Prepared for Te Atinimarawa Co Ltd Channel Dredging Project
t-m’akei services
Tarawa Kiribati
July 2013
Client, Consultant and Reviewers
Environmentally Safe Aggregates for
Tarawa Project, Ministry of Fisheries and
Marine Resources Development
Bairiki, Tarawa
(686) 21099, (686) 21120
P O Box 64
t-makei Services
Teaoraereke, Tarawa
(686) 29803
[email protected]
Document track and status
Prepared by
Reviewed by
Draft 1
Riibeta Abeta and
Dr Temakei Tebano
20.07.2013 -
Karibanang Aram
Nicholas Harding
Riibeta Abeta and
Dr Temakei Tebano
Karibanang Aram
Nicholas Harding
05.08.2013 –
Riibeta Abeta and
Tekiete Tutu
Karibanang Aram
Nicholas Harding
Revised final
Riibeta Abeta and
Dr. Temakei Tebano
Draft 2
Karibanang Aram
Table of Contents
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................ 8
PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY ............................................................................................. 9
DESCRIPTION OF METHODS AND SAMPLING SITES ......................................... 9
Marine Ecological Assessment ................................................................................... 9
Coastline profiling ..................................................................................................... 12
Turbidity .................................................................................................................... 15
FINDINGS – Baseline conditions ................................................................................ 17
Marine ecological assessment (benthic) .................................................................... 17
Coastline .................................................................................................................... 24
Turbidity .................................................................................................................... 31
ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS (Baseline conditions) ...................................................... 33
Marine ecological assessment (benthic) .................................................................... 33
Coastline .................................................................................................................... 34
Turbidity .................................................................................................................... 35
References ................................................................................................................................ 38
List of Tables and figures
Table 1. Table showing GPS locations of marine ecological study stations and their descriptions ..... 10
Table 2. Table showing GPS locations of beach profiling stations and their descriptions ................... 13
Table 3. GPS Coordinates of water turbidity sampling points.............................................................. 15
Table 4. Findings of Beach profiling for each stations/Sites ................................................................ 25
Table 5. Regression trends for each beach profile station. ................................................................... 30
Figure 1. Map showing Site proposed for channel ................................................................................. 8
Figure 2. Map showing position and distribution of ecological study transect line .............................. 11
Figure 3. Levelling equipment and reading staff used in the coastal monitoring exercise ................... 12
Figure 4. Map showing distribution of beach monitoring stations ....................................................... 14
Figure 5. Distribution of sampling points for water turbidity ............................................................... 16
Figure 6. Percentage substrate type for the three study Sites ................................................................ 18
Figure 7. Type of benthic cover found on each study Sites .................................................................. 19
Figure 8 (a) & (b). Group of organisms found on a) surface b) below the surface for Site 1 ............... 20
Figure 9 (a) & (b). Group of marine organisms found a) on the surface b) below the surface for Site 2
.............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 10 (a) & (b). Group of marine organisms found on a) on the surface b) below the surface for
Site 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11. Density of important group of organisms found during the study. ...................................... 22
Figure 12. Total number of marine organisms found on different substrate for the 3 Sites ................. 23
Figure 13. Dry weight readings for shallow and deep water sampling points during Neap tide .......... 31
Figure 14. Dry weight readings for shallow and deep water sampling points taken during Spring tide
.............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 15. NTU readings for shallow and deep water sampling points taken during Neap tide .......... 32
Figure 16. NTU readings for shallow and deep water points near ESAT lagoon taken during Spring
tide ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
This Environmental Impact Assessment report presents the results of a baseline study of the
marine ecology, coastline monitoring and lagoonal seawater turbidity levels in relation to the
proposed channel for ESAT Project at Takoronga lagoon, Betio, South Tarawa closer to the
Betio end of Nippon causeway.
The study was undertaken in accordance with the conditions of the Environmental License of
this ESAT boat channel project that has been approved by the Government of Kiribati
through its Environment and Conservation Division of the Ministry of Environment Lands
and Agricultural Development (MELAD) as the implementing arm of the Kiribati
Environment Act 1999.
