General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
CRF and stress in fish
Gert Flik *, Peter H.M. Klaren, Erwin H. Van den Burg, Juriaan R. Metz, Mark O. Huising
Department of Animal Physiology, Institute for Neuroscience, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Received 21 July 2005; revised 8 November 2005; accepted 14 November 2005
Available online 5 January 2006
The endocrine stress response is pivotal in vertebrate physiology. The stress hormone cortisol—the end product of the endocrine stress
axis—(re-)directs energy flows for optimal performance under conditions where homeostasis may be or become at risk. Key players in the
continuous adaptation process are corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) from the hypothalamic nucleus preopticus (NPO), pituitary
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol produced by the interrenal cells in the headkidney (adrenal equivalent of fish).
CRF is a member of a large family of related peptides that signals through CRF-receptor subtypes specific for central and peripheral
actions of the peptide. CRF is ‘‘chaperoned’’ by a unique and phylogenetically very well-conserved binding protein (CRFBP); the functions of the CRFBP can only be speculated on so far, but its mRNA and protein abundance are important indicators of the central CRFsystem activity, and indeed its mRNA levels are altered by restraint stress. Moreover, the unique structure and size of the CRFBP
provide good tools in phylogenetic studies, that date the CRF-system to at least one billion years old. Pro-opiomelanocortin is produced
and processed to ACTH and endorphin in the hypothalamic NPO and pituitary pars distalis ACTH-cells, to MSH and acetylated endorphins in the pituitary pars intermedia MSH-cells. ACTH is the prime corticotrope in acute stress conditions. In carp, MSH, considered a
mild corticotrope in chronic stress responses in other fish, lacks corticotropic effects (in line with the absence of the melanocortin-5 receptor in headkidney); yet, an unknown corticotropic signal susbtance in the pars intermedia of carp awaits elucidation. Interesting observations were made on the CRF control of pituitary cells. CRF stimulates ACTH-cells, but only when these cells experience a mild
dopaminergic block. Endorphin, produced in the NPO and transported via axons to the pituitary gland in vivo, reverses the stimulatory
CRF action on MSH-cells to a differential inhibition of N-acetyl b-endorphin release in vitro (MSH release is not affected). We speculate
that the consistently observed elevation of plasma MSH during chronic stress may exert central actions related to feeding and leptin regulated processes. A BOLD-fMRI study revealed the functional anatomy of the stress response at work in a paradigm, where carp were
exposed to a sudden water temperature drop. In carp (and other fish), the endocrine stress axis is already operational in very early life
stages, viz., around hatching and comprises hypothalamic, pituitary, and interrenal signaling to adjust the physiology of the hatchling to
its dynamically changing environment. Understanding of stress during early life stages is critical as the consequent rises in cortisol may
have long lasting effects on survival and fish quality.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: CRF; CRFBP; CRFR1; CRFR2; POMC; ACTH; MSH; BOLD-fMRI; Nucleus preopticus; Pituitary gland; Headkidney; Common carp;
Cyprinus carpio; Larvae; Aquaculture
1. Introduction
For a dynamic interaction with the environment, crucial
for survival, vertebrates continuously adjust their physiology (‘‘adaptational responses’’) to an ever-changing environment. To do so, vertebrates may depend on a seemingly
endless repertoire of physiological, endocrinological, and
Corresponding author. Fax: +31 24 3653229.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (G. Flik).
0016-6480/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
immunological responses that allow them, indeed, to cope
with physical, chemical, and biological disturbances. Fish,
in intimate contact with their aqueous environment via the
elaborate and delicate epithelium of the gills—where
unwanted chemicals and antigens may easily penetrate—
were the first vertebrates that developed stress responses,
which include interactions between the endocrine stress
axis (a key player in the adaptive response with gills as
an important target for cortisol, the end product of the
stress axis) and the immune system (crucial to eliminate
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
intruding antigens). Bidirectional communication between
the endocrine and immune system then is a prerequisite
(Engelsma et al., 2002). Indeed, evidence is accruing from
molecular biological studies that in fish, representing the
earliest vertebrates, the majority of chemical signaling
between these systems is already operational. In this topical
review, we address the endocrine stress response in carp
(Cyprinus carpio). We will focus on the functional anatomy
of the stress axis in adult fish, and peculiarities of the CRFand POMC-systems in the stress axis. In adult carp, we
were able to visualise the endocrine stress axis at work,
in vivo, by blood oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI). The early development of the stress axis activity was investigated in carp
around hatching. This mini-review reflects our contribution
to the symposium ‘‘Novel functions of the corticotropin-releasing factor system’’ held at the 15th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology in Boston, May 2005;
it is certainly not an exhaustive review, rather a document
to stimulate further reading and discussion.
