(CVE 825)
FNSE, P.Eng (Ont. Canada)
, Ph.D., (Tor.),
APRIL, 2011.
Cover Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Plates
List of Figures
Causes of Dam Failure
Seepage forces
Typical failure modes that leads to seepage in earth dams
1.4.1 Flow erosion
1.4.2 Embankment leakage
1.4.3 Outlet conduit leakage
1.4.4 Tree Growth
Seepage failure
Effects of seepage
Conclusion and Recommendations
Table 1: Causes of failure
Plate 1: Land slide (slope failure) near the right abutment
Plate 2: Uncompleted spillway
Plate 3: Complete failure of the dam
Plate 4: Exit of the main canal from the release facility
Figure 1: Embankment with seepage
Figure 2: Problem of Dam Break
Figure 3: Seepage Force Components
Figure 4: Use of horizontal and inclined drainage layer to control seepage through an
Failure of earth dams can be caused by seepage, piping, foundation instability, deformation and
deterioration, and from earthquakes. However, most of the recorded failures around the world are
related to seepage problems. All dams have some seepage as the impounded water seeks paths of
least resistance through the dam and its foundation. Seepage becomes a concern if it is carrying
material with it, and should be controlled to prevent erosion of the embankment, or foundation,
or damage to concrete structures. http://www.dev. ny.gov/lands/4991.html#Owners, New York
State, Department of environmental conservation, 22nd March, 2011
Causes of Dam Failures
The incident of failures demonstrate that depending on the type of dam, the cause of
failure may be classified as:
a. hydraulic failures; (for all types of dams)
b. failures due to seepage.
(i) through foundation, (all except arch dams)
(ii) through body of dam (embankment dam)
c. failures due to stresses developed within structure.
A study of dam failures in the world has revealed the percentage distribution of
dam breaks and its attributes causes of failure is shown below in Table 1
Table 1: Causes of failures
Cause of failure
Cause of failure
Foundation Problems
Inadequate spillway
Poor construction
Uneven settlement
High Pore Pressure
Acts of war
Embankment slips
Defective materials
Incorrect Operations
Source: Prof. B.S. Thandaveswara, hydraulics-Indian Institute of Technology
The causes of failures may be classified as
foundation deterioration
foundation instability
defective spillway
defective outlets
defects in embankments
concrete deterioration and defects
inadequacy of spillway and
sudden filling of reservoirs.
Typical Failure Modes that leads to seepage in Earth dams
Http://www.dev. ny.gov/Dam/, New Hampshire, Department of Environmental Services 22nd
March, 2011
Dams are susceptible to several forces that can ultimately lead to their deterioration and
failure. The forces that may contribute to deterioration on earth embankment dams which
eventually lead to seepage are water flowing over the dam embankment (flow erosion), leakage,
and trees on the embankment.
Flow Erosion
A high percentage of the earth dams have inadequately sized spillways to allow for
the passage of any abnormal size storm event. As a result, these dams are frequently overtopped
for short periods of time. Studies have indicated that this type of dam can sustain limited
overtopping without major structural damage. However, any degree of overtopping will
accelerate deterioration and should be guarded against.
Embankment Leakage
Most dams in active use today exhibit seepage of one form or another. The location, rate of flow,
and turbidity (clear or murky) are the critical factors when evaluating the seriousness of seepage
from a dam. Water pressure cannot build up against this face because the voids allow seepage to
drain freely. Also, a large number of these dams have been built with sufficient amounts of
gravelly material, which acts to plug seepage paths over time.
Outlet Conduit Leakage
Breaks, separation of joints, or loss of conduit material within the dam structure itself could lead
to leakage of water under pressure into the interior of the dam. This action could cause the
washing out of material from within the dam embankment, creating the possibility for structural
failure of the dam. Probably the most potentially serious situation is when a rupture occurs in the
conduit on the upstream side of the gate. Because high water pressures are maintained on the
upstream side of the control mechanism, a leak which develops can cause greater internal erosion
and at a faster rate. The simple fact that high pressures exist in the conduit makes the
development of leaks and seepage more likely. For this reason new dams are constructed with
their low level outlet controls located at the upstream side of the dam.