The ESAT project is a European Union funded project for the Government of Kiribati,
executed by SOPAC on behalf of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Development (MFMRD) through Mineral Division. The project is part of the Government of
Kiribati efforts in mitigating substantial aggregate mining on the coastline and limited land of
South Tarawa, aiming to meet the demand for local aggregate materials required for
infrastructure and physical development through supplying affordable and locally sourced
aggregates. An additional benefit is that it will increase the building of national resilience to
counteract the impacts of climate change and sea level rise that could be exacerbated by
severe mining and coastal erosion.
The main objective of the Project is to establish a new Government’s Aggregates Mining
Company, Te Atinimarawa Company Limited
(TACL) that will develop and market
alternative source of aggregates that is environmentally safe, adequate and affordable for
local supply demands for physical and infrastructure development; at the same time to
provide the mechanism for reducing and eventual cessation of beach mining activities.
Offshore Sites within the lagoon of Tarawa have been identified and assessed for the
dredging of aggregate by the company. However, in order for the aggregate to be transported
smoothly from its points of extraction to shore depots, it requires easy access of the dredging
barge to its Sites in Takoronga at the old OECC and PWD yards now owned by the company.
This triggers an initial EIA study to gather baseline information on parameters required under
the conditions of an Environment license to be carried out in the boat channel vicinity before
and after the dredging commences. To date, due to unforeseen circumstances, the excavation
of A1 area for the channel was put on hold. Mac Connell-Mac Dow, the road construction
contractor, is excavating A2 area next to the existing burrow that would be connected with
the proposed channel.
This marine ecological assessment show that the dominant marine organisms identified in the
area includes, Anadara (te bun), corals, lollyfish (nautonga), Gafrarium (koumara) and
Strombus (nouo). However their quantity and density over the total assessed area is
insignificant in terms of much needed marine resource on a daily basis.
The coastline monitoring found active sediment movement from east to west and a clear and
rife erosion pattern evidenced in most of the assessed monitoring stations. Causes cannot be
determined but assumptions based on physical observation on sand mining along the
causeway, aggregate mining was also witnessed at the immediate lagoon side of the study
The turbidity levels for the studied area reflect a relatively clear and normal condition which
is far below world acceptable levels, vary slightly during different lunar seasons.
The study concurs with Environmental License (EL) conditions on the need to undertake
monitoring during and after the commencement of the dredging to investigate further indepth the role of different parameters including dredging activities of this project and other
related activities on marine ecology, coastline movement and turbidity levels.
This study recommends the following, in light of the scope and context of the dredging
development for EL monitoring obligations (paragraph 40 – 43):
Future monitoring (for coastline, ecology and turbidity) applies the same methods
engaged in this study;
For coastline future monitoring, consider adding 1-2 stations/points near residential
coastal structures within the 500m west of the excavated area coverage;
Monthly monitoring (as per paragraph 41 of EL condition) for coastline and turbidity
may wish to take note of different lunar phases of the moon e.g. during full moon and
neap tide periods.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Environmentally Safe Aggregates for Tarawa
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental License
El Nino and Southern Oscillation
Global Positioning System
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
State Owned Enterprise
The baseline study examined ecological marine fauna, turbidity levels and coastline profiles,
was conducted from 5 - 18 May, 2013. The proposed channel is a necessity for the
Government’s State Owned Enterprise (SOE), Te Atinimarawa Co Ltd, to provide easy
access for the dredging barge that will transport aggregates from offshore dredging Sites at
Betio, to the company’s processing yard at Takoronga, Betio (Lovell 2012). This is a
Government project aimed to provide local supplies of aggregates for Tarawa.
The proposed channel area connecting the deep water lagoon to the existing burrow pit near
the shoreline at the company’s compound is exposed during low tide and relatively shallow
during high tide making access to the stock piling depot difficult (refer to figure 1), hence
there is a need to dredge this area referred to as A1.
Part of the proposed Site, closer to the shoreline already had a few burrow pits that were dug
out by OECC Company during the Betio road and causeway constructions. The depth of
these burrow pits is around 3 meters during high tides and covers an extensive area of around
200m2 littoral mudflat zone.
