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2008, Nature
4 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami had no recent precedents, yet sedimentary evidence found 125 km north of Phuket indicates probable historical occurrences over the past 2,800 years. This study identifies a major predecessor event around 550-700 years ago, highlighting the impact of the 2004 tsunami that reached unprecedented heights in Thailand. The research adds to the understanding of historical tsunami events in the region.
Marine Geology, 2009
The 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the associated Indian Ocean tsunami vastly exceeded the size of their predecessors from the previous two centuries or more. We sought clues on how often large tsunamis occur by taking 9 shallow cores 0.5-2.0 km inland from the modern shore on a Holocene beach-ridge plain of Phra Thong Island, 125 km north of Phuket. We tentatively correlated one sand sheet among these cores and found a second sand bed beneath in one of the cores. We infer that these deposits represent two pre-2004 tsunamis. The island's setting precludes river floods and tends to rule out storms as causes of the sand deposition. Establishment of the beach-ridge plain requires that both the inferred tsunamis occurred after Holocene sea levels approached their present position. Radiocarbon ages of bulk soil samples are consistent with this conclusion. Though root penetration into soil samples probably makes the ages appear younger, one inferred tsunami occurred before AD 1300 and the other occurred before AD 1900, based on the age estimates. The tsunamis probably originated along the Sunda megathrust, from where tsunamis can travel directly to the Thailand coast.
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2007
The Andaman-Sumatra Tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004, was by far the largest tsunami catastrophe in human history. An earthquake of 9 to 9.3 on the Richter scale, the extension of waves over more than 5000 km of ocean and run-ups up to 35 m are its key features. These characteristics suggest significant changes in coastal morphology and high sediment transport rates. A field survey along the west coast of Thailand (Phuket Island, Khao Lak region including some Similan Islands, Nang Pha mangrove areas and Phi Phi Don Islands) seven to nine weeks after the tsunami, however, discovered only small changes in coastal morphology and a limited amount of dislocated sediments, restricted to the lower meters of the tsunami waves. This is in striking contrast to many paleo-tsunami's events of the Atlantic region. Explanations for this discrepancy are sought in: a. Mechanics of the earthquake. A rather slow shock impulse on the water masses over the very long earthquake zone, b. Shallow water in the earthquake zone, and c. Bathymetry of the foreshore zone at the impacted sites. Shallow water west of Thailand has diminished wave energy significantly.The differences in geomorphological and sedimentological signatures of this tsunami compared with many paleo-tsunami worldwide makes it unsuitable to be used as a model for old and future tsunami imprints by an event of this extreme energy and extension.
Natural Hazards, 2012
Along the Andaman (west) coast of Thailand, the 2004 tsunami depositional features associated with the 2004 tsunami were used to describe the characteristics of tsunamis in a place far away from the effect of both recent and ancient storms. The current challenge is that a lack of precise sedimentological characteristics have been described that will differentiate tsunami deposits from storm deposits. Here, in sedimentological senses, we reviewed the imprints of the sedimentological characteristics of the 2004 tsunami and older deposits and then compared them with storm deposits, as analyzed from the deposits found along the eastern (Gulf of Thailand; GOT) coast of Thailand. We discuss the hydraulic conditions of the 2004 tsunami and its predecessors, on the Andaman coast, and compare them to storm flows found on the coast of the GOT. Similar to an extensive tsunami inflow deposit, a storm flow overwash has very similar sedimentary structures. Well-preserved sedimentary structures recognized in sand sheets from both tsunami and storms include single and multiple normal gradings, reverse grading, parallel, incline and foreset lamina, rip-up clasts, and mud drapes. All these sedimentary structures verify the similarity of tsunami and storm inflow behavior as both types of high-energy flow start to scour the beach zone. Antidunes are likely to be the only unique internal sedimentary structures observed in the 2004 tsunami deposit. Rip-up clasts are rare within storm deposits compared to tsunami deposits. We found that the deposition during the outflow from both tsunami and storms was rarely preserved, suggesting that it does not persist for very long in the geological record.
The Geographical Journal, 2005
A mi hermana, por ser mi confidente, mi apoyo, mi otra mitad. No concebiría mi vida sin ti, mi niña. Eres una gran mujer. Juntas hasta el infinito.
