Application of EU Law at ECJ
Recent papers in Application of EU Law at ECJ
1. Reminder
2. The Spanish Supreme Court assumed the ECJ doctrine on Consumer Protection
3. Most recent ECJ cases on EU consumer protection
1. Reminder
2. The Spanish Supreme Court assumed the ECJ doctrine on Consumer Protection
3. Most recent ECJ cases on EU consumer protection
Until very recently all wholesale energy trades in the Romanian market were conducted on the centralized markets operated by OPCOM SA (“OPCOM”). This meant that bilateral agreements concluded outside the centralized Romanian market were... more
In response to the continuous disputes araised between the Federal German Constitutional Court, the Bundesverfassungsgericht, it is important to question whether the binding authority of the Court of Justice of the European Union, based... more
W książce przedstawiono zasadę proporcjonalności jako instrument umożliwiający kontrolę politycznie umocowanych działań władzy, które w nomenklaturze prawnej określa się mianem „władzy dyskrecjonalnej” lub „swobodnego uznania”. Oznaczało... more
En el momento actual, la intensidad del impacto del derecho de la Unión en la determinación del estatuto jurídico de todas las personas que se encuentran físicamente en el territorio de la Unión -o de sus Estados miembros 1 -es notable.... more
This paper provides a summary of Factortame I and Factortame II
La distinction du fait et du droit est une problématique centrale dans l'organisation des voies de droit. Elle exerce en effet, au-delà d'une variété de formes et de significations, une influence décisive sur l'office du juge ainsi que... more
This work aims to explore the significance of EU fundamental values and the legal mechanisms envisaged by Treaties for their defence. Alleged systemic breaches of latest years have seriously endangered the legal edifice of the European... more
The EU’s single market has been described by the European Commission as one of the EU’s greatest achievements in stimulating competition and trade and promoting economic growth for European businesses and consumers alike. By its own... more
[EN] The nature of the European Union has always been a topic for much discussion and debate, especially between those who advocate its place in international or constitutional law. We always try to define one entity by comparing it to... more
CRESPO NAVA-RRO, E., «La jurisprudencia del TJCE en materia de ciudadanía de la Unión: una interpretación generosa basada en la remisión al derecho nacional y en el principio de no discriminación por razón de la nacionalidad», Revista de... more
La Sra. Sylwia Spurek y otros Miembros del Parlamento europeo, en una pregunta dirigida a la Comisión el 14 de julio de 2021, solicitaron cuál era la reacción de la Comisión ante una sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional polaco que negaba... more
Lucrarea de față își propune să contureze coordonatele colaborării dintre instanțele naționale și Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene de la Luxemburg, sau mai bine zis, între judecătorul național și judecătorul european.
Lord Mance, prominent British judge, considers CJEU as “a central achievement of the European Union, a court with unparalleled transnational power”. This paper will explore the pros and cons of such powers and provide the insights of how... more
The ECJ ruled that points 1.14 and 1.15 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin must be interpreted as meaning... more
This special issue addresses the question of EU law as Global Governance law and the constitutional and regulatory divisions between EU law and Global Governance law. There is an increasing tendency for the Court of Justice to adopt a sui... more
Le 18 octobre 2011, la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne (CJUE) a rendu un arrêt important en matière de protection de l’embryon humain : l’arrêt Brüstle/Greenpeace eV, C-34/10. En effet, dans cet arrêt, les juges de Luxembourg n’ont... more
Since the disclosure in 2009 of the Larosière Report, legislative acts disciplining financial markets have established a set of rules called to form the foundations of a sanctioning administrative law to be enforced by the Member States.... more
In its recent judgment of 17 September 2020, the ECJ held that: “A public body which seeks to recover, by way of an action for recovery, sums paid in place of maintenance to a maintenance creditor, and to which the claims of that... more