Tree Growth
Tree growth on stone faced earth dams can lead to failure in a number of ways. The most sudden
of these is when trees growing along or near the crest of the dam are blown over. This reduces
the available freeboard of the dam and can lead to overtopping, or the amount of dam
embankment removed could lead to structural failure because of the reduced cross section of the
dam. The root systems of these trees could extend from the upstream side all the way through the
embankment at the same time providing a convenient path for seepage to develop and progress
Seepage Failure
Sherard et al, (1963) carried out an extensive survey on dam failures and he reported that
failure in earth dams could be as a result of overtopping, embankment and foundation piping,
differential settlement and cracks, embankment and foundation slides, slides during construction,
earthquake damage, reservoir wave action, damage due to borrowing animals, damage caused by
water soluble material, flow slides due to spontaneous liquefaction, and damage due to surface
drying. In the early times Terzaghi in his experience in geotechnical engineering encountered
many cases of failures - significantly due to lack of ability to predict and control ground water.
Piping failures were abundant and also slope failures, bearing capacity failures and excessive
settlements. (Burland, 2006)
Anonymous, (2003) pointed out that earth dam failures can be grouped into three general
categories: overtopping failures, seepage failures, and structural failures. The three types of
failure are often interrelated in a complex manner. On the basis of investigation reports on most
past failures by Punmia and Lal, (1992), they were able to categorize the types of failures into
three main classes: (1) Hydraulic: 40% (2) Seepage: 30% (3) Structural failures: 30%
Investigations carried out by Arora, (2001) also showed that about 35% of failures of earth dams
are due to hydraulic failures, about 30% are attributed to seepage failures and about 20% are as a
result of structural failure. The remaining 7% of the failure are due to other miscellaneous causes
such as accidents and natural disasters.
Seepage can cause slope failure by creating high pressures in the soil pores or by saturating the
slope. The pressure of seepage within an embankment is difficult to determine without proper
instrumentation. A slope which becomes saturated and develops slides may be showing signs of
excessive seepage pressure. Uncontrolled seepage may weaken the soil and lead to a structural
failure. A structural failure may shorten the seepage path and lead to a piping failure. Surface
erosion may result in structural failure
http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/water, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water.
Dam Safety Engineering Program,
http://www.dev.ny.gov/lands/4991.html#Owners, New York State, Department of environmental
conservation, 22nd March, 2011
Seepage can emerge anywhere on the downstream face, beyond the toe, or on the downstream
abutments 1t elevations below normal pool. Seepage may vary in appearance from a "soft," wet
area to a flowing "spring." It may show up first as an area where the vegetation is lush and darker
green. Cattails, reeds, mosses, and other marsh vegetation often become established in a seepage
area. Another indication of seepage is the presence of rust-colored iron bacteria. Due to their
nature, the bacteria are found more often where water is discharging from the ground than in
surface water. Seepage can make inspection and maintenance difficult. It can also saturate and
weaken portions of the embankment and foundation, making the embankment susceptible to
earth slides. If the seepage forces are large enough, soil will be eroded from the foundation and
be deposited in the shape of a cone around the outlet. If these "boils" appear, professional advice
should be sought immediately. Seepage flow which is muddy and carrying sediment (soil
particles) is evidence of "piping," and will cause failure of the dam. Piping can occur along a
spillway and other conduits through the embankment, and these areas should be closely
inspected. Sinkholes may develop on the surface of the embankment as internal erosion takes
place. A whirlpool in the lake surface may follow and then likely a rapid and complete failure of
the dam. Emergency procedures, including downstream evacuation, should be implemented if
this condition is noted. Seepage can also develop behind or beneath concrete structures such as
chute spillways or headwalls. If the concrete structure does not have a means such as weep holes
or relief drains to relieve the water pressure, the concrete structure may heave, rotate, or crack.
