gas law report \ kozhin M.hamad amin

kozhin M.hamad amin

History 1-Boyle'slaw : This relationship between pressure and volume was first noted by two amateur scientists, Richard Towneley and Henry Power. Boyle confirmed their discovery through experiments and published the results. According to Robert Gunther and other authorities, it was Boyle's assistant Robert Hooke, who built the experimental apparatus. Boyle's law is based on experiments with air, which he considered to be a fluid of particles at rest, with in between small invisible springs. At that time air was still seen as one of the four elements, but Boyle didn't agree. Probably Boyle's interest was to understand air as an essential element of life [4]; he published e.g. the growth of plants without air [5]. The French physicist Edme Mariotte (1620-1684) discovered the same law independently of Boyle in 1676, but Boyle had already published it in 1662, so this law may, improperly, be referred to as Mariotte's or the Boyle-Mariotte law. Later (1687) in thePhilosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica Newton showed mathematically that if an elastic fluid consisting of particles at rest, between which are repulsive forces inversely proportional to their distance , the density would be proportional to the pressure [6], but this mathematical treatise is not the physical explanation for the observed relationship. Instead of a static theory a kinetic theory is needed, which was provided two centuries later by Maxwell and Boltzmann. 2-Gay-lussac law: Gay-Lussac's Law from 1802. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) was a French professor who, in 1802, published the law of expansion of gases by heat. He worked closely with other scientists to publish other significant conclusions about gases and other facets of chemistry. He improved various chemical tools, such as the thermometer and the barometer. Gay-Lussac was among those at the center of scientific investigation in France, and France was the world leader in the scientific disciplines at the time. Gay-Lussac also made discoveries in the reactivity of gases, specifically in the formation of water and carbon dioxide, among others. It is seen that Guy-Lussac's work directly influenced the research of Amedeo Avogadro in the formation of Avogadro's Law. Introduction 1-Gay-lussac law: The expression Gay-Lussac's law is used for each of the two relationships named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and which concern the properties of gases, though it is more usually applied to his law of combining volumes, the first listed here. One law relates to volumes before and after a chemical reaction while the other concerns the pressure and temperature relationship for a sample of gas. The law of combining volumes states that, when gases react together to form other gases, and all volumes are measured at the same temperature and pressure: The ratio between the volumes of the reactant gases and the products can be expressed in simple whole numbers. Gay-Lussac's name is also associated — erroneously — with another gas law, the so-called pressure law, which states that: The pressure of a gas of fixed mass and fixed volume is directly proportional to the gas's absolute temperature. Amontons's Law of Pressure-Temperature: The pressure law described above should actually be attributed to Guillaume Amontons, who, in the late 17th century (more accurately between 1700 and 1702), discovered that the pressure of a fixed mass of gas kept at a constant volume is proportional to the temperature. Amontons discovered this while building an "airthermometer". Calling it Gay-Lussac's law is simply incorrect as Gay-Lussac investigated the relationship between volume and temperature (i.e. Charles's Law), not pressure and temperature. Gay-Lussac's law was also known as the Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac, because Gay-Lussac published it in 1802 using much of Charles's unpublished data from 1787. However, in recent years the term has fallen out of favor, and Gay-Lussac's name is now generally associated with the law of combining volumes. Amontons's Law, Charles's Law, and Boyle's law form the combined gas law. The three gas laws in combination with Avogadro's Law can be generalized by the ideal gas law. 2-Boyle'slaw : We are used to living at 1 ATM of pressure, so we rarely even take notice of it. We normally don't feel the pressure on us because the human body is primarily made up of liquid, and liquids are basically non compressible. At times, however, we do notice changes of pressure, primarily in our ears. You may have noticed your ears "popping" when flying, driving in the mountains, or even going up and down in elevators. This is because our ears have an air space in them, and air, like all other gases, is compressible.  A gas will compress proportionately to the amount of pressure exerted on it. For example, if you have a 1 cubic foot balloon and double the pressure on it, it will be compressed to 1/2 cubic foot. Increase the pressure by 4, and the volume will drop to 1/4 the size etc. This theory was discovered by Sir Robert Boyle, a 17th century scientist. The theory known as Boyle's Law states: If the temperature remains constant, the volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to the absolute pressure. Suppose you had a balloon measuring one cubic foot at the surface of the water. This balloon is under 1 ATM (14.7 psi) of pressure. If we push the balloon underwater, and take it to a depth of 33 feet, it is now under 2 ATM of pressure (29.4 lbs) - 1 ATM of pressure from the air, 1 ATM of pressure from the water. Boyle's Law then tells us that since we have twice the absolute pressure, the volume of the balloon will be decreased to one half. It follows then, that taking the balloon to 66 feet, the pressure would compress the balloon to one third its original size, 99 feet would make it 1/4 etc.  