Proposed site for channel
to be excavated
Figure 1. Map showing Site proposed for channel
The Environmental License is a legal requirement under the Environment Act 1999 (as
amended in 2007 section 14). Given the significant quantity suggested to be excavated from
lagoon reef-mudflat for the channel, a baseline EIA study was triggered. The main areas of
interest, as stipulated in the EL (MELAD 2011), for the baseline study, include;
Marine ecology (benthic)
Turbidity levels and
Coastline change (profiles)
The primary objective of this report is to comply with the EL monitoring conditions
(paragraph 40 and 43(b) of Te Atinimarawa Company Limited channel excavation
development, where it relates to undertaking and reporting baseline data on i) marine ecology
ii) coastline profile and iii) turbidity level. The final objective of the study is to assist the
Company in establishing stations/Sites and methods for their future monitoring obligations,
also in accordance to paragraph 41 and 43(d) and (e) of the same EL conditions (MELAD
This section describes methods and sampling Sites engaged for each of the 3 different
assessments. The reasons for choosing sampling Sites is also clearly outlined in each study
focus – Marine ecology, Coastline and Turbidity.
Marine Ecological Assessment
The proposed area for the channel was observed to be quite isolated from local community
residences – as hardly any gleaning events spotted through-out the time of the study.
Equipments and Method
The method employed in this study is the common point intercept transect (PIT) method
(Abbot 1995) in which a transect line was laid on the intertidal flat starting from high tide
water mark, down the flat to the end of the low water mark or edge of the sea-grass zone.
Data was collected at every 10m interval using a 1m2 quadrate laid out at both sides of the
transect (measuring tape). Data collected included sediment type, type of benthic cover
found above and below sediment surface, organisms found above and below surface. A
spade was used to dig up the sediment down to about 10cm, sieved through a 5mm metal
mesh to get the organisms below the surface. Data was collected onto a slate, a Reef
Organisms’ Field Guidebook was consulted for organism identification.
Sampling Sites
There are three (3) different transects which formed the basis of the assessment within the
vicinity of the proposed boat channel. The transects were intended to determine a
shoreline/lagoon-ward distribution pattern of organism across the mudflat within the confines
of the area specified under the condition of the EL (which is 500m in radius from the centre
of the proposed excavated boat channel refer to Table 1 and figure 2). Both quantitative and
qualitative aspects of the ecological study were addressed. This is standard scientific method
for assessing richness, diversity and abundance of any given area and therefore covered also
the required 500m radius as per condition 40(b).
Table 1. Table showing GPS locations of marine ecological study stations and their descriptions
study Site
GPS locations
Description of surrounding environment
Start N 01° 20.966 E172° 56.892
Located west of the proposed channel Site about 50m
from the edge of the concrete seawall. During low tide
this Site is usually more elevated on both sides.
End N 01°21.135 E 172°57.014
Start N 01° 20.905 E 172° 56.944
Located in the centre of the proposed channel and it is
also the centre of one of the existing dug pit
End N 01° 21.097 E 172° 52.086
Start N01020.846 E 172057.102
End N 01° 21.030 E 172° 57.162
Located about 500m east of the proposed channel
opposite the Police post close to the course-way toll
Site 1
Transect lines
Site 2
Site 3
Figure 2. Map showing position and distribution of ecological study transect line
Coastline profiling
Equipments and Method
This assessment employed a common “stake and horizon – Emery method” concept normally
applied for beach profiling activities (Howorth 1982b) (UNESCO 2010). The method
involves taking beach height readings (beginning from a reference height point at a berm of
each beach Site) for every 2 meter intervals along the beach zone towards the reef mud flat
when the height becomes stable or consistent.
Equipments included the i) dumpy levelling equipment with tripod, ii) measuring tape iii)
stretchable reading staff maximum length is 10m, iv) GPS v) camera and vi) slates and
Figure 3. Levelling equipment and reading staff used in the coastal monitoring exercise
Sampling Sites
The beach monitoring stations/Sites were chosen randomly to cover the specified coastline
distance under EL (which is 500 west of, and 2000m east of proposed ESAT channel
development Site) subjected for monitoring under the Environment License for this Dredging
development. The Sites were also chosen based on the absence/presence of beach, some
areas do not have beaches for some reason or other.
