English Phenomena in Indonesia’s Television Show as The Title
English is one of the languages which used in the most area in the world. Some countries even adopting English as their second language. Until now, there are 53 countries used English with 500 million native. Research even found there is a significant improvement of the using of English which can be predicted that 50 years from now, there will be more than 500 million people who used it which of course it exceed the number of the English native itself. Considering English had colonized many countries, the dominant of English as a second language will not only used by modern country, but also used by developing country, for instance Indonesia. Nevertheless, English as a second language gives great influences in many aspects, whether in education, economy, technology, culinary, mass media, even entertainment world. This leads to the habit of using English because people already accustomed with English.
In this paper, writer will focus on the influence of English in the entertainment world, especially the title of television program in Indonesia. The reason why writer choose this topic is because 80 % television channel used English as the title of their program, while the others used both English and Indonesian which makes the title of the show unique and interesting.
This phenomena will analyzed by using the theory in morphology which is focused on word formation theory. Word formation is the process how words are formed by combining morphemes which can produce new words. In other word, in linguistics theory, word formation is the process to make a new word. There are several process which include in word formation process. The major processes are affixes and compounding, while the minor processes are acronym, blending, and clipping. However, according to George Yule on “The Study of Language”, there are 9 different variant of word formation process which will explain in the next chapter.
Clearly, the data which will be analyzed in this paper are included in borrowing, blending, acronym, and hypocorism process. Then each data will be analyzed if there are changes happened while using the word formation process.
The linguistics theory used in this paper is word formation. As already explain before, word formation is a process of building a new word by adding, reducing, even changing the morphemes. Word formation itself divided into 9 different types; coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion, acronyms, and derivation, according to George Yule in “The Study of Language”.
The first type of word formation is coinage. According to George Yule (2010), coinage is one of the word formation process which is common. This process produced the new terms or some say it produced the new words in English. English is always has new words indeed, around 8500 words each year. For coinage itself, the new words come from the name of commercial products which already used in the society. It can be seen from these examples: aspirin, nylon, Vaseline, zipper, granola, Kleenex, Teflon, and Xerox. Some of the new words are the abbreviation, such Teflon. It is comes from te(tra)-fl(uor)-on which introduced as Teflon and become a new English word.
If the new words come from commercial products name called as coinage, the new terms which comes from a place or someone name is called eponym. Usually, there is a relationship between the words with the history of how the words established. For instance, sandwich. In the eighteenth century, there was somebody named Earl of Sandwich. He usually did gambling while eat a bread together with meat. Since that, pile of bread and meat known as sandwich. Another example is jeans. People know that jeans is a trousers which made from a thick denim, but only a few who know that word jeans is the name of a city in Italy which invented that kind of trousers. George Yule on “Study of Language”, stated that some eponyms usually based on the name of the inventor the things. For example, Fahrenheit is invented by a German scientist named Gabriel Fahrenheit, Volt is invented by Alessandro Volta from Italy and watt, comes from a Scottish scientist named James Watt.
The other word formation type is borrowing. This process occurs when a language is borrowing some of words from another language. George Yule called borrowing is a taking over another language. According to Katamba 1994, language is borrowed some words from another language and make it as a new word of its language. Borrowing also happened in English. Some of its words are borrowed from French, German, and Dutch. Some of the examples are; croissant which borrowed from French, dope borrowed German, while piano is borrowed from Italy, and pretzel borrowed from German. On the other hand, another language is also borrowed from English, such as Japanese which borrowed word supermarket and modified it into word suupaa. Usually, there is a change of the word if the word is borrowed from English. According to Katamba (1994), the borrowed word will be adjusted to fit it into the phonological system of the language which known as an indirect borrowing. While if there are no changes of the borrowed word or in other word there is a direct borrowing, the process is called loan-translation or calque, such as, gratte-ciel from French which means scrape-sky, wolkenkrabber from Dutch means cloud scratcher or Wolkenkratzer from German means cloud scraper. All of these words are the calques for the English word skyscraper.
According to Molina & Albir (2002:520), there two types of borrowing : Pure Borrowing and Naturalized Borrowing. Pure borrowing is the process of borrowing words without any modification include while the process is happened or in other word, it is a direct borrowing. For example, word hard disk which borrows from English is called hard disk too in Indonesian. While naturalized borrowing is the borrowing process which allowed a modification on the borrowed word to fit in the spelling rules of the language. For instance word July, in Indonesian is pronounced as Juli.
