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The case of Caltex Filipino Managers and Supervisors' Association vs. CIR centers around a labor dispute involving recognition of the Union as a bargaining agency for managers and supervisors at Caltex (Philippines), Inc. The Union alleges that the respondent engaged in union-busting tactics, including intimidation of Union members, which led to a strike declaration. A series of legal proceedings ensued, questioning the legality of the strike, the jurisdiction of the industrial court, and the status of Union members, highlighted by motions and counter-motions filed by both parties.
the American workforce. By the tate 1950s. the trade union movement had reached a peak of 35-40% of the workforce, virtuaHy entirety in the private sector. From the 1960s to the present, however, this situation gradually reversed itse lf. M ore and m ore fe d e ra l, s ta te , and local governm ent em ployees p e rsu a d e d th e a p p ro p ria te le g is la tu re s to a d o p t le g isla tio n g ra n tin g governm ent employees the right to unionize and bargain collectively, and m any pu b lic se c to r w o rk e rs choose to e x e rc ise those rig h ts. Roughly sim u ltan eo u sly , throughout the 1970s and 1980s, priv ate secto r union membership declined. By 1993. union membership in the private sector had fallen below 12% / In contrast, about 35% of public sector employees today are represented by a labor union and covered by a collective bargaining agreem ent/ Overall, about 16% of the American labor force as a whole are labor union m em bers/ The decline in unionization is especially significant because Am erican labor law regulates far fewer term s and conditions of employment than the Hungarian Labour Code. The precip ito u s decline in private se cto r unionization rates, when com pared to the much stronger support for trade unionism in the public sector, has led commentators to propose diverse solutions, including outright repeal of the NLRA, improvement of the NLRB election process, reduction in procedural delays, more effective remedies for violations, permitting more pow erful union econom ic w eaponry, and adoption of various aspects of Western European labor relations schem es/ This article next sketch out the overall NLRA scheme, and will note a few of these proposals for modification of the present system. H. The Structure of American Labor-Management Relations The labor-m anagem ent relations system in the United States is structured differently than that of Hungary and most western European countries. First, it is premised on an arms-lcngth, adversarial bargaining relationship. The law establishes this as the only m ethod by which workers can p articip ate in co llectively d e te rm in in g wages, b en efits, and all m anner of term s and c o n d itio n s of em ploym ent. T hrough collective n e g o tia tio n s, labor and m anagem ent conclude collective bargaining agreem ents. The agreem ents commonly cover a broad spectrum of topics, including protections against arbitrary term ination of employment without "just cause", seniority-based order of priority governing reductions-in-force, promotions, and job transfers, protection of health and safety in the workplace, working hours, break time, premium pay for overtime work, wages, pensions, and health and disability insurance ben efits. In a d d itio n , m ost agreem ents establish a grievance procedure, adm inistered between labor and m anagem ent. The grievance procedure is the forum for negotiated adjustm ent, or, faililng that, binding too __________________________ MARt.EY S. W HSS__________________________________
Opposition to Motion to Strike Complaint and Opposition to Nonmonetary Status
Motion to Strike Complaint and Opposition to Nonmonetary Status, 2023
This Motion is made on the grounds that neither the Complaint nor the Objection are drawn or filed in conformity with the laws of this state and, therefore, should be stricken under Code of Civil Procedure § 436. The entire Complaint is premised on a 2020 California Court of Appeal case ruling that does not apply to the facts of this matter. Moreover, the Objection fails to set forth the factual or legal basis as to why ZBS's Declaration of Nonmonetary Status should not be accepted and why ZBS should be required to participate any further in this litigation. This Motion is also based on the Notice of Motion, the Memorandum of Points and Authorities, The Declaration of Robert B. Norum, the Request for Judicial Notice, the pleadings and records on file herein, and upon such oral and documentary evidence as may be presented by the parties at the hearing.
Israel Law Review, 1977
In rendering justice, courts have always been, as they ought to be, conscientiously guided by the norm that on the balance, technicalities take a backseat against substantive rights, and not the other way around."In short, substantive law outweighs procedural technicalities as in this case. Indeed, where as here, there is a strong showing that grave miscarriage of justice would result from the strict application of the Rules, we will not hesitate to relax the same in the interest of substantial justice. It bears stressing that the rules of procedure are merely tools designed to facilitate the attainment of justice. They were conceived and promulgated to effectively aid the court in the dispensation of justice. Courts are not slaves to or robots of technical rules, shorn of judicial discretion. In rendering justice, courts have always been as they ought to be, conscientiously guided by the norm that on the balance, technicalities take a backseat against substantive rights, and not the other way around. Thus, if the application of the Rules would tend to frustrate rather than promote justice, it is always within our power to suspend the rules, or except a particular case from its operation. Taking this to mind, the labor tribunals and the CA should have considered petitioner's repeated pleas to scrutinize the facts and particularly the lease agreement executed by him and Oceanic, which would naturally exculpate him from liability as this would prove the absence of an employment relation between him and respondents. Instead, the case was determined on pure technicality which in labor disputes, is not necessarily sanctioned-given that proceedings before the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC are non-litigious in nature where they are encouraged to avail of all reasonable means to ascertain the facts of the case without regard to technicalities of law or procedure.Petitioner's motion to dismiss, though belated, should have been given due attention.
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