2024, Title of The Presentation: Evaluation of Meillassoux’s Speculative Materialism with the Laws of Dialectic, Chair: Adam Takacs
Materialist ontology is currently gaining popularity, with one of its prominent proponents being Quentin Meillassoux, who created speculative materialism. Meillassoux developed his philosophy by critiquing the post-Kantian correlationist philosophical area in which we still reside. He uses the concept of correlationism to describe all philosophies that accept that thought is limited to itself. On the contrary, Meillassoux argues that matter is separate from thought and that knowledge of matter is objective, in line with the first imperative of materialism, which requires an external perspective. Meillassoux evaluates thought as a function that can achieve objective knowledge of an absolute reality that is not influenced by subjectivity. In this context, Meillassoux rejects the principle of sufficient reason and emphasizes the contingency of the material universe. He argues that life follows the material universe and is also contingent. Finally, thought contains our knowledge of these two universes, and their connection is established through the idea of emergence. This study would analyze Meillassoux's critique of correlationalism and its main arguments, and proposes that they can be further developed using Marxist dialectic. The Marxist dialectic's law of the transformation of quantity into quality provides a distinct explanation of the relationship between various universes, including the material and life universes, compared to that of emergence. This law also allows for the independent study of their respective spheres. The law of mutual interpenetration of opposites enables thought to attain knowledge of two universes and itself. Criticism of the idea of sufficient reason is allowed by the determination that the whole cannot be reduced to its parts. To summarize, this study aims to evaluate Meillassoux's contributions to materialism and address his ideas with the laws of dialectics to enhance our understanding of totality. Key Words: Dialectic, Correlationalism, Ontology, Matter, Materialism