Rice absorbs only 30-40% of N fertilizer application. Therefore, one of the solutions is using a ... more Rice absorbs only 30-40% of N fertilizer application. Therefore, one of the solutions is using a variety of rice that absorbs N more efficiently. This experiment is aimed at determining the yield parameters, NUE performance, and nitrous oxide flux of NERICA4 transgenic lines and NERICA4-wildtype in rain-fed agro-ecosystems at different doses of N fertilizer during a confined field trial. The experiment was conducted in Central Java, Indonesia, during the 2017/2018 rainy season. The experiment used a factorial randomized block design with four replications. Three transgenic lines of NERICA4 (NUE2, NUE9, NUE12) and NERICA4-WT were used as the main plot and N fertilizer rates (60, 120, and 180 kg N/ha) were used as the subplot. The results showed that an increase in the N fertilizer rate generally improved the plant height and the tiller number of NERICA4-NUE lines. The tiller numbers of NERICA4-NUE lines were higher than NERICA4-WT on high N dosages. There was a strong correlation between the N uptake and the grain yield. The analysis showed that all NERICA4-NUE lines use N more efficiently than NERICA4-WT, significantly at 60 kg N/ha with higher total grain than NERICA4-WT. NERICA4-NUE9 tended to emit lower nitrous oxide flux than other NERICA4-NUE and NERICA4-WT.
Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resour... more Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resources and inputs of the agricultural system to achieve optimal productivity and economic benefits, but has a low risk of resource and environmental sustainability, as well as global warming/climate change. Environmentally friendly implementation strategies lead to synergy and integration between technologies, optimization of resources and production inputs which are carried out through three approaches, namely: (1) Anticipation, adaptation, and mitigation approaches in the context of global warming and climate change, (2) Mitigation approach, countermeasures, and remediation in the context of edhapik and biological environments, and (3) Land remediation approach in the context of degradation and pollution of land, air and ecosystem resources due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Support for research activities and development of adaptation, mitigation and remediation strategies for the re...
The use of peatlands for agriculture often causes controversy on Indonesia and allegedly increase... more The use of peatlands for agriculture often causes controversy on Indonesia and allegedly increases greenhouse gas emissions caused by fertilization. Ameliorants are often used on peatland to increase productivity. The effects of ameliorant on GHG emissions depends on the characteristics of ameliorants. Determination of the type of ameliorant and the appropriate rate of NPK fertilizer is needed to mitigate CO2 and N2O emissions for red chili cultivation on peatland. This research was carried out on peatland in the village of Kalampangan,
Lahan sawah tadah hujan umumnya mempunyai produktivitas tanah dan tanaman rendah akibat rendahnya... more Lahan sawah tadah hujan umumnya mempunyai produktivitas tanah dan tanaman rendah akibat rendahnya tingkat kesuburan tanah dan curah hujan tidak menentu. Perbaikan sifat fisik, kimia, dan hayati tanah sawah tadah hujan dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pembenah oganik seperti jerami padi. Sedangkan peningkatan produktivitas sawah tadah hujan dapat ditempuh melalui pemberian pembenah organik dan pengelolaan tanaman. Namun pemberian pembenah organik dan pengelolaan tanaman padi dapat berpengaruh terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca, terutama emisi gas metana (CH4). Penelitian lapang yang dilaksanakan di lahan sawah tadah hujan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jerami padi dan sistem tanam padi terhadap emisi metana dan hasil padi. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan, dan enam perlakuan kombinasi sistem tanam dan pemberian jerami padi. Padi yang ditanam dengan sistem tanam benih langsung memberikan pertumbuhan lebih baik, hasil gabah lebih tinggi, d...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The agricultural sector contributes to releasing methane (CH4) as greenhouse gas emissions from l... more The agricultural sector contributes to releasing methane (CH4) as greenhouse gas emissions from lowland rice cultivation. One effort to reduce CH4 emissions in paddy fields is the utilization of methane-oxidizing bacteria from paddy fields. The study aimed to obtain isolates of methane oxidizing bacteria from isolating and selecting their oxidation ability on three rice agroecosystems. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute (IAERI), Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. Soil sampling was carried out in three rice agroecosystems, namely technical irrigation (SI), rainfed (TH), and organic rice cultivation (OF) rice fields in Pati Regency. Isolation and purification of bacteria used Nitrate Mineral Salts (NMS) with 1% methanol. Parameters collected were characteristics of morphology colonies, staining of gram bacteria and measuring methane oxidation ability. The results obtained 15 bacterial isolates from three different ric...
