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Escaneado por Cristina Vidreras:
Sociologicky Casopis-czech Sociological Review, 2010
The problems we are currently facing while conceptualizing this App were mainly for visually impaired individuals: to make use of this of App it helps them especially on their daily basis. For travel-goers: to help them identify signs/symbols and other foreign language. For foreign students: help them translate words or text to their desired language, to help them improve their academic performance and social interaction. By having surveys for both visually and non-visually impaired we can gather specific points to solve and even improve the development of App. Further research and by the use of existing resources such as PERT and flowchart, will help the development of a plan for the App. We will be using Android for compatibility and MySQL for the database or storage of data. We are trying to have a target schedule to release this App for the consumers benefit. We are looking forward for the reviews and ratings of this App once we release it to the market.
Accessible reference for SQL features.
The major problem in this study is how the inequality of education for girls is reflected in “I am Malala” memoir. The objectives of this study are to analyze this I am Malala (2013) memoir based on its structural elements and to describe the inequality of education for girl based on the feminist analysis that conducts feminist perpectives; women position, women role, women participation and women rights. The object of this study is I am Malala (2013) memoir by Malala Yousafzai & Christina Lamb. This study uses qualitative research. In this method, there are two types of data source namely primary and secondary data. The primary data source is I am Malala memoir and the secondary data source is the other materials from several sources that related to the study. The result of the study shows that there is close relation between the memoir and social life in Pakistan about inequality of education for girls. Malala Yousafzai & Christina Lamb want to show the real condition of education...
Cluj-Kolozsvár-Klausenburg 700. Várostörténeti tanulmányok. Studii de istorie urbană. Főszerk. Lupescu Makó Mária. Szerk. Ionuț Costea, Ovidiu Ghitta, Sipos Gábor, Rüsz-Fogarasi Enikő. Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, Kolozsvár, , 2018
The Archaeology of Urban Churches in Southern Transylvania – a Preliminary Approach The paper is an introduction in the archaeology of the foremost medieval parish churches of Southern Transylvania, namely those in Sibiu, Brașov, Sighișoara and Sebeș. In a side by side approach, the paper briefly illustrates the state of the archaeological research and the contribution brought by archaeology to the understanding of these buildings and to the restitution of the development of the local ecclesiastical architecture. The author aims to draw attention to three aspects: the benefits brought by archaeology in reconstructing the early stages of the religious architecture, the low level of involvement of the archaeologist in urban excavations and the low percent of processed and published investigations. The analyzed settlements belong to the South-Transylvanian German colonization area and were established in the twelfth-thirteenth centuries. They must have had a parish church ever since the very first few decades of their existence, but, in all cases, we have no accurate knowledge of it. What reached us are the Late Gothic churches, built in the late fourteenth century and in the fifteenth century and finished by the early sixteenth century. Seen in the context of their emergence, these churches are situated at the end of a local architectural development and their sites conceal the beginnings of the religious architecture of Transylvania. However, these early stages cannot be identified without archaeological investigation and our current state of research is needy. The investigation of the urban churches has been carried out to greatly different extents, during restoration and/or systematization works of the surrounding area (civil works, landscaping projects, etc.). Except for the site in Sibiu, in all the other cases the archaeological excavation consisted solely of trenches, which resulted in fragmented data, difficult or impossible to correlate. Both the indoor and the outdoor areas of the churches in Sebeș and Sighișoara have been investigated, but man has knowledge only of the most general results. The church in Sibiu has the best archaeological knowledge, since the investigation has been carefully documented and almost exhaustively published. The Black Church in Brașov, the least researched of all, ends the list. Here, the first actual archaeological data have been obtained in 2012, during some rather restricted outdoor investigations. As regards our state of knowledge, this more than lacking level of archaeological data is reflected, first of all, in the fact that we have no concrete data about the antecedents of three of these churches. The parish churches erected during the colonization period in Sibiu and Sebeș have most certainly been important benchmarks in the religious architectural development of Transylvania, as must have been the churches in Sighișoara (part of a noble residence) and Brașov (monastery) too. Secondly, the shaky chronological timetable currently at our disposal is a result of disregarding the undertaking of systematic archaeological studies in urban religious sites. This state of affairs should be an alarm signal for anybody involved in urban management, but, just maybe, primary for archaeologists.
