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1967, Pacific Affairs
2 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
India's ex-Untouchables, a term associated with the Dalit community, represent a critical area of study regarding social stratification, historical injustices, and the ongoing quest for equality. This paper examines the legacy of caste discrimination and the socio-economic conditions faced by the ex-Untouchables, emphasizing the importance of affirmative action and contemporary movements striving for societal reform. Through a comprehensive analysis, the research aims to shed light on the progress made, the challenges that persist, and the potential directions for future advocacy and policy change.
Promoting Population Mental Health and Well-Being
Background: Case mix index (CMI) has become a standard indicator of hospital disease severity in the United States and internationally. However, CMI was designed to calculate hospital payments, not to track disease severity, and is highly dependent on documentation and coding accuracy. This study aimed to analyze the causes of health insurance claim revision in the casemix unit at Pekanbaru hospital, Riau. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative case study carried out at a hospital, Pekanbaru, Riau on March 2018. A sample of 7 informants was selected for this study, consisting of, 1 internal doctor verificator, 4 coders, and 2 document officers. The study theme was causes of health insurance claim revision in the casemix unit at pekanbaru hospital. A recapitation of INA-CBGs claim was obtained from casemix unit. The data were collected by in-depth interview and document review. Results: There were two reasons for returning claims to the casemix team at a Pekanbaru hospital: (1) Lack of supporting files, action records on medical records; (2) The uneven knowledge and competencies between coders regarding JKN updates and ICD 9CM and ICD X coding. The differences in perceptions between BPJS verifiers and the casemix team are also the cause of returning claims. Conclusion: Two main reasons returning hospital health insurance claim: (1) Lack of supporting files, (2) Uneven knowledge and competencies. With the identification of the reason for returning the claim file, it is expected that in the future the revision of the claim file will be reduced or does not need revision.
India's health system was designed in a different era, when expectations of the public and private sectors were quite different. India's population is also undergoing transitions in the demographic, epidemiologic and social aspects of health. Disparities in life expectancy, disease, access to health care and protection from financial risks have increased. These factors are challenging the health system to respond in new ways. The old approach to national health policies and programmes is increasingly inappropriate. By analyzing interand intra-state differences in contexts and processes, we argue that the content of national health policy needs to be more diverse and accommodating to specific states and districts. More 'splitting' of India's health policy at the state level would better address their health problems, and would open the way to innovation and local accountability. States further along the health transition would be able to develop policies to deal with the emerging epidemic of non-communicable diseases and more appropriate health financing systems. States early in the transition would need to focus on improving the quality and access of essential public health services, and empowering communities to take more ownership. Better 'lumping' of policy issues at the central level is also needed, but not in ways that have been done in the past. The central government needs to focus on overcoming the large inequalities in health outcomes across India, tackle growing challenges to health such as the HIV epidemic, and provide the much needed leadership on systemic issues such as the development of systems for quality assurance and regulation of the private sector. It also needs to support and facilitate states and districts to develop critical capacities rather than directly manage programmes. As India develops a more diverse set of state health policies, there will be more opportunities to learn what works in different policy environments. by guest on September 8, 2015 Downloaded from
BMC Health Services Research, 2007
Background: More than 72% of health expenditure in India is financed by individual households at the time of illness through out-of-pocket payments. This is a highly regressive way of financing health care and sometimes leads to impoverishment. Health insurance is recommended as a measure to protect households from such catastrophic health expenditure (CHE). We studied two Indian community health insurance (CHI) schemes, ACCORD and SEWA, to determine whether insured households are protected from CHE.
National Journal of Community Medicine
In today’s scenario accelerating cost of health significantly impact the health of people and the populace creating a monetary burden on poor households. One of the key concerns while tackling healthcare disparities is out-of-pocket expenses (OOPE). Providing financial safety and provide universal coverage to the entire populace are the main goal of health schemes. Health policies in India are based on equity prioritising the needs of the poor and underprivileged. Likewise, there is a discrepancy in the consistency of information and knowledge regarding the scheme among the beneficiaries. A review was created to help medical and nursing professionals to gain comprehensive knowledge of various health schemes. We tried to give an overview of various health schemes including Ayushman Bharat Yojana, Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Rashtriya Swasthya BimaYojana (RSBY), Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), Employees State Insurance Scheme (ES...