Global warming happens due to the increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration... more Global warming happens due to the increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration in atmosphere. Rice soils are regarded as one of major sources of non CO2 GHGs emissions, namely CH4 and N2O. The objectives of rice soil management and lowland rice culture are to increase soil and plant productivities using rice straw incorporation into soil and nitrification inhibitor materials which influence on GHGs dynamics. Research activity was conducted in rainfed lowland areas at Pati Regency during 2009-2010 to determine CH4 and N2O emissions from rainfed lowland rice soil that was applied rice straw and nitrification inhibitor materials under rice cropping of transplanted rice (TPR) and direct seeded rice (DSR). The experiment used design of complete factorial 3X3 that was arranged in randomized complete block design. The treatments were consisted of rice straw factor (without using rice straw, fresh straw, composted straw) and nitrification inhibitor factor (without applyin...
Nitrous Oxide Emission from Rainfed Lowland Rice Soils through Applications of Rice Straw and Nit... more Nitrous Oxide Emission from Rainfed Lowland Rice Soils through Applications of Rice Straw and Nitrification Inhibitor Materials. Alternate wet-dry of soil condition under rainfed lowland system influence on source and sink dynamics of green house gases. Lowland rice soil is one of antropogenic sources of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission produced by microbiological nitrification-denitrification mediated processes. Attempt to increase soil productivity in lowland rice system by organic amendment is predicted to stimulate nitrous oxide production. The increase of N2O production in lowland rice could be suppressed by using nitrification inhibitor materials. A field experiment was conducted in rainfed lowland rice during 2009 dry season. The objective was to study interaction of rice straw application and nitrification inhibitor materials on nitrous oxide emission from rainfed lowland rice. Experiment was arranged using factorial randomizes block design with three replicates and treatment of...
Emisi Gas Metana pada beberapa Varitas Padi di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan.Keragaman emisi gas metana... more Emisi Gas Metana pada beberapa Varitas Padi di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan.Keragaman emisi gas metana dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik pada varitas tanaman padiyang berbeda umur, sifat, dan aktivitas sistim perakarannya. Penelitian lapang dilaksanakandi lahan sawah tadah hujan pada musim penghujan 200312004 dengan tujuan untukmengetahui emisi gas metana dari beberapavaritas padi unggul yang dibudidayakan secaragogorancah dan untukmengetahui varitas tertentu yangmampu mengemisi metana rendahsekaligus memberikan hasil gabah tinggi. Percobaan disnsun menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan pada 7 varitas padi, yaitu IR64, Cisantana, Sintanur,,Way Apoburu, Dodokan, Silugonggo, Mentik (varitas lokal). Pengambilan contoh gas dilapangan dilakukan dengan sungkup dan contoh gas diinjeksikan ke alat kromatografigas dengan detektor FID untuk menetapkan fluks metana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa emisi gas CH, dari tanaman padi varitas Way Apobum < Dodokan < Silugonggo< Cisan...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
A smart agricultural practice called Panca Kelola Ramli has been developing by the Indonesian Agr... more A smart agricultural practice called Panca Kelola Ramli has been developing by the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute (IAERI). The smart practise was applied in intensively rice cultivation both in irrigated and rainfed rice field in Pati District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The objective of the study was to identify plant performing and rice productivity both in irrigated and rainfed rice field. Five components of Panca Kelola Ramli consisted of high yielding rice varieties, Urea coated by biochar (UBICHAR), biochar-compost, integrated pest and disease management and also water management. In the rainfed rice field, the Panca kelola ramli was applied and modified to four treatments consisted of biochar - compost + UBICHAR, compost + UBICHAR, biochar - compost + Urea and compost + Urea. The observation was carried on methane emission, plant growth and rice yield. The study showed that methane emission, number of tillering, plant height and rice yield in ir...
