Teaching Documents by ICOL DIANTO
Langkah praktis jadi reviewer pada Open Journal System
academia.edu, 2019
Masalah sosial seringkali melibatkan banyak kepentingan dan dimensi yang kompleks. Terkadang, mas... more Masalah sosial seringkali melibatkan banyak kepentingan dan dimensi yang kompleks. Terkadang, masalah yang satu belum selesai namun telah muncul lagi masalah yang baru karena kehidupan masyarakat itu saling kait-mengait. Menyelesaikan masalah yang sudah ruwet itu seperti menyelesaikan benang kusut.
Program Inovasi Desa (PID) merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk mendorong dan meningkatkan produktivi... more Program Inovasi Desa (PID) merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk mendorong dan meningkatkan produktivitas pedesaan serta meningkatkan kualitas penggunaan dana desa.
Icol Dianto, 2018
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat adalah solusi alternative untuk pembangunan yang memusatkan perhatian pad... more Pemberdayaan Masyarakat adalah solusi alternative untuk pembangunan yang memusatkan perhatian pada pembangunan social and humaniti, untuk mewujudkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat ekonomi lemah, secara adil dan berkelanjutan
Nalar: jurnal peradaban dan pemikiran Islam/Nalar: Jurnal Peradaban dan Pemikiran Islam, Feb 8, 2022
International journal of social science and human research, Jun 17, 2024
International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
Da'wah and gender research has been carried out before, but focusing on gender research and d... more Da'wah and gender research has been carried out before, but focusing on gender research and da'wah higher education is still very limited. This study aims to analyze the theme of gender in the thesis work of students of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, Sheikh Ali Hasan Addary State Islamic University, Padangsidimpuan. The method used is a documentation study with a systematic literature review to analyze gender themes contained in student thesis documents. Documents used as data sources are limited to the period of publication years, starting from 2018 to 2022. The results found that gender issues are still very limited to student theses in the last five years. Analysis of 592 FDIK theses found that none of the theses used the word gender, only 18 theses used the word gender in the text, one thesis used gender as the main theory, and one other thesis contained gender as a sub-section of discussion. Varied gender terms are only found in theses that use ge...
Islamic communication journal, Dec 25, 2021
Nasrudin Joha's ideology and discourse were one of the attempts to compensate for the dominance o... more Nasrudin Joha's ideology and discourse were one of the attempts to compensate for the dominance of rulers and capitalists. The criticism developed by Nasrudin Joha built the consciousness of the oppressed. With that awareness, Nasrudin Joha mobilized the oppressed to form a unified Islamic political identity and establish a caliphate system in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze Nasrudin Joha's strategy in building the ideology of the caliphate system and proclaiming it through social media. The authors used qualitative research methods in the field of mass media and used critical discourse analysis. The focus of his study was ideology and discourse in an article written by Nasrudin Joha on an online media platform. The results of this study found that Joha had used the theory of active reception to the readers. Joha positioned himself as the opposition and voiced the aspirations of the oppressed. In developing ideology and discourse about the caliphate system, Joha has similarities with the flow of Marxism, namely the resistance of the oppressed. On the other hand, Joha tends to follow post-Marxist notions of freedom and oppose the oppression of the regime and capitalist groups.
This research aims to analyze the phenomenon of religious conversion in theory and practice. This... more This research aims to analyze the phenomenon of religious conversion in theory and practice. This research uses library research in answering two main questions, namely how is the academic debate and case study of conversion of Islam and Christianity? The authors found that the factors that influence the process of religious conversion are caused by internal factors in the individual such as frustration, soul shocks, damaged souls and spiritual experiences. External factors such as the influence of the social environment, organization, peers, and marriage. This academic debate about religious conversion has started from William James (1958) with the theory of conversion as the healing of a divided self until Henri Gooren (2010) with the theory of the conversion career. Finally, the case of religious conversion to Islam is not through mental disorders, violence and coercion, but with full awareness. However, converts to Christianity are often followed by cases of violence, coercion, and mental disorders.
