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The study investigates employee welfare measures at KITEX LTD, focusing on the impact of these measures on the quality of work life and job performance. Data were gathered from HR personnel, managers, and supervisory staff over a month. Findings reveal a strong positive link between employee wellbeing and performance, with high satisfaction levels regarding salaries, work environment, and grievance handling systems. Suggestions include enhancing communication, optimizing work conditions, and providing employees with greater autonomy over their roles.

Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES (WITH SPECIAL REFFERENCE TO KITEX LTD. KIZHAKKAMBALAM, ALUVA) AUTHOR ANJU.P BBA.LLB (HONS) V.R.KRISHNAN EZHUTHACHAN LAW COLLEGE UNDER THE GUIDENCE OF ASST.PROF.SUMESH.R V.R.KRISHNAN EZHUTHACHAN LAW COLLEGE, ELAVANCHERY, NEMMARA, PALAKKAD, KERALA INTRODUCTION The project entitled „a study on employee welfare measures towards KITEX LTD‟. Kizhakambalam, Aluva is to understand the quality of employees work life of the company. The study is confined to one month based on the primary data obtained from the heads of HR department, the middle level managers and other supervisory staff. The study covers in brief the various factors affecting that influence the performance of employees. 1.1 TITLE OF THE STUDY A study on employee welfare measures towards Kitex Limited. Kizhakambalam, Aluva. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY There are mainly two objectives in our study, primary and secondary. 1. Primary objectives. To study about the facilities provided by the management for the welfare of the employees in this company. 2. Secondary objectives.  To understand the effectiveness of grievance handling system &salary system  To study the organization as a whole. To analyses the work environment  To analyze the various welfare measures in the organization. To study about the training& development program&promotion policy  To analyze the leave provisions of the organization&To understood the level of job satisfaction of employees. 1.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY.  In the short span of 30 days it was quite difficult to get all the details to fulfill the research.  The universe of the study is 750, out of which only 100 are taken as samples. So the accuracy of the study is low.Some employees are reluctant to give correct information 2.2COMPANY PROFILE Anna group of company was founded by Mr. Jacob in 1968.His maiden venture was a manufacturing unit of aluminum vessels and utensils under the brand name -Anna Aluminum.It was a big success and was widely accepted by the people of Kerala. It gave him confidence to 393enter into new areas of business like fabric and garmentmanufacturing, spice processing etc. Now group has emerged as a multidimensional giant in the business map of Kerala. Today the group is involved in the manufacturing of aluminum sheets, circles, vessels and utensils from aluminum ingots, spices, fabrics, garments and marine exports etc. The „Anna‟ range of vessels and utensils are highly popular in the domestic market and in the Middle East, U.S.A, Africa and Australia. C-1384 393 Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Six subsidiary companies Anna Aluminum Kitex Garments College Scoo bee Day Anna Group Kitex Garments Limited Kitex Limited Sara Spices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ANNA ALUMINUM COMPANY Established in1968 at Kizhakkambalam. It has a wide range of vessels to create to all necessities of a modern day kitchen. Depending on various types of cooking and dishes, Anna provided more than 525 varied vessels and utensils. The bureau of Indian standards awarded ISI hallmark for all Anna Aluminum products. KITEX LIMITED The textile manufacturing complex was incorporated in 1975 in Cochin. Kitex produces a wide range of cotton fabrics, polyester blends, grey cloth and made ups like bed sheets and lungies. SARA SPICES Sara Spices was founded in 1978 to process and market domestically and internationally. Spices and chill produce like pepper, cardamom, turmeric, masala and curry powders KITEX GARMENTS LTD. The increasing demand for high quality garments in the export market has necessitated the expansion of the factory with state of art equipments. SCOO BEE DAY PRODUCTS PVT. LTD At the dawn of new millennium the new generation was presented with an innovative school bag from Kitex, the main offshoot of Anna group. Scoo bee day bags are compactly designed with unique features that make it durable, colorful, comfortable and easy to carry. KITEX GARMENTS COLLEGE It was established and administered by the group in January 2003. The college is mainly started for the purpose of training for unemployed people to provide employment opportunities. KITEX LIMITED Anna group‟s weaving unit, KITEX was established in 1975. The company is engaged in the production of fabrics made of cotton and other blends, grey cloth, bed sheets and lunges. There are about 390 workers in the plant. Kitex products are marketed through 200 authorized dealers. Kitex fabrics