This study aims to examine how Salafi da'wah TV, Surau TV, has utilised local wisdom for pros... more This study aims to examine how Salafi da'wah TV, Surau TV, has utilised local wisdom for proselytising. Using a descriptive qualitative approach through field research, the findings illustrate that the local tradition-based Salafi da'wah represented in the Suluah Minang program presents a different face of puritan Islam. The Salafi group, which has been considered to understand Islam textually and reject local wisdom, turns out to consider the existence of local culture as long as it is not ad odd with the principle of monotheism (tauhid). According to audiences, although Surau TV promotes a Salafi perspective, they do not reject the teachings presented on Surau TV, the Suluah Minang program in particular. This is because the themes discussed in this da'wah program do not directly offend religious groups, but it only explains cultural phenomena that are considered to be conflict with religious values through the arguments of the Qur'an and sunnah.
Da'wah is an exertion to construct the conditions that can help conversion the chaging of tho... more Da'wah is an exertion to construct the conditions that can help conversion the chaging of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and Islamic behaviors. Basicly da'wah is approved in mosques, as well as in public places by gathering societies as is mad'u, but similarly in modern era like today, da'wah has used complexity technologyy, one of them is film. The series film with a biographical drama genre, but it covers the meaning of da'wah messages, such as messages of aqidah, sharia and morals. This paper tries to expose the message of da'wah by using the semiotic approach of Roland Barthes.
Writing about the history of the Prophet Muhammad's Da'wah in Mecca aims to analyze how t... more Writing about the history of the Prophet Muhammad's Da'wah in Mecca aims to analyze how the propaganda strategy carried out by the Prophet Muhammad in spreading Islam in Mecca. The initial stage through the family of the Prophet and his companions or known as the hiding phase. After the Prophet Muhammad cried out in silence, then the revelation of Allah SWT who ordered the Prophet Muhammad to preach openly. In this bright phase the Prophet Muhammad began to face Quraish kafir racial disturbances. Here we see who the true followers of the Prophet Muhammad and those who just joined in. Weak friends hide their Islam. The Prophet Muhammad secretly preached at the house of Al-Arqam bin Arqam because his house was near the hill of Safa and was a gathering place for many people, so that no one who came to Arqam's house was suspected that there was a meeting there. In addition, Arqam is also a great enemy of the Prophet Muhammad, they have a place of preaching in the heart of th...
Artikel ini membahas tentang profesionalisme dakwah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Aktifitas juru... more Artikel ini membahas tentang profesionalisme dakwah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Aktifitas juru dakwah tidak hanya sebatas dari penyampai pesan-pesan agama, tetapi aktifitas juru dakwah ini harus diwujudkan dalam bentuk profesionalisme dalam berdakwah. Dalam lingkungan masyarakat juru dakwah bukan sebatas dari menyampaikan pesan-pesan agama kepada masyarakat secara luas, tetapi seorang juru dakwah harus mampu berperan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dengan memainkan peran sebagai agen pemberdayaan, maka akan semakin tampak profesionalime seorang juru dakwah. Tulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana propfesional dakwah dalam melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dimana juru dakwah memiliki dua peran penting dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat; Pertama, sebagai penyampai pesan-pesan agama, kedua, sebagai agen pemberdayaan bagi masyarakat, Sehingga dengan dua peran penting ini Islam bisa teintegrasi dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan bercampur segala dimensi kehidupan masyarakat di dalamnya. Kata Kunci : Dakwah, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
In the context of social relations, each individual will interact with each other. Interactions t... more In the context of social relations, each individual will interact with each other. Interactions that are carried out because there is an intention, either only limited to conveying information, or influencing individuals to achieve certain other goals. In the process of interaction, this is the meaning of communication. Communication cannot be separated from moral bonds which implicitlt constitute the nature of communication actors to be reated well and politely. Da’wah activities are activities that cannot be separated from communication ethics. So in this case the extent of communication ethics in preaching in current conditions. This paper seeks to discuss explanations related to the theme in question. Meanwhile, the purpose of this study is to examine communication ethics in preaching. The approach method used in this research is library research, with a descriptive analysis method The results of research by preachers when communicating should stich to a strong ethical foundatio...
