African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(2), pp. 407-415, 18 January, 2011
Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/AJAR09.206
ISSN 1991-637X ©2011 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Developing participatory extension applications in
Orhan Ozcatalbas1*, Ismet Boz2, Kursat Demiryurek3, Dilek Bostan Budak4, Buket
Karaturhan5 and Handan Akcaoz1
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, 07070 Antalya-Turkey.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Sutcu mam, Kahramanmaras-Turkey.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ondukuzmayis University, Samsun-Turkey.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Cukurova University, Adana-Turkey.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University,Izmir –Turkey.
Accepted 20 October, 2010
The purpose of extension is to increase the living standard of the farmers and their families in the rural
areas. Extension services in Turkey have been implemented mainly by the Ministry of Agriculture since
the 1940s and are currently organized by the administrative districts of the Provincial Agricultural
Directorates. Agricultural extension approaches in Turkey have been mainly derived from extension
applications in different countries and the previous projects of the World Bank and FAO. For that
reason Turkey has tremendous experience on the application of agricultural extension approaches from
many countries. Agricultural extension activities are implemented by several institutions; each of them
has a different legal status. The extension programmes were accepted and implemented using six
approaches during different periods in Turkey. During this period the dominant approach was the
promotion of technology transfer by the ‘general agricultural extension approach’ until the 1990s. The
‘training and visit approach’ has also been used since the 1984s. The common characteristic of these
two approaches was the lack of farmers’ participation. This was an important detriment to the
effectiveness of extension services in Turkey. The implementation of participatory extension
approaches was very limited but effective. The contribution of universities, NGO’s (e.g. producers’
organizations and farmers’ unions) and private firms to extension activities were limited. Thus, it will be
very useful to apply the participatory approach where rural people have to take the initiative and think
about their own problems with appropriate solutions by relevant extension organizations in Turkey.
Key words: Turkey, participatory extension, farming system, extension systems.
Public extension services play a key role in the
implementation of rural development programs for the
sustainable management of natural resources. However,
the agriculture sector suffers from restricted financial and
human resources (Pokorny et al., 2005). As it is known,
the agricultural extension work has spread throughout the
modern world because, in the long run, no country can
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]. Tel:
+90-242-310-2476. Fax: +90- 242-227-4564.
afford to neglect its rural population. Every nation needs
an adequate and dependable supply of staple foodstuffs
and fiber for its entire people. Recently governments
have realized that, if the general standard of living is to
rise, agricultural production must provide enough to feed
and clothe not only the farmers and their families, but
also those workers in other occupations, such as health,
education, transportation, defense, industry and administration. Extension work has frequently been described
as “helping people to help themselves” (Jacobsen,
1987a). This approach is valid for many countries
around the world, has traditionally been focused on farmers
Afr. J. Agric. Res.
and rural communities (Jacobsen, 1987b). Rural
populations face a range of new problems in the context
of rapid globalization and economic liberalization (Jodga,
2000). The Agricultural extension services in developing
countries have been widely criticized for their
ineffectiveness (Dulle, 2000). Actually not only extension,
participation is a very important concept for all field and
disciplines. For example, on the base of participatory
methods for problem assessment, food problems were
attributed to several factors, such as limited arable land,
poor soils, lack of access to improved seeds and other
agricultural services arising partly from the lowland and
gender biases of national planners (Gurung and Gurung,
The basic models for agricultural extension are:
technology transfer, farmer first and participatory
approach (Foster et al., 1995; Vanclay and Lawrence,
1995). The first model involves a top-down technology
transfer from researchers to farmers. The second is a
bottom up approach that emphasizes the important role
of farmers to contribute to the design and implementation
of research and extension services. The third model is a
participatory approach which, in some ways, integrates
and extends the first two models. The participatory
approach relies on the involvement of researchers and
farmers, as well as other stakeholders (Foster et al.,
1995). Since the 1980s, participatory approaches to
agricultural extension and research have been promoted
across all continents by groups of development
promoters. An increasing number of organizations are
now implementing participatory technology development
in various settings (Anonymous, 2002). Governmental
acknowledge the need to move away from top-down
instructions and pure technology transfer towards a more
participatory approach that directly involves farmers and
rural communities in defining and achieving their own
development goals.
