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Advances in Applied Probability, 1985
The concept of a characterization and its stability for queueing models is introduced. The principle of two stages in the study of the stability property is formulated. A series of results concerning the G/G/1 model is obtained.
The Annals of Applied Probability, 2004
This article proves that the stability region of a two-station, five-class reentrant queueing network, operating under a nonpreemptive static buffer priority service policy, depends on the distributions of the interarrival and service times. In particular, our result shows that conditions on the mean interarrival and service times are not enough to determine the stability of a queueing network under a particular policy. We prove that when all distributions are exponential, the network is unstable in the sense that, with probability 1, the total number of jobs in the network goes to infinity with time. We show that the same network with all interarrival and service times being deterministic is stable. When all distributions are uniform with a given range, our simulation studies show that the stability of the network depends on the width of the uniform distribution. Finally, we show that the same network, with deterministic interarrival and service times, is unstable when it is operated under the preemptive version of the static buffer priority service policy. Thus, our examples also demonstrate that the stability region depends on the preemption mechanism used.
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
In this paper, we study the strong stability of the stationary distribution of the imbedded Markov chain in the G/M/1 queueing system, after perturbation of the service law (see Aissani, 1990, and Kartashov, 1981). We show that under some hypotheses, the characteristics of the G/G/1 queueing system can be approximated by the corresponding characteristics of the G/M/1 system. After clarifying the approximation conditions, we obtain the stability inequalities by exactly computing the constants.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2008
This paper considers a parallel system of queues fed by independent arrival streams, where the service rate of each queue depends on the number of customers in all of the queues. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the system are derived, based on stochastic monotonicity and marginal drift properties of multiclass birth and death processes. These conditions yield a sharp characterization of stability for systems, where the service rate of each queue is decreasing in the number of customers in other queues, and has uniform limits as the queue lengths tend to infinity. The results are illustrated with applications where the stability region may be nonconvex.
Performance Evaluation, 2000
Previous work in the stability analysis of polling models concentrated mainly on stability of the whole system. This system stability analysis, however, fails to model many real-world systems for which some queues may continue to operate under an unstable system. In this paper we address this problem by considering queue stability problem that concerns stability of an individual queue in a polling model. We present a novel approach to the problem which is based on a new concept of queue stability orderings, dominant systems, and Loynes' theorem. The polling model under consideration employs an m-limited service policy, with or without prior service reservation; moreover, it admits state-dependent set-up time and walk time. Our stability results generalize many previous results of system stability. Furthermore, we show that stabilities of any two queues in the system can be compared solely based on their (λ/m)'s, where λ is the customer arrival rate to a queue.
The stability of the Lu-Kumar queueing network is re-analyzed. It is shown that the associated fluid network is a hybrid dynamical system that has a succession of invariant subspaces leading to global stability. It is explained why large enough stochastic perturbations of the production rates lead to an unstable queuing network while smaller perturbations do not change the stability. The two reasons for the instability are the breaking of the invariance of the subspaces and a positive Lyapunov exponent. A service rule that stabilizes the system is proposed.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 1992
A.bstractmThis paper deals with the following question: "Will the proposed determln;itic queueing model yield a satisfactory approximation to the real qtteueing system under c(mslderation and if so, within which limits?" At first, we analyze the degree of approximation of the random real model by a deterministic one. This is achieved by estimating the Prokhorov distance betweea the output sequences of both models. The right-hand sides of the obtained estimates depend (m the Prokhorov or Ky Fan distances between the inputs of the underlined models. To estimate the latter distances we evaluate the Ky Fan radius of a set of l~obabillty measures satlsfying basic moment conditions involving line&r combinatious of {t,t 2) or {cos t, sin t}. In particular, the last results lead to quantitative criteria for the weak convergence of probability meaiures to a point mass.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1976
The purpose of this document is to summarize the main points of the book written by Leonard Kleinrock, titled, 'Queueing Systems".
Queueing Systems, 1991
In this paper, we consider a queueing system in which there are two exponential servers, each having his own queue, and arriving customers will join the shorter queue. Based on the results given in Flatto and McKean, we rewrite the formula for the probability that there are exactly k customers in each queue, where k = 0, 1 ..... This enables us to present an algorithm for ~omputing these probabilities and then to find the joint distribution of the queue lengths in the system. A program and numerical examples are given.
The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 2012
Istidlal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum Islam, 2021
A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum Évkönyve, 2022
The Cistercian Monastery of Zaraka, Greece Edited by Sheila Campbell MONASTIC LIFE, 2018
Armas e Troféus, 2019
Spiritualistische Tradition im Protestantismus
The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 2017
History of Universities, 2017
Antipode, 2024
Dianoia: The Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Boston College, 2019
European Journal of Marketing and Management Sciences, 2024
Journal of Neurochemistry, 2013
Global Journal of Geological Sciences, 2006