Rice is an important crop for Indonesian people. Through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), rice ... more Rice is an important crop for Indonesian people. Through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), rice research on improving productivity and quality has been conducting. The MoA has been producing 4-5 of high yielding rice cultivars every year. But, unfortunately rice cultivation is considered as a contributor of methane emissions. Increasing methane concentration in the atmosphere could lead global warming. A study to identify the quantity of methane emissions from high yielding rice cultivars was conducted in Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute (IAERI). Eight rice cultivars, consisted of one old and famous rice cultivar in farmer's practices (Ciherang) and seven new rice cultivars (Unsoed 1, Hipa 14 SBU, Unsrat 2, Inpari 23, Inpari 28, Inpari Sidenuk and Inpari 16) were used. All of rice cultivars were planted using direct seeded system on July-November 2017. Measurement of methane fluxes was carried out using automatically closed chambers installed permanently in the field. It was observed that that the average methane fluxes varied with different cultivars ranging between 4.22 and 609.68 mg m-2 day-1. Seasonal emission rates of methane were significantly different among the cultivars. The high methane emissions were observed in the cultivar of Unsoed 1 (340 kg ha-1), followed in Hipa 14 SBU (261 kg ha-1). The intermediate methane emissions were observed in the cultivars of Inpari 23 (196 kg ha-1), Inpari 16 (189 kg ha-1) and Inpari Sidenuk (188 kg ha-1). The lower methane emissions were observed in the cultivars of Ciherang (184 kg ha-1), Unsrat 2 (164 kg ha-1) and Inpari 28 (147 kg ha-1). The rice yield was not significant among rice cultivars. The highest and lowest rice yields were 6.18 and 5.57 t ha-1 produced by the cultivars of Inpari Sidenuk and Inpari 28, respectively.
Salah satu isu strategis Kementerian Pertanian Indonesia adalah pemanfaatan lahan kering dan laha... more Salah satu isu strategis Kementerian Pertanian Indonesia adalah pemanfaatan lahan kering dan lahan tadah hujan untuk swasembada padi, jagung dan kedelai (pajale). Untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal dari kedua lahan tersebut perlu diterapkan strategi dalam budidaya. Salah satunya melalui penerapan sistem budidaya yang berasal dari kearifan lokal masyarakat setempat. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peluang sistem budidaya di lahan tadah hujan dalam meningkatkan hasil padi dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Jakenan-Balingtan pada tahun 2015/2016. Tujuh varietas padi unggul yang dilepas oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian, yaitu varietas Ciherang, Mekongga, Inpari 18, Inpari 13, Inpari 31, Inpari 32, Inpari 33 dan satu varietas yang dirakit oleh Institut Pertanian Bogor, yaitu IPB 3S, digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Tanaman padi ditanam pada petak percobaan berukuran 6 m x 5 m, disusun secara acak kelompok sebanyak tiga ulangan. Budidaya padi dilakukan melalui dua sistem, yaitu go...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Agricultural soils managed with a large amount of fertilizer generate nitrous oxide (N2O). This s... more Agricultural soils managed with a large amount of fertilizer generate nitrous oxide (N2O). This study aims to observe the N2O flux rates from four organic matter treatments and examining soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) and soil temperature in rainy and dry seasons. The experimental sites took place on a silt loam soil with four organic matter treatments, i.e., 1). No organic matter (OM), 2). Chicken manure, 3). Cattle manure, and 4). Bio-compost. N2O fluxes were measured bi-weekly during the rainy season and weekly during the dry season. Soil WFPS and soil temperature were both determine at the same time. N2O fluxes from Shallot were significantly different between rainy and dry season (p<0.01), but not between treatments. It is ranged between 3.58 to 20.19 mg N2O m−2 d−1 on the rainy season and between 0.57 to 2.79 mg N2O m−2 d−1 on dry season. The linear regression showed that both soil WFPS and soil temperature only significantly relate to N2O fluxes in the rainy season. S...
As agricultural waste, rice straw could be used to substitute potassium fertilizer in food crops ... more As agricultural waste, rice straw could be used to substitute potassium fertilizer in food crops farming system, especially rice crop. The use of rice straw in rainfed lowland areas is not significant to substitute potassium fertilizer which is relatively higher cost. The field experiment was conducted to determine potassium uptake pattern of rainfed lowland rice in light textural Endoaquepts through using straw and inorganic fertilizers. The experiment was arranged using split plot design where rice straw as main plot and potassium fertilizer as subplot. The variable observed was agronomic variable, potassium uptake, exchangeable potassium. The straw incorporation into soil increased the higher exchangeable potassium content in topsoil and also could reduce K losses due to leaching. The peak of K uptake was occurred at panicle initiation growth phase and gradually declined at reproductive growth phase. Interaction between rice straw and potassium fertilization increased significant...
Kartikawati et al, 2017. Utilization of Rainfed Rice Areas for High Yielding Rice Cultivation on... more Kartikawati et al, 2017. Utilization of Rainfed Rice Areas for High Yielding Rice Cultivation on Climate Change . JLSO 6(2):142-149. Many efforts have been conducted by Indonesian government for national food supply and food security through rice cultivation on sub optimal lands in accelerating food sustainability particularly rice, maize and soybean. The rainfed area is an important sub optimal land which should be developed due to 26,5% of Indonesia rice production produced from cultivation system in those area. However, the cultivation in rainfed areas have challenges such as changing of rainfall pattern due to climate change. Therefore, to obtain the information of productivity from high yield rice varieties and methane emission in rainfed area, a study has been conducted by applying innovation of environmental friendly technology such as fertilizer use based on integrated cropping calendar. The study was carried out at Research Station of Indonesian Agriculture Environment Res...
