to the rest of the world were commodities and 42% manufactured goods. According to Casanova
et al. (2015), the countries with higher export dependency to China are Costa Rica, Colombia and
Uruguay. Export dependency means that these countries are highly exposed to a shift in the
demand of China.
Table 1. Top five imports and exports, 2010 – 2014.
LAC Exports to China
LAC Imports from China
1. Iron ores, concentrates
2. Soy, other oilseeds
1. Telecom equipment
2. Data processing machines
3. Ships, boats, floating structures 3.3%
3. Copper
4. Optical instruments, apparatus
5. Petroleum products, refined
4. Unrefined petroleum
5. Copper ores, concentrates
Total, top 5
Total, top 5
Source. Ray, Gallagher & Sarmiento (2016).
Decline in commodity prices is a current challenge for Latin American exports to China (Gallagher
& Porzecanski, 2010; Farooki & Kaplinsky, 2012). As figure 2 shows, even though the quantity of
the main exports have continued to increase, the value has been falling, thus creating a pressure
for Latin America to diversify and upgrade its production structure in order to have a more
beneficial trade relation with China (OECD/ECLAC/CAF, 2015).
Figure 2. Volume and Value Changes in Major LAC-China Exports, 2015.
Source. Ray, Gallagher & Sarmiento, (2016).
Brazil is an important case to study, due to its recent performance, the size of its market, the
enormous potential it has, and the fact that China became Brazil’s main trade partner since 2009
(Latin American Herald Tribune, 2009). According to Wilkinson and Wesz (2013), the trade relation
with China has produced benefits and losses to Brazil; for instance, China’s demand on
commodities and agricultural products has helped to promote Brazil’s agro-industrial and mineral
exports. However, it has generated export concentration. Crude oil, iron ore and soybeans
accounted for more than 80% of Brazil´s exports to China in 2014 (Casanova et al. 2015).
Figure 3. Brazil exports to China in 2014.
Source. The Atlas of Economic Complexity, Center for International Development, Harvard
Moreover, Chinese manufacturing trade with the region has been increasing while Brazil’s regional
manufacturing exports have sharply declined; Rosales (2012) suggested in this regard that in
around 12%. Likewise, Jenkins and Barbosa (2011) calculated that Brazil’s trade to Chile,
Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico have declined in 14.4%, 8.6%, 6.8% and 6.6% respectively due
to exports from China to these countries. A new study has demonstrated that Brazil has been
losing market share in the U.S. and Europe against competitors from China. It is important to point
out that this phenomenon has happened with low and high technology products (Jenkins, 2014;
Jenkins & Barbosa 2012). Indeed, numerous studies show the impact of Chinese competition in
LAC. Ray, Gallagher & Sarmiento (2016), found that in the manufacturing sector, the LAC have
lost competitiveness in around 80% due to the competition of China. Gallagher et al. (2008) and
Devlin, Estevadeordal, and Rodríguez-Clare (2006) demonstrate that Mexico has lost market
share in the world because of China.
4. Investment
During the last decade, Latin America became an important recipient of Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) and loans from China. Indeed, as it is shown in figure 3, Latin America was the second
recipient of Chinese FDI, receiving more FDI than the U.S. and Europe combined (Zhou & Leung,
2015). Latin America, and the whole world, are depending on Chinese economy performance, the
World Bank Group (2015) forecasted that a decrease of 1% on the Chinese GDP6 would reduce
Latin American growth in 0,6%.
Figure 4 shows the outbound FDI flows from China to different regions in the world. For obvious
economic and trade reasons, 68% of this investment goes to Asian economies with close ties to
China’s manufacturing corporations and regional value chains for intermediate and final goods.
However, the second place in this distribution (13%) goes to Latin America, surpassing the
outbound FDI to Europe and North America.
Figure 4. Continental Distribution of China’s OFDI Stock, 2013.
Source. Zhou & Leung, 2015.
Gross Domestic Product
During the downturn, China became the lender of only resort; but with global credit markets
unwilling to lend, China made strategic investments in commodities and large loans to their
banking partners (Ellis, 2014). Regarding energy, China closed deals (oil for loans) with Brazil and
Venezuela (Barboza, 2009), with Argentina a swap agreement for $10 billion for three years
(Faries & Goodman, 2009), and a free trade agreement with Peru (Forbes, 2009). China has
secured sources of iron ore for steel production, and copper and aluminum assets for the
production of consumer goods. Between 2010 and 2013 almost 90% of China’s FDI outflows to
Latin America were invested in natural resources, turning China into one of the biggest investors
in oil and gas in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela (CEPAL a, 2015).
