Partial budget analysis of sow Escherichia coli vaccination
Thomas E. Wittum, PhD; and Catherine E. Dewey, DVM, PhD
Summary: We evaluated the profitability of vaccinating sows
against Escherichia coli using a partial budget analysis incorporated into a computer spreadsheet. Herd inputs intended to approximate the average swine operation were used to provide
generalizable results. Vaccine efficacy was estimated using previous reports of reduced diarrhea morbidity and mortality in neonatal piglets associated with vaccination. Our results indicate
that the average swine producer who does not currently vaccinate sows against E. coli could expect to generate $5.51 per
sow in additional yearly profits by implementing a vaccination
program. Losses attributable to piglet diarrhea would be reduced
by nearly $10 per sow per year. Investment in a sow E. coli vaccination program is expected to result in a 124% return on investment. Sensitivity analysis found that these results were fairly insensitive to variations in vaccine efficacy, market value of pigs,
vaccine cost, liveborn litter size, and diarrhea morbidity and mortality rates without vaccination. Threshold analysis suggests that
herds with diarrhea morbidity and mortality rates in 1- to 14day-old piglets of at least 3.5% and 0.8%, respectively, could expect returns adequate to justify investment. We therefore predict
that E. coli vaccination of sows would be a cost-effective health
management strategy for many United States swine producers.
nterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections are commonly associated with diarrhea problems in neonatal piglets.1-3 Approximately half of all swine producers in the United States vaccinate
gestating sows in order to provide passive lacteal immunity against E.
coli infection to suckling piglets.4 We recently reported that the risk of
diarrhea morbidity and mortality in piglets up to 14 days of age was
lower among herds that employed sow E. coli vaccination programs.5,6
That observation, together with experimental work3 support the biologic efficacy of commercial E. coli vaccines in swine herds. However,
the cost-effectiveness of swine E. coli vaccination programs has not
been addressed. When only biologic efficacy is considered, the use of
economically impractical management practices may be perpetuated.
We therefore used the results of the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS:USDA:APHIS:VS) National Swine Survey (NSS)4
and estimates of reduced piglet diarrhea morbidity and mortality associated with the use of maternal E. coli vaccination5,6 to evaluate the
TEW: USDA, ARS, US Meat Animal Research Center, Clay
Center, Nebraska, 68933; CED: Great Plains Veterinary
Educational Center, University of Nebraska, Clay Center,
Nebraska, 68933.
Published as journal series article number 10967 of the
University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division.
Swine Health and Production — Volume 4, Number 1
profitability of E. coli vaccination of sows.
The profitability of vaccinating sows against E. coli was analyzed using
a partial budgeting technique. The partial budget was incorporated
into a spreadsheet (Lotus Development Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts), closely following a format previously presented by
DeGraves and Fetrow.7 Data were used to approximate the average
swine herd that does not currently vaccinate sows against E. coli. We
considered a 23-kg feeder pig to be the production endpoint for this
As with any budget, certain input assumptions are required. This
analysis assumes that:
• diarrhea morbidity and mortality in piglets greater than 14 days of
age is not affected by vaccination of sows against E. coli. Most piglet
morbidity and mortality, including that attributed to diarrhea, occurs during the first 2 weeks postpartum;8
• piglets saved through reduced death loss will not differ from other
piglets in costs to raise to market weight and in market value; and
• other than intervention costs, the cost of production per sow (i.e.,
the cost of raising a litter to weaning) would not change due to
reduced diarrhea morbidity and mortality.
Description of the partial budget
The partial budget is divided into seven sections designed to separately
present important components of the analysis (see Table 1).
Section I: Herd inputs
Herd inputs used for this analysis were estimated from national averages where possible, except for the number of sows and gilts. A herd
size of 500 breeding females, with 20% gilts, was used as an example.