The starting point for this change is the recognition that
rural people are the owners of their own development.
This realization entails a number of changes for all
involved actors. Rural people have to take the initiative
and think about their own problems and find appropriate
solutions. For agricultural extension agents, this means
fundamental changes in the way they work. They have to
learn how to interact and become the listeners and
facilitators of development processes as in farmer-tofarmer extension, farmer field schools, partner-centered
extension and participatory extension (Anonymous,
Participatory extension provides the mechanism to
achieve this goal. To improve the effectiveness of
extension, it is necessary to equip development workers
with techniques and tools of participatory planning,
farming systems, monitoring and evaluation. Sustainable
agricultural development has induced the need for more
participatory extension and research methods. The
approach to monitoring and evaluation increases the
chances of the finding solutions, and is a process that
builds local capacity in decision-making and problem
solving and requires special knowledge and skills
(Abukar, 2002). The objective of this study was to
examine the importance and implementations of
participatory extension methods in Turkey.
The participatory extension approach
The participatory extension approach (PEA) was first
developed in Zimbabwe by the Department of Technical
and Extension Services (AGRITEX) in cooperation with
two GTZ-assisted projects during the 1990s. Since then,
the approach has been developed further in a GTZassisted project in South Africa (Anonymous, 2004). The
"participatory" part of a PEA means that farmers are the
principal decision-makers in defining goals, planning,
implementing and evaluating development activities. PEA
is different from conventional extension approaches. In
this approach, the principal task of extension workers is
not first and foremost to transfer agricultural know-how
and technology to farmers (Anonymous, 2004). PEA puts
emphasis on strengthening farmers' problem-solving
capacities from the very beginning. The principal
instrument for practicing problem-solving skills is the PEA
learning cycle. The learning cycle makes flexible use of a
variety of participatory methods and tools (e.g.
participatory rapid appraisal, participatory technology
development or action learning).
Instead, the role of the extension worker is to facilitate
an in-depth situation analysis by the farmers themselves
at the beginning of the relationship between the
extension service and a community. Once the farmers
have become aware of the root causes of their problems
and have identified the most pressing of these, the
extension workers provide technical knowledge and
technologies, which may be useful to resolve the
problems identified. To perform well in a PEA, extension
workers need not only agricultural expertise, but also
good analytical, pedagogical and facilitating skills
(Anonymous, 2004).
The situation of agriculture and extension in Turkey
Agriculture in Turkey
Agriculture sector is still important for socio-economics in
national economy. The contribution of agriculture to GDP
is about 14% (SIS, 2004). Around 33.9% of total
population employed in agriculture sector 31% of the total
population living in rural areas, population grow rate
1.8%. Agricultural contributes about 15% of total exports,
but if the processed agricultural products are taken
consideration this ratio is up to 25%. Average farm size is
Ozcatalbas et al.
Table 1. Applied extension approaches by the ministry (MARA) and others.
The general agricultural
extension approach
The project approach
The training and visit
approach (T and V)
The commodity specialized
The training and visit
approach (T and V)
Level and place
By (Implementors)
MARA and Int. Finance
MARA and Int. Finance
Regional, second crop research
and extension project
Participatory group-based
learning approach
farmer field school
MARA and Int. Finance
TZOB, DLG (The Union of
Regional-Tekirdag province
Turkish Chambers of Agriculture
and the German Agricultural
leader farmer project (OCP)
Faculty of Agriculture of
Regional – Taurus mountains
University of Cukurova, The
project (Adana and Mersin
Ministry and ICARDA
Central Research Institute for
Regional – (Sivas, Kayseri
Field Crops of the Ministry,
Regional –
The Agricultural Research and
Odemis district of Izmir Province Extension Center of University of
Ege, Izmir
(Bademli village)
Regional –Menemen district of
The Agricultural Research and
Izmir Province (Suleymanli,
Extension Center of University of
Belen, Musabey, Seyrek,
Ege, Izmir
Harmandali, Kesikkoy villages)
Regional – Development and
EU, Chamber of Agriculture of
adoption of good agricultural
Burdur province, the Turkish
practices of farmers, in Burdur
Employment Organization
Participatory group-based
learning approach farmer
field School
organic agriculture for Turkey
Participatory rural appraisal
Regional –Kemalpasa district of
Izmir province.