Since 2005, China has been constantly lending money to Latin America, despite China’s economic
slowdown; most of the funds went to Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Venezuela. As shown in table
2, these four countries have received about 93% of China’s loans to Latin America, 81% of the
loans come from the China Development Bank and the 19% remaining from the China ExportImport-Bank. According to Gao and Yu (2011), these financial movements reflected Chinese
leadership strategy to internationalize the Yuan Renminbi (CNY). Additionally, it was used to
create a financial integration with the region like it happened in ASEAN7 countries with the Chiang
Mai Initiative.
Figure 5. Chinese finance to Latin America by year, 2005 – 2015 (USD million).
Source. Myers, Gallagher &Yuan (2015).
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Table 2. China loans to Latin America (cumulative, 2007-2015).
# of Loans
Amount (billion
Share of Loans
from China (%
of total loans)
$ 65
$ 21,8
$ 15,3
$ 15,2
$ 126,2
Other Latin American
Source. Myers, Gallagher & Yuan (2015).
Table 3. List of deals between China and Latin American countries8.
SWAP agreement (CFR).
China’s CNOOC Joint Venture with Bridas.
ICBC buys stake at Standard Bank.
SINOPEC acquires 23 oil fields (Gallagher, 2016).
Memorandum of Understanding for Communications Satellite
China’s Sinosteel plans for metalwork.
Information taken from different sources, but most of them are cited and referenced in this paper.
$10 billion USD loan for oil with Petrobras (The New York Times)
China Construction Bank acquires 72% of the Banco Industrial e
Comercia ($723 million USD)
Multi-purpose deal (Infrastructure, Agriculture, Energy)
China State Grid Corporation acquires 7 electricity transmission
companies and 12 transmission lines (Gallagher, 2016).
China acquires Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração.
Free Trade Agreement (2006), International Directorate Chile
Supplementary Agreement on Trade in Services (2008) (China
Negotiations on investment are in process (2009).
Annually, China purchases over $1 billion USD of its copper from
Chile. (Miami Herald).
SWAP agreement (Xinhua).
Bid for Emerald Energy that operates in the country. (Telegraph).
Tentative Cooperation Agreements on Science and Technology
(Ministry of Science and Technology, China).
Costa Rica
Free Trade Agreement (2011).
Investments in the Energy Sector by Andes Petroleum (subsidiary
of the Chinese National Petroleum Corp) (Reuters).
$1 billion loan to build hydroelectric plant (NY Times).
$2.2 billion USD for Oil Joint Venture in the Amazon and other
minor investments.
The bilateral trade volume is $17 billion USD. (Xinhua)
Strategic investments by Hutchinson-Whampoa in the Port of
Colon, Atlantic Ocean and the Port of Balboa in the Pacific Ocean.
Free Trade Agreement (2010).
Acquisition of Peru’s Xstrata plc Las Bambas copper deposit for $7
billion USD and Petrobras Energía Perú for $2.6 billion USD.
Loans for Oil deal (NY Times)
Development fund of $12 billion USD (NY Times)
Source. Prepared by the authors.
With a touch of foresight about this, Ellis (2005) commented that “the pattern of Chinese
investment in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and Chile suggests that the Asian giant is
seeking to assure access to critical commodities by constructing vertically integrated supply
networks over which it has leverage.”
In the report of the OECD/ECLAC/CAF (2015), it is concluded that “trade between Latin America
and China has expanded in an unprecedented way over the last 15 years; […] The result is
stronger, though uneven, global value chain linkages between China and Latin America.”
In order to avoid the negative externalities a new cooperation plan between China and Latin
America was signed in January 2015 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Republic of China,
2015). The new plan has emphasis on fostering trade and capital flows into high technology and
value added goods production, especially in fields such as machinery, petrochemicals, clean
energy, transportation equipment, electronics, digital medical equipment, information and
communication technology, biotechnology, and pharma. If the cooperation plan were implemented
successfully, Latin America would see greater advantages from its relation with China.