are now exported to many parts of the world. The company was established to set up a different estate to provide technical, industrial financial and marketing facilities to power leant owners and to create job opportunities to educate unemployed. Considerable infrastructure facilities has been built up by way of buildings, electrical distribution system, supporting machineries for wrapping 400 power looms were established in the premises under banner of Kizhakambalam Textile Limited. This has been later renamed as Kitex Ltd. MISSION Fabrics and processed fabrics as per the customer specification, efficiency in a professional and environment friendly manner, on time, and at the right cost with at most customer specification to become a world class organization through improvement. VISION World class manufacture customer Policy strategy C-1384 Quality process & people Leadership & team work 394 Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 A world class manufacturing company focusing on all round business excellence through A total quality management system with committed leadership, effective team work, delighted customers and employees in an environment friendly organizations. PERSONNEL/HR DEPARTMENT KITEX Ltd has a good HR department and it maintains good relation with the employees. This helped the company to achieve tremendous growth. All the employee related activities are managed by this department. Role of HR department  To create necessary infrastructure for HR development activities.  To realize with HR managers in identifying areas for HR development.  To arrange proper placement to trained employee.  To activate association and employee to take part in HR development activities which are beneficial to both employees and management. To monitor utilization and effectiveness of HR development training. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The function or activities normally associated with this department are: HRP Industrial relations Recruitment Promotion Transfer Separation Training and development Interview and selection Employee remuneration Performance appraisal RESEARCH METHEDOLOGY Definition The Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of Research as, “A careful investigation or enquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.” Research Methodology Research methods may be understood as al l those methods/techniques that are used for conduction of research. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. Universe of the study Universe refers to the total population out of which the sample has to be selected. The universe in this study consists of the 750 employees of Kitex Ltd. Sources of data Primary data  Data collected from questionnaire. Informal interviews conducted with employees. Secondary data Secondary data are those data have been already collected someone else and which have been approved. Secondary data were collected from company journals, website. Sampling method The samples were selected by convenient sampling method. This is the method where the items that are most conveniently available are selected as part of the sample Sample size Questionnaire Design The need for primary data requires a questionnaire that should be developed. The quality of questions included and their order can favor a survey to a large extent. In order to collect a primary data we use questionnaires. Data collection C-1384 395 Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 A structured questionnaire in which the questions were based on the objectives set for the research was used for collecting the information and to some extent observation also helped the researcher to give some additional information. LITERATURE STUDY (THEORETICAL ASPECT) Welfare in Indian industry implies provisions of medical& educational services, a congenial work atmosphere etc. The need for providing such services and facilities arises from the social responsibility of industry, a desire for upholding democratic values and a concern for employees. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Data was collected with the help of the questionnaire and is scored with appropriately and analyzed exhaustively, pertaining to objectives framed earlier. The data was tabulated using the percentage method. The following tables showing the opinion of respondents towards various welfare activities. All figures are expressed in percentage. 1. The table showing the response of employees regarding their salary. High Moderate Low Dissatisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction 69 19 12 0 FIGURE 1 100 50 0 High satisfaction Low satisfaction The above table shows that only 69% of employees have high satisfaction with the present salary payment.19 % of employees have moderate satisfaction and 12% of employees have low satisfaction towards the present salary payment. 2. Table showing the opinion of respondents about their work environment. High satisfaction 80 Moderate satisfaction 10 Low satisfaction 10 Dissatisfaction 0 FIGURE 2 From 100 0 High satisfaction Low satisfaction this table it is clear that , 80% of employees are highly satisfied with their work environment.10% of employees have moderate satisfaction and 10% of them have low satisfaction about their work environment. 