2. Some functional anatomy of the endocrine stress axis in
adult fish
The focus in this section is on the hypothalamic nucleus
preopticus (NPO), pituitary ACTH- and MSH-cells and
the headkidney, where cortisol is produced. The hypothalamic nuclei involved in stress responses receive multiple
input from sensory systems that continuously monitor
and evaluate the internal and external conditions of the
fish. Eventually, much of this information converges to
the NPO, where it is integrated to direct the pituitary
ACTH- and MSH-cells in their control over the interrenal
cells and central systems that need adjustment during
3. The CRF-system
CRF-producing cells in the NPO are believed to play a
crucial role in the process of adaptation to stressors.
Importantly, other peptides like arginine vasotocin
(AVT), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and the
POMC-derived ACTH and endorphins are only some
other players in this field. The peptides may be produced
in the same CRF-producing cells or in seperate cells and
intercellular communication with these signals may occur
via synaptic (or synaps-like) contacts or be specified via
localised receptor expression on the neuron somata. With
an antibody to carp ACTH10–23, which recognises the processed ACTH-molecule (not its precursor POMC or the
MSH-sequence), we demonstrated (Metz et al., 2004) the
presence of ACTH in NPO-cells in the vicinity of CRFcells. This ACTH could function in paracrine mode to
modulate CRF-cell activity within the NPO, since we see
no ACTH in axon bundles projecting to the pituitary
gland. Paracrine release of ACTH in the NPO could be
demonstrated by immunohistochemistry at the ultrstruc-
tural level on tannic acid treated tissue (to capture exocytosis), but such studies have not yet been carried out. We do
not yet know the afferent input to these ACTH-producing
cells. A more speculative yet attractive hypothesis is that
these ACTH-producing cells are primarily an endorphin
source. Processing of POMC to ACTH yields endorphin
and, indeed, we do see endorphin-positive axons approaching and entering the pituitary gland. We do not rule out
that (part of) the endorphin is N-terminally acetylated during transport towards the pituitary gland (Van den Burg
et al., 2001). Acetylation of endorphin results in loss of opioid activity as the acetylated isoforms lose significant affinity for opioid receptors (Barg et al., 1993; Rene et al., 1998)
and this may be required to fine-regulate endorphin levels
as these peptides are rather powerful biochemicals. A
remarkable observation is that endorphin, when given as
a tonus in vitro to carp pituitary MSH-cells, alters the
response to CRF: CRF inhibits under such conditions
the release of acetylated endorphin but not of MSH.
Apparently, a differential regulation of processing and
release of these peptides, that reside in a 1:1 ratio in the precursor POMC, is part of the complex pituitary response to
hypothalamic stress signals (Van den Burg et al., 2005a).
Acetylated endorphin has been assigned a potentiating role
in corticotropic actions of MSH in the Mozambique tilapia
(Balm et al., 1995). Every trial to confirm this concept in
carp failed so far and we could not demonstrate mRNA
of melanocortin-5 receptor, a predicted vector for MSHsignaling in headkidney (Metz et al., 2005). Little, if any,
information is available on specific (activating) receptors
for acetylated endorphins. Maybe acetylation of endorphins aims at production of opioid receptor antagonists
(Rene et al., 1998). In that case, the search for opioid receptors on fish (tilapia) cortisol-producing cells is indicated.
The consequence of such a discovery would be that the
potentiating effect of acetylated endorphin on MSH-corticotropic actions relies on antagonist action on opioid
receptors. Such a complicated scenario is realistic as it
was demonstrated in the mammalian adrenal cortex that
the zona fasciculata cells express opioid l- and j-receptors
that stimulate corticosteroid production, via ACTH-independent pathways (Kapas et al., 1995). The search for specific, activating receptors for acetylated-endorphin awaits
further research and experimentation; that such receptors
may exist follows from the consideration that highly specific antisera to acetylated endorphins can be made. This suggests that the acetylated molecule is highly specifically
recognised by the immune system and thus is part of a
known ligand-receptor combination.
