A Thesis Submitted to the
College of Graduate Studies and Research
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master of Science
in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Zeping Wei
© Copyright Zeping Wei, October, 2004. All rights reserved.
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The author is indebted to Dr. Glen Watson and hereby would like to express her
sincere appreciation and gratitude to him for his valuable guidance, help and
encouragement during the process of this research work and in the preparation of this
thesis. Without his guidance and support this work would have been impossible.
The author also would like to offer her sincere gratitude to Dr. Szyszkowski for
his invaluable technical guidance and advice throughout the course of this research.
The author is grateful to the faculty and the staff of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, who have provided the most cooperative
assistance to her for this research work.
The author also acknowledges the financial assistance provided by Dr. Glen
Watson and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan for
a scholarship during my master studies.
The author wishes to extend her thanks to her husband Yong Zhang and her
daughter Yun Zhang, who were a constant and active source of support throughout the
This thesis investigates the characteristics of an involute gear system including
contact stresses, bending stresses, and the transmission errors of gears in mesh. Gearing is
one of the most critical components in mechanical power transmission systems.
Transmission error is considered to be one of the main contributors to noise and vibration
in a gear set. Transmission error measurement has become popular as an area of research
on gears and is possible method for quality control. To estimate transmission error in a
gear system, the characteristics of involute spur gears were analyzed by using the finite
element method. The contact stresses were examined using 2-D FEM models. The
bending stresses in the tooth root were examined using a 3-D FEM model.
Current methods of calculating gear contact stresses use Hertz’s equations, which
were originally derived for contact between two cylinders. To enable the investigation of
contact problems with FEM, the stiffness relationship between the two contact areas is
usually established through a spring placed between the two contacting areas. This can be
achieved by inserting a contact element placed in between the two areas where contact
occurs. The results of the two dimensional FEM analyses from ANSYS are presented.
These stresses were compared with the theoretical values. Both results agree very well.
This indicates that the FEM model is accurate.
This thesis also considers the variations of the whole gear body stiffness arising
from the gear body rotation due to bending deflection, shearing displacement and contact
deformation. Many different positions within the meshing cycle were investigated.
PERMISSION TO USE .................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... III
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................IV
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................... VII
LIST OF TABLES ..........................................................................................................IX
Nomenclature.................................................................................................................... X
Chapter 1
INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1
Research Overview ......................................................................................... 1
Objectives of the Research.............................................................................. 4
Layout of Thesis.............................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2
Literature Review and Background ........................................................ 8
Model with Tooth Compliance ....................................................................... 9
Models of Gear System Dynamics................................................................ 12
Models of a Whole Gearbox ......................................................................... 16
Models for Optimal Design of Gear Sets ...................................................... 16
Chapter 3
Contact Stress Simulation of Two Cylinders........................................ 19
Why is the Contact Problem Significantly Difficult ..................................... 19
How to Solve the Contact Problem ............................................................... 20
Contact Problem Classification............................................................. 20
Types of Contact Models ...................................................................... 21
How to Solve the Contact Problem ....................................................... 21
Contact Element Advantages, Disadvantages and their Convergence.. 24
Numerical Example ---- Contact Problem of Two Circular Discs........ 25
The FEM Numerical Procedure ............................................................ 27
Hertz Contact Stress Equations ..................................................................... 29
The Result of the Contact Stress Analysis .................................................... 31
Chapter 4
Involute Gear Tooth Contact and Bending Stress Analysis............... 40
Introduction ................................................................................................... 40
Analytical Procedure ..................................................................................... 40
Rotation Compatibility of the Gear Body ..................................................... 43
Gear Contact Stress ....................................................................................... 46
The Lewis Formula ....................................................................................... 49
FEM Models.................................................................................................. 52
The Two Dimensional Model ............................................................... 52
The Three Dimensional Model ............................................................. 55
Comparison with Results using AGMA Analyses........................................ 57
Conclusion..................................................................................................... 59
Chapter 5
Torsional Mesh stiffness and Static Transmission Error .................... 60
Introduction and Definition of Transmission Error....................................... 60
The Combined Torsional Mesh Stiffness...................................................... 62
Transmission Error Model ............................................................................ 67
Analysis of the Load Sharing Ratio ...................................................... 67
2D FEA Transmission Error Model ...................................................... 69
Overcoming the convergence difficulties ............................................. 70
The Results from ANSYS ..................................................................... 75
The Transmission Error................................................................................. 76
Conclusion..................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 6
Conclusions and Future Work ............................................................... 79
Conclusions ................................................................................................... 79
Future Work .................................................................................................. 79
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 80
Appendix A Input File of A Model of Two Cylinders................................................ 86
Figure 1-1 Fatigue failure of the tooth surface.................................................................. 6
Figure 2-1 Meshing of a helical pair ............................................................................... 11
Figure 3-1 Point-to-surface contact element ................................................................... 24
Figure 3-2 Two steel cylinders are pressed against each other ........................................ 27
Figure 3-3 Equilibrium iteration ..................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-4 Ellipsoidal-prism pressure distribution.......................................................... 30
Figure 3-5 Rectangular shaped elements were generated near contact areas ................. 32
Figure 3-6 Normal contact stress along the contact surface............................................ 33
Figure 3-7 Contact stress from ANSYS agrees with the Hertz stress............................... 34
Figure 3-8 Stress along depth distance below the contact surface from ANSYS ........... 34
Figure 3-9 FEM stresses agree with the theoretical values............................................. 36
Figure 3-10 Comparison between calculated values and ANSYS values....................... 36
Figure 3-11 Orthogonal shear stress magnitudes ............................................................ 37
Figure 3-12 Maximum shear stress from ANSYS ......................................................... 39
Figure 4-1 Involutometry of a spur gear ......................................................................... 42
Figure 4-2 Gear contact stress model.............................................................................. 43
Figure 4-3 Illustration of one complete tooth meshing cycle ........................................... 44
Figure 4-4 Different positions for one complete tooth meshing cycle ............................. 45
Figure 4-5 FEM Model of the gear tooth pair in contact ................................................ 47
Figure 4-6 Fine meshing of contact areas ....................................................................... 48
Figure 4-7 Contact stress along contact areas ................................................................. 48
Figure 4-8 A fine mesh near contact areas...................................................................... 49
Figure 4-9 Length dimensions used in determining bending tooth stress....................... 50
Figure 4-10 FEM gear tooth bending model with 3 teeth ............................................... 53
Figure 4-11 A two dimension tooth from a FEM model with 28 teeth........................... 53
Figure 4-12 Von Mises stresses with 28 teeth on the root of tooth................................. 54
Figure 4-13 FEM bending model with meshing ............................................................. 55
Figure 4-14 Von Mises stresses with 28 teeth on the root of tooth................................. 56
Figure 5-1 The beam elements were used in the FEA model .......................................... 66
Figure 5-2 Vectors of displacement ................................................................................ 67
Figure 5-3 Vectors of displacement near the contact surfaces.......................................... 68
Figure 5-4 Contact elements between the two contact surfaces...................................... 71
Figure 5-5 Meshing model for spur gears ....................................................................... 71
Figure 5-6 The fine mesh near the two contact surfaces................................................... 72
Figure 5-7 Von Mises stresses in spur gears ................................................................... 75
Figure 5-8 The distribution of contact stresses between two teeth ................................. 76
Figure 5-9 Static transmission error from ANSYS ......................................................... 77
Table 3.1 Specifications of spur gears used……………………………………………26
Table 4.1 Bending Stresses for 3-D and 2D FEM bending model..................................59
Table 5.1 Gear Parameters Used in the Model…………………………………………69
Structural stiffness
Displacement vector
Applied load vector
Maximum contact stress
Pinion pitch diameter
Gear pitch diameter
Load per unit width
Radius of cylinder i
Pressure angle
Poisson’s ratio for cylinder i
Young’s modulus for cylinder i
Maximum Hertz stress.
Contact width
Any radius to involute curve
Radius of base circle
Vectorial angle at the pitch circle
Vectorial angle at the top of tooth
Pressure angle at the pitch circle
Pressure angle at radius r
Tooth displacement vectors caused by bending and shearing of the pinion
B gB
Tooth displacement vectors caused by bending and shearing of the gear
Contact deformation vectors of tooth pair B for the pinion
H gB
Contact deformation vectors of tooth pair B for the gear
θ PB
Transverse plane angular rotation of the pinion body
θ gB
Transverse plane angular rotation of the gear body
Diametral pitch
Lewis form factor
Application factor
Size factor
Load distribution factor
Dynamic factor
Normal tangential load
Geometry factor
Angular rotation of the output gear
Angular rotation of the input gear
1.1 Research Overview
Gearing is one of the most critical components in a mechanical power
transmission system, and in most industrial rotating machinery. It is possible that gears
will predominate as the most effective means of transmitting power in future machines
due to their high degree of reliability and compactness. In addition, the rapid shift in the
industry from heavy industries such as shipbuilding to industries such as automobile
manufacture and office automation tools will necessitate a refined application of gear
A gearbox as usually used in the transmission system is also called a speed
reducer, gear head, gear reducer etc., which consists of a set of gears, shafts and bearings
that are factory mounted in an enclosed lubricated housing. Speed reducers are available
in a broad range of sizes, capacities and speed ratios. Their job is to convert the input
provided by a prime mover (usually an electric motor) into an output with lower speed
and correspondingly higher torque. In this thesis, analysis of the characteristics of
involute spur gears in a gearbox was studied using nonlinear FEM.
The increasing demand for quiet power transmission in machines, vehicles,
elevators and generators, has created a growing demand for a more precise analysis of the
characteristics of gear systems. In the automobile industry, the largest manufacturer of
gears, higher reliability and lighter weight gears are necessary as lighter automobiles
continue to be in demand. In addition, the success in engine noise reduction promotes the
production of quieter gear pairs for further noise reduction. Noise reduction in gear pairs
is especially critical in the rapidly growing field of office-automation equipment as the
office environment is adversely affected by noise, and machines are playing an ever1
widening role in that environment. Ultimately, the only effective way to achieve gear
noise reduction is to reduce the vibration associated with them. The reduction of noise
through vibration control can only be achieved through research efforts by specialists in
the field. However, a shortage of these specialists exists in the newer, lightweight
industries in Japan [42] mainly because fewer young people are specializing in gear
technology today and traditionally the specialists employed in heavy industries tend to
stay where they are.
Designing highly loaded spur gears for power transmission systems that are both
strong and quiet requires analysis methods that can easily be implemented and also
provide information on contact and bending stresses, along with transmission errors. The
finite element method is capable of providing this information, but the time needed to
create such a model is large. In order to reduce the modeling time, a preprocessor method
that creates the geometry needed for a finite element analysis may be used, such as that
provided by Pro/Engineer. Pro/Engineer can generate models of three-dimensional gears
easily. In Pro/E, the geometry is saved as a file and then it can be transferred from Pro/E
to ANSYS. In ANSYS, one can click File > Import > IGES > and check No defeaturing
and Merge coincident key points.
The prime source of vibration and noise in a gear system is the transmission error
between meshing gears. Transmission error is a term used to describe or is defined as the
differences between the theoretical and actual positions between a pinion (driving gear)
and a driven gear. It has been recognized as a main source for mesh frequency excited
noise and vibration. With prior knowledge of the operating conditions of the gear set it is
possible to design the gears such that the vibration and noise is minimized.