: Da'wah and communication have a very strong relationship, especially in the development of ... more : Da'wah and communication have a very strong relationship, especially in the development of Islam as a referee of the process of improving the people. It is undeniable that in order to improve the Ummah from all the problems that have occurred, it is necessary to handle and the right way in conveying the message of da'wah. In order to realize good propaganda, a preacher must be able to master good communication. Communication has an important role in conveying da'wah messages so that there will be a shift and change in honey for the realization of amar makruf nahi mungkar. This paper aims to explore the dynamics of da'wah in a communication perspective. Communication as the main key in conveying the message of da'wah, but in some practice the da'wah material is not well received by madu due to the communication of da'I itself Keywords: Da'wah Dynamics in Communication Perspective abstrak Dakwah dan komunikasi mempunyai hubungan yang sangat kuat khusu...
Dunia pendidikan pada saat sekarang kini sedang marak-maraknya memperlombakan peningkatan mutu pe... more Dunia pendidikan pada saat sekarang kini sedang marak-maraknya memperlombakan peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Berbagai macam upaya yang mereka lakukan untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan di semua jenjang. Mulai dari penetapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan sampai pada peningkatan Akreditasi lembaga pendidikan. Komunikasi sebagai sarana peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan upaya atau salah satu cara peningkatan mutu di dalam dunia pendidikan. Para ahli sepakat bahwa komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan dalam pendidikan. Sebab, komunikasi yang baik akan membentuk hubungan yang baik. Baik itu guru dengan muridnya atau murid dengan gurunya. Guru dituntut berperan aktif dalam proses belajar-mengajar terutama dalam proses belajar mengajar tatap muka. Guru dituntut sebagai perancang pembelajaran (designer of intruction), guru sebagai pengelola pembelajaran (manager of Instruction), guru sebagai pengarah pembelajaran, dan guru sebagai konselor dan lain sebagainya. Dalam menerapkan beragam hal tugas seora...
The development of social media today seems like mushrooms that blossom in the rainy season. Wher... more The development of social media today seems like mushrooms that blossom in the rainy season. Where the presence of social media has removed the veil that is in the midst of social life. Likewise in the world of da’wah, social media gives a new color in its development, so that in practice the dak’wah has shifted, currently preaching is not only from the pulpit pulpit but by sitting sweetly in front of a television screen or computer mad’u has been able to enjoy propaganda. In its development, social media currently generally supports and becomes an unparalled propanganda media. This can be seen from the number of da’wah interpreters who use social media for da’wah, such as; youtube, instagram, facebook and the like. The advancement and up-to-date social media not only gives positive inpact and response to the world of da’wah, like two sides of a coin, there is a positive side that is felt by the da’wah world. The other side also presents a new challenge for the world of dak’wah. ...
Empowerment is an effort to provide power (empowerment) or strengthening (strengthening) to the c... more Empowerment is an effort to provide power (empowerment) or strengthening (strengthening) to the community. In other words, community empowerment is defined as the ability of individuals with the community in building community empowerment in question. Community empowerment is also interpreted as an attempt to change people's behavior in a better direction, so that the quality and welfare of their lives can gradually increase ". Allah does not change The state of a people so they change the conditions that exist in themselves. and if Allah willed evil for a people, then no one can reject it; and there is no protector for them besides Him. "(Q.S Ar-Ra'd: 11) Community empowerment is an effort done in the form of real activities in the community. Activities that strive to awaken the community in order to use and choose their lives to achieve a better level of living in all aspects. The study in this paper seeks to express the meaning of empowerment and matters related...
