Papers by Henny Oktavianti
Buletin Ekonomika Pembangunan
This study aims to analyze the strategy of developing a halal tourism village based on ecology, e... more This study aims to analyze the strategy of developing a halal tourism village based on ecology, education and village communities. The important reason for the existence of tourism is because of its significant role in economic activity. So that in each region trying to develop the tourism sector. Therefore, it is very important to understand the importance of biodiversity conservation and local culture. This model will be discussed in the concept of ecotourism which is a model that combines the interests of the tourism industry and environmentalists. The analyzes used include: descriptive analysis, evaluative analysis, and policy gap analysis (performance-importance analysis). The results of this study indicate that the priority strategies for developing a tourist village are the readiness of village infrastructure, the readiness of tourism services, the readiness of facilities and the readiness of the community. While alternative strategies that can be applied are product branding, place branding, event branding and the last one is citizen branding.
Buletin Ekonomika Pembangunan
The survival effort implemented by closely related to the company owned by small medium businesse... more The survival effort implemented by closely related to the company owned by small medium businesses because the business itself directly in management by the owner and flexible in adapt in environmental changes .The purpose of the research is to figure out how to survival effort in the home industry crackers Kedungrejo jabon in Sidoarjo District .This research including the descriptive research qualitative methods. The focus of the problem was a matter of survival effort in the home industry crackers Kedungrejo Jabon in Sidoarjo district. Data collection through in depth interviews with informants .Namely , the owner of home industries crackers in the village in Kedungrejo jabon Sidoarjo district.The head of the village and the community consumer Kedungrejo / Kedungrejo village crackers .Data analysis techniques in this research using the qualitative data analysis techniques. The research we can conclude that survival effort in the home industry crackers in Kedungrejo Jabon Sidoarjo district includes, product innovation crackers with different kinds of variant , involving the younger generation in marketing and expansion of production activities and marketing distributed in and out of town , to get out the island.
Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021 (BICEBF 2021), 2022
The pupose of this research was to determine how the role of Campylong on the welfare of local co... more The pupose of this research was to determine how the role of Campylong on the welfare of local communities. This research used qualitative approach and descriptive data, both of primary data and secondary data. The first they are observations and interviews. Secondary data are BPS Sampang, Disbudparpora, District Camplong and East Java BPS. The result showed that the presence of Camplong is provide impact and benefits for the serrounding communities who are directly involved in activities suc as tourism can provide and increase the income of surrounding community, providing business opportunities for the local population, provide employment, improve the quality of human resources and also provide benefits in introducing regional culture. In addition, the Camplong also create prosperity for the people directly involved in tourism activities. Evident when researcher calculate income communities and most of the surrounding community has reached welfare or income is above the poverty li...
Economic development on a nation is possibly conducted by increasing the growth on industrial sec... more Economic development on a nation is possibly conducted by increasing the growth on industrial sectors. Job opportunities in medium and big industry is considered less than it is compared with the small and the medium industries. It is happened because the big and medium industries applies capital intensive. Labor average Reduction per small and medium industries on Lamongan region is significantly decreasing in the last two years. If the next year shows the reduction on the number of labor, so the employment is not conducted optimally since the small and medium industries play and important role in employment. The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of industrial total number, investment and production value on employment in small and medium industrial of Lamongan Region in 2009 – 2013. Analysis method applied is panel data method which is used to determine the number of industries, investment and production value hypothesis on small and medium industry’s labor demand...
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 2012
The objective of this study is to find way to reduce poverty rate of farmer by looking for the mo... more The objective of this study is to find way to reduce poverty rate of farmer by looking for the most suitable farm institutions that could be applied nationally. By doing so, this study analyzes, first, poverty condition of farmer through social-cultural approach in order to find the root causes of the farmer poverty. Secondly, this study will analyze current farm institutions. Finally, this study will synthesize the findings and proceed with alternative policies that are based on collective actions to overcome the poverty problem for the farmer. ZOPP (Zielorientierte Projektplanung-Objective Oriented Project Planning) and collective action model are used as the main method of analyze. This study finds that there are eleven root causes of farmer poverty. Furthermore, this study suggest the existence of: market creation, activating and assisting KUT (Farmer Business Union) as well as Gapoktan (Farmer Club), and providing a pilot field for farming for every village.
Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, 2008
The poverty alleviation has been a main problem in Indonesia for a long time. The numbers of pove... more The poverty alleviation has been a main problem in Indonesia for a long time. The numbers of poverty has been increased for more than onethird in the crisis that has returned into the beforecrisis period. Meanwhile, Indonesia has experienced a great transformation in social and political in line with the development of full spirit of democracy by the existence of government's decentralization, and also a wider transparency than what we have in the past. The commitment of the government in alleviating poverty has been stated in Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) 20052009 which based on the Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (SNPK). However, the rate of poverty is still high, viewed from any factors. This paper focuses on the discussion of poverty that did not abate in spite of various poverty alleviation programs has been announced by the government. The writer has analyzed the absolute phenomena of poverty based on the political view, which the variables are related to the economic growth since the basic economic activities could affect the level of poverty (
Media Trend, 2010
Poverty have multidimensional character. Poverty not only concern with economic, but also non-eco... more Poverty have multidimensional character. Poverty not only concern with economic, but also non-economic (social, culture and politics). One of the communities which in poverty trap is peasant. This thesis describes why peasants get poverty and what the effort of peasant to move out from poverty. Researcher observe peasant life pattern from social capital side which owned by peasant in Tretes Village. Result of this research show that social capital of peasant in Tretes Village can motivate collective action. The kinds of collective action poured into arrangement that have been done by peasant to move out from poverty trap but there are many constrains inside. Therefore, it is made compulsory indirectly governmental interference to support peasant arrangement become an action that able to move out peasant from poverty trap in Tretes Village.
The main purpose of this research is to analyze customer behavior to take financing of sharia ban... more The main purpose of this research is to analyze customer behavior to take financing of sharia banking. These analyzing are: first, to know people perception about sharia banking. Second, to analyze the fact of customer motivation to propose financing. And the last, to know customer perception about riba and nisbah. This research use descriptive method base on explanatory research. Primary data were collected by questioner and interview to customer of Bank Syari’ah Mandiri Bangkalan that be case study at this research. The result of this research are: first, customer perception of sharia banking show that majority of respondents are weakly tend (87,5%), include the comprehension about the kind of financing. Second, service factor (ease and speed process), believe factor, and benefit factor (less nisbah of financing). And the third is customer perception about of riba and nisbah. The answer of customer tend to see the different both of them from system side.
Media Trend, 2019
Pemberdayaan masyarakat menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam mengatasi fenomena kehidupan masy... more Pemberdayaan masyarakat menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam mengatasi fenomena kehidupan masyarakat nelayan Masalembu, utamanya dalam hal kesejahteraan. Kesejahteraan tersebut dapat dicapai dengan mengupayakan terjadinya peningkatan pendapatan nelayan dengan menggunakan lantaran lembaga nelayan sebagai salah satu motor penggerak perekonomiannya. Kurangnya peran serta kontribusi dari lembaga nelayan Masalembu adalah salah satu faktor yang menjadi sebab kurang sejahteranya masyarakat nelayan. Utamanya masyarakat nelayan tradisional yang berada di Masalembu. Seringkali alasan keberadaan lembaga nelayan Masalembu adalah untuk mensejahterakan para nelayan, namun langkah serta peran yang diambil dalam mengeksekusi fenomena yang terjadi masih sangat minim bahkan tidak memiliki dampak terhadap kenaikan pendapatan nelayan Masalembu, kebanyakan peran yang telah dilakukan selama ini oleh kelompok tersebut outputnya ialah berupa harapan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran se...
The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of the independent variable in the parti... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of the independent variable in the partial (singly) against interest saving society and to know the most dominat influence the interest saving society in Bangkalan. The data are used in the research is the primary data obtained from the dissemination of questionnaires to consumers who become the respondent as well as secondary data obtained from BI (Bank Indonesia) and the central statistical office Bangkalan. Data tested reliability and validity, the method used in this research is quantitative analysis method of ologit (Ordered Logit) using STATA 10. Significant variables that influence is income variable, gift, age and reputation of banks, while no effect significant variables is interest rest, facilities, security and education. Variables that have a dominant influence on the interest saving society is a income variable.
