ORIGIN OF HURRO-URARTIAN: Sino-Caucasian, Indo-European, or Altaic?

Hurro-Urartian, due to their Indo-European-like elements, might be an archaic branch which splitted from other Indo-European long before Hittite-Luwian and even Tyrsenian. An initial language of IJ haplogroups might be Indo-Hurro-Tyrsenian. Altaic-like element in Hurro-Urartian, Kassite, Hittite-Luwian link these languages with another Nostratic family. Hurrian might be among languages of the Kura-Araxes culture (together with Kartvelian and Northeast Caucasian), influenced Proto-Germanic Nordic Bronze, and was used in the Bronze Age Cyprus. Names of metals and metalworkers in Sumerian, Semitic, Kartvelian are Hurrian. The spread of arsenical bronze in Mesopotamia was related to the Kura-Araxes southward migration


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