Transmission error is usually due to two main factors. The first is caused by
manufacturing inaccuracy and mounting errors. Gear designers often attempt to
compensate for transmission error by modifying the gear teeth. The second type of error
is caused by elastic deflections under load. Among the types of gearbox noise, one of the
most difficult to control is gear noise generated at the tooth mesh frequency.
Transmission error is considered to be one of the main contributors to noise and vibration
in a gear set. This suggests that the gear noise is closely related to transmission error. If a
pinion and gear have ideal involute profiles running with no loading torque they should
theoretically run with zero transmission error. However, when these same gears transmit
torque, the combined torsional mesh stiffness of each gear changes throughout the mesh
cycle as the teeth deflect, causing variations in angular rotation of the gear body. Even
though the transmission error is relatively small, these slight variations can cause noise at
a frequency which matches a resonance of the shafts or the gear housing, causing the
noise to be enhanced. This phenomenon has been actively studied in order to minimize
the amount of transmission error in gears.
Gears analyses in the past were performed using analytical methods, which
required a number of assumptions and simplifications. In general, gear analyses are
multidisciplinary, including calculations related to the tooth stresses and to tribological
failures such as like wear or scoring. In this thesis, static contact and bending stress
analyses were performed, while trying to design spur gears to resist bending failure and
pitting of the teeth, as both affect transmission error.
As computers have become more and more powerful, people have tended to use
numerical approaches to develop theoretical models to predict the effect of whatever are
studied. This has improved gear analyses and computer simulations. Numerical methods
can potentially provide more accurate solutions since they normally require much less
restrictive assumptions. The model and the solution methods, however, must be chosen
carefully to ensure that the results are accurate and that the computational time is
The finite element method is very often used to analyze the stress state of an
elastic body with complicated geometry, such as a gear. There have been numerous
research studies in the area [2],[3] as described in chapter 2.
In this thesis, first, the finite element models and solution methods needed for the
accurate calculation of two dimensional spur gear contact stresses and gear bending
stresses were determined. Then, the contact and bending stresses calculated using
ANSYS 7.1 were compared to the results obtained from existing methods. The purpose
of this thesis is to develop a model to study and predict the transmission error model
including the contact stresses, and the torsional mesh stiffness of gears in mesh using the
ANSYS 7.1 software package based on numerical method. The aim is to reduce the
amount of transmission error in the gears, and thereby reduce the amount of noise
1.2 Objectives of the Research
In spite of the number of investigations devoted to gear research and analysis
there still remains to be developed, a general numerical approach capable of predicting
the effects of variations in gear geometry, contact and bending stresses, torsional mesh
stiffness and transmission errors. The objectives of this thesis are to use a numerical
approach to develop theoretical models of the behavior of spur gears in mesh, to help to
predict the effect of gear tooth stresses and transmission error. The main focus of the
current research as developed here is:
To develop and to determine appropriate models of contact elements, to calculate
contact stresses using ANSYS and compare the results with Hertzian theory.
To generate the profile of spur gear teeth and to predict the effect of gear bending
using a three dimensional model and two dimensional model and compare the
results with theose of the Lewis equation.
To determine the static transmission errors of whole gear bodies in mesh.
The objectives in the modeling of gears in the past by other researchers have
varied from vibration analysis and noise control, to transmission error during the last five
decades. The goals in gear modeling may be summarized as follows:
Stress analysis such as prediction of contact stress and bending stress.
Prediction of transmission efficiency.
Finding the natural frequencies of the system before making the gears.
Performing vibration analyses of gear systems.
Evaluating condition monitoring, fault detection, diagnosis, prognosis,
reliability and fatigue life.
Different analysis models will be described in chapter 2. For gears, there are
many types of gear failures but they can be classified into two general groups. One is
failure of the root of the teeth because the bending strength is inadequate. The other is
created on the surfaces of the gears. There are two theoretical formulas, which deal with
these two fatigue failure mechanisms. One is the Hertzian equation, which can be used to
calculate the contact stresses. The other is the Lewis formula, which can be used to
calculate the bending stresses. The surface pitting and scoring shown in Figure 1.1 [35]
are the examples of failures which resulted in the fatigue failure of tooth surface. The
Hertzian equation will be used to investigate surface pitting and scoring by obtaining the
magnitude of the contact stresses.
Figure 1-1 Fatigue failure of the tooth surface
Pitting and scoring is a phenomena in which small particles are removed from the
surface of the tooth due to the high contact stresses that are present between mating teeth.
Pitting is actually the fatigue failure of the tooth surface. Hardness is the primary
property of the gear tooth that provides resistance to pitting. In other words, pitting is a
surface fatigue failure due to many repetitions of high contact stress, which occurs on
gear tooth surfaces when a pair of teeth is transmitting power.
The literature available on the contact stress problems is extensive. But that
available on the gear tooth contact stress problem is small, especially for transmission
error including the contact problem. Klenz [1] examined the spur gear contact and
bending stresses using two dimensional FEM. Coy and Chao [9] studied the effect of the
finite element grid size on Hertzian deflection in order to obtain the optimum aspect ratio
at the loading point for the finite element grid. Gatcombe and Prowell [10] studied the
Hertzian contact stresses and duration of contact for a very specific case, namely a
particular rocket motor gear tooth. Tsay [11] has studied the bending and contact stresses
in helical gears using the finite element method with the tooth contact analysis technique.
However, the details of the techniques used to evaluate the transmission error including
contact stresses were not presented.
1.3 Layout of Thesis
This thesis is comprised of a total of six chapters. Chapter 1 presents a general
introduction, and the objectives to be achieved. Finally the layout of the thesis is
described. Chapter 2 is a literature review and gives background of characteristics of
involute spur gears for different types of modeling. Chapter 3 describes why the contact
problem is difficult. A contact problem classification was done which as well as provides
a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of contact elements. Finally a
discussion on how to overcome some of the disadvantages is presented. The contact
stress model between two cylinders was then developed. Many graphical results from
ANSYS are shown. Chapter 4 begins with presentation of an involute gear tooth contact
stress analysis model from ANSYS, and then presents the bending stresses from 3-D
models and 2-D models for the different numbers of teeth. The results are compared with
the results from the Lewis Formula. In Chapter 5, FEM will be used to determine the
transmission error model including the contact problem for ideal involute spur gears and
how to obtain the transmission error in mesh from ANSYS. Chapter 6 gives the
conclusions of this thesis, and suggests future work.
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Background
There has been a great deal of research on gear analysis, and a large body of
literature on gear modeling has been published. The gear stress analysis, the transmission
errors, the prediction of gear dynamic loads, gear noise, and the optimal design for gear
sets are always major concerns in gear design. Errichello [12] and Ozguven and
Houser[13] survey a great deal of literature on the development of a variety of simulation
models for both static and dynamic analysis of different types of gears. The first study of
transmission error was done by Harris [14]. He showed that the behavior of spur gears at
low speeds can be summarized in a set of static transmission error curves. In later years,
Mark [15] and [16] analyzed the vibratory excitation of gear systems theoretically. He
derived an expression for static transmission error and used it to predict the various
components of the static transmission error spectrum from a set of measurements made
on a mating pair of spur gears. Kohler and Regan [17] discussed the derivation of gear
transmission error from pitch error transformed to the frequency domain. Kubo et al [18]
estimated the transmission error of cylindrical involute gears using a tooth contact
pattern. The current literature reviews also attempt to classify gear model into groupings
with particular relevance to the research. The following classification seems appropriate
Models with Tooth Compliance
Models of Gear system Dynamics
Models of A Whole Gearbox
Models for Optimal Design of Gear Sets
2.1 Model with Tooth Compliance
These models only include the tooth deformation as the potential energy storing
element in the system. There are studies of both single tooth and tooth pair models. For
single tooth models, a method of stress analysis was developed. For the models with
paired teeth, the contact stresses and meshing stiffness analysis usually were emphasized.
The system is often modeled as a single degree of freedom spring-mass system. The basic
characteristic in this group is that the only compliance considered is due to the gear tooth
deflection and that all other elements have assumed to be perfectly rigid.
Harris [14] made an important contribution to this area. The importance of
transmission error in gear trains was discussed and photo-elastic gear models were used
in his work. Due to the loss of contact he considered manufacturing errors, variation in
the tooth stiffness and non-linearity in tooth stiffness as three internal sources of
vibration. Harris was the first investigator who pointed out the importance of
transmission error by showing the behavior of spur gears at low speeds. His work can be
summarized in a set of static transmission error curves. In 1969, Aida [67] presented
other examples of studies in this area. He modeled the vibration characteristics of gears
by considering tooth profile errors and pitch errors, and by including the variation of
teeth mesh stiffness. In 1967, Tordion [68] first constructed a torsional multi-degree of
freedom model with a gear mesh for a general rotational system. The transmission error
was suggested as a new concept for determining the gear quality, rather than individual
In 1981, Cornell [21] obtained a relationship between compliance and stress
sensitivity of spur gear teeth. The magnitude and variation of the tooth pair compliance
with load position affects the dynamics and loading significantly. The tooth root stresses
versus load varies significantly with load positions. With improved fillet/foundation
compliance analysis the compliance analysis was made based on work by Weber [22] and
O’Donell [23]. The stress sensitivity analysis is a modified version of the Heywood
method [24]. These improved compliance and stress sensitivity analyses were presented
along with their evaluation using tests, finite element analysis, and analytic
transformation results, which indicated good agreement.
In 1988, Umezawa [27] developed a new method to predict the vibration of a
helical gear pair. The developed simulator was created through theoretical analysis on
the vibration of a narrow face width helical gear pair. The studies on a helical gear are
very different from the ones on a spur gear. A simple outline of the theoretical analysis
on the vibration of a helical gear is given below. The length of path of contact is on the
plane of action of helical gear pairs in Figure 2.1 [27]. A pair of mated teeth starts
meshing at point S on the plane of action. The meshing of the pair proceeds on the plane
with the movement of the contact line. It finishes at point E, the position of the line-ofcontact is represented by the coordinate Y along the line-of-action of the helical gear
(hereafter simply stated as the line-of-action) which is considered to be the middle of the
face width. That is, the starting point of meshing S is substituted by S ' , the position of
line-of-contact CC c by C ' and the ending point E by E ' on the line-of-action. A
vibration model was built [28] there. When the rotational vibration of a powertransmitting helical gear pair is considered along the line-of-action model similar to the
case of a spur-gear pair, in which the tooth is replaced by a spring and the gear blank is
replaced by a mass.
Figure 2-1 Meshing of a helical pair
In 1992, Vijayarangan and Ganesan [58] studied static contact stresses including
the effect of friction between the mating gear teeth. Using the conventional finite element
method the element stiffness matrices and the global stiffness matrix [K ] of the two gears
in mesh were obtained. If the external forces at the various nodes are known, then the
system of equations is written as:
[ K ]{U } = {F }
where {U } is the nodal displacement vector and {F } is the nodal force vector. The
system of equations is solved and {U } is obtained. Then the stress can be calculated. Each
gear is divided into a number of elements such that in the assumed region of contact there
is equal number of nodes on each gear. These contact nodes are all grouped together.