Rainfed area as one of rice production areas is facing drought due to climate change. Management ... more Rainfed area as one of rice production areas is facing drought due to climate change. Management of rainfed area is needed due to its contribution, in addition to the production of rice, in producing methane as a contributor to greenhouse gas emission. This research aimed to investigate the methane emission status and yield from rainfed rice system with manure and zeolite treatment on the bed system (surjan). The doses of manure were 5, 15 and 30 tons/ha and the zeolite was 1 and 2.5 tons/ha. The result showed that all treatment had no significant effect on daily methane fluxe and grain yield in surjan system. However, the combination of manure at 15 tons/ha with zeolite at 1 ton/ha promoted higher methane emissions (63.43 kg CH 4 /ha/ season). In addition, the combination treatment of manure at 5 tons/ha with zeolite at 2.5 tons/ha contributed to obtain higher grain yield (6.9 tons/ha).
Kadmium (Cd) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang berbahaya bagi manusia sehingga keberadaannya ... more Kadmium (Cd) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang berbahaya bagi manusia sehingga keberadaannya dalam tanah pertanian baik jumlah dan sifat-sifatnya perlu diketahui untuk upaya pengendaliannya. Pupuk merupakan salah satu sumber kontaminan cadmium (Cd) dari sektor pertanian. Kegiatan pertanian seperti pemberian pupuk anorganik dan organik secara terus menerus meningkatkan kandungan kontaminan dalam tanah, antara lain logam berat Cd. Percobaan lapangan dilaksanakan di lahan sawah tadah hujan di Kabupaten Pati selama musim tanam 2013-2014 pada pertanaman padi walik jerami (MK 2013) dan padi gogorancah (MH 2013/2014). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan terus menerus terhadap logam berat Cd dalam tanah dan gabah tanaman padi. Percobaan disusun dengan rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam ulangan dan enam perlakuan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi hasil gabah, kandungan Cd dalam tanah, konsentrasi Cd dalam gabah, dan serapan Cd dalam gabah. Hasil gabah tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan pupuk kandang+NP (padi gogorancah) dan jerami padi+NPK (padi walik jerami). Kandungan Cd dalam tanah di lapisan tanah 20-40 cm lebih tinggi daripada di lapisan tanah 0-20 cm. Konsentrasi Cd dalam gabah padi terendah ditemukan pada perlakuan pupuk kandang+NPK (musim pertama) jerami padi+NP (musim berikutnya). Kata kunci: pupuk anorganik, pupuk organik, cadmium, padi sawah tadah hujan.
National food demand, especially rice increases in accordance with the rate of population growth.... more National food demand, especially rice increases in accordance with the rate of population growth. The availability of rice mostly is still relying on the intensification of irrigated and rainfed lowlands, through applying balance nutrients fertilization, including the management of sulfur (S). Sulfur as one of the essential nutrients, is required for protein and enzyme syntheses, amino acids formation and metabolic acticities in plants. However, the program of rice production increases is also impacting on the increase of atmospheric greenhouse gases. The objective of this paper was to discuss sulfur management on rice production system and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions in lowland rice areas in Indonesia. Sulfur fertilization of 20 kg S/ha along with the application of N, P, K fertilizers was considered adequate to provide better plant growth and to yield of 5 t grains/ha. Sulfur fertilization should be applied before active tillering phase by broadcasting on the surface of...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Climate change greatly impacts on agricultural cultivation, including in rainfed rice fields. Imp... more Climate change greatly impacts on agricultural cultivation, including in rainfed rice fields. Improving rice crop performance and productivity in rainfed fields could be done by adaptation in dealing with climate change. This study aims were to determine the effect of providing P, Zn and Crop Residue Return (CRR) on direct seeded rice. This study was conducted at the Jakenan Experimental Station, Pati, Central Java, Indonesia from September 2012 to January 2013. A randomized block design was used, and these treatments consisted of various doses of P fertilizer (0P, ½P, P), providing Zn, and incorporation of crop residue. The observed parameters were plant height, maximum tillers per hill, productive tillers per hill, filled grain per panicle, grain yield, weight of dry straw, P-uptake. The results of this study indicated that providing P, Zn, and CRR have positive effects to plants growth and rice yield component. The treatment of ½P+ CRR + Zn took the best effect on plant growth an...