This article explore about the Communication model in the debate program in TvOne. Thus is one of... more This article explore about the Communication model in the debate program in TvOne. Thus is one of the news talk show programs which presents some speakers from the pros and cons in discussing a topic of problems or issues that are being warm, so that there is a process of communi-cation during the verbal and nonverbal impressions between the hosts with the speakers. This study aims, find out how the model of interactional communication debate in TvOne. Find out how the model of transactional communication debate in TvOne. This research uses qualitative content analysis method (content analysis) which focuses its research on the contents of the explicit communication. The results of the study can be concluded, overall program impres-sions TvOne debate describes the two process communication model is the model of interactional communication and transactional communication model. In the January 2016 edition of the debate, more identifiable models of transactional communication are iden...
Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dimana penelit... more Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dimana peneliti berupaya mendeskripsikan dan memahami fenomena sosial atau masyarakat sebagaimana masyarakat itu sendiri mempersepsikan diri mereka ( to learn from the people ) atau bersifat emik ( emic-factors ). Dalam masyarakat multikultural, sangat diperlukan sebuah bentuk komunikasi yang saling menjaga satu sama lain agar tidak terjadi benturan atau konflik. Seperti halnya masyarakat multikultural, merupakan satu kesatuan dari berbagai kelompok, baik dari aspek sosial budaya, agama, etnis sehingga menjadikan multicultural. Maka dari itu sangat dibutuhkan satu bentuk komunikasi yang bisa membuat kondisi masyarakat multikultural itu menjadi kondusif, salah satu solusinya dengan komunikasi Islam. Komunikasi Islam merupakan komunikasi yang berakhlak al-karimah atau beretika yang berarti berusmber kepada Alqur’an dan Sunnah. Komunikasi Islam ini dalam sejarahnya telah dipraktekan oleh Rasulullah bersa...
This research discusses the function of mosques towards Indonesian students in Melbourne Australi... more This research discusses the function of mosques towards Indonesian students in Melbourne Australia. Westall Mosque owned by Indonesian congregation is located in the Melbourne City in Australia which has been established since 1997. This research used a qualitative method with a field approach. The results of this study indicate that the function of the mosque for Indonesian students studying at the Westall Mosque is to make the mosque the center of the Islamic missionary movement in the Melbourne City towards muslims in there. By doing da'wah activities such as tausiyah on Saturdays-Sundays, religious rituals during the month of Ramadan, tahsin for kids and tahsin for adults as well as being a preacher in the implementation of Friday prayers. Then the Westall Mosque is used as the glue of unity for students from Indonesia, holding a mosque open day, which is a national event in Australia which aims to visit the mosque to get to know about Islam.
Abstract: This study uses a type of library research (Library Research), namely by reading works ... more Abstract: This study uses a type of library research (Library Research), namely by reading works related to the issues to be studied. The author will examine the principle of communication in the perspective of the Qur'an in terms of the elements of communication using the "(contenst analysis)" method (content analysis). The method "(contenst analysis)" is to analyze the principle of communication in the perspective of the Qur'an which is viewed from the elements of communication.The principle of communication in the Alquran describes that Qaulan Maysuran (words that are easy and proper), emphasize more on ethics and the message conveyed by communicators to communicants. A communicator in communication is required to be able to adjust himself to the state of the communicant and communicator must be able to convey a message that can be understood by the communicant, so that the communicant understands the message conveyed, namely an easy and appropriate me...
: Religion is a blessing given by Allah to humans, with that diversity humans to know each other.... more : Religion is a blessing given by Allah to humans, with that diversity humans to know each other. Both from the socio-cultural aspects and in other aspects. God has created people with tribes and nationalities so that they know each other. Indonesia is one of a very large nation and a country that is very rich, both from the wealth of agricultural products and rich in cultural diversity, language and do not forget from the aspect of religion. In this case the Indonesian community belongs to a multicultural society, which is seen from the aspects of religion, ethnicity, language and culture. Cultural richness, such as diversity or multiculturalism is something to be proud of and grateful for by the Indonesian people, but behind it all can not be denied it can also be a trigger or a factor that can bring conflict, especially when talking about preaching for now. clashes or conflicts that can arise in the form of physical clashes that lead to anarchist actions, can also give birth to m...
Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa, 2019
In the current era of technology, the development of society in social life is very dependent on ... more In the current era of technology, the development of society in social life is very dependent on mass media, where mass media has a very important role in this matter. One of the important roles of mass media for the community is as a provider of information, education, and entertainment for the community so that in this way the community is motivated, affected and strives to change the mindset and perspective in life. In addition, the presence of mass media greatly helps the development process in the lives of social communities. Along with technological advancements that are closely related to mass media, it cannot be denied that the growth of people's lives will also be more complete. With the development of mass media at this time the community is able to respond and be smarter towards the reality around the effects of the growth of the dynamics of their lives. Keywords: Mass Media in Development communication Abstrak: Di Era teknologi saat ini, perkembangan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sosial sangat tergantung akan media massa, dimana media massa sangat memiliki peran dalam hal tersebut. Salah satu peran penting media massa bagi masyarakat yaitu sebagai pemberi informasi, pendidikan, dan hiburan bagi masyarakat sehingga dengan hal demikian masyarakat termotivasi, terpengaruh dan berusaha untuk merubah pola pikir serta cara pandang dalam kehidupan. Selain itu kehadiran media massa sangat membantu proses pembangunan dalam kehidupan masyarakat sosial. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang erat hubungannya dengan media massa tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa pertumbuhan kehidupan masyarakat juga akan semakin lengkap. Dengan perkembangan media massa saat ini masyarakat mampu merespon dan bisa lebih cerdas terhadap realitas yang ada di sekitar efek dari pertumbuhan dinamika kehidupannya. Kata kunci: Media Massa Dalam komunikasi Pembangunan
Radio has become an influential communication media since it’s commencement . Eventhought, radio... more Radio has become an influential communication media since it’s commencement . Eventhought, radio was once advertised as the fifth plantation after newspaper. By the development of technology, radio has growth by number of variations. There was a time when radio was as big as a televition station. This period is raised as the radios’ times. The growths of tecnology have developed the media, it was configurate the users, and then also configurate the society and its culture. Besides, radio as a communication mass media, hinge on audio or sound in transmission communication messages. The potential in radio are assists to conveyance of information, moreover the information received in various situations and conditions. This is a chance for students of the Islamic communication and broadcasting department, Faculty of Humanities Adab, and Da’wah, State Islamic University Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi in role of the sharing time program for the pro 2 Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI...
Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa
Da'wah is a very noble activity, where a missionary interpreter seeks to convey the message o... more Da'wah is a very noble activity, where a missionary interpreter seeks to convey the message of truth to the community, with the aim of inviting the community to be able to become better in life. The missionary activities are not only limited to the delivery of religious messages, but the activities of the missionary interpreter must be realized in the form of professionalism in preaching. Da'wah is not only concerned with the interests of the group but the common interest, from this point of view the professionalism of the missionary interpreter is highly demanded, so that it does not harm other parties as the target. In the community the missionary interpreter is not limited to conveying religious messages to the community at large, but a missionary interpreter must be able to play a role in community empowerment. By playing a role as an agent of empowerment, it will increasingly appear professionalism for a missionary interpreter. This paper is to find out how professional...
Da'wah is a very noble work and has been carried out by the Prophets and Apostles, especially... more Da'wah is a very noble work and has been carried out by the Prophets and Apostles, especially the Prophet Muhammad. The part of Da'wah from a series of activities that invites, calls on, conveys the message of religion to others with the hope that there will be a shift from things that are not good to good, in the language of religion known as amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar. History has recorded a long journey from preaching from the Prophet Muhammad. Starting from da'wah carried out clandestinely to preaching carried out openly. History has also been proven in the journey of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad, how his ethics in preaching. This paper seeks to put forward the da'wah ethics with the aim of the preachers or preachers having guidelines and guidelines in delivering the minutes and continuing the estates of the da'wah struggles carried out by the Prophet Muhammad. Many problems nowadays are found problems or problems that arise and occur in da'wah...
