Support vector machines for anti-pattern detection

2012, Proceedings of the 27th …

Developers may introduce anti-patterns in their software systems because of time pressure, lack of understanding, communication, and-or skills. Anti-patterns impede development and maintenance activities by making the source code more difficult to understand. Detecting anti-patterns in a whole software system may be infeasible because of the required parsing time and of the subsequent needed manual validation. Detecting anti-patterns on subsets of a system could reduce costs, effort, and resources. Researchers have proposed approaches to detect occurrences of anti-patterns but these approaches have currently some limitations: they require extensive knowledge of anti-patterns, they have limited precision and recall, and they cannot be applied on subsets of systems. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SVMDetect, a novel approach to detect anti-patterns, based on a machine learning technique-support vector machines. Indeed, through an empirical study involving three subject systems and four anti-patterns, we showed that the accuracy of SVMDetect is greater than of DETEX when detecting anti-patterns occurrences on a set of classes. Concerning, the whole system, SVMDetect is able to find more anti-patterns occurrences than DETEX.

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Support vector machines for anti-pattern detection Article · January 2012 DOI: 10.1145/2351676.2351723 CITATIONS READS 5 26 7 authors, including: Aloustapha Issiaka Maiga Neelesh Bhattacharya 108 PUBLICATIONS 352 CITATIONS 4 PUBLICATIONS 20 CITATIONS Northwestern University SEE PROFILE Polytechnique Montréal SEE PROFILE Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc Giuliano Antoniol 189 PUBLICATIONS 3,187 CITATIONS 281 PUBLICATIONS 6,198 CITATIONS Polytechnique Montréal SEE PROFILE Polytechnique Montréal SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Open Data View project Meta-model of reverse engineering tools View project All content following this page was uploaded by Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc on 05 February 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Support Vector Machine for Anti-Pattern Detection Abdou Maiga1,3 , Nasir Ali1,2 , Neelesh Bhattacharya1,2 , Aminata Sabané1,2 Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc1 , Giuliano Antoniol2 , and Esma Aimeur3 1 Ptidej Team, DGIGL, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada 2 Soccer Lab., DGIGL, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada 3 Heron Lab., DIRO, Université de Montréal, Canada E-mails: {abdou.maiga,nasir.ali,neelesh.bhattacharya,aminata.sabane}, [email protected],[email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT these limitations could be taken care of using Support Vector Machines (SVM). Support vector machines (SVM) have been applied in various areas, e.g., bioinformatics [2], information retrieval [15]. It is a recent alternative solution to the classification problems. We can apply SVM on subsets of systems because it considers system classes one at a time, not collectively as previous rule-based approaches do. To the best of our knowledge, researchers have not yet studied the potential benefits of using SVM to detect anti-patterns. Our conjecture is that detecting anti-patterns using SVM yields better accuracy (precision and recall) than previous approaches on systems (and subsets thereof). The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we propose our approach, SVMDetect, to detect anti-patterns using SVM. We use both the measures of precision and recall to compare SVMDetect to DETEX [14], the state-ofthe-art approach, on a set of three programs and the four most studied anti-patterns. We showed that the accuracy of SVMDetect is greater than of DETEX when detecting antipatterns occurrences on a set of classes. Concerning the whole system, SVMDetect is able to find more anti-patterns occurrences than DETEX. We thus conclude that our conjecture is correct: a SVM-based approach can overcome the limitations of previous approaches. The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides a brief description of the state-of-the-art of anti-patterns detection approaches and SVM. Section 3 describes our approach. Section 4 introduces our empirical study while Section 5 reports and discusses its results. Finally, Section 6 presents the threats to validity whereas Section 7 concludes the paper and outlines future work. Developers may introduce anti-patterns in their software systems because of time pressure, lack of understanding, communication, and–or skills. Anti-patterns impede development and maintenance activities by making the source code more difficult to understand. Detecting anti-patterns in a whole software system may be infeasible because of the required parsing time and of the subsequent needed manual validation. Detecting anti-patterns on subsets of a system could reduce costs, effort, and resources. Researchers have proposed approaches to detect occurrences of anti-patterns but these approaches have currently some limitations: they require extensive knowledge of anti-patterns, they have limited precision and recall, and they cannot be applied on subsets of systems. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SVMDetect, a novel approach to detect anti-patterns, based on a machine learning technique—support vector machines. Indeed, through an empirical study involving three subject systems and four anti-patterns, we showed that the accuracy of SVMDetect is greater than of DETEX when detecting anti-patterns occurrences on a set of classes. Concerning, the whole system, SVMDetect is able to find more anti-patterns occurrences than DETEX. 1. INTRODUCTION Anti-patterns are “poor” solutions to recurring design and implementation problems. Researchers have performed empirical studies to show that anti-patterns create hurdles during program comprehension, software evolution and maintenance activities [8]. It is important to detect anti-patterns at an early stage of software development, to reduce the maintenance costs. Current anti-pattern detection approaches as proposed by Marinescu [11], Moha et al. [14] and Alikacem et al. [1] have several limitations such as they require extensive knowledge of anti-patterns, they have limited precision and recall and cannot be applied on subsets of systems. We argue that 2. RELATED WORK We now recall the major related work. Smell/Anti-pattern Detection: Many researchers studied anti-patterns detection. Rahma et al. [12] used quality metrics to identify anti-patterns in UML Alikacem et al. [1] detected smells/anti-patterns using a meta-model for representing the source code and fuzzy thresholds. Langelier et al. [10] proposed a visual approach to detect anti-patterns. Marinescu [11] presented detection strategies based on quantifiable expression of rules using metrics to detect anti-patterns in systems. Sahraoui et al. [7] used search-based techniques to detect anti-patterns conjecturing that the more the code deviates from good practices, the more it is likely to be vul- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Copyright 20XX ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$10.00. 1 nerable to anti-patterns. Moha et al. [14] proposed an approach based on a set of rules (metrics, relations between classes) that describes the characters of each antipattern to identify them. Various tools1 like Aspect, LCLint, Extended Static Checker, and Semmlecode were developed to identify code smells while Analyst4J, PMD, and Hammurapi for detecting anti-patterns. The works carried out so far suffered from some limitations: they have limited precision and recall (if reported at all), had not been adopted by practitioners yet, cannot be applied on subsets of systems, and required sufficient knowledge of anti-patterns. These limitations can be overcome using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). SVM: SVM has been used in several domains in the past for various applications, e.g., bioinformatics [2], information retrieval [15], object recognition [4]. Further, SVM is a recent alternative to the classification problems. For example, Guihong et al. [3] used C-SVM, a variant of SVM, for terms classification. SVM was also used in image retrieval systems when Sethia et al. [13] used invariant feature histograms to compare the efficiency of different SVMs claiming that a significant performance gain was obtained with their approach. Kim et al. [9] proposed the change classification approach for predicting latent software bugs based on SVM. Their approach acquired 78% accuracy and 60% buggy change recall in classifying changes as buggy or not. To the best of our knowledge, no previous approach used SVM for anti-pattern Detection. To detect the Blob classes in the set DDS, we apply SVMDetect through the following steps: Step 1 (Object Oriented Metric Specification): SVMDetect takes as input the training dataset T DS. For each class from T DS, we calculate object-oriented metrics that will be used as the attributes xi for each class in T DS. We use POM2 to compute metrics for all the studied systems. POM is an extensible framework, based on the PADL metamodel, which provides more than 60 metrics [6], including the well-known metrics by Chidamber and Kemerer. Step 2 (Train the SVM Classifier): We train the SVM classifier using the dataset T DS and the set of metrics computed in Step 1. We define the training dataset as: T DS = {(xi , yi )|xi ∈ Rp , yi ∈ {−1, 1}, ∀i ∈ (1, . . . , n)} where yi is either 1 or −1, indicating respectively if a class xi is a Blob or not. Each xi is a p-dimensional real vector with p the number of metrics. The objective of the training step is to find the optimal hyperplane that divides the classes into the two different groups, Blob or Not-Blob. Step 3 (Construction of the dataset DDS and detection of the occurrences of an anti-pattern): We build the dataset of the system on which we want to detect an anti-pattern as follows: for each class of the system, we compute the same set of metrics as in Step 1. We use the SVM classifier trained in Step 2 to detect the new occurrences of the anti-pattern in the dataset DDS. We use Weka3 to implement SVMDetect using its SVM classifier. 