5. Political Aspects
For a long time and since the formulation of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, Latin America has been
of strategic importance for the United States; the U.S. adopted Latin American countries as
“Southern Brethren” and favored the then-recent independence and the principle of nointervention of European Powers in the newly formed republics.
Since then, Latin America and the Caribbean have been considered the backyard of the U.S. in
its close sphere of influence and control (Hakim, 2006). For example, the U.S. identified the
strategic importance of the Panama Canal, took over the project from the French and promoted
the independence of Panama from Colombia; former U.S. president Carter signed the return of
control of the Canal to the Panama authorities and finally administered the Canal until December
31, 1999. Now, two ports in the Atlantic and the Pacific are leased to the Chinese company
Hutchinson-Whampoa that according to Erikson and Chen (2007) has close ties to the People’s
Liberation Army.
Recently, the Chinese government and private businesses have tried to develop similar projects:
in 2013, China announced the construction of the Nicaragua canal; in June 2015, China
announced the construction of a mega-railway to connect the Caribbean and the Pacific through
Peru and Brazil. In Colombia, China has sought to build a railway to connect the Pacific Ocean
and the Caribbean Sea (Romero, 2015).
The involvement of a major Chinese corporation in one of the most important routes for
international trade, as well as the railway and the canal projects are a political-strategic issue that
requires deeper analysis in order to identify the implications of these events for the region.
Several scholars argue that China is using soft power in Latin America in order to rise in the global
power hierarchy (Lei, 2015; Ellis, 2011; US Government Publishing Office, 2008) and create a
new multipolar global order (Harris, 2015). In addition, Pineo (2015) calls to attention the fact that
China’s trade relation and investment in Latin America appears to be without any evident political
or policy conditionality.
However, given the fact that 12 out of the 22 countries9 which recognize Taiwan as an independent
state are from Latin America, putting the region at a strategic place for the Chinese government
to exert its influence and take the cross-strait puzzle to another level (Erikson & Chen, 2007;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of China, 2016)
6. Conclusions
The analysis of the relation between China and Latin American provides a number of economic
and political insights on how China has approached the region. As discussed above, Chinese
economic performance has been driving the increasing demand for commodities like oil, iron ore
and some agricultural products. China has become one of the most important trade partners for
9 The 22 countries are: Republic of Kiribati; Republic of the Marshall Islands; Republic of Nauru; Republic of Palau; Solomon Islands;
Tuvalu; Burkina Faso; Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe; Kingdom of Swaziland; The Holy See; Belize; Dominican
Republic; El Salvador; Republic of Guatemala; Haiti; Republic of Honduras; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; The Federation of Saint
Christopher and Nevis; Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Latin America and the second source of FDI to the region, contributing to the regional economic
performance during the world economic downturn of 2008-2009. The commodity boom
experienced by Latin American economies might have helped their local economies to grow. The
wealth transfer from China to Latin America could have been an opportunity to formulate and
implement good practices in public policy in order to reduce inequality and create the basis for
long-term sustainable growth and prosperity.
However, this economic relation has also caused several negative externalities for the region.
First, the mixture of Chinese demand for commodities and their high prices has generated export
concentration, leaving the region exposed to commodity price fluctuation. Second, most of
Chinese FDI and loans have been invested in a few countries and in natural resources, creating
re-specialization on the production of commodities. Third, modern economic history has shown
that countries like Malaysia or Chile can successfully pass the different stages of economic growth,
from commodity exports to manufacturing, but the regional manufacturing base is at risk due to
Chinese labor competitiveness, technical prowess and more recently, massive investments in
manufacturing automation. Fourth, it seems that China is increasing its market share on
manufactured products, affecting Brazil´s manufactured exports to the region.
Accordingly, China is playing the dual role discussed in the introduction of this document; it has
become a major trading partner for the region and source of investment for all kinds of
development and infrastructure projects, but on the other hand, the collected evidence shows a
re-primarization and de-industrialization on the Latin American side.
The resurgence of China as an economic, political and diplomatic superpower in our contemporary
world is a multi-faceted and complex subject, worthy of deeper and more systematic research by
scholars and business people alike. Most of the current international institutions and regimes were
created after the Second World War and under the tenets and tutelage of the West; Chinese
growing influence in international affairs is slowly challenging traditional power structures and
alliances worldwide.
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