In 2001, David and Handschuh [20] investigated the effect of this moving load on
crack trajectories. The objective of this work was to study the effect of the moving gear
tooth load on crack propagation predictions. A finite element model of a single tooth was
used to analyze the stress, deformation and fracture in gear teeth when subjected to
dynamic loading. At different points on the tooth surface impulsive loads were applied.
Moving loads normal to the tooth profile were studied. Even effective designs have the
possibility of gear cracks due to fatigue. In addition, truly robust designs consider not
only crack initiation, but crack propagation trajectories. As an example, crack trajectories
that propagate through the gear tooth are the preferred mode of failure compared to
propagation through the gear rim. Rim failures would lead to catastrophic events and
should be avoided. Analysis tools that predict crack propagation paths can be a valuable
aid to the designer to prevent such catastrophic failures. Using weighting function
techniques to estimate gear tooth stress intensity factors, analytical methods have been
developed [53]. Numerical techniques such as the boundary element method and the
finite element method have also been studied [54]. Based on stress intensity factors, and
fatigue crack growth, gear life predictions have been investigated [55]. The gear crack
trajectory predictions have been addressed in a few studies [56]. From publications on
gear crack trajectory predictions, the analytical methods have been used in numerical
form (finite or boundary element methods) while solving a static stress problem.
2.2 Models of Gear System Dynamics
The current models can predict shaft torsional vibration, shaft bending stiffness,
gear tooth bending stiffness, bearings stiffness, etc. The models of gear system dynamics
include the flexibility of the other parts as well as the tooth compliance. The flexibility of
shafts and the bearings along the line of action are discussed. In these models, the
torsional vibration of the system is usually considered.
In 1971, Kasuba [66] determined dynamic load factors for gears that were heavily
loaded based on one and two degree of freedom models. Using a torsional vibratory
model, he considered the torsional stiffness of the shaft. In 1981, he published another
paper [48]. An interactive method was developed to calculate directly a variable gear
mesh stiffness as a function of transmitted load, gear profile errors, gear tooth deflections
and gear hub torsional deformation, and position of contacting profile points. These
methods are applicable to both normal and high contact ratio gearing. Certain types of
simulated sinusoidal profile errors and pitting can cause interruptions of the normal gear
mesh stiffness function, and thus, increase the dynamic loads. In his research, the gear
mesh stiffness is the key element in the analysis of gear train dynamics. The gear mesh
stiffness and the contact ratio are affected by many factors such as the transmitted loads,
load sharing, gear tooth errors, profile modifications, gear tooth deflections, and the
position of contacting points.
In 1979 Mark [15] [16] analyzed the vibration excitation of gear systems. In his
papers, formulation of the equations of motion of a generic gear system in the frequency
domain is shown to require the Fourier-series coefficients of the components of vibration
excitation. These components are the static transmission errors of the individual pairs in
the system. A general expression for the static transmission error is derived and
decomposed into components attributable to elastic tooth deformations and to deviations
of tooth faces from perfect involute surfaces with uniform lead and spacing.
In the 1980s although more and more advanced models were developed in order
to obtain more accurate predictions, some simple models were developed for the purpose
of simplifying dynamic load prediction for standard gears. In 1980, the coupled torsionalflexural vibration of a shaft in a spur geared system was investigated by some
researchers. That the output shaft was flexible in bearing and the input shaft was rigid in
bearing was assumed. Researchers derived equations of motion for a 6-degree-offreedom (DOF) system. The tooth contact was maintained during the rotation and the
mesh was rigid in those models. Four years later, other researchers presented another
model that consists of three shafts, rather than two shafts, one of them being a counter
In 1992, Kahraman [41] developed a finite element model of a geared rotor
system on flexible bearings. The gear mesh was modeled by a pair of rigid disks
connected by a spring and a damper with a constant value which represented the average
mesh value. Coupling between the torsional and transverse vibrations of the gear was
considered in the model, and applied the transmission error as the excitation at the mesh
point to simulate the variable mesh stiffness.
In 1996, Sweeney [25] developed a systematic method of calculating the static
transmission error of a gear set, based on the effects of geometric parameter variation on
the transmission error. He assumed that the tooth (pair) stiffness is constant along the line
of action (thin-slice model) and that the contact radius for calculation of Hertzian
deformation is the average radius of the two profiles in contact. Sweeney’s model is
applicable to cases where the dominant source of transmission error is geometric
imperfections, and is particularly suited to automotive quality gear analysis. The results
of his model gave very good agreement with measurements on automotive quality gears.
Randall and Kelley [26] modifications have been made to Sweeney’s basic model
to extend it to higher quality gears where the tooth deflection component is more
important. The tooth deflection compliance matrix and the contact compliance vector
have been derived using finite element models. The effects on the transmission error of
the variation of the tooth body stiffness with the load application point have been
investigated, and a simulation program for transmission error (TE) computation with
varying stiffness has been developed. In order to study the case where the tooth
deflection component is the dominant source of the transmission error nylon gears were
used. All the simulation results have been compared with the measured transmission
errors from a single-stage gearbox.
In 1999, Kelenz [1] investigated a spur gear set using FEM. The contact stresses
were examined using a two dimensional FEM model. The bending stress analysis was
performed on different thin rimmed gears. The contact stress and bending stress
comparisons were given in his studies.
In 2001, Howard [34] simplified the dynamic gear model to explore the effect of
friction on the resultant gear case vibration. The model which incorporates the effect of
variation in gear tooth torsional mesh stiffness, was developed using finite element
analysis, as the gears mesh together. The method of introducing the frictional force
between teeth into the dynamic equations is given in his paper. The comparison between
the results with friction and without friction was investigated using Matlab and Simulink
models developed from the differential equations.
In 2003, Wang [7] surveyed the nonlinear vibration of gear transmission systems.
The progress in nonlinear dynamics of gear driven system is reviewed, especially the gear
dynamic behavior by considering the backlash and time-varying mesh stiffness of teeth.
The basic concepts, the mathematical models and the solution methods for non-linear
dynamics of geared systems were all reviewed in his paper.
2.3 Models of a Whole Gearbox
The studies in this group may be thought of as advanced studies. Traditional
analysis approaches mentioned previously in the gear dynamic area have concentrated on
the internal rotating system and have excluded dynamic effects of the casing and flexible
mounts. All elements in the system including the gear casing are considered in the recent
models. The studies of this group is to focus on the dynamic analysis including the gear
pair, shafts, rolling element bearings, a motor, a load, a casing and a flexible or rigid
mount. The gearbox may be single stage or multi-stage.
In 1991, Lim and Singh [38] presented study of the vibration analysis for
complete gearboxes. Three example cases were given there: a single-stage rotor system
with a rigid casing and flexible mounts, a spur gear drive system with a rigid casing and
flexible mounts, and a high-precision spur gear drive system with a flexible casing and
rigid mounts. In 1994, Sabot and Perret-Liaudet [57] presented another study for noise
analysis of gearboxes. A troublesome part of the noise within the car or truck cab could
be attributed by the transmission error which gives rise to dynamic loads on teeth, shafts,
bearings and the casing. During the same year, a simulation method by integrating finite
element vibration analysis was developed by others. Each shaft was modeled as a lumped
mass and added to the shaft in their model. Each of the rolling element bearings was
represented as a spring and damper. The casing of the gearbox was modeled by a thin
shell element in the finite element package program.
2.4 Models for Optimal Design of Gear Sets
Several approaches to the models for optimum design of gears have been
presented in the recent literature. Cockerham [29] presents a computer design program
for 20-degree pressure angle gearing, which ignores gear-tooth-tip scoring. This program
varies the diametral pitch, face width, and gear ratio to obtain an acceptable design.
Tucker [30] and Estrin [31] look at the gear mesh parameters, such as addendum ratios
and pressure angles and outline the procedures for varying a standard gear mesh to obtain
a more favorable gear set. Gay [32] considers gear tip scoring and shows how to modify a
standard gear set to bring this mode of failure into balance with the pitting fatigue mode.
In order to obtain an optimal design he adjusts the addendum ratios of the gear and
pinion. The basic approach available is to check a given design to verify its acceptability
[33], [36] to determine the optimal size of a standard gear mesh. With the object of
minimizing size and weight, optimization methods are presented for the gearbox design
[37], [39]. The gear strengths must be considered including fatigue as treated by the
AGMA (American Gear Manufacturing Association) [40]. Surface pitting of the gear
teeth in the full load region must also be handled with [43]-[45] as scoring at the tip of
the gear tooth [46], [47].
In 1980, Savage and Coy [19] optimized tooth numbers for compact standard spur
gear sets. The design of a standard gear mesh was treated with the objective of
minimizing the gear size for a given gear ratio, pinion torque, and the allowable tooth
strength. Scoring, pitting fatigue, bending fatigue, and interference are considered. A
design space is defined in terms of the number of teeth on the pinion and the diametric
pitch. This space is then combined with the objective function of minimum center
distance to obtain an optimal design region. This region defines the number of pinion
teeth for the most compact design.
Many engineering design problems are multiobjective as they often involve more
than one design goal to be optimized. These design goals impose potentially conflicting
requirements on the technical and cost reduction performances of system design. To
study the trade-offs that exist between these conflicting design goals and to explore
design options, one needs to formulate the optimization problem with multiple objectives.
The optimization algorithms seek an optimum design, which attains the multiple
objectives as closely as possible while strictly satisfying constraints. To help the
exploration of different multiobjective formulations Stadler and Dauer [49] incorporated
Pareto optimality concepts into the optimization algorithms, which require the designer’s
involvement as a decision maker. A variety of techniques and many applications of
multiobjective optimization have been developed over the past few years. Tappeta [51]
and Hwang and Masud [50] summarized the progress in the field of multi-criteria
optimization. A comprehensive survey of multiobjective optimization methods is also
given. The most traditional methods involve converting a multiobjective problem into a
single objective problem for a compromise solution are also presented. This scalarization
was usually achieved using either weights or targets that the designers have to specify for
each objective a priori. Some of the disadvantages of traditional methods are listed there
In 2001, Chong and Bar [8] demonstrated a multiobjective optimal design of
cylindrical gear pairs for the reduction of gear size and meshing vibration. The results of
the relation between the geometrical volume and the vibration of a gear pair were
analyzed, in addition a design method for cylindrical gear pairs to balance the conflicting
objectives by using a goal programming formulation was proposed. The design method
reduces both the geometrical volume and the meshing vibration of cylindrical gear pairs
while satisfying strength and geometric constraints.
Chapter 3 Contact Stress Simulation of Two Cylinders
3.1 Why is the Contact Problem Significantly Difficult
Despite the importance of contact in the mechanics of solids and its engineering
applications, contact effects are rarely seriously taken into account in conventional
engineering analysis, because of the extreme complexity involved. Mechanical problems
involving contacts are inherently nonlinear. Why is it “nonlinear” behavior? Usually the
loading causes significant changes in stiffness, which results in a structure that is
nonlinear. Nonlinear structural behavior arises for a number of reasons, which can be
reduced to three main categories: (1) Geometric Nonlinearities (Large Strains, Large
Deflections) (2) Material Nonlinearities (Plasticity) (3) Change in Status Nonlinearities
(Contact). So the contact between two bodies belongs to the case (3).