The Agricultural Research and
Extension Center of University of
Ege, Izmir
Participatory cost-sharing
The farming system
development approach
The participatory rural
Participatory learning and
action approach
The participatory rural
National- regional
around 6 hectares. The sector produces enough food for
population and exports some of the production as well.
Extension in Turkey
Turkey has much experience in the application of
agricultural extension system and approaches in terms of
relationships between farmers and extension-research
organizations (Table 1). Training and extension services
are primarily under the responsibility of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA). Extension services
are organized at administrative districts by the Provincial
Agricultural Directorates. In Turkey, the first application of
the Training and Visit System (T and V) approach
recommended by the World Bank was applied in 1963.
Agricultural education in Turkey started in 1848.
However, the main developments on agricultural
research and extension have occurred since the 1930’s
(Senocak, 1967). Agricultural extension activities in
Turkey have been mainly influenced by extension
applications in the USA and Western European countries.
In addition, these new systems and approaches in
agricultural extension suggested by the World Bank,
International Rural Development Bank (IBRD) and other
international donor institutions have been implemented in
Turkey. The main change in the field of agricultural
extension in Turkey occurred in 1984, when a new
Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Test and
Training and
and Finance
County Extension
Figure 1. The extension organization in provincial level in Turkey.
programme, the “Agricultural Extension and Applied
Research Project (AEARP)”, was implemented, and the T
and V system of the project has been implemented
throughout the country, so far (Kumuk and Oktay, 1994;
Ozcatalbas and Gurgen, 1998).
Agricultural extension includes needed elements to
farmers’ productivity. In Turkey, the agricultural extension
has been focusing on the technology transfer approach
as a methodology for enhancing the productive capacity
of agricultural producers. According to this, the
dominating approaches are the technology transfer, as
‘general agricultural extension approach’ until 1990s and
the T and V approach also are dominated after the 1984s
until today. Common characteristic of these applied
approaches is the lack of farmers’ participation. This is
the most critical disadvantage for impact of extension. In
the country the implementation of participatory extension
approaches were very very effective but the application
area was very limited.
and provide the results to extension agents (Chambers et
al., 1989).
In Turkey, “Agricultural Extension and Applied
Research Project (AEARP), and T and V” were applied at
the country level in 1984. As it is known, T and V aims to
correct the elements (inadequate on job training,
inadequate visits to farmers, weak links between
research and extension) of the general extension system
and to offer structural changes (Kumuk and Oktay, 1994;
Ozcatalbas and Gurgen, 1998). The current organization
of extension in Turkey can be divided into two main parts.
Those are the central organization in the capital (Ankara),
and town and village organizations. Extension services in
the towns are the first links of the extension chain out of
the capital (Figure 1). The last links of the extension
chain are the village extension services which reach rural
communities through Village-level Extension Workers
(VGAC) (Kumuk and Crowder, 1996; Ozcatalbas and
Gurgen, 1998).
Public extension organization in Turkey
Private extension and agricultural advisory system in
In Turkey, extension services for farmers has
implemented mainly by the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Affairs. Extension services are organized at administrative districts by the provincial agricultural directorates.
Applied agricultural extension approaches are based on
“technology transfer”.
