Ecotoxicology (2007) 16:385–391
DOI 10.1007/s10646-007-0142-4
Monitoring of nuclear abnormalities in peripheral erythrocytes
of three fish species from the Goksu Delta (Turkey): genotoxic
damage in relation to water pollution
Serap Ergene Æ Tolga Çavaş Æ Ayla Çelik Æ
Nurcan Köleli Æ Filiz Kaya Æ Arzu Karahan
Accepted: 27 February 2007 / Published online: 23 March 2007
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007
Abstract Goksu Delta is a specially protected area in the
Mediterranean region of Turkey. The delta is classified as a
Wetland of International Importance according to the
RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands of International
Importance. Increases in population have recently taken
place in this region due to heavy agricultural activities and
discharges of anthropogenic wastes. In the present study,
frequencies of erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities such as,
micronuclei (MN) and nuclear buds (NB) were investigated
in peripheral blood of three fish species; Clarias gariepinus
(Catfish), Alburnus orontis (Bleak), and Mugil cephalus
(Mullet) from Akgol (AG) and Paradeniz (PD) lagoons of
Goksu Delta. Concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Ni,
Pb) were also measured in the water, sediment samples.
MN and NA frequencies were elevated in fish from AG and
PD lagoons in comparison with those from upstream regions. The results of this study indicate that the lagoons of
Goksu Delta contaminated with genotoxic pollutants and
that the genotoxicity is related to the agricultural activities
and to the discharge of anthropogenic waste waters.
Keywords Goksu Delta Lagoons Nuclear
abnormalities Genotoxicity Heavy metals
S. Ergene T. Çavaş (&) A. Çelik F. Kaya
A. Karahan
Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Department of Biology, Mersin
University, 33342 Mersin, Turkey
[email protected]
N. Köleli
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental
Engineering, Mersin University, 33342 Mersin, Turkey
Over the last decades aquatic ecosystems have been contaminated by persistent pollutants, of agricultural and
industrial origin (Sanchez-Galan et al. 2001; Cavaş and
Ergene Gözükara 2005a, b). Goksu Delta is an internationally important wetland due to its location along a bird
migration route, providing refuge to a large number of
waterfowl and constituting a breeding range for rare species such as sea turtles (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas)
and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). The Delta is formed
by Goksu River near the Southern part of Silifke town in
the Mediterranean region, Turkey.
In Goksu Delta fishery is typical production for Akgol
and Paradeniz lagoons, and coastal zones of the Mediterranean which are not far away from the beaches. Because
the most widespread land use pattern is agriculture in the
delta, agricultural inputs caused high levels of contamination within the lagoons of Goksu Delta. Previous studies
indicated the presence of heavy metal and pesticide pollution in the area (Ayas and Kolonkaya 1996; Ayas et al.
1997; Ergene and Saraymen 1999). However, there is study
on the genotoxic effects of contamination on fish species
inhabiting Goksu Delta.
The micronucleus (MN) test, considered to be one of
the most useful methods for evaluating genotoxicity in
aquatic systems, has been extensively applied on fish
species (Al-Sabti and Metcalfe 1995; Çavaş and Ergene
Gözükara 2005a, b). Micronuclei are chromosome fragments or whole chromosomes that lag at cell division due
to the lack of centromere, damage, or a defect in cytokinesis. Micronuclei are formed by both clastogenic and
aneugenic compounds. (Heddle et al. 1991). The simultaneous expression of morphological erythrocytic nuclear
abnormalities (NAs) such as nuclear buds (NB) together
with micronuclei has received considerable attention.
Although the mechanisms underlying the formation of NAs
have not been fully explained, these abnormalities are
considered to be indicators of genotoxic damage and,
therefore, they may complement the scoring of micronuclei
in routine genotoxicity surveys (Serrano-Garcia and
Montero-Montoya 2001; Fenech and Crott 2002; Çavaş
and Ergene-Gözükara 2005a, b).