Why is the contact problem significantly difficult? Contact problems present
many difficulties. First, the actual region of contact between deformable bodies in contact
is not known until the solution has been obtained. Depending on the loads, materials, and
boundary conditions, along with other factors, surfaces can come into and go out of
contact with each other in a largely unpredictable manner. Secondly, most contact
problems need to account for friction. The modeling of friction is very difficult as the
friction depends on the surface smoothness, the physical and chemical properties of the
material, the properties of any lubricant that might be present in the motion, and the
temperature of the contacting surfaces. There are several friction laws and models to
choose from, and all are nonlinear. Frictional response can be chaotic, making solution
convergence difficult (ANSYS). In addition to those difficulties, many contact problems
must also address multi-field effects, such as the conductance of heat and electrical
currents in the areas of contact. Bodies in contact may have complicated geometries and
material properties and may deform in a seemingly arbitrary way.
With the rapid development of computational mechanics, however, great progress
has been made in numerical analysis of the problem. Using the finite element method,
many contact problems, ranging from relatively simple ones to quite complicated ones,
can be solved with high accuracy. The Finite Element Method can be considered the
favorite method to treat contact problems, because of its proven success in treating a wide
range of engineering problem in areas of solid mechanics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and
for electromagnetic field and coupled field problems.
How to Solve the Contact Problem
Contact Problem Classification
There are many types of contact problems that may be encountered, including
contact stress, dynamic impacts, metal forming, bolted joints, crash dynamics, assemblies
of components with interference fits, etc. All of these contact problems, as well as other
types of contact analysis, can be split into two general classes (ANSYS),
Rigid - to - flexible bodies in contact,
Flexible - to - flexible bodies in contact.
In rigid - to - flexible contact problems, one or more of the contacting surfaces are
treated as being rigid material, which has a much higher stiffness relative to the
deformable body it contacts. Many metal forming problems fall into this category.
Flexible-to-flexible is where both contacting bodies are deformable. Examples of a
flexible-to-flexible analysis include gears in mesh, bolted joints, and interference fits.
Types of Contact Models
In general, there are three basic types of contact modeling application as far as
ANSYS use is concerned.
Point-to-point contact: the exact location of contact should be known beforehand.
These types of contact problems usually only allow small amounts of relative sliding
deformation between contact surfaces.
Point-to-surface contact: the exact location of the contacting area may not be
known beforehand. These types of contact problems allow large amounts of deformation
and relative sliding. Also, opposing meshes do not have to have the same discretisation
or a compatible mesh. Point to surface contact was used in this chapter.
Surface-to-surface contact is typically used to model surface-to-surface contact
applications of the rigid-to-flexible classification. It will use in chapter 5.
How to Solve the Contact Problem
In order to handle contact problems in meshing gears with the finite element
method, the stiffness relationship between the two contact areas is usually established
through a spring that is placed between the two contacting areas. This can be achieved by
inserting a contact element placed in between the two areas where contact occurs.
There are two methods of satisfying contact compatibility: (i) a penalty method,
and (ii) a combined penalty plus a Lagrange multiplier method. The penalty method
enforces approximate compatibility by means of contact stiffness. The combined penalty
plus Lagrange multiplier approach satisfies compatibility to a user-defined precision by
the generation of additional contact forces that are referred to as Lagrange forces.
It is essential to prevent the two areas from passing through each other. This
method of enforcing contact compatibility is called the penalty method. The penalty
allows surface penetrations, which can be controlled by changing the penalty parameter
of the combined normal contact stiffness. If the combined normal contact stiffness is too
small, the surface penetration may be too large, which may cause unacceptable errors.
Thus the stiffness must be big enough to keep the surface penetrations below a certain
level. On the other hand, if the penalty parameter is too large, then the combined normal
contact stiffness may produce severe numerical problems in the solution process or
simply make a solution impossible to achieve. For most contact analyses of huge solid
models, the value of the combined normal contact stiffness may be estimated [ANSYS]
k n ≈ fEh
where f is a factor that controls contact compatibility. This factor is usually be
between 0.01 and 100,
E = smallest value of Young’s Modulus of the contacting materials
h = the contact length
The contact stiffness is the penalty parameter, which is a real constant of the
contact element. There are two kinds of contact stiffness, the combined normal contact
stiffness and the combined tangential or sticking contact stiffness. The element is based
on two stiffness values. They are the combined normal contact stiffness k n and the
combined tangential contact stiffness k t . The combined normal contact stiffness k n is
used to penalize interpenetration between the two bodies, while the combined tangential
contact stiffness k t is used to approximate the sudden jump in the tangential force, as
represented by the Coulomb friction when sliding is detected between two contacting
nodes. However, serious convergence difficulties may exist during the vertical loading
process and application of the tangential load often results in divergence. A detailed
examination of the model’s nodal force during the vertical loading may indicate the
problem. Not only are friction forces developing but they develop in random directions.
This is due to Poission’s effect causing small transverse deflections of the nodes in the
contact zone. These deflections are enough to activate the friction forces of the contact
elements [1]. The friction forces are developing in various directions because the
generation of a tangential friction force facing right on one node would tend to pull the
node on its left to the right. This would generate a friction force facing left on this node,
pulling back on the other node. This continual tug-of-war causes the poor convergence.
This problem was eliminated by applying a small rotation to the above cylinder model
forces as it was displaced and loaded vertically. This rotation ensured that the friction
forces would develop in the proper direction.
The contact problem is addressed using a special contact element. A number of
contact elements were available (two and three dimensional, spring and damper
combinations). For the problem in hand, the element to be used is a two-dimensional, the
three nodes, and point-to-surface contact element. In the input file, the CONTAC48
element from the ANSYS element library as the contact elements between the two
contact bodies shown as Figure 3.1 was chosen. It is applicable to 2-D geometry, plane
strain, plane stress, or axisymmetry situations. The area of contact between two or more
bodies is generally not known in advance. It may be applied to the contact of solid bodies
for static or dynamic analyses, to problems with or without friction, and to flexible-toflexible or rigid-to-flexible body contact.
Contact nodes
Target nodes
Target surface
Figure 3-1 Point-to-surface contact element
Contact Element Advantages, Disadvantages and their Convergence
Because of the simplicity of their formulation, the advantages of using contact
elements are:
They are easy to use
They are simple to formulate, and
They are easily accommodated into existing FE code.
However, using contact elements poses some difficulties such as the fact that their
performance, in term of convergence and accuracy, depends on user defined parameters.
In overcoming convergence difficulties, usually the biggest challenge is that the
solution must start within the radius of convergence. However, there is no simple way to
determine the radius of convergence. If the solution converges, the start was within the
radius. If solution fails to converge, the start was outside the radius. Trial-and-error must
be used to obtain convergence. In order to get convergence in ANSYS, difficult problems
might require many load increments, and if many iterations are required, the overall
solution time increases. Balancing expense versus accuracy: All FEA involves a trade-off
between expense and accuracy. More detail and a finer mesh generally leads to a more
accurate solution, but requires more time and system resources. Nonlinear analyses add
an extra factor, the number of load increments, which affect both accuracy and expense.
Other nonlinear parameters, such as contact stiffness, can also affect both accuracy and
expense. One must use their own engineering judgment to determine how much accuracy
is needed versus how much expense can be afforded.
Numerical Example ---- Contact Problem of Two Circular Discs
First, to investigate the accuracy of the present method, two circular elastic discs
under two-dimensional contact are analysed, and the numerical solutions are compared
with that of the Hertz theory. The calculation is carried out under a plane strain condition
with a Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 using eight-node isoparametric elements.
Consider two circular discs, A and B, with a radius of R1= 3 in. and R2= 3 in. as
shown in Figure 3.2. To reduce the number of nodes and elements and to save more
computer memory space, half of the discs are partitioned to the finite element mesh, the
number of elements and nodes for each disc is 1766 and 1281, respectively.
In this problem, two steel cylinders are pressed against each other. This model
was built based on the Hertz contact stress theoretical problem. The radii were calculated
from the pitch diameters of the pinion and gear and other parameters shown in Table 3.1
and Figure 3.2. The contact stress of this model should represent the contact stress
between two gears. In the input file, first, the geometry of two half cylinders, must be
described. Then the geometry areas were meshed. In contact areas a fine mesh was built.
The boundary conditions were applied in this model. The loads also were applied four
times as four steps. In each step there are a lot of sub-steps. In each sub-step the number
of equilibrium iterations was set. The steel material properties have an elastic Young’s
modulus of 30,000,000 psi and the Poisson’s ratio was 0.30.
Table 3.1 Specifications of spur gears used
Number of teeth
Normal Module (M)
6 mm
Addendum Modification coefficient
Normal Pressure Angle
20 degrees
Face Width (mm)
0.015 M
Addendum (mm)
1.00 M
Dedendum (mm)
1.25 M
Figure 3-2 Two steel cylinders are pressed against each other
The FEM Numerical Procedure
The resulting contact problem is highly nonlinear and usually requires significant
computer resources to solve. Contact nonlinearities occur when two components come
into or out of contact with each other or when two components slide relative to each
other. This nonlinear contact problem can be simulated using the FEA method. It can use
the linear problem iterated many times instead of solving the nonlinear problem. That
means that the nonlinear problem is usually solved based on the linear problem. For a
linear elastic problem, in the 1600s, Robert Hooke discovered a simple linear relationship
between force { F } and displacement {u}:
{K }{u} = {F }
where { K } is the stiffness matrix, and represents structural stiffness,
{ u } is the displacement vector, and
{ F } is the applied load vector.
A linear structure obeys this linear relationship. A common example is a simple
spring. Linear structures are well suited to finite-element analysis, which is based on
linear matrix algebra. If {K } is constant and known, the problem can be solved for
{u} using a linear equation solver. However, significant classes of structures do not have
a linear relationship between force and displacement. Because a plot of F versus u for
such structures is not a straight line, such structures are said to be nonlinear. The stiffness
is no longer a constant K . It becomes a function of applied load. In a nonlinear analysis,
the response cannot be predicted directly with a set of linear equations. However, a
nonlinear structure can be analyzed using an iterative series of linear approximations,
with corrections. For example in modeling most contact problems, the contact area is not
known in advance, {K } is a function of {u} and an iterative procedure is needed. ANSYS
uses an iterative process called the Newton-Raphson method which functions as follows:
{K (u i −1 )}{u i } = {F }
Where {u i −1 } is known, the deflection {u i } is calculated by Gaussian elimination.
For example, using the stiffness of the undeflected shape, the deflections {u1 } are
calculated. Each iteration is known as an equilibrium iteration. Since the stiffness of the
structure in the displaced configuration is different than in the previous configuration[1],
the applied load and structure’s reaction force are not in equilibrium. The Newton
Raphson method uses this force imbalance to drive the structure to equilibrium. A full
Newton-Raphson iterative analysis for one increment of load and four iterations is shown
as Figure 3.3.
In Figure 3.3 the relationship is shown between the loads and the
displacement when the linear problem is used instead of the nonlinear problem.
In other words, the Finite Element Method treats contact problems by extending
the variational formulation upon which the Finite Element Method is based. The stiffness
matrix associated with contact elements and other element stiffness matrices of the body
are formulated and assembled into the original finite element model. The solution is then
obtained by solving the resulting set of nonlinear equations.