Technology transfer typically involves a top-down
approach where scientists determine research priorities,
generate innovations they believe are good for farmers
The private extension which have an extension function
in the agricultural information system in Turkey are the
farmers’ associations, cooperatives and charities, and
profit- oriented private marketing firms, exporters, private
consultants and mass media. Farmers’ associations and
cooperatives mainly focus on input and credit supply, and
the marketing of agricultural products. However, they are
involved in some farmer training and extension activities.
Ozcatalbas et al.
Agricultural input suppliers have organized meetings in
villages in order to introduce their products. Private
consultants and their services are limited to high income
farmers. Some agricultural processors and exporters
have recently introduced contract farming (Demiryurek,
2002; Ozcatalbas et al., 2010).
Public institutes have played a major role in the
agricultural information system in Turkey. The
contribution of private firms and farmers’ organizations to
the production and dissemination of information is
increasing, but their role is not likely to be a major
substitute for public sector involvement in the agricultural
information system. The international donor institutes
mainly cooperate with public institutions and therefore
concentrate on disseminating existing information rather
than producing new information.
Turkey has many agricultural and related organizations
that have made considerable contributions to agricultural
development within the country. Despite this, there is no
effective communication network between agricultural
institutions. This has inhibited the generation and
dissemination of new technologies. Special attention
should be given to coordinating the whole system that
produces and disseminates agricultural information. This
would make it possible to conduct studies that are more
effective than those that currently exist. There is a
parallel between increasing the efficiency of MARA in the
agricultural information system and increasing the
contributions of other interested sectors to that system.
As mentioned above, there are currently critical
insufficiencies in the public extension system. For this
reason it is suggested that, in addition to increasing
effectiveness of public extension, steps must be taken to
increase the effectiveness of farmers’ organizations and
the private sector in the field of extension (Ozcatalbas et
al., 2004).
farmers by means of newly employed 2,500 agricultural
engineers and veterinary surgeons in the villages
throughout Turkey (Demiryurek and Akın, 2010;
Ozcatalbas et al., 2010).
A new legislation on extension and advisory services
“Legislation on Regulating of Agricultural Extension and
systematizing extension services and regulating public
and non-public extension activities (Anonymous, 2006).
This legislation was put into practice in order to provide
farmers’ needs regarding information, experience and
technical methods adequately and timely at the field
level. This was also introduced in order to integrate
agricultural extension and advisory systems compliance
with Europe (EU) standards. This new legal framework is
expected to contribute to the public extension system by
means of training and certifying private advisors. Train
agricultural advisers by extension scientists and/or
extension professionals in universities or in chambers of
agricultural engineers and giving them certificates of
competency. They will then work independently or in
private extension organizations to support public
extension system and help farmers to be informed about
public agricultural support policies and benefited from
agricultural supports. This system will initially provide
financial support to the farmers who receive private
advisory services, and then to private advisors. This will
also contribute employment to certified advisors, because
thousands of agricultural graduates are unemployed in
Turkey (Demiryurek and Akın, 2010; Ozcatalbas et al.,
Important case studies from Turkey
Koymer and Targel projects
In 2004, MARA implemented a new extension project in
1000 selected villages from 81 provinces. Project name
was “1000 agricultural consultants for 1000 villages” and
then called KOYMER (Village Centered Agricultural
Producion Support Project) . This project was financed by
voluntary organizations, institutions, private sector and
individual persons. Voluntary agricultural consultants
worked under this project lived in the villages in order to
serve and transfer required information to farmers on
time. Although there were many problems during
implementation of this project, it has been important role
by addressing private consultant’ role in agriculture
extension system. Agricultural Extension Development
Project (TARGEL) has been started by MARA using
gained experiences of KOYMER. TARGEL has just been
implemented since 2007 in order to provide required
information and training on timely at the field level to the
In the last thirty years, an increasing number of
governmental and non-governmental organisations
promote participatory approaches for rural community
and regional development in all continents. Various
participatory techniques are applied. The followings are
the salient achievements of the projects based on
participatory extension approach. According to these, the
relevant approaches were concluded and the results of
the case studies are summarized.
