Catalysis Today 34 (1997) 429-446
Chapter 13
Approach to the industrial process
Roberto Trotta a, Ivano Miracca b
a Snamprogetti
S.p.A., Chemical and Fertilizer Plants Process Department, Viale De Gasperi, 16, 20097 S. Donato
b Snamprogetti S.p.A., Research Department, Via M aritano, 26, 20097 S. Donato M ilanese, Italy
1. Introduction
to process design
The major feature that distinguishes design
problems from other types of engineering problems is that they are underdefined: only a very
small fraction of the information
needed is
available from the problem statement.
If the research department discovers a new
reaction or a new catalyst to make an existing
product, the process department will have to
translate these discoveries into a new process:
thus, engineers start with a knowledge of the
reaction, transferred by the researchers, and with
some information about available raw materials
and product specifications, and must supply everything else is needed to define the design
Assumptions must be made about which types
of process units should be used, how those
process units will be interconnected
and what
temperatures, pressures and process flow rates
will be required: this activity is named “conceptual design’ ’ .
Conceptual design can be approached at different levels during the development of a chemical process.
The first approach must be done while research is in the exploratory phase, and must be
followed by the first economical evaluations.
This is very important because the critical
PII SO920-5861(96)00065-X
M ilanese, Italy
points of the process can be defined, and goals
for the researchers set from the beginning.
There is a very large number of ways that
might be considered to accomplish the same
The first aim is to find the process alternative
that gives the lowest production cost, but it also
must be ensured that the process is safe, it will
satisfy environmental constraints, and the plant
is easy to start-up and operate.
In the following paragraphs a correct approach to the problem of designing a new process is described, by first developing very simple solutions and then adding successive layers
of detail: this will result in a series of always
more accurate economic estimates.
It is very important to conceptually define
every single operation to be performed, dividing
the process in stages: every stage corresponds to
a single operation.
The main key to the successful design of a
new process is the continuous transfer of information between researchers and engineers, particularly the feedback
of engineers
to researchers, identifying critical points and addressing further research to clarify them.
At the moment in which process development begins, the reaction has been tested in
laboratory reactors, a catalyst is available, even
if it will not be the final one, possible by-prod-
0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
ucts and a plausible stoichiometry have been
A range of possible operating variables (temperature, pressure, space velocity) and the reaction phase have been determined, too.
The information that is normally available at
the initial stages of a new design is summarized
1. The stoichiometry of the reactions that
take place (at least the main reaction).
2. The range of temperatures, pressures and
concentrations for the reactions
3. The phases of the reacting system.
4. Every available information about conversion and selectivities versus operating variables,
including thermodynamic equilibrium limitations, if possible.
5. Rate of catalyst deactivation, regenerability of the catalyst, method of regeneration, catalyst poisons.
6. A range of desired production rates.
7. The desired product purity and the quality
of possible feeds.
8. Any processing constraints, as explosive
mixtures, unstable or fouling components, highly
corrosive components, etc.
9. Physical properties of at least the main
10. Some information concerning safety, toxicity, and environmental impact of the components involved in the process.
It is necessary to write down any side reactions that might take place. Even if only a trace
amount of by-product is produced in a laboratory experiment, it may build up to very large
levels in a recycle loop: it almost always leads
to paying large economic penalties.
Many process developers worldwide have experienced from ppm of by-products, neglected
at laboratory level, and building up in the prototype in such way to make critical some unit
The condition of maximum conversion does
not necessarily correspond to the optimum economic conditions.
As an example, let us consider an hypotheti-
cal reaction system: A + B + C, where B is the
desired product, and C an undesired by-product.
The maximum conversion of A can coincide
with a considerable amount of C, while different operating conditions might lead to a lesser A
conversion and maximize B formation.
So, it must be decided if it is more economical to operate with larger recycle flows (and
higher recycle costs), or to lose more raw material A.
Again, establishing a close relationship with
the researchers and providing them with the
feedback about the optimum process conditions
early in the experimental program, will lead to
more profitable processes.
It would be highly desirable to have a detailed kinetic model, but it can be available at
this stage only in case of very simple reactions:
it will be developed later, if necessary and
At the moment, an empirical model, to have
conversion and selectivities versus operating
variables will satisfy us.
Even thermodynamic data are not available,
if nobody has studied the same reaction before:
in case, some experiment will be directed to
their achievement, if they cannot be obtained
The choice of reaction conditions can be
influenced by factors unrelated to the reaction
For example, methanol is produced from syngas (a mixture of CO and hydrogen) that in turn
is produced from natural gas through the following reaction:
CH, + H,O CJ CO + 3H,
This reaction is thermodynamically favoured
at low pressure, taking place with increase of
number of moles, but is done in industrial plants
at the highest possible pressure.
The reason is that methanol synthesis takes
place at high pressure (70-80 atm), and compressing natural gas is much less expensive than
compressing syngas because of its higher vol-
R. Trotta, I. M iracca/
Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
ume and of the presence of hydrogen, that
requires particular types of compressors.
The general lay-out of the process must be
kept in mind since the first development phases.
Researchers use very pure chemical reagents
in their studies, whereas natural or purchased
raw materials always contain some impurities: it
is important to understand if the impurities in
raw materials are inert or will affect the reactions, and also examine their effect on the separation system to decide whether to include a
purification facility as part of the scheme.