Load F
Displacement U
Figure 3-3 Equilibrium iteration
3.3 Hertz Contact Stress Equations
Usually, the current methods of calculating gear contact stresses use Hertz’s
equations, which were originally derived for contact between two cylinders. Contact
stresses between two cylinders were shown in Figure 3.4. An ellipsoidal-prism pressure
distribution is generated between the two contact areas.
Figure 3-4 Ellipsoidal-prism pressure distribution
From Figure 3.4 the width of the contact zone is 2a. If total contact force is F and
contact pressure is p(x), there is a formula [5], which shows the relationship between the
force F and the pressure p(x):
= 2 L
p ( x ) dx
2 F (1 − υ1 ) / E1 + (1 − υ 2 ) / E 2
1 / d1 + 1 / d 2
Contact width a =
The maximum contact stress Pmax =
d 1 and d 2 represent the pinion and gear pitch diameters.
The maximum surface (Hertz) stress:
1 − υ 12 1 − υ 22
Pmax = σ
= 0 . 564
F is the load per unit width,
Ri is the radius of cylinder i , Ri = d i sin ϕ 2 for the gear teeth,
ϕ is pressure angle,
υ i is Poisson’s ratio for cylinder i ,
Ei is Young’s modulus for cylinder i .
3.4 The Result of the Contact Stress Analysis
The objective of the contact stress analyses was to gain an understanding of the
modeling and solution difficulties in contact problems and examine the contact stresses in
the gears. In order to verify the FEM contact model procedure, contact between two
cylinders was modeled. To reduce computer time, only half cylinders were meshed in the
model as shown in Figure 3.5(a). The fine meshed rectangular shaped elements were
generated near contact areas shown as 3.5 (b). The dimensions of the elements are based
on the half width of the contact area. The contact conditions are sensitive to the geometry
of the contacting surfaces, which means that the finite element mesh near the contact
zone needs to be highly refined. Finer meshing generally leads to a more accurate
solution, but requires more time and system resources. It is recommended not to have a
fine mesh everywhere in the model to reduce the computational requirements. The edge
length dx of the rectangular shaped fine mesh elements: dx = 2 * a / Num. Num is the
number of elements in the contact zone as specified in the input file. It was hoped that the
number of elements in the Hertz contact zone could be related to the solution accuracy,
independent of the specific force or cylinder sizes considered. Num is equal to 10 here.
Figure 3-5 Rectangular shaped elements were generated near contact areas
The normal contact stress along the contact surface from the ANSYS solution is
shown in Figure 3.6. Figure 3.6 (a) and (b) show the distributions of the contact stress
along the contact area, and Figure 3.6 (c) shows the magnitude directly from ANSYS.
The comparison of results from FEM and the Hertzian theoretical formula are
shown in Figure 3.7 in which the two distributions lie very close. The red color line
represents the value from the theoretical Hertz equation and the blue color points
represent the results from ANSYS. They match very well. It is easy to see the blue color
points are on the red curve.
Figure 3-6 Normal contact stress along the contact surface
SY Theory
Figure 3-7 Contact stress from ANSYS agrees with the Hertz stress
Figure 3.8 shows the stresses σ x , σ y as a function of depth y along a radius of the
cylinder. The depth is normalized to the half-width a of the contact patch. This plot
provides a dimensionless picture of the stress distribution on the centerline under an
ellipsoidal contact. Note all the stresses have diminished to <10% of Pmax within y = 5a .
Figure 3-8 Stress along depth distance below the contact surface from ANSYS
The blue colour curve represents stress in the x direction, and the red color curve
represents the stress in the y direction. Both of these stresses distributions are along the
depth distance, which is perpendicular to contact surface. The next step is to compare
results from ANSYS with the results from the theoretical equations. The stresses due to
the normal loading Fmax are [1]
y a 2 + 2x 2 + 2 y 2
σx = − [
− 3xα ]Fmax
σ y = − [aβ − xα ]Fmax
τ xy = −
y 2αFmax
where the factors α and β are given by
α =
β =
k1 + k 2 − 4 a 2
k + k2 − 4a
+ ( 1
k1 = (a + x) 2 + y 2
k 2 = (a − x) 2 + y 2
Stress (psi)
Sx Theory
Depth distance below surface(in)
Figure 3-9 FEM stresses agree with the theoretical values
Stress (psi)
Sy Theory
The depth distance below the surface(in)
Figure 3-10 Comparison between calculated values and ANSYS values
Note that these above equations cannot be used to calculate the stresses on the
surface because if we set y equal zero it will result in the stresses being calculated as
zero. The peak values of the equivalent stress using the Von Mises criterion, the
maximum shear stress, and the maximum orthogonal shear stress can be calculated from
the maximum Hertz stress (3.7) as follows[1]:
σVonMiss = 0.57σ H ,
τ MaxShear = 0.30σ H ,
τ OrthoShear = 0.25σ H ,
where σ H is the maximum Hertz stress.
Figure 3-11 Orthogonal shear stress magnitudes
Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 show a comparison of ANSYS results with the
theoretical equations for stresses in x and y direction respectively. In both figures, the red
curves represent the values from the above theoretical formula and blue points represent
the results from ANSYS. It can be seen that the FEM results are essentially identical to
the theoretical solution for both stresses σ x and σ y . The FEA model from ANSYS is
reliable if the solution is convergent. When finishing running the program, whether the
solution has converged is checked after many times of equilibrium iteration. Usually a
converged solution occurred at an expected “time” value such as the end of the load step.
If there is no convergence indicated in ANSYS, troubleshooting is necessary.
Usually for nonlinear problems it is not easy to get convergence. In the author’s
experience, there are several ways to do that: (1) Change the FKN – Normal Penalty
Stiffness value (2) Solve the nonlinear analysis using “Line Search”, which can provide
rapid convergence (3) Increasing the number of sub-steps. As long as the solution has
converged, one can get a great deal of information from “General Postproc” for example :
Von Mises, Principal, Shear, Contact Stresses.
Figures 3.11 (a) and (b) show orthogonal shear stress. Figures 3.12 (a) and (b)
show maximum shear stresses under the contact areas between two cylinders. The largest
orthogonal shear stress lies below the surface at the edge of the contact zone. This was
shown in Figure 3.11 (b). The subsurface location of the maximum shear stress can also
be seen lying below the surface at the center of the contact zone shown in Figure 3.12 (b).
If both materials are steel, it occurs at a depth of about 0.63 a where a is half of the
contact length shown in Figure 3.4 and its magnitude is about 0.30 Pmax . The shear stress
is about 0.11 Pmax at the surface on the z axis. The subsurface location of the maximum
shear stress is believed to be a significant factor in surface-fatigue failure. The theory
indicates that cracks that begin below the surface eventually grow to the point that the
material above the crack breaks out to form a pit.
Figure 3-12 Maximum shear stress from ANSYS
3.5 Conclusion
Finite element modelling of the contact between two cylinders was examined in
detail. The finite element method with special techniques, such as the incremental
technique of applying the external load in the input file, the deformation of the stiffness
matrix, and the introduction of the contact element were used. It was found that initial
loading using displacements as inputs was helpful in reducing numerical instabilities.
Chapter 4 Involute Gear Tooth Contact and Bending
Stress Analysis
4.1 Introduction
When one investigates actual gears in service, the conditions of the surface and
bending failure are two of the most important features to be considered. The finite
element method is very often used to analyze the stress states of elastic bodies with
complicated geometries, such as gears. There are published papers, which have calculated
the elastic stress distributions in gears. In these works, various calculation methods for
the analysis of elastic contact problems have been presented. The finite element method
for two-dimensional analysis is used very often. It is essential to use a three-dimensional
analysis if gear pairs are under partial and nonuniform contact. However, in the threedimensional calculation, a problem is created due to the large computer memory space
that is necessary. In this chapter to get the gear contact stress a 2-D model was used.
Because it is a nonlinear problem it is better to keep the number of nodes and elements as
low as possible. In the bending stress analysis the 3-D model and 2-D models are used for
4.2 Analytical Procedure
From the results obtained in chapter 3 the present method is an effective and
accurate method, which is proposed to estimate the tooth contact stresses of a gear pair.
Special techniques of the finite element method were used to solve contact problems in
chapter 3. Using the present method, the tooth contact stresses and the tooth deflections
of a pair of spur gears analyzed by ANSYS 7.1 are given in section 4.4. Since the present
method is a general one, it is applicable to many types of gears. In early works, the
following conditions were assumed in advance:
There is no sliding in the contact zone between the two bodies
The contact surface is continuous and smooth
Using the present method ANSYS can solve the contact problem and not be
limited by the above two conditions. A two-dimensional and an asymmetric contact
model were built. First, parameter definitions were given and then many points of the
involute profile of the pinion and gear were calculated to plot an involute profile using a
cylindrical system. The equations of an involute curve below were taken from
Buckingham [6]:
r = rb * (1 + β 2 )1 2
ψ =θ +
θ = tan φ − φ = invφ
where r = radius to the involute form, rb = radius of the base circle
β = ξ +φ
= vectorial angle at the pitch circle
ξ = vectorial angle at the top of the tooth
= pressure angle at the pitch circle
= pressure angle at radius r
One spur tooth profile was created using equation 4.1, shown in Figure 4.1, as are
the outside diameter circle, the dedendum circle, and base circle of the gear.
Secondly, in ANSYS from the tool bars using “CREATE”, “COPY”, “MOVE”,
and “MESH” and so on, any number of teeth can be created and then kept as the pair of
gear teeth in contact along the line of the action. The contact conditions of gear teeth are
sensitive to the geometry of the contacting surfaces, which means that the element near
the contact zone needs to be refined. It is not recommended to have a fine mesh
everywhere in the model, in order to reduce the computational requirements. There are
two ways to build the fine mesh near the contact surfaces. One is the same method as
presented in chapter 3, a fine mesh of rectangular shapes were constructed only in the
contact areas. The other one, “SMART SIZE” in ANSYS, was chosen and the fine mesh
near the contact area was automatically created. A FEM gear contact model was
generated as shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4-1 Involutometry of a spur gear
Thirdly, proper constraints on the nodes were given. The contact pair was inserted
between the involute profiles, the external loads were applied on the model from ANSYS
“SOLUTION > DEFINE LOAD > FORCE / MOMENT”, and finally, ANSYS was run
to get the solution.
Figure 4-2 Gear contact stress model
4.3 Rotation Compatibility of the Gear Body
In order to know how much load is applied on the contact stress model and the
bending stress model, evaluating load sharing between meshing gears is necessary. It is
also an important concept for transmission error. It is a complex process when more than
one-tooth pair is simultaneously in contact taking into account the composite tooth
deflections due to bending, shearing and contact deformation. This section presents a
general approach as to how the load is shared between the meshing teeth in spur gear
When the gears are put into mesh, the line tangent to both base circles is defined
as the line of action for involute gears. In one complete tooth mesh circle, the contact
starts at points A shown in Figure 4.3 [64] where the outside diameter circle, the
addendum circle of the gear intersects the line of action. The mesh cycle ends at point E,
as shown in Figure 4.4 where the outside diameter of the pinion intersects the line of
Figure 4-3 Illustration of one complete tooth meshing cycle
Consider two identical spur gears in mesh. When the first tooth pair is in contact
at point A it is between the tooth tip of the output gear and the tooth root of the input gear
(pinion). At the same time a second tooth pair is already in contact at point D in Figure
4.3. As the gear rotates, the point of contact will move along the line of action APE.
When the first tooth pair reaches point B shown in Figure 4.4, the second tooth pair
disengage at point E leaving only the first tooth pair in the single contact zone. After this
time there is one pair of gear in contact until the third tooth pair achives in contact at
point A again. When this tooth pair rotates to point D, the another tooth pair begins
engagement at point A which starts another mesh cycle. After this time there are two
pairs of gear in contact until the first tooth pair disengage at point E. Finally, one
complete tooth meshing cycle is completed when this tooth pair rotates to point E. To
simplify the complexity of the problem, the load sharing compatibility condition is based
on the assumption that the sum of the torque contributions of each meshing tooth pair
must equal the total applied torque.