The objectives of this study were to determine heavy
metals (Cu, Cd, Pb and Ni) in water and sediment samples
from Akgol and Paradeniz lagoons of Goksu Delta and to
assess their genotoxic effects on three common fish (Clarias gariepinus, Alburnus orontis and Mugil cephalus)
species found in the Delta by means of the evaluation of
micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities such as
nuclear buds and binuclei formations in peripheral
S. Ergene et al.
Selected fish species
Three fish species commonly found in the Goksu Delta was
selected as sentinels mainly according to their feeding
habits. African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
belonging to family Clariidae is a benthic species, with
high commercial importance, mainly occurs in quiet waters, lakes and pools and feeds on insects, plankton,
invertebrates and fish but also takes young birds, rotting
flesh and plants (Ergene et al. 1999). Grey mullet, Mugil
cephalus L., 1758 belonging to family Mugilidae is also a
commercially important species. The habitat of M. cephalus, which is an omnivore, is benthopelagic, usually inshore, entering estuaries and lagoons (Ergene and Kuru
1999). Bleak fish, Alburnus orontis Sauvage, 1882
belonging to family Cyprinidae is a pelagic fish generally
occurs in shoals near the surface. Feeds mainly on plankton, including crustaceans and insects (Bogutskaya 1997).
Sampling of fish
Materials and methods
Study area
Goksu Delta is an important wetland (13,000 ha) where the
Goksu River reaches the sea in the eastern of town TasucuMersin (Fig. 1). There are two aquatic ecosystems in the
Delta. Paradeniz (PD) Lake is a saltwater lagoon connected
to the sea and located at the west point of Goksu River. The
salinity level of Akgol Lake (AG) is as low as that of
freshwater. The shores of lake are 50–200 m wide and
covered with dense reed beds. The north of the lakes and
eastern part of delta consist of farmland where rice, cotton
and peanuts are grown all year. The salt steppes between
this farmland and the lakes are inundated in winter forming
extensive marshes.
Fig. 1 Map of the study area.
AG Akgol lagoon, PD Paradeniz
lagoon, UPS1 upstream region
1, UPS2 upstream region 2, PM
paper mill
Samplings were carried out between March and April
2004. Mullet, bleak and catfish samples were collected
Akgol (AG) and Paradeniz (PD) lagoons of the Goksu
Delta. Bleak and Mullet samples collected from upstream
regions 1 (UPS1) and 2 (UPS2), respectively, were used as
control groups. Because Catfish were living only in the
Delta, a group of them were transferred and kept in clean
water under laboratory conditions for a period of 2 months
to constitute a control group.
Analysis of micronuclei and other nuclear
Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the caudal
vein of the collected specimens and smeared onto pre-
Genotoxicity Monitoring on Fish from Goksu Delte
cleaned slides. After fixation in pure ethanol for 20 min,
the slides were allowed to air-dry and then the smears were
stained with 5% Giemsa solution. Three slides were prepared for each fish, and 1,500 cells were scored from each
slide under 100· magnification. Small, nonrefractive,
circular, or ovoid chromatin bodies, displaying the same
staining and focusing pattern as the main nucleus, were
scored as mironuclei (Al-Sabti and Metcalfe 1995). Blebbed nuclei had a relatively small evagination of the nuclear
membrane and contained euchromatin Carrasco et al.
(1990). Total of 45 Clarias gariepinus, 50 Mugil cephalus
and 50 Alburnus orontis specimens were collected and
Chemical analysis of water and sediment samples
Temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen of water samples
were measured in situ. All the samples were brought to the
laboratory in the same day. Surface water samples (about
15 cm) were filtered and analyzed directly. The extraction
of metals in the water samples were performed by a
100 mL sample was placed in a volumetric flask, then
5 mL of HNO3 and 0.5 mL HCl were added. About 4 cm
of the top of sediment samples were dried at 105C for
24 h. The dried sediments were passed through a 60 mesh
stainless sieve to remove larger particles. One gram of the
sediment sample was dissolved in concentrated nitric acid
in a Teflon beaker and small amount of hydro fluoric acid
was added. 5 mL of the concentrated HNO3 was added
very slowly and continued heating at 120C. When the
sample solution became liquid, hydrogen peroxide was
added and continued heating at the same temperature for
30 min. The hydrogen peroxide was added until the sample
remained clear for 2 h at 150C. After that, the sample was
diluted to 100 mL with 2% HNO3 in a volumetric flask.