JHNR #2, 2018
While interdisciplinary research into the relational paradigm has produced an impressive body of work across the social and political sciences and also, increasingly, among historians, there is as yet no international medium of publication devoted to the study of networks in their historical contexts. This has put scholars with an interest in historical network research—both historians and historical sociologists—at a great disadvantage, and has meant that they have long been accustomed to publishing research papers in non-historical journals. The situation for historians interested in network research is further complicated by academic and cultural idiosyncrasies, since much of the groundbreaking and recent research into historical networks in the English-speaking world has been carried out by historical sociologists, rather than social historians, and has thus remained mostly outside the sphere of traditional academic history departments. This has naturally also influenced the means of publication for research in this area; preferred journals such as Social Networks and the American Journal of Sociology focus heavily on methodological and theoretical aspects. In short, there are no international publications devoted to the study of networks (social and otherwise) from a specifically historical perspective. This is the gap that the Journal of Historical Network Research is keen to fill. Its aim is to publish outstanding and original contributions which apply the theories and methodologies of social network analysis to historical research, to help advance the epistemological and theoretical understanding of social network analysis in the historical, social and political sciences, and to promote empirical research on historical social interactions. The journal aims to promote the interplay between different areas of historical research (in the broadest sense), social and political sciences, and different research traditions and disciplines, while strengthening the dialogue between network research and “traditional” historical research. The journal will serve as a meeting place for the traditional hermeneutics of historical research and its concomitant emphasis on contextualisation and historical source criticism (as present in traditional academic historical journals) on the one hand, and the theory-heavy and/or sometimes overly technical discussion of methodological and technological issues (which predominates in publications focused on “pure” or sociological network research) on the other. All contents are made available free of charge to readers and authors following Open Access principles.
Reúno en este pequeño volumen algunos escritos que hice en los últimos años sobre las llamadas "transformaciones" de la democracia. Uso el término "transformación" en sentido axiológicamente neutro, sin atenerme a un significado positivo o a uno negativo. Prefiero hablar de transformación más que de crisis, porque crisis hace pensar en un colapso inminente: en el mundo la democracia no goza de óptima salud, y por lo demás tampoco en el pasado pudo disfrutar de ella, sin embargo, no está al borde de la muerte. A pesar de lo que se diga, ninguno de los regímenes democráticos nacidos en Europa después de la segunda Guerra Mundial ha sido abatido por una dictadura, como sucedió en cambio después de la primera. Al contrario, algunas dictaduras que sobrevivieron a la catástrofe de la guerra se transformaron en democracias. Mientras el mundo soviético está agitado por sacudimientos democráticos, el mundo de las democracias occidentales no está seriamente amenazado por movimientos fascistas.
ÖZET Hayvan hakları, nsanın doğayla olan mücadeles sonucu ortaya çıkmış br kavramdır. Zra, nsanoğlu, zaman çersnde, zarar verddğğ doğaya muhtaç olduğunu anlamaya başlamış, doğayı, çevrey ve hayvanları da korumak çn hukukî düzenlemeler yapmaya başlamıştır. Bu düzenlemeler lk olarak hayvan gönencne yönelk olarak yapılmıştır. Hayvan gönencinin kabulü ile hayvanların bir takım haklarının olduğu gerçeği 1960'lı yıllarda pek çok ülke tarafından kabul edilmiştir. Gönenç kavramının uluslararası düzeyde benimsenmesinden sonra Hayvan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesi 1978 yılında ilân edilmiştir. Bildirgenin 14 üncü maddesi gereği, üye her devlet hayvan haklarını kanun düzeyinde mevzuatlarına aktarma borcu altına ggrmştr. Ancak, bu hukukî gelşmelere rağmen esk çağlardan günümüze kadar uzanan süreçte hayvanlara mülk gözüyle bakılmış, hayvanlar sıradan bbr eşyadan farklı görülmemştr. Ancak, 1990'lı yıllardan sonra doğaya ve hayvanlara verlen değern artması le bazı ülkeler hayvanların eşya olm...
TÜRÜK Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023
Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023
J. Rasmussen; B. Brehmer; and J. Leplat (eds.): Distributed Decision Making: Cognitive Models for Cooperative Work, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1991., 1991
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing archive, 2018
… et Biophysica Acta (BBA …, 1988
ELSEVIER The Journal of Systems and Software, 2010
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2002
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
Actas Urológicas Españolas, 2005