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The Shi'ur Qomah is a Jewish mystical text related to the Hekalot literature, which focuses on the anthropomorphized figure of God. Of particular interest are the numerous mysterious divine names which are attributed to the various parts of the divine body and the heavenly Throne-Chariot. I present here a comparative list of these names from the primary sources (including the numerous fragments of the SQ in other texts). This list is by no means complete, but I hope will prove useful as reference.
This work is a (a) lexical (b) concordance (c) of variants. It is therefore a combination of a concordance, a lexicon and a list of text-critical variant readings. (a) Even though some information about the virtual meanings of the listed lemmata is provided, this work does not aim to offer detailed lexicological treatments of lemmata. (b) The work has been arranged like a concordance, presenting the Greek lemmata accompanied by English translation equivalents and the Hebrew lemmata they are supposed to convey. The occurrences in Symmachus' translation are then cited according to the various sources and flanked by their Septuagint counterparts. We have also tried, as far and as often as it was possible, to embed the said lemmata within their immediate accompanying context. (c) This work deals with the lemmata which constitute lexical variants and not merely morphological ones in comparison to the Septuagint; this means that the rest of the lexemes that Symmachus as well as the Septuagint use for translating the same verse have not been taken up here. For that purpose one must consult a regular lexicon or concordance of the Septuagint, such as Hatch-Redpath, Concordance to the Septuagint, vols. I-II(-III) (Graz-Austria: Akademische Druck -u. Verlagsanstalt, 1954) and Lust-Eynikel-Hauspie, A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2003).
Envisioning Judaism. Studies in Honor of Peter Schäfer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, ed. Ra’anan S. Boustan, Klaus Herrmann, Reimund Leicht et alii, vol. 1, Tübingen 2013, pp. 685-713
More than 30 years ago, in 1981, the Synopse zur Hekhalot-Literatur was published by Peter Schäfer. 1 Despite the fact that this edition was not the irst publication of texts of this literature, 2 it was immediately acknowledged as a seminal and trailblazing stage of research leading not only to numerous contributions but actually to a new ield of Jewish Studies. 3 The giant volume of the Synopse provided the scholarly world with a synoptic edition of no less than seven manuscripts containing different texts of this corpus of the so-called early Jewish mysticism. 4 While all these manuscripts are of European provenience, they can be differentiated into various geographical as well as cultural areas. This is indicated by the Ashkenazi, Italian, Sephardic, and Byzantine scripts in which these manuscripts were written. The manuscripts can be dated from the fourteenth to sixteenth century. The main reason for a synoptic edition of Hekhalot literature lies in the luidity not only of the boundaries but also of the conigurations of * I would like to thank irst and foremost my venerated teacher Peter Schäfer who taught me more than I could acknowledge here. Furthermore, I owe many thanks to Klaus Herrmann, Tal Ilan, Gideon Bohak, Daniel Abrams, and, last but not least, Reimund Leicht for discussing with me different aspects of different drafts of this paper. 1 P. Schäfer, ed., Synopse zur Hekhalot-Literatur (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1981).
As is understood by the thirteenth-century mystic Abraham Abulafia, Kabbalah is not primarily a form of gnosis or theosophy.