The instrument was calibrated with standard solutions that
were prepared from commercial materials. Deionized water
was used. The metal analyses of samples (Cd, Cu, Ni and
Pb) were carried out by using Perkin Elmer Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Absorption wavelength and detection limits were as follows: 228.8 nm and
0.0006 mg/L for Cd; 324.8 nm and 0.003 mg/L for Cu;
232.0 nm and 0.008 mg/L for Ni; 217.0 nm and 0.02 mg/L
for Pb, respectively.
analysis was used to test correlations between the total
heavy metal content of water samples and frequencies
micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities. The correlations
were made with the sum of all metal concentrations. The
method of least squares was used for comparison and
Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated. All
statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 9 for the
PC (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).
The age, weight and length values of fish are given in the
Table 1. Some hydrological parameters as well as heavy
metal concentrations in water and sediment samples from
study areas are given in the Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Chemical analysis of water samples indicated that water
from the downstream sampling sites Akgol and Paradeniz
lagoons had higher concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Ni,
Cd, Pb) than sites from the upper river (UPS1 and UPS2)
(Table 2). For comparison, Table 3 also shows the pollutant limits established by the Turkish Water Pollution
Control Regulation (2001). Especially downstream sampling sites Akgol and Paradeniz lagoons had Ni, Cd, and Pb
concentrations at or in excess of these limits.
The frequencies of micronuclei and nuclear buds in
peripheral blood erythrocytes are summarized in Table 4.
MN frequencies in Clarias gariepinus collected in the AG
and PD lagoons were significantly higher than in catfish
samples reared in clean water under laboratory conditions
(P < 0.001). Similarly NB frequencies in catfish showed a
significant decline in control group reared under laboratory
conditions (P < 0.01). MN (P < 0.01) and NB (P < 0.05)
Table 1 The age, weight and length of fishes caught from the Goksu
Length (cm)
Weight (g)
Clarias gariepinus
28 (16–56)
267 (960–70)a
Alburnus orontis
14 (11–17)
66 (58–76)
Mugil cephalus
15 (12–18)
59 (23–109)
Minimum and maximum values are given in parentheses
Table 2 Some hydrological parameters in the Goksu Delta water
Statistical analysis
Multiple comparisons were performed using one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the least significant difference test (LSD). Student’s t test was used to
compare differences between two groups when necessary.
The relationship between MN and NB frequencies was
analyzed using the regression analysis. Linear regression
Temperature (C)
Dissolved oxygen
Suspended solid
material (mg/L)
S. Ergene et al.
Table 3 The concentration of heavy metals in water (lg/L) and
sediment (mg/kg) samples from Goksu Delta and Goksu River (UPS1
and UPS2 regions)
Turkish standards
frequencies in Mugil cephalus collected from the AG and
PD lagoons were also significantly higher than in mullets
from the UPS2 region. The same relation also observed for
Alburnus orontis in which the MN and NB frequencies
were the highest in AG and PD lagoons and the lowest in
the UPS1 region (P < 0.001). According to least square
estimation analysis, there was a significant linear relationship (P < 0.05) between total heavy metal concentrations and MN (R2 = 0.473) as well as NB (R2 = 0.450)
Comparison of MN and NB frequencies revealed a
strong correlation between the expressions of micronuclei
and nuclear buds in peripheral erythrocytes (R2 = 0.843,
P < 0.001) (Fig. 2). On the other hand, comparative analysis the nuclear abnormalities in different fish species
indicated that both MN and NB frequencies were significantly higher in fish from AG lagoon than in fish from PD
lagoons (P > 0.05) with the exception of NB frequencies in
catfish (P < 0.05). Furthermore, interspecies comparisons
showed that the Catfish had the higher level of frequencies
of MN and NB while the Bleak fish had the lowest
frequencies in upstream and lagoon areas.