Figure 4-4 Different positions for one complete tooth meshing cycle
Analytical equations can also be developed for the rotation of the gear and pinion
hubs, including the effects of tooth bending deflection and shearing displacement and
contact deformation [64]. In the pinion reference frame, it is assumed that the pinion hub
remains stationary, while the gear rotates due to an applied torque.
Considering the single pair contact zone at point B, the condition of angular
rotation of the gear body will then be given by [64]
For the pinion,
and for the gear,
θ PB =
θ =
BgB + H gB
where B PB and B gB are the tooth displacement vectors caused by bending and
shearing for pairs B of the pinion and gear respectively, H PB and H gB are the contact
deformation vectors of tooth pair B of the pinion and gear respectively. θ PB denotes the
transverse plane angular rotation of the pinion body caused by bending deflection,
shearing displacement and contact deformation of the tooth pair B while the gear is
stationary. Conversely, for the gear rotation while the pinion is stationary, θ gB gives the
transverse plane angular rotations of the gear body.
4.4 Gear Contact Stress
One of the predominant modes of gear tooth failure is pitting. Pitting is a surface
fatigue failure due to many repetitions of high contact stress occurring on the gear tooth
surface while a pair of teeth is transmitting power. In other words, contact stress
exceeding surface endurance strength with no endurance limits or a finite life causes this
kind of failure. The AGMA has prediction methods in common use. Contact failure in
gears is currently predicted by comparing the calculated Hertz stress to experimentallydetermined allowable values for the given material. The details of the subsurface stress
field usually are ignored. This approach is used because the contact stress field is
complex and its interaction with subsurface discontinuities are difficult to predict.
However, all of this information can be obtained from the ANSYS model.
Since a spur gear can be considered as a two-dimensional component, without
loss of generality, a plane strain analysis can be used. The nodes in the model were used
for the analysis. The nodes on the bottom surface of the gear were fixed. A total load is
applied on the model. It was assumed to act on the two points shown in Figure 4.2 and
three points in Figure 4.5.
There are two ways to get the contact stress from ANSYS. Figure 4.5 shows the
first one, which is the same method as one in chapter 3 to create the contact element
COCNTA 48 and the rectangular shape fine mesh beneath the contact surfaces between
the contact areas. Figure 4.6 shows the enlarged-area with a fine mesh which is composed
of rectangular shapes.
Figure 4-5 FEM Model of the gear tooth pair in contact
Figure 4-6 Fine meshing of contact areas
Figure 4-7 Contact stress along contact areas
Figure 4-8 A fine mesh near contact areas
Figure 4.7 shows the normal contact stress along the contact areas. The results are
very similar to the results in the two cylinders in chapter 3. Figure 4.8 presents how to
mesh using a second method. Different methods should show the close results of
maximum contact stress if the same dimension of model and the same external loads are
applied on the model. If there is a small difference it is likely because of the different
mesh patterns and restricted conditions in the finite element analysis and the assumed
distribution form of the contact stresses in the contact zone.
4.5 The Lewis Formula
There are several failure mechanisms for spur gears. Bending failure and pitting
of the teeth are the two main failure modes in a transmission gearbox. Pitting of the teeth
is usually called a surface failure. This was already discussed in the last section. The
bending stresses in a spur gear are another interesting problem. When loads are too large,
bending failure will occur. Bending failure in gears is predicted by comparing the
calculated bending stress to experimentally-determined allowable fatigue values for the
given material. This bending stress equation was derived from the Lewis formula.
Wilfred Lewis (1892) [5] was the first person to give the formula for bending stress in
gear teeth using the bending of a cantilevered beam to simulate stresses acting on a gear
tooth shown in Figure 4.9 are Cross-section = b * t , length = l, load = Ft , uniform across
the face. For a rectangular section, the area moment of inertia is
bh 3
M = Ft l and c = t 2 , stress then is
F l (t 2) 6 Ft l
= t 3
= 2
I c b t 12
Figure 4-9 Length dimensions used in determining bending tooth stress
Where b = the face width of the gear. For a gear tooth, the maximum stress is
expected at point A, which is a tangential point where the parabola curve is tangent to the
curve of the tooth root fillet called parabola tangential method. Two points can be found
at each side of the tooth root fillet. The stress on the area connecting those two points is
thought to be the worst case. The crack will likely start from the point A.
tan α =
From similar triangles
t 2
t 2
Substituting (4.7) into (4.6):
4 x = 3Ft = 3Ft p d = Ft p d
2bx 2bp d x
6 Ft
where p d = diametral pitch
2 xp d
= Lewis form factor
Equation (4.8) [5] in the next page is known as the Lewis equation, and Y is
called the Lewis form factor. The Lewis equation considers only static loading and does
not take the dynamics of meshing teeth into account. The Lewis form factor is given for
various numbers of teeth while assuming a pressure angle of 20 o and a full – depth
involute. The Lewis form factor is dimensionless, and is also independent of tooth size
and only a function of shape. The above stress formula must be modified to account for
the stress concentration K c . The concentrated stress on the tooth fillet is taken into
account by K c and a geometry factor Y j , where Y j = Y / K c is introduced. Other
modifications are recommended by the AGMA for practical design to account for the
variety of conditions that can be encountered in service. The following design equation,
developed by Mott (1992) is used
σt =
Ft p d K a K s K m
bY j K v
where K a = application factor , K s = size factor ,
K m = load distribution factor, K v = dynamic factor,
Ft = normal tangential load, Y j = Geometry factor.
Each of these factors can be obtained from the books on machine design such as
[5]. This analysis considers only the component of the tangential force acting on the
tooth, and does not consider effects of the radial force, which will cause a compressive
stress over the cross section on the root of the tooth. Suppose that the greatest stress
occurs when the force is exerted at top of tooth, which is the worst case. When the load is
at top of the tooth, usually there are a least two tooth pairs in contact. In fact, the
maximum stress at the root of tooth occurs when the contact point moves near the pitch
circle because there is only one tooth pair in contact and this teeth pairs carries the entire
torque. When the load is moving at the top of the tooth, two teeth pairs share the whole
load if the ratio is larger than one and less than two. If one tooth pair was considered to
carry the whole load and it acts on the top of the tooth this is adequate for gear bending
stress fatigue.
4.6 FEM Models
The Two Dimensional Model
Fatigue or yielding of a gear tooth due to excessive bending stresses are two
important gear design considerations. In order to predict fatigue and yielding, the
maximum stresses on the tensile and compressive sides of the tooth, respectively, are
required. In the past, the bending stress sensitivity of a gear tooth has been calculated
using photo elasticity or relatively coarse FEM meshes. However, with present computer
developments we can make significant improvements for more accurate FEM
Figure 4-10 FEM gear tooth bending model with 3 teeth
Figure 4-11 A two dimension tooth from a FEM model with 28 teeth
Figure 4-12 Von Mises stresses with 28 teeth on the root of tooth
In the procedure for generating a FEM model for bending stress analyses, the
equations used to generate the gear tooth profile curve were the same as the ones in
section 4.2. When meshing the teeth in ANSYS, if “SMART SIZE” is used the number of
elements near the roots of the teeth are automatically much greater than in other places.
Figure 4.10 shows that the maximum tensile stresses on the tensile side and maximum
compressive stresses on other side of the tooth, respectively. It also indicates that only
one tooth is enough for the bending stress analysis for the 3-D model or the 2-D model.
Figure 4.11 shows one tooth FEM model and Figure 4.12 shows how much Von Mises
stress is on the root of tooth when the number of teeth is 28 for the gear. There are more
detailed results for different number of teeth in table 4.1 in section 4.7, which are
compared with the results from the Lewis Formula.
The Three Dimensional Model
In this section the tooth root stresses and the tooth deflection of one tooth of a
spur gear is calculated using an ANSYS model. For the bending stresses, the numerical
results are compared with the values given by the draft proposal of the standards of the
AGMA in the next section.
Figure 4.14 shows how to mesh the 3D model and how to apply the load on the
model. The element type “SOLID TETRAHEDRAL 10 NODES 187” was chosen.
Because “SMART SET” was chosen on the tool bar there are many more elements near
the root of the tooth than in other places. There are middle side nodes on the each side of
each element. So a large number of degrees of freedom in this 3D model take a longer
time to finish running.
Figure 4-13 FEM bending model with meshing
From the stress distributions on the model, the large concentrated stresses are at
the root of the tooth. Figure 4.14 shows large Von Mises stresses at the root of the tooth.
They are equal to the tensile stresses. The tensile stresses are the main cause of crack
failure, if they are large enough. That is why cracks usually start from the tensile side.
From the Lewis equation if the diameters of the pinion and gear are always kept the same
and the number of teeth was changed, the diametral pitch will be changed or the module
of gear will be changed. That means that there are different bending strengths between
the different teeth numbers. Different Maximum Von Mises with different numbers of
teeth are shown in the table 4.1.
Figure 4-14 Von Mises stresses with 28 teeth on the root of tooth
4.7 Comparison with Results using AGMA Analyses
In this section, a comparison of the tooth root stresses obtained in the three
dimensional model and in the two dimensional model using ANSYS with the results
given by the standards of the AGMA is carried out. Eq. (4.8) is recommended by the
AGMA and the other coefficients, such as the dynamic factor, are set at 1.2. Here
analysis of gears with different numbers of teeth are carried out. First, the number of gear
teeth is 28. The meshing spur gear has a pitch radii of 50 mm and a pressure angle of
20 ° . The gear face width, b = 1.5 in (38.1mm). The transmitted load is 2500 N.
50mm = 1.9685in
pd =
σt =
2500 N = 562.02 Pounds
= 7.112
d 1.9685 * 2
Ft p d K a K s K m 562.022 * 7.112 *1.2 *1.2 * 1.15
= 102.783MPa
1.5 * 0.37 * 0.8
bY j K v
Detailed investigations, including the effects with the two different numbers of
teeth on the tooth root stress were carried out. If the number of teeth is changed from 28
to 23 and the other parameters were kept the same.
σt =
Ft p d K a K s K m 562.022 * 5.842 * 1.2 *1.2 *1.15
= 84.429MPa
1.5 * 0.37 * 0.8
bY j K v
If the number of teeth is changed from 28 to 25 and the other parameters were
kept the same.
σt =
Ft p d K a K s K m 562.022 * 6.35 * 1.2 *1.2 *1.15
= 91.770MPa
1.5 * 0.37 * 0.8
bY j K v
If the number of teeth is changed from 28 to 34 with the other parameters kept the
σt =
Ft p d K a K s K m 562.022 * 8.636 * 1 *1 * 1.15
= 124.805MPa
1.5 * 0.37 * 0.8
bY j K v
If the number of teeth is changed to 37, with the other parameters kept the same.