3. OUR APPROACH: SVMDETECT SVMDetect is based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) using a polynomial kernel to detect occurrences of antipatterns. SVM is a set of techniques based on statistical theory of supervised learning introduced by Vapnik [5]. It relies on the existence of a linear classifier in an appropriate space and uses a set of training data to train the parameters of the classifier. It is based on the use of functions called kernel, which allows an optimal separation of data into two categories by a hyperplane. As other machine learning techniques, applying SVMDetect requires preprocessing. Indeed, we must first train SVMDetect on some sets of known occurrences of the anti-patterns, one anti-pattern at a time, before applying it on some set of classes. We use SVMDetect to detect the well-known anti-patterns: Blob, Functional Decomposition, Spaghetti code, and Swiss Army Knife. For each anti-pattern detection, the detection process is identical. We illustrate the detection process with the Blob antipattern for the sake of clarity. We define: 4. EMPIRICAL STUDY The goal of our empirical study is to validate that SVMDetect can overcome the limitations of previous approaches, by comparing our approach, SVMDetect, with DETEX [14]. The quality focus of our study is the accuracy of SVMDetect, in terms of precision and recall. The perspective is that of researchers and practitioners interested in verifying if SVMDetect can be effective in detecting various kinds of anti-patterns, and in overcoming the previous limitations. 4.1 • RQ1: How does the accuracy of SVMDetect compare with that of DETEX, in terms of precision and recall? We decompose RQ1 as follows: – RQ11 : How does the accuracy of SVMDetect compare with that of DETEX, in terms of precision and recall, when applied on a same subset of a system? • T DS = {Ci , i = 1, . . . , p}, a set of classes Ci derived from an object-oriented system that constitutes the training dataset; – RQ12 : How many occurrences of Blob SVMDetect can detect when comparing with that of DETEX on a same entire system? • ∀i, Ci is labelled as Blob (B) or not (N ); • DDS is the set of the classes of a system in which we want to detect the Blob classes. 1,, net/, and Research Questions To see whether SVMDetect overcomes the previous limitations, we ask the following research question: 4.2 2 pmd.sourceforge. 3 2 Objects Names ArgoUML Versions 0.19.8 # Lines of Code # Classes # Interfaces 113,017 1,230 67 A design tool for UML Azureus 191,963 1,449 546 A peer-to-peer client that implements the protocol BitTorrent Xerces 2.7.0 71,217 513 162 A syntaxic analyser ArgoUML Azureus Xerces Total The objects4 of our study are ArgoUML v0.19.8, Azureus v2.3.0.6, and Xerces v2.7.0, three open-source Java systems. We chose these systems on several factors. First, we selected open-source systems that are freely available so that other researchers can replicate our study. Second, we selected systems that have been used by other researchers to allow comparisons [14]. Table 4.2 provides the details of the studied systems. boxplots quartiles are different and more classes falls within the threshold values set in the rules. SVMDetect can work on the whole system and part of a system. Complete System: RQ12 : Table 3 shows the total number of anti-patterns’ occurrences of blob detected by DETEX and SVMDetect. When applied on the whole system for detecting Blob occurrences, SVMDetect, on an average, performed better than DETEX. SVMDetect could detect 143 Blob occurrences; whereas DETEX could detect 102 Blob occurrences, in spite of DETEX being able to perform at its best when detecting Blob. Further, we applied SVMDetect using a trained dataset of one system A, for detecting an anti-pattern of another system B. For example, trained dataset of ArgoUML was used to detect anti-patterns of the whole system Xerces. The results obtained were significantly better than DETEX and the results can be generalised for any system. We cannot perform experiment on other anti-patterns detection due to the lack of manually validated oracle. But looking at the nature of Blob detection, we believe that SVMDetect would even perform better when detecting other anti-patterns. Subjects The subjects of our study are the following four antipatterns: Blob, Functional Decomposition (FD), Spaghetti Code (SC), and Swiss Army Knife (SAK). We chose these four anti-patterns because these are known anti-patterns and commonly studied in previous work, particularly by Moha et al. [14] for comparison. More details on the description of these anti-patterns can be found in [14]. 4.4 SVMDetect 40 48 55 143 Table 3: Total recovered occurrences of BLOB by DETEX and SVMDetect Table 1: Description of the objects of the study 4.3 DETEX 25 38 39 102 Analysis Methods For the purpose of our empirical study, we build two datasets for each system and each anti-pattern, composed of anti-patterns and non-anti-patterns classes in equal numbers. To answer RQ11 (respectively RQ12 ) , we train SVMDetect on a dataset DDS1 and detect occurrences of an antipattern on DDS2 (respectively on the rest of the whole system). We compute the precision and recall of SVMDetect on DDS2 (respectively on the rest of the whole system). We then run DETEX on the same dataset, DDS2 (respectively on the rest of the whole system), and compute its precision and recall. Thus, we answer RQ1: “How does the accuracy of SVMDetect compare with that of DETEX, in terms of precision and recall?” as follows: on subsets of systems, SVMDetect dramatically outperforms DETEX, while on entire systems, SVMDetect detects more occurrences of Blob than DETEX. 