The European Union is a destination country for immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. These... more The European Union is a destination country for immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. These immigrants seek protection (asylum) to the European Union because of conflicts in their home countries, both religious conflicts, political oppression, economic difficulties, and social unrest. This article aims to uncover the problems of the Muslim community as a minority group in the European Union. The author uses library research methods with a qualitative descriptive approach. The author found that the cause of Muslim migration to the European Union was due to conflict and war, economic crisis, and political oppression so they sought protection from the European Union. The election of the European Union as a destination country is because the European Union has opened itself to accept immigrants and is bound by international agreements so that the European Union has the responsibility to provide security protection for asylum seekers. The author also found that the arrival of immigrants to the European Union posed problems such as an immigrant identity crisis between national identity and citizenship identity, concerns of local European Union citizens over the issue of Islamization of Europe, fear of the threat of terrorism, and jealousy for Muslim immigrants because it was funded by EU member states. EU leaders are working to resolve this migration issue through joint financing between member countries and countries of origin of immigrants, equal distribution of immigrants, and strict selection of immigrants entering the European Union. Meanwhile, to solve the identity crisis, there are three models offered, namely integration, assimilation, and multiculturalism to create community inclusivism.
Jurnal At-Taghyir : Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa, Jan 12, 2020
This article discusses traditions which state that the affairs of leadership are held by the Bani... more This article discusses traditions which state that the affairs of leadership are held by the Bani Quraisy contained in the authentic Hadith books. By using the study of literature through the approach of the method of understanding the hadith and sociological approach to the source of data in the form of classic hadith books in the books of Shahih Bukhari, Shahih Muslim, Musnad Imam Ahmad and Musnad Abu Daud, books and scientific articles, obtained the results of studies that scholars agreed on the validity of the traditions about the Caliphate (leadership) in the hands of Bani Quraisy, but the scholars differed in interpreting the hadith, between afdlaliyyah (the conditions of virtue) and in'iqad (mutlaq terms). In contemporary society with a sociological approach to the authentic hadiths, an understanding is obtained that the leader must have a sense of justice, compassion, keep promises, uphold religion and invite service and prevent disobedience. Leaders who have these requirements must be obeyed by their people (their community).
Hikmah eBooks, Dec 31, 2019
Intercultural communication is process of interaction between two groups of different cultures. T... more Intercultural communication is process of interaction between two groups of different cultures. These differences include differences in ideology, value systems, social organization experience, and history. The complexity of the differences triggers barriers to communication, namely efforts to withdraw, social prejudice, and ethnocentrism. The purpose of writing this article is to reveal how the factors of withdrawal, prejudice and ethnocentrism emerge as barriers to intercultural communication and explain the Islamic approach in resolving these barriers. The author uses a literature study with a qualitative descriptive approach, found that barriers to intercultural communication occur when attempts to withdraw from social life are based on low levels of self-confidence, excessive individual privacy, and differences in the values of individual idealism with social value systems. Meanwhile, social prejudice arises from doctrinal activities through social education and ethnocentrism arises from excessive loyalty to the truth of one's own cultural values. To remove these obstacles, Islam offers a formulation as an alternative to solving the problem, namely the hujuratism approach by making a change of perspective from 'withdrawing to interaction, ethnocentrism to objectivism, and prejudice to positive thinking.