Jewish Studies - Special Issue: Early Jewish Mysticism, 2017
Studies in English - 1960-2023 Translations & References A Selection of Books & Articles Appendix 1. Jewish Magic--A Selection of Sources in English Appendix 2. Synopse zur Hekhalot-Literatur: An Outline of Contents Appendix 3. The 1982 version of "Notes on the Study of Merkabah Mysticism and Hekhalot Literature"
PLOS Genetics, 2006
The Arabidopsis transcription factor HY5 controls light-induced gene expression downstream of photoreceptors and plays an important role in the switch of seedling shoots from dark-adapted to light-adapted development. In addition, HY5 has been implicated in plant hormone signaling, accounting for the accelerated root system growth phenotype of hy5 mutants. Mutants in the close HY5 homolog HYH resemble wild-type, despite the largely similar expression patterns and levels of HY5 and HYH, and the functional equivalence of the respective proteins. Moreover, the relative contribution of HYH to the overall activity of the gene pair is increased by an alternative HYH transcript, which encodes a stabilized protein. Consistent with the enhanced root system growth observed in hy5 loss-of-function mutants, constitutively overexpressed alternative HYH inhibits root system growth. Paradoxically, however, in double mutants carrying hy5 and hyh null alleles, the hy5 root growth phenotype is suppressed rather than enhanced. Even more surprisingly, compared to wild-type, root system growth is diminished in hy5 hyh double mutants. In addition, the double mutants display novel shoot phenotypes that are absent from either single mutant. These include cotyledon fusions and defective vasculature, which are typical for mutants in genes involved in the transcriptional response to the plant hormone auxin. Indeed, many auxin-responsive and auxin signaling genes are misexpressed in hy5 mutants, and at a higher number and magnitude in hy5 hyh mutants. Therefore, auxin-induced transcription is constitutively activated at different levels in the two mutant backgrounds. Our data support the hypothesis that the opposite root system phenotypes of hy5 single and hy5 hyh double mutants represent the morphological response to a quantitative gradient in the same molecular process, that is gradually increased constitutive auxin signaling. The data also suggest that HY5 and HYH are important negative regulators of auxin signaling amplitude in embryogenesis and seedling development.
Cerebral Cortex, 2012
Granule cells in the dentate gyrus are only sparsely active in vivo and survive hippocampal sclerosis (HS) during temporal lobe epilepsy better than neighboring cells. This phenomenon could be related to intrinsic properties specifically adapted to counteract excitation. We studied the mechanisms underlying the excitability of human granule cells using acute hippocampal slices obtained during epilepsy surgery. Patch-clamp recordings were combined with pharmacology, immunocytochemistry, and computer simulations. The input resistance of granule cells correlated negatively with the duration of epilepsy and the degree of HS. Hyperpolarizationactivated, ZD7288-sensitive cation (I H , HCN) currents and highly Ba 21 -sensitive, inwardly rectifying K 1 (Kir) currents (and HCN1 and Kir2.2 protein) were present somatodendritically and further enhanced in patients with severe HS versus mild HS. The properties and function of I H were characterized in granule cells. Although I H depolarized the membrane, it strongly reduced the input resistance and shifted the current--frequency function to higher input values. The shunting influence of HCN and Kir was similar and these conductances correlated. Resonance was not observed. Simulations suggest that the combined upregulation of Kir and HCN conductances attenuates excitatory synaptic input, while stabilizing the membrane potential and responsiveness. Thus, granule cells homeostatically downscale their input--output transfer function during epilepsy.
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised. I. Aleph, 2018
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew Revised. I. Aleph. This file contains 125 pp. of the 764 pp. of DCHR 1, released July 2018. It includes the Introduction, outlining the unique features of the Dictionary.
