A farewell to Wilhelm Klaus

1988, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 56 (1988): 1 4 1 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands Obituary A FAREWELL TO WILHELM KLAUS It w a s a v e r y sad m o m e n t w h e n , on N o v e m b e r 13, 1987 we l e a r n e d of t h e s u d d e n d e a t h of O. U n i v . Prof. Dr. W i l h e l m Klaus. A l t h o u g h he h a d suffered a h e a r t a t t a c k t w o y e a r s ago, he still m a n a g e d t h e r e a f t e r to c o m p l e t e his t w o - v o l u m e t e x t b o o k ~'Einfiihrung in die P a l f i o b o t a n i k " as well as further enjoying teaching and research. Not o n l y h a s the scientific c o m m u n i t y lost a v e r s a t i l e m e m b e r ; we, his s t u d e n t s a n d colleagues, h a v e also lost a well b e l o v e d t e a c h e r . W i l h e l m K l a u s w a s b o r n in V i e n n a on April 5, 1921 as t h e son of a n i n d u s t r i a l officer. D u e to his f a t h e r ' s profession, he s o o n b e c a m e a c q u a i n t e d w i t h A u s t r i a n coal mines. I n 1939, a f t e r p a s s i n g his final e x a m s at school in W i e n e r N e u s t a d t , he b e g a n his studies a t the U n i v e r s i t y of V i e n n a in o r d e r to b e c o m e a biology t e a c h e r . H a v i n g b e e n i n t e r r u p t e d by the war, he finished his t e a c h i n g studies in 1950, w i t h a thesis titled " D i e K u t i k u l a r a n a lyse in der Pal~iobotanik". D u r i n g his studies he h a d a l r e a d y d e v e l o p e d a n i n t e r e s t in b o t a n y , g e o l o g y a n d p a l a e o n t o l o g y a n d b e g a n to w o r k 0034-6667/88/$03.50 on a Ph.D thesis e n t i t l e d " P o l l e n a n a l y t i s c h e U n t e r s u c h u n g e n a n der o b e r p a n n o n e n B r a u n k o h l e v o n N e u f e l d a n der L e i t h a " . T h i s w o r k deals n o t o n l y w i t h p r o b l e m s of p a l y n o l o g y a n d s t r a t i g r a p h y , b u t also includes a n identific a t i o n k e y of r e c e n t pollen of T a x o d i a c e a e as well as a modified p r e p a r a t i o n m e t h o d for b r o w n coals. H e g r a d u a t e d as a Dr. Phil. in 1951. D u r i n g t h e following years, he was i n v i t e d to s e v e r a l E u r o p e a n r e s e a r c h l a b o r a t o r i e s to c o o p e r a t e w i t h well k n o w n c o l l e a g u e s i n c l u d i n g Prof. R. Poteni~, Prof. P.W. T h o m s o n , Prof. U. Rein - Krefeld, Prof. A. B e n t z - - H a n n o v e r , Inst. F r a n q a i s du P e t r o l - - Paris, Prof. G. E r d t m a n -- Stockholm. T h e e x p e r i e n c e g a t h e r e d d u r i n g this period e n a b l e d h i m to build up a n e w p a l y n o l o g i c a l laboratory at the Geologische Bundesanstalt in V i e n n a , w h e r e he w o r k e d f r o m 1953 to 1967. His a i m s of r e s e a r c h w e r e to c o n t i n u e the p a l y n o l o g i c a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n of A u s t r i a n coal m i n e s (e.g. H a u s r u c k , L a v a n t t a l ) ; m o o r drilling in o r d e r to i n v e s t i g a t e the flora of post- © 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. glacial Austrian forests as well as the PermoTriassic stratigraphy of Austrian salt mines. In 1954, he took part in the 8th Botanical Congress in Paris with an appreciated lecture concerning salt palynology. Although he did not become a school teacher, Wilhelm Klaus never stopped being fond of teaching and keeping contact with interested students. In 1965, he acquired the right to hold academic lectures and started his teaching career at the University of Vienna. Two years later, he became an associate professor in the newly established Department of Paleobotany (Paleobotany and Palynology since 1970) at the Institute for Palaeontology. Thanks to his abilities in scientific research and teaching, Wilhelm Klaus was nominated as an ordinary professor in 1973. He always insisted on treating palaeontological problems from the biological point of view as a premiss for palaeobiological and stratigraphic research. He thus stressed the importance of basic research and comparisons with recent materials and disapproved the careless use of artificial genera in solving stratigraphic problems. He demonstrated this viewpoint in