The next explanation is about compounding. This process happened if there are two different word join together to produce a new word. According to George Yule (2010), compounding is usually occurs in language such English and German. While in Spanish and French, this process is rarely happened. The examples of compounding are bookcase which come from word book and case. The other is wall and paper which form a new term with different meaning, wallpaper. While in German, the example is lehnwort which the roots are word lehn and wort. The other example is from Hmong which used in the Southern East Asia, word hwoj means pot and word kais means spout forming a new word hwjkais which means kettle.
The other type of word formation is blending. According to Katamba (1994), blending is a hybrid word. This process occurred when there is a joining of two different words. Some might be think that blending and compounding has the same process, but it isn’t. the different between blending and compounding is, if compounding is the process of two words which mix together and produced a new word, blending is the joining of two different words, but only taking the beginning of one word and taking the end of the other word. For instance is brunch. Brunch comes from word breakfast and lunch. The other example is motel, which comes from word motor and word hotel. But in some cases, blending also happened when there is a combination of both the beginning of two different words, such as in modem which comes from word modulator and demodulator. Another example is telex, from word teleprinter and exchange.
If blending process combining two different words, clipping do the contrary. In clipping process, there is a reduction of a word. This occurs if a word has more than one syllable and there is a reduction for shortening the word into one syllable. Based on the position of the reduction, clipping divided into two types, fore-clipping and back-clipping. Fore-clipping process occurs when the beginning of a word is reduced. For instance, word plane which is the reduction of the word aeroplane. The other is word bus which is the original form is omnibus. While the back-clipping is when the end of the word is reduced, such as in word laboratory which become word lab and in word limousine which become limo. In addition, there is a type of clipping which usually used in an informal speech called hypocorism. This type occurs when the reduced word is added with –y or –ie suffix in the end of the word. For example, the word Australia which become Aussie, and such in word telly which come from word television. Besides, hypocorism also occurs in calling other people name such as Gerald become Gerry and Antoniette become Netty.
The other type of word formation is backformation. According to Yule (2010), backformation happened if there is a reduction of a word which usually a noun word can change into another word which usually a verb. In other words, backformation process occurred by changing the part of speech of the word. For example the noun word donation, a noun, which become donate which is a verb. The adding of suffix –er also belongs to the backformation process because it changes a verb word into a noun word, such as word teach. If the suffix –er is added, the word teach which is a verb will change into a noun word, teacher.
If backformation process changes the noun word become a verb word with a reduction, conversion only change the part of speech of the word without any reduction. Based on The Study of Language by George Yule, conversion involved in the changing of verb become noun, phrasal verb changes into noun, even the complex verb combination also change into a noun. For example; guess (verb) become a guess (noun), to print out (verb) become a print out (noun), and want to be (complex verb) become a wannabe (noun). Not only change the verb into noun, but also change the verb into adjective such as see through into see-through, or change the adjective into a verb such dirty become to dirty and nasty become the nasty.
Another type of word formation is acronyms which is the shortening of a sentence from its initial letter which considered as a new word and pronounced as a word. The examples are NASA which the acronyms of National Aeronautics and Space Administration, RAM which the acronyms of Random Access Memory, laser comes from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, and many others. In addition, acronym is different with abbreviation. Both of them are the shortening of a sentence though abbreviation is not pronounced as word but the letters are sounded individually such as CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), LA (Los Angeles), UK (United Kingdom), and many others.
Other word formation type is derivation. Derivation is the process when creating a new word from the existing words by recycling it (Katamba 1994). The word usually added by affixes to form a new different meaning of a word. Affixes divided into prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. Prefix is the letters which added in the beginning of a word, such as un- and mis-. On the other hand, suffixes is the letters which added in the end of a word, like –ly, -able, and –er. Both prefixes and suffixes are used to produce a new word. While infixes, which is less common in English and usually used to reflecting the speaker emotion, is words which added in the middle of a word, such as Singabloodypore.