Conceptual designs often focus on attempts
to make new materials, so that in many cases
physical property data are not available in the
Estimation procedures based on group contribution methods are an area of active research:
the book of Reid et al. cited in the references is
an excellent collection of techniques for estimating physical properties, even if in some cases
errors remain large.
Anyway, data and methods found in the literature must be used very carefully, as far as
possible with the aid of an expert in the field.
2. Batch vs. continuous
The first decision to take is whether the
process will be batch or continuous: continuous
processes are designed so that every unit will
operate 24 h/day for close to a year at almost
constant conditions before the plant is shut down
for maintenance or catalyst replacement.
In contrast, batch processes normally contain
several units that are designed to be started and
stopped frequently.
Large petrochemical and refinery plants are
normally continuous: the development of the
process scheme must try to approach as close as
possible a continuous process to improve overall economics.
Batch processes become economical in case
of small productions of fine chemicals where
many different products can be made, or operations be performed, in the same vessel.
In our field of interest, we assume that our
process will be continuous.
3. The input-output structure
Now we consider the whole process as one
single block, as reported in Fig. la and b.
It must be introduced here the concept that
most industrial processes have some internal
recycle streams: as conversion of at least one
reactant is not total, the unreacted feed must be
recycled to the reactor to avoid diseconomies, if
it cannot be used in other parts of the plant.
The recycle stream is mixed with the fresh
feed somewhere before the reactor, so that the
composition at the reactor inlet is different from
that of the fresh feed: this is an important
information for researchers, that must study the
reaction in the real inlet conditions.
A typical example is methanol synthesis:
CO + 2H, ++CH,OH
In the fresh feed the molar ratio H/CO is
usually equal to 4, while it becomes 10 or more
at the entrance of the reactor after mixing with
the recycle.
If a kinetic is developed on the fresh feed
composition, it could not be applied to model
the industrial reactor.
Fig. 1. General process scheme.
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
Thus, almost every process scheme has one
of these two structures: unreacted feed is recovered and recycled (a), or, if some gaseous feed
impurities or by-products cannot be easily separated, a stream must be purged from the process, so that they do not continue to build-up in
the recycle-loop (b).
The concept of recycle of the main reactant is
always associated to the principle of feed purification and/or build-up and purge.
A decision to purify the feeds before they
enter the process is important because it adds a
section to the process itself.
The economic trade-off is between building a
pre-process separation system and increasing
the cost of the process to handle the impurities.
As a guideline, an impurity will be removed
if it is a catalyst poison, if it is separated more
easily from the feed than from the products, if it
is not inert and its by-products cannot be easily
separated, or if it is inert, but can build-up in the
recycle loop.
Unfortunately, these guidelines are not quantitative: if we are not certain that our decision is
correct, we list the opposite decision as a process alternative.
This is a systematic way of generating process alternatives.
The necessary decisions to fix the input-output structure of the process are summarized
1. Removal or recycle of reversible by-products.
2. Necessity of purge.
3. Number of product streams.
Let us consider the following reaction system, where the second is an equilibrium reaction:
B is the desired product: if C is recycled back
to the reactor, it builds up in the recycle loop
until it reaches its equilibrium level and its net
production falls to zero.
In this case the decision is between oversizing all equipment in the recycle loop and avoiding production of a less valuable by-product.
If a feed impurity or a by-product is not
easily separable from a reactant that must be
recycled, it is common practice to “purge” the
recycle stream, i.e. to withdraw a small fraction
of the recycle stream to prevent build-up of
inerts or of undesired by-products: for instance,
C could decompose to not easily separable
The purge stream can make environmental
problems, otherwise can be vented or used as
The number of product streams is determined
listing all the components that must leave the
process with their destination (primary product,
valuable by-product, vent, fuel or waste).
Components are then ordered according to
their boiling points and neighbouring components with the same destination are grouped
The number of groups formed in this way is
the number of product streams, unless there are
problems of separation by distillation (e.g.
azeotropes, as will be explained later) or of
immiscible phases.
At each stage of the development of a process it is essential to make sure that all products, by-products and impurities leave the process: if even a trace amount of a component is
fed to a recycle loop and is not removed, the
process will be inoperable.
Once defined the input-output structure of
the process, it is possible to perform the first
overall mass balance: starting with the specified
production rate the by-product flows and reactant requirements can be found and the impurity
inlet and outlet flows can be calculated.
The internal recycle streams are not yet defined and this is the next target in the development of the scheme.
The recycle structure
4. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
Now that the input-output structure of the
conceptual process scheme has been decided,
we want to add the next level of detail.
R. Trotta, 1. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
Fig. 2. An example: oxidative coupling of methane.
We break our single process block identifying the fundamental sections of the process, as
exemplified in Fig. 2, where four sections can
be recognized:
First reaction (oxidative
- Second reaction (steam cracking of ethane).
- Separation of water and carbon dioxide.
. Purification of the product (olefins, mainly
By the way, this is an example, that will be
recalled later, of an innovative process widely
studied all over the world in the last years.
Oxidative coupling is the reaction of methane
with oxygen to give mainly ethane and ethylene.