Rice absorbs only 30-40% of N fertilizer application. Therefore, one of the solutions is using a ... more Rice absorbs only 30-40% of N fertilizer application. Therefore, one of the solutions is using a variety of rice that absorbs N more efficiently. This experiment is aimed at determining the yield parameters, NUE performance, and nitrous oxide flux of NERICA4 transgenic lines and NERICA4-wildtype in rain-fed agro-ecosystems at different doses of N fertilizer during a confined field trial. The experiment was conducted in Central Java, Indonesia, during the 2017/2018 rainy season. The experiment used a factorial randomized block design with four replications. Three transgenic lines of NERICA4 (NUE2, NUE9, NUE12) and NERICA4-WT were used as the main plot and N fertilizer rates (60, 120, and 180 kg N/ha) were used as the subplot. The results showed that an increase in the N fertilizer rate generally improved the plant height and the tiller number of NERICA4-NUE lines. The tiller numbers of NERICA4-NUE lines were higher than NERICA4-WT on high N dosages. There was a strong correlation between the N uptake and the grain yield. The analysis showed that all NERICA4-NUE lines use N more efficiently than NERICA4-WT, significantly at 60 kg N/ha with higher total grain than NERICA4-WT. NERICA4-NUE9 tended to emit lower nitrous oxide flux than other NERICA4-NUE and NERICA4-WT.
Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resour... more Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resources and inputs of the agricultural system to achieve optimal productivity and economic benefits, but has a low risk of resource and environmental sustainability, as well as global warming/climate change. Environmentally friendly implementation strategies lead to synergy and integration between technologies, optimization of resources and production inputs which are carried out through three approaches, namely: (1) Anticipation, adaptation, and mitigation approaches in the context of global warming and climate change, (2) Mitigation approach, countermeasures, and remediation in the context of edhapik and biological environments, and (3) Land remediation approach in the context of degradation and pollution of land, air and ecosystem resources due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Support for research activities and development of adaptation, mitigation and remediation strategies for the re...
The use of peatlands for agriculture often causes controversy on Indonesia and allegedly increase... more The use of peatlands for agriculture often causes controversy on Indonesia and allegedly increases greenhouse gas emissions caused by fertilization. Ameliorants are often used on peatland to increase productivity. The effects of ameliorant on GHG emissions depends on the characteristics of ameliorants. Determination of the type of ameliorant and the appropriate rate of NPK fertilizer is needed to mitigate CO2 and N2O emissions for red chili cultivation on peatland. This research was carried out on peatland in the village of Kalampangan,
Lahan sawah tadah hujan umumnya mempunyai produktivitas tanah dan tanaman rendah akibat rendahnya... more Lahan sawah tadah hujan umumnya mempunyai produktivitas tanah dan tanaman rendah akibat rendahnya tingkat kesuburan tanah dan curah hujan tidak menentu. Perbaikan sifat fisik, kimia, dan hayati tanah sawah tadah hujan dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian pembenah oganik seperti jerami padi. Sedangkan peningkatan produktivitas sawah tadah hujan dapat ditempuh melalui pemberian pembenah organik dan pengelolaan tanaman. Namun pemberian pembenah organik dan pengelolaan tanaman padi dapat berpengaruh terhadap emisi gas rumah kaca, terutama emisi gas metana (CH4). Penelitian lapang yang dilaksanakan di lahan sawah tadah hujan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jerami padi dan sistem tanam padi terhadap emisi metana dan hasil padi. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan, dan enam perlakuan kombinasi sistem tanam dan pemberian jerami padi. Padi yang ditanam dengan sistem tanam benih langsung memberikan pertumbuhan lebih baik, hasil gabah lebih tinggi, d...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The agricultural sector contributes to releasing methane (CH4) as greenhouse gas emissions from l... more The agricultural sector contributes to releasing methane (CH4) as greenhouse gas emissions from lowland rice cultivation. One effort to reduce CH4 emissions in paddy fields is the utilization of methane-oxidizing bacteria from paddy fields. The study aimed to obtain isolates of methane oxidizing bacteria from isolating and selecting their oxidation ability on three rice agroecosystems. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute (IAERI), Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. Soil sampling was carried out in three rice agroecosystems, namely technical irrigation (SI), rainfed (TH), and organic rice cultivation (OF) rice fields in Pati Regency. Isolation and purification of bacteria used Nitrate Mineral Salts (NMS) with 1% methanol. Parameters collected were characteristics of morphology colonies, staining of gram bacteria and measuring methane oxidation ability. The results obtained 15 bacterial isolates from three different ric...