Besides word formation, this paper will use the morphophonemic change theory to analyze the data in case to know if there is a change in the word. Morphophonemic change happened if there are changes of the morphemes when creating a new word by combining two different words. Usually, when a language, in this case Indonesian, borrow some words from another language which is English, some changes will happen. This process happened because the way of pronouncing the word will be fitted with the spelling structure of Indonesian. For instance, word coffee is comes from Turkish which is kahveh.
Based on the data which the writer has, the result of the analysis is that Indonesia borrowed from English word which used as the title of television program. Some also use acronyms, and some morphophonemic change. This will be discussed in the chapter data analysis.
Because this paper will discuss about the word formation process which occur in the television show title, the data is taken after doing some research on the webpage of each television channel in Indonesia. Then it is being chosen for grouping it according to the amount of the word.
After the data are collected, all of them will be analyzed through qualitative method. This method focus is on a research which in the form of descriptive report and prefer to analyze the data by using some theories. The theories which are used is function as a guide so that the analysis is not diverge in the other way. The theory also gives a picture of the final analysis. In this paper, the theory which is used is the word formation theory as explained in the previous chapter.
The data which used in this paper are thirty one different title of the television show. Those title will be grouped into three different group: the title consist of a single word, two words, and even three or more words. Then they will be analyzed the type of word formation which involved.
The first is which consists of only one word, as written in this table below.
According to the table above, all of the data is experiencing a borrowing process, except for word indiekustik which is a new word caused by blending process.
The second is consist of two words. Take a look at the table below.
Scary Stories
Citizen Journalist
Luxury Living
The Comment
Magic Cooking
Show Imah
Super Chef
DMD Show
Super Trap
Mister Tukul
Hot Shot
Halo Selebriti
From the table above, it is clear that the data is caused by borrowing process. However, DMD in the DMD Show is not caused by borrowing, but caused by abbreviation process.
Food & Fashion
Dangdut Never Dies
Late Night Show
Foody With Rudy
Box Office Movie
Bang One Show
Indonesia Lawyers Club
Cek & Ricek
Indonesia Morning Show
The Project Home & Decor
The last is which consist of more than three words. Look at the table below here.
As in the previous table, all of the data are borrowed words from English. Nevertheless, except for Foody, it is a hypocorism process which becomes a new word.
In this chapter, the results of the data analysis will be discussed. The data which already grouped based on the number of the word will be examined which word formation processes occurred in each title of the television show program. First of all, the data will be classified according to the compound types, consist of single word, two words, and more than two words.
Television show title with single word
The word formation type include in this process are borrowing, acronym and blending. Most of the borrowing word is the pure types which is there are no changes in the word form. The word is directly borrowed and experienced no modification. Look in the table below.
Borrowing without any modification
There is also an example which included yet it is not belong to pure borrowing, though the acronym of its latter. For example, KISS. It seems that kiss is a pure borrowing word. But the fact is, KISS is an acronym from the initial letter of the show title which is Kisah Seputar Selebriti. Though the word kiss is a word from English, this case still not a borrowing process, but an acronym process. Because as already explain before, acronym is a process where there is a shortening of a sentence from the initial letter of a sentence which become a new word because its pronounced as a word.
Besides the word which experienced the pure borrowing, there are also some words which borrow word and modify it, such as the example in the table below.
Borrowing with some modifications
From the table above, those data is experienced a borrowing process with a modification in some of the part whether in the fore-part of the word or in the end-part of the word. In the first column is Intens, a program about celebrity daily life. This word is borrowed from English with the initial word written as Intense rather that than intens. Although it is experiencing a change in the word structure, the morphophonemic change is not occurred. The reason is because the modification is only in the written form of the word while the spoken form of the word is still the same.
The next analysis is the word travelleza. Both in English and Indonesian, the word travelleza doesn’t have meaning. However, if it separate from the affix, the root is the word travel.in this case, Indonesian borrowed the word travel and modify it by adding the suffix –leza which both in Indonesian and English, doesn’t exist. The suffix might be adding for only make it more unique and interesting without a certain meaning which make the viewer interest with the program.
Next explanation is the word reportase which refers to a news program. Borrowed from English, the original form of this word is reportage. There is a modification on the end-part of the word, included the way to pronounced it is different. The morphophonemic change happened in the phoneme /dʒ/ which change into phoneme /s/. in this case, the changing is occurred because there is an adaptation of the English phonemes into Indonesian phonemes. This process is also happened in the word sketsa. The original form of this word is sketch which borrowed from English. The different between the original word, sketch and sketsa is in the last phoneme. If sketch ends with phoneme /tʃ/, the word sketsa changing it into phoneme /s/.