The effects of the freezing and thawing can amplify these problems. It should be noted that the
water pressure behind or beneath structures may also be due to infiltration of surface water or
spillway discharge. A continuous or sudden drop in the normal lake level is another indication
that seepage is occurring. In this case, one or more locations of flowing water are usually noted
downstream from the dam. This condition, in itself, may not be a serious problem, but will
require frequent and close monitoring and professional assistance.
Recently, great efforts have been paid to develop effective techniques for detecting, positioning,
and mapping of seepage under and through earth dams. These efforts will help to find ways and
means to minimize and control seepage and increase safety of earth dams. Li and Ming (2004)
studied the driving seepage force and its effect on earth dams through a set of fully coupled finite
element analysis. Xu et al., (2003) formulated an optimum hydraulic design regarding an earth
dam cross section and the design depends mainly on reducing the saturated zone and minimizing
material cost. Li et al., ( 2003) proposed element free method for seepage analysis with free
surface and the method was applied to steady seepage and transient seepage in uniform earth
dams and the application showed satisfactory results. Panthulu et al., (2001) utilized an
electronic method for delineation of seepage zones. Leontiev and Huacasi (2001) used
mathematical programming technique to conduct numerical simulation for unconfined flow
through porous media. They perform boundary element discretization and applied interior point
algorithm to solve it. They propose to use the method of solution for 2D real size problems and
extended to 3D problems. Zhang et al., (2001) proposed a simplified approach based on finite
element technique to predict the seepage line (phreatic line) through non-homogenous rock fill
dam with toe drain or core wall. Kalkani (1997) presented the case of Bakoyianni earth dam in
Greece in which the dam abutment experienced seepage problem and he evaluated the dam
safety and remedial measure to control seepage. Huang (1996) described and applied a numerical
method using finite element technique to check the stability of earth dams after filling of their
The need for seepage control will depend on the quantity, content, and location of the seepage.
Reducing the quantity of seepage that occurs after construction is difficult and expensive. It is
not usually attempted unless the seepage has lowered the pool level or is endangering the dam or
appurtenant structures. Typical methods used to control the quantity of seepage are grouting or
installation of an upstream blanket. Of these methods, grouting is probably the least effective and
is most applicable to leakage zones in bedrock, abutments, and foundations. These methods must
be designed and constructed under the supervision of a professional engineer experienced with
Controlling the content of the seepage or preventing seepage flow from removing soil particles is
extremely important. Modern design practice incorporates this control into the dam design
through the use of cutoffs, internal filters, and adequate drainage provisions. Control at points of
seepage exit can be accomplished after construction by installation of toe drains, relief wells, or
inverted filters.
Weep holes and relief drains can be installed to relieve water pressure or drain seepage from
behind or beneath concrete structures. These systems must be designed to prevent migration of
soil particles but still allow the seepage to drain freely. The owner must retain a professional
engineer to design toe drains, relief wells, inverted filters, weep holes, or relief holes, and regular
monitoring of these features is critical.
Regular monitoring is essential to detect seepage and prevent dam failure. Knowledge of the
dam's history is important to determine whether the seepage condition is in a steady or changing
state. It is important to keep written records of points of seepage exit, quantity and content of
flow, size of wet area, and type of vegetation for later comparison. Photographs provide
invaluable records of seepage.
All records should be kept with the Inspection and Maintenance Plan for the dam. Every
inspector should always look for increases in flow and evidence of flow carrying soil particles,
which would indicate that a more serious problem is developing. Instrumentation can also be
used to monitor seepage. V-notch weirs can be used to measure flow rates easily and
inexpensively, and piezometers may be used to determine the saturation level (phreatic surface)
within the embankment.