Axons of the NPO CRF-cells project directly to the
pituitary gland. This is a different situation from that in
higher vertebrates (as of amphibia) where the hypothalamic-releasing hormones are freed into the portal circulation
of an eminentia mediana. The important difference between
fish and higher vertebrates then is that the hypothalamicreleasing hormones depend on receptor expression profiles
of targets in higher vertebrates, whereas localised release
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
(via synapses or into the circulation via neurosecretion in
the pars nervosa) is typical for fish. Specificity is thus realised in the CRF-sending neurons in fish and in the receiving
cells in higher vertebrates, respectively.
The CRF signal is eventually determined by at least
three factors (Fig. 1): the CRF structure, the presence of
CRF binding protein (CRFBP), and the receptor for
CRF (at least two known, R1 is the ‘‘central’’ receptor).
Carp are tetraploid fish and make two CRF molecules that
differ in a proline (neutral) and alanine (amphiphatic) on
position four of the mature 41 amino acid peptide (Huising
et al., 2004). As this is not a conservative replacement, one
wonders whether the peptides have evolved into serving
different functions. For sure, the alanine would give the
molecule less rigidity that could easily translate into a different tertiary structure. Little is known on this topic but it
has been shown that messenger RNA’s for the two very
similar copies of POMC in this fish (Arends et al., 1998a)
are differentially expressed among different strains of common carp when challenged with varying water temperatures (Arends et al., 1998b). This indicates that even very
small differences in peptide molecules potentially yield
advantages in adaptation physiology and amplify the
(stress) signaling repertoire of the fish. The same could hold
for the two CRFs in carp. The high sequence identity
between fish and human mature CRF (93%) substantiates
a strong evolutionary pressure on conservation of this signal substance over the roughly 450 million years since the
rise of fishes in the Ordovicium. The small, yet significant,
changes within duplicate genes as occur in the tetraploid
carp confirm this notion from observations on a single species; the genome duplication in carp is however more recent
and estimated to have occurred 16 million years ago (Larhammer and Risinger, 1994). Another exciting hypothesis
to test is whether different CRFs are produced in peripheral
organs of the fish (headkidney, immune system, caudal
neurosecretory system, gills) with a concomittant target
specificity. CRF is projected towards ACTH-cells and
towards the pars intermedia MSH-cells. Interestingly,
CRF may be a releasing hormone for TSH in fish (as in
birds via CRFR2 rather than CRFR1; De Groef et al.,
2003) and this warrants studies on thyroid involvement in
stress regulation. Intriguingly, CRF-signaling to the pituitary gland could exert combined and concerted control
over metabolism and metamorphosis via cortisol and thyroid hormones during early life stages and metabolism
alone in adult stages. This notion further warrants studies
into interactions of transcription factors for thyroid hormone (T3) and cortisol (and others such as retinoic acid
receptors known to heterodimerise for their actions), and
what wonderful models fish such as carp provide to study
the ontogeny of these aspects of the CRF-system! We are
presently screening the carp pituitary gland for CRFR1
and CRFR2 mRNAs to see if the chicken situation was/
maybe an ‘‘invention’’ of fish.
The abundant CRF-immunoreactivity in carp (and
other fish) pars intermedia (Huising et al., 2004) may indicate that NPO axons terminate on pars nervosa blood vessels and release CRF there for peripheral purposes. This
scenario could explain the extraordinarily high levels of
CRF seen in fish plasma (Pepels and Balm, 2004a).