Revue de Synthèse, 2018
L 'historiographie moderne montre que l'image traditionnelle du « mathématicien au travail », envisagé comme chercheur solitaire travaillant à son bureau avec papier et crayon, est loin de correspondre à la réalité des pratiques1. Le/la mathématicien. ne, en tant qu'acteur intervenant dans un contexte social, économique et politique, échange avec ses collègues par la conversation, par l'écriture, par l'imprimé et par l'enseignement. Plus encore, la dimension technologique n'est pas absente de son travail. Au-delà du papier et de l'encre, les instruments y sont toujours présents : non seulement ils interviennent comme auxiliaires dans le travail, mais ils façonnent également * Liesbeth De Mol, née en 1977, a étudié l'archéologie, l'histoire de l'art et la philosophie à Gand. Elle a soutenu sa thèse Tracing unsolvability: a Mathematical, Historical and Philosophical Analysis with a Special Focus on Tag Systems en 2007. Depuis 2013, elle est chargée de recherche au CNRS à l'université de Lille. Elle travaille sur la calculabilité, l'usage des premiers ordinateurs et les connexions épistémologiques et historiques entre la formalisation et le génie informatique. Elle est la présidente-fondatrice de la commission inter-divisionnaire du DHST/DLMPST pour l'histoire et la philosophie de l'informatique (HaPoC). Elle dirige actuellement un projet de recherche financé par l' ANR, PROGRAMme, sur la question « Qu'est-ce un programme informatique ? ». ** Maarten Bullynck, née en 1977, a étudié les mathématiques, la langue et la littérature allemandes, ainsi que la théorie des médias à Gand et Berlin. Il a soutenu sa thèse, Vom Zeitalter der formalen Wissenschaften. Parallele Anleitung zur Verarbeitung von Erkenntnissen anno 1800, en 2006. Entre 2007 et 2008, il était boursier de la Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung pour un projet sur J. H. Lambert. Depuis 2009, il est maître de conférences au département de mathématiques et histoire des sciences à l'université Paris 8. Ses recherches portent sur l'histoire de la théorie des nombres, du calcul informatique et de la communication scientifique au XVIIIe siècle. *** Marie-José Durand-Richard, née en 1944, est historienne des mathématiques. Elle a longtemps enseigné à l'université de Paris VIII et elle est maintenant chercheuse associée du laboratoire SPHERE (UMR
SIRIS, 2016
Two bronze ornaments were found in the archaic temple of Policoro during the 1970 excavation. They were probably manufactured in Eastern Greece during the 7th century BC. The first item is a plate-decorated fibula for which there is only one other example in the Artemision of Ephesus. It can be considered a Phrygian-type object from the first half of the 7th century BC. The second object is an elongated spiral earring of an Eastern Greek type. They contribute to a small series of Ionian ornaments found in Policoro and its vicinity. They seem to attest to the presence of individuals from central Ionia, as early as the mid-7th century BC. These items also raise the question about the founding date of the Varatizzo valley sanctuary.
The linguistic regime of the European Union in the context of international law 1. Introduction The linguistic regime of the European Union can be analysed from the legal, political, economic and linguistic standpoint. From the legal point of view, the EU linguistic regime refers to the status of the EU languages and the rights resulting out of them, and its aim is to guarantee legal security to EU citizens by providing them with unrestricted access to the EU legislation in their own languages. Accordingly, multilingualism is an intrinsic feature of the EU language system, and it serves as a tool to preserve the linguistic diversity of the European Union. The EU linguistic regime encompasses both institutional multilingualism and multilingual communication of the EU institutions with the EU citizens. The European Union linguistic regime is regarded as independent; however, it is often confronted with international law as it has to be compliant with its regulations. Therefore, in order to have a full picture of the EU linguistic regime one should put it into the context of international law and examine how much it affects the language system prevailing in the EU. 2. The European Union linguistic regime 2.1. Legal basis of the EU linguistic regime Distinct legal nature of the EU justifies its consent to adherence to full multilingualism. Since the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, the primary principle of the linguistic regime has been firmly entrenched in the Treaties. Currently, the principle is envisaged in Article 342 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) which states that 'the rules governing the languages of the institutions of the Union shall, without prejudice to the provisions contained in the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, be determined by the Council acting unanimously by means of regulations' (OJ C 83/47, 2010). In fact, Article 342 TFEU directly refers to Regulation No. 1 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic Community, issued by the Council on 15 April 1958. Regulation 1/58 is granted a special power to regulate the EU language system. Such a solution allows for a flexible approach as the Regulation is changed at every accession when relevant languages are added to the list of official languages. Notably, there are some exceptions to this rule such as the Irish language which was incorporated into the list of official languages after a transitory period of five years (Regulation 920/2005, OJ 2005 L 156/1) as a reaction to the recognition of the Maltese (Regulation 930/2004 and 1738/2006) (Wróbel, Kornobis-Romanowska, Łacny, 2012, p. 594-595). Regulation 1/58 (OJ L 17, 1958) in its entirety governs the issues of language use. By stipulating that secondary legislation should be prepared in official languages, and that the Official Journal of the European Union must be published in all official languages, the Regulation constitutes the basis of multilingual law of the European Union. It defines the institutions obliged to comply with its provisions, i.e. the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice of the European Union (without prejudice to the rules specified in the Statute thereof), the European Central Bank and the Court of Auditors, and specifies the language of documents addressed by a member state or an individual to the institution and by the institution to a member state or a person subject to the jurisdiction of a member state. The Regulation includes a complete list of official and working languages. As from 1 July 2013, there have been 24 official and working languages: Bulgarian,
La teoría jurídica del delito es la que estudia los principios y elementos que son comunes a todo delito, así como las características por las que se diferencian los delitos unos de otros.
Making Spaces into Places, 2020
Ekphrasis - Images, Cinema, Theory, Media, 2024
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Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio, 2019
Archivo Español de Arqueología, 2011
Parrhesia. 32 special Issue on Spinoza, 2020
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 2002
Handbook of Islamic …, 2011
RSC Advances, 2016
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2015