Materia Giudaica, 2005
A NEW EARLY TANḤUMA MANUSCRIPT FROM THE ITALIAN GENIZAH. THE FRAGMENTS OF RAVENNA AND THEIR TEXTUAL TRADITION 1. The Ravenna Fragments of Tanh uma The fragments of Tanh uma I found in Ravenna consist of four strips of a horizontally cut bifo-lio; each strip is equivalent to about a quarter of the whole bifolio. The story of the discovery and the recomposition of this bifolio is quite intriguing. After having catalogued in 1991 five fragments of medieval Hebrew manuscripts found in the Ravenna State Archive 1 , I found eight new fragments in the Ravenna Archiepiscopal Archive which I published in 1998 2. Among them I found a first strip of our bifolio, the upper one, containing a part of Midrash Tanh uma on Leviticus from the parašot Ah are mot and Qedoshim, which I catalogued as close to version A published by Solomon Buber in Vilna in 1885, reprinted in Jerusalem in 1963-64, and dated its early square ashkenazic script to the 12 th-13 th centuries 3. The fragment appeared quite important both for its antiquity and for some interesting variant readings it contained. When I found it, this fragment was already detached from the bookbinding for which it had been reused, and it was not possible for me to know the register from which it had been detached or, in particular, the dates of the deeds contained, which are of great importance in establishing the date when the manuscript was reused. In 1993 a friend of mine, Gregorio Caravita, informed me that in the bookbinding of two old registers of the series «Catastri ferraresi» kept in the Archiepiscopal Archive of Ravenna, some fragments of ancient Hebrew manuscripts had been reused. In particular the registers were those of the «Catastro D/1» whose deeds go from the year 1264 onwards, and the «Catastro D/2-3-4» whose deeds begin in the year 1359 and continue into the following years. We have to say that this series of registers contains estates corresponding to the Curia of Ravenna from parishes of the Pentapolis of the river Po delta, in the province of Ferrara, which was under the rule of the Ravenna Archbishop. Until the 19 th century this series was kept in Ferrara where the Archbishop of Ravenna had his properties. When in the 19 th century the Bishop of Ravenna sold his properties to the people who owned them by enphyteusis, the archival series of the Catastri Ferraresi was transferred to the Archiepis-copal Archive in Ravenna, since these registers had ended their function. In order to establish the date when our fragments of Tanh uma were reused, we have to point out that the registers of this series , in whose bindings they have been found, all underwent a second binding during the second half of the 16 th century. Our early handwritten copy of Tanh uma was reused at the time by a bookbinder in Ferrara to rebind the Catastri series, and certainly not in the 13 th or 14 th centuries, when the registers began to be compiled in Ferrara by the Episcopal authority of Ravenna. An accurate examination of the binding of the registers give clear evidence of this. Three years ago all the registers of the Catastri Ferraresi, among them the two mentioned above, were rebound for the third time, and on this occasion several fragments of ancient Hebrew manuscripts were discovered. All of these parchment Hebrew manuscripts fragments were re-used not to made a cover or a wrapper of the registers, but to strengthen the rib of the volumes and their binding made in leather. In order to fit to this purpose all the fragments were cut in long stripes obtained cutting horizontally a bifolio in four parts. Several of these fragments contain parts of an early manu
Au chapitre dix-sept des Homélies pseudo-clémentines 1 , l"apôtre Pierre soutient que son Dieu, celui qu"il faut craindre et servir avant tout, possède une forme, c"est-à-dire un corps, pourvu de tous ses membres. Des siècles d"influence platonicienne et de théologie chrétienne font en sorte que, pour nous, lecteurs modernes, la position de Pierre fait problème 2 . Le divin peut-il vraiment être divin s"il possède un corps 3 ? Déjà, parmi les Pères, Justin, Origène et Basile le Grand, endossant la définition platonicienne d"un divin immatériel, s"opposaient à la conception juive d"un Dieu qui aurait un corps et des membres 4 . Il y a effectivement dans certains courants de la pensée juive un anthropomorphisme totalement assumé 5 . C"est le cas du courant mystique, que l"on appelle la mystique de la Merkabah, au sein duquel s"est développée la notion de Shiur Qomah, ce qu"il est convenu de traduire par «la mesure du corps» 6 .
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1997
Objectives. We sought to assess the effects of second-hand smoke (SHS) and gender on infarct size in young rats exposed in utero or in the neonatal to adolescent period, or both.
Науково-практичний семінар "Трансформація сис-теми морально-психо-логічного забезпечен-ня Збройних Сил України в період з 1991 по 2024 роки", 2024
Ultima Hora , 2023
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 2024
Psychology in the Schools, 2019
Global Political Review
Ocean Modelling, 2013
Cropp Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2009
Data in Brief, 2019
Food and Public Health, 2013
Frontiers, 2024
Mathematical Geosciences, 2019
Physical Review B, 2005
Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2016