Whether plasma CRF in fish is ‘‘chaperoned’’ by a binding
protein is doubted by these authors, but this seems counterintuitive considering the situation in pregnant women: the
high levels of CRF at term are buffered by CRFBP to protect the body from the potent CRF signal. Interestingly, the
urophysis of fish is another potential source of CRF that
could determine the high plasma levels in fish (Lu et al.,
2004); whether the urophysis also contains CRFBP awaits
further experimentation. Carp, pufferfish, and in all
Fig. 1. The vertebrate CRF-system. Five members of the vertebrate CRF family have been identified, of which sauvagine has only been identified in a
single frog species (Phylomedusa sauvagei). Note that urotensin-I is the fish ortholog of urocortin 1, found in tetrapods. All CRF family members signal via
CRF-receptors that belong to the superfamily of seven-helix G-protein-coupled receptors. Note that CRFR3 has to date only been identified in a single
catfish species (Ameiurus nebulosus). The bioavailability of some CRF family members is modulated by CRF-BP. Recently, splice variants of CRFR1 and
CRFR2 genes encoding truncate and soluble CRFRs have been described in human and rodents, which represents a novel way to modulate CRFsignaling.
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
likelihood all fish, produce CRFBP (Huising et al., 2004),
which may modulate CRF bioactivity or serve as a reservoir. The impetus for this research was given by data
obtained with an antiserum to human CRFBP (donated
by Dr. W. Vale, Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA) that allowed
us to demonstrate a 35.8 kDa CRFBP in carp hypothalamus and pituitary extracts by Western blot (Huising
et al., 2004). As will be discussed below, CRFBP is wellconserved during phylogeny and this explains the cross-reactivity at the basis of these observations. In carp, CRFBP
is produced by a separate group of small cells at the periphery of the NPO. The axons of these cells join those of the
CRF-producing neurons on their way towards the pituitary
gland. This leaves the CRF- and CRFBP-producing cells as
two targets for regulation in fish (in higher vertebrates,
CRF and CRFBP are often produced by the same cell).
Restraint stress elevates mRNA levels of both CRF and
CRFBP in carp hypothalamus and results in release of
both proteins from nerve terminals in the pituitary gland
as shown by a comparison following immunohistochemistry of control and experimental tissue and thus we have
to consider both proteins in our appreciation of the
CRF-signaling system. When parallels would exist with
the IGF-system, we should at least extend our views on
CRFBP functions to direct, CRF-independent effects of
the binding protein on CRF targets (Bauchat et al.,
2001). The rather well-studied IGF-system may fulfil a role
model in this search. The IGF- and CRF-systems with their
binding proteins share a long evolutionary history: both
have been traced back in fishes (Bauchat et al., 2001; Huising et al., 2004). Very recently, CRFBP was demonstrated
in the honeybee (Huising and Flik, 2005) and this would
date the CRF-system to at least one billion years old.
A third player in the CRF-system is of course the receptor moiety on the target cell for CRF. To date, two categories of CRF-receptors (with splice variants; Eckart et al.,
2002) are known, CRFR1 and CRFR2. Both are widely
expressed in the central nervous system and peripherally.
CRFR1 is the important receptor in the stress axis. CRFR2
is involved in a whole host of stress-related physiological
and behavioral responses, from alterations in vascular tone
and blood pressure to effects on feeding and anxiety-related
behaviors; obviously CRFR2-mediated regulation of learning and anxiety control involves brain nuclei and areas outside the endocrine stress axis (Bale et al., 2002a,b). The
involvement of the CRFR1 in the stress response of carp
was demonstrated by a predicted down-regulation of the
messenger RNA for this protein following a 24 h restraint
(Huising et al., 2004). Fish (carp) possess an orthologue of
the mammalian CRFR2 and its particular involvement in
fish physiology and disease/stress awaits further experimentation. With the demonstration of the ‘‘complete
CRF system’’ in fish, we hope to convince students in biology that we should look, where possible, for original functions of the components of this system in the early
vertebrates (fish) and should realise ourselves that an
anthropocentric approach in this particular field of
research (extrapolation of data from human studies) may
not always be justified, considering the high degree of specialisation of the human being and carp alike, and may
leave surprises hidden. The versatility of the CRF-system
may be at the basis of the success of fishes that, with an
estimated 35,000 extant species, are the most successful vertebrates in this world, and that have explored and occupied
essentially every thinkable niche. We only start to understand bits of the highly complex brain/hypothalamus regulation of pituitary output, which involves many more
signals than those of the CRF-family (CRF, Urocortins,
Urotensins), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), arginine-vasotocin
proopiomelanocortin(POMC-)derived peptides from the NPO which were
addressed here; not to speak of similarly complex pituitary
cocktails of pleiotropic signals meant to control the peripheral targets of the body for a properly concerted stress
response. This complexity must be at the basis of the success of fishes and evolution of later vertebrates.