A total of nine (9) beach profiling monitoring Sites/stations were established (refer to Table 1
and figure 4) spanning along the lagoon side of the studied coastline. A detail description of
each monitoring Site/station is provided in Table 1 below.
The coastline appears to be very exposed to forces of swells and dynamic water movement
and currents. There are also topographic features like the Dai Nippon Causeway, sand
mining, Te Atinimarawa seawall (formerly OECC’s), illegal squatter’s seawalls, paved ramps
including excavations made already (burrow pits) by previous yard occupiers (OECC) that
are already visible in the surrounding coastal area.
Table 2. Table showing GPS locations of beach profiling stations and their descriptions
Beach Profile
GPS locations
Description of surrounding environment
N01020.55 E172057.726
Approximately 200-300m east of fisheries channel of Nippon
Causeway. The Site has very limited beach and dominated by
causeway structure.
N01020.388 E172057.643
Approximately 50 – 60m east of fisheries channel. The Site has
some accredited beach.
N01020.429 E172057.545
About 300m west of fisheries channel. The Site also has limited
beach and sediment was made of coarse gravels predominantly.
N01020.629 E172057.329
Approximately 100m east of main accredited land of Nippon
causeway – betio side. There are signs of fast and severe
erosion and the coastline is made up of boulders and gravels.
N01020.734 E172057.138
Situated oppoSite the Police post in the Taiwan Park area.
There is extensive beach accretion – small grains white beach
sand predominantly.
N01020.912 E172056.955
Around the middle of Atinimarawa seawall coastline. There is
very limited beach area with medium grain sands and gravels
N01021.49 E172056.877
Approximately 60-100m west of Atinimarawa seawall. There is
some beach area closer to squatters’ seawall.
N01021.405 E172056.645
Lagoon side of Tenimanraoi maneaba. Extensive beach – small
white grain sands and exposed to small seawalls of squatters.
N01021.679 E172056.421
Approximately 40-50m west of Mormon Church seawall. There
are lots of concrete seawalls, ramp and other small protective
seawall of residents around the area. There is some beach area
but the Sites clearly have undergone intensive erosion.
Site 6
Site 9
Site 5
Site 7
Site 8
Site 4
Site 3
Site 2
Site 1
Figure 4. Map showing distribution of beach monitoring stations
Equipment and Method
Equipments employed for the turbidity sampling included a boat, 1- liter water sampling
bottles (thoroughly cleaned) and a GPS device to mark the coordinates of each sampling
Two different analytical methods were used for the two replicates of water samples. The first
analysis employed the NTU machine (turbidity machine). The second method is by
weight/volume (g/l) where suspended particles with known volume of sea water were
separated from seawater through a filter paper, dried at room temperature, and weighed using
a sensitive electronic scale (Abbot 1995). For this study, results from both methods are
compared and discussed.
Sampling Sites
The water samples collected for turbidity testing were taken from six (6) different Sites (see
figure 5 and Table 2). The sampling Sites were designed in a manner that would ensure
water turbidity level was captured at different depth strands of water column, i.e. shallow and
deeper water levels. Two replicate samples were taken from each Site.
The turbidity sampling was conducted two times from each of the same sampling points - one
during Neap tide (19th May); the other during Spring tide (2nd June). This is intended to
investigate water turbidity conditions during these distinct moon phases and the lunar tide
Table 3. GPS Coordinates of water turbidity sampling points
Sampling points
GPS Coordinates (location)
N01020.958 E172057.112
N01020.981 E172056.996
N01021.085 E172056.862
N01021.229 E172057.127
N01021.355 E172057.097
N01021.366 E172056.989
Deeper sampling points
Shallow sampling points
Figure 5. Distribution of sampling points for water turbidity
FINDINGS – Baseline conditions
Marine ecological assessment (benthic)
Substrate type
From the three (3) Sites, a total area of 156 m2 was covered by the point transect method. (note that this is the total area for point transect and
their quadrant which are representative of the entire mentioned area). Site 1 represents 47%, Site 2 - 26% and Site 3 - 27%. The substrate types
were categorised into three main groups such as sand, mud/silt and rubbles. The sandy substrate represents an area where there is more than 50%
sand even though rubbles and mud could be present. The muddy substrate represents an area with more than 50% mud/silt and the rubble
sediment represents an area with more than 50% rubble cover.