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan pendekatan saintifik untuk meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran IPA kelas V SD Negeri 12/30 Kanaungan Kabupaten Pangkep. dengan penerapan pendekatan saintifik maka kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa dapat meningkat. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan tiap siklus pembelajaran terdiri atas (1) Perencanaan (2) Pelaksanaan (3) Observasi dan (4) Refleksi. Perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan meliputi silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), lembar kerja siswa (LKS), buku siswa, lembar evaluasi. Instrumen meliputi Lembar Pengamatan keterlaksanaan guru mengelola pembelajaran, Lembar aktivitas siswa mengikuti pembelajaran serta angket respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran yang diikutinya. Kurikulum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP) tahun 2006 dengan materi pokok bumi dan alam semesta. Adapun data yang dianalisis sebagai hasil penelitian meliputi: (1) Keterlaksanaan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dan aktivitas siswa mengikuti pembelajaran (2) Kreativitas siswa (3), Hasil belajar siswa (4), Respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran yang diikutinya. Dari hasil analisis data selama tiga siklus menunjukkan bahwa: (1) keterlaksanaan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran mencapai tingkat persentase ketercapaian 84% atau ada pada kategori " sangat baik (2) aktivitas siswa mengikuti pembelajaran mencapai kategori " efektif " ,(3) kreativitas siswa menunjukkan 100% siswa kreatif, (4) hasil belajar siswa ranah kognitif dengan rata-rata kelas 84 ranah sikap dengan rata-rata 88, dan ranah psikomotor dengan rata-rata 81 dengan kategori tuntas, dan ketuntasan individu mencapai 92% dengan kategori " tuntas " , (5) Respon siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran mencapai tingkat " positif " atau pada kategori (Senang, Baru, Menarik, dan Ya). Berdasarkan pembahasan hasil penelitian dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa terhadap penerapan pendekatan saintifik. Abstract This study aimed to describe the application of scientific approaches to promote creativity and student learning outcomes in science class V SDN 12/30 Kanaungan Pangkep. with the application of the scientific approach to creativity and student learning outcomes can be improved. This research is a classroom action research (PTK) held every learning cycle consists of (1) Planning (2) Execution (3) Observation and (4) reflection. Learning tools used include the syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), student worksheet (LKS), student books, sheet evaluation. Instruments include keterlaksanaan Observation Sheet teachers manage learning, student activity sheet to follow the teaching and learning of the student questionnaire responses that followed. The curriculum used in this study is the education unit level curriculum (SBC) in 2006 with the subject matter of the earth and the universe. The data were analyzed as a result of the study include: (1) Keterlaksanaan teachers in managing learning and learning activities of students attend (2) Creativity of students (3), student learning (4), the student's response to learning that followed. From the analysis of data for three cycles show that: (1) adherence to teachers in managing learning reaches the percentage level of achievement 84% or there is the category of "very good (2) the activity of students following study reached the category of" effective ", (3) the creativity students demonstrate 100% of students creative, (4) the results of student learning of cognitive domains with an average grade 84 the realm of attitudes with an average of 88, and psychomotor with an average of 81 categories completed, and the thoroughness of the individual reaches 92% with the category of "complete" , (5) the response of students in the following study reached the level of "positive" or the categories (Happy, New, Attractive, and Yes). Based on the discussion of the results of research and data analysis can be concluded that an increase in creativity and student learning outcomes to the application of scientific approach.
European Journal of Archaeology, 2023
This summary is solely based on physical anthropological, palaeopathological, and stable isotopic analyses. Archaeological information is reduced to barely visible ‘trace element’ data in the book. There is no in-depth consideration of these data with published archaeological information from the same cemeteries, same culture, or region. The reviewer, therefore, would like to use the opportunity of this book review to pronouncedly plead for real integrated work, real cooperation between scientists, bioarchaeologists, anthropologists—and archaeologists, for a better understanding and joint interpretation of datasets coming from all fields.
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2022
As a result of the world Declaration of Education for All (EFA) in 1990, the Philippines designed Alternative Learning System (ALS), a program that will provide non-formal education to out-of-school children (OSC), out-of-school youth (OSY), illiterate adults and marginalized Filipinos that will address illiteracy and promote continuing education. This research study used the qualitative research design involving the Cotabato Division in the province of North Cotabato implementing the ALS A&E program. The mobile teachers. District ALS program coordinators, ALS A&E passers, and the division ALS program supervisors were the respondents of this study. The studies were conducted in Cotabato Division particularly Central Elementary Schools. It was concluded that the ALS program was successful in providing basic learning needs to its beneficiaries and most of them pass the A&E test and were able to obtain an elementary or high school diploma and even college degree. The Alternative System Program of the Department of Education has great impact in Social and Economic Development of the North Cotabato Province
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