4. The POMC-system
4.1. ACTH (Fig. 2)
The expression of POMC in the NPO was addressed
above ‘‘in the margin’’. Our knowledge of ACTH actions
in hypothalamic cells is rather limited, not in the least
because of the scarcity of sensitive assays for ACTH in fishes (good antibodies are rare due to the extreme conservation of the ACTH molecule in most vertebrates). We
succeeded in developing an ACTH-immunoassay for carp
ACTH (Metz et al., 2004) that we used mainly to better
understand the carp pituitary ACTH-cell. Carp ACTHcells appear to be under negative dopaminergic control
in vivo: ACTH-release is unleashed in ectopic pars distalis
tissue. This notion was key to further study these cells in vitro. First attempts to measure CRF-regulated output from
the pituitary pars distalis (which can easily be separated
from the rest of the highly organised pituitary gland in fishes) directly in a perifusion setup enigmatically failed. The
release rate of ACTH increased over time and CRF over
a wide range of concentrations was without stimulatory
effect. We then reasoned that the inhibitory dopamine
tonus that these cells normally experience in the intact fish,
with its consequences for second messenger make-up of the
cells, could be a requirement for CRF action in vitro.
Indeed, ACTH-cells do show CRF-dependency for
ACTH-release only under mild dopamine block. It seems
that the powerful ACTH signal is normally inhibited by
dopamine for a balanced stress-axis output. Thus, proper
ACTH-cell functioning in vitro is apparently only guaranteed when the cells experience a certain dopamine tonus.
Further, it was the peculiar and generally recognised power
of the ACTH signal, e.g., reflected by picomolar surges
during stress, that underlies the notion that an inhibitory
tonus by dopamine is an integral part of stress-axis activity
to allow for balanced and strictly controlled stress axis out-
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
Fig. 2. Serial, transversal sections of the pituitary gland of common carp immunostained with antisera raised against the C-terminus of carp b-endorphin
(A) and ACTH (B). Obviously, b-endorphin-positive fibers project in the direction of the PI. These fibers most likely originate from the NPO, which is
positive for both b-endorphin and ACTH (NPO not visible in these sections). ACTH, however, is not immunoreactive in the pituitary-entering nerve fiber.
Thus, although derived from the same precursor, this suggests differential trafficking of the peptides b-endorphin and ACTH. As shown, both POMCderived peptides are also produced in the corticotrope cells of the PD. In the PI, ACTH is immediately further cleaved to a-MSH and CLIP, and thus
leaves no ACTH immunoreactivity there. Note that the b-endorphin immunoreactivity shown represents the non-acetylated full-length b-endorphin,
which we established immunohistochemically with the use of a N-acetyl b-endorphin-specific antiserum (not shown in this figure). For clarity,
nomenclature is shown only in (A). Abbreviations: V, ventricle; NF, nerve fiber; PD, pars distalis; PI, pars intermedia.
put and stress adaptation. More studies are needed. ‘‘Do
both signals use cAMP?’’, ‘‘are other second messengers
involved?’’, ‘‘is there cross-talk or bidirectional communication between their second messengers?’’, these are just
some questions that have to be answered to understand
the mechanisms underlying this observation.
Interestingly, hypothalamic dopamine production
decreases in mice experiencing chronic stress (Konstandi
et al., 2000). If the same holds for fish, a lower dopamine
tonus due to stress could desensitise the ACTH-cell for
CRF, impeding acute stress signals. In chronically stressed
(not in controls) Mozambique tilapia (Lamers et al., 1997),
the pituitary MSH-cells express a stimulatory, high affinity
dopamine D1 receptor, compatible with this notion of
decreased dopamine levels and an increased MSH production during chronic stress. Apparently, such situations of
decreased dopamine activity do occur in fish.
4.2. MSH and N-acetylated endorphin (Fig. 2)
As mentioned above, the pituitary gland secretes many
post-translationally modified POMC-derived peptides.
