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This paper reports a BIM implementation experience in a masonry and drywall design firm located at São Paulo, Brazil..
Este trabalho relata a experiência de implementação da tecnologia BIM em uma empresa de projetos de vedações verticais em alvenaria e drywall localizada São Paulo, Brasil.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) offers a wide range of tools and allows integrating all disciplines of a building project within a virtual and unique model. However, the full use of BIM requires careful planning and implementation by the firms. The objective of this study is to follow and analyze BIM implementation processes in design and building firms and relate them to the literature. We undertook a study in five firms, comparing companies that have implemented the platform and others that are currently implementing it. A partial implementation of BIM tools was found in all cases. There were some problems such as the need for changes in the equipment and the design process, which required more time and higher costs for staff training. Even so, we conclude that there was an increase in the quality of design and execution of the works, and incompatibilities between design and execution were reduced as well.
ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 2014
This paper aims to identify the impact of building information modeling (BIM), or Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), technologies on construction education and the architectural, engineering, construction, and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry, as well as the career implications for a person proficient in BIM. To identify the impact of BIM technology, an extensive review of the literature on BIM utilization in higher education and the AEC/FM industry was conducted. In addition, the lessons the authors have learned from years of BIM practices were introduced to further identify the specific benefits and challenges of adopting BIM in construction and engineering management (CEM) education as well as in the AEC/FM industry, for both vertical and horizontal projects. Surveys also were conducted to measure the estimating time contractors would save with a BIM-based estimating strategy compared with a traditional estimating approach. The findings concluded thatpersonal skillsets in BIM haveasignificant impactonastudent's career opportunities. The authors also emphasize that first and foremost CEM faculties need ubiquitous access to the latest technologies as well as accompanying training to produce confident graduates for the AEC/FM industry, eventually improving students' career opportunities. It is expected that a BIM-based paradigm shift in the classroom and the AEC/FM industry would be highly achievable when the identified benefits and challenges of BIM adoption are well known to the educational institutions and the AEC/FM industry, followed by the implementation of the recommended approaches in this study.
Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos, 2009
Revista Pós. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, 2016
The environmental impacts from construction materials are often considered only as resources depletion in the buildings environmental assessment and certification applications. Building materials life cycle is rarely taken into account in such methodologies. That remark can be explained by the limitations of the Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), which provide environmental information that does not allow direct comparison and choice of construction products. The insertion of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data in models developed in the Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform would facilitate the implementation of such environmental assessment quantitative methodology in the construction field. Therefore the aim of this research is a literature review on the integration of environmental assessment studies in BIM platform, so that it becomes possible to predict and assess the potential environmental impacts of construction and technological choices made in the building design phase. An investigative approach on existing applications that enable such integration is developed, especially addressing the inclusion of LCA data in BIM platform. An action research is performed by BIM users, towards the evaluation of the selected applications. The final outcome of this paper is an overview of existing BIM-LCA applications and, moreover, the presentation of the main potentialities and limitations of such applications in order to understand the next steps in the development of new evaluation tools and methodologies.
Teach with the Best. Learn with the Best. Agilent offers a wide variety of affordable, industry-leading electronic test equipment as well as knowledge-rich, on-line resources-for professors and students. We have 100's of comprehensive web-based teaching tools, lab experiments, application notes, brochures, DVDs/ CDs, posters, and more. See what Agilent can do for you. Building Information Modeling 8 Contents 8 Benefits and Challenges 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Benefits and challenges of BIM 8.3 A review of the report "rethininking construction" 8.4 UK government's vision for construction industry by 2025 8.5 Barriers to BIM implementation 8.6 References 9 Case Studies
Bab 5 Enterprise Resource Planing 2024, 2024
Bab 5 Enterprise Resource Planing 2024
Velia-Studien IV/2, 2024
Die österreichischen Forschungen in der Unterstadt von Velia, die von 1974 bis 2001 von einem multidisziplinären Team durchgeführt wurden, erlaubten es, die Stadtmauern dieser phokäischen Polis an der tyrrhenischen Küste Süditaliens mit der urbanistischen Entwicklung der Siedlung in Bezug zu setzen und damit Einblicke in ihre Entwicklung vom 5. bis zum 2. Jh. v. Chr. zu gewinnen. Die vollständige Bearbeitung des Fundmaterials dieser Grabungen, das Keramik, Kleinfunde und Münzen umfasste, erbrachte erstmals eine präzise Datierung der einzelnen Perioden der Stadtentwicklung und ermöglichte es gleichzeitig, ein umfassendes Bild der Entwicklung der lokalen Keramikproduktion nachzuzeichnen sowie anhand einer innovativen Bestimmung der Produktionszentren der importierten Keramik die sozio-ökonomischen Beziehungen Velias sowohl auf regionaler als auch überregionaler Ebene zu verfolgen.
Revista Brasileira de Interpretação Bíblica (ReBiblica), 2023
Public Health and Toxicology, 2022
Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies, 2019
Journal of community based environmental engineering and management, 2023
Boletim do Instituto de Altos Estudos Militares 51, 165-192, 2000
Applied Computer Science
Conference held at the British School at Rome (December 4-6, 2013), edited by G. Bordi, J. Osborne and E. Rubery, Turnhout, pp. 281-296., 2021
Gerokomos, 2012
Lancet (London, England), 2017
Estudos em história da filosofia árabe e islâmica, vol. 2, pt. 1: aspectos doutrinários (Portuguese version of O. Lizzini, “Ibn Sina’s Metaphysics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition)]: , 2024
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)
Gaceta Sanitaria, 2004