This study aims to examine how Salafi da'wah TV, Surau TV, has utilised local wisdom for pros... more This study aims to examine how Salafi da'wah TV, Surau TV, has utilised local wisdom for proselytising. Using a descriptive qualitative approach through field research, the findings illustrate that the local tradition-based Salafi da'wah represented in the Suluah Minang program presents a different face of puritan Islam. The Salafi group, which has been considered to understand Islam textually and reject local wisdom, turns out to consider the existence of local culture as long as it is not ad odd with the principle of monotheism (tauhid). According to audiences, although Surau TV promotes a Salafi perspective, they do not reject the teachings presented on Surau TV, the Suluah Minang program in particular. This is because the themes discussed in this da'wah program do not directly offend religious groups, but it only explains cultural phenomena that are considered to be conflict with religious values through the arguments of the Qur'an and sunnah.
Da'wah is an exertion to construct the conditions that can help conversion the chaging of tho... more Da'wah is an exertion to construct the conditions that can help conversion the chaging of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and Islamic behaviors. Basicly da'wah is approved in mosques, as well as in public places by gathering societies as is mad'u, but similarly in modern era like today, da'wah has used complexity technologyy, one of them is film. The series film with a biographical drama genre, but it covers the meaning of da'wah messages, such as messages of aqidah, sharia and morals. This paper tries to expose the message of da'wah by using the semiotic approach of Roland Barthes.
Writing about the history of the Prophet Muhammad's Da'wah in Mecca aims to analyze how t... more Writing about the history of the Prophet Muhammad's Da'wah in Mecca aims to analyze how the propaganda strategy carried out by the Prophet Muhammad in spreading Islam in Mecca. The initial stage through the family of the Prophet and his companions or known as the hiding phase. After the Prophet Muhammad cried out in silence, then the revelation of Allah SWT who ordered the Prophet Muhammad to preach openly. In this bright phase the Prophet Muhammad began to face Quraish kafir racial disturbances. Here we see who the true followers of the Prophet Muhammad and those who just joined in. Weak friends hide their Islam. The Prophet Muhammad secretly preached at the house of Al-Arqam bin Arqam because his house was near the hill of Safa and was a gathering place for many people, so that no one who came to Arqam's house was suspected that there was a meeting there. In addition, Arqam is also a great enemy of the Prophet Muhammad, they have a place of preaching in the heart of th...
Artikel ini membahas tentang profesionalisme dakwah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Aktifitas juru... more Artikel ini membahas tentang profesionalisme dakwah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Aktifitas juru dakwah tidak hanya sebatas dari penyampai pesan-pesan agama, tetapi aktifitas juru dakwah ini harus diwujudkan dalam bentuk profesionalisme dalam berdakwah. Dalam lingkungan masyarakat juru dakwah bukan sebatas dari menyampaikan pesan-pesan agama kepada masyarakat secara luas, tetapi seorang juru dakwah harus mampu berperan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dengan memainkan peran sebagai agen pemberdayaan, maka akan semakin tampak profesionalime seorang juru dakwah. Tulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana propfesional dakwah dalam melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dimana juru dakwah memiliki dua peran penting dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat; Pertama, sebagai penyampai pesan-pesan agama, kedua, sebagai agen pemberdayaan bagi masyarakat, Sehingga dengan dua peran penting ini Islam bisa teintegrasi dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan bercampur segala dimensi kehidupan masyarakat di dalamnya. Kata Kunci : Dakwah, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
In the context of social relations, each individual will interact with each other. Interactions t... more In the context of social relations, each individual will interact with each other. Interactions that are carried out because there is an intention, either only limited to conveying information, or influencing individuals to achieve certain other goals. In the process of interaction, this is the meaning of communication. Communication cannot be separated from moral bonds which implicitlt constitute the nature of communication actors to be reated well and politely. Da’wah activities are activities that cannot be separated from communication ethics. So in this case the extent of communication ethics in preaching in current conditions. This paper seeks to discuss explanations related to the theme in question. Meanwhile, the purpose of this study is to examine communication ethics in preaching. The approach method used in this research is library research, with a descriptive analysis method The results of research by preachers when communicating should stich to a strong ethical foundatio...