The partial budget estimates of intervention effects on per-sow profitability are independent of herd size. Average litters per female per year
and piglets born alive per litter were estimated from reported national
averages.8,9 Labor costs and labor required per morbidity and mortality are estimates. Morbidity treatment costs were estimated to be $0.04
per day for a 3-day antibiotic treatment regimen. We assume that
when one sick piglet is observed that the entire litter generally receives treatment. However, due to clustering of diarrhea within litters,
each recorded morbidity represents approximately two piglets that receive treatment. Thus, we estimate a drug cost of $0.24 per morbidity
(i.e., $0.04 per day × 3 days × 2 piglets). The variable costs per piglet
weaned are the estimated costs required to raise a piglet from wean-
Table 1
Partial budget for estimating the cost-effectiveness of sow Escherichia coli vaccination
Herd Inputs
Litters per female per year
Piglets per litter
Labor $ per hour
Hours labor per morbidity
Hours labor per mortality
Drug cost per morbidity
Variable costs per pig weaned
Piglet value as 23-kg feeder
Observed proportion of population with clinical disease
Diarrhea morbidity 1 to 14 days
8 .8 %
Diarrhea mortality 1 to 14 days
Intervention description
Costs per sow
Labor (hour)
Cases prevented (% of rate without intervention)
Diarrhea morbidity 1 to 3 days
Diarrhea morbidity 4 to 14 days
Diarrhea mortality 1 to 3 days
Diarrhea mortality 4 to 14 days
Disease costs
Expected cases per year
Diarrhea morbidity
95 8
Diarrhea mortality
20 7
Costs attributable to piglet diarrhea
Death loss
Total loss per year
Loss per sow per year
Total preventable loss per year
Preventable loss per sow per year
Intervention costs
Material costs
Labor costs
Increased variable costs—weaning to 23 kg
Total program costs per year
Total program costs per sow per year
Profit analysis
Total profit from intervention
Profit per sow per year from intervention
Investment summary
Return on investment
Intervention costs per sow per year
Time required to implement (hours)
Profit per hour of intervention
ing to 23 kg market weight. The average market value of a piglet is
based on the estimated 10-year average value of $40 for a 23-kg
feeder pig.
Section II: Observed proportion of population with
clinical disease
The observed proportions of clinical disease are the proportions of
piglets born alive that are observed with diarrhea morbidity or mortality during the first 14 days of life. Our estimates were obtained from
the previously reported risk factor analyses5,6 of NSS data by calculating the average expected rates of these conditions among herds that
did not vaccinate sows against E. coli.
Section III: Intervention description
The intervention description section of the partial budget details the
direct costs and reduction in disease occurrence associated with an E.
coli vaccination program. Labor was estimated at 1.5 minutes per
dose administered. The local cost of E. coli vaccine, $0.99 per dose,
was used for this analysis. The expected reduction in diarrhea morbidity and mortality rates are the adjusted odds ratios for vaccinated
versus nonvaccinated herds reported from analysis of NSS data.5,6
Section IV: Disease costs
Total direct costs attributable to treatment of diarrhea morbidity and
Swine Health and Production — January and February, 1996
death loss, both with and without vaccination, are summarized in the
disease costs section. The expected number of cases without vaccination were obtained by calculating the expected number of piglets from
information in Section I, and multiplying by the expected rates of diarrhea morbidity and mortality reported in Section II. The expected
number of cases with vaccination was calculated by multiplying the expected cases without vaccination by the appropriate odds ratios,
weighted for the expected proportion of cases within each appropriate
age group.
Sections V, VI, and VII: Intervention costs, profit analysis,
investment summary
The remaining sections of the partial budget summarize the intervention costs and expected returns resulting from the intervention. The
intervention costs assume that all producers will follow a typical program in which gilts are vaccinated twice prior to farrowing and sows
once before each farrowing. Return on investment was calculated as
the expected profits resulting from intervention expressed as a percentage of the intervention costs.
Threshold and sensitivity analysis
We used a threshold analysis to identify the rates of diarrhea morbidity
and mortality in a herd at which investment in an E. coli vaccination
program would be financially justified. We considered a return on investment of 13% or greater to be adequate to justify investing in the intervention. We also investigated the sensitivity of the partial budget to
changes in individual inputs by varying the value of one input while
holding the values for all other inputs constant. The sensitivity analysis
was used to estimate the effects of variations in herd incidence of diarrhea morbidity and mortality without vaccination, the market value of
piglets, vaccine cost, and liveborn litter size. We also examined the
sensitivity of the partial budget to vaccine efficacy by simultaneously
varying the four odds ratios in Section III by fixed percentages.
Given our initial assumptions and using the described information, we
estimate that the average United States swine herd that does not vaccinate sows against E. coli could expect to generate additional yearly
profits of $5.51 per sow by implementing a vaccination program
(Table 1). Losses attributable to piglet diarrhea would be reduced by
nearly $10 per sow yearly. Investment in a sow E. coli vaccination program would be expected to result in a 124% return on investment.
Our threshold analysis suggests that herds with diarrhea morbidity
and mortality rates in 1- to 14-day-old piglets of at least 3.5% and
0.8%, respectively, could expect returns adequate to justify investment
in the intervention.