Since olefins are the most valuable product,
the effluent from oxidative coupling reactor is
fed to a steam cracking reactor to convert ethane
completely into ethylene and propylene.
In the third section water and carbon dioxide
are removed: carbon dioxide is a by-product
(probably with no market), while steam is recycled to oxidative coupling where it acts as inert
to moderate the temperature increase caused by
the strongly exothermic reactions.
In the final separation section, unconverted
methane is recycled to the coupling reactor,
unconverted ethane is recycled to steam cracking, ethylene and propylene are the main products, while some light gases to be used as fuel
are purged to avoid build-up in the cycles.
In almost every chemical process, four sections can be identified:
* Purification of the feed.
* Separation.
- Purification of the product.
Discussing the input-output structure we had
already examined the possibility of a feed purification section.
Then there will be one or more reaction
sections, with separation systems in between, if
necessary and one final separation section.
There will also be compressions or expansions if different sections of the process operate
at different pressures.
The decisions that fix the recycle structure of
the process scheme are summarized below:
1. Number of reaction sections required and
necessity of separation between the reactors.
2. Number of recycle streams.
3. Excess of reactants
4. Necessity of gas compressors.
5. Types of reactors required.
6. Concentration of reactants, products and
7. Possibilities of separations in the reactor
If sets of reactions take place at different
temperatures or pressures, or if they require
different catalysts, then different reactor systems must be used for these reaction sets.
In case of equilibrium limitations, it can be
R. Trotta, I. M iracca/ Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
434 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
useful to perform a single reaction in many
consecutive stages with intermediate separation
of the product.
The number of recycle streams is determined
in the same way than the number of product
streams: all the excess reactants to be recycled
are identified and grouped by neighbouring boiling points if they have the same reactor destination.
Then the number of recycle streams is merely
the number of groups.
In some cases the use of an excess reactant
can shift the product distribution improving selectivity to the desired product.
If we consider the following set of reactions:
where C is the desired product, the use of an
excess of B maximizes selectivity because no A
is left to react with C, but leads to larger costs
to recover and recycle B: an optimum amount
of excess must be determined from an economic
An excess component can also be used to
force another reactant to complete conversion.
For example, in the production of phosgene:
co + Cl, + COCl,
an excess of CO is used to have a product free
from chlorine.
Similarly, an excess reactant can be used to
shift the equilibrium conversion.
It must be remembered that whenever a gasrecycle stream is present, a gas compressor is
needed: gas compressors are very expensive
items that can greatly affect the cost of a chemical plant.
To have a quick estimate of the recycle flow,
we make a balance on the limiting reactant, i.e.
the reactant present in sub-stoichiometric quantity.
Referring to Fig. 3, representing a process
with one liquid recycle stream, and one gaseous
recycle with purge, we let the flow of the
Gas recycle
Liquid recycle
Fig. 3. Process scheme with recycles.
limiting liquid reactant A entering the reactor be
Then, for a conversion X, the amount of A
leaving the reactor will be F( 1 - x).
For complete recovery in the separation system, the flow leaving the reactor will be equal
to the recycle flow.
If we make a balance at the mixing point
before the reactor, the sum of the fresh feed
(FF) plus the recycle A will be equal to the flow
of A into the reactor, or:
Thus, the
feed to the reactor is:
This material balance is always valid for the
limiting reactant when the same is completely
recovered and recycled.
We assume now that the gaseous reactant B
has a 1% impurity of C, making necessary a
purge on the gas recycle.
The quantity to be purged is determined by
two opposite demands: not to purge too much
losing reactants and not to build-up excessive
quantities of inert, overdesigning piping, vessels
and recycle compressor.
The calculation procedure is iterative by trialand-error: an impurity concentration in the recycle is assumed, calculations are performed and
the final check is on the purge stream flowrate.
If an excessive amount of reactant is purged,
a higher concentration in the recycle is assumed.
R. Trotta, I. M iracca/
Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
Assuming a 5% impurity concentration in the
recycle, the procedure is the following:
- The fresh feed gas flowrate (Fo) and the
molar ratio B/A at the rector inlet (MR) are
- A mass balance on B at the mixing point at
the reactor inlet is performed:
Being usually the reaction kinetics a function
of the concentration of reactants, a lower catalyst volume is required in case of plug flow.
In case of parallel reactions:
where R is the desired product and S a waste
product, if a high reactant concentration favours
where zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R, is the recycle stream flowrate that is
the desired reaction, a plug flow is indicated.
calculated solving the equation.
On the contrary, if the high concentration of
- The flowrate of B at the reactor outlet is
reactant favours the undesired reaction, a CSTR
calculated subtracting the reacted quantity from
is preferred.
the reactor inlet flowrate.
For more complicated
systems of parallel
- A mass balance is performed around the
splitting point between recycle and purge, deterA+B+R
mining the purge flowrate.
As the number of recycle streams increases
and recycle loops are nested one inside another,
the choice is a little more difficult, depending
as in the process reported in Fig. 2, the diffion A and B concentrations, and a detailed disculty of calculations increases and systems of
cussion can be found in the book by Levenspiel
ordinary equations must be solved.
cited in the references.
Nowadays these calculations are performed
In case of consecutive reactions, a plug flow
with the aid of specialized software, as detailed
should be chosen in any case.
