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Islam dapat menunjuk pada satu keyakinan tertentu, juga dapat menunjuk pada satu komunitas yang memiliki keyakinan tersebut. Untuk yang terakhir ini, pengertian Islam menunjuk pada satu kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki batas teritori, menganut sistem nilai dan sistem aturan tertentu. Dalam konteks inilah kemudian dikenal dengan istilah umat Islam atau umat Muslim. Nanih Machendrawaty dan Ahmad Syafi’i (2006) mendefinisikan umat Islam sebagai komunitas sosial kultural yang memiliki keyakinan, tinggal di satu wilayah yang sama, dan hidup dalam sebuah sistem yang sama pula.
Dira, Hizbulloh, Alwan, 2021
Makalah ini berisikan tentang profesionalisme dakwah dan bagi seorang da'i. Makalah ini ditujukan untuk mememuhi tugas mata kuliah "Dakwah Kontemporer", dari kelompok 10
TATHWIR: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 2018
The essence of national development is to build Indonesian people as a whole and the development of the entire Indonesian community. National development in various aspects of animal life is only the responsibility of the government, but demands the participation of various layers of society based on profession and expertise. Whole human development is carried out synergically both physically and mentally. The development of religious aspects as an integral part of national development is the practice of the precepts of the One Godhead. Thus, religion becomes a moral foundation and ethics in society, nation and state. Understanding and practicing religion correctly are expected to support the realization of Indonesian people who are religious, democratic, independent, physically and spiritually qualified, and fulfilled material-spiritual needs. Development basically involves at least three components, namely development communicators, government or community officials, development messages that contain ideas or development programs, and development communicants, namely the wider community, both at the urban and rural levels. In the missionary activities the da'wah interpreter acts as a development communicator to convey development messages, dynamists, motivators, facilitators through oral preaching, writing, and deeds.
Hikmah, 2018
Islam is the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin, with the coming of Islam to the world bringing peace and tranquility to all human beings. Islam teaches adherents to safeguard and preserve the environment. Islam teaches how its followers maintain relationships with people of different faiths with it. It is impossible that Islam can not find solutions to modern, plural and global human problems like this era. Islam that his coming brings grace must be conveyed to all natural seekers. Da'wah frees marginalized groups such as women and children. Islam teaches that all human beings are equal (rights and obligations) before Allah SWT, which distinguishes man from other human being is piety. By using comparative analysis method (comparison) work da'wah with community development work, the authors to study how the role of da'wah in community development? The results of the study show that the role of da'wah in community development involves the initiators who will strengthen the basic principles of society according to the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the motivator of the individual's care for the social environment, the extensionist who will answer the doubts of the people in facing life's problems, and the adhesive of human ukhuwa.
Indonesia tiba-tiba dituntut untuk melakukan banyak hal dengan internet, mulai dari bekerja, belanja, sekolah, ibadah dan lain-lain. Banyak pegawai yang dituntut harus bekerja dengan jarak jauh menggunakan internet. Banyak orang memutuskan berbelanja menggunakan internet. Banyak siswa yang mau tidak mau belajar dengan jarak jauh menggunakan internet. Bahkan beberapa agama di Indonesia harus beribadah dari jarak jauh menggunakan internet. Ini semua terjadi bukan karena kemajuan negeri kita yang semuanya serba menggunakan internet, namun karena wabah yang tiba-tiba menyerang negeri ini. Wabah itu adalah virus Corona. Virus corona atau severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) adalah virus yang menyerang sistem pernapasan. Penyakit karena infeksi virus ini disebut COVID-19 (corona virus disease 2019). Virus Corona bisa menyebabkan gangguan pada sistem pernapasan, pneumonia akut, sampai kematian. Infeksi virus ini disebut COVID-19 dan pertama kali ditemukan di Kota Wuhan, Cina, pada akhir Desember 2020. virus ini menular dengan cepat dan telah menyebar ke wilayah lain di Cina dan ke beberapa negara, termasuk Indonesia. Di indonesia kasus ini pertama kali ditemukan pada dua warga Depok, Jawa Barat awal Maret lalu. Data hingga saat ini di pertangahan Bulan April jumlah warga yang dinyatakan positif terkena virus corona mencapai 5.516 dan 498 di antaranya meninggal dunia. Seseorang dapat tertular COVID-19 melalui berbagai cara, yaitu:
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Dakwah Terhadap Remaja Di Desa Pentadio Timur Kecamatan telaga Biru Kabupaten Gorontalo Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif yaitu sebuah penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap sebuah fakta empiris secara objektif ilmiah dengan berlandaskan pada logika keilmuan, prosedur dan didukung oleh metodologi dan teoritis yang kuat sesuai disiplin keilmuan yang ditekuni. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui: 1. mengetahui kehidupan sosial keberagamaan masyarakat di desa pentadio Timur Kec. Telaga Biru Kab. gorontalo 2. Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan dakwah di desa pentadio Timur Kec. Telaga Biru Kab. gorontalo 3. Agar dapat mengetahui pengaruh dakwah terhadap perilaku remaja di desa Pentadio Timur, kec. Telaga Biru, Kab. Gorontalo Adapun hasil penelitian ini ialah menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dakwah terhadap para remaja di desa pentadio timur kecamatan telaga biru kabupaten gorontalo.
Tanzhim/Tanzhim, Surabaya, 2024
Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa
Da'wah is a very noble activity, where a missionary interpreter seeks to convey the message of truth to the community, with the aim of inviting the community to be able to become better in life. The missionary activities are not only limited to the delivery of religious messages, but the activities of the missionary interpreter must be realized in the form of professionalism in preaching. Da'wah is not only concerned with the interests of the group but the common interest, from this point of view the professionalism of the missionary interpreter is highly demanded, so that it does not harm other parties as the target. In the community the missionary interpreter is not limited to conveying religious messages to the community at large, but a missionary interpreter must be able to play a role in community empowerment. By playing a role as an agent of empowerment, it will increasingly appear professionalism for a missionary interpreter. This paper is to find out how professional...
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies
Construction of the mosque not only pay attention to the physical building, but also must be optimized pemakmurannya. Efforts to raise the quality of life can be achieved by improving the Human Resources (HR) to carry out economic and social activities based mosques. This paper discusses How do standards of living and the mosque's role in public life, and how the role of the mosque in the village of Wonosasi improve people's lives, District Tapango, Polman. This study uses qualitative descriptive method, since it attempts to find the mosque's role in improving the welfare of the ummah. Research is needed to understand the organization's activities (mosque) in accordance with the wishes and needs of society.
Intre parantezele drepte va trebui sa completati planul de afaceri cu informatiile care se refera la firma dumneavoastra. O idee bună ar fi să puneţi o poză color cu produsul dvs. chiar de la început. Aveţi în vedere şi includerea următoarelor informaţii: [Numele Companiei Dvs.] [Luna, Anul când a fost întocmit planul] Plan de afaceri – copia nr. [x] Acest document este confidenţial. Nu poate fi re-distribuit. [Numele persoanei de bază d.p.d.v. financiar] [Titlul] [Adresa] [Oraşul, Codul poştal] [Telefon] [E-mail] [Pagina URL a companiei] Acesta este doar un plan de afaceri. Nu prezintă nici o garanţie..
Archives of Pediatric Neurosurgery
Making Sense of Myth. Conversations with Luc Brisson, 2024
Migrations Société, 2011
Cahiers de littérature orale, 2021
Microsurgery, 2019
Scientific Reports, 2023
Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 2021
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer, 2005, 2014
Repertório, 2017
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2021
Discrete Mathematics, 2012
Oncotarget, 2016