Regular surveillance and maintenance of the internal embankment and foundation drainage
outlets is also required. The rate and content of flow from each pipe outlet for toe drains, relief
wells, weep holes, and relief drains should be monitored and documented regularly. Normal
maintenance consists of removing all obstructions from the pipe to allow for free drainage of
water from the pipe. Typical obstructions include debris, gravel, sediment, mineral deposits,
calcification of concrete, and rodent nests. Water should not be permitted to submerge the pipe
outlets for extended periods of time. This will inhibit inspection and maintenance of the drains
and may cause them to clog. Rodent guards are readily available and should be installed where
Conclusion and Recommendations
All earth and rock-fill dams are subject to seepage through the embankment, foundation, and
abutments. Seepage control is necessary to prevent excessive uplift pressures, instability of the
downstream slope, piping through the embankment and/or foundation, and erosion of material by
migration into open joints in the foundation and abutments. The following recommendations are
thus given with a view to reducing earth dam failures to the barest minimum:
a) Adequate study should be carried out on the project area to include, hydro-meteorology,
geology and soil among others;
b) Design should be based on the results of the feasibility study carried out;
c) Projects should not be commissioned before they are fully completed;
d) Experts from all the relevant areas must be involved in the planning and development of the
e) Engineering procedure of project conception, implementation operation and maintenance
should be strictly adhered to;
f) There should be a well designed and constructed spillway;
g) Construction should be strictly based on the design specifications and standards;
h) Side slopes in the upstream and downstream side of the dam should be about 3: 1 as this
provides a very reliable stability;
i) Allowance of 60cm freeboard after settlement above maximum height of water if the length of
the dam does not exceed 300m and if larger than this, more than 60cm;
j) The downstream slope should be protected against rainfall erosion by heavy gravel or rock
riprap. Sod may also be provided to guard against erosion if the rainfall is sufficient to grow
and maintain grasses;
k) If highly permeable material would be used at all in constructing the dam, it will be found
least objectionable if applied at the outer parts of the dam to aid drainage as a fill. Particularly
attention must be given to the use of impervious materials in the core;
l) There should be no danger of over-topping by water;
m) The seepage line should be well within the downstream face the dam. This is to prevent
sloughing and possible failure;
n) Water passing through or under the dam should be unable to remove materials of the dam or
the foundation;
o) There should be no opportunity for free flow of water from upstream to downstream face;
p) The foundation shear stress should be smaller than the shear strength to provide a suitable
margin of safety;
q) Well equipped and adequate dam safety monitoring team should be on site all the time;
r) The operation and maintenance should be based on a standard manual;
s) Log books should be provided to enhance accurately in record taking as well as record
t) The site monitoring team should be well trained and they should be sent to refresher courses
from time to time; and
u) All the instrumentation facilities should be well maintained to avoid malfunctioning.
Anonymous. 2003. Dam Safety: Earth Dam Failures, Fact Sheet 03-03. Indiana Department of
Natural Resources, Water Division. http://www.in.gov/dnr/water.
Arora K.R. 2001. Irrigation Water Power and Water Resources Engineering. Naisarak India:
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Burland J. 2006. Terzaghi: back to the future. Journal/Bulleting of Engineering Geology and
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Http//www.arpnjournals.com, Asian Research Publishing Network(ARPN), Journal of
Engineering and Applied Science ,19th March, 2011.
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March, 2011
environmental conservation, 22nd March, 2011
Http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/water, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water
Dam Safety Engineering Program.
Http://www.ejge.com, 22nd March, 2011
homogenous earth dams.html, 11th March, 2011
Huang, T. (1996) “Stability analysis of an earth dam under steady state seepage,” Journal of
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Plate 1: Land slide (Slope failure) near the right abutment
Source: www.arpnjournals.com(Asian Research Publishing Network)
Plate 2: Uncompleted Spill-way.
Source: www.arpnjournals.com(Asian Research Publishing Network)
Plate 3: Complete failure of the dam.
Source: www.arpnjournals.com(Asian Research Publishing Network)
Plate 4: Exit of the Main Canal from the release facility
Source: www.arpnjournals.com(Asian Research Publishing Network)