Participatory and cost-sharing approach
1. Leader farmer project: The Chamber of Agriculture
(TZOB) had carried out a Leader Farmer Project (OCP)
in four Districts of Tekirdag province since 1987, planned
and implemented with the support of the German
Agriculture Union (DLG) and the Association of German
Technical Cooperation (GTZ). This facilitated the farmers’
Afr. J. Agric. Res.
active participation in extension activities, supported the
cost of services, and aimed to solve the farmers’ own
problems with the help of advisors. The project
established close relations between farmers and advisors
in extension and other activities. The development of an
evaluated private advisory system was the overall aim. A
group of between 80 and 100 farmers established a
working group in their district and employed an advisor.
Members of the group elected an administrative
committee consisting of 3 or 4 farmers to plan and
manage an annual programme according to the priorities
and problems of the working group. The cost was met by
membership fees and diminishing financial support from
TZOB. Cooperation between the working groups, the
local university, public and private agricultural
organizations developed. Common machine use had
been promoted. In addition, private marketing companies
(seed, machine, fertilizer and pesticide) had organized
introduction meetings.
After the sponsors decreased their contributions to the
total cost, the working groups faced collapse; they had
not achieved financial self-sufficiency and administrative
independence in the planned time. Another problem was
that the number of farmers in a group was more than an
advisor could service; the advisors were also responsible
for keeping farmers’ records, providing inputs and so on.
Some advisors left their jobs, and transferred to local
private marketing firms (Demiryürek, 2002).
2. Participatory rural appraisal approach: Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) helps communities mobilize their
human and natural resources to define problems,
consider previous successes, evaluate local institutional
capacities, prioritize opportunities, and prepare a
systematic and site-specific plan of action-a village
resource management plan for the community to adopt
and implement. PRA is a new way to systematize a very
old approach to rural development community
participation. PRA offers a significant alternative to
centrally planned and externally managed development
efforts, many of which have proven difficult to sustain.
Ultimately, among the most important strategies to
sustain rural development are approaches that rural
communities can manage and control (Noah-Odour et al.,
Menemen county case of Izmir province
The study is implemented by Ege University in Turkey
(Ozkaya et al., 2003; Karaturhan, 2004) and some
important results are given below:
i. The farmers accepted many innovations and some of
the innovations were transferred “from farmer to farmer”.
ii. These are; such as farming practices, new inputs or
varieties, etc. Some new crops, like mushroom, organic
vegetable (by women in their home gardens for the
family) were accepted by farmers.
iii. Farmers planned and implemented some adaptation
research conducted by farmers for the whole village.
iv. Some collective actions had been performed (such as
planting eucalyptus trees, collecting soil samples to
analyze, etc).
v. The Gediz river pollution problem again became the
most important part of the county agenda by the efforts of
a project village leader and team. A council for that
problem had been established.
vi. In a village (Harmandali) the men’s group could not
succeed because of facilitator problems. But the village
leaders and men were also not interested in sessions.
vii. Women work intensively in milk production and the
men are retail sellers in the city. The women group was
very effective in milk production. The women group and
their actions became a driving force in milk production for
the whole village as also happened in waste problem.
viii. With this project the governmental organizations
could enter the villages about the women health
problems, birth control problems, human relations
problems, women rights.
ix. The women empowered relatively. Self-confidence
increase was very high for some woman.
Sivas and Kayseri provinces case
The study is implemented by Central Research Institute
for Field Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Affairs. The project is funded by the Ministry and Icarda in
Aleppo between 1991 and 1994. The project was aimed
multi discipliner work with all stakeholders in related
Halilbeyli village case of Izmir province
The study is also implemented by Ege University in
Halilbeyli Village of Izmir province of Turkey (Ozkaya et
al., 1998) and some important results are given below:
i. The vaccination rate against the foot and mouth
disease has increased from 50 to 80%.
ii. The maintenance rate of the milking machines raised
from 1 - 2% to 100%.
iii. For animal feeding the sillage making tendency among
the farmers has gone up from 3 to 15%.
iv.The nutrition habits have been amended.
v. The increasing of the knowledge levels of women
about health.
vi. Knowledge improvements was attained.