The predominant substrate types for the study Sites are sand and rubbles while mud/silt represents only a small area. Figure 6 below shows the
overall percentage for each type of substrate found in the three Sites. The distribution of substrate type along the transect line for the three Sites
shows that mud/silt substrate only occupies the upper part of the flat followed by either sand or rubble substrate which are the main substrate
type seen for all the Sites.
Figure 6. Percentage substrate type for the three study Sites
4.1.2 Benthic cover
There are three (3) main types of algae found in the study areas which are i) filamentous green algae, ii) brown algae and iii) Halimeda. Sponge
however was also sighted but only at Site 3. Brown algae is the predominating species for the three Sites and represent more than 35% of the
total area covered for the three Sites. Figure 7 shows the percentage cover of these three types of algae and sponge for the 3 Sites. The general
distribution of algae shows that filamentous green algae occupies only the upper part of the mudflat closer to the end of the beach and usually
associates itself with mud/silt substrate. The highest percentage cover for filamentous green algae is seen in Site 3 and represents about 5% of
the area. Halimeda occupies both the sand and rubble substrate, however it can only be seen in areas which usually contain small pools of water
or areas which are not fully exposed during low tides. Site 3 shows the highest percentage cover of Halimeda and represents 24% of the area.
Figure 7. Type of benthic cover found on each study Sites
4.1.3 Organisms Quantity and Distribution
All three study Sites show similar trends in the types and quantities of organisms found on and below the sediment surface. Organisms found on
the surface are generally lower compared to those found below the surface. Even though the quantitiy of whelk and hermit crabs are quite
significant on the surface the general pattern for the rest of the ornanisms are relatively low in quantity for those found on the surface compared
to those found below the surface.
Figure 8 (a) & (b). Group of organisms found on a) surface b) below the surface for Site 1
Figure 9 (a) & (b). Group of marine organisms found a) on the surface b) below the surface for Site 2
Figure 10 (a) & (b). Group of marine organisms found on a) on the surface b) below the surface for Site 3
Figures 8, 9 and 10 above show the group of organisms found on and below the surface for Sites 1,2 and 3, respectively. Corals, Lollyfish
(Holothuris atra), Anadara shell fish, Strombus and Gafrarium spp. are the only important and edible animals found that have environmental and
economic values found on the study Sites. The density of these important species can be sighted in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Density of important group of organisms found during the study.
The distributional pattern of organims along the mudflat, both above and below sediment surface, is not quite distinct except for whelk at the
surface. This shows that whelk is higly associted with rubble substrate at the surface of the mudflat
In addition, the study also shows that the quantity of organisms in the studied area seemed to be associated with substratum type, horizontally
hierarched in quantity from most dry or harsh conditions i.e. rubble to watery substrate conditions i.e. mud. This trend is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12. Total number of marine organisms found on different substrate for the 3 Sites
The results of the beach profiling for the nine (9) monitored Sites generally indicates that the majority of the coastline has undergone erosion.
Site 1, 2 and 3 situated near the Nippon causeway channel clearly shows a very steep beach profile with a negative gradient or slope as well (as
per Table 8).
The surrounding area near Site 4 still shows remnants and strips of grasses (and some soils) cling to the upper edge of the Nippon Causeway.
This is evidence of sediment or soil which was once at this ground level.
Site 5 profile shows that it is accreting sediment. Also observed in the area near this Site is the abundance of scrubs and trees (especially
burukam (Casuarina pine species)) which may also have some influence in retaining sediments.
The profile for Site 6 reflects a reflective type of beach which may imply erosion. Immediately to the west, Site 7 and 8 shows accreted beach
profiles. This could confirm the notion that sediment moves from east to west following the SE currents.