σt =
Ft p d K a K s K m 562.022 * 9.398 * 1 *1 * 1.15
= 132.149MPa
1.5 * 0.37 * 0.8
bY j K v
The above calculations of the Von Mises stresses on the root of tooth were carried
out in order to know if they match the results from ANSYS. The results are shown in
Table 4.1. In this table, the maximum values of the tooth root stress obtained by the
ANSYS method were given. For the number of teeth of 28, the ANSYS results are about
97% (2D) of the values obtained by the AGMA. For the cases from 23 teeth to 37 teeth,
the values range from 91% to 99% of the value obtained by the AGMA. From these
results, it was found that for all cases give a close approximation of the value obtained by
the methods of the AGMA in both 3D and 2D models. These differences are believed to
be caused by factors such as the mesh pattern and the restricted conditions on the finite
element analysis, and the assumed position of the critical section in the standards.
Here the gears are taken as a plane strain problem. 2D models are suggested to be
use because much more time will be saved when running the 2D models in ANSYS.
There are not great differences between the 3D and 2D model in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Von Mises Stress of 3-D and 2-D FEM bending model
Num.of teeth Stress 3D (2D) (ANSYS)
Stresses (AGMA)
Difference 3D (2D)
2.35% (0.74%)
4.39% (0.69%)
6.26% (3.97%)
8.39% (2.69%)
5.82% (2.93%)
8.89% (7.43%)
4.8 Conclusion
In the present study, effective methods to estimate the tooth contact stress by the
two-dimensional and the root bending stresses by the three-dimensional and twodimensional finite element method are proposed. To determine the accuracy of the
present method for the bending stresses, both three dimensional and two dimensional
models were built in this chapter. The results with the different numbers of teeth were
used in the comparison. The errors in the Table 4.1 presented are much smaller than
previous work done by other researchers for the each case. So those FEA models are
good enough for stress analysis.
Chapter 5 Torsional Mesh stiffness and Static
Transmission Error
5.1 Introduction and Definition of Transmission Error
Getting and predicting the static transmission error (TE) is a necessary condition
for reduction of the noise radiated from the gearbox. In the previous literature to obtain
TE the contact problem was seldom included because the nonlinear problem made the
model too complicated. This chapter deals with estimation of static transmission error
including the contact problem and the mesh stiffness variations of spur gears. For this
purpose, an FEA numerical modeling system has been developed. For spur gears a two
dimensional model can be used instead of a three dimensional model to reduce the total
number of the elements and the total number of the nodes in order to save computer
memory. This is based on a two dimensional finite element analysis of tooth deflections.
Two models were adopted to obtain a more accurate static transmission error, for a set of
successive positions of the driving gear and driven gear. Two different models of a
generic gear pair have been built to analyze the effects of gear body deformation and the
interactions between adjacent loaded teeth. Results are from each of the two models’
average values.
It is generally accepted that the noise generated by a pair of gears is mainly
related to the gear transmission error. The main source of apparent excitation in
gearboxes is created by the meshing process. Researchers usually assume that
transmission error and the variation in gear mesh stiffnesses are responsible for the noise
radiated by the gearbox. The static transmission error is defined by Smith [59].
The term transmission error is used to describe the difference between the
theoretical and actual relative angular rotations between a pinion and a gear. Its
characteristics depend on the instantaneous positions of the meshing tooth pairs. Under
load at low speeds (static transmission error) these situations result from tooth deflections
and manufacturing errors. In service, the transmission error is mainly caused by:
Tooth geometry errors: including profile, spacing and runout errors from the
manufacturing process;
Elastic deformation: local contact deformation from each meshing tooth pair and the
deflections of teeth because of bending and shearing due to the transmitted load;
Imperfect mounting: geometric errors in alignment, which may be introduced by
static and dynamic elastic deflections in the supporting bearings and shafts.
The first two types of transmission errors are commonly referred to in the
literature [7][17]. The first case has manufacturing errors such as profile inaccuracies,
spacing errors, and gear tooth runout. When the gears are unloaded, a pinion and gear
have zero transmission error if there is no manufacturing error. The second case is loaded
transmission error, which is similar in principle to the manufactured transmission error
but takes into account tooth bending deflection, and shearing displacement and contact
deformation due to load. In chapter 5 the second case is considered.
The static transmission error of gears in mesh at particular positions throughout
the mesh cycle was generated in this study by rotating both solid gears one degree each
time then creating a finite element model in that particular position. In order to develop
representative results, a large number of finite element models at the different meshing
positions were undertaken for this investigation. One of the most important criteria for
each model was that the potential contact nodes of both surfaces would be created on the
nodes near the intersection point between the pressure line and the involute curve for that
particular tooth. The additional problem of determining the penalty parameter at each
contact position could be user-defined or a default value in the finite element model. At
each particular meshing position, after running ANSYS the results for angular rotation of
the gear due to tooth bending, shearing and contact displacement were calculated. In the
pinion reference frame: the local cylindrical system number 12 was created by definition
in ANSYS. By constraining the all nodes on the pinion in radius and rotating θ g with the
gear having a torque input load the model was built. In this case, θ p = 0 and θ g is in the
opposite direction to that resulting from forward motion of θ p changing the TE result to
positive as seen by equation (5.1)
TE = θ g − ( Z )θ p
Where Z is the gear ratio and θ p , g is the angular rotation of the input and output
gears in radians respectively. In relation to the gear reference frame: the local cylindrical
system number 11, the gear was restrained with degrees of freedom in radius and rotating
θ p with the pinion having the torque input load and the resulting angular rotation of the
pinion was computed. In this second case θ g = 0 and the TE will be positive for forward
motion of θ g . After compensating for torque and angular rotation for the particular gear
ratio, the results from these two models should be the same, and so the mean of these two
angular rotations would give the best estimate of the true static transmission error of the
involute profile gears under load.
The Combined Torsional Mesh Stiffness
Because the number of the teeth in mesh varies with time, the combined torsional
mesh stiffness varies periodically. When a gear with perfect involute profiles is loaded
the combined torsional mesh stiffness of the gear causes variations in angular rotation of
the gear body. The gear transmission error is related directly to the deviation of the
angular rotation of the two gear bodies and the relative angular rotation of the two gears
is inversely proportional to the combined torsional mesh stiffness, which can be seen
from the results of ANSYS later in this document. The combined torsional mesh stiffness
is different throughout the period of meshing position. It decreases and increases
dramatically as the meshing of the teeth change from the double pair to single pair of
teeth in contact.
In other words under operating conditions, the mesh stiffness variations are due to
variations in the length of contact line and tooth deflections. The excitation located at the
mesh point generates dynamic mesh forces, which are transmitted to the housing through
shafts and bearings. Noise radiated by the gearbox is closely related to the vibratory level
of the housing.
Sirichai [60] has developed a finite element analysis and given a definition for
torsional mesh stiffness of gear teeth in mesh. The combined torsional mesh stiffness is
defined as the ratio between the torsional load and the angular rotation of the gear body.
The development of a torsional mesh stiffness model of gears in mesh can be used to
determine the transmission error throughout the mesh cycle.
The combined torsional mesh stiffness of gears is time dependent during involute
action due to the change in the number of contact tooth pairs. Considering the combined
torsional mesh stiffness for a single tooth pair contact zone, the single tooth torsional
mesh stiffness of a single tooth pair in contact is defined as the ratio between the torsional
mesh load (T) and the elastic angular rotation (θ ) of the gear body. In the single tooth
pair contact zone, as the pinion rotates, the single tooth torsional mesh stiffness of the
pinion, K P is decreasing while the single tooth torsional stiffness of the gear, K g , is
increasing. When the pinion rotates to the pitch point P , the single tooth torsional
stiffness of both gears is equal because both of them were assumed to be identical spur
gears with ratio 1:1 in order to make the analysis simple. The single tooth torsional mesh
stiffness of the pinion and the gear are given by [64],
K PB =
θ PB
K gB =
θ gB
where K PB and K gB are the single tooth torsional mesh stiffness of the single tooth
pairs at B of the pinion and gear respectively.
The torsional mesh stiffness can be related to the contact stiffness by considering
the normal contact force operating along the line of action tangential to the base circles of
the gears in mesh. The torsional mesh stiffness can be seen to be the ratio between the
torque and the angular deflection. By considering the total normal contact force F, acting
along the line of action, the torque T will be given by the force multiplied by the
perpendicular distance (base circle radius rb ) T = Frb if there is one pair gear on contact.
The elastic angle of rotation θ of the gear body can then be calculated from related to the
arc length c, by the base circle radius as θ = c / rb . The torsional mesh stiffness can then
be given by
Km = =
θ c / rb
The tooth contact stiffness K mb , can be seen to be the ratio of the normal contact
force F to the displacement along the line of action, which gives K mb = F / a , where the
length a is equal to the arc c length for a small angles θ . The relationship between the
linear contact stiffness and torsional mesh stiffness then becomes,
K mb =
The contact between the gears is a nonlinear problem. This cannot be put in the
form of a linear differential equation if the problem is solved by the equations so here
ANSYS was used to study this problem. In this chapter the program ANSYS 7.1 was
used to help to solve this nonlinear problem. The gears were modeled using quadratic two
dimensional elements and the contact effect was modeled using 2D surface-to-surface
(line-to-line) general contact elements that can include elastic Coulomb frictional effects.
The torsional mesh stiffness of gears in mesh at particular positions throughout the mesh
cycle was generated by rotating both solid gears one degree each time, then creating a
finite element model in that particular position. The torsional mesh stiffness K m in mesh
was automatically considered, when the transmission error was obtained from the results
of the FEA model. Figure 5.1 shows how to apply load and how to define the input
torque by a set of beam elements (beam3) connected from the nodes on the internal cycle
of rim to the center point of the pinion, while restraining all nodes on the internal circle of
the output gear hub. The center node of pinion was constrained in the X and Y directions
and it was kept the degree of freedom for rotation around the center of the pinion. The
moment was applied on the center of the pinion.
After running ANSYS for the each particular position of the FEA model there
were volumous results from the postprocessor. For example, the Von Mises stresses,
contact stresses and deformations in the X and Y directions can easily be gotten. The
static transmission error and the torsional mesh stiffness were then automatically
obtained from ANSYS in the postprocessor. The vectors of displacement in the global
system at one particular meshing position were shown in Figure 5.2. In Figure 5.2 θ
represents TE at one position. Twenty-six positions were chosen and for each position
ANSYS would produced numerous results. These results indicated that variation in the
mesh stiffness is clearly evident as the gears rotate throughout the meshing cycle. The
results here are based on FEA modeling and also on the tooth stiffness change.
Figure 5-1 The beam elements were used in the FEA model
Figure 5-2 Vectors of displacement
5.3 Transmission Error Model
5.3.1 Analysis of the Load Sharing Ratio
Under normal operating conditions, the main source of vibration excitation is
from the periodic changes in tooth stiffness due to non-uniform load distributions from
the double to single contact zone and then from the single to double contact zone in each
meshing cycle of the mating teeth. This indicates that the variation in mesh stiffness can
produce considerable vibration and dynamic loading of gears with teeth, in mesh. For the
spur involute teeth gears, the load was transmitted between just one to two pairs of teeth
gears alternately. The torsional stiffness of two spur gears in mesh varied within the
meshing cycle as the number of teeth in mesh changed from two to one pair of teeth in
contact. Usually the torsional stiffness increased as the meshing of the teeth changed
Figure 5-3 Vectors of displacement near the contact surfaces
from one pair to two pairs in contact. If the gears were absolutely rigid the tooth load in
the zone of the double tooth contacts should be half load of the single tooth contact.