Cauza C-644/19, Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" Sibiu și alții, hotărârea din 8 octombrie 2020 [site CURIA] I. Trimiterea preliminară a instanței naționale-textul trimiterii preliminare [site CURIA] I.1. Instanța natională-Curtea de Apel... more
A preliminary assessment of the case, focusing on the differences between the ECJ judgement and the Advocate General's Conclusions (already discussed in "Il variegato contenzioso sulle concessioni demaniali marittime"), the paper also... more
Since December 18, 2014, when the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued its notorious Opinion 2/13, the conclusions of the Court have been a subject of numerous analyzes and debates—often sharp in their criticism. Now that... more
This paper analyzes the spanish contribution for 30 years reforms of the European Union and its right. The European project as part of the spanish national Project. Contribution to european reform process: harmony of national general... more
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is a very powerful court compared to other international courts and even national courts of last resort. Observers almost unanimously agree that it is the preliminary references procedure that made the... more
Behind the term "the Taricco saga" lie two ECJ cases on VAT fraud. In this article, the author analyses these two decisions under the framework of the principles of effectiveness of EU law and primacy and direct effect. The author... more
Trabajo depositado en el archivo institucional E-Prints Complutense En el Asunto eDateAdvertising el TJ propone una lectura del artículo 5.3 RBI que podría conducir a un forum actoris injustificado; no en vano, en la... more
This paper reveals the legal problem of jurisdiction the Court of First Instance (CFI) faced in Kadi I. There, the CFI judged it had no authority to review the legality of a EU Regulation that transposed a UN Security Council resolution,... more
This paper comments the Judgment of the Court of Justice of 15 February 2017 (In Case C 499/15). It raises the alternatives that are discussed by doctrine and Praxis about the classical issue of modification or variation of the measures... more
SUMMARY Motivation 2. Methodology Multilevel constitutionalism as theoretical perspective and EU law prevalence 3. Prevalence of EU law and autonomy of National Law 4. Procedural Autonomy of National Law in relation to Consumer... more
Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia (Gran Sala) de 9 de noviembre de 2010. Mediaprint Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH & Co. KG contra "Österreich"-Zeitungsverlag GmbH. Petición de decisión prejudicial: Oberster Gerichtshof -... more
Pewność prawa jest bardzo szerokim zagadnieniem, które może być analizowane na wielu płaszczyznach. Stanowi ona przedmiot badań teorii i filozofii prawa w ujęciu teoretycznym, porównawczym, ponadnarodowym i praktycznym, jest to żywotny... more
Idioma: español Títulos paralelos: The Judgment of the ECJ 'Oriol Junqueras Vies': Immunities granted to the (elected) members of the European Parliament - Resumen (Español): El TJUE declaró que «el artículo 9 del Protocolo (n.º 7)... more
La CGUE ha confermato che, sia un poster di carta, sia il trasferimento su tela contenente l'immagine di un'opera artistica protetta sono copie dell'opera. L'articolo 4 (1) della Direttiva 2001/29/CE riconosce il diritto esclusivo degli... more
Nel 2010 l’Apple ha ottenuto dall’Ufficio brevetti e marchi degli Stati Uniti la registrazione di un marchio tridimensionale consistente nella rappresentazione, con disegno multicolore, dei propri “flagship stores” per servizi di vendita... more
The ECJ has always been outspoken about the essence of the EC as a Rule of Law Community. The notion of the Rule of Law entered the texts of the Treaty and arguably plays a crucial role in the Community legal order, serving as one of the... more
The paper analyzes certain intra-European institutitional dynamics underpinning the formulation of EU migration policies, and explain which key issues remain unaddressed in the... more
- Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la UE de 30 de enero de 2020, asunto C-524/18: Queisser Pharma GmbH & Co. KG - El art. 10 3 del Reglamento n.º 1924/2006 relativo a las declaraciones nutricionales y de propiedades saludables en... more
De bescherming van werknemers bij collectief ontslag is sterk toegenomen. Richtlijn 98/59/EG is de opvolger van Richtlijnen 75/129/EEG en 92/56/EEG. De groep werknemers die wordt meegeteld om te kunnen spreken van een collectief ontslag... more