Global warming happens due to the increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration... more Global warming happens due to the increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration in atmosphere. Rice soils are regarded as one of major sources of non CO2 GHGs emissions, namely CH4 and N2O. The objectives of rice soil management and lowland rice culture are to increase soil and plant productivities using rice straw incorporation into soil and nitrification inhibitor materials which influence on GHGs dynamics. Research activity was conducted in rainfed lowland areas at Pati Regency during 2009-2010 to determine CH4 and N2O emissions from rainfed lowland rice soil that was applied rice straw and nitrification inhibitor materials under rice cropping of transplanted rice (TPR) and direct seeded rice (DSR). The experiment used design of complete factorial 3X3 that was arranged in randomized complete block design. The treatments were consisted of rice straw factor (without using rice straw, fresh straw, composted straw) and nitrification inhibitor factor (without applyin...
Nitrous Oxide Emission from Rainfed Lowland Rice Soils through Applications of Rice Straw and Nit... more Nitrous Oxide Emission from Rainfed Lowland Rice Soils through Applications of Rice Straw and Nitrification Inhibitor Materials. Alternate wet-dry of soil condition under rainfed lowland system influence on source and sink dynamics of green house gases. Lowland rice soil is one of antropogenic sources of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission produced by microbiological nitrification-denitrification mediated processes. Attempt to increase soil productivity in lowland rice system by organic amendment is predicted to stimulate nitrous oxide production. The increase of N2O production in lowland rice could be suppressed by using nitrification inhibitor materials. A field experiment was conducted in rainfed lowland rice during 2009 dry season. The objective was to study interaction of rice straw application and nitrification inhibitor materials on nitrous oxide emission from rainfed lowland rice. Experiment was arranged using factorial randomizes block design with three replicates and treatment of...
Emisi Gas Metana pada beberapa Varitas Padi di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan.Keragaman emisi gas metana... more Emisi Gas Metana pada beberapa Varitas Padi di Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan.Keragaman emisi gas metana dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik pada varitas tanaman padiyang berbeda umur, sifat, dan aktivitas sistim perakarannya. Penelitian lapang dilaksanakandi lahan sawah tadah hujan pada musim penghujan 200312004 dengan tujuan untukmengetahui emisi gas metana dari beberapavaritas padi unggul yang dibudidayakan secaragogorancah dan untukmengetahui varitas tertentu yangmampu mengemisi metana rendahsekaligus memberikan hasil gabah tinggi. Percobaan disnsun menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan pada 7 varitas padi, yaitu IR64, Cisantana, Sintanur,,Way Apoburu, Dodokan, Silugonggo, Mentik (varitas lokal). Pengambilan contoh gas dilapangan dilakukan dengan sungkup dan contoh gas diinjeksikan ke alat kromatografigas dengan detektor FID untuk menetapkan fluks metana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa emisi gas CH, dari tanaman padi varitas Way Apobum < Dodokan < Silugonggo< Cisan...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
A smart agricultural practice called Panca Kelola Ramli has been developing by the Indonesian Agr... more A smart agricultural practice called Panca Kelola Ramli has been developing by the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute (IAERI). The smart practise was applied in intensively rice cultivation both in irrigated and rainfed rice field in Pati District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The objective of the study was to identify plant performing and rice productivity both in irrigated and rainfed rice field. Five components of Panca Kelola Ramli consisted of high yielding rice varieties, Urea coated by biochar (UBICHAR), biochar-compost, integrated pest and disease management and also water management. In the rainfed rice field, the Panca kelola ramli was applied and modified to four treatments consisted of biochar - compost + UBICHAR, compost + UBICHAR, biochar - compost + Urea and compost + Urea. The observation was carried on methane emission, plant growth and rice yield. The study showed that methane emission, number of tillering, plant height and rice yield in ir...
Rice is an important crop for Indonesian people. Through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), rice ... more Rice is an important crop for Indonesian people. Through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), rice research on improving productivity and quality has been conducting. The MoA has been producing 4-5 of high yielding rice cultivars every year. But, unfortunately rice cultivation is considered as a contributor of methane emissions. Increasing methane concentration in the atmosphere could lead global warming. A study to identify the quantity of methane emissions from high yielding rice cultivars was conducted in Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute (IAERI). Eight rice cultivars, consisted of one old and famous rice cultivar in farmer's practices (Ciherang) and seven new rice cultivars (Unsoed 1, Hipa 14 SBU, Unsrat 2, Inpari 23, Inpari 28, Inpari Sidenuk and Inpari 16) were used. All of rice cultivars were planted using direct seeded system on July-November 2017. Measurement of methane fluxes was carried out using automatically closed chambers installed permanently in the field. It was observed that that the average methane fluxes varied with different cultivars ranging between 4.22 and 609.68 mg m-2 day-1. Seasonal emission rates of methane were significantly different among the cultivars. The high methane emissions were observed in the cultivar of Unsoed 1 (340 kg ha-1), followed in Hipa 14 SBU (261 kg ha-1). The intermediate methane emissions were observed in the cultivars of Inpari 23 (196 kg ha-1), Inpari 16 (189 kg ha-1) and Inpari Sidenuk (188 kg ha-1). The lower methane emissions were observed in the cultivars of Ciherang (184 kg ha-1), Unsrat 2 (164 kg ha-1) and Inpari 28 (147 kg ha-1). The rice yield was not significant among rice cultivars. The highest and lowest rice yields were 6.18 and 5.57 t ha-1 produced by the cultivars of Inpari Sidenuk and Inpari 28, respectively.