undertaking numerous field trips to Mexico and the U.S.A. in order to collect recent material. His main interest lay in the genus Pinus L. He investigated the relationship of recent species to one another and to fossil species using primarily cone morphology as well as palynological and histological methods. He undertook experiments in the maturing and frost resistance of trees in his private arboretum. He simultaneously was also interested in such thematically varying problems as cacti (especially the genus Astrophytum), the technical improvement of drilling machines used in the investigation of moors, experiments in the preparation and microphotography of pollen grains as well as aviation. He thus was able to find a surprising number of cross connections between different scientific fields. The fascination of all open scientific questions as well as everyday problems, with which he was confronted, was readily conveyed to his students. Although a shrewd critic, he was already a warm-hearted and interested observer and a humorous discussion partner. Feeling himself as a representative of the ~'Humboldt Universit~it", Wilhelm Klaus won the following of a large number of young students, who will continue to propagate his scientific legacy in the future. Otto CICHOCKI, James NEBELSICK and Reinhard ZETTER (Wien) List o f scientific p u b l i c a t i o n s o f ProL W. Klaus 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Die Kutikularanalyse in der Palhobotanik. Univ. Wien (UnverSffentlichte Hausarbeit). Palynologische (pollenanalytische) U n t e r s u c h u n g an der Ober-Pannonen Braunkohle yon Neufeld a.d. Leitha. Diss. Phil. Fak., Univ. Wien. Entwicklung und Bedeutung der Pr~iquart~ir-Palynologie (Pollen- und Sporenanalyse) in Osterreich. ErdS1 Z., 6(9): 88 91. Terti/ir-Palynologie in ~)sterreich. Sven. Bot. Tidskr., 45(1):137 141. Bemerkungen zur Palynologie der Hausruck-Kohlen. (vorl/iufige Mitteilung). Anz. Osterr. Akad. Wiss., 9:1 9. Mikrosporenstratigraphie der ostalpinen Salzberge. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1953(3): 161 175. Alpine Salzmikropal~iontologie (Sporendiagnose). Pal/iontol. Z., 27(1/2): 52 56. Zur Einzelkornpr~iparation fossiler Sporomorphen. Mikroskopie, 8(1-2): I 14. Palynology of coal, salt and oil in Austria. Micropalaeontologist, 7(4): 28 30. Braunkohlenpalynologie einiger weststeirischer Lagerst~itten. Verb. Geol. B.A., 1954(3): 170 179. Bau- und Form von Sporotrapoidites illingensis n.g. et. sp. sporomorpharum. Bot. Not,, 2:124 131. Palynology of Salt. In: VIIIth Congr., Paris, 1954, Sext. 6, S 253. Alpine Salzsporen-Diagnose. Z. Dtsch. Geol. Ges. 105(2): 234 235. Einige Sporengattungen des alpinen, Salzgebirges. (Gemeinschaftsarbeit mit R. Potoni~). Geol. Jahrb., 68:517 546. Berichte 1953 aus dem Laboratorium fiir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1954(1): 8 9. Uber die Sporendiagnose des deutschen Zechsteinsalzes und des alpinen Salzgebirges. Z. Dtsch. Geol. Ges. 105(4): 776 788. Die Bedeutung anorganischer Sedimente fiir die Sporenstratigraphie in der angewandten Geologie. ErdS1-Z., 71(5/6): 51 52. Pollenanalytische-stratigraphische Betrachtungen zur Altersstellung einer Blattfossilien fiihrenden 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Schicht aus Wolkersdorf im unteren L a v a n t t a l (Ostk~irnten). Verh. Geol. B.A., 1955(4): 239-242. Bericht 1954 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Ver. Geol. B.A., 1955(1): 95-97. Kohle-, Salz- und ErdSllager im Lichte der Sporenmikroskopie. Osterr. Bergmannskalender. Montan, Wien. Mikrosporenhorizonte in Sfid- und Ostk~irnten. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1956(3): 250-255. Abschied yon Elise Hofmann. G r a n a Palynol. (N.S.), 1]2:115 118. Bericht 1955 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1956(1): 121-122. Bericht 1956 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1957(1): 107-108. Some Lower Mesophytic Microspores of Europe with remarks on their relation to the GondwanaMicroflora. J. Palaeontol. Soc. India, 2:151 155. Bericht 1957 aus dem Laboratorium fur Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1958(3): 298-299. Sporenfunde in der karnischen Stufe der alpinen Trias. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1959(2): 160-162. Die Palynologie als stratigraphische Methode im Terti~ir. In: A. Papp and E. Thenius, H a n d b u c h der stratigraphischen Geologie III. Terti/ir I. Teil. Stuttgart, pp.359-384. Bericht 1958 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1959(3): 123-124. Pollendiagramme der Moore des niederSsterreichischen Waldviertels: I. Das Haslauermoos. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1960(1): 72 77. Sporen der k a r n i s c h e n Stufe der ostalpinen Trias. Jahrb. Geol. B.A. Sonderbd. 5, 1960: 107-184. Sporenfunde bei E1 Gheras und Safir. In: W. Schott, Zur Stratigraphie und Pal/iogeographie des Oberen J u r a in Siidwestarabien. Geol. Jahrb., 77: 609 610. Bericht 1959 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1960(3): A122 123. Pollendiagramme der Moore des niederSsterreichischen Waldviertels: II. Das Schremser Moor (Schwarzinger Torfstich). Verh. Geol. B.A., 1961(2): 128-130. Bericht 1960 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1961(3): A l l l - l 1 2 . Zur Pollenanalytischen Datierung von Quart~irsedimenten im Stadtgebiet von Wien, siidlichen Wiener Becken und Burgenland. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1962(3): 20 38. Bericht 1961 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1962(3): 108 109. Sporen aus dem sfidalpinen Perm (Vergleichsstudie zur Gliederung nordalpiner Salzserien). Jahrb. Geol. B.A., 106: 229-363. Bericht 1962 aus dem Laboratorium fiir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1963(3): A76. Zur sporenstratigraphischen Einstufung von gipsffihrenden Schichten in Bohrungen. ErdSl-Z., 80(4): 119-132. 1965 1966 1967 1968 1970 1971 1972 1974 1975 Bericht 1963 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1964(3): A71-72. Zur Einstufung alpiner Salztone mittels Sporen. Verh. Geol. B.A., Sonderh. G., 1964: 288-292; Z. Dtsch. Geol. Ges., 116(2): 544-548. Bericht 1964 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1965(3): A66. "Pterocarya"-Pollen im Quart~irsalz aus Israel. Pollen Spores, 7(3): 529-531. Zwei Pflanzenreste der alpinen Trias mit ihren Sporen (Lueckisporites und Decussatisporites). Verh. Geol. B.A., 1966(1/2): 172 177. Bericht 1965 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1966(3): A 68. Vorbericht fiber pollenanalytische U n t e r s u c h u n g e n von Sedimenten aus der Schlenken-DurchgangshShle a.d. Taugl (Salzburg). Anz. 0sterr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-naturwiss. KI., 12:379 380. Pollenanalytische U n t e r s u c h u n g e n zur Vegetationsgeschichte Salzburgs: Das Torfmoor am Walserberg. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1967(1/2): 200 212. Ein Fossilfundpunkt im Lias yon Groisbach (NO) und seine geologische Stellung. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1967(1/2): 44-45. Bericht 1967 aus dem Laboratorium ffir Palynologie. Verh. Geol. B.A., 1968(3): A85. Utilization of spores in evaporite studies. In: Third Symp. on Salt, NOGS, Cleveland, Ohio, pp.30-33. Blfitenstaubformen der Kakteen. Kakt. Sukk., 21(5): 94-95. Book Review of Handbook of Palynology (Morphology-Taxonomy-Ecology) by G. Erdtman. Sediment. Geol., 4:193 194. Astrophytum capricorne var. minor Runge and Quehl 1892 am Standort in Mexiko. Kakt. Sukk., 22(9): 168-174. ~ b e r Form und Erhaltungszustand fossiler Pollen. kSrner in Koprolithen und Phosphoriten. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Monatsh., 1971(9): 537-551. State of preservation of fossil spores as an aid to saline stratigraphy. In: Proc. Hannover Symp., 1968, UNESCO 1972, Geology of saline deposits. (Earth Sciences, 7). pp.129-130. Saccusdifferenzierungen an PollenkSrnern ostalpiner Pinus-Arten. Osterr. Bot. Z., 120: 93-116. Sp~itglazial-Probleme der 5stlichen Nordalpen, Salzburg - - Inneralpines Wiener Becken. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges., 85(1-4): 83 92. MSglichkeiten der Stratigraphie im "Permoskyth". Verh. Geol. B.A., 1972 33-34. Zur Aufbereitungstechnik und Stratigraphie von Trias-Sporen. Mitt. Ges. Geol. Bergbaustud., 21: 427-435. Neue Beitr~ige zur Datierung von Evaporiten des Ober-Perm. Carinthia II, 164/84:79 85. Das Ril~/Wfirm Interglazial von Mondsee. Mitt. Quart~ir Komm. 0sterr. Akad. Wiss., 1: 14-30. Astrophyten im Schnee. Kakt. Sukk., 26(6): 134-137. 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