Farming system development approach
Farming System Research (FSR) was developed based
Ozcatalbas et al.
on the premise that activities commenced with an
understanding of the problems of farmers, with the input
of local knowledge and practices are an essential part of
innovation development. In all these FSR approaches a
participative approach is recommended, though the
activity may differ on degree of participation, and also on
how farmer-directed research is managed (Carberry,
The Farming System Research and Extension (FSR/E)
development and implementation of production
technologies for the traditional and small scale farming
sectors (Ozcatalbas and Erkan, 1996). FSR requires
active participation of farmers in the research activities.
Farmers are not passive anytime in such a system. The
relation between farmers and researchers and extension
worker are very close. All activities are directed to the
farmers’ needs and conditions (Ozcatalbas and Erkan,
1996; Ozcatalbas, 2001).
xi. The average farm income has increased from $ 1,999
in the first year to $ 3,290 in the final year.
xii. Women in the project were also given attention. Food
and human nutrition courses were organized for them.
xiii. Economic progress on the farms, some efforts were
made to improve farmers’ and their family’s health.
Participatory learning and action approach
Participatory rural appraisal and participatory learning
and action approach methods are used for poor and not
in good condition of the communities of developing
countries. It is the promotion of interactive learning,
shared knowledge and very flexible to different targets
and demands. As well known, this kind of participatory
approaches requires an interdisciplinary work such as
agriculture, community health and rural life development
and others. They offer opportunities for mobilizing rural
and local people for joint action (Chambers et al., 2004).
Taurus mountain villages project
Participatory learning and action project
The study was implemented in the villages of Adana and
Mersin Provinces by Cukurova University in Adana
Province of Turkey and Institute of ICARDA in Aleppo
(Syria) supported (Erkan et al., 2001) and some
important results are given below:
i. New improved cultivars of wheat, barley and chickpea
have been adopted in the project area.
ii. A very clear increase in yields and in quality in these
crops was achieved.
iii. The project introduced new enterprises on the farms
that did not exist before the start of the project. The
notable examples of these are vetch– oat combination,
triticale, sainfoin and new fruits such as cherry and
iv. A significant decrease in the fallowed land was
v. The changes in the breeds of animals (cattle, sheep
and goat) significantly increased the income of the
vi. Livestock feeding methods have also changed.
Farmers produce more fodder crops, and thus spend less
in buying feed concentrates.
vii. An important progress was achieved in apiculture. It
was found that changing queen bee in the beehives
every year or once in two years.
viii. Significantly increased honey production.
ix. The project also succeeded in creating awareness of
farmers, development agents, and district administration
in the importance of the availability of new inputs with
reasonable prices in the local markets.
x. Technological changes which are not very costly to
farmers and government, the “farm income” of partner
farmers increased by 64.58% during the project period.
By the experts of Ege University Agricultural Research
and Application Center, in Bademli village of Odemis
District of Izmir province, participatory learning action
project was conducted. “The determination of the state
and the priorities in nursling technologies and
participatory learning and action project for research and
education” project was supported by the Ege University
Agricultural Research Fund and Research Project Unit.
The aim of this project is to establish high quality and
healthy seedling production facilities. The planning for
this for a good, Aegean University and is a collaboration
by Bademli village. Thus important to identify research
topics, research, and farmer cooperatives to provide the
most high-level cooperation is aimed at.
Project team is composed from 15 persons who are
village leaders (small, medium and large farmers), and
project team and cooperative managers. In the first
session, in the village of nursling problems and market
problems are discussed in relation to nursling.
Participants were considered 20 issues. The most
important issue has been expressed as a marketing
problem. Very low-quality nursling production and
marketing difficulties have to be concluded. Problems can
be solved with the cooperation of consensus was
reached. Group discussions covered seedling diseases
and pests, soil and plant nutrition problems; content of
soils, drip irrigation. Soil analysis was done. According to
the analysis of very low pH and lime increased.