The last monitoring station – Site 9 clearly shows an eroded beach profile. Near this station are huge coastal protective structures such as
seawalls, etc.
Table 4. Findings of Beach profiling for each stations/Sites
Visual shots of coastline and other topographic
Graphical Profiling
Table 5. Regression trends for each beach profile station.
Beach Profile
Beach slope (based on regression
Type and status of beach
Y = -8.409x - 28.54
Y = -13.29x - 11.34
Y = -8.763x - 23.6
Y = -13.78x – 1.581
Y = -16.89x + 44.52
Y = -13.43x – 18.01
Y = -18.86x + 18.72
Y = -18.17x + 17.30
Y = -14.6 – 3.945
(Reflective – implies very steep beach or beach with
intense erosion; Dissipative – means less steep beach or
accredited beach, Intermediate means in between
reflective and dissipative) (Gourlay 1999)
Figures 13 and 14 below present turbidity results (based on dry weight), while figure 15 & 16
are result readings of the NTU machine from sampling points.
Figure 13. Dry weight readings for shallow and deep water sampling points during Neap tide
Figure 14. Dry weight readings for shallow and deep water sampling points taken during Spring tide
Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) readings for sampling points.
Figure 15. NTU readings for shallow and deep water sampling points taken during Neap tide
Figure 16. NTU readings for shallow and deep water points near ESAT lagoon taken during Spring tide
ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS (Baseline conditions)
Marine ecological assessment (benthic)
5.1.1 Substrate type
The current distribution pattern of sediment/substrate types shows that mud/silt substrate
occupies the upper part of the flat usually just below the lower edge of the beach. The lower
part of the flat toward sea-grass zone can be either sand or rubble substrate.
5.1.2 Benthic cover
The study shows that filamentous green algae are mostly found in the upper part of the flat
immediate to lower edge of beach zone and mostly found in mud/silt substrate. These types
of algae are usually found in high nutrient waters suggesting that the areas closer to the beach
are much higher in nutrient in comparison to sites further down the flats away from the beach
margin. Underground water from land carrying high nutrient water might be one possible
source of pollution. Site 3 shows the highest filamentous algae cover compares to the other
two sites and the high human activity in the causeway area might be responsible for high
nutrient at the site.
The brown algae can be seen dominating the areas along the flats and mainly occupies the
sandy and rubble substrates. Being the predominant species indicates that this algae species
can tolerate extreme heat and dry conditions (Yeeting 2012). Halimeda on the other hand
only occupies areas which have water pools indicating that Halimeda had a low tolerance to
drying out. Site 3 is the only Site dominated by Halimeda and this is because the site has a
large area with burrow pits and water pools holding water during low tides. The presence of
few live corals at Site 3 shows that the area does not dry out during low tide.
5.1.2 Benthic Fauna and Flora)
The distribution pattern and quantities of organisms on the surface shows that rubble
substrate holds the highest number of groups and quantities of organisms followed by sand
substrate. The mud/silt substrate does not hold any organism at the surface apart from
filamentous algae. Organisms found below the surface also show a similar pattern however
the quantities are generally higher than those found at the surface. The presence of mostly
juvenile organisms below the surface suggests that the flat provides a nursery area for these
Marine organisms prefer to live in substrate with a wide range of substrate compositions
which coral-rubble substrate provides the highest complex habitat range followed by sand
substrates. Mud/silt provides the least complex habitat and therefore had the least number of
groups and quantity of organisms.
The study shows that the density of important shellfish such as Anadara, Stromus and
Gafrarium are 0.019/m2, 0.064m/m2, and 0.218/m2, respectively. It also shows a significant
drop in Anadara density compared to 4 individual/m
in 1995 (as reference year) in
approximately same study area, report compiled by Robert R Abbot (Abbot 1995) conducted
as part of the Tarawa Lagoon Management Project. The heavy fishing pressure along the flat
by residence around Betio and Bairiki could contribute to this high drop in density of these
important shellfish (Yeeting 2012).
However the findings of this study now sets a new baseline information (reference year as
2013) that could be used for reference in future studies.