6. THREATS TO VALIDITY We now discuss threats to the validity of our results. Construct validity: Threats to construct validity concern the relation between theory and observation. In our study, they are mainly related to the identification of classes suspected to be anti-patterns. To reduce the effect of this threat, the occurrences of anti-patterns have been manually validated by independent engineers. 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section reports and discusses the results of our empirical study. The data, for replication purpose, is available online5 . Subsets of System: RQ11 : Table 2 reports the precision and recall values when applying DETEX and SVMDetect on the DDS2 datasets. When applied on subsets of systems, we observed that DETEX could not detect occurrences of some anti-patterns and, when it did, the precision and recall values were quite low, mostly 0. We explain this observation by the use by DETEX of boxplots and thresholds. When DETEX analyses a few classes, its use of boxplots and thresholds yields most of the classes to fall under (respectively above) the thresholds and, hence, it is not to be reported. This problem does not arise when analysing an entire system because then the Internal Validity: Threats to internal validity concern the dependence of the obtained results that depend on the chosen anti-patterns and systems. These threats do not affect our study because we used four well-known and representative anti-patterns. These anti-patterns also have been used in previous works. We also used three open-source systems with different sizes, which have been used by previous researchers. Reliability Validity: Reliability validity threats concern the possibility of replicating the study concerned. To mitigate this threat, we used three open-source systems that can be freely downloaded from the Internet. We attempted to provide all the necessary details to replicate our study. Moreover, the results of the validation and the datasets are 4,, and 5 3 Blob FD SC SAK DETEX SVMDetect DETEX SVMDetect DETEX SVMDetect DETEX SVMDetect ArgoUML 0.00 97.09 0.00 70.68 0.00 85.00 10.00 75.46 Azureus 0.00 97.32 0.00 72.01 0.00 88.00 10.00 84.54 Xerces 0.00 95.51 0.00 66.93 0.00 86.00 0.00 80.76 Blob FD SC SAK DETEX SVMDetect DETEX SVMDetect DETEX SVMDetect DETEX SVMDetect ArgoUML 0.00 84.09 0.00 57.50 0.00 71.00 0.00 77.14 Azureus 0.00 91.33 0.00 84.28 0.00 89.00 0.00 85.71 Xerces 0.00 95.29 0.00 70.00 0.00 86.00 0.00 75.50 Table 2: Precision (left) and Recall (right) of SVMDetect vs. DETEX in subsets (%) SVMDetect results. available on-line. External Validity: Threats to external validity concern the possibility to generalise our results. We studied three systems with different sizes and different domains. Further, we also used a representative subset of anti-patterns. However, we will apply SVMDetect on other systems and antipatterns in future work. 8. REFERENCES [1] E. H. Alikacem and H. A. Sahraoui. Détection d’anomalies utilisant un langage de règle de qualité. In LMO, pages 185–200. Hermes Science Publications, 2006. [2] J. Bedo, C. Sanderson, and A. Kowalczyk. An efficient alternative to svm based recursive feature elimination with applications in natural language processing and bioinformatics. In A. Sattar and B.-h. Kang, editors, AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, volume 4304 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 170–180. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. [3] G. Cao, J.-Y. Nie, J. Gao, and S. Robertson. Selecting good expansion terms for pseudo-relevance feedback. 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Anti-patterns in particular impede program comprehension and thus have negative impact on both development and maintenance activities. We observed, as other authors [14], that current anti-patterns detection approaches have some limitations: they require extensive knowledge of antipatterns, they have limited precision and recall, and they cannot be applied on subsets of systems. To overcome these limitations, we introduced a novel approach to detect antipatterns, SVMDetect, based on support vector machines (SVM). We designed an empirical study that allowed us to compare the results of DETEX, the state-of-the-art approach by Moha et al. [14] based on rules, with that of SVMDetect, our approach based on a SVM. We overcame the difficulty of finding a training set for SVMDetect and of applying DETEX and SVMDetect on the same input. We performed experiments to show how SVMDetect performs on a set of three systems (ArgoUML v0.19.8, Azureus v2.3.0.6, and Xerces v2.7.0) and four anti-patterns (Blob, Functional Decomposition, Spaghetti Code, and Swiss Army Knife). We showed that the accuracy of SVMDetect is greater than that of DETEX when detecting anti-patterns occurrences on a set of classes. Concerning the whole system, SVMDetect is able to find more anti-patterns occurrences than DETEX. We thus conclude that our conjecture is correct: a SVMbased approach can overcome the limitations of the previous approaches and could be more readily adopted by practitioners. Future work includes performing an empirical study taking into account the user feedback. It also includes the use of SVMDetect in real-world environments. We would ask our industrial partners help in realising such a study. Further, we would also reproduce the study with other systems and anti-patterns to increase our confidence in the generalisability of our conclusions. Another interesting study could be the evaluation of the impact of the quality of feedback on 4