Increased demand for soil analysis in the village. The
most important action of the cooperative is to buy 3 - 4 ha
of land for seedling rootstocks, and for the production,
Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department,
viruses, nematodes and bacteria free nursery plants,
Afr. J. Agric. Res.
decided to prepare for the sub-projects. Greenhouse for
nursling production was decided to cooperate with the
Governor (Ozkaya, 2000).
Participatory group-based learning approach
The Farmer Field School (FFS) is a group-based learning
process. During the FFS, farmers carried out experiential
learning activities that helped them understand the
ecology of their rice fields. These activities involve simple
experiments, regular field observations and group
analysis. The knowledge gained from these activities
enables participants to make their own locally-specific
decisions about crop management practices. This
approach represents a radical departure from earlier
agricultural extension programmes, in which farmers
were expected to adopt generalized recommendations
that had been formulated by specialists from outside the
community (Anonymous, 2010).
Good agricultural practices for field scholls
The study was prepared and consulted by the staff of
Akdeniz University of Turkey (Ozcatalbas, 2009). The
project of “Development of rural laborers and adoption of
good agricultural practices in Burdur province” is funded
by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the
Chamber of Agriculture of Burdur province and for the
Turkish Employment Organization between 2004 and
2005. The project was concerned with human capacity
and institutional building, training and extension. In
Burdur province, agricultural sector is one of the main
sectors and rural population rate is higher than Turkey.
For that reason hidden unemployment is very significant
problem for Burdur province.
The main objective of the project was to gain skills and
knowledge about good agricultural practices and in
particular the use of computers to teach. To reduce the
risk of job loss and thus improve their business skills in
20 villages with 600 farmers (including 200 women
farmers) through extension and farmers field schools.
Specifically, the project had important task for farmers
and sustainable agriculture in future. In the rural areas of
Burdur province, to re-skill hidden unemployed 600
farmers (200 women), to develop theirs’ skills for
productivity; to enhance adoption of good agricultural
practices. One of the important functions of this project
was to set up farmer field schools in the 20 villages which
can be used as a model to replicate this work in other
parts of the province in the future. Main components of
the project are soil analysis and fertilizer practices for
field crops, fruits and vegatables; animal health and
animal husbandry and practices. Group moderators have
been trained, and participatory approaches and practices
in agricultural extension. Farmer groups were formed
based on the principle of voluntary participation.
Programs, "Group-based participatory learning process"
was organized taking into consideration. November 2004
until September 2005 that were made for each group of
10-day program. Course, each participant received 70 h,
with group-based participatory approach (Ozcatalbas,
Organic agriculture for farmer field scholls
The project of “Organic Agriculture for Turkey” is funded
by the EU and implemented by an international
consortium for MARA between June 2006 and November
2007. The project was concerned with policy
development, capacity and institutional building, training
and extension. The overall objective was to enhance
sustainable development of organic agriculture and
related sectors in accordance with the EU requirement.
Specifically, the project had five tasks. The alignment of
Turkish organic agriculture legislation with EU;
strengthening the capacity of MARA as regards
supervision, promotion and extension of organic
agriculture; implementation of an efficient control and
certification system and exchange of organic farming
information between farmers and other related
stakeholders. One of the important tasks of this project
was to set up Farmer Field Schools in five pilot project
areas which can be used as a model to replicate this
work in other parts of the country in the future. The
project contributed to the institutional support and the
development and promotion of the organic sector in
Turkey (Demiryürek et al., 2008).
The participatory approaches were implemented in the
local and very limited areas in Turkey. But the studies
have showed that, participatory approaches can be used
by farmer’s unions, non-governmental organizations,
rural-agricultural co-operatives, extension centers of
universities and ministry of agriculture and rural affairs. It
is useful to apply the participatory approaches where
rural people must take the initiative and think about their
own problems and appropriate solutions by the extension
organizations in Turkey.
The paper was supported by the Scientific Research
Projects Administration of Akdeniz University.
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