MSHs and acetylated endorphins are two categories of
products of the MSH-cell often considered in stress regulation. In a series of studies on tilapia in the nineties of the
last century, MSH was proposed as a mild corticotrope
(in concert with endorphin; Balm et al., 1995). The complex
picture around the rather pleiotropic MSH-signal was narrowed down to its di-acetylated form as the specific corticotrope next to the non- and mono-acetylated isoforms
(Lamers et al., 1992) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone
(not CRF) the prime hypothalamic regulator of its differential release (Lamers et al., 1994). The picture that emerged
was that of potent pars distalis ACTH in acute stress
appearing in short surges to evoke sharp transient rises in
cortisol and mild pars intermedia MSH chronically elevated to reset baseline cortisol to somewhat higher levels. A
wonderful picture, but maybe a tilapia picture only. We
could not confirm a similar concept in carp. Whatever
combination of synthetic MSH- and endorphin-isoforms
tested, no corticotropic action for MSH could be demonstrated in carp (Metz et al., 2005). Accordingly, no other
than the MC2R, the ‘‘ACTH-receptor’’, could be demonstrated in carp headkidney tissue and this receptor was
downregulated following stress in line with an anticipated
negative feedback control. We anticipated that an effect
of MSH would be mediated by an MC5R as this receptor
is also expressed in mammalian adrenal cortex (Maia
et al., 2002; Metz et al., 2005; MC1R is the melanophore
MSH-receptor, MC3R and MC4R are predominantly
expressed in brain tissue). The intriguing observation
remains that an aqueous extract of pars intermedia (conservatively dissected and thus mainly containing products of
MSH- and somatolactin-cells plus CRF and CRFBP in
the pars nervosa tissue therein) contains a corticotropic
principle at least equipotent to ACTH (Metz et al., 2005).
We are investigating the possibilities now.
Plasma MSH-levels do rise in chronically stressed carp
(Metz et al., 2005) as in tilapia (Lamers et al., 1994), but
maybe with another purpose? We consider the possibility
of pituitary MSH feedback on central mechanisms to regulate food intake during stress (Cerda-Reverter et al.,
2003). We have cloned carp leptin and assuming a rather
pregnant role for leptin in control over neuronal activity
involved in feeding behaviour, we now can evaluate
anorexigenic (MSH, CART, Stat3, Socs3, CRF) and orexigenic (NPY, AgRF) signals to these neurons. Another
function of MSH that requires more attention is its peripheral lipolytic activity in mammals (Brennan et al., 2003;
Forbes et al., 2001) as well as in fish (Yada et al., 2002).
Stress conditions may require an additional energy source
beyond glycogen/glucose. The consistent rises in plasma
MSH seen during chronic stress in fish would be in line
with this hypothesis.
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
4.3. The headkidney
5. The endocrine stress axis in action viewed by BOLDfMRI
The interrenal tissue of fish represents a peculiar anatomical situation with the cells producing cortisol and
those that produce the catecholamines adrenalin and noradrenalin being intermingled and arranged along the cardinal veins in the headkidney of the fish; the endocrine cells
lie embedded in haematopoietic tissue. Such organisation
suggests that the endproducts of the stress axes (catecholamines and cortisol) have direct paracrine access to the cells
of the immune system. Vice versa, chemical signals of the
immune system could exert direct paracrine actions on
the steroid and chromaffin cells.
An example of such a concerted signal response was
demonstrated by immersion vaccination of carp: cortisol
surges are combined with upregulation of acute phase
genes of the crucial innate immune components (interleukin-1b, iNOS, a2-macroglobulin, serum amyloid proteinA and tumor necrosis factor a), all meant to fight the
imminent threat of pathogen invasion (Huising et al.,
2003). Just with this concept in mind, this headkidney tissue
deserves far more attention than it receives right now. We
wonder about all the possible feedbacks that the combined
headkidney signals may exert at every level of the stress axis.
No doubt exists that what we call the endocrine stress
axis, i.e., the NPO-pituitary gland-interrenal cell-axis, is
involved in the regulation of stress responses and this
notion is based on extensive analyses of the physiology,
biochemistry, and molecular biology that show more or
less predicted responses in stress paradigms. Yet, to the
best of our knowledge, there is no report on the visualisation of stress axis activity in vivo, and most certainly not in
fish. In a wonderful collaboration with Dr. A. Van der Linden and colleagues, we developed a paradigm to study the
stress axis activity in a high resolution MRI setup (Fig. 3;
Van den Burg et al., 2005b).