The thermal effects of the reactions must be
considered to select an adequate type of reactor:
from this viewpoint, the choice is between an
isothermal and an adiabatic reactor.
5. The choice of the reactor
Let us now consider reactors with solid catalyst and one fluid (gas or liquid) phase.
The first items to be defined in a very deIn case of exothermic reactions the problem
tailed way are the chemical reactors: in our
is how to handle the heat generated by the
block flow diagram, the “black box” named
reactor must be substituted by the conceptual
The cheapest alternative is the packed (or
type of reactor to be used.
fixed) bed reactor: here reaction takes place
Herebelow are reported some useful guidealmost adiabatically because heat losses are neglines to the choice of industrial reactors.
ligible in industrial reactors with large diameOur analysis will be limited to the case of
ters, and the reaction heat raises the temperature
heterogeneous reactions with solid catalyst.
of the reacting fluid.
First, it must be decided if it is desirable to
Because temperature has a positive effect on
approach more closely an ideal plug-flow reacreaction kinetics, in case of irreversible reactor or a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR).
tions the danger of adiabaticity is an uncontrolIn case of single reactions, either reversible
lable temperature increase (run-away): it can
or irreversible, plug flow is preferred, because it
happen in limited zones of the catalytic
allows to reach a higher average concentration
bed, known as “hot spots”, caused by maldisof the reactants than a CSTR in which concentribution of the catalyst or of the reacting fluid.
trations are constant and equal to the final ones.
= 0.99Fo + .95R,
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
436 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
When the main reaction is equilibrium limited, reaction runaway could be unlike, however
secondary irreversible reactions can be present
and must be taken in due account.
To decide whether an adiabatic reactor can
be chosen, a good model of reaction kinetics, or
an expensive experimentation performed on a
size homologous to the industrial one are needed
(the concept of homology will be explained
later): if the temperature profile obtained simulating the industrial reactor is concave upward
250 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
(Fig. 4), the reaction cannot be performed adiabatically, unless operating conditions are found
Fig. 5. Different types of temperature profiles.
that allow the profile to be concave downward,
tubes themselves (for instance saturated water,
as shown in the graph: to do so, it can even be
diathermic oil or molten salts).
thought to use a less active catalyst, or to dilute
This type of reactor is very effective in keepthe feed with some inerts, or to increase the
ing reaction temperature constant, but it is very
recycle flowrate.
expensive and its maximum size is limited by
For exothermic reactions, equilibrium conmechanical considerations.
version decreases as temperature raises: the diaAnyway, even a multitubular reactor is not
gram of Fig. 5 reports conversion vs. temperaperfectly isothermal: there is always a peak of
ture for the methanol synthesis reaction: the
temperature at the beginning of the tubes, where
equilibrium curve is shown together with adiathe reaction rate is the fastest.
batic and isothermal reactor profiles along the
When multitubular reactors cannot be emreactor starting from the same point.
ployed, isothermal operation can be approxiIt is possible to see that the highest convermated alternating some smaller fixed beds (ususion can be reached operating isothermally.
ally 3-S) and intermediate cooling (multistage
Isothermal reactions are performed industrireactors): in Fig. 5 is reported the temperatureally using multi-tubular reactors where catalyst
conversion profile that can be obtained with this
is placed inside small tubes (even thousands)
type of operation, that allows to reach converwith a thermostatic fluid flowing around the zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
sions closer to the isothermal path.
Intermediate cooling can also be obtained by
“quenching” with cold reactants.
Typical industrial examples of this type of
reactor are methanol or ammonia synthesis and
SO, oxidation in sulphuric acid manufacture.
In case of severe equilibrium limitations, an
2 420 cc
intermediate separation of the product between
P 410.
two consecutive fixed beds can be considered: a
extension of this concept is the reactiveNO RUMRWAY CHRNCE
distillation column in which liquid and gas
are simultaneously present and normal
distillative trays are alternated with catalytic
In case of endothermal reactions, the problem
Fig. 4. Runaway conditions.
R. Trotta, I. M iracca/
Cataly sis Today 34 (19971429- 446
is opposite: how to supply the heat necessary to
the reaction.
An adiabatic fixed bed can be used, preheating the feed at the maximum reaction temperature: this is an expensive operation with the risk
to start unwanted homogeneous reactions, like
for instance thermal cracking.
In case of athermal reactions, heat must be
anyway given to the feed, to bring it to the
reaction temperature.
Another common way to give heat to a reaction is to put the catalyst in tubes installed
inside a furnace (a typical application is the
steam reforming of methane to CO and hydrogen): if the reaction requires high temperatures,
special and very expensive materials must be
used for the tubes, and, in any case, the thermal
efficiency of a furnace is normally quite low.
This is the way to approach isothermal operation with endothermal reactions.
The third chance is to give the reaction heat
to the catalyst.
If this is done in a fixed bed, it is impossible
to perform the reaction in a continuous mode: at
least two reactors in parallel must be present:
one under reaction and the other one under
heating phase.
When a reactor becomes too cold for reaction, because the catalyst has lost its stored heat,
valves are switched and the second reactor
comes into operation: these reactor systems are
known as “swing reactors”.
