Papers by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
Darulfunun İlahiyat, Jul 3, 2019
This study is on a less-known Ottoman historian ʻUthmān Fütūḥī and his works, particularly his ch... more This study is on a less-known Ottoman historian ʻUthmān Fütūḥī and his works, particularly his chronicle about the Yemen expedition (1569-1571). The author wrote two books. The first, titled ʻAjāʼib al-Meḥārib ve Gharāʼib al-Meʻārik, is about this Yemen expedition. The scribe committed this work to paper upon request of Kūjā Sinān Pasha who was the chief-commander of the Ottoman troops dispatched to Yemen to suppress the Zeydī uprising. We now have two copies of this work (full and incomplete), which are accessible. ʻUthmān Fütūḥī benefited to a considerable extent-as a reference-from Nāme-i Fütūḥ-ı Yemen by Muṣṭafá Rumūzī. However, we have additionally found out that Fütūḥī narrates some specific information that Rumūzī doesn't. Fütūḥī's second work with religious content is called Kenz al-Mewâʻiẓ. As far as we know, the sole copy is in the Egyptian National Library and Archives. Fütūḥī submitted this manuscript to Khādim Mesīḥ Pasha, the then-Egypt Governor.
İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018
Öz Arap toplulukları İslamiyet'in doğuşundan önce Arap yarımadası ve çevresindeki bölgelerde yaşa... more Öz Arap toplulukları İslamiyet'in doğuşundan önce Arap yarımadası ve çevresindeki bölgelerde yaşamaktaydılar. Bu topluluklar siyasî bir birlik halinde yaşamaktan ziyade dağınık kabilelere ve boylara ayrılmışlardı. Câhiliye devrinde Arap toplulukları Mecûsîlik, Sâbiîlik, Hıristiyanlık ve Yahudilik gibi çeşitli inançlara sahiptiler. Fakat Arap kabilelerinin zihin dünyalarını daha çok putperestlik şekillendirmekteydi. Diğer dinlerin öğretilerini de zaman zaman kendi inançlarının içerisine dahil etmekteydiler. Böylece tutarsız ve dünyevî dinî algıları zaman içerisinde kendine has bir şekil aldı. Bu algı ulûhiyet, ahiret, ibadet ve nübüvvet telakkîlerini derinden etkiledi. Hz. Peygamber'in hayatının sonlarına doğru İslamiyet Arap yarımadasının tamamıma yayılmış olmakla birlikte, bu dini sonradan benimsemiş olan bazı insanlar eski inançlarını tam anlamıyla terk etmemişlerdi. Nitekim Hz. Peygamber'in vefatının hemen öncesinde ortaya çıkan ve Hz. Ebûbekir devrinde de devam eden ridde isyanlarına çok sayıda kabilenin destek vermiş olması bunun en açık göstergesidir. Bu isyan hareketinin en tehlikelileri peygamber olduklarını iddia eden mütenebbîlerdi. Mütenebbîler meselesi bir yönüyle siyasî bir hüviyete sahipken diğer yönüyle mezkur kabilelerin dinî inançlarının keyfiyetini gözler önüne sermektedir. Bu çalışma, mütenebbîler meselesi çerçevesinde isyan hareketlerine destek vermiş olan Arap kabilelerinin nübüvvet kurumuna bakışlarını ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Bu meselenin daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için Arap coğrafyasının tarihî geçmişi ve dinî inanç merkezlerinin durumu, şâir ve kâhin gibi kabilelerin gözünde ayrı bir değeri olan grupların ahvali, ridde hareketlerinin tarihsel süreci ile mütenebbîlerin ortaya çıkışlarındaki etkenleri de değerlendirilecektir.