For this purpose, of course, we had to find out whether
the (mild) anaesthesia required to immobilise the fish for
imaging did not interfere with the initiation of the endocrine stress response. We thus set out to test several anaesthetics and succeeded to immobilise carp by irrigation of
the gills with water containing low maintenance concentrations of MS222, while keeping the stress response intact.
The stress response was monitored i.a. by changes in plasma cortisol levels. The actual stressor chosen was a sudden
5 20 30 40
Time after onset of temperature drop (min)
Fig. 3. Blood oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI) in carp brain preoptic area (poa) and anterior midbrain
tegmentum (mt), the tuberal hypothalamus (th) and in the pituitary gland following a 10 °C temperature drop in the water irrigating the gills. (A) BOLDfMRI shows decreased (blue, mt) and increased (red, poa) BOLD-contrast, showing differential effects of the temperature drop on cellular activity; the area
where the NPO CRH-cells reside (poa) is activated. (B) BOLD-fMRI of the tuberal hypothalamus; the area where a multitude of neural pathways between
NPO and pituitary runs is activated. (C) BOLD-fMRI of the pituitary gland; opposite responses in the pars distalis (pd; red/pink) and pars intermedia (pi;
blue). Oxygen consumption increases in the pd (consistent with activation of ACTH-cells) and decreases in the pi following an acute temperature drop. (D)
Cartoon depicting the time-sequential BOLD-fMRI events preceding the release of cortisol following an acute temperature drop (abbreviations as above).
The observations are in line with the predicted sequence of events during activation of the endocrine HPI-axis.
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
temperature drop (25 to 15 °C within 5 min), realised by
switching between two water tanks from where the gills
were irrigated. The fish was equipped with an antenna on
top of its head and images were collected in the horizontal
plane. This required the construction of a dedicated brain
map for carp, which was made under supervision of our
colleague Dr. Meek, renowned comparative brain anatomist (Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1998). The ‘‘horizontal
approach’’ was a requirement to avoid anticipated disturbances of the water irrigating the gills below the brain
(the plane of gill adherence to the palatum is sufficiently
distant from pituitary gland and brain basis). Just one
other aspect addressed was the potential effect of noise that
goes with MRI-analysis on the responses of the fish. To
this end, a sound CD was recorded of the actual setup in
Antwerp and played with a gettho blaster at realistic decibels in the Nijmegen laboratory, where a fake MRI setup
(but with the temperature switch) was constructed to sample carp for cortisol under conditions with and without
noise. Fish certainly can perceive noises (have inner ears
as higher vertebrates), and responded with a slight elevation of cortisol levels to handling and noise. However,
the lightly anaesthetised carp responded with a very significant cortisol reponse within 5 min to the temperature
Two major analyses were then carried out. The first concerned the distribution of blood by the use of injected iron
particles as contrast during the temperature drop. A wealth
of data was obtained, but the most remarkable observation
was a massive drainage of blood from the brain to peripheral sinuses. We have interpreted these data as follows.
Considering that the carp is a poikilotherm, the fish may
benefit from a temporary insulation of the brain with the
still warm blood. It should be noted that the brain is very
close to the branchial circulation that can be considered
as a heat exchanger system: any change in water temperature will change blood temperature quickly and this change
is then reaching the brain first before the cooled blood
reaches the body of the fish. In a poikilotherm, the biochemistry and thus the functioning of the brain is strictly
dependent on the temperature of the ambient medium.
The blood redistribution response to drastically changing
ambient water temperature occurs as of 2 min following
the onset of the temperature drop, which is 1.5 min after
escape and stress responses are initiated (see below). In
contrast to the blood volume reduction in the brain, the
pars distalis of the pituitary gland received more blood,
which not only accomodates increased activity of the
ACTH-producing cells, but also facilitates the transport
of ACTH to the interrenal tissue to stimulate production
and release of cortisol.