Operation can be made continuous using the
technology of fluidized beds: if the catalyst is a
very fine powder (usually particles with average
diameter around 100 pm), there is a wide range
of gas velocities at which the solid remains
suspended in the gas phase, forming a gas-solid
emulsion that behaves like a liquid.
A fluidized solid can be easily continuously
transported through pipes between two vessels
in very large flow rates.
So, catalyst can be continuously withdrawn
from the reactor, sent to another vessel where it
is heated in some way and then transferred back
to the reactor.
A very important problem to be considered in
the choice of the reactor is the life of the
large industrial
plant are usually
stopped (shut-down) once a year or every two
years for ordinary maintenance (turn-around).
If catalyst useful life is at least one year,
ordinary maintenance can include its replacement.
Usually in fixed beds, feed temperature is
raised during catalyst life to maintain its activity, until an upper limit is reached, where selectivity is too low, or catalyst begins to sinter:
after that catalyst must be replaced.
If catalyst life is less than one year, some
way must be found to prevent catalyst decay
(e.g. eliminating poisons from the feed), or to
restore its activity without stopping the plant.
This last operation is called regeneration: for
instance, catalysts working in presence of hydrocarbons generally deactivate by deposition of
coke on their surface.
Coke is produced by thermal cracking side
reactions and catalyst deactivation can be very
fast (even a few minutes).
Fluidized beds are particularly advantageous
in such cases: deactivated catalyst is withdrawn
continuously from the reactor, transported to a
regenerator where coke is burnt with air restoring its activity, and then sent back to the reactor.
If the main reaction is endothermal, this is a
way to give heat to the reaction itself, because
coke combustion is highly exothermal.
There are very important petrochemical processes operating in this way: fluid catalytic
cracking (FCC), where a naphtha feedstock is
cracked to gasoline on a zeolite catalyst, or fluid
bed dehydrogenation
(FBD) of paraffins to
In case of endothermal reactions, a fluidized
bed reactor with countercurrent
movement of
gas and solid allows a better approach to thermodynamic
Fig. 6,
where curve a represents the growing equilibrium conversion vs. temperature, and keeping in
mind that at the top of the catalytic bed, where
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
,, ‘_
Fig. 6. Approach
to equilibrium
in different types of reactors.
hot regenerated catalyst arrives the temperature
is higher than at the bottom, the temperatureconversion path of the gas phase along the
reactor is b.
If we want to reach the same equilibrium
conversion in a fixed bed with feed preheating,
remembering that in this case there will be a
reversal temperature profile, decreasing toward
the gas outlet, the feed itself should be preheated at a very high temperature to reach the
same equilibrium conversion than before (path
Another feature of fluidized beds is that the
irregular movement of gas and solid inside the
reactor brings about a high degree of back-mixing, taking the system away from plug-flow,
and approaching CSTR conditions: this feature
can be controlled adding baffles inside the beds,
hindering the free movement of solids in the
An alternative to fluidized bed is mobile bed
in which catalyst, in form of small spheres
(normally 1 mm diameter), drops down slowly
by gravity, in countercurrent with the gas and
then is pneumatically transported to the regenerator.
This technology can be used if catalyst deactivation is not too fast or if the reaction does not
need much heat, because the attainable solid
flow rates are much lower than with fluidized
When a fluid flows through a solid bed of
catalyst, it loses energy in form of pressure,
undergoing what is called “pressure drop”.
In fixed beds with axial movement of the
fluid phase which must pass through thick beds
of solid (even many meters), pressure drop can
become a major concern, for gas compression is
very expensive, or because the operating pressure may change significantly throughout the
catalyst bed.
Pressure drop in fixed beds can be much
reduced placing the catalyst in an annular zone
inside the reactor, and imposing a radial movement to the gas (Fig. 6): these are called “radial
By doing so, catalyst can be put in a thin
layer, without enlarging too much the reactor:
of course, it becomes very important (and difficult) to have a good distribution of the gas on
the bed.
The same basic concepts apply in the case of
triphasic systems: gas, liquid and solid catalyst.
The fixed bed becomes a “trickle bed” in
which the gas can flow upward or downward,
and the liquid flows downward by gravity.
The main problem with trickle beds is to
achieve a correct distribution of gas and liquid
flows on the catalyst: it is very important that
solid particles are well wetted by a uniform
liquid film.
The fluidized bed becomes a “slurry reactor”
where catalyst in form of a fine powder is
dispersed in the liquid phase: slurry reactors are
usually stirred to favour intimate contact between the phases and thus approach very closely
CSTR reactors.
6. The separation section
The choice of the reactor is the first step in
the transformation of the block flow diagram in
the flow-sheet diagram where every single item
of the process is identified.
An important effort must be devoted to the
optimization of the separation section, identifying every single unit operation (distillation, absorption, liquid extraction, etc.), and their sequence.
R. Trotta, I. Miracca / Catalysis Today 34 (1997) 429-446
Since this is a subject for specialists, we will
not go into detail, but just try to give a quick
The first type of separation that everybody
thinks of is distillation.
is indeed the most common
method to separate the components of a mixture, based on their difference in boiling points
(or, better, relative volatilities): it is performed
stagewise, with gas and liquid phase flowing
and coming into intimate contact on trays or on particular packing.
