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An open letter to a doctor brainstorming that the name Luke in Greek Loukas is a pun on Leukomas, an eye, vision subject for Lukewarm in Rev chapter three. Lukewarm can't be about drinking water because its not a deed. however eyesight has many metaphors to behavior/deeds
14 " To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. 21 To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches " (Revelation 3: 14-22).
Revelation is the book of end time things, but in the inauguration of its chapters, Apostle John mentioned about seven churches. There is no doubt that Apostle John wrote this one book for seven churches and he included the messages for churches first and explained about end times next. In this course, he warned one Church and it is the seventh Church, the Church of Laodicea. In Revelation chapter 3 from 14 to 22 verses, he gave a postmortem report of this Church and what Lord is expecting them to be.
Paper presented at the EUROCALL 2017 Conference (Southampton, United Kingdom, Aug 23-26, 2017), 2017
In recent years, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has become more accessible than ever before. This is largely due to the proliferationof mobile computing devices and the growth of open online language-learning resources. Additionally, since the beginning of the millennium there has been massive growth in the number of students studying a foreign language in the European Union (Eurostat, 2012). Unfortunately, according to the Education and Training Monitor 20162 , within formal education at all levels, there is a lack of guidance regarding the integration of CALL tools with face-to-face classroom instruction. This is particularly in relation to lower-level language instruction. This paper presents some preliminary findings of the author’s doctoral research project that addresses the question: what contradictions and tensions emerge in ab initio blended language learning courses? Capturing the development of human activity in complex learning environments and the difficulties that manifest themselves therein is a challenging methodological task. This paper proposes that Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) is a useful conceptual tool for Blended Learning (BL) researchers in identifying emerging contradictions with complex learning environments.
Mito 1. "Se a equipe dispõe de um manual repleto de padrões e procedimentos de desenvolvimento de software, então a equipe está apta a encaminhar bem o desenvolvimento." Realidade 1. Isto verdadeiramente não é o suficiente... é preciso que a equipe aplique efetivamente os conhecimentos apresentados no manual... é necessário que o que conste no dado manual reflita a moderna prática de desenvolvimento de software e que este seja exaustivo com relação a todos os problemas de desenvolvimento que poderão aparecer no percurso...
Public Library Quarterly, 2024
The 215+ day war on Gaza has brought new visibility and interest in the history, politics, and experiences of Palestinians–including by children. Teachers and librarians say there are not enough children's books that center Palestinians, but do they not exist or are they only difficult to find? Written for professionals in the publishing industry, this article based on original research explores trends in the publication of English-language children's books featuring Palestinian narratives. It delves into the difficulty teachers and librarians face when trying to find Palestinian children's books.
L'Homme, 2023
Ce numéro de L’Homme propose de renouer le dialogue interdisciplinaire entre l’histoire et l’anthropologie à partir de la notion de « sensibilité » entendue au sens large : celle-ci regroupe ainsi les divers sens extéroceptifs et intéroceptifs (ouïe et odorat, mais aussi kinesthésie et proprioception) ; les émotions, et tout le travail de régulation dont elles sont l’objet ; ainsi que les sentiments qui irriguent aussi bien les structures de parenté que les élans patriotiques, mais répondent aussi à une logique propre (culpabilité, nostalgie, acédie, etc.).
Theology & Culture Vol. 8, 2024
Globalization, immigration, refugees, and technological development have contributed to the creation of pluralistic societies. A key characteristic of these societies is the coexistence of individuals or groups of different religious traditions. The coexistence of different religious communities is not a new situation in History. Many times, the religious communities that had been living in the same place had managed to coexist peacefully. At other times moderation and simple tolerance prevailed. However, it is not uncommon that suspicion, fanaticism, bigotry, and violence prevail among believers of different religious traditions. The interreligious dialogue between the religious representatives has established, at an institutional level, the need for peaceful coexistence. The Orthodox Church actively participates in interreligious dialogues on a local and global level. In addition, the Orthodox has been living together in the same place with people of other religions for many centuries. This paper aims to highlight the theological conditions for the participation of the Orthodox Church in inter-religious dialogue as another form of witnessing. The basic methodology is based on the form of human communication.Τhis work emphasizes the interreligious dialogue of life and action as key factors in cultivating harmonious coexistence. It then examines in which ways the Orthodox Church’s communication factors, such as preaching and Christian education, can cultivate in Christians the importance of interreligious and intercultural dialogue.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
Phase transitions of thermal systems and the laser threshold were first connected more than forty years ago. Despite the nonequilibrium nature of the laser, the Landau theory of thermal phase transitions, applied directly to the Scully-Lamb laser model (SLLM), indicates that the laser threshold is a second-order phase transition, associated with a U (1) spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB). To capture the genuine nonequilibrium phase transition of the SLLM (i.e., a single-mode laser without a saturable absorber), here we employ a quantum theory of dissipative phase transitions. Our results confirm that the U (1) SSB can occur at the lasing threshold but, in contrast to the Landau theory and semiclassical approximation, they signal that the SLLM "fundamental" transition is a different phenomenon, which we call Liouvillian spectral collapse; that is, the emergence of diabolic points of infinite degeneracy. By considering a generalized SLLM with additional dephasing, we witness a second-order phase transition, with a Liouvillian spectral collapse, but in the absence of symmetry breaking. Most surprisingly, the phase transition corresponds to the emergence of dynamical multistability even without SSB. Normally, bistability is suppressed by quantum fluctuations, while in this case, the very presence of quantum fluctuations enables bistability. This rather anomalous bistability, characterizing the truly dissipative and quantum origin of lasing, can be an experimental signature of our predictions, and we show that it is associated with an emergent dynamical hysteresis.
RESUMO É preciso considerar a questão da fé antes de considerar a questão da religião, porque, no pensamento dostoievskiano, o oposto do ateísmo é a fé. Esta pode estar ausente da religião institucionalizada, quando esta se torna uma casca vazia, e incapaz de responder ao ateu. É benéfico conhecer algumas referências de época. O contexto da discussão com o ateísmo é o debate sobre o niilismo, na sua vertente russa da década de 1860. O "reacionarismo" dostoievskiano é antes de tudo um antiniilismo, que se reflete em teses econômicas, mas é muito mais amplo. Superar o niilismo é afirmar, entre outras coisas, que o homem não é um nada que só ganha conteúdo em sociedade; que ele tem de passar por um processo doloroso de aceitação de suas deficiências para conquistar a consciência moral. O niilismo só encontra na fé o seu oposto, porque exige uma renúncia ao Eu de que o intelecto, por si só, não é capaz. ABSTRACT One must ask about faith before asking about religion in Dostoevs...
Τέχνη και δράση, 2021
Religions, 2023
Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research Trends, 2016
Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, 2021
Prometeo: Quarterly Magazine of History and Sciences, 2024
Pragdhara, Journal of the UP State Archaeology Deptt., UP, 2015
Зороастрийская символика в узбекском текстиле XIX — начала XX века: от предметности к абстрактности, 2022
NASAP News, 2022
LlIVRO | PDF | 301 páginas
Genome Biology, 2019
Alienação Parental: da interdisciplinaridade aos tribunais, 2024
Scientia Agricola, 2005
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Universidad de Holguín, Conciencia Ediciones, 2020