Besides word redaksi and sketsa which experiencing the morphophonemic change, word pesbukers and Dsign experiences it too and both of them are include in the modify borrowing process.the word pesbukers is comes from word facebook, with suffix -er and –s, which refers to one of the social media. The morphophonemic change in pesbookers case is in the fore-part of the word. Phoneme /f/ pronounced as /p/ because, just like the explanation before, it is adjusted with the way how some of Indonesian which usually pronounced phoneme /f/ as /p/. While in the word Dsign, the phonemic changing is in the letter D which refer to the word the. The phoneme changes from /ðə/ into phoneme /de/ as Indonesian usually pronounced it as /de/.
The next analysis is about blending process which happened in the word indiekustik. This word consist of two different word, indie and akustik. Those two words though are a borrowing word experiencing a modification from word acoustic become akustik. However, the major process which occur in this case is blending. It is because the word is a combination of two different word, indie and akustik, which produce a new word, indiekustik.
Television show title with two words
The next explanation is the analysis of a title of television program which consist of two compound words. The word formation process which occurs in this discussion is borrowing and abbreviation. Take a look at the table below.
Borrowing without any modification
Scary Stories
Luxury Living
Magic Cooking
Super Chef
Super Trap
Hot Shot
Citizen Journalist
The Comment
Show Imah
Mister Tukul
From the table above, there are two interesting television program title, Show Imah and Mister Tukul. Both of them indeed a pure borrowing, but there is an additional word which added in the end, Imah and Tukul. Those word actually is a name of a person, in this case is the presenter of the show. In addition, Immah is refer to a woman singer which her full name is Soimah. Therefore, the show is named after the presenter’s name. While Tukul in Mister Tukul is refer to a man comedian named Tukul.
Besides, there is also a modify borrowing which occurs in Halo Selebriti. Indeed the word halo itself didn’t has any changes, yet the word selebriti has. The word selebriti is borrowed from an English word, celebrity. In this case, there is no change in the spoken for but only in the written form which change the letter “c” into “s”. Another process which occurs in this chapter is abbreviation, that is DMD Show. In this case, DMD is an abbreviation of Dangdut Mania Dadakan which refers to a talent show for Indonesian traditional music called dangdut.
Television show title with more than two words
The next explanation is the analysis of a title of television program which consist of more than two words. Like the explanation in the previous paragraphs, borrowing is the most common process happened, especially borrowing which has no modification whether it is a morphophonemic change or change in the word structure this table below are the examples.
Food & Fashion
Late Night Show
Box Office Movie
Indonesia Lawyers Club
Indonesia Morning Show
Dangdut Never Dies
Bang One Show
The Project Home & Decor
Cek & Ricek
The word in the bold form is different than others. Dangdut in Dangdut Never Dies is referred to a music genre which originally comes from Indonesia. This word then combined with English words which produced a television show’s title become unique and interesting. While the other, Bang One show, is a borrowing process indeed yet has a morphophonemic change though it seems there are no changes. The change is the word one is not pronounced as [wʌn] but pronounced like the written form, [one].
The other which also different is in the underline form, Cek & Ricek. In this case, it clearly seen that this is a borrowing process but there is a modification on the word. The original form of word is borrowed from English which are word check and recheck. These two words are modify into cek and ricek to fit the spelling rule in Indonesian.
Word formation, especially borrowing is the common process used to establish new word. In this case the borrowing word is applied in the television program as the title of a show. Usually, the word which borrowed is being modified in order to fit the word in Indonesian spelling word by applying the morphophonemic rules or by modifying the letter of the word. In this paper, after doing some research to the program which used English title and Indonesian title, the writer find that the purpose of using English as the title of the program is for getting the higher viewer and getting good responses from the viewer.
In addition, there is a phenomenon in Indonesia when someone using English considered as an educated person, indeed. Until now, English is still considered as an impressive language rather than Indonesian, Javanese, or other language. However, despite all the negative side of using English, there is a positive influence of applying English in daily activities which makes them interest to learn it someday.