If we bring the balloon in the previous example back up to the surface, it would increase in size due to the lessening pressure until it reached the surface and returned to its one cubic foot size. This is because the air in the balloon is compressed from the pressure when submerged, but returns to its normal size and pressure when it returns to the surface.  We will achieve the same result with an open container, such as an inverted bottle, as we do with a balloon. By inverting a bottle at the surface and descending with it, the pressure from the surrounding water will compress the air and the bottle will start to fill with water. Even with no air escaping, the container will be half full of water at a depth of 33 feet due to the pressure compressing the air to half its original volume.  Along with the volume of air in the balloon or container, the surrounding pressure will affect the density of the air as well. Density, simply stated, is how close the air molecules are packed together. The air in the balloon or container at the surface is at its standard density, but when we descend to the 33-foot level where its volume is reduced to one half, the density has doubled. At 66 feet, the density has tripled. This is because the pressure has pushed the air molecules closer together.  Let's continue with this line of thinking and try an additional experiment. If we take our balloon and our open container down to 99 feet, we know that the density of air is four times what is was on the surface and the volume of air has been reduced to 1/4. Now at this depth, suppose we used a scuba tank and added air to the balloon until it returned to its original size. We will also blow air into the inverted container until it is completely full of air.  We know the air at this depth is 4 times denser than at the surface. This means when we ascend with our balloon and container, the lessening pressure will make the air expand. This will have two different effects. The balloon will increase in size. It will attempt to grow to a size of 4 cubic feet by the time it hits the surface. If this is beyond the capability of the balloon, it will pop. The inverted container, however, will simply "bleed off" the expanding air that will harmlessly float away as bubbles.  The main purpose of the proceeding material was to give you the theory behind the most important rule in scuba diving... "Never hold your breath!" Your lungs can act very much like a pair of balloons in your chest. As a breath hold diver (skin diver), if you fill your lungs with air at the surface, hold your breath, and dive to a depth of 33 feet, the surrounding pressure will compress your lungs to half of their original size. Upon ascending, they will return to normal size. If however, you descend to 33 feet and breath compressed air from a scuba tank, an ascent to the surface could cause you lungs to over expand and you could seriously injure yourself.  This is easy to avoid, however, by simply not holding your breath which will let your lungs act like the open container in the preceding example, and you will simply "bleed off" the expanding air and maintain a normal lung capacity.  Objective 1- Boyle's law : The primary objective of this experiment is to determine the relationship between the pressure and volume of a confined gas. The gas we use will be air, and it will be confined in a syringe connected to a Gas Pressure Sensor (see Figure 1). When the volume of the syringe is changed by moving the piston, a change occurs in the pressure exerted by the confined gas. This pressure change will be monitored using a Gas Pressure Sensor. It is assumed that temperature will be constant throughout the experiment. Pressure and volume data pairs will be collected during this experiment and then analyzed. From the data and graph, you should be able to determine what kind of mathematical relationship exists between the pressure and volume of the confined gas. Historically, this relationship was first established by Robert Boyle in 1662 and has since been known as Boyle’s law. OBJECTIVES In this experiment, you will • Use a Gas Pressure Sensor and a gas syringe to measure the pressure of an air sample at several different volumes. • Determine the relationship between pressure and volume of the gas. • Describe the relationship between gas pressure and volume in a mathematical equation. • Use the results to predict the pressure at other volumes. 2-Gay- lussac law This experiment’s objectives are to (a) observe the relationship between the pressure and temperature of a constant number of moles of gas in a constant volume container, and (b) to experimentally determine an estimated value for absolute zero. -Gay lussac law: Boyle's law: P1V1 = P2V2 Application 1- Boyle's law: 2-Gay- lussac law Procedure 1-Compression Test Procedure A. Charge the battery if the battery is not fully charged. B. Disable the ignition system. C. Disable the fuel injection system. D. Remove all the spark plugs. E. Block the throttle plate wide open. F. Start with the compression gauge at zero, and crank the engine through four compression strokes (four puffs). G. Make the compression check for each cylinder. Record the reading. H. If a cylinder has low compression, inject approximately 15 ml (one tablespoon) of engine oil into the combustion chamber through the spark plug hole. Recheck the compression and record the reading. I. The minimum compression in any one cylinder should not be less than 70 percent of the highest cylinder. No cylinder should read less than 690 kPa (100 psi). For example, if the highest pressure in any one cylinder is 1035 kPa (150 psi), the lowest allowable pressure for any other cylinder would be 725 kPa (105 psi). (I035 x 70% = 725) (150 x 70% = 105). 2-Expansion 3-Heating Table and char Compression Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 T 1.02 1.76 2.57 P 1.02 1.76 2.57 V 3 2 1 PV 3.06 3.52 2.57 Expansion Heating Cooling Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5 Series 6 T 0 1 2 3 4 5 P 0.9 0.89 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.86 T 80 78.3 76.5 74.5 72.2 70 PT 72 69.68 67.32 65.56 62.81 60.2 Figure of experimental device