: Da'wah and communication have a very strong relationship, especially in the development of ... more : Da'wah and communication have a very strong relationship, especially in the development of Islam as a referee of the process of improving the people. It is undeniable that in order to improve the Ummah from all the problems that have occurred, it is necessary to handle and the right way in conveying the message of da'wah. In order to realize good propaganda, a preacher must be able to master good communication. Communication has an important role in conveying da'wah messages so that there will be a shift and change in honey for the realization of amar makruf nahi mungkar. This paper aims to explore the dynamics of da'wah in a communication perspective. Communication as the main key in conveying the message of da'wah, but in some practice the da'wah material is not well received by madu due to the communication of da'I itself Keywords: Da'wah Dynamics in Communication Perspective abstrak Dakwah dan komunikasi mempunyai hubungan yang sangat kuat khusu...
Dunia pendidikan pada saat sekarang kini sedang marak-maraknya memperlombakan peningkatan mutu pe... more Dunia pendidikan pada saat sekarang kini sedang marak-maraknya memperlombakan peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Berbagai macam upaya yang mereka lakukan untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan di semua jenjang. Mulai dari penetapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan sampai pada peningkatan Akreditasi lembaga pendidikan. Komunikasi sebagai sarana peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan upaya atau salah satu cara peningkatan mutu di dalam dunia pendidikan. Para ahli sepakat bahwa komunikasi sangat dibutuhkan dalam pendidikan. Sebab, komunikasi yang baik akan membentuk hubungan yang baik. Baik itu guru dengan muridnya atau murid dengan gurunya. Guru dituntut berperan aktif dalam proses belajar-mengajar terutama dalam proses belajar mengajar tatap muka. Guru dituntut sebagai perancang pembelajaran (designer of intruction), guru sebagai pengelola pembelajaran (manager of Instruction), guru sebagai pengarah pembelajaran, dan guru sebagai konselor dan lain sebagainya. Dalam menerapkan beragam hal tugas seora...
The development of social media today seems like mushrooms that blossom in the rainy season. Wher... more The development of social media today seems like mushrooms that blossom in the rainy season. Where the presence of social media has removed the veil that is in the midst of social life. Likewise in the world of da’wah, social media gives a new color in its development, so that in practice the dak’wah has shifted, currently preaching is not only from the pulpit pulpit but by sitting sweetly in front of a television screen or computer mad’u has been able to enjoy propaganda. In its development, social media currently generally supports and becomes an unparalled propanganda media. This can be seen from the number of da’wah interpreters who use social media for da’wah, such as; youtube, instagram, facebook and the like. The advancement and up-to-date social media not only gives positive inpact and response to the world of da’wah, like two sides of a coin, there is a positive side that is felt by the da’wah world. The other side also presents a new challenge for the world of dak’wah. ...
Empowerment is an effort to provide power (empowerment) or strengthening (strengthening) to the c... more Empowerment is an effort to provide power (empowerment) or strengthening (strengthening) to the community. In other words, community empowerment is defined as the ability of individuals with the community in building community empowerment in question. Community empowerment is also interpreted as an attempt to change people's behavior in a better direction, so that the quality and welfare of their lives can gradually increase ". Allah does not change The state of a people so they change the conditions that exist in themselves. and if Allah willed evil for a people, then no one can reject it; and there is no protector for them besides Him. "(Q.S Ar-Ra'd: 11) Community empowerment is an effort done in the form of real activities in the community. Activities that strive to awaken the community in order to use and choose their lives to achieve a better level of living in all aspects. The study in this paper seeks to express the meaning of empowerment and matters related...