The Arab tribes had been living in Arabian-peninsula and adjacent regions before the birth of Islam. Those communities had no political cohesion but division among various tribes and clans. They believed in Zoroastrianism, Sabaeanism, Christianity and Judaism etc. during the Jahiliyyah period. However, the idea of idolatry mainly formed their mentality. Also they often integrated certain principles of other religions into their own beliefs. By this way, their religious senses, which seemed to be incoherent and mostly secular, gradually took a idiosyncratic shape. Which had a deep impact on their understanding of Godhead, afterlife, worship and prophethood.
Although Islam had spreaded over the whole Arabian peninsula towards the end of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) life, some late-converts hardly gave up their previous faith. In fact, numerous clans' involvement in the Apostasy (al-Riddah rebellion) breaking up just before the death of Prophet Muhammad (phub) and continuing during the caliphate of Abû Bakr proved this claim to be true. The most dangerous leaders of this rebel movement were the false prophets who claimed to be so. The issue of false prophets had both political aspect and revealed the essence of relevant tribes' beliefs.
This study aims to clarify the understanding of the Arab tribes who joined in al-Riddah within the context of false prophets. To better apprehend this affair, history of Arabian peninsula, state of religious centers, the status of the prominent persons such as poets and oracles in tribal life, historical background of al-Riddah and driving forces behind the emergence of false prophets need to be taken into account.
Keywords: The False Prophets, al-Riddah (Apostasy), Musaylimah the Liar, Tulayhah b. Khuwaylid, Sajāh bt. al-Hārith, Aswad al-Ansī, Laqīt b. Mālik al-Azdī, Salmā bt. Mālik, The Understanding of Prophethood, Arabs, Poet, Oracle, The Time of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah)
Tarih Dergisi, 2018
Öz Türk-İslâm edebiyatı ve tarihinin mühim kaynakları arasında yer alan fetihâmeler, fethedilen b... more Öz Türk-İslâm edebiyatı ve tarihinin mühim kaynakları arasında yer alan fetihâmeler, fethedilen beldeleri, düşmana karşı kazanılan başarıları haber veren mektup ve fermanlar ile bu fetihleri anlatan tarihî ve edebî eserlerin genel adıdır. Edebî yönlerinin yanı sıra fetihnâmeler, tarihî kaynak olarak da kullanılmaktadır. Raşid Mehmed Efendi tarafından kaleme alınmış olan ve bu çalışmada neşredilen fetihnâme, 1715'te Mora'nın yeniden fethi üzerine hazırlanmış ve dönemin İran hükümdarı Şah Hüseyin'e gönderilmiştir. Fetihnâmenin yayınladığımız sûreti Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi'nde 6 numaralı Nâme-i Hümâyûn Defteri içinde bulunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Osmanlılar, Venedikliler, Raşid Mehmed Efendi, Fetihnâme, Mora'nın İstirdâdı. Abstract The Fathnama on the Reconquest of Morea Prepared by Ottomans (1715) A fathnama–an important source for Turkic-Islamic literature and history–is the generic name of letters and imperial firmans giving information about the victories against enemies and newly conquered lands. Apart from its literary aspects, a fathnama can also be used as a historical source. The fathnama by Râshid Mehmed Effendi, examined in this article, was prepared in order to give information about the conquest of Morea in 1715 and dispatched to the ruler of Iran, Shah Hussain. A copy of the work published here is accessible from the Namah-ı Humayun Record, no. 6, in the Ottoman Archive of the Prime Ministry.
Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, 2016
Vücûdî, Mehmed b. Abdülaziz Efendi. Ottoman Historian, interpreter and a man of letter.
An Evaluation of a Source About The Recoquest of Morea and Nadir's Vâkı'ât-ı Gazavât
Fully incorp... more An Evaluation of a Source About The Recoquest of Morea and Nadir's Vâkı'ât-ı Gazavât
Fully incorperated to the Ottoman administration at the reign of Bayezid II, the Ottomans ceded the Morea in the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. However, it regained the control in 1715. Some works on the re-conquest of Morea have survived to the present.