The sensitivity analysis indicates that the partial budget is fairly insensitive to variations in the inputs examined over reasonable ranges of
operating values. Vaccination would remain profitable with as reduction of up to 73% in vaccine effectiveness at preventing morbidity and
mortality (Figure 1). When the market value of piglets is varied, vaccination would remain profitable above a price of $11.37 per piglet
Swine Health and Production — Volume 4, Number 1
(Figure 2). Additional sensitivity analysis found the break-even values
for vaccine cost and average liveborn piglets per litter to be $3.28 per
dose (Figure 3) and 3.4 pigs per litter, respectively. Vaccination was
predicted to remain profitable when the diarrhea mortality rate in piglets up to 14 days of age without vaccination was greater than 0.2%
(Figure 4), and across all values of nonvaccinated diarrhea morbidity
rates (Figure 5).
Partial budgeting allows us to estimate the financial consequences of a
herd-health intervention program, here E. coli vaccination of sows. A
partial budget considers only the income and costs that are likely to be
influenced by the proposed intervention. Thus, the budgeting process
is simplified and more readily applied to the field situation. Veterinarians and producers can use this technique to objectively evaluate the
cost-effectiveness of potential management changes when reasonable
estimates of production effects are available. This method is appropriate for relatively minor management changes with a limited time horizon, when consideration of the time value of money is not justified.
In this report, data were used to approximate the average swine herd
that does not currently vaccinate sows against E. coli. Therefore, the
primary question addressed is whether the average swine operation
that does not vaccinate would be financially justified in beginning a
vaccination program. The expected rates of diarrhea morbidity and
mortality for herds that do and that do not currently vaccinate are
closely related to the odds ratios used to estimate vaccine efficacy.
Thus, discontinuing a current vaccination program would be expected
to have a similar effect on profitability for the average producer, but in
the opposite direction. The spreadsheet is designed so that data from
individual herds can be substituted for evaluation. Thus, reasonable
herd-specific recommendations can be made.
The partial budget is independent of the number of females in the
herd, but because gilts require an extra vaccination, the proportion of
gilts in the population is important. An average of 20% gilts was estimated from Dial, et al.10 Average litters-per-female-per-year and piglets-born-alive-per-litter were estimated from reported national averages.8-10 We are assuming that averages for herds that do not currently
vaccinate sows against E. coli are not different from herds that do vaccinate for these values.
The estimates of diarrhea morbidity and mortality rates used in this
analysis were obtained from the risk factor analysis of NSS data5,6 by
calculating the average expected rates among herds that did not vaccinate sows against E. coli. That analysis examined daily risk separately
for piglets aged 1–3 days and 4–14 days. However, for simplicity, we
have designed the partial budget so that producers enter observed diarrhea morbidity and mortality rates for the entire 14-day period.
When using this partial budget to make individual herd decisions, producers may be better able to provide accurate estimates of rates for
the entire 2-week period. Our estimates were obtained by summing
the average daily risk predicted by the risk factor analysis across the
14-day period of interest. We assume that when one sick piglet is ob11
Nonvaccinated diarrhea morbidity rate
Profit versus diarrhea morbidity rate without vaccination for sow Escherichia coli vaccination
Vaccine cost per dose
did not receive treatment. Thus, labor required for 3 days of antibiotic
treatment has been associated only with diarrhea morbidity, so that
the expected labor is greater than for diarrhea mortality.
Increased profit per sow per year
Figure 3
Increased profit per sow per year
Piglet value as 23-kg feeder ($)
Increased profit per sow per year
Figure 5
Profit versus piglet value at weaning for sow Escherichia
coli vaccination
Profit versus vaccine cost for sow Escherichia coli
served, the entire litter generally receives treatment. However, due to
clustering of disease within litters, each morbidity does not represent
one litter that receives antibiotic treatment. Our estimates of within-litter clustering of diarrhea and the observed age distribution of cases
from NSS data suggest that each morbidity represents approximately
two piglets that will receive treatment. We assume that any piglet reported as a mortality that was not previously reported as a morbidity
Nonvaccinated diarrhea mortality rate
Profit versus diarrhea mortality rate without vaccination for sow Escherichia coli vaccination
Figure 2
Vaccine effectiveness (percent change)
Profit versus vaccine effectiveness for sow Escherichia
coli vaccination
Increased profit per sow per year
Figure 4
Increased profit per sow per year
Figure 1
Our results suggest that the average United States swine herd that does
not currently vaccinate could realize $5.51 in additional profits per
sow yearly by implementing an E. coli vaccination program. The average swine producer that currently vaccinates sows is similar to the average producer that does not vaccinate. Thus, we would predict a
similar reduction in profits for herds that currently vaccinate if that
vaccination program were discontinued. The additional profits expected from implementing a vaccination program are not large on a
profit-per-sow basis. On a herd basis, however, they can be significant.