3. The table showing the opinion of respondents regarding leave provisions. High satisfaction Moderate satisfaction Low satisfaction Dissatisfaction 59 33 8 0 C-1384 396 Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 FIGURE 3 High satisfaction Moderate satisfaction Low satisfaction The table shows that, 6% of employees have very good opinion about the suggestion scheme in the company.29% of them have good opinion&10% of them have bad opinion . 4. Table showing the opinion of respondents about grievance handling system High satisfaction Moderate satisfaction Low satisfaction 71 17 12 FIGURE 4 80 60 40 20 0 High satisfaction Low satisfaction The table shows that 59% of employees are highly satisfied with grievance system & 17% of them are moderately satisfied about it &rest of them have low satisfaction. 5. Table showing the opinion of respondents about training programs. High satisfaction Moderate satisfaction Low satisfaction 59 39 2 FIGURE 5 60 40 20 0 High satisfaction Low satisfaction The above table shows that, 59% of employees are highly satisfied with training programmes of the organization.39% of them moderately satisfied. Only 2% of them have low satisfaction about training programs of the organization. KITEX provide only the job training. 6. Table showing the opinion of respondents about medical, transport& loan facility . C-1384 397 Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 Category Medical Transport loan High satisfaction 97 89 70 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Moderate satisfaction 3 11 13 Low satisfaction 0 0 17 FIGURE 6 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 loan Transport Medical High satisfaction Moderate satisfaction Low satisfaction The above table shows that, 97% of employees have high satisfaction about the medical facility provided by the organization. Only 3% of them have moderate satisfaction about it. KITEX provide ambulance facility. It is also clear that, 89% of employees have high satisfaction about transport facility provided by the organization. Only 11% of them have moderate satisfaction about it. The table also shows that,70% of employees are highly satisfied with the loan facility provided by the organization &13% of them have moderate satisfaction& 17% of them have low satisfaction FINDINGS 1. The various factors affecting quality of work life of the employees are pay, benefits, occupational stress & the main stresses that employee faces are noise and obsolete technology. 2. There is direct link between employees well being and their job performance. He well being of employees increases their job performance and vice versa. 3. The various factors that affect employee performance are various benefits, work environment, satisfaction, recognition and their inter personal relations provided by the company. 4. Majority of people working at KITEX are highly satisfied with their work. Majority of workers in KITEX put in their maximum efforts at work so that they give their best performance. 5. All employees in KITEX are well aware about the various welfare measures provided by the company. 5. Majority of the employees are satisfied with the salary payment of KITEX. 6. Almost all employees are satisfied with the work environment in KITEX. The promotion policy followed by KITEX is good. 7. The leave provisions provided by the company are satisfactory. KITEX has got a good grievance handling system. The management –employee relationship is good & KITEX has got a welfare officer. SUGGESTIONS 1. The company should make sure that the quality of work life of employees is good by ensuring that the employees are given the best benefits and rewards possible. 2. Good communication must be made possible within the organization. There must be excellent interpersonal relation within the organization. 3. Noise, heat and work load should be kept at optimal level. So that it doesn‟t cause stress to employees. 4. Use modern technology and methods in order to get the best output & there should be a continuous and proper evaluation of employees. 5. Give employees as much control over their jobs as possible. Make sure superiors know how to bring out the best in people. 6. Help employee design their jobs to be as rewarding as possible. CONCLUSION The purpose of this thesis was exploring and understanding the relation between job performance and well being. The survey was conducted on the analysis was done according to the information collected by questionnaires C-1384 398 Vol-1 Issue-4 2016 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 through the selected samples. These studies show that the almost all employees are satisfied with the working event of the company. A few people say that there are some modifications for recreational facilities and career growth opportunities. REFERENCE 1.Personal Management ;Mamoria C.B 2.Human resource Management ; Mamoria C.B –S V ;Himalaya publication 3.P.G Aquinas ;Human Resource Management; Vikaspublication C-1384 399