The first part of the paper makes a comparison on the available chronicles about the re-conquest of the Morea by the Ottomans. The second part deals with the reconquest of the Morea in 1715, the War of Varadin between the Ottomans and Austrians in 1716 and it also introduces the work of Nadir titled Vakı'ât-ı Gazavât which narrates the battles fought around the Morea in 1717.
The Morea, Râşid, Vahîd Mahdûmî, Nâdir, Vâkı'ât-ı Gazavât
Sources about re conquest of Egypt and Mehmed Emin
Karahan-zade's Târîhçe
This study foc... more Sources about re conquest of Egypt and Mehmed Emin
Karahan-zade's Târîhçe
This study focuses on determining works of which subject is “later developments” of Egyptian invasion initiated by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798 and Târîhçe of Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade among these relevant resources. Main objective is to present chronicles about Egypt, similar literal works and major writing of Karahan-zade so as to pave the way for future researches. Within this framework, this study falls into two sections; the first one is general and individual chronicles appertaining to re-conquest of Egypt and writers, contends, resources benefitted and historical value of various works among literal genres. The second one is biography of Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade who resided in Kars and died at a very young age and critique of his work. A transcript version of original text has been added at the end of the study.
Keywords: Egypt, Napoleon Bonapart, The Siege of Acre, Chronicles, Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade, Tarihçe
Books by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
This book aims to deal with life of Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi, court historian, and to produce a critica... more This book aims to deal with life of Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi, court historian, and to produce a critical edition of his Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr ve Hakā’iku'l-Ahbâr for the years between 1794 and 1805 (h. 1209 and 1219).
The book constitutes two main chapters. The first chapter in three heads sheds lights on Vâsıf’s life, works and various aspects of his life. The second chapter consists of the transliteration of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr for the years between h. 1209 and 1219 (1794 and 1805). There is attached some related pictures at the end of the thesis.
The first part entitled “Ahmed Vâsıf’s Life” of the first chapter examines his family, early life, the military campains he participated, his administrative assignments, and his death.
The second chapter entitled “Ahmed Vâsıf’s Works” the works in the field of history, literature and morality both written and translated by the author are dealt with. This chapter also contains comparison of the available the copies of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr for the years 1794 and 1805 as well as comprehensive analysis of its sources and value.
The part named “Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi in Various Aspects” covers such subjects as his character, the question of his inheritance, the works prepared and revised by him, his contributions to the printing activities, his literary side and history writing, his view of contemporary Europe and Ottoman military as well as social and political life.
The second part of this chapter comprise the transliteration between the years from 1794 to 1805 by comparing the all the available copies. The equivalences of the dates originally given in Islamic calendar, the translations and explanations of such literary writings as the verses from the Qur’an, hadiths, proverbs and poems have been offered and the sources they stemmed from have been indicated in the footnotes.
Bir müşahidin Dilinden Osmanlıların 1574 Tarihli Tunus Seferi
Book Reviews by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
Conference Presentations by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
Drafts by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
Papers by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
The Arab tribes had been living in Arabian-peninsula and adjacent regions before the birth of Islam. Those communities had no political cohesion but division among various tribes and clans. They believed in Zoroastrianism, Sabaeanism, Christianity and Judaism etc. during the Jahiliyyah period. However, the idea of idolatry mainly formed their mentality. Also they often integrated certain principles of other religions into their own beliefs. By this way, their religious senses, which seemed to be incoherent and mostly secular, gradually took a idiosyncratic shape. Which had a deep impact on their understanding of Godhead, afterlife, worship and prophethood.
Although Islam had spreaded over the whole Arabian peninsula towards the end of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) life, some late-converts hardly gave up their previous faith. In fact, numerous clans' involvement in the Apostasy (al-Riddah rebellion) breaking up just before the death of Prophet Muhammad (phub) and continuing during the caliphate of Abû Bakr proved this claim to be true. The most dangerous leaders of this rebel movement were the false prophets who claimed to be so. The issue of false prophets had both political aspect and revealed the essence of relevant tribes' beliefs.
