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En rememoración de las gestas de lucha de nuestro querido compañero Manuel Belgrano, contra las tropas realistas, contra la monarquía española y todo sistema de dominación colonialista y de explotación Lidia I. Moroziuk Doctoranda en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA Director: Dr. (h.c.) y Prof. Osvaldo Bayer Calles, símbolos y palabras 1 La continuación de Belgrano es Azucena Villaflor que termina en Haroldo Conti.
Oficios Terrestres, 2016
El artículo indaga sobre las prácticas comunicativas públicas del Colectivo de Jóvenes por Nuestros Derechos desarrolladas en el marco de la Marcha de la Gorra, atendiendo al modo en quecontribuyen al reconocimiento y ejercicio de su condición ciudadana en la disputa por el reconocimiento de su condición de jóvenes con derechos.Analizaron las nociones sobre jóvenes de sectores populares sobre las que trabaja esta organización, reconociendo sus prácticas, lenguajes, estéticas y conflictos con las políticas de seguridad para desplegar estrategias propias de comunicación.
Ij domi J los aspe£ tOB principal ~ del pro eSO co' tr!A tiuo an6lisis Ij dise~10 J structu ral de los ccjol1es del tr:zlJO del Xetl'o. 1.-INTRODUCCION £8 bien, o.bido qu.e UYlO de Zos pl'obZemas mas i"pcrtarltes que aqu jan. a la Ciu ad de trxico es el deZ tl'W1:·orte. Nuestr cl'eciente ciu:!'a'1 hace q!..<2 los des lazr:or: ·c'lf.. o de las p>rsc rL1s seem lo./"gos 1j tediososj el awnento de 1a. pob1oci6n 1j la multiptic ciS;; e los autom6vi les occ.sioYia diaric mente verc: der03 caos uiales y CY7jO consecuen ia, m<cna perdida de tie~o para los capitalinos. el problerro de 1 trCD1sporte s6lo p-uele ser solucionado median t'e sisterrYJS que favorezcan al movimiento masivo 1j ~~ individual de los habitantes de 10. gran ciudad. Fue pOl' e Ho ({'.-Ie se Heg6 a la conc lusi6n de que La Ciudad de Me:::ico ne cesitaba una red de transporte colectivo como el Metro, co~lementa~o con otros sistemas de transporte. Desd~ 1968 hasta la fecna, !a CiU~0~ cuenta con ~a red creciente ce transporte colectivo. Las distintas aZternativas de proyecto 1j ejecuci6n del Metro son, hasta ahara. las siguientes: S1,l.pel'ficial, subterr6.n.ea-uperficial (cajones), subterranea -profunda (tunel) 1j elevada. En este curso se estudiara la altemativa mas co~ de las que se men cior~ en el parrafo anterior para la soluci6n del Metro: Zos cajones. aJ Concevtos Generales , Para seleccionar eZ tipo de alternativa a usar en la construcci6n de una L[nea del Metr'o interviener: los siguier.t23 factores: .J Casto de obra civil DOl' kil6metro.-En orden de mayor a menor costa Be tiene: tunel, caj6n. elevada y superf~iaZ . • J Tiempo de ejecuci6n.-De mayor a ~enor tien~o, el orden es: tUnel, co. j6n, elevado y superficial. ;) Obstl~cci6n de la v{a pUblica durante la construcci6n.-El co. so m6s crttico e8 el de l caj6n y despues superficial y elevada. El tUnel no causa practicamente obstruccciones. Segun $U procedimiento con8tructivo~ se podr£Qn clasificar en: .) CaJ6n a cielo abier'to .) CaJ6n con fTUro milan. -Con MuY'o mHcin. de acompanClJ7iiento con TrTlJ.Y'O milar. estructural) soluc-:'6/1 POl' tuneleo. J
Este libro elabora un análisis sobre el cómo los espacios públicos como la calle se han privatizado a partir del capitalismo y se reprime a quienes se manifiestan.
Routledge Handbook of Sport Expertise, 2015
Coaches are considered the key actors in the delivery of instruction to participants in a range of sporting contexts. In synthesizing the literature, the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) purports that the motives, aspirations, and needs of all sport participants change throughout the life span and therefore, coaches' ideologies, knowledge, and competence should reflect these varying needs (ICCE, 2013). Indeed, all forms of coaching should be valued for the potential contribution to the learning and development of sport participants throughout their life span (Mallett, 2013). The ongoing learning of coaches in all contexts is essential so that they might become more expert practitioners and better placed to deliver the potential benefits of sport engagement. There are several classifications of sport involvement in the literature. For the purposes of this chapter we have focused on four contexts in which sport coaching work is undertaken: coaches of (a) young children, (b) emerging athletes, (c) performance athletes, and (d) high-performance athletes. On the basis of these different contexts in which coaches operate, we consider the needs of sport participants in each context to guide the discussion about the specific nature of coaching and how they learn their craft. Although we acknowledge the various roles of coaches in sport (e.g., sport teacher/instructor, assistant coaches, senior coach, master coach) for the purposes of this chapter, the coach-in-charge and the development of his/her expertise is the focus of attention in each sporting context.
Griot, 2020
In Aristotle, the process of constitution of natural beings involves a set of causes, delimited according to the theory of matter and form. Matter is cause as a compositional support by which beings are generated; and form is cause as a factor responsible for the essential characteristics of the natural being, as well as for giving rise to a series of coordinated movements, which will result in substantial composition. In this article, I intend, at first, to argue that between the two types of fundamental causalities, that is, on the one hand, (i) that associated with material nature, and (ii) on the other, formal nature, there would be an explanatory primacy relative to the second, because in a fuller explanation involving these two causal aspects, material causality would be subordinated and subsumed by causality in formal-final terms. In a second moment, I’ll try to establish a contrast between natural causes and spontaneous cause, examining cases in which causal relationships do not occur due to a teleological determination, but by a mere conjunction of concomitant factors. Spontaneous generation is an example of events such as this, for in this case the constitution of the organism would not be presided over by a formal-final causality which administered a set of interdependently related causal series.
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 2013
Episteme, A journal of individual and social epistemology
Marine Policy, 2024
Southwestern Entomologist, 2009
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2009
Clinical and experimental immunology, 2015
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology, 2015
Istanbul Aydin Universitesi Dergisi, 2017
Epistola 2. La lettre diplomatique Écriture épistolaire et actes de la pratique dans l'Occident latin médiéval, 2018
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1992
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Ε. Στεφανή, Ε. Τσαγκαράκη & Α. Αρβανιτάκη (επιμ.), Από τον Νότο στον Βορρά. Αποικίες των Κυκλάδων στο βόρειο Αιγαίο. Κατάλογος έκθεσης, Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης, 12.7.2019-31.8.2020, Θεσσαλονίκη. , 2019