Cells with nuclear buds / 1000 cells
Rsq = 0.843
Micronucleated cells / 1000 cells
Fig. 2 Correlation between micronucleated erythrocytes/1,000 cells
and cells with nuclear buds/1,000 cells. (R2 = 0.843, P = 0.001)
Lagoons are economically and ecologically important to
the area for recreation and fishing activities. However,
agricultural inputs cause high levels of contamination
within the lagoons. The biogeochemical processes associated with the lagoon can alter the environmental characteristics of these contaminants, thus making them more
toxic to aquatic organism (Kjerfve and Magill 1989). The
Environmental Protection Department of the Ministry of
Environment has declared the Goksu Delta as a Special
Environmental Protection Zone to protect the area against
pollution and exploitation, and to ensure that natural
resources and cultural assets have a future. The delta is
classified as a Wetland of International Importance
according to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance. The Goksu Delta has also a
special significance for being one of the few remaining
areas in the world where sea turtles (Caretta caretta,
Chelonia mydas) and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) lay
their eggs (Glen et al. 1997; Ayas et al. 1997).
The concentrations of pollutants in water usually depend
on enrichment and dilution phenomena caused by rainfall
and drainage of water from irrigation systems. On the other
hand low rainfall and low river flows can have an adverse
effect through reduced dilution of pollutants, while high
rainfall can also increase pollution through greater leaching
of pollutants from the soil into rivers, or overflows from the
sewerage system. The Goksu River flow regime is also
strongly dependent on the seasonal rains and temperature.
Average flow of Goksu River is 130 m3/s where it reaches
the highest value during May. Thus, we performed the
samplings during March and April.
Analysis of micronucleus frequencies in peripheral
erythrocytes of fish from Goksu Delta showed that mullets
and bleak fish in AG and PD lagoons had higher MN frequencies than in relatively clean reference areas, UPS1 and
UPS2 regions. Because it was not possible to found catfish
in upper stream of Goksu River we transferred some of the
catfish samples collected from channels of the Goksu Delta
to our laboratory and kept them in clean water under laboratory conditions for a period of 2 months to constitute a
negative control group for this species. As results significant a significant decrease was observed in fish reared
under laboratory conditions indicating the baseline MN
frequency would be much lower than determined in the
field samples.
In the recent years, considerable attention has been paid
the simultaneous expression of morphological nuclear
abnormalities (NAs) such as nuclear buds and nuclear blebs
and micronuclei in the piscine MN test (Cavas and ErgeneGozukara 2003; Cavas and Ergene-Gozukara 2005a, b; Da
silva Souza and Fontanetti 2006; Matsumoto et al. 2006). It
Genotoxicity Monitoring on Fish from Goksu Delte
Table 4 Frequencies of erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities in fish collected from the Goksu Delta
Fish species
Number of fish (n)
Micronucleated erythrocytes (&)
Clarias gariepinus
Mugil cephalus
Alburnus orontis
5.23 ± 0.81c,*
3.86 ± 0.95 *
3.35 ± 0.73 *
4.10 ± 0.70c
3.10 ± 1.05
2.70 ± 0.49
Erythrocytes with nuclear buds (&)
1.10 ± 0.33
4.75 ± 0.085b
1.26 ± 0.40
0.68 ± 0.20
4.90 ± 0.090b
1.86 ± 0.39
3.33 ± 0.92a
2.10 ± 0.30
1.76 ± 0.25
4.20 ± 0.80 *
4.15 ± 0.50 *
3.45 ± 0.87
* P < 0.05 comparison between fish from AG and PD lagoons
P < 0.05;
P < 0.01;
P < 0.001 compared to negative control group
has been suggested that problems in segregating tangled
and attached chromosomes or gene amplification via the
Breakage–Fusion–Bridge cycle could cause lobed nuclei or
blebbed nuclei during the elimination of amplified DNA
from the nucleus (Tolbert et al. 1992; Shimizu et al. 1998,
2000). In the present study we found significantly elevated
NB frequencies in peripheral erythrocytes of all three fish
species captured from the lagoons of Goksu Delta and
observed that the expression of NB were strongly correlated with the MN induction.
Comparative analysis of MN and NB frequencies
showed significant interspecies differences where catfish
had the highest values and the bleakfish had the lowest
values. Differences in nuclear abnormalities could, however, be attributed to the different feeding habits of the two
species, as uptake of metals via the food plays an important
role. For example, Kargin (1996) stated that due to variations in feeding habits, habitats and behaviour of species,
the levels of metals found in tissues of the benthic fish were
always higher than those found in pelagic fish. Romeo
et al. (1999) pointed out that cadmium, copper, mercury
and zinc concentrations in edible muscles of pelagic fish
species are lower than for benthic fish species. Thus, differences between the feeding patterns of C. gariepinus, M.
cephalus and A. orontis could be the main reason for the
significant differences between these three species.