The tower is heated at the bottom by a
reboiler, and a temperature profile is established
with the lowest temperature at the top.
Going upwards the gas is always richer in the
more volatile component, while going downwards, the liquid is always richer in the heavier
The feed is introduced some (optimal) way
along the path.
The liquid product (residue) is withdrawn
from the bottom, while the gas (distillate) is
withdrawn from the top.
At least part of the distillate is condensed and
then refluxed to the top of the tower to provide
a good quantity of liquid phase in the section
above the feed, so that liquid-vapor equilibrium
can take place.
To allow the use of distillation, all components to be separated must be present in both
phases in the operating conditions chosen.
Another hindrance to the use of distillation is
the presence of ‘ ‘azeotropes’ ’ .
Azeotropism is the consequence of a deviation from ideality in the behaviour of a mixture
at gas-liquid equilibrium: there is a temperature
at which gas and liquid in equilibrium have the
same composition: such temperature can be a
(Fig. 7) or a maximum,
azeotropism can be associated with immiscibility of the components in the liquid phase.
When this temperature is reached, it is not
possible to push further separation by distillation.
The temperature/composition
diagram of a
system forming a minimum boiling azeotrope
(point L) is reported in Fig. 7. A zone of liquid
immiscibility is also present.
There are many alternatives to distillation,
Mole fraction
Fig. 7. Phase diagram for an azeotropic
440 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
often requiring the use of an external component:
- Gas absorption is an operation in which a
gas mixture is contacted with a liquid for the
purpose of preferentially dissolving one or more
components of the gas.
When mass transfer occurs in the opposite
direction, i.e. from the liquid to the gas, the
operation is called desorption or stripping.
A general principle to be remembered for
separations in which an external component is
added is that a new mixture to be further separated is formed: the external component must be
recovered and reused, while the absorbed or
stripped component must follow its path in the
This means that in this case one more unit
operation is added to the process scheme.
- Liquid extraction is the separation ,of the
constituents of a liquid solution by contact with
another insoluble liquid: if the substances of the
original solution distribute themselves differently between the two liquid phases, a certain
degree of separation is achieved, and this can be
enhanced by the use of stagewise operation.
- If the energy involved in the liquid-solid
transition is lower than that involved in gasliquid transition, two or more components can
be separated by crystallization.
Separations involving solids are usually quite
expensive because it is more difficult to move a
solid than a gas or a liquid.
- A rapidly increasing field is that of membrane separations, exploiting the different diffusivities of fluids through microporous membranes .
- Two immiscible liquid phases can be
quickly separated by gravity settling or centrifugation.
7. The concept of homology
When the main unit operations involved in
the process have been defined, it is possible to
perform a first technical-economical feasibility
study, that, even if approximate, gives important
indications about the opportunity to pass to a
phase of intensive research.
The areas of uncertainty still existing are
defined, and research is addressed toward these
It is important to determine at this stage the
minimum necessary experimental equipment
size to obtain useful data to develop the process.
When reliable mathematical models are
available for scale-up, the size can be very
small, even the same that in the exploratory
Otherwise, the minimum size will be chosen
to operate in “homology” with the industrial
plant: homology means same fluid-dynamical,
chemical and mechanical behaviour.
A conceptual “scale-down” must be performed, to design an experimental unit able to
work in “homology” with the industrial operation: for instance, the homologous for a multitubular reactor is not a single tube, but a bundle
of tubes, because otherwise thermal effects
caused by close tubes are ignored.
An experimentation performed in this way
can be very expensive, because it means pilot
plants of conspicuous dimensions.
8. Energy optimization
Once data from this phase are available, the
elaboration of detailed mass and energy balances is performed culminating in the formalization of the flowsheet.
The results of mass and energy balances are
of primary importance for the following evaluations of technical-economical feasibility: they
constitute the input for the experts of this discipline.
For economical evaluations of material and
energy consumption, the process scheme can be
reduced again to a single “black box” block
again, reporting all the results.
Referring for instance to the oxidative cou-
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
pling process of Fig. 2, the following
inputs and outputs can be identified:
Methane: 11598.2 lb mol/h
Oxygen: 6392.0 lb mol/h
Ethylene: 4464.3 lb mol/h
Propylene: 128.1 lb mol/h
Fuel gas: 7386.9 lb mol/h
CO,: 1985.0 lb mol/h
Water: 8306.1 lb mol/h
The cost of raw materials methane and oxygen and the value of the various products contribute to the determination of the economical
feasibility of the process.
There are also inputs and outputs of energetic
nature: the overall process of transformation of
the reactants into products can require energy in
various forms and can produce energy in various forms that can be exported from the plant
and sold.
In the process of Fig. 2, the following energy
per pound of ethylene produced is required:
Electrical power:
Fuel gas:
Cooling water:
Boiler feedwater:
MM Btu
M Gal
M Gal
It is worth spending some words about the
optimization of the process from the energetic
point of view.
The cost of production of a chemical product,
other conditions (for instance yield) being equal,
is a function of the overall money spent to build
the plant (investment cost) and of the energy
consumed in the production cycle (consumption) .