This article explore about the Communication model in the debate program in TvOne. Thus is one of... more This article explore about the Communication model in the debate program in TvOne. Thus is one of the news talk show programs which presents some speakers from the pros and cons in discussing a topic of problems or issues that are being warm, so that there is a process of communi-cation during the verbal and nonverbal impressions between the hosts with the speakers. This study aims, find out how the model of interactional communication debate in TvOne. Find out how the model of transactional communication debate in TvOne. This research uses qualitative content analysis method (content analysis) which focuses its research on the contents of the explicit communication. The results of the study can be concluded, overall program impres-sions TvOne debate describes the two process communication model is the model of interactional communication and transactional communication model. In the January 2016 edition of the debate, more identifiable models of transactional communication are iden...
Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dimana penelit... more Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dimana peneliti berupaya mendeskripsikan dan memahami fenomena sosial atau masyarakat sebagaimana masyarakat itu sendiri mempersepsikan diri mereka ( to learn from the people ) atau bersifat emik ( emic-factors ). Dalam masyarakat multikultural, sangat diperlukan sebuah bentuk komunikasi yang saling menjaga satu sama lain agar tidak terjadi benturan atau konflik. Seperti halnya masyarakat multikultural, merupakan satu kesatuan dari berbagai kelompok, baik dari aspek sosial budaya, agama, etnis sehingga menjadikan multicultural. Maka dari itu sangat dibutuhkan satu bentuk komunikasi yang bisa membuat kondisi masyarakat multikultural itu menjadi kondusif, salah satu solusinya dengan komunikasi Islam. Komunikasi Islam merupakan komunikasi yang berakhlak al-karimah atau beretika yang berarti berusmber kepada Alqur’an dan Sunnah. Komunikasi Islam ini dalam sejarahnya telah dipraktekan oleh Rasulullah bersa...
This research discusses the function of mosques towards Indonesian students in Melbourne Australi... more This research discusses the function of mosques towards Indonesian students in Melbourne Australia. Westall Mosque owned by Indonesian congregation is located in the Melbourne City in Australia which has been established since 1997. This research used a qualitative method with a field approach. The results of this study indicate that the function of the mosque for Indonesian students studying at the Westall Mosque is to make the mosque the center of the Islamic missionary movement in the Melbourne City towards muslims in there. By doing da'wah activities such as tausiyah on Saturdays-Sundays, religious rituals during the month of Ramadan, tahsin for kids and tahsin for adults as well as being a preacher in the implementation of Friday prayers. Then the Westall Mosque is used as the glue of unity for students from Indonesia, holding a mosque open day, which is a national event in Australia which aims to visit the mosque to get to know about Islam.
Abstract: This study uses a type of library research (Library Research), namely by reading works ... more Abstract: This study uses a type of library research (Library Research), namely by reading works related to the issues to be studied. The author will examine the principle of communication in the perspective of the Qur'an in terms of the elements of communication using the "(contenst analysis)" method (content analysis). The method "(contenst analysis)" is to analyze the principle of communication in the perspective of the Qur'an which is viewed from the elements of communication.The principle of communication in the Alquran describes that Qaulan Maysuran (words that are easy and proper), emphasize more on ethics and the message conveyed by communicators to communicants. A communicator in communication is required to be able to adjust himself to the state of the communicant and communicator must be able to convey a message that can be understood by the communicant, so that the communicant understands the message conveyed, namely an easy and appropriate me...
: Religion is a blessing given by Allah to humans, with that diversity humans to know each other.... more : Religion is a blessing given by Allah to humans, with that diversity humans to know each other. Both from the socio-cultural aspects and in other aspects. God has created people with tribes and nationalities so that they know each other. Indonesia is one of a very large nation and a country that is very rich, both from the wealth of agricultural products and rich in cultural diversity, language and do not forget from the aspect of religion. In this case the Indonesian community belongs to a multicultural society, which is seen from the aspects of religion, ethnicity, language and culture. Cultural richness, such as diversity or multiculturalism is something to be proud of and grateful for by the Indonesian people, but behind it all can not be denied it can also be a trigger or a factor that can bring conflict, especially when talking about preaching for now. clashes or conflicts that can arise in the form of physical clashes that lead to anarchist actions, can also give birth to m...
Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa, 2019
In the current era of technology, the development of society in social life is very dependent on ... more In the current era of technology, the development of society in social life is very dependent on mass media, where mass media has a very important role in this matter. One of the important roles of mass media for the community is as a provider of information, education, and entertainment for the community so that in this way the community is motivated, affected and strives to change the mindset and perspective in life. In addition, the presence of mass media greatly helps the development process in the lives of social communities. Along with technological advancements that are closely related to mass media, it cannot be denied that the growth of people's lives will also be more complete. With the development of mass media at this time the community is able to respond and be smarter towards the reality around the effects of the growth of the dynamics of their lives. Keywords: Mass Media in Development communication Abstrak: Di Era teknologi saat ini, perkembangan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sosial sangat tergantung akan media massa, dimana media massa sangat memiliki peran dalam hal tersebut. Salah satu peran penting media massa bagi masyarakat yaitu sebagai pemberi informasi, pendidikan, dan hiburan bagi masyarakat sehingga dengan hal demikian masyarakat termotivasi, terpengaruh dan berusaha untuk merubah pola pikir serta cara pandang dalam kehidupan. Selain itu kehadiran media massa sangat membantu proses pembangunan dalam kehidupan masyarakat sosial. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang erat hubungannya dengan media massa tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa pertumbuhan kehidupan masyarakat juga akan semakin lengkap. Dengan perkembangan media massa saat ini masyarakat mampu merespon dan bisa lebih cerdas terhadap realitas yang ada di sekitar efek dari pertumbuhan dinamika kehidupannya. Kata kunci: Media Massa Dalam komunikasi Pembangunan
Radio has become an influential communication media since it’s commencement . Eventhought, radio... more Radio has become an influential communication media since it’s commencement . Eventhought, radio was once advertised as the fifth plantation after newspaper. By the development of technology, radio has growth by number of variations. There was a time when radio was as big as a televition station. This period is raised as the radios’ times. The growths of tecnology have developed the media, it was configurate the users, and then also configurate the society and its culture. Besides, radio as a communication mass media, hinge on audio or sound in transmission communication messages. The potential in radio are assists to conveyance of information, moreover the information received in various situations and conditions. This is a chance for students of the Islamic communication and broadcasting department, Faculty of Humanities Adab, and Da’wah, State Islamic University Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi in role of the sharing time program for the pro 2 Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI...
Jurnal at-Taghyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa
Da'wah is a very noble activity, where a missionary interpreter seeks to convey the message o... more Da'wah is a very noble activity, where a missionary interpreter seeks to convey the message of truth to the community, with the aim of inviting the community to be able to become better in life. The missionary activities are not only limited to the delivery of religious messages, but the activities of the missionary interpreter must be realized in the form of professionalism in preaching. Da'wah is not only concerned with the interests of the group but the common interest, from this point of view the professionalism of the missionary interpreter is highly demanded, so that it does not harm other parties as the target. In the community the missionary interpreter is not limited to conveying religious messages to the community at large, but a missionary interpreter must be able to play a role in community empowerment. By playing a role as an agent of empowerment, it will increasingly appear professionalism for a missionary interpreter. This paper is to find out how professional...
Da'wah is a very noble work and has been carried out by the Prophets and Apostles, especially... more Da'wah is a very noble work and has been carried out by the Prophets and Apostles, especially the Prophet Muhammad. The part of Da'wah from a series of activities that invites, calls on, conveys the message of religion to others with the hope that there will be a shift from things that are not good to good, in the language of religion known as amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar. History has recorded a long journey from preaching from the Prophet Muhammad. Starting from da'wah carried out clandestinely to preaching carried out openly. History has also been proven in the journey of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad, how his ethics in preaching. This paper seeks to put forward the da'wah ethics with the aim of the preachers or preachers having guidelines and guidelines in delivering the minutes and continuing the estates of the da'wah struggles carried out by the Prophet Muhammad. Many problems nowadays are found problems or problems that arise and occur in da'wah...
Papers by Tomi Hendra