To find out which areas of the brain were involved in the
initiation of this endocrine response, a blood oxygen level
dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
(BOLD-fMRI) study was done. The principle of this technique is that haemoglobulin with and without oxygen
bound behaves magnetically differently and thus the oxy-
genation degree of the haemoglobulin in fact determines
the constrast properties of the blood. Activated cells consume more oxygen, so that the local concentration of deoxygenated haemoglobulin increases and the signal intensity
in the BOLD-fMRI images changes. It appeared that some
areas were inactivated during or following the temperature
drop, whereas others were clearly activated (which may
sound counterintuitive in a poikilotherm that is cooled
down). Remarkable observations include activation of the
NPO area (where the CRF-neurons reside), the tuberal
hypothalamus (halfway NPO and pituitary gland) and
the pituitary pars distalis (the pars intermedia is inactivated
in this acute stress paradigm). More importantly, the activation followed a time-sequential pattern in line with activation of the endocrine stress axis: first the NPO (within
30 s), then the tuberal hypothalamus, followed by the pituitary pars distalis and then the interrenal cortisol release (as
of 4–5 min). We concluded from these studies (Van den
Burg et al., 2005b) that we succeeded to visualise the endocrine stress response in action! Presently, we are working
on other of the plethora of data then obtained that concern
areas of the brain, where sensory input from the buccal
cavity is processed and relayed to the cerebellum for sensory processing and sensorimotor integration. The rationale
behind this thought is that the fish would normally try to
escape or avoid such cooler water.
6. Stress in very young fish, the onset of the endocrine stress
Understanding of the neuroendocrine regulation of the
stress response of an organism is key to understand its general physiology and well being, as the signals involved in
the stress response are powerful and influential. Cortisol
(or corticosterone in some vertebrates) the key glucocorticosteroid stress hormone that is released following a cascade of signals from the brain down to the adrenal (or
interrenal) cells, is an all-determining factor in steering
the energy flows in the organism for optimal performance
to cope with stressors; functions such as growth, reproduction, and immune regulation are at risk when stressors persist and evoke too strong and long-lasting elevations of
cortisol. Importantly, stress events (through actions of cortisol) at a given point in time may have effects on later
development and life. For that very reason it is crucial to
know when and how very young fish give their first stress
responses (Flik and Wendelaar Bonga, 2001) and how we
can avoid such responses or how they become exaggerated
in laboratory and aquaculture settings. In our work on
carp larvae (Flik et al., 2002) we have observed that embryonic stages, still protected by the egg membrane, are able to
produce cortisol when the embryo is disturbed by manipulation of the egg with forceps. We cannot exclude in this
case that some direct pressure action of the squeezing procedure startled the cells that produce cortisol (although we
very carefully squeezed to elicit three tail beats only), yet
we favor a regulated (via CRF and ACTH) basis as also
G. Flik et al. / General and Comparative Endocrinology 146 (2006) 36–44
ACTH is produced very early during development of carp.
Transient rises in ACTH in the prehatching stage indicate
that the synthetic machinery is operational and up-regulated at such early stages. For cortisol, this holds as well as
cortisol is never stored but always produced according to
needs. Admittedly, the yolk also harbors maternal sources
of ACTH and cortisol, but then in the developing egg only
a decline in levels could result from consumption, an
increase can only be explained by embryonic synthesis.
Interestingly, Pepels and colleagues (2004) working on
Mozambique tilapia larvae quantified CRF immunoreactivity in the heads of larvae as young as five days post
hatching, and a more sensitive immunohistochemistry
extrapolated these results to even younger stages (2 days
post hatch). An attractive hypothesis to test is that the fish
is equipped with an endocrine stress axis some time before
but certainly upon hatching. The consequences of such
observations are obvious. We have to handle fertilised eggs
and fish larvae with care. Experimentally we have shown
that carp exposed to copper ions in the water respond differentially to levels of 0.3 and 0.8 mM. Both levels induce
elevations in cortisol after hatching (the egg membrane is
impermeable to copper ions), but the milder rise at the lower level of copper is enhancing growth and not affecting
mortality, while the higher level results in a twenty percent
higher cortisol content of the larvae, yet this results in
retarded growth and significant increases in mortality.
Apparently, the lower concentration of copper evoked a
cortisol response within the bandwidth of the carp, the
higher concentration of copper presents an allostatic overload (McEwen and Wingfield, 2003). Understanding and
establishing this bandwidth of the stress response will be
a powerful tool in predicting the success of aquaculture
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