This paper aims to: Evaluation of Human Development Index (HDI) of men and Human Development Inde... more This paper aims to: Evaluation of Human Development Index (HDI) of men and Human Development Index (HDI) of women. Evaluation of achievement of Gender Development Index (GDI) and Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) in each district/cities in East Java. And analyze the variables that affect the achievement of HDI and GDI in East Java. This study yields the following findings: (i) East Java's development based on a gender perspective indicates that the quality of men resources is better than the quality of women's human resources; (ii) all woman's HDI achievement in all districts/cities in East Java is lower than that of man's HDI; (iii) of the four components of the HDI is only one component that shows women better than men, the component of Life Expectancy; (iv) areas with the lowest human development gap between men and women are Blitar City with GDI is 98.08; (v) the most successful areas in women's empowerment are Surabaya with GEM is 82.15; (vi) the main variabl...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES 2018), 2019
Agricultural productivity is a major issue in agricultural development in Indonesia. Therefore re... more Agricultural productivity is a major issue in agricultural development in Indonesia. Therefore research on agricultural productivity is still very much needed. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to evaluate agricultural productivity and its distribution in Indonesia. The method used to clicking distribution of agricultural productivity is the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and the ratio of output/input (agricultural production / agricultural production factor) using data from the 32 provinces of 2007-2015. The results of the analysis on Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) indicates that Lampung Province, Jawa Timur Province, Central Java Province and West Java Province recorded as provinces with the most efficient level of agricultural productivity. Output / Input Ratio shows the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Lampung Province and Jawa Timur Province as a highly efficient province. So that development efforts need to be carried out efficiently in provinces with high agricultural productivity to reduce overall economic disparities.
Media Trend
Tobacco is one of Indonesia's unique agricultural commodities. During the slowdown global market ... more Tobacco is one of Indonesia's unique agricultural commodities. During the slowdown global market for tobacco products, Indonesia still has a relatively important position. This considerable potential is relatively difficult to maintain because both internally and externally, the commodity of tobacco which is the main ingredient of cigarettes, faces very fierce obstacles. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of tobacco commodities in Indonesia during the period 1970-2016. The competitiveness indicator used is the trade balance index. The method used is quantitative descriptive and regression methods to evaluate the association between competitiveness indicators and their main determinants: production. The results showed that at the beginning of the period of development, tobacco products had good competitiveness. However, entering the 1990s the position of the tobacco trade was reversed. On the other hand, demand for tobacco consumption and the prevalence of smoking in Indonesia are always increasing. As a result, the tendency to weaken competitiveness shown by import penetration will continue. The implication is that the government must stem tobacco imports to achieve two goals at once: improve the tobacco trade balance and hold the smoking prevalence rate that tends to increase.
The pupose of this research was to determine how the role of Campylong on the welfare of local co... more The pupose of this research was to determine how the role of Campylong on the welfare of local communities. This research used qualitative approach and descriptive data, both of primary data and secondary data. The first they are observations and interviews. Secondary data are BPS Sampang, Disbudparpora, District Camplong and East Java BPS. The result showed that the presence of Camplong is provide impact and benefits for the serrounding communities who are directly involved in activities suc as tourism can provide and increase the income of surrounding community, providing business opportunities for the local population, provide employment, improve the quality of human resources and also provide benefits in introducing regional culture. In addition, the Camplong also create prosperity for the people directly involved in tourism activities. Evident when researcher calculate income communities and most of the surrounding community has reached welfare or income is above the poverty li...
Media Trend, 2017
The aims of this paper to formulate a model of moslem household consumption. By focusing on mosle... more The aims of this paper to formulate a model of moslem household consumption. By focusing on moslem household is considered important because the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim. To support the researchers took the study site on the Madura, because this region reflects the domestic life of moslem, where the life is very religious. Consumption modelling is considered important because the trend of people / households in the decision to consume will affect great on the economy. Factors outside the economy, such as lifestyle and environment often influence the decision of the public to consume. therefore this research is needed to find the right policy face a society that such behavior. Output this study is a model of household consumption and macroeconomic policy areas. Therefore, the methodology used is quantitative with the use of regression as a statistical tool and using explanatory techniques (explanatory research).
Media Trend, 2017
The aims of this paper to formulate a model of moslem household consumption. By focusing on mosle... more The aims of this paper to formulate a model of moslem household consumption. By focusing on moslem household is considered important because the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim. To support the researchers took the study site on the Madura, because this region reflects the domestic life of moslem, where the life is very religious. Consumption modelling is considered important because the trend of people / households in the decision to consume will affect great on the economy. Factors outside the economy, such as lifestyle and environment often influence the decision of the public to consume. therefore this research is needed to find the right policy face a society that such behavior. Output this study is a model of household consumption and macroeconomic policy areas. Therefore, the methodology used is quantitative with the use of regression as a statistical tool and using explanatory techniques (explanatory research).
Papers by Henny Oktavianti