Abstract: This article aims to discuss pure and popular scientific writing techniques. By using t... more Abstract: This article aims to discuss pure and popular scientific writing techniques. By using theoretical study writing techniques, the authors found that scientific writing uses scientific methods to discuss problems, present their studies with standard language and scientific writing, and use other scientific principles such as objective, logical, empirical, factual, systematic, straightforward, clear and consistent. Scientific writings can be divided into two types, pure scientific writing and popular scientific writing. The second difference in the writing technique lies in the material presented and the language used. If scientific writing is pure material based on data, and actual facts, using standard and formal languages. While popular scientific works choose materials that are warm in the environment and are presented using language that is easily understood by the general public. Keywords: Scientific Work, Writing, Pure Scientific, Popular Scientific Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas teknik penulisan karya ilmiah murni dan popular. Dengan menggunakan teknik penulisan kajian teoritis, penulis menemukan bahwa penulisan ilmiah menggunakan metode ilmiah dalam membahas permasalahan, menyajikan kajiannya dengan bahasa baku dan tata tulis ilmiah, serta menggunakan prinsip-prinsip keilmuan yang lain seperti objektif, logis, empiris, berdasarkan fakta, sistematis, lugas, jelas, dan konsisten. Tulisan ilmiah dapat dibedakan atas dua jenis, penulisan ilmiah murni dan penulisan ilmiah populer. Perbedaan kedua teknik penulisan itu terletak pada bahan yang disajikan dan bahasa yang digunakan. Kalau penulisan ilmiah murni bahannya berdasarkan data, dan fakta yang sebenarnya, menggunakan bahasa baku dan formal. Sedangkan karya ilmiah populer memilih bahan yang hangat terjadi di lingkungan dan disajikan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat umum. Kata Kunci: Karya Ilmiah, Penulisan, Ilmiah Murni, Ilmiah Populer
Jurnal Dakwah Tabligh, Jun 20, 2018
Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam, Aug 8, 2018
Islam is the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin, with the coming of Islam to the world bringing pea... more Islam is the religion of rahmatan lil 'alamin, with the coming of Islam to the world bringing peace and tranquility to all human beings. Islam teaches adherents to safeguard and preserve the environment. Islam teaches how its followers maintain relationships with people of different faiths with it. It is impossible that Islam can not find solutions to modern, plural and global human problems like this era. Islam that his coming brings grace must be conveyed to all natural seekers. Da'wah frees marginalized groups such as women and children. Islam teaches that all human beings are equal (rights and obligations) before Allah SWT, which distinguishes man from other human being is piety. By using comparative analysis method (comparison) work da'wah with community development work, the authors to study how the role of da'wah in community development? The results of the study show that the role of da'wah in community development involves the initiators who will strengthen the basic principles of society according to the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the motivator of the individual's care for the social environment, the extensionist who will answer the doubts of the people in facing life's problems, and the adhesive of human ukhuwa.
Misykat al-Anwar Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Masyarakat, Jul 20, 2022
The demonstration action for Muammar's dismissal as head of the village has been the root cause o... more The demonstration action for Muammar's dismissal as head of the village has been the root cause of social and political conflicts in Lumban Dolok, Mandailing Natal Regency, Province of North Sumatera. This issue has seeped on development programs at the village level (locally). The research aims to analyze socio-political barriers in the development of religious villages in Lumban Dolok village. Researchers use field research methods and use observation techniques and interviews to collect research data. The results showed that social and political factors have a strong bond in blocking the implementation of the Quranic Village Program in Lumban Dolok, Mandailing Natal Regency. As a solution to completing these obstacles, a new consensus is needed. Local wisdom like the letter of Surat Tumbaga Holing as a tool for the community. To help the social consolidation process, village escorts can take community empowerment measures.
Hikmah eBooks, Jun 30, 2016
Kabupaten Pasaman memiliki populasi besar mencapai 263,800 jiwa, dengan komposisi penduduk pasang... more Kabupaten Pasaman memiliki populasi besar mencapai 263,800 jiwa, dengan komposisi penduduk pasangan usia subur sebanyak 46,311 rumah tangga. populasi yang besar, ada sebuah keluarga yang dikategorikan sangat miskin dan miskin, sebanyak 23,861 rumah tangga. Ancaman overpopulasi dan kemiskinan siap untuk menghantam wilayah tersebut. pengendalian penduduk dapat dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan program keluarga berencana di Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Keluarga Berencana. Di sisi lain, program keluarga berencana memiliki sekelompok Pendapatan Usaha Kesejahteraan Keluarga untuk menambah sumber pendapatan untuk peserta program keluarga berencana. Dengan asumsi upaya integrasi program keluarga berencana dengan program untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari keluarga yang dapat menghemat Pasaman dari ancaman kelebihan populasi dan kemiskinan. Pasaman district has a large population reached 263.800 inhabitants, with the composition of the population of fertile couples as much as 46.311 households. Large population, there is a family that is categorized as very poor and poor, as many as 23.861 households. The threat of overpopulation and poverty are ready to hit the region. Population control can be done to maximize the family planning program in Women Empowerment and Family Planning. On the other hand, family planning programs have a group of Enterprises Income Family Welfare to add a source of income for the family planning program participants. Assuming the integration efforts of family planning programs with a program for increasing the income off families that can save Pasaman of the threat of overpopulation and poverty.