In the design and optimization phase, reducing the consumption always leads to increased
investment costs: for instance, we could release
to the atmosphere a hot waste gas at 3OO”C, or
recover its heat producing steam to be used in
the plant or exported; to recover the heat additional equipment must be added to the plant.
Another typical example are distillation towers in which the same degree of purification can
be reached increasing the number of trays or
increasing the reflux flowrate at the top: the first
alternative means increased investment costs,
while the second means mainly increased consumption (it can also mean increased investment
if reflux flowrate becomes so large to make it
necessary to increase the diameter of the tower).
As it is shown in Fig. 8, there is an optimal
pair number of trays-reflux flowrate that minimizes overall costs.
Optimization means finding the best compromise between investment and consumption: in
times of high costs of energy, the trend is to go
toward low consumption,
while if energy is
cheap, it is preferable to decrease the investment.
In any chemical process, a number of streams
must be heated, while other streams must be
cooled, energy is produced in some sections of
the plant and is required in other sections.
Decisions to be taken involve how to exchange heat between hot and cold streams, how
to use the energy produced in the plant and if it
is better to maximize energy production or to
import energy from external sources.
This kind of optimization has been traditionally left to the experience of process engineers.
Only in the last decade mathematical methods have been developed to perform this task,
but they have not yet entered in common practice.
Once the number of streams to be cooled and
the number of streams to be heated, their starting temperatures and their desired final temperatures have been determined, it is possible to
establish the way to pair them off, so to minimize the overall heat exchange surface.
During this optimization, the importance of
the fluid phase in the efficiency of heat exchange must be remembered: a gas stream is
much worse than a liquid stream, that in turn is
worse than a phase transient stream (condensing
vapour or vaporizing liquid).
It must also be remembered that in a chemi-
442 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
R. Trotta, I. M iracca/ Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
Optimal R
R mm
Reflux ratio
Reflux ratio
Fig. 8. Determination of optimum reflux ratio,
cal plant, some fluid streams are always available, even if not always at the same price:
water, steam (usually at different pressures), air.
These are called “utilities” and can be used
as hot or cold streams in the heat exchange
It is possible to reach temperatures lower
than ambient using refrigerant media as utilities
in refrigeration cycles, but this is very expensive and it is done only in absence of viable
In this phase it is important to begin to
consider materials of construction: if to recover
heat from a very hot stream, a heat exchanger
must be built with very expensive materials, the
recovery may not be convenient.
The sections of a process that require more
energy generally are:
1. The separation system
2. Compressors and pumps
3. Endothermic reactions
Almost every separation needs energy.
For example, in a distillation part of the feed
is vaporized: the necessary energy is given by a
reboiler on the bottom of the column, usually
operated by condensing steam.
The latent heat of condensation of the steam
is transferred to the gas-liquid mixture inside
the column.
In every process some fluids must be brought
from a lower to a higher pressure.
Pumping of a liquid does nor require much
energy, unless very particular cases, and small
electric motors are used.
Compressing a gas, on the contrary, involves
enormous quantities of energy: electrical energy
is usually quite expensive, and therefore gas
compressors are often mechanically moved by
steam turbines or by expanding some high pressure process stream (turbo-expanders).
In last paragraphs we have been mentioning
steam quite often.
In every large chemical plant a complete
cycle of steam is present: steam is generated at
high temperature and pressure; its energy is
used in the turbines that move turbogenerators,
then, at medium or low pressure, it is condensed
in the reboilers or it is used to heat some cold
streams, and when it has all been transformed
into water, the cycle starts again.
In case of exothermal reactions, steam can be
generated by the reaction heat (waste steam
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
boilers): directly in a multi-tubular reactor or by
heat exchange of the hot effluent stream in a
fixed bed reactor.
9. Process simulation software
In the past, the enormous amount of trialand-error calculations necessary to the optimization and design of a chemical process was performed by engineers with the help of only a
Nowadays, sophisticated simulation software
is available, performing detailed mass and energy balances and solve almost every type of
unit operation in few minutes, thanks to hardware evolution that allows interactive working.
Such software is very expensive (they are
usually rent by producers) and people by the
dozens continuously work to their updating in
specialized software houses.
All of them have essentially the same components:
- An executive system
- A physical properties data bank
- A thermodynamic methods package
- A collection of design (and sometimes
cost) subroutines for a variety of process units.
The current trend is to add optimization routines, process dynamic capabilities and friendlier
user interfaces with always more sophisticated
This software must anyway be used by expert
Physical properties for the components of
interest must be carefully evaluated and if the
user has more reliable data, he must substitute
them to the default data.
The aid of an expert in thermodynamics is
necessary to choose, among the myriad of thermodynamic methods proposed, the one that fits
at the best to the type of components and operating conditions: a bad choice leads inevitably
to big errors.
Errors are always present in process design:
it is important to know their amplitude.
There are often convergence problems on
some single units or on the whole scheme and it
is not always easy to understand the reasons and
to insert the right corrections.
The main problem with this software remains
reactor simulation: it is possible to simulate by
default only reactions going to thermodynamic
equilibrium (if thermodynamic data are available) and thus it is not possible to design a
It is usually possible to add Fortran subrouto the program
subroutines”): for example, the kinetics of a
reacting system and a reactor model can be
added and thus implemented in the overall process scheme.