From the above results (refer to Table 4 and 5), it is evident that a large extent of the coastline
has already undergone major erosion processes, while few spots (Site 5, 7 & 8) are in the
process of accretion.
The important trend shown by results analysis is the eastward movement of sediments as
most of the sites from 1 to 4 demonstrated a reflective beach form (implying less deposits of
sediments) while Sites 5, 7 & 8 are dissipative (more flattened and accredited sediments).
Parameters that determine the shape of the beach/coast of any particular site or region are
combination of the works or functions of wave action, tide patterns, sediment types, and
embayment variables including topographic infrastructures (Biribo 2008) (SOPAC 2005).
However, beaches/coastline can and do change dramatically both in space and time (Nicholls
2007). These changes are due to spatial and temporal contribution, of the important
parameters mentioned earlier such as wave, tide, sediment, slope and topographic features
that exist in the area. The need to understand the roles of such parameters both spatially and
temporally is critical to predicting and understanding the impacts of other developments such
as dredging, seawalls on the coastal area including beach mining activities (e.g. active beach
mining near fisheries channel – Site 1 and 2).
Assuming that wave and tidal patterns are variables that can be determined spatially, the role
of existing coastal infrastructures along this shoreline on the dynamic movements of beach
sediment is critical to be well understood. Therefore this assessment identified the eastward
movement of sediment during this time of the year, which have resulted in erosion of some
particular areas.
Therefore it is critical that monitoring is conducted at different time spaces of the year e.g.
during lunar phases of moon or particular seasons of ENSO. In addition, more in-depth
monitoring and long term assessment would be required around the vicinity of existing
coastal infrastructures to fully understand their roles over coastal beaches/sediments.
Beach monitoring should also consider phases of dredging activities in order to determine
accurately the role and impacts of dredging on coastline (which may affect wave/tidal waves
strengths, patterns hence change coastline).
There is a clear trend in Figure 13 and 14 which indicate that shallow water sampling points
have more suspended particles compared to deeper water environment. The NTU readings
also reflect same pattern.
In the context of turbidity in the study area, this assessment attests that turbidity is higher in
shallow water environment than deeper water environment.
The above trend accurately captured the nature of a working coastal environment whereby
more water mixing and sediment/particles transport happened near the shoreline. The residual
time for suspended particles to settle in the water column is slower in the shallow water
environment compared to the deeper water environment.
Tide patterns also prove to have influence on the turbidity level of water column. This trend
is clearly depicted when comparing graphs in Figures 13, 14, 15 and 16. Suspended materials
during Spring tide are much higher than in Neap tide periods.
The normal standard for suspended particles (expressed by weight) by other countries vary
but tends to be much higher (could range from 1.1 – 22 g/l) than readings in our results which
are relatively lower (from 0.17 – 0.29 NTU). Information on environmentally safe standards
for turbidity on lagoonal waters of atolls is very limited. This is partly due to different
geographical circumstances of other countries. The maximum acceptable turbidity level for
normal aquatic or marine life according to the Canadian/Australian Drinking/British Water
Quality Guideline should not exceed the range of between 2.0 – 8.0 NTU (British 2012). It
appears we do not have turbidity problem here in Tarawa lagoon but aggregate mining will
determine the times and levels at which the dredging can operate in the months to come.
This exercise therefore confirms that level of turbidity in the study Site falls below the lowest
range for acceptable level in other countries. However, turbidity tends to increase during
Spring tide periods, slightly lower in shallower water environments than to deeper water
This baseline study, for each study focus, concludes the following:
The marine ecological assessment identified only 3 groups of organisms in the area with
relative low density. The species includes Anadara, Corals, Gafrarium, Holothuria, and
The baseline coastline study re-affirms that coastline sediments are dynamic (change
often) and tend to move from east to west during the time of the study. The assessment
also concludes a clear and common erosion pattern already evident in most of the
assessed monitoring stations.
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Annex 1.
Field raw results for turbidity readings
19/05/13 Neap tide
Reading (NTU)
25/05/13 Spring tide
Reading (NTU)