The elevated heavy metal levels of various environments and organisms (soil, water, sediment, fish and
waterbird) in the Goksu Delta were reported in previous
works (Sanin et al. 1992; Ayas and Kolonkaya 1996; Ergene and Saraymen 1999). As indicated by Alloway (1995)
the heavy metal sources of intensive farming regions could
be mineral fertilizers (Cd, Cr, Mo, Pb, U, V, Zn) and
pesticides (Cu, As, Pb, Mn, Zn). Obtained data showed that
about 94 ton pesticides and 431 ton mineral fertilizers
were used within 1 year at Goksu Delta (Cetinkaya 1996).
Although the genotoxins present in the Goksu Delta were
not extensively characterized in this study, some chemical
analyses were performed, such as pH, dissolved oxygen
(DO), and heavy metal content (Tables 2, 3). Analysis of
water samples revealed elevated levels of Pb, Cd and Ni in
the lagoons of Goksu Delta in comparison with the
upstream of Goksu River. Pb, Cd and Ni have been previously shown to cause genotoxic effects.
The mechanisms of Pb genotoxicity may involve indirect damage to DNA affecting the stabilization of chromatin (Johansson and Pellicciari 1988) or by the interaction
of the metal with repair processes (Hartwig et al. 1990).
Also, Bonacker et al. (2005) reported that Pb salts may
induce micronuclei by disturbing microtubule function. It
was suggested that Cd genotoxicity is mainly manifested as
single strand DNA breaks generated by direct Cd-DNA
interactions as well as by the action of incision nucleases
and/or DNA-glycosylases during DNA repair (Privezentsev
et al. 1996]. Ni compounds generate specific structural
chromosomal damage as well as micronuclei (Sen et al.
1987; Arrouijal et al. 1990). In addition to chromosomal
damage, DNA-protein crosslinks and oxidative DNA base
damage were observed in Ni(II)-exposed cells (Patierno
et al. 1985; Kasprzak 1991). Also, Ni genotoxicity may be
potentiated through the generation of DNA-damaging
reactive oxygen species and the inhibition of DNA repair
by this metal (Kazimierz et al. 2003).
Induction of micronuclei was reported previously for
fish exposed to Cd (Ayllon and Garcia Vazquez 2000;
Sanchez-Galan et al. 2001; Arkhipchuk and Garanko 2005;
Cavas et al. 2005), and Pb (Cestari et al. 2004; Ferraro
et al. 2004). Therefore, it is plausible that elevated concentrations of heavy metals could have contributed to the
elevated MN frequencies in fish from the lagoons of Goksu
Delta. On the other hand, it should be noted that the increased erythrocyte micronucleus frequencies in fish from
Goksu Delta could also be due to other genotoxic chemicals that may present in the water.
In conclusion, our results suggest that higher frequencies
of micronuclei and nuclear buds determined in peripheral
erythrocytes of Clarias gariepinus, Mugil cephalus and
Alburnus orontis from Akgol and Paradeniz lagoons of the
Goksu Delta may be indicative of damage caused by
pollutants in these lagoons. The genotoxic effects were
generally correlated with heavy metal content of water
samples. These results highlight the genotoxicity of the
pollution in this area, and suggest that chemical contaminants originated from domestic and agricultural activities
in the Goksu Delta may place local populations at risk of
disease. The positive and significant relationship between
MN and NB induction suggests that NB formations in
erythrocytes may be a useful complementary assay for
genotoxicity analyses when fish are used as experimental
animals. Our results further demonstrated the sensitivity
and suitability of three fish species as sentinel organism in
environmental genotoxicity assessments. Finally, we recommend that Goksu Delta water be analyzed chemically
for additional classes of toxicants to identify other contaminant(s) that may be responsible for the genotoxic effects and prolonged genotoxicity monitoring studies on
other feral organisms be performed.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by SPO (State Planning Organization) project code TBAG-101T215.
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