This study aims to clarify the understanding of the Arab tribes who joined in al-Riddah within the context of false prophets. To better apprehend this affair, history of Arabian peninsula, state of religious centers, the status of the prominent persons such as poets and oracles in tribal life, historical background of al-Riddah and driving forces behind the emergence of false prophets need to be taken into account.
Keywords: The False Prophets, al-Riddah (Apostasy), Musaylimah the Liar, Tulayhah b. Khuwaylid, Sajāh bt. al-Hārith, Aswad al-Ansī, Laqīt b. Mālik al-Azdī, Salmā bt. Mālik, The Understanding of Prophethood, Arabs, Poet, Oracle, The Time of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah)
Fully incorperated to the Ottoman administration at the reign of Bayezid II, the Ottomans ceded the Morea in the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. However, it regained the control in 1715. Some works on the re-conquest of Morea have survived to the present.
The first part of the paper makes a comparison on the available chronicles about the re-conquest of the Morea by the Ottomans. The second part deals with the reconquest of the Morea in 1715, the War of Varadin between the Ottomans and Austrians in 1716 and it also introduces the work of Nadir titled Vakı'ât-ı Gazavât which narrates the battles fought around the Morea in 1717.
The Morea, Râşid, Vahîd Mahdûmî, Nâdir, Vâkı'ât-ı Gazavât
Karahan-zade's Târîhçe
This study focuses on determining works of which subject is “later developments” of Egyptian invasion initiated by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798 and Târîhçe of Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade among these relevant resources. Main objective is to present chronicles about Egypt, similar literal works and major writing of Karahan-zade so as to pave the way for future researches. Within this framework, this study falls into two sections; the first one is general and individual chronicles appertaining to re-conquest of Egypt and writers, contends, resources benefitted and historical value of various works among literal genres. The second one is biography of Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade who resided in Kars and died at a very young age and critique of his work. A transcript version of original text has been added at the end of the study.
Keywords: Egypt, Napoleon Bonapart, The Siege of Acre, Chronicles, Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade, Tarihçe
Books by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
The book constitutes two main chapters. The first chapter in three heads sheds lights on Vâsıf’s life, works and various aspects of his life. The second chapter consists of the transliteration of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr for the years between h. 1209 and 1219 (1794 and 1805). There is attached some related pictures at the end of the thesis.
The first part entitled “Ahmed Vâsıf’s Life” of the first chapter examines his family, early life, the military campains he participated, his administrative assignments, and his death.
The second chapter entitled “Ahmed Vâsıf’s Works” the works in the field of history, literature and morality both written and translated by the author are dealt with. This chapter also contains comparison of the available the copies of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr for the years 1794 and 1805 as well as comprehensive analysis of its sources and value.
The part named “Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi in Various Aspects” covers such subjects as his character, the question of his inheritance, the works prepared and revised by him, his contributions to the printing activities, his literary side and history writing, his view of contemporary Europe and Ottoman military as well as social and political life.
The second part of this chapter comprise the transliteration between the years from 1794 to 1805 by comparing the all the available copies. The equivalences of the dates originally given in Islamic calendar, the translations and explanations of such literary writings as the verses from the Qur’an, hadiths, proverbs and poems have been offered and the sources they stemmed from have been indicated in the footnotes.
Book Reviews by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
Conference Presentations by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
Drafts by Hüseyin Sarıkaya
The Arab tribes had been living in Arabian-peninsula and adjacent regions before the birth of Islam. Those communities had no political cohesion but division among various tribes and clans. They believed in Zoroastrianism, Sabaeanism, Christianity and Judaism etc. during the Jahiliyyah period. However, the idea of idolatry mainly formed their mentality. Also they often integrated certain principles of other religions into their own beliefs. By this way, their religious senses, which seemed to be incoherent and mostly secular, gradually took a idiosyncratic shape. Which had a deep impact on their understanding of Godhead, afterlife, worship and prophethood.