Our expected return on investment and profit-per-hour of intervention
should be attractive to any producer.
Our threshold analysis found that returns adequate to justify investment in an E. coli vaccination program would be realized at relatively
low rates of herd diarrhea morbidity and mortality. In addition, our
sensitivity analysis found that the results are fairly insensitive to
changes in inputs. Thus, we predict that E. coli vaccination of sows is
a cost-effective health management strategy for many United States
Swine Health and Production — January and February, 1996
swine producers. It is unlikely that the truly “average” herd actually
exists. However, herd-specific decisions could easily be supported by
substituting information for individual herds into the partial budget.
assess the impact of other possible herd health or management interventions. A copy of the partial budget spreadsheet is available from the
authors upon request.
Our results are dependent upon estimates of E. coli vaccine effectiveness which we previously reported as adjusted odds ratios representing the expected reduction in diarrhea morbidity and mortality for
vaccinated versus nonvaccinated herds.5,6 These estimates were based
on data from over 700 swine herds selected to represent much of the
United States swine population. Hence, we believe they provide valid
estimates of differences between vaccinated and nonvaccinated herds.
While other unmeasured factors may have resulted in these differences, experimental data support the efficacy of E. coli vaccination of
sows for reducing piglet diarrhea.3 We estimate that the observed effectiveness of the vaccine could be reduced by approximately 70% and
still remain profitable. A 70% reduction would be outside the 95%
confidence intervals reported for each of the odds ratios used in this
Normal cycles in the swine industry result in large fluctuations in the
market value of a feeder pig over time. The relatively low break-even
market value of approximately $11 indicates that an E. coli vaccination program would remain cost-effective even in times of more unfavorable market conditions. Likewise, the break-even cost of the vaccine of over $3 per dose is well above our locally observed maximum
cost of $1.36 per dose.
The average liveborn piglets per litter at which a vaccination program
is predicted to break even, approximately 3.5 piglets, is likely below
the point at which an operation could continue to operate. Average litter size of an operation would not therefore be expected to influence
the decision to implement a vaccination program. Vaccination is predicted to be profitable at all possible nonvaccinated rates of diarrhea
morbidity, and above a nonvaccinated diarrhea mortality rate of 0.2%.
Thus, nearly any level of piglet diarrhea in a herd could potentially be
addressed cost-effectively with maternal E. coli vaccination.
Our results support the general cost-effectiveness of sow vaccination
programs designed to provide passive lacteal immunity to piglets
against enterotoxigenic E. coli. The spreadsheet format allows for easy
substitution of herd-specific information to generate individual herd
recommendations. In addition, the spreadsheet could be modified to
Swine Health and Production — Volume 4, Number 1
• The average swine producer who does not currently vaccinate sows
against E. coli could expect to generate $5.51 per sow in additional
yearly profits, or a 124% return on investment by implementing a
vaccination program.
• Swine herds with diarrhea morbidity and mortality rates of at least
3.5% and 0.8%, respectively, in 1- to 14-day-old piglets could expect returns adequate to justify investing in an E. coli vaccination
• Individual herd variations in vaccine effectiveness, market value of
pigs, vaccine cost, litter size, and diarrhea morbidity and mortality
rates over reasonable operating ranges are not expected to influence the profitability of a vaccination program.
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Penny RHC, Scholl H, eds. Diseases of Swine. 6th ed. Ames, IA: Iowa State University
Press; 1986:520–528.
3. Moon HW, Bunn TO. Vaccines for preventing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
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4. National Swine Survey, Technical Report. Fort Collins, CO: USDA:APHIS:VS Center
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associated with the incidence of diarrhea morbidity and mortality in piglets 1–3 days of
age. Swine Hlth and Prod. 1995; 3:99–104.
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7. DeGraves FJ, Fetrow J. Partial budget analysis of vaccinating dairy cattle against
coliform mastitis with an Escherichia coli J5 vaccine. JAVMA. 1991;199:451–455.
8. Tubbs RC, Hurd HS, Dargatz DA, Hill GW. Preweaning morbidity and mortality in the
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9. Marsh WE. Where are we now and where should we be. Pig$en$e .1992; 1(1):4–7.
10. Dial GD, Marsh WE, Polson DD, Vaillancourt J-P. Reproductive failure: Differential
diagnosis. In: Leman AD, Straw BE, Mengeling WL, D’Allaire S, Taylor DJ, eds. Diseases
of Swine. 7th ed. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press; 1992:88–137.