However, in reality the teeth become deformed because of the influence of the teeth
bending, shear, and contact stresses. These factors change the load distribution along the
path of contact. In addition, every gear contains surface finishing and pitching errors.
They alter the distribution of load. Because the teeth are comparatively stiff, even small
errors may have a large influence. The elastic deformation of a tooth can result in shock
loading, which may cause gear failure. In order to prevent shock loading as the gear teeth
move into and out of mesh, the tips of the teeth are often modified so as the tooth passes
through the mesh zone the load increases more smoothly. The static transmission error
model of gears in mesh can be used to determine the load sharing ratio throughout the
mesh cycle. Two identical spur gears in mesh are considered here. Table 5.1 shows the
gear parameters.
Table 5.1 Gear Parameters Used in the Model
Gear Type
Standard Involute, Full-Depth Teeth
Modulus of Elasticity, E
Module (M)
3.75 mm
Number of Teeth
Pressure Angle
Addendum, Dedendum
1.00*M, 1.25*M
5.3.2 2D FEA Transmission Error Model
Usually calculation of the static transmission error requires estimation of the
loaded teeth deflections. In order to evaluate these required quantities, Tavakoli [61]
proposed to model gear teeth using a non uniform cantilever beam. Tobe [62] used a
cantilever plate, while numerous authors have developed finite element tooth modeling
excluding the contact problem. Unfortunately, the hypotheses related to these models can
not be justified because characteristic dimensions of gear teeth are neither representative
of a beam nor a plate for the calculation of the static transmission error and tooth
deflection behavior changes because of non-linear contact. Most of the previously
published FEA models for gears have involved only a partial tooth model. In this section
to investigate the gear transmission error including contact elements, the whole bodies of
gears have to be modeled because the penalty of parameter of the contact elements must
account for the flexibility of the whole bodies of gears, not just the local stiffness.
Here 2D plane42 elements were used with 2 degrees of freedom per node. The
whole model has 5163 nodes, 4751 elements. For the contact surface the contact element
was Conta172 and for the target surface the target element was Targe169 shown in Figure
5.4 that matches the position in Figure 5.5. Figure 5.5 displays a meshing model of a spur
gear. Fine meshing was used shown in Figure 5.6. The one or two sets of contact
elements were enlarged for the single or the double pairs of gears in contact. This
operation allows extracting the compliance due to bending and shear deformation,
including the contact deformation. This procedure was successively applied to the pinion
and the gear.
Overcoming the convergence difficulties
In this study the contact stress was always emphasized. The contact problem is
usually a challenging problem because contact is a strong nonlinearity. Both the normal
and tangential stiffness at the contact surfaces change significantly with changing contact
status. Those kinds of large, sudden changes in stiffness often cause severe convergence
difficulties. If the constraints established on the model are not proper, it will result zero
overall stiffness. In a static analysis unconstrained free bodies are mathematically
unstable and the solution “blows up”. In addition, the solution will not be in convergence
if the total number of degrees of freedom exceeds 1,000,000.
Figure 5-4 Contact elements between the two contact surfaces
Figure 5-5 Meshing model for spur gears
Figure 5-6 The fine mesh near the two contact surfaces
The 3D model first exhibited difficult convergence behavior. The output window
always displayed: “The system process was out of virtual memory”. Or “the value at the
certain node is greater than current limit of 10 6 .” Several methods were used in order to
overcome such difficulties. First, at the beginning a simple model was built. For example,
the contact stress between the two square boxes or two circles was obtained using
ANSYS. From this simple model, the author learned that it is necessary to make sure
there is the enough computer memory for the 3D model so here the 2D model was
chosen. It is also very important to allow the certain constraint conditions for the model
to be modeled. If the constraints are inadequate, the displacement values at the nodes may
exceed 10 6 . This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained
model so one must verify that the model is properly constrained.
In the author’s opinion there are the four important keys to get correct solutions
for this FEA model:
Firstly, try to choose the different type of contact element options or choose
different element types underlying the contact surfaces. For example, plane42 was chosen
instead of the element with middle side nodes on element edges, which make it hard to
get convergence. If the elements with middle side nodes were chosen, one must remove
the middle side nodes along every element edge before the contact element was built. The
total number of the nodes and total number of the elements were thus reduced. This
allowed a large amount of computer memory to be saved.
Secondly, there are several choices to deal with the gaps between contact
surfaces. For instance, from ANSYS there are three advanced contact features that allow
you to adjust the initial contact conditions to prevent the rigid body from moving away:
Automatic contact adjustment (CNOF) – The program calculates how large the
gap is to close the gap,
Initial contact closure (ICONT) – Moves the nodes on the contact surface within
the adjustment band to the target surface,
Initial allowable penetration range (PMIN & PMAX) – Physically moves the rigid
surface into the contact surface.
All three of these methods have been used by trial and error, numerous times.
Especially, for the second one, different ICONT values were chosen. ICONT = 0.02,
0.015, 0.012 … However the first one seemed better than other ones. It worked very well.
The first one was chosen for this model. In ANSYS, from Contact Pair in Create from
Modeling: Settings > Initial Adjustment > Automatic Contact adjustment: Choose “Close
Gap” from listing. Thirdly, if convergence difficulties are encountered, they may
generally arise from:
Too great a value for contact stiffness,
Too tight a value for penetration tolerance,
Too large a value for the minimum time step size or too small maximum
number of substeps.
So at the beginning in this model the maximum number of substeps is equal to
100. However it took a long time to get convergence. One should try to decrease the
number of substeps as long as it can obtain convergence and a certain accuracy. If the
maximum number of substeps was equal to 100, it seemed that the accuracy was
improved a little but it would take a very long time to solve or to run it. The larger the
number of substeps the more time was consumed. This is the reason why the author
eventually used 10 as the number of substeps. The normal penalty stiffness is chosen for
default. The penetration tolerance is equal to 0.1 (DEFAULT Value). In order to control
nonlinear SOLUTION “Large Displacement Static” was chosen from listing. Finally,
before going to the solution do not forget the three important things that should be done:
Merge the node if necessary otherwise it is difficult to get convergence,
Compress the nodes and the elements to reduce the total number of nodes &
elements, and to save more memory in the computer,
Delete the all the nodes which are not attached the elements.
The Results from ANSYS
Here Von Mises stresses and the contact stresses just for one position are shown
below in Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8. For the gears the contact stress was compared with
the results from the Hertz equations, and the two results agree with each other well.
Figure 5-7 Von Mises stresses in spur gears
In this model, there are 4751 elements and 5163 nodes. For the contact surfaces
there are more than eight nodes on each contact side. So the distribution of contact
stresses is resonable. In this chapter the transmission error is emphasized and contact is a
nonlinear problem so the solution will likely be done after a greater time compared with
the time in linear analysis. It is much simpler to use “WIZARD BAR” and to create
contact pair between the contact surfaces from “Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Contact
Figure 5-8 The distribution of contact stresses between two teeth
5.4 The Transmission Error
The static transmission error is expressed as a linear displacement at the pitch
point [63]. A kinematic analysis of the gear mesh allows determining the location of
contact line for each loaded tooth pair. These contact lines were discretized. The total
length of lines of contact grows with the applied load. For each position of the driving
gear, the iterative procedures were used to solve the static equilibrium of the gear pair
and to calculate the load distribution on the contact lines and the static transmission error.
However the contact deformation was excluded in those models.
This section considers a FEA model, which was used to predict static
transmission error of a pair of spur gears in mesh including the contact deformation. The
model involves the use of 2-D elements, coupled with contact elements near the points of
contact between the meshing teeth. When one pair of teeth is meshing one set of contact
elements was established between the two contact surfaces, while when two pairs of teeth
are meshing two sets of contact elements were established between the two contact
bodies. When gears are unloaded, a pinion and gear with perfect involute profiles should
theoretically run with zero transmission error. However, when gears with involute
profiles are loaded, the individual torsional mesh stiffness of each gear changes
throughout the mesh cycle, causing variations in angular rotation of the gear body and
subsequent transmission error. The theoretical changes in the torsional mesh stiffness
throughout the mesh cycle match the developed static transmission error using finite
element analysis shown in Figure 5.9.
Angle of Transmision
Rotation angle of gears (degree)
Figure 5-9 Static transmission error from ANSYS
5.5 Conclusion
Mesh stiffness variation as the number of teeth in contact changes is a primary
cause of excitation of gear vibration and noise. This excitation exists even when the gears
are perfectly machined and assembled. Numerical methods using 2-D FEM modeling of
toothed bodies including contact elements have been developed to analyze the main static
transmission error for spur gear pairs. Numerous simulations allowed validating this
method and showed that a correct prediction of transmission error needed an accurate
modeling of the whole toothed bodies. The elasticity of those bodies modifies the contact
between loaded tooth pairs and the transmission error variations. The developed
numerical method allows one to optimize the static transmission error characteristics by
introducing the suitable tooth modifications. These offer interesting possibilities as first
steps of the development of a transmission system and can be also successfully used to
improve to control the noise and vibration generated in the transmission system.
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work
6.1 Conclusions
The contribution of the thesis work presented here can be summarized as follows:
It was shown that an FEA model could be used to simulate contact between two
bodies accurately by verification of contact stresses between two cylinders in contact and
comparison with the Hertzian equations.
Effective methods to estimate the tooth contact stress using a 2D contact stress
model and to estimate the root bending stresses using 2D and 3D FEA model are
proposed. The analysis of gear contact stress and the investigation of 2D and 3D solid
bending stresses are detailed in Chapter 4.
In Chapter 5 the development of a new numerical method for FEA modelling of
the whole gear body which can rotate in mesh including the contact problem is presented.
The static transmission error was also obtained after running the models in ANSYS.
6.2 Future Work
The following areas are worthy of further research as computer capabilities
increase. Further numerical method investigations should be conducted on:
The transmission error for all types of gears for example: helical, spiral bevel and
other gear tooth form,
A whole gearbox with all elements in the system such as the bearing and the gear
Three-dimensionally meshed simulations for both spur and helical gears,
Simulation of an oil film in contact zone.
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Appendix A Input File of A Model of Two Cylinders
Parameter Definitions
!Cyclinder Geometry and Materials
!Loading Controls
!Load Step Options
!Model Size
!Meshing Controls
!Non-Contact Element Properties
!Calculated Values
/title, Two cylinders' contact 2002 with friction
Geometry Generation
!Define element type
!Define and Generate contact elements
!Generate contact elements on one surface
!Generate contact elements on the other surface
!Generate .......
Boundary Conditions
!Rotate all nodes in upper cylinder to be in a cylindrical system
!Fix bottom of lower cylinder
!Eliminate lateral motion of upper cylinder's totation center
!***********Load Step 1 ***********
!***********Load Step 2************
!Apply a pressure
!***********Load Step 3*************
!**************Load Step 4************