Jurnal pemberdayaan masyarakat, Jun 29, 2022
use a collaborative approach as an alternative to strengthen the Kampung Al-Qur'an program in an ... more use a collaborative approach as an alternative to strengthen the Kampung Al-Qur'an program in an integrated and sustainable manner. The awareness of the people of Lumban Dolok to live more religiously with Kampung Al-Qur'an program deserves appreciation. The participation of the local community shreds of evidence this will in building the Al-Muttaqin Mosque (Great Mosque). This mosque stands majestically in the middle of the Lumban Dolok village settlement. This mosque was built independently by the local community. Likewise, with the support of the local government of Mandailing Natal Regency, which is one of the missions of the government, aims to improve the quality of religious life of the community. Merely having awareness at the local level is insufficient for bolstering Kampung Al-Qur'an program; there must be backing that can unify the lives of the entire community. This support can be realized through policies formulated by local governments. This needs to be done so that the sustainability of Kampung Al-Qur'an program in Lumban Dolok Village can be realized.
Islamic communication journal, Dec 28, 2018
ocal press problems in facing the contestation of the election of Regional Heads in West Sumatra ... more ocal press problems in facing the contestation of the election of Regional Heads in West Sumatra Province can be grouped into two broad lines: first, the local press is dragged into a conflict of interest in the election of the Regional Head including 1) The Press supports one candidate pair, 2). Incitement of the success team, 3). The interests of media owners and stakeholders in media companies. Second, the intervention of the Regional Head towards local media includes 1). Change the Regional Head changes journalists, 2). Contract termination threats and 3). Media blockade. As for the solution to the problem, an alternative solution can be proposed that: 1). Re-guided Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning Press. 2). Balancing the press as a business industry with the press as a professional institution (social control). 3). The media owner should not use and manipulate his press company into the realm of practical politics. 5). In establishing cooperation with local governments, strive to stick to the principles and ethics of the journalistic profession. 6). Journalists must increase the capacity and quality of journalistic products, adhere to journalists' code of ethics, and not bring the profession into the realm of practical politics. 7). Report regional heads or parties who attempt to intimidate the media and journalists in carrying out their profession, to the Public Information Commission (KIP), police and Ombudsman at certain levels of government.
Teaching Documents by ICOL DIANTO
pemberdayaan kelompok Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera
(UPPKS) dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga di Kabupaten Pasaman?
Rumusan maslah tersebut dibatasi menjadi empat pertanyaan, yaitu pertama,
pemberdayaan dalam menyiapkan sumber daya pada kelompok Usaha
Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera. Kedua, pemberdayaan dalam
memberikan pengetahuan pada kelompok Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan
Keluarga Sejahtera. Ketiga, pemberdayaan dalam memberikan kesempatan pada
kelompok Usaha Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera. Keempat,
pemberdayaan dalam memberikan keterampilan pada kelompok Usaha
Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera.
Penelitian ini bertujuan (a) untuk mengungkap proses penyiapan sumber
daya pada kelompok UPPKS dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga, (b)
untuk mengungkap proses pemberian pengetahuan pada kelompok UPPKS dalam
meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga, (c) untuk mengungkap proses pemberian
kesempatan pada kelompok UPPKS dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga,
dan (d) untuk mengungkap proses pemberian keterampilan pada kelompok
UPPKS dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga.