Although Islam had spreaded over the whole Arabian peninsula towards the end of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) life, some late-converts hardly gave up their previous faith. In fact, numerous clans' involvement in the Apostasy (al-Riddah rebellion) breaking up just before the death of Prophet Muhammad (phub) and continuing during the caliphate of Abû Bakr proved this claim to be true. The most dangerous leaders of this rebel movement were the false prophets who claimed to be so. The issue of false prophets had both political aspect and revealed the essence of relevant tribes' beliefs.
This study aims to clarify the understanding of the Arab tribes who joined in al-Riddah within the context of false prophets. To better apprehend this affair, history of Arabian peninsula, state of religious centers, the status of the prominent persons such as poets and oracles in tribal life, historical background of al-Riddah and driving forces behind the emergence of false prophets need to be taken into account.
Keywords: The False Prophets, al-Riddah (Apostasy), Musaylimah the Liar, Tulayhah b. Khuwaylid, Sajāh bt. al-Hārith, Aswad al-Ansī, Laqīt b. Mālik al-Azdī, Salmā bt. Mālik, The Understanding of Prophethood, Arabs, Poet, Oracle, The Time of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah)
Fully incorperated to the Ottoman administration at the reign of Bayezid II, the Ottomans ceded the Morea in the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699. However, it regained the control in 1715. Some works on the re-conquest of Morea have survived to the present.
The first part of the paper makes a comparison on the available chronicles about the re-conquest of the Morea by the Ottomans. The second part deals with the reconquest of the Morea in 1715, the War of Varadin between the Ottomans and Austrians in 1716 and it also introduces the work of Nadir titled Vakı'ât-ı Gazavât which narrates the battles fought around the Morea in 1717.
The Morea, Râşid, Vahîd Mahdûmî, Nâdir, Vâkı'ât-ı Gazavât
Karahan-zade's Târîhçe
This study focuses on determining works of which subject is “later developments” of Egyptian invasion initiated by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798 and Târîhçe of Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade among these relevant resources. Main objective is to present chronicles about Egypt, similar literal works and major writing of Karahan-zade so as to pave the way for future researches. Within this framework, this study falls into two sections; the first one is general and individual chronicles appertaining to re-conquest of Egypt and writers, contends, resources benefitted and historical value of various works among literal genres. The second one is biography of Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade who resided in Kars and died at a very young age and critique of his work. A transcript version of original text has been added at the end of the study.
Keywords: Egypt, Napoleon Bonapart, The Siege of Acre, Chronicles, Mehmed Emín Karahan-zade, Tarihçe
The book constitutes two main chapters. The first chapter in three heads sheds lights on Vâsıf’s life, works and various aspects of his life. The second chapter consists of the transliteration of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr for the years between h. 1209 and 1219 (1794 and 1805). There is attached some related pictures at the end of the thesis.
The first part entitled “Ahmed Vâsıf’s Life” of the first chapter examines his family, early life, the military campains he participated, his administrative assignments, and his death.
The second chapter entitled “Ahmed Vâsıf’s Works” the works in the field of history, literature and morality both written and translated by the author are dealt with. This chapter also contains comparison of the available the copies of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr for the years 1794 and 1805 as well as comprehensive analysis of its sources and value.
The part named “Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi in Various Aspects” covers such subjects as his character, the question of his inheritance, the works prepared and revised by him, his contributions to the printing activities, his literary side and history writing, his view of contemporary Europe and Ottoman military as well as social and political life.
The second part of this chapter comprise the transliteration between the years from 1794 to 1805 by comparing the all the available copies. The equivalences of the dates originally given in Islamic calendar, the translations and explanations of such literary writings as the verses from the Qur’an, hadiths, proverbs and poems have been offered and the sources they stemmed from have been indicated in the footnotes.