Some of these software packages allow to
make approximate economical evaluations of
the process: this is very useful in the phase of
process development to compare different process alternatives.
In this phase absolute costing values do not
matter much, but just the comparison.
10. The flowsheet
This phase of the work culminates with the
issue of the process flowsheet diagram (PFD).
In the flowsheet, the exact type of equipment
is specified for every process operation, and
every equipment is identified by an acronym.
All the process streams are shown as lines
connecting the process units, numbered and their
temperature and pressure are reported.
To the flowsheet are attached the stream
tables, in which complete composition, temperature and pressure are indicated for every process
On the flowsheet, the main control loops are
conceptually indicated: for instance, how can
the outlet reactor temperature be kept constant
during operation?
In a multitubular reactor, for instance, by
varying the temperature of the coolant, while in
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
444 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Fig. 9. Simplified process flowsheet.
an adiabatic reactor the controlled variable could
be the temperature of the feed.
Fluid flow rates are controlled by valves
operated by flow transmitters, while pressures
are controlled by pressure transmitters and
A simplified flowsheet, without temperatures,
pressures and instruments is reported in Fig. 9,
and the attached stream tables in Fig. 10.
The design is now going to pass from conceptual to practical: the first approximate design
of the main process equipment allows a preliminary evaluation of their mechanical and thermal
The so-called ‘ ‘battery limits” conditions
have also been fixed: process streams exiting or
entering the process unit, purity of products and
reactants, definition of effluents from the environmental view-point.
Type and quality of utilities and construction
materials have also been defined.
Up to this point alternative schemes can be
studied and compared, to reach a preliminary
process optimization.
11. Process design and further work
The next step is process design, a phase of
maximum engagement for process engineers.
Now the goal is the issue of the P and I
diagram and the process specifications of the
single pieces of equipment.
Fig. 10. Stream tables.
R. Trotta, I. Miracca / Catalysis Today 34 (1997) 429-446
P and I diagrams (Piping and Instruments)
are detailed schemes, in which are normally
- Every piece of equipment.
- Every pipe and valve with their size and
materials of construction.
- The complete instrumentation
system, including the definition of safety systems.
By the way, process engineers must be able
to foresee the consequences of every possible
malfunctioning of the process, and design safety
procedures to avoid any risk of damage to persons, environment and equipment: from alarms
to automatized procedures for rapid shut-down.
The process specifications are sheets of paper: one or more sheets for every piece of
equipment, in which all the necessary features
to mechanical design are reported; design and
operating temperatures and pressures, types of
materials handled, construction suggested materials, vessel dimensions, and any necessary information to allow the correct design.
Process schemes and specifications
are the
systematic ways through which the process engineers tell the colleagues working on detailed
design how the plant must be built to meet the
requirements of the process.
Just as researchers
have transferred
knowledge to process engineers, now knowledge is transferred to the men who will build
the plant: the success of these transfers of information is the key-point to achieve the final
The issue of P and I and specifications has
the following consequences:
- Further requests to research (at increasing
_ Issue of a detailed lay-out by the specialists
- Technical-economical
made by specialists with uncertainty reduced to
- Issue of a detailed safety study (HAZOP Hazard operation study, HAZAN - Hazard
analysis), with an important feedback on instrumentation schemes and safety systems.
- Definition of operating and analytical manuals: the sacred books for people who will
operate the process.
_ Definition of process guarantees (yield,
purity, consumption, etc.)
- Possibility to offer LSTK (Lump Sum Turn zyxwvutsrq
Everything enters the technological package
that allows the construction of the plant, but
work is not yet over: a strong control is necessary during the construction to be sure that
everything is realized as desired.
A very important moment comes at the startup of the plant: all the components that have
taken part in the process development are engaged to reach easily steady operating conditions, to verify the consistency of experimental
data with design values, to understand the reason of possible differences and to solve unexpected problems.
Experiences and data collected in this period
and in the following runs of the plant will give
an important feedback to the design of new
plants and to further research in the field.
12. For further reading
12. I. Conceptual design
J.M. Douglas, Conceptual
cal Processes, McGraw-Hill,
12.2. Physico-chemical
Design of Chemi1988.
methods and data
R.C. Reid, J.M.Prausnitz
and B.E. Poling,
The Properties of Gases and Liquids, McGrawHill, 1987.
12.3. Chemical reactors
G.F. Froment and K.B. Bischoff, Chemical
Reactor Analysis and Design, Wiley, 1979.
L.M. Rose, Chemical Reactors Design in
Practice, Elsevier, 198 1.
R. Trambouze, H. Van Landeghem and J.P.
R. Trotta, I. M iracca / Cataly sis Today 34 (1997) 429- 446
Wauqier, Chemical Reactors: Design, Engineering, Operation, Technip, 1988.
D. Kunii and 0. Levenspiel, Fluidization Engineering, Butter-worth-Heinemann, 199 1.
12.4. Separation technologies
R.E. Treybal, Mass Transfer Operations, McGraw-Hill, 1980.
12.5. Process engineering
F.L. Evans, Equipment Design Handbook for
Refineries and Chemical Plants, Gulf, 1980.
E.E. Ludwig, Applied process design for
chemical and petrochemical plants, Gulf, 1983.