Untuk mengungkap proses pemberdayaan terhadap kelompok uppks dalam
meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga, peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian
kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus serta instrumen pengumpulan data
melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara terhadap sumber informasi
kunci (key informan) meliputi pejabat Badan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan
Keluarga Berencana (BPPKB), penyuluh Kb, ketua dan pengurus kelompok.
Hasil penelitian meliputi, pertama, proses penyiapan sumber daya
mendapatkan porsi yang kecil sebagai indikator pemberdayaan. Penyiapan sumber
daya yang diberikan kepada kelompok UPPKS, baru sebatas penyiapan sumber
daya modal dari Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS), bukan lembagaperbankan. Kedua, pemberdayaan merupakan pemberian pengetahuan bagi
masyarakat sasaran telah dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah. Akan tetapi, penyiapan
pengetahuan yang diberikan oleh BPPKB belum lagi dapat memenuhi tolok ukur
dari indikator keberhasilan program UPPKS. Ketiga, pemberdayaan sebagai
pemberian kesempatan sudah berjalan dengan baik dengan melakukan seleksi dan
verifikasi terhadap kelompok-kelompok UPPKS yang mengajukan dana bantuan
oleh kelompok. Keempat, pemberdayaan sebagai pemberian keterampilan sudah
dilakukan oleh pemerintah kepada kelompok UPPKS. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari
adanya program-program pelatihan yang dilaksanakan oleh BPPKB. Penyiapan
keterampilan ini, sudah mulai dilakukan dengan mengkoordinasikan programprogram pemberdayaan lintas sektoral. Namun, pelatihan dan keterampilan yang
dilakukan belum menyentuh seluruh unit usaha yang dijalankan oleh kelompok
mengarahkan anda untuk melakukan riset merupakan bagian penting dalam desain riset.
Tujuan-tujuan ini memiliki dua fungsi. Pertama, tujuan-tujuan tersebut akan membantu
dalam mengarahkan keputusan desain agar penelitian dapat dianggap layak dilakukan
dan peneliti mendapatkan sesuatu yang bernilai. Kedua tujuan-tujuan itu penting karena
dapat memberi pembenaran terhadap riset dan menjelaskan mengapa hasil atau
kesimpulan riset anda penting.
melakukan penelitian rinci dan sistematis pada singa semut (ant lions), serangga kecil itu
menjebak semut di lubang yang telah mereka gali. Heinrich terkejut bahwa hasil yang mereka
temukan sangat berbeda dengan hasil penelitian lain yang telah dipublikasikan. Heinrich dan
tekan-rekannya mengulangi kembali eksperimennya dan mencoba memahami perbedaan itu.
Heinrich menemukan bahwa ia dan rekannya telah disesatkan oleh asumsi yang mereka buat.
Ia menyimpulkan bahwa, “Hasil yang dikumpulkan dengan cermat dapat menyesatkan jika
konteks yang mendasari asumsi salah.” Miles, Huberman dan Robson menyarankan bahwa
kerangka kerja konseptual riset Anda meliputi sistem konsep, asumsi, harapan, kepercayaan,
dan teori yang mendukung dan menginformasikan penelitian Anda adalah bagian penting dari
desain Anda.
Practice yang ditulis oleh Michael Quinn Patton merupakan buku referensi untuk metode penelitian
kualitatif. Buku ini terbit pertama kali pada tahun 1980 dan mengalami revisi untuk menyesuaikan
materi pembahasan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya di bidang metodologi riset.
Buku yang direview ini adalah edisi keempat pada tahun 2014. Michael Quinn Patton adalah
peneliti aktif dan produktif dalam menulis buku dan artikel serta berkontribusi dalam menulis buku
secara bersama-sama dengan penulis terkenal lainnya (gabungan). Makalah ini adalah review
terhadap buku Michael Quinn Patton dengan ketebalan 1245 halaman mulai dari halaman depan
sampai index. Terdiri dari 9 bab (chapter) dan setiap chapter ada modul-modul untuk menjelaskan
subbab yaitu sebanyak 82 modul.