Salah satu isu strategis Kementerian Pertanian Indonesia adalah pemanfaatan lahan kering dan laha... more Salah satu isu strategis Kementerian Pertanian Indonesia adalah pemanfaatan lahan kering dan lahan tadah hujan untuk swasembada padi, jagung dan kedelai (pajale). Untuk memperoleh hasil yang optimal dari kedua lahan tersebut perlu diterapkan strategi dalam budidaya. Salah satunya melalui penerapan sistem budidaya yang berasal dari kearifan lokal masyarakat setempat. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peluang sistem budidaya di lahan tadah hujan dalam meningkatkan hasil padi dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Jakenan-Balingtan pada tahun 2015/2016. Tujuh varietas padi unggul yang dilepas oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian, yaitu varietas Ciherang, Mekongga, Inpari 18, Inpari 13, Inpari 31, Inpari 32, Inpari 33 dan satu varietas yang dirakit oleh Institut Pertanian Bogor, yaitu IPB 3S, digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Tanaman padi ditanam pada petak percobaan berukuran 6 m x 5 m, disusun secara acak kelompok sebanyak tiga ulangan. Budidaya padi dilakukan melalui dua sistem, yaitu go...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Agricultural soils managed with a large amount of fertilizer generate nitrous oxide (N2O). This s... more Agricultural soils managed with a large amount of fertilizer generate nitrous oxide (N2O). This study aims to observe the N2O flux rates from four organic matter treatments and examining soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) and soil temperature in rainy and dry seasons. The experimental sites took place on a silt loam soil with four organic matter treatments, i.e., 1). No organic matter (OM), 2). Chicken manure, 3). Cattle manure, and 4). Bio-compost. N2O fluxes were measured bi-weekly during the rainy season and weekly during the dry season. Soil WFPS and soil temperature were both determine at the same time. N2O fluxes from Shallot were significantly different between rainy and dry season (p<0.01), but not between treatments. It is ranged between 3.58 to 20.19 mg N2O m−2 d−1 on the rainy season and between 0.57 to 2.79 mg N2O m−2 d−1 on dry season. The linear regression showed that both soil WFPS and soil temperature only significantly relate to N2O fluxes in the rainy season. S...
As agricultural waste, rice straw could be used to substitute potassium fertilizer in food crops ... more As agricultural waste, rice straw could be used to substitute potassium fertilizer in food crops farming system, especially rice crop. The use of rice straw in rainfed lowland areas is not significant to substitute potassium fertilizer which is relatively higher cost. The field experiment was conducted to determine potassium uptake pattern of rainfed lowland rice in light textural Endoaquepts through using straw and inorganic fertilizers. The experiment was arranged using split plot design where rice straw as main plot and potassium fertilizer as subplot. The variable observed was agronomic variable, potassium uptake, exchangeable potassium. The straw incorporation into soil increased the higher exchangeable potassium content in topsoil and also could reduce K losses due to leaching. The peak of K uptake was occurred at panicle initiation growth phase and gradually declined at reproductive growth phase. Interaction between rice straw and potassium fertilization increased significant...
Kartikawati et al, 2017. Utilization of Rainfed Rice Areas for High Yielding Rice Cultivation on... more Kartikawati et al, 2017. Utilization of Rainfed Rice Areas for High Yielding Rice Cultivation on Climate Change . JLSO 6(2):142-149. Many efforts have been conducted by Indonesian government for national food supply and food security through rice cultivation on sub optimal lands in accelerating food sustainability particularly rice, maize and soybean. The rainfed area is an important sub optimal land which should be developed due to 26,5% of Indonesia rice production produced from cultivation system in those area. However, the cultivation in rainfed areas have challenges such as changing of rainfall pattern due to climate change. Therefore, to obtain the information of productivity from high yield rice varieties and methane emission in rainfed area, a study has been conducted by applying innovation of environmental friendly technology such as fertilizer use based on integrated cropping calendar. The study was carried out at Research Station of Indonesian Agriculture Environment Res...
Rainfed area as one of rice production areas is facing drought due to climate change. Management ... more Rainfed area as one of rice production areas is facing drought due to climate change. Management of rainfed area is needed due to its contribution, in addition to the production of rice, in producing methane as a contributor to greenhouse gas emission. This research aimed to investigate the methane emission status and yield from rainfed rice system with manure and zeolite treatment on the bed system (surjan). The doses of manure were 5, 15 and 30 tons/ha and the zeolite was 1 and 2.5 tons/ha. The result showed that all treatment had no significant effect on daily methane fluxe and grain yield in surjan system. However, the combination of manure at 15 tons/ha with zeolite at 1 ton/ha promoted higher methane emissions (63.43 kg CH 4 /ha/ season). In addition, the combination treatment of manure at 5 tons/ha with zeolite at 2.5 tons/ha contributed to obtain higher grain yield (6.9 tons/ha).
Kadmium (Cd) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang berbahaya bagi manusia sehingga keberadaannya ... more Kadmium (Cd) merupakan salah satu logam berat yang berbahaya bagi manusia sehingga keberadaannya dalam tanah pertanian baik jumlah dan sifat-sifatnya perlu diketahui untuk upaya pengendaliannya. Pupuk merupakan salah satu sumber kontaminan cadmium (Cd) dari sektor pertanian. Kegiatan pertanian seperti pemberian pupuk anorganik dan organik secara terus menerus meningkatkan kandungan kontaminan dalam tanah, antara lain logam berat Cd. Percobaan lapangan dilaksanakan di lahan sawah tadah hujan di Kabupaten Pati selama musim tanam 2013-2014 pada pertanaman padi walik jerami (MK 2013) dan padi gogorancah (MH 2013/2014). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan terus menerus terhadap logam berat Cd dalam tanah dan gabah tanaman padi. Percobaan disusun dengan rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam ulangan dan enam perlakuan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi hasil gabah, kandungan Cd dalam tanah, konsentrasi Cd dalam gabah, dan serapan Cd dalam gabah. Hasil gabah tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan pupuk kandang+NP (padi gogorancah) dan jerami padi+NPK (padi walik jerami). Kandungan Cd dalam tanah di lapisan tanah 20-40 cm lebih tinggi daripada di lapisan tanah 0-20 cm. Konsentrasi Cd dalam gabah padi terendah ditemukan pada perlakuan pupuk kandang+NPK (musim pertama) jerami padi+NP (musim berikutnya). Kata kunci: pupuk anorganik, pupuk organik, cadmium, padi sawah tadah hujan.
National food demand, especially rice increases in accordance with the rate of population growth.... more National food demand, especially rice increases in accordance with the rate of population growth. The availability of rice mostly is still relying on the intensification of irrigated and rainfed lowlands, through applying balance nutrients fertilization, including the management of sulfur (S). Sulfur as one of the essential nutrients, is required for protein and enzyme syntheses, amino acids formation and metabolic acticities in plants. However, the program of rice production increases is also impacting on the increase of atmospheric greenhouse gases. The objective of this paper was to discuss sulfur management on rice production system and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions in lowland rice areas in Indonesia. Sulfur fertilization of 20 kg S/ha along with the application of N, P, K fertilizers was considered adequate to provide better plant growth and to yield of 5 t grains/ha. Sulfur fertilization should be applied before active tillering phase by broadcasting on the surface of...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Climate change greatly impacts on agricultural cultivation, including in rainfed rice fields. Imp... more Climate change greatly impacts on agricultural cultivation, including in rainfed rice fields. Improving rice crop performance and productivity in rainfed fields could be done by adaptation in dealing with climate change. This study aims were to determine the effect of providing P, Zn and Crop Residue Return (CRR) on direct seeded rice. This study was conducted at the Jakenan Experimental Station, Pati, Central Java, Indonesia from September 2012 to January 2013. A randomized block design was used, and these treatments consisted of various doses of P fertilizer (0P, ½P, P), providing Zn, and incorporation of crop residue. The observed parameters were plant height, maximum tillers per hill, productive tillers per hill, filled grain per panicle, grain yield, weight of dry straw, P-uptake. The results of this study indicated that providing P, Zn, and CRR have positive effects to plants growth and rice yield component. The treatment of ½P+